HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1954-05-20, Page 7Ee vett SPURTS COLUMN
e '9e/coos
I Ted Williams never went out of his
way to win the approval of random.
Rather, the reverse. Ile was completely
indifferent either to plaudits or jeers,
and he became, in his heyday, one of the
sports figures fandorn loved to hate.
When he was called back into ser.
vice from his $100,000 per year job as an
outfielder -hitter, public sympathy switched to him, Here was
an Older man who had clone a full hitch Of combat flying;
a man whose big earning power couldn't last much longer.
And he had to give up everything and go back to work at an
Army captain's pay.
But while many were shedding tears for him, Ted Wil-
liams said: "My case Is not unusual, A lot of men besides me
are being called back to service, and a lot are losing plenty of
money, too. It would be nice to wake up some morning and
find all the world at peace. But men are being called, and if
it's my turn, It's my turn."
And what a job he did of getting himself back into shape
and hitting .407 when he finally returned to baseball near the
end of last seasons
Then came that broken shoulder in the first 29 minutes
of 1954 practice. From that accident there developed a new
sidelight on Williams, the 'man who supposedly didn't get
along with sports writers, wanted no part of them.
After the accident, he was whisked away from the club-
house for an examination to determine the extent of the
mishap. He left in his baseball pants, with a large blanket
around his shoulders.
Later, when it was time to return to the clubhouse, others
suggested that Ted instead go right to his living quarters, to
avoid the crowd and to rest. But ho insisted on returning im-
mediately .to the ball park "because au of ,the writers are
expecting, ane."
Now fandorn is beinning to appreciate Williams. And why
not? In baseball and in armed combat Williams has been
great. Everybody is rooting for hint to have one more big
In a way, the case of Ted Williams is not unlike that of
Jack Dempsey. As long as he was champion, Dempsey was
far from popular, But after he was beaten he became a public
Fandom is like that. Once the star becomes the underdog',
Pandora has a way of rushing loyally to his side.
"Your comments and suggestions for this column will
be welcomed by Elmer Ferguson, c/o William W.
Rees, Calvert Ontario Sales Manager, 431 Yonge
Street, Toronto."
Strange Case Of A
Limping Sea-Guii
When some weeks ago I wrote
about an embarrassment of rich-
e* in the form of two sea gulls
*Peat I had suffered when a sailor
there were some readers who
iitoubted that the yarn was en-
tirely truthful.
"Sea gulls are not that kind
of a bird," wrote one woman.
Ber words summed up what
seems a general impression. Sea
gulls are not delightful like rob-
ins or lesser tufted willow
warblers; that they are not play-
ful or even exactly nice; and
'That they are in fact greedy, cy-
mica1 birds with air of having
been too long at sea, write John
.Allan May in The Christian
Science Monitor.
Now there can be no doubt
fitinfl',rat sea gulls are greedy and
lack polish. Once when Joy and
3 were having a picnic on the
sends of a beautiful Devonshire
soombe (bay), a large gannet
swooped down and took a half
pound of butter out of Joy's
hand. We would have been
:forced to eat dry rolls, only a
:second gull came down while
sur attention was thus diverted
and took the bag of rolls.
But it would be quite a mis-
take to imagine that sea gulls
ere not like other birds, and in
Some ways more so.
In Devon that time we watch-
ed a whole group playing
"Wave, wave, can't catch me,"
on a shelf of rocks that was in-
termittently flooded by incom-
ing waves.
Then the other day there was
this case up at Hartlepool, Eng-
In the first week of April a
tea gull was seen limping down
Bee main street of Hartlepool,
apparently unable to fly. A bird
enthusiast eventually stopped
the gull and escorted it to the
police station. (It is the custom
in England to take all your
troubles to the "'police.) The po-
lice called. the .cal branch of
the Royal Socilr% for the Pre-
vention of Cruelty to Animals.
While awaiting the arrival of
G. W. SpenceeeeeRSPCA inspec-
tor, the police fed the sea gull
en bread and butter.
Mr. Spencer took the bird
away and, when he felt it was
fully recovered, freed it to roam
the ocean and to soar effortless-
ly on the wind, peering for her-
Next week a second sea gull
was found wandering down the
main street of Hartlepool, ap-
parently unable to fly. Another
bird lover saw . it and picked it
up. and took it to the police sta-
tion. The police called the
RSPCA. While Mr. Spencer was
on his way they fed the poor
pathetic bird on bread and but-
ter. Mr. Spencer took the bird
away and, when he felt it was
fully recovered, he let it go to
soar freely on the wind and
roam the wide illimitable
oceans, and so forth.
A few days later a third bird
lover walking down the main
street saw a limping sea gull
making its way down the street.
He picked it up and tenderly
took it to the police station,
where they phoned the RSPCA,
and so on.
Perhaps when Mr, Spencer
and the bird had gone, the ser-
geant wiped the butter off his
moustache and said to the con-
stable, "You know, Snoggins, r
have a sort of a wild hunch, a
kind of a feeling — there's
something strange going on.'
We do not know. All that we
do know, from the news agency
The Roses — With jockey Ray York up, Determine stands IH
the winner's circle at Louisville, Ky., after winning the Kentucky
Derby by 1 rift lengths, Owner A. J. Crevolin (right) kiesea the
Ho Bull—He's Ai School -Gene Banks, right, finds it safer, if
less spectacular, to practise posses in a Los Angeles buil
fighting school with the aid of a horned wheelbarrow -like con-
traption rather than with a live bull. Wheeled by instructor
Mario McManus, the "bull" is enticed by the cape as Banks
executes a "chicuelino.'
stories that report the incident
is that on April 21 a fourth limp-
ing st.a gull was found in the
street in Hartlepool and taken
by a bird -lover to the police
This time when Mr. Spencer
arrived there was some kind of
a conference. Perhaps the ser-
geant interrogated Mr. Spencer
to discover where all these sea
gulls were coining from and
why they were walking about
the streets of Hartlepool, usu-
ally reserved for pedestrians"
Anyway, we know that Mr.
Spencer silenced them with this
"It is the same bird every
time. I have attended it four
times. I know it from this green
paint spot on its plumage. It
knows it can get a meal in this
way. When it has stuffed itself
full of police bread and butter
it suddenly recovers the use of
its wings."
Mr. Spencer liberated the
bird. What has happened since,
I don't know. But I expect the
sergeant and the constable are
beginning almost t0 dread the
sound of feet coming in to the
quiet of the station from out-
side in the street,
Anyway you can see what I
mean. It proves again that ap-
pearances are deceptive. Sea
gulls are just as human as any
other birds.
Thought Son Dead
For 23 Year's
Forty -four-year-old It alien
Mafalda Crisafio is a mother
who for 23 years mourned for
the baby son she lost in infancy.
Now she has had a letter from
Shortly after the birth of her
son Gianfranco, Malfada's hus-
band was unexpectedly., trans-
ferred to Genoa. As the baby
was ailing, the young, anxious
mother thought it better to
leave him Mr a while under the
care 'of his nurse in the small
Calabrian village where the
family had been living.
Great was her grief when a
few months later word came
-from the nurse that little Gian-
franco had died, victim of an
epidemic, As Mafalda was again
with child, she was unable to
travel and attend the funeral.
Each year, however, on the
anniversary of his death, she
sent money to the nurse to buy
a huge bunch of white roses for
his little grave. Once or twice
she herself travelled to his place
of rest and there said her pray-
She never suspected that her
baby might stil be alive. But he
was. The nurse, having lost her
ow.n baby in the epidemic,
wanted to keep the other boy
for herself. So she brought him
up and used the annual bunch
of white roses to decorate the
grave of her own baby.
Gianfranco grew into a strong
and healthy farm -labourer, Then
his foster -mother fell ill. Feel-
ing the end was near, she sent
for the priest and made a full
Gianfranco hnlnediately wrote
a letter to his mother.
While driving along a country
road outside Cape Town, a mo-
torist was astonished to see e
email car ahead careening from
fide to side as though it were
Out of control,
Finally, it mounted a grass
;trip bordering the roadway,
swung round, shot across the
road once more and ended up in
a hedge.
The motorist pulled up to in-
vestigate. Inside the small ear
he found the driver, a girl, is
h�,�, uteric;. A email mouthy was
eAingtnig to leer nlylonol
Modern Etiquette
Q. When are "informals" pro-
perly used in correspondence?
A. The "informal," a foldover
card, may be used for any short
note — for sending and replying
to invitations, for enclosing with
a gift, and so on. It is not proper,
however, as a letter of condol-
Q. Is it correct for a woman to
eat in a public restaurant with
her gloves en?
A. If she is seated at a table,
It is not correct, If, however,
she is standing and eating light
refreshments, she may keep her
gloves on.
Q. When a girt attends church
with her fiance, is he supposed
to give enough money to the
collection for both?
A. Each should put in a con-
Q. What are the duties of the
matron or maid -of -honor while
the ceremony is taking place?
A. She at an ds nearest the
bride, takes her bouquet or
prayer book while the ring is
put on, returning them at the
proper time, and she arranges
the bride's train when she turns
from the altar.
Q. If a guest is late for dinner
and the meal has already be-
gun, is it necessary for the mon
present to rise in order to greet
the newcomer?
A. No. The host and hostess
should rise, but it is less awk-
ward and confusing for the
other guests to remain seated.
Q. When writing a personal
letter, is the date correctly put
at the end o1 the message or at
the top righthand corner?
A. Usually, in the top right -
band corner of a long letter, but
at the end Of a short note.
Q. Bow does one eat arti-
chokes at the table?
A. With the fingers, Pull off
A leaf at a time, dip it into the
melted butter or sauce that i;
provided, and eat the soft end.
When you get down to the
smallest leaves, scrape the
prickly "choke" part away with
a knife, and eat the center or
heart with a fork.
Q. If a bride -elect receives a
wedding gift which has been
broken SII the mail, should she
mention this fact in her letter
of thanks to the donor?
A. It is much better not to
mention this. To do so would
seem to convey a hint to the do-
nor to replace the gift with an-
Q. If one has already given a
present to a newborn baby, and
is then invited to the christen-
ing, is one expected 'to bring an-
other present?
A. No.
Q. When writing a "thank
you" note to a relatve who has
sent a check as a birthday gift,
should one say how the money
is going to be used?
A. This is always the nice
thing to do when a gift of
money is received.
Sow We Got The
char Sign
The dollar, the standard unit
of money in Canada, the United
States, Mexico and several oth-
er countries, has an interesting
history, and so has the $ gen.
eraily used tO represent it.
The word dollar comes from
the Low German for Thaler,
which is an abbreviation of
Joachimsthal.el'. J o a c hi msthal
(Joachim's dale) is a little town
In Bo11einia.near which, in the be-
ginning of the sixteenth century,
in rich silver mine was discover-
ed. The feudal lords of the town
had coitus made that, because Of
their excellence, were soon used
ell ever Europe. These and sim-
ilar coins were called Joachim•
ethalere, or simply Thalers.
,. :'malt Stam eneM"
YOU wouldn't think of buying a Poll
Angus if you Wanted a milk producer.
The wino thing eaddiee to chtoksns. Don't
bur meat typo +Intl dual purpest pallets
tern when offered at low pries if you
Want maximum egg production. Buy ogg
Mods, they lay more and oat lea.. We
harm the meat type end dual purpose it
Yon want them end at mighty low
Pricer, for now and Jun*, For broilers
Wm Nichols New Flames. A1eo turkey
Peultu, older punas, 'atnlegue,
'MEDDLE CH5C2S ST.AT''7lmrstuos LTD.
nnolr.aa Growers. Nlehols Now Ham0m
have more reeletance to Mouse, they
live better, feather Meter, are great
meut oblekens. Why buy dual purpose
and egg breeds for meat when yon can
purchase a Renato* meat Woo bird
Matteis New Slumps -- tope for broiler*,
Free Nichola oatalovuo, Pines year order
well in advance.
rertQTDBS,E OHMIC iiATl'.T.i1:R1070D 10
wANT chicles for on 91•oduotlan -- want
body weight? We hove thorn In a vSlo
choice of broods and aroagem. Started
Puhots, Dayold, mixed. Get our cora•
piote llmt, we on give prompt ahN.
MOM Bray Hatchery, 120 John NN
HAVE you anything nide dyeing aa'
gleaning? write to as too Informatlo0.
We are vied to answer your eusetlone.
Department II, Parker's Dye works Lim.
Ited, 791 Forme at,, Toronto.
SEND for free Turkey Guide. head the
results our 0uatomerm have with Twaddle
tUO'keye. Some have been boring them
continually for 18 years. We have Broad
Breasted Bronco, Nebraskan, Beit.vllle,
White Holland, non -eased, hone, tom,
Our 1054 model* ere the beet we have
over produced. Try them this soar.
ExEROw exercising machine medical
battery both used to rentor. welded
muscles, rotary lawn mower slightly used,
very ronnmtable, R. 0. McKee, Latoro,t,
18 LARGE New Towels 81.96. 24 bottle
imported Trench Perfume 81.91, so*
Razor 0100,, 91.99. 280neybaolr Guar-
antee. Roy, 8088 - 20th Street, San
Fi'ansleco, California,
RENFREW Separator Parts, Farts for
all makes, Bowls rebalanced, retlmed.
Eleotric attachments. Rubio Separator
Service. 0111oda1e.
UNRESERVED diverse] auction redo.
tared Aberdoen•Angu, Cattle, Toberow
loci, and Bruc,iloslo aeoredlte0, Regis-
tered English Largo White Yorkshire
Swine. Wednesday, June Bib, Write
for Catalogue, Malcolm McGregor, Bran-
don, Manitoba.
SPRING SPECIAL -- At Factory Priam.
Exterior Palntn, Floor Reamo10 (ray
colour) 04,70 sal. 41.91 at. Enamels
(any colour) 94.80 sal, 81.86 qt. Alu-
minum 94,70 sal, 91.59 at Super Whit*
Enamel 16 gal. 91.70 0t. Plato (any
shade) 84.10 vel. 01.40 O. Aluminum
with asphalt Dame for barn roof. 98,74
gal. Barn Paint. (any colour) 98.00 sed.
Order now from Emote 501es, 190 9in-
teenth Street, Apt, No, 9, NOY Toronto,
Ontario . Boatel rates on roiled 0r
Contractor. and D0atere , . Chartres
prepaid to neared Reltwey centre,
With new insulated .tees drive posts.
Write: Box 010, Oshawa Ont.
Coins of similar value were le-
aued In Spain. They were called
pieces of eight, because their val-
ue was divided into eight small-
er coins. Ali these coins circu-
lated freely in the colonies in
both North and South America.
in North America they were
called dollars.
' When the United States had
been formed, the word dollar was
adopted definitely for its unit of
coinage, but the sign for the new
coin was that of the old Spanish
piece of eight. This sign showed
the figure 8 (which strongly re-
sembles the letter S), crossed by
two lines representing the Pillars
of Hercules, the gateway between
the Mediterranean and Atlantic
at the southernmost tip of Spain.
Thus the dollar sign really has
nothing to do with the letter 5,
nor was' it, as some people be-
lieve, originally formed by plac-
ing a narrow U over an S to form
the monogram of the United
O. K.
No one is quite sure how this
terin began but there are several
interesting stories about its ori.
gin. One version was made
popular by an Ameriean humor-
umorist who said that Andrew Jack-
son, the seventh president of the
United States, used the expres-
sion on official papers as an
abbreviation of "Orl Korrect"
During a presidential campaign
Jackson's political enemies seiz-
ed upon this story to try to make
appear ignorant. One authori-
ty tells us that Jackson signed
legal papers with the initial
O.R.—order recorded --and be-
cause the R may have looked
like X the humorist had material
for Isis little joke. The Indians
may have given IIs the term. An
Indian chief, Old Keokuk, was
accustomed to signing papers
with his initials. The Choctaw
Indians have a word, okeh,
which means "It is so and in no
other way." But regardless of its
origin, the expression is widely
used today to signify all right,
or correct. liven in some foreign
countries, as France and Ger-
many, it hos become part of the
common speech.
New Navigation Aids f or
World Mr Routes: New long -
r a n g e navigation aids which
could span the world'9 longest
air routes -•-including the Atlan-
tic -- are being developed by a
British auntpany. Technical de-
tails have been put forward to
the International Civil Aviation
Organfnatioll in Montreal which
is representative of some 13 dif-
ferent member states. The new
long-range aids are called Deetra
and Delrae and are being ole
veloped by the Mora Nevl,;lltor
10 -FOOT lrountein, Counter ban full 0..
tern one; ons California atop, twelve
Mobs leather covered. oro bobtail with
tWe Sada Draft arms), two Water Draft
arm*, ono Compressor, one new Carbon.
stir. one C080a Cola Dlapensor, one
Stearn 'table. Cold Salad Table, Grill,
Mar -hole roe Create Cabinet, ave aotr
Boothe leather ooverod, tSlasewuro, Sol*
rorwer0 all aoceaeorlea. 0verYthing
complete. To be gold 00 in on floor.
1•lawld'e Drug Store, 3914 1"••*Pto Street,
Toronto. MAtalr' 1148.
98* Elgin, Chime.
$1,a8 lxprosm Prepaid
0 0LM(NEX t
7?� woman (elle anot(er, Take 0711,101
Ri� OIOOIX" to help aliovinte pain. die•
treat end osteone tension naeo*lgted with
monthly perlodo.
55,00 Postpaid h1 plain wrapper.
POST'S 000900AL8 •
ted queEN ST. EAST r11R11NTO
B,t.NI919 the torment of dry ecsemn rashes
end weeping akin troubles. Pesti
Bosom Salvo will not dleoppolnt you,
Ttohing, sealing, and burning oedema,
gone. ringworm. pimples and foot ammo.
will respond readily to the etalnteee odor -
lase ointment regardless of how otubborn
or bopoleoe they oe0m.
Fos* Post Free on Receint of Price
.i*0 Queen 9t, :10„ Corner of Logan
01EN &190 weave
Great Opportunity Learn
gaasagant, dlgnl0ed profenelan, goad wager,
Thousands of ooeoono0u) Marvel 51060.teo
America's Greatest System
Illustrated Catalogue Imes
Write or Call
860 Blear St, W„ Toronto.
44 Ring St., Hamilton.
72 Rideau St.. Ottawa.,
TREE catalogue of the latest in Maas
for stage, parlor and hone. Write to,9 r
Wiles Eagle. 9 Searborough Road, 'Tor-
onto. Ontario.
A85WE11.1150 ale Ad may mean .70ur
3rturol A postage, stamp could ammo
your Me. Box 299, Jennings, Louloiana.
BERIONNIALS sturdy Plante. Respber.
ytsm, V1k1ng. Latham. Prices on request.
TMends s, ends GardenEdgeware Drive. St.
homas. Ontario,
AM OF'F'ER to every inventor--"L,let of 1s).
70001008 and full information mint free.
7D. Ramsay Co., Registered Patent At -
Mmes. 278 Bank Street, Ottawa.
4000 Attorneys. Egabllehed 1890. 008 ()W-
9VrmIfY Ave.. Toronto. Detente all court -
42.00 TRIAL offer. Twenty-flvo deluxe
Persona) requirement,, Latest 00(010,80
Included. Th. Medico Looney. Bos 124
Terminal A. Toronto, Ontario.
WORRIED? World -Conditions? Pergon-
al Problems? Perbape we can otter Con-
eolatlon (Holy-Bible-Ueed), which may
brighten your future, 82.00 per Question
(ourreney accepted). 'Herb", 1818 Met -
Moto. Kangas Otto 27, Missouri,.
QVI'r algarottee easily with Tobacco
Flllminater. Sold ,object to money-bactt
guarantee. For free Authoritative moat -
oat opinion .regarding al affects of 0109.
9(08. write (1. 1Cins Pharmacal Corp. Ltd,.
Box 208, Walkorviae. Ontario.
WANTED to buy. Muskrat skins, highest
Woo. Byron Wilson, 46 Simonds Street.
Saint John. N.B.
RIONEY in your Attic? Old Canada
07,5. Stamps, Envelopes wanted. Send
material for 9enerau0 offer or write.
stamps", Box 217. Brookfield, Velsoon-
.1n, U.B.A.
Wash Your Lungs!
Uniquo and etfecllve method fo rid
yoereml9 of common celdo, smoker*
sough and catarrh. Send $1.00 for
When kidneys Soil to
remove excess guide
and wastes, back-
ache, tired feelpg,
disturbed rest often
folio.. Dodd'o
Firdoey Pills tt'wo.
normal 1609*, You
feel better—sleep
better, work better.
Got Dodd'a at any
drug store. You eon
depend on Dodd'a So
ISSUE 21 — 194