HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1954-06-17, Page 4THE SEAPORT NEWS THLI DAY, JUNE, 17 954 BRQDHAQEN Mr. and Mrs. John Arbuckle and :tarily spent the weekend a Edge - wood Camp, Eden Mills, of which M. Arbuckle is the Camp manager, Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Dittmer, Mrs, Mary Dittmer and John F. Pructer spent Sunday at Edgewood Kamp, Eden Mills, and also visited Mrs, Mary 'Dittmer's son, Gerald Dittmer and Mrs. Dittmer in ICitehener. Mrs. Harvey Ahrens has returned to her home. Mr. and Mrs, 'Ezra Hinz, and fam- ily and Mr: and Mrs. Michael Con- nolly and family and Miss Schineman of Sobringville with Mr. and Mrs, Lavern Wolfe on .Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Robert Rock of Walkerton with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rock on Friday and . at- tended the wedding of Kenneth Sie- mon and Joyce Beuerman. Swing Bowling is In full swing with games played twice a week, The Diegel Reunion is being held at home of Mr, and Mrs Walter Die- gel and the Mogk Reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mogk on July 1st. Preparations are in full swing for the 50th Anniversary celebration of the Brodiragen Band to be held next week. Mr's. Alvin 'Diegel •of Stratford ealled on Mr. and Mrs, W. L, Quer- engesser. Mrs. Elizabeth Rock is visiting with her daughter, Mrs, Harold Grave and Mr. Grove in Detroit and attending the graduation of her grandson, Harold Grove Jr. Mrs. Rosina Miller is visiting in Seaforth with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fischer. Mrs. Elizabeth Kistner of Mitohell with her son Fred Kistner and Mrs. Kistner. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Selling and Di- ane, Mr, and Mrs. Alf Meehan, all of Blyth with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Puah- elb'erg. DUBLIN' Miss Barbara McDougall and Miss Mary Cotter of Detroit visited Mr. and Mrs. Norman O'Connor this weekend, Graduation Day SEAFORTH DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL Parents and friends of students are invited to attend Grad- uation Day in. the new auditorium on Wednesday, June 23 commencing at 2' P.M. Guest Speaker Prof, 3, R. Scott Tea will be served to parenta and friends of Grade XIII students ai the conclusion of the programme. wpm TI a Mr. and Mrs. Jack Molyneaux and family visited Mrs, Loretta Moly- neaiui •on Suhday, Mr. and Mrs, Martin L. Brick, De- troit, with Mrs. Kathleen Fenney, Mr, and MI's. Wm. Benn and son, Paul, Miss Mary Bonn and Joseph Benn, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Evans. Mr, and Mr's, Joseph Meagher and children,. London, with Mr, andMrs, Jack Meagher. Mr. and Mrs..P. Groshok and son, 'Larry, Miss Dorothy Ann ,Costello, Miss Bridget Costello, London, with Mr. and Mr's. Dan Costello, Miss Teresa Feeney, London, with her mother, Mrs. Mary Feeney, , Mr, and Mrs. J. Costello, Monkton, with Mrs. Loretta Jordan. Dr. and Mrs, Louis Dili, Detroit,. Mrs, Dr.Sturgis Oshawa, Peter DOII and Ralph Dill, Stratford were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Dill. Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Etue and Mrs, Lloyd Etue, Zurich, with Mrs. Loretta Molyneaux. Mr. and Mrs. ID. P. 'Monaghan, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McCarthy. Miss Mary McGrath, R,N., London, with Mr. and Mrs. Pat McGrath. Miss Lorraine Maloney, Kitchener, with her mother, Mrs. Nora Maloney. John Frost, Dundas, with his sister Mrs. Joseph Dill. Mr. and Mrs. H. Stein, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. A. 1Whetham, Mr, and Mrs, H. Pugh and Mi. and Mrs. W. J. Stewart at Claremont, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Elliott are va- cationing at Orillia, Miss Mary Atkinson, Toronto, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph At- kinson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krauskopf of Graveuhurst, with Mrs. Louis Kraus - kept The June meeting of the Catholic Women's League of Dublin was held Friday evening, June 11, in the Dub- lin Continuation School. 28 members were in attendance. The president, Mrs. Healy, opened the meeting with prayer. The secretary, Miss Margaret Flanagan read the minutes of the last meeting and the treasurer, Mrs. Louis Looby presented the financial report. The corresponding sec., Miss Phonsine Meagher, read 'a thankyou note from the past executive for the social evening which was held in their honour. Miss Flanagan also gave the rules for the meetings and conven- tions of the League. Mrs. Earle Hea- ley and Mrs. Michael Nagle reported an interesting account on the cora vention which they attended in Chat- ham. Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes spoke on Pope Pius X. Further plans for the supper and bingo to be held on Tues- day, June 29, were, discussed. The meeting closed with the singing of 0 Canada and God save the Queen. IF NO ANS RR Seaforth Physicians have completed an arrangement with Scott Memorial Hos- pital, whereby if no answer is received on phoning a particular doctor, informa- tion as to his whereabouts, or informa- tion as to the doctor on call, may be obtained by phoning SCOTT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Number 59 Dr. Paul Brady Dr. John A. Gorwill Dr. E. A. McMaster Dr. M. W. Stapleton NOTICE TOWN OF SEAFORTH All persons in the Municipality owning or har- boring dogs must purchase 1954 licenses for same on or before June 30th, 1954. Licenses, will be issued from the Treasurer's Office in the Town Hall, or from the Tax Collector, Harold Maloney. After that date summonses through the Court will be issued to the owners or harborers of dogs not having licenses. All dogs must wear license tags, No dogs to beallowed to run at large. First Presbyterian Church Rev. D, Glenn Campbell, Minister , 19 AM. Bible Class and Church School — 11 A.M. — MORNING WORSHIP —7 P.M. — EVENING WORSHIP Guest Speaker for both services; MR PETER J. WALTER CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. Hobt. Laing, Mr, and Mrs. John Wallace and family and Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace at- tended the Wallace reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Jeffer- son, Munro, on ,Saturday, Mr. Frank Stagg and Mrs. M. Houghton visited friends in Mitchell on Sunday. A delegation from Cromarty con- gregation attended Presbytery meet- ingday. at Motherwell Church on Tues - Mrs. K. McKellar, who suffered an injury from a fall is recovering at her home. Rev. N. R. Reid, Avonton, occu- pied the pulpit in Cromarty Church on Sunday. 'Mrs. Will Miller presided at the organ. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Moore, Neil, Donald and Wayne and Mrs. W. C. Moore, Lindsay, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott. Anniversary services are being ar- ranged for Sunday, June 27th. Cromarty Farm Forum enjoyed their first picnic at Springbank Park with 45 members attending.: ,The weather was ideal for the event, the tables groaning with all the, good things to eat with ice cream served for both dinner and supper. A full line of sports was run off in charge of 'Mrs. Gerald Carey and climaxed with a ball game. Winners: Races—children under 5, Alfred Chappel, Sharon Caddick; 6 to 8, David Chappel, Laura Chappel; wheelbarrow race, Leslie Riley and Arlene Hoggarth; 8 -legged race, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Russell; cake measur- ing contest, Mr. and Mrs. Harry,Nor- ris;, bean guessing contest, Alex Meikle; life saver contest, Alex Meikle, Mary Meikle, Norma Har- burn, Ross Riley, Filmer Chappel, Jim Gillis. The affair was much enjoyed. STA ¢ `:TED PULLETS SUSSEX x RED, RED x ROCK, and RED x SUSSEX Available at any age, some now on range.— Free delivery on any number, call and ask about them. We also have Capons,. Our Prices are right We C. HENDERSON "STARTED CHICKS" PHONE 688-J SEA_FORTH MR. CLARE WESTCOTT of Seaforth, Ontario, who was ap- pointed recently as Field Organizer for the Progressive Conservative Party in Ontario. Mr. Westoott has held various executive positions in the Young Conservative Association and will work out of the 'Young Progress- ive Conservative Party Headquarters in Toronto. of Brown, ,Carol Ann Rogers, Mary Scone and a service star to Gertrude Toonk, Brownie Kins Kathy Scone and Margie Elgie made their prom- ise to District Commissioner, Miss L, Siegner of Exeter and were enrolled. Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin, badge sec., .pre- sented awards to Guides. Jane Horton, Beth Goddard, Mar- garet and Sharon Smillie, Marilyn Smith, Jean Henderson and Dianne Ronnie, who have completed one year received service stars. Gwen Spencer and Jean Henderson received their woodman; cook and hiker bad- ges. Mary Ann Ronnie gained her woodman and hiker badges. Mrs. Ciydsdale formally presented Jean Lavender with her gold cord after Jean had been introduced to her by Miss Seigner. Although Jean has had her gold cord for some time 'this was the first opportunity at which her company could share her pleasure and honor in achieving this highest award in Guiding. While Guides and Brownies were preparing tea and toast over open fires several girls demonstrated camping. HENSALL Miss Bernice Jinks R.N. of Lon- don visited this week with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Manley Jinks. Miss Eleanor Cook B.Sc.N. of Lon- don is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. N. E. Cools. Mr, and Mrs. H. W. Neeb re- turned to their home in Tavistock after spending several days with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown. ittr. and Mrs. Wm. Simpson, Wil- liam and Robert of Detroit visited over the weekend with the former's mother Mrs. Lou Simpson. Mrs. Edward Corbett and infant son Wayne, returned to their home after spending the past week with Mr's. Corbett's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter McNaughton. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Peebles and (laughter of Loudon were weekend visitors with relatives and friends here. Mr, and Mrs. John Corbett and family visited recently with the Tat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morenz at Grand Bend. Brownies and Guides Meat Brownie and Guide activities were brought to a close for summer with a joint open-air meeting of the pack and company in the park. Mrs, K, B. Clycisdale, St. Marys, deputy provin- cial commissioner who organized Guiding in IJcns'all eight years ago, was present and pinned wings on Golden Hand Brownie, Judy Elder, who then flew up to Guides, Judy's sister Sharon, also received her Gold- en Hand and'went up into Guides, Other Brownie awards included CROP REPORT Following the rains of last week growing conditions in this area have been ideal for all crops. Corn plant- ing is almost completed and many farmers are working on their bean fields. Hay crops look especially good, but may not be too high due to frost and previous dry conditions. Several are now putting in their grass silage. REGENT THEATRE SEA.1O iRTH NOW PLAYING Thins. Fri. Sat. HALF A HERO Rod Shelton Jean. Hagen. Red's at his clowning best lu this picture In love with all his heart and hall his mind Mon.'Tuos. Wail. Tiiurs, GLENN MILLER STORY James Stewart - June Allyson, A Most Sensational Musical. First show starts at 7 o'clock. Special admission, Adults 75e; children 85e No student prices for this picture rm. Sat, TROUBLE ALONG THE WAY John Wayne - Donna Reed COMING SOON — MA AND PA KETTLE AT HOME INQUEST IN ST. JOSEPH SHOOTING IS JUNE 30 A coroner's inquest will be held in Zurich, June.30, into the shooting of Clarence George, at St. Joseph last Glenn Hays, Q.C., said Tuesday night. Sunday, Huron Crown Attorney H. .nn1 u11u11111111 1111 nu 111111111111,11111111111111..1111.111111,, 11l 101111 llll p.,.u..11„1111n1111u n u 4."1"1" lll lll 11nglr"rT THEY SAY NOTHING IS,SURE BUT DEATH AND TAXES BUT YOU ARE. SURE TO GET MORE FOR YOUR FOOTWEAR DOLLAR AT THIS STORE WILLIS SHOE STORE The Little Store With the "Big Values" Seaforth nn"1,11"'"'""""11"..a" ... ... amu.. 11 ... et. 1111..1. wee, ...... .uuu... u,,,.n,..1111,,a... 1111111111u11..1111u11. 1111111"11 n.und..nu..............1. 1111. ,i1,, ......... ........ 11 u.......... 1..1.1.11111111.1111 ....... 11. ......... 111 .......... .11.,11.,. .... 111111111.11OI� 1953 CHEV DELUX COACH, light blue 1875.00 1951 FORD COACH 1250.00 1950 CHEV COACH 1125.00 1949 CHEV SEDAN, dark gray 1150.00 1949 CHEV COACH, two tone green ' 1150.00 1950 AUSTIN SEDAN, to clear 500.00 1948 PONTIAC COACH, good condition 825.00 1951 CHEV, 1/2 TON PICKUP, new paint 875.00 Setif ht t Phone 541 . Seaforth rs .11,..,111111,1.1„11111i1111111d,11111.U1..n1.111..,..1111.11.11111111111.11. 1 l.....l 10111111111111/111111111111111111 lllllll stemop..n........1..nc Seaforth District High School invites you to its annual Graduation fiance Music by Paul Cross and Orchestra ' Dancing from 9.00 - 12.30 Admission $2.00 per couple WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23 REFRESHMENTS DRESS OPTIONAL George, a 36 -year-old army veter- an and father of three children was found dead in a bottle club after Hector Forcier, a service station owner, fired his .803 rifle when he heard prowlers in the club. ANNIVERSARY Bethel United Churc'ir Anniver- sary Services, June 27th, morning and evening. Guest speaker, Rev. Mr. Thomas of Walton. Special music by the choir. Everyone welcome. a tlabit D° you find it bard to save? A can bel? you Pass"book. balance your eagerness to see your .the habit grow will belp you acs Oreof depositing money every and so lay the cornerstone Payday— savings account of success: Start a s nch_.we today at our nearest bra e you: have more than 650 to sere SEAFORTH BRANCH G. C. BRIGHTRALL, MANAGER