HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1954-04-22, Page 5-THURSDAY, APRIL 32, 1954 WrightThe Sped& Campbell's Tomato Soup 2 Tins 23c AYLMER TOMATO CATSUP , , . , , , .. , , 11 oz, bottle 20c MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE Z oz. Jar 63c HENLEYS CHOICE QUALITY TOMATOES ... 2 for 310 28 oa. Tins FANCY MALLOW COOKIES, orange & lemon , , Pkg. 29c 26 biscuits or over ZEST SWEET MIX PICKLES _ 16 oz, Jar 25c ROMAN MEAL MUFFIN MIX, 1106 ValneMuffin Tli�.. All for 69c APPLE AND CHERRY JAM 4 1b, Tin 590 KELLOGG'S BRAN FLAKES ...... , .... Large Size 26c WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET Phone 77 Low Prices Self Serve Free Delivery REBEKAHS PLAN MEETINGS The Charter was draped in mem- ory of Mrs. Christina Land, a Past president of the Rebekah Assembly, at the last regular meeting of Edel- weiss Rebekah Lodge with Mrs. Les- lie McClure presiding. At the next regular meeting, April 26, Past Grands' Night will be held, with Past Noble ,Grandy assuming office. An invitation has been extended to Morning Star Lodge, Brussels, to be guests at the May 10th meeting when the Initiatory Degree will be con- ferred on several candidates. Mrs. Roy McGonigle gave a report of the district meeting held recently in Ex- eter. CROP REPORT Waren Spring rains have created Scite a demand for information on pring seeding. Requests for legume powder innoculants are quite fre- quent. Swine prices continue to hold fairly steady especially for good breeding stock. Reports indicate that new seeding and winter wheat have come through the winter quite favor- ably. HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Glenn of Tor- ontd• were weekend visitors with Mr, and Mrs. John M. Glenn. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson of St. Marys visited recently with Mrs. N. Blatchford. Mrs, Wesley .Coleman and Miss Shirley Coleman spent Easter with relatives in Detroit, Mrs. Edna 'Corbett of Exeter vis- ited recently with Mr. and Mrs, Ar- chie MacGregor and Donald Mae - Laren. Mr. Don Bell of Toronto spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. R. Bell. Miss Bernier Jinks R.N. of Lon- Iver, Kitchener, Jeanne, Sarnia, an don and Miss Uline Halliday of 'St, Josephine, St. Catharines, spen Thomas spent Easter with Mr, and Easter with their parents, Mr. an Mrs. Manley Jinks, Ross and Susan, Mrs. Peter McIver. Miss Eleanor Cook, R.N. of Lon- Rev. Thos, McQuaid, and Mr, an don visited over the holiday with her Mrs. John McQuaid of St. Thomas paents, Mr. and Mrs, N. E. Cook. spent the weekend with Mrs, Josep I Mrs. A. Crerar returned home aft- McQuaid. er visiting with her sister-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Matthews and daug Mrs. E. Mitchell, in London. hter, 'Chatham, spent Easter wit Mrs. Wm. Petty and Ruth are visit- Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cleary, ing with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Petty in Miss Mary Lou Sills, Brescia Hall Detroit this week. London, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hays, Detroit, were weekend guest at the home of Mrs. C. P. Sills. Mr. Joseph Dunn, Kingston, span the weekend with his grandmothei Mrs. N. Dunn. Miss Hilda Kennedy, London spent Easter with her mother, Mrs R. Kennedy. Miss Mary Ryan, Preston, spellt the Easter holidays with her aunt Mrs. Thos. O'Loughlin. 1VIr. Edward McIver, Port Colborn spent Easter with his mother, Mrs H. McIver. Mr. Len Gillespie, Toronto, span the weekend with friends. Miss Jean McMaster, Toronto spent Easter with Dr. and Mrs. Mc Master. Mr,' Don Dale, Ft. William, i spending the Easter holidays with hi parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Dale. Mrs. R. J. Sproat is visiting wi relatives in Cleveland, Ohio. Miss Mary Hagan, Essex, is spend ing her Easter vacation with h parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hagan. Miss Peggy Willis, Guelph, is hol laying with parents, Mr. and Mr Fred Willis. Miss Eleanor Weaver, Port Cred- it, is holidaying at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Neville McMillan and family, Ingersoll, spent the Easter weekend at the home of the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. M. McMillan. Weekend . guests at the home of Mrs. William Morris were Rev. Mor- ris, Pt. Dover, and Rev. Wm. Morris, Ingersoll. Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Taylor of Guelph spent the holiday weekend at the home of D. and Mrs. J. 0. Turnbull. Percy Garrick of Goderich is spending his Easter holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Swan. M'rs. Elmer Larone and son Ken- neth spent' Easter in Orillia, where Ken sang at the wedding of his cou- sin. Mr. Donald McMillan underwent an operation on his knee at Stratford General Hospital on Monday. Ile. Gordon McKindsey of the Un- iversity of Western Ontario, and Mr. Jinn McKindsey R.C.A.F., London, are spending the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. McKind- sey. THE ST+' + ORTH NEWS TOWN TOPICS 1'/Sgt, and Mrs. J. G. Taman and daughter Lynn, of Selfridge Air Force Base spent the Easter Holi- day at the home of Mr, and Mrs. E. I3. Close. Weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Moore were their niece, Mre, Edward Jaen and MI Jaen from Toronto. Easter visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ales. McNab were IvTr. and Mrs, Jack MeNab of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Ross MeNab and family of Bay City, Mieb. Miss Barbara 'Christopher and Mr. Greg Quarry of London spent a day with Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Diek and Miss Anne Downey, Miss Anne 'Christopher and Mich- ael Christopher spent the weekend with their cousin Suzanne Dick. Miss Edna Jowett of Port Huron, spent the weekend at the home of her cousin, Miss Florence Fowler, Mr, and Mrs. Eldrid Nichol of Bluevale were guests of Miss Flor- ence Fowler on Sunday. Easter visitors at the home of Mrs. Theresa Maloney were Mr, and Mrs, Frank Maloney and Brenda of Preston, Mr. and Ails. Armand Be - dour and family of Goderioh, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Overholt and family of Centralia, Mr. Carl Hewitt of Ex- eter xeter and Mr, and Mrs. Reg. Aubin and Mary of town, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Duncan of. Kirkton spent Sunday with Mrs. Herald Lawrence. Mr. and, Mrs. Scott Coffin, Tor- onto, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Morris, Mount Forest, Misses Margaret Me - d d li Town of Seaforth PROCLAMATION DAYLIt '' SAVING TIME The Council of the Town of Seaforth has instructed me t� declare Daylight Saving Time adopted for the Town of Seaforth during the period of APRIL 26th AT 2 A.M. to SEPTEMBER 26th AT 2 A.M. and respectfully request the citizens to observe same DR. E. A. McMASTER MAYOR God Save the Queen �JII,11111111111111nHt„1,11111111,11,1111111an tII11111111111111g11I11IIOIIIIIOI111111a111,1I111t1a111111111111,llla1111aaaa1111IIIIn1111,110 O.K. 1952 Chev. Sedan Power Glide (Radio) 1951 Chevrolet Sedan 1951 Dodge 5 passenger Coupe (Radio) ., 1948, , Dodge 5 passenger Coupe (Radio) 1946 Chevrolet Sedan 1946 Ford Coach, 1940 Ford Coach 1937 Chevrolet Sedan, excellent . 1937 Plymouth Sedan 1937.Pontiac Sedan 1850.00 1375.00 1425.00 850.00 675.00 650.00 240.00 225.00 225.00 275.00 Seaforth Motors Phone 641 Seaforth Y�Y11111111111111111101,1111111111111111111,III I I It111111no 1,1111oonI allam.t IIIIIIIIIIIIIIq,II,Iaa III,lI111111111111111II1111111111111tIII11111U 5 t e t s s th er i- s. DUBLIN Miss Mary and Margaret Atkin- son, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Jo- seph Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carpenter and children, Chatham, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 'Carpenter. RUMMAGE SALE In St. Thomas' Anglican Parish Hall Saturday, April 24 1.30 - 6 o'clock HENSALL Miss Helen Moir and Miss Betty Moir of London were Easter visitors with Mrs. Bertha Moir, Douglas and Wendy, Mr, and Airs. Wm. Petty, Ruth and Miss Olive Petty visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson in St. 14larys. Miss Mae MacGregor of Toronto visited over the holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Malcom Dougall, Jim and Mr, Jas Mustard Jr. Mr. and Mrs, Guy Bedard returned to their home in London after spend- ing the weekend with the latter's Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell, Pauline 'and Ann. Mr, Bruce Glenn of Toronto spent Easter at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. John M. Glenn. Miss Etta Jarrott of Toronto is spending the Easter holidays with her mother, Mrs. Catharine Jarrott, Miss Helen Moir of London visit- ed over the weekend with her broth- er-in-law and sister, Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Baynham and family. Mr. and Mrs, J. McGloy and fam- ily of Toronto were holiday visitors with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hess. Mr. and Mrs. Art Traquair of Woodstock visited over the holiday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mel- vin Traquair and Mr. and Mrs. E. Norminton. Mr, and Mrs. A. Pearson and daug- hter of Toronto. spent the weekend holiday with the latter's mother, Mrs. Annie .Saundercock. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Bell of Tor- onto.. visited over the holiday with Mr. and, Mrs, Wm. R. Bell and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bell. Mrs. J. Allan of Toronto was the guest of Mrs, N. Buchanan for East- er. Mrs. Charles Forrest and family of Sarnia were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Kerslake and Mr, and Mrs. C. Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Don Rigby and Don- na of Blenheim were weekend visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Mc- Queen and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell. Miss Phyllis Forbes spent the hol- iday at her home in Seaforth. Miss Shirley 'Chapman, nurse -in - training at Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, visited over the holiday with her parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Chapman. VARNA During the past year and a half the members of L.O.L. 1085 have been redecorating their lodge rooms and last Tuesday evening they had their reopening with 100 visitors present from Goderich, Clinton, Sea - forth, Mitchell, Woodham, Lucan, London, Greenway and Bayfield. The County Master, Bra. Lorne Stephenson, presided and addresses were given by Bro. J. E. C. Ham- mond of Toronto; Rev. A. Glen Eagle of Clinton and Rev. T. J. Pitt, Varna; also short addresses by a number .of visiting brethren. Lunch was served and a social hour brought to a close a night long to be remem- bered by the officers and members of the lodge. A large congregation filled the United Ghurch on Sunday last for the Easter service with the pastor, Rev. T. J. Pitt in charge. Special music was rendered by the choir. A reception service for new members uniting with the church and the Sac- rament of the Lord's Supper at the close. Visitors over the weekend were Dr. and Mrs. H. Reid of Toronto; Mr. Floyd McAsh of Hamilton and Miss Margaret McClymont, Toronto. WINTHROP Please note that the W. A. and WMS meeting will be held a week earlier. The date, Wednesday, April 28, in the church. A. special offering will be taken for food for the world's hungry. Collection of cloth- ing for a ,bale will be appreciated. The roll call on "Mother". There will be a film on Korea on Monday evening, April 26, in Cavan The Fox without a Tail A FOX once fell into a trap, and after a struggle managed to get free, but with the loss of his brush. He was then so much ashamed of his appearance that he thought life was not worth living unless he could persuade the other Foxes to part with their tails also, and thus divert attention from his own loss. So he called a meeting of all the Foxes, and advised them to cut off their tails: "They're ugly things anyhow," he said, "and besides they're heavy, and it's tiresome to be always carrying them about with you." But one of the other Foxes said, "My friend, if you hadn't lost your own tail, you wouldn't be so keen on getting us to cut off ours." MORAL: When an acquaintance says to you "Why " -- bother with a savings account?" he may be acting like the fox without a tail. Any man who knows anything of the chances --and mischances—of life, makes a savings account the first step in his investment program. That's why level-headed Canadians from coast to coast maintain savings accounts with The Canadian Bank llastratlorc by Arthur Raskha�t, /[rem Mg. of Commerce. Why not Join the procession? IIfeisemann Edition of Aeso�i sFa6les,, .. The Canadian dank of Commerce) CONCERT AND DANCE Personal Appearance of The Kansas Farmer AND HIS ENTERTAINERS FEATURING Canada's Only Singing Violinist Radio Artist - Vaudeville Star JACK THYNNE, Brussels, Ont. • This is a Stage Show, not a picture CLEAN ENTERTAINMENT FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY COWBOY SONGS - MOUNTAIN MUSIC - COMEDY ADMISSION — ADULTS 60e CHILDREN' 25e. AT 6.30 P.M. WED. APRIL 28th SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE Church, Winthrop, sponsored by the Mission Band. BRODHAGEN Miss Yvonne Rose of Sarnia is visiting her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. 'Chris. W. Leonhardt. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lew and Rolph Hicks for the weekend were: Miss Ruth Hicks, Mr Ken Newton, Mrs. Newton and Mrs, Bell all of Torpnto and Mr. Arthur Morton of Oshawa. Mr, and Mrs. Jno, Mueller and Ruth Ann of Hamilton with her par ants, Mr. and Mrs, Aug. Hillebrecht. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kleber and family of Kitchener With Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hoegy. BORN MOORS -- At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Joel; Motor, Seaforth, a son MONTnoMaRY•—At Scott Memorial Hospital n April 1'.th, to Mr, and 11r', P.oee Montgomery, Seaforth, a son The Voice Of Temperance A recent editorial in one of the leading Toronto dailies has a timely word to say about the seriousness of the growth of the drink evil in 'Can- ada. After some forceful, pointed and truthful statements to its credit, it goes on to denounce present condi- tions with no uncertain sound, It de- clares that something should be done about it, but does not offer any con- structive ideas. A jibe at the "fool- ish prohibition law" is made. It does not consider Government statisti.:s, recently released, showing that with the greatly increased number of fa- cilities for obtaining liquor, has come a startling increase in the humber of arrests and convictions for drunken- ness per thousand of population. Surely in the light of these facts reason and common sense would sug- gest that restriction should be given a real try. One thinks of Jesus quot- ing Isaiah -Matthew 18-15, 'This People's heart is waxed gross and their ear's are dull of hearing and their eyes have they closed lest at any time they should see with their eyes and should understand with their hearts and should be conveited and I should heal them," In Huron County the C.T.A. does restrict the consumption of liquor, else why do those financially interested in pro- moting increased consumption advo- cate its repeal?—Advt. DAFFODIL TEA AND HOME BAKING SALE Wednesday, Apr. 28 Hours 3 to 5 o'clock In Northside United Church Sunday School Room Sponsored by Group 1 of the W.A. The Fireside Group of First Presbyterian Church are having a SPRING. TEA At the home of Mrs. E, A. McMaster Friday Afternoon April 30th 3 to 6 EVERYONE 'WELCOME RAILWAY T LE CHANGES Effective SUNDAY APRU 25th,1954 Fuji information from agents CO-OP FERTILIZER THE FERTILIZER THAT IS O FREE FLOWING ▪ DOESN'T OAKS UP • GIVES YOU HIGHER CROP YIELDS • SAVES YOU 2.50 A. TON DON'T DELAY — ORDER TODAY FROM Seaforth Farmers Co -Op PHONE 9 SEAFORTH en TOWN OF SEAFORTH Tax re Ey, era Receipts dor 1954 THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH WILL PAY 4 PER CENT PER ANNUM IJP TO AUGUST 31, 1954, ON ALL PREPAID 1964 'TAXES Certificates and lull particulars may be obtained from the Town Clerk's Office in the Town Hall D. H. WILSON TREASURER 4