HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1954-05-20, Page 4DANCE ! Walton Community Hall WEDNESDAY, MAY 26 Music by Ken \\rilbee's Orchestra EVERYONE WELCOME SRODHAGEN Miss Gwen Rock who has been nurse -in -training et ICitchener-Water. loo Ilospitel will be affiliating at Homewood Sanitarium, Guelph, for the coming three months, A RCAF CAREER COUNSELLOR WILL BE IN SEAFORTH AT TOWN HALL THURSDAY, MAY 27TH RCAF Has Openings For AIRCREW OFFICERS AIRCRAFT TECHNICIANS and AIRWOMEN There are inunediate openings now for mare mon to (rain and fly as AIRCREW OFFICERS in the RCAF , , , to be eligible you must be single 17-24 years of age and have junior matriculation or equivalent. AIRCRAFT TECHNICIANS — Single 17 -39 years of age and have grade 8 or equivalent education. Married ex -servicemen eligible. AIRWOMEN — Young women serving in the RCAF enjoy unusual opportunities ... Open- ings NO\V in the clerical, technical, administ- rative Lind medical branches. If you are be- tween the ages of 18 - 29 and have Grade 9 education or equivalent you are eligible: Tf not convenient write or phone 4-7314 RCAF RECRUITING UNIT 343 Richmond :t. London T4131. S FORTH NWS Mr, Gottlieb Mueller is reeuperat• ing after an attack of pleurisy. Mrs, .Dant Beuerman has returned from Stratford Hospital where she underwent an operation, to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ross Loon- herdt. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Wolfe at- tended the Kelly -Gaffney wedding near Kinkora on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Albert Smith, Sandra and Arthur of Sirnce° with his par. cuts, Mr. and Mrs, Ed Smith on Sun- day. Mr, and Mrs. John Arbuckle and Bobby are spending this week at Guelph and Toronto, Mr. Earl Elligson and Carol of Windsor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Elligson. •- Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Rose, Lorraine and Yvonne of Sarnia with Mr. and Mrs. Olnris W. Leonhardt on Sun- day. Mr. Donald Miller of Galt is assist- ing Messrs Henry and Norman 1-lille- brecht with the seeding. Flowers were placed in the chan- cel of St, Peters Lutheran Church here on Sunday, fror the funeral of 2 -year-old Larry Wolfe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wolfe of Stratford. Mrs. Wolfe was the former Jean Ra- pien. Larry was the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Rapion. Mr. Ed Kressler and Cherry of Stratford spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm• Ruerengessor. Messrs Donald Wolfe and Gary Sholdlco visited their friend Tom Pinder at Munro on Sunday. Mrs. Rosina Miller is spending a few days in Seaforth with her grand- daughter, Mrs, Ed Fischer. Miss Jean Wilhelm and Mr, Erlyn Wilker of Stratford galled on Mr. and Mrs, Lavern Wolfe on Sunday. Mr. and Mars. Irvin Bennewies of Woodstock called on his parents Mr. and Mrs. 3. L. Bennewies. The Brodhagen Band are planning a 60th anniversary celebration next month, watch for date and particu- lars. T1iURSDAY, MAY 20, 1954 First Presbyterian Church Rev, D' Glenn Campbell, Minister 10 A.M. Bible Chess and Church School -- 11 A.M. -- SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM — 7 P.M, — YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETY In charge of service COM12 TO CHIJRO'H--I will call on the LORD. who is worthy to be praised KIPPEN Mr, and Mrs. Norman Long, ac- companied by Mrs. J. McClymont visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Curran. Mrs. Kyle of Clinton visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Em- erson Kyle. Mr, and Mrs. Howard Atkins of near Zurich visited on Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross 73roadfoot. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter were Mr. and Mrs. The ok whetshows yoU o You ll fwd this book a constant that thrift and sound xelatuaba can help you saga e /lo tabitions. Your too account passbook tells you, that your money snla>:lafe ; is draws interest reg Start waving easily accessible. today our en an branch— there to serve there arere m you: „�vrxrcoe,:� "• j 0.14 The Canadian Bank of C®mmer SEAFORTH BRANCH - G. C. BRIGHTRALL, MANAGER ri 3rd 5 r vr' LOi w.IrON.)S s1 X 45 have been LLE µ F `P PAYMENT J" r E 1st IF YOU HOLD Third Victory Loan 3% Bonds (issued November, 1942 to mature November, 1956) they should be presented for payment on or after June let through any branch bank in Canada. AFTER THIS DATE NO FURTHER INTEREST WILL 13E PAID. The interest coupon dated November 1st, 1954 and all coupons dated later than this must be attached to the bonds when they are presented for payment. Payment will be $101.26 for a $100 bond (and for other denominations accordingly). This payment includes a $1 premium as required by the terms of the bond—plus 26¢ which is interest at 3% from May lst to June lst—the periodrsince the last coupon became payable. Government of Canada By: BANK OF CANADA, Fiscal Agent Vis -3.54 i�. Keith Westlake, Elaine and Kenneth of Zurich, Mr. and . Mrs. Elmore Gaekstetter and family of near Ex- eter Mr. A, Evans of Waterloo. The YPU held their. annual Spring Anniversary on Sunday with a large attendance. The guest. speaker at the morning service was Rev. Living- stone of Winthrop. The choir rend- ered an anthem and a quartette sang namely, Elaine Bell, Bonnie Kyle, Don Boll and I•I'ank Benindyk. The guest speaker at the evening service was F/L Larry Mould, Padre of the RCAF Centralia. A duet was sung by Elaine and Don Bell. The choir also rendered an anthem. Dr. Gilbert Jarrett of Stratford and Dr. James Jarrott of London visited on Monday at the family re- sidence near the village. Sympathy is extended to Mr. John H. Cochrane in the passing of his brother, Mr. Robt. Cochrane near Moose ,Taw, Sask„ last week Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor of Strat- ford were weekend visitors of Mrs, .Dinsdale and Miss Whiteman. Mr. and Mr's, Ed McKay and daug- hter of Seaforth and Mrs. E. McKay, Bowmanville were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kon McKay and also attended the •Christening• of their granddaughter and great granddaug- hter in St. Andrew's United Church. Mr. Bob Love who has completed his term at the University of Toron- to, has accepted a position with the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario in the Exeter Office for the summer months. The Mothers' Day Service was well attended in St. Andrew's Unit- ed Church with Rev. Norman Mc- Leod B.A., B.D. in charge. Bob Ben- indyke read the scripture, Elaine Bell told the story. Maria Sinclair and Nelson McClinehey sang a Moth- ers' Day duet. During the service Rev. McLeod administered the Rites of Baptism, to Diane Cheryl, infant daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Ken Mc- Kay; Janis Faye, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross McNichol; Iris Isa- belle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Alexander, and Garry Vernon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Alexander. We are sorry to report Miss Shar- on McBride is confined to her bed with illness. Ml', and Mr's. Priestap and family of Mitchell, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Stokes and Larry of London, and Mr. and Mrs. •Cornish and family of Goderich and Mr. Thomas Hay visit- ed Sunday with Mr. Robt. Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. Elzar Mousseau spent Monday in London. Mr. and Mrs. Orville McClinchey of Varna, Mrs. Jennie Schilbe of Ex- eter and Mrs. Alice Cook, London, spent Mothers' Day with their moth- er, Mrs. J. McClymont. Mr. and Mrs. Sant Cudmore spent a few days with their sons and fam- ilies, Mr. and Mr's. Stewart Cud - more in London and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cudmore of Kitchener. Cpl. Mosher of Trenton spent the weekend with Rev and Mrs. McLeod and Bud. ' Mrs. Margaret Johnson of Toron- to is visiting her brother and sister- in-law, bit•. and Mrs. W. R. Cooper. The May meeting of the WMS was held on Wed. evening at the home of Mrs. Ross Broadfoot with Mrs. John Cooper Jr. a5 co -hostess. The presi- dent, Mrs. Emerson Kyle was in the chair. The opening hymn was "Bless This Meeting Lord We Pray". Mrs. J. McLellan was in charge of the worship. ,A. moment of silent prayer was observed in memory of the late Mrs. I. Jarrott, a valued and Life Member of the Auxiliary. Twenty- eight members answered the roll call, there were 14 visitors. Mrs. Morley Cooper reported for the Vis- iting Committee. Visitors for May are Mrs. Eldon Jarrott and Mrs. A. Gackstetter. Mrs. A. Kerslake and Mrs. C. Kennedy of Hensel( favored with a duet accompaniedby Miss Gladys Luker. Faith of Our Mothers was then sung. Mrs. Allan Johnson reported on the morning session of Presbyterial rec'e'ntly (held in Sea - forth. Mrs. McLeod reported on the afternoon session. Mrs. McLeod also read a very interesting letter from Miss Sandell of Korea, thanking Kip - pen for their very useful bail. It was decided to pack another bale in Kyle's Store, May 27th. Mrs, Morley Cooper gave the (financial report. Mrs. J. W. McLean read apprecia- tion cards from Mrs. John H. Coch- rane, Miss Etta Jarrott and a thank - you lettter from Mrs. W. Fairbairn which also contained a contribution to the Auxiliary. Tho Study "Christ the Answer" was given by Miss Dor- othy Turner. Mrs. Kerslake and Mrs. Kennedy again favored with a duet. Mrs. H. Caldwell gave a Mothers' Day poem entitled "Mother's Apron". Mrs. Kyle extended thanks to all taking part. Mrs. R. M. Peck ex- tended thanks to the hostess and co - hostess. The meeting closed with hymn 247 and the Benediction. Lunch was served by Circle 1. CROP REPORT Fine weather the last three days of the week has enabled many farm- ers to finish seeding, other's are working day and night taking advan- tage of the brealc in the weather, Prospects are for an above average acreage of such crops as white beans, soybeans and grain corn, 'Contracts let for sugar beet acreage show an increase of over 300 acres above the acreage grown in 1953, 11 bulls and 22 females were sold in the fifth An. mid ITuron County Hereford Breed- ers Spring Sale, average 'for bulls, $261.00; top $330.00; average for females $288.00; top $500.00. 1953 Spring sale averages: male $284.00; female $2'74.00. EG ENT THEATRE SWORTH NOW PLAYING Thugs. +t'rl. Sat, CAPTAIN PIRATE Louis Hayward • Patricia Medina The most daring Pirate of them all plundering the Seven Seas Mon. Tues. Wed. TITANIC ., Clifton Webb -Barbara Stanwyek A Groat Story of a Great Ship with a Gigantic Oast Thurs. Fri, Sat. A SLIGHT CASE OF LARCENY Mickey Rooney • Eddie Bracken AFI+AIR TN TRINIDAD, also TARGET HONG KONG Conning Soon: Iltl1, 1 1 111t111111IIll1t111ttt111111111111111111 t l l l l l It I 111111111111111111/1111111111111111111111111 ttttt 1 t A111111 11111111111111111111111 1ill111111 DON'T READ THIS unless you want to know where to get the Best Values in Ee twear SPECIAL: Men's Work Boots Black or Brown Retail Leather, Leather Soles and Rubber Heels. "IT'S A DANDY" at $6.45 a pair 'I =" LIS SIIOE STORE The Little Store with the "Big Values" Seaforth 1111111111111111 n111111111111111111111t 11111111111111111111111111111111111.1 111111111111111111111111111,111111111111m11t1111. LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND 'END 11. .ENING I'YANCES SAM DAY, AY 22nd and MIDNIGHT, MAY 23 NEIL McKAY'S ALL-STAR ORCHESTRA BE AMONGST THE FIRST TO DANCE ON OUR BEAUTIFUL NEW DANCE FLOOR Everyone agrees WI#) Me aaa TGoke Takes only a moment to get a frosty bottle of Coke from the red cooler and enjoy its sparkling goodness, down to the last delicious sip. But how that pause with Coca-Cola helps when you turn back to work .. . refreshed and ready to go. Yes, sir ... a handy cooler full of ice-cold Coke makes any place a better place to work. Authorized bottler of Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd. ESBECO LIMITED 658 Erie Street STRATFORD, ONT. 11C0ke"4 u registered (rade-mark oeSaucatomarmanammeamessaw Phone 78 lllllllllll11.111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 lllll11111llllll l llllllll11111111111111111111111111111111111111, 1963 'CHEVROLET DELUX COACH 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1949 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1949 CHEVROLET COACH 1950 AUSTIN SEDAN 1948 CHEVROLET DE LUX SEDAN 1939 CHEVROLET SEDAN (SPECIAL) 1939 CHEVROLET COACH 1937 PONTIAC SEDAN (Good) 1876.00 1275.00 1150.00 1150.00 600.00 850.00 375.00 275.00 225,00 1961 CHEV. % TON PICKUP 876.00 MECHANICS SPECIALS 1937 CHEV SEDAN 75.00 1938 FORD SEDAN 125.00 1940 FORD SEDAN 175.00 1937 FORD SEDAN (%a Ton Piekup) 160,00 1948 CHEV PANEL (as Is) 476.00 Seaforth Motors Phone 541 Seaforth ,sem •--1 Vr11111111111a1111111111n111111111111111111111111111,11111111111111a 11111u11111111111111111I111t1111111m1111nu1 m111111111n111111 ln 1l 111111111111