HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1954-04-08, Page 5'THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 954 The Wright Speckils Aylmer Peaches, choice halves ,... 2 for 35c 15 ox, Tins GARDEN PATCH GOLDEN WAX 15EANS 2 for 21c oz. Tins INTERLAKE TISSUE ... , . . • . . . • • • , .. 2 large Rolls 23c CRISCO, best for Prying 1 lb 36c WESTON'S FANCY MALLOW BISCUITS Pkg, 290 AUSTRALIAN RAISINS 15 oz. Pkg. 190 TILLYS PEANUT BUTTER , , 16 oz. ,Tar 28c BICKS YUM YUM PICKLES Jar 33c These are Extra good AYLMER FANCY PUMPKIaN,k�el8 s oriTi Pie 2 for 350 WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET Phone 77 Low Prices Self Serve Free Delivery Lawns Rolled PENNY SALE The Lawn Bowling Club will be roiling lawns this year. Get in touch with R. McFadzean PHONE 293 or Bev. Christie PHONE 58 BORN .CADICK—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 4, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cad - ick, 259 Oxford St., London, a son, D8XI000N—lo Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 5, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dek- kroon of B.B. 2, Dublin, a son. Baby ex- pired April Gth. EUCHRE & DANCE ! Town Hall, Hensall FRIDAY, APRIL 9 th Murdoch's Orchestra Cards 8.30 P.M. Ladies provide sandwiches. Lucky lunch ticket. Sponsored by KIppen East Ladies Institute Admission 50c c 5 Sponsored by the Hospital Aux- iliary, is still going strong at Fling's store. Drop in and buy Your tickets, 25 for 25 cents. The draw will be this Saturday, April 10th, at 0 P.M, DUBLIN Mr. and Mrs, Dalton Burns and. Gerry of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burns, Mr. Louis Morris has returned home after spending two months in Floz'ida. Mr. Bill Evans of Merriton with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Pugh and Glenn in Clairmont. Mr. and Mrs. William Stapleton have returned home after spending six weeks in St. Petersburg. Mrs. Lorretta Molyneaux with Mrs. Lloyd Etue in Zurich. Mrs, A. M. Looby in Detroit, Mr. Frank Rowland of Toronto with Mrs. Winnifred Rowland.. ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Huron County Tuberculosis Assoc- iation will be held on Tuesday evening, April 13111, at 8 o'clock its the Council Chambers, Clinton. Dr. W. 0, Sharpe, of heck Mem- orial San, will be the speaker. A11 interested are invited to attend nummuni,auU.nnuua,uquop,,,,,,,,,,pi,,p,,,,,,,,,,,,,101111. lllllll 1111111111111111 lllllll IIIIIIIII llllll lllll lllll 0 1952 Chev. Sedan Power Glide (Radio) .... 1951 Dodge 5 passenger Coupe (Radio) ..,, 1948, ,Dodge 5 passenger Coupe. (Radio) .... 1946 Ford Coach 1940 Ford Coach 1937 Plymouth Sedan 1937 Pontiac Sedan eaf rth 1850.00 1425.00 850.00 650,00 240.00 225.00 275.00 THE SEAFORTH NEWS TOWN TOPIOS Mr. Alex McDonald, of McKillop, has purchased Mr, Frank Smile's cottage on Centre Street. Dr. Friel and Mrs. Stewart, Wind- sor spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. P. D. McConnell, Mr. Michael Beehely, London, spent the weekend with his parents, Dr, F. J. and Mrs. Bochely. Mr, Louis Maloney, Detroit, and Ml Dennis Maloney, Toronto, with their mother, Mrs. Margaret Malon- ey ever the weekend. Miss Mary Ryan, Preston, was a weekend guest of her aunt, Mrs. Thos. O'Loughlin. Mr, Jack Morris, Guelph, spent the weekend at his home here, Mr. and Mrs. James Malieaux and daughter, Toronto, were weekend guests of Mrs. Jos. McQuaid.. Mrs. Ray Hutchinson and son, Kitchener, are spending a few days with her another, Mrs, Ellen Bannon. Mr. Len Gillespie, Toronto, spent the weekend with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hart, Preston, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Harry Chesney, Miss Dorothy .Smith of Hamilton, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. A.rnold Stansell, Ayl- mer, were weekend guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ralph McFad- den. Phone 541 Seaforth ull,,,,unnwnnmuou,ulluouaanunuuuuullauununmwunuuuuuw mmwmmm�nnuunuunuuullnuu,,,uu„ the basement of the church. We planned to invite our mothers to our affiliation service with the WMS on April 30th, Hymn U4 was then sung. This was followed by all re- peating the purpose. The meeting was closed by the benediction after which lunch was served. The March meeting of the Wilton groupp of the W.M.S. and W, A. was held at the home of Mrs. James Clark on Wednesday evening with 37 ladies present. The president, Mrs. Ronald Bennett opened the the with "When Survey Wondrous Cross"ter which a prayer was offered by Mrs. Bennett. Mrs, Clark read the scrip- ture reading from Luke 9: 20-27. Mrs. Fern Patterson gave the secre- tary's report of the February meet- ing which was held in the school- room of the church and at which two quilts were quilted, one of which will be sent to Korea. Mrs. George Dundee acted as hostess for this meeting. The roll call was answered with a "Favorite Hymn". The treas- urer, Mrs, Frank Kirkby, gave the financial report. During the business period plans were made for a bazaar to be held in the schoolroom of the church in May. Mrs. Walter BewleY gave an interesting topic entitled "The White Angel of Tokyo". Miss Caroline McDonald, formerly of Wingham, Ont., was known as the "White Angel of Tokyo" by the Japanese, as she labored among pris- oners, especially among those con- demned to death, she brought to them and other unfortunate people the comfort of the "Gospel of God". The closing hymn "Take up the Cross, the ,Saviour said" was follow- ed with the niizpah benediction re- peated in unison, Mrs. Iva Wilbee had charge of several contests and lunch wag served by the hostess and the following lunch committee: Mrs. Dale, Mrs. H, Traviss, Mrs. R. Tra- viss and Mrs. Harvey Brown. The April meeting of the Walton Women's Association met on Thurs- day afternoon at 2 p.ni. in the base- ment. Mrs. Love was in the chair and opened the meeting with the W. A. Theme Song, followed by the Mary Stewart Collect, and scripture reading Mark 16: 1-8. Hymn 87 was then sung. Sec. report was read and approved, followed by the treasur- er's report by Mrs. A, Coutts with a balance of 3884.74 on hand, Sev- eral items of business. W. A. Pres- byterial to bo held on May 5th at Walton United Church. The annual Garden Party to be held on Wed- nesday, June 23rd. The meeting closed with prayer. PLAN ANNUAL MEETING At a luncheon meeting held in London on Saturday, April 8, plans were laid for the Annual Meeting and election of officers for the West- ern Ontario P. C. Association to be held Wednesday, May 5 in London. The 22 ridings of Western Ontario making up this Association were represented at this meeting by var- ious members of the Executive and 'Chairman of the meeting was Mr. Elmer D. Bell, Q.C. of Exeter. It was announced that Mr, Frost, Prem - ler of Ontario • would be guest speak- er at the main meeting and that other leading party figures would be in attendance and speak before the Women's and Young Conservatives' Associations who would be having their elections the same day. Mr. Elmer Bell, prominent Western Ont- ario lawyer, will retire from the of- fice of President this year and Mr. W. M. Pratt of Listowel and Mr, Harrison Corey of Petrolia have been named as the men most likely to contest the office of President. Oth- ers attending the luncheon meeting were: Don R. Morand, Windsor; T 11 o m a s A. Sanderson, London; Charles E. Richardson, St. Marys; Grant Mitchell, Eden; Miss E. M. .anzen, Kitchener; Mrs. W. H. Hughes, Waterloo; Mrs. J. E, May- lor, London: Mrs. W. Hardy, Brant- ford; Mrs. R. D. Hendrie, Galt, Mrs. John Petford, Stratford, Mrs. Tron- son Draper, Petrolia; Mrs. M. Stand - ring, London; 'Miss Betty Coats - worth, London; Mr. J. Bickerton, Woodstock; Mr. D. Fraser, Ilderton; Secty, Gordon Reid, London, and Field Organizer, Mr. Clare Westcott of Seaforth, Ontario. WALTON The April meeting of the Walton CGIT was held in the basement of the church on April 3rd at 2:30, The meeting was opened by prayer by Mary Dennis, followed by the sing- ing of hymn 285. Doris Johnston read the scripture and this was fol-; lowed by prayer. Hymn 243 was then sung. Our leader, Doreen McCreath gave a •very interesting topic on the inspirations of the bible. The min- utes of the last meeting were read and adopted. The roll call was an- swered by 12 members. The next meeting is to be held on May 1st in McKILLOP A large crowd joined with the Wo- man's Missionary Society of Bethel United Church in their Easter Thankoffering meeting held recent- ly in the church. Mrs. *Earl Mills pre- sided for the service, the- theme was "What does Easter mean to you?" The scripture was read by Mrs. Don Dennis. Meditations on the Cross, the Resurrection and Victorious Liv- ing were read by Mrs. Will Roe, Mrs, Chas. Boyd and Mrs. Robt. Hulley. Mary and Murray Dennis sang a Emcee & Dance In Varna Hall FRIDAY, APRIL 9 NORRIS ORCIIESTRA Sponsored by the I3rueei'ield Firemen Admission 50e. Good prizes A 4 NYL N AND NE 1/4 PINT RIPOLIN 1 ONLY,. 1/4 PINT RIPOLIN WHITE ENAMEL 1 ONLY, QUART SPRED SATIN 1 ONLY, 4" NYLON BRUSH T TL•IL]L VALUE 6000 .5a 2.20 3.25 6,00 SPRED SATIN IS SCRUOBABLE, WASHABLE, DURABLE -- Limit 3 Deals to a Customer — MB SOB! N has no equal m i�OLIN is the white ena�> el t` eat stays white. The 4" Nyi'l n Brush is Canada's finest. Phone 61 rs Today BALDWIN HARDWARE Seaforth ANNOUNCEMENT OPENING ON TUESDAY, APRIL 13TH, Dale Egg Grading STATION FRESH EGGS DAILY AND POULTRY COURTEOUS SERVIGE IN THE FORMER ISAAC HUDSON STORE MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH I wish to take this opportunity of expressing to the many customers of Hudson's Produce my thanks for their patronage during the long period such business was operated by my late husband, It is my wish that such patronage be continued with the successors of the 'business. MRS. ISAAC HUDSON duet. Mrs. Milts welcomed the guests and introduced the guest speaker, Miss Clare McGowan, who took her audience on a trip around Palestine with colored slides and vivid word descriptions. She displayed several articles brought from the Holy Land and demonstrated a native costume. Mrs. Phillips, Blyth, sang two solos which were very appropriate to the Easter season. The Primary and Jun- ior classes of the Sunday .School sang "Little Sunbeams". The offering was received and dedicated by Mrs. Ross Leeming. Ethel Dennis thanked the speaker. Rev. Mr. Livingstone closed the meeting with prayer. Lunch was served. nwuuuuuunnuuuuuiu"uauuuunwuuuuuumnuna,uui,r lll,,,,nmawnuuuuuuuunn„uu„uwuuuaunuwn on Electric Lighting Fixtures Wednesday Thursday Saturday April 14 15 17 FIXTURES FOR EVERY ROOM IN YOUR HOUSE AT A PRICE YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS Dining Room, Kitchen, Bath Room. Bed Room Verandah and Outdoor Fixtures GLOBES, SHADES, HOLDERS Fluorescent Lighting of Every Description From 5(i to 25'-; off on All Fixtures during these 3 days SEE OUR COMPLETE STOCK ON DISPLAY Gerald (Formerly Hess Electric) Heating Lighting Plumbing ELECTRICAL AND MOTOR REPAIRING PHONE ZURICH 34 a,uwuuuuuuint illi,. uunuuuuuu,aunnuuuu, III. 1 unua,1111111.11,u,eaunnmm�nnnuuwmnupnn,uy,_. CO-OP FERTILIZER THE FERTILIZER THAT IS • FREE FLOWING O DOESN'T CAKE UP O GIVES YOU HIGHER CROP YIELDS ® SAVES YOU 2.50 A TON DON'T DELAY •— ORDER TODAY FROM Seaforth Farmers Co -Op PHONE 9 SEAFORTH TOWN OF SEAFORTH Tax Prepayment Receipls THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH WILL PAY 4 PER CENT PER ANNUM UP TO AUGUST 31, 1254, ON ALL PREPAID 1954 'TAXES Certificates and full particulars may be obtained from the Torn Clerk's Office in the Town Fall D. H. WITR S'URE;lt