HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1954-04-08, Page 4MR. MURRAY 10 e1 TOMORROW Mr, William Murray of Seaforth will celebrate his gist birthday on Friday, April 9, Mr, Murray is a native of Tuekersmith, and for many years lived in Manitoba. When he retired he returned to his home district of Eg- mondville and Seaforth, Mr. Murray is at present enjoying fair health and is able to be out and around. His many friends extend congratula- tions on the happy occasion. itiwtouvuwwwwwwwwwww Bible Bookroom The Manse, Egmondville Visit us for your small Easter gifts. Many suggestions far every mem- ber of the family, Children's books and plaques a specialty. Call or phone any time Mrs. Milroy, 666 r 12 tainitlessWWIMINVIANWINIAltinflARI Wow atnanar.s. Alksrez Walton Community Hall WEDNESDAY, APR. 14 Music by Ken Wilbee's orchestra Everyone Welcome SPORT SHORTS During the past week the Seafartb Baldwins have come up with two surprising performances that had the Waterloo .Sisktns guessing, O11 the verge of facing elimination the Bald- wins have been able to muster enough strength to leave the high flying Waterloo Siskins holding the short end of the score in the Satur- day night tussle in Seaforth and again Tuesday night back in Water- loo. On Saturday night the Seaforth crew started driving from the open- ing face-off that had them leading 1-0 at the end of the -first and 2-0 at the end of the second. Early in the final frame the Baldwins started to weaken under the Waterloo pow- er as the Siskius notched their lone goal in less than a minute of play, After the locals had survived the sudden storm, the tide was complete- ly changed, Before the period was over they hadbanged home three more goals. Ba0k at the Twin City the outlook didn't look so bright for the first twenty minutes of play. Waterloo notched the lone score of the first period, before Seaforth returned for two in the second twenty minutes. It was the final period that told the true story as the locals scored three times while leaving the Waterloo homesters scoreless. The 5-1 victory moves the teams back to Seaforth on Thursday night with Waterloo leading the series 3-2, HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Things are starting to get back to normal now after the week of exams and some of the students are com- ing to school with more cheerful looks, and some aren't so cheerful after seeing the results. A variety show is going to take 1ng Clearance USED AND NEW MACHINES New M. -.I--1. 30 Std. Tractor , , . , _550.00 550,00 Discount Used M. -H. 30 Std, Tractor, new condition 975.00 Used M. -H, 102 Sr. Tractor, excellent 675,00 Used M. -H, 102 Jr. Tractor, new motor 475.00 Used Int. 10-20, new rubber 375.00 All used and new Machines in our huge stock €:,i'eat1y Reduced. Many new machines reduced to below Cost levels. See them. Make us an offer Se orth Motors Phone 541 Seaforth COOPER'S GROCERY WEEK -END SPECIALS ! ?r•imor Peaches, choice halves 2-15 oz. Tins 35c Garden Patch Choice Golden 'Wax Beans, ,2-15 oz. tins 21c :rierlake Toilet Tissue 2 Lge. rolls 23c i .rrlsr:o, best for Baking or Frying 1 fife Pkg. 36c I Burns Canned Meats— - n=lurida Oranges, size 252s at".LOGNA pound 27c CI-IErN. OUR FRUIT COUNTER Orval Cooper, Seaforth Phone 8 SELF SERVICE OR COUNTER SERVICE 2 Doz. 55c SEAF.RTH PUBLIC SCHOOL ENROLMENT SURVEY Please Complete This Questionaire The Board finds a crowded condition in the Junior Grades of the School, and to estimate future requirements the fol- lowing information is requested concerning children to be enrolled: Sept., 1954—Kindergarten: Child's Name and date of birth Sept., 1955—Kindergarten: Child's Name and date of birth Sept,, 1956—Kindergarten: Child's Name - and date of birth Sept., 1957—Kindergarten: Child's Name and date of birth Parent's Name Should the Parent decide not to enroll a child in Kinder— garten, but directly into Grade 1, please specify above. Tho age for cnroitnont. in Kindergarten is five years as at December of the enrolment year, That is, a child who will be five years of age by December, 1054, may enroll in September, 1064. ENROLMENT SURVEY FORMS are also being distributed to Parents by children at present attending school. If you have completed such a Form,- there is no need to use this coupon. Please clip out and mail or return completed form to: F. E. Willis Public School Board, Seaforth T3 SIQRTI MEWS place in. the school in the latter part of April. This will take the place et an operetta which was to be held. New recruits are being sought for the Bugle Band and anyone wishing to Join will please contact Mr. Plum - steel. ST, THOMAS' W. A, The Woman's Auxiliary of St, Thomas' Anglican Church, Seaforth, held their monthly meeting Tuesday afternoon in the vestry. Mrs, George MoGavin presided. Meeting opened with a scripture reading by Miss M. Galbraith, Mrs, J. James introduced the study book "Africa Steps Out." It was decided to send a bale of used clothing to Marion Krafft by the end of April, The WA, annual meet- ing will be held in St. Paul's Oathed= ral, London, on April 27, 38, 20. Mrs. James closed the meeting with the benediction, W.A. GROUP MEETS Group Three of the W.A. of North Side United Church held its April meeting at the home of Mrs. Adam Ast on Tuesday evening with the president, Ml's, Christie, opening the meeting with a poem, "Let Us Keep Lent." The Visiting Committee report- ed 12 home and 3 hospital calls. Miss Abbie Seip took the devotional part, then read a peau, "Another Spring." Mrs, Cliff Broadfoot read the scrip- ture from Matthew 28, followed by prayer by Miss Seip, Larry Byer'ran favored us with a lovely solo. The subject chasm "Delinquent Young People" was very ably dealt with by our guest speaker, Mrs, Jolnt Kellar, Next meeting will be at the home of Mrs, Peter Dunlop, GROUP FOUR W. A. Mrs, Homer Hunt was hostess to the April meeting of Group Four of the United Church V.A. Fifteen mem- bers and two visitors were present. The president opened the meeting with a poem and hymn. The devo- tions was taken by sirs. J. Turnbull, on the theme "The Risen Christ," Mrs. J. Kaiser had charge of pro- gram. After a discussion on two quilts, it was decided to have a dem- onstration of British knit articles at the home of Mi•s. Wni. Wilhee on Tuesday, 13t1h, Mrs. Wright delighted us with a reading "Spring Chore Time," A poem "The Fetching Lady," was read by Mrs, Kaiser, Mrs: K. Ilullr•y also gave a reading 'Coffee Woes'. The lunch committee. Mrs. H. Thomsen and alt's, Dello served a lovely lunch. JUNIOR FARMERS MEET Earl McSpadden, president of Sea - forth Junior Farmers, presided over the meeting held in the auditorium of the Seaforth District High School on April 1. A membership drive planned at an executive meeting brought out many new members. The roll call, "What occupation I would choose if not farming', was answer- ed by 54 boys. This proved very in-. teresting with carpenter being the most common answer. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. • All of the representatives of the lalious committees of the Seaforth Agriculture Society were appointed lot' another year. A committee made up of Jim Chapman, Mac Bolton, and Doug Keys was appointed to look after placing tables and chairs in the auditorium for the Homemaking Club's Achievement Day on April 21. A motion was passed to have mem- bership cards obtained. The topic, Quebec, Vermont, and Nev, York, was dealt with by Bob Corbett, farm editor from 'C.K,N.X. Wingham. Bob gave a very excellent account of his recent trip through Quebec, Vermont, and New York. He stated that travelling with an open mind and the idea of learning something on every trip is very im- portant, especially to young people looking to the future. The meeting was then adjourned. JOINT MEETING The Junior Institute met with the Junior Farmers for the joint meeting which was presided over by Earl Mc- Spadden, The meeting was opened by singing the Junior Farmers' Song. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adapted. The follow- ing committees were appointed to look after the supper which is to be held on April 0: Decorations, Betty Campbell, Joan Somerville, Marilyn Bolger; coffee, Isobel Speir; wait- ers, Lloyd Cooper, Stuart Wilson, Ken Campbell, Bob Broadfoot, Doug Keys; in charge of tables, Joyce Glanville, Betty Campbell, Mary Whyte, Doris Stevens. A donation of $10 was voted to the Canadian Cancer Association. A committee made up of Jim Chapman, Jim McGregor, Doris Johnston and Mary Dennis was appointed to look after the lunch for the county for - mai to be held in Clinton on April 22nd, Mr, Harold Baker, associate agri- cultural representative, the showed a very interesting hint, '"1''ttrtnens for the Future". This was followed by games, lunch and dancing. HENSALL Mr, and Mrs. 'Guy Bedard of Lon- don visited over the weekend with the latter"s pah'onta, Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Bell. The Kansas Farmer and his enter- tainers featuring the Knoll Sisters, Walkerton end Canada's only singing violinist .presented an Old Time Show and Dance iii the Towil. Hall, Henson, on Friday evening to a large audience, Mr, Campbell Eyre was floor manager for the dance, The Hensall Kinsmen Club sponsored the event, Dr. Norma Hopkinson and little daughter Joan returned to their home at Lions Head after visiting the for°nner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook. George Armstrong, manager for Steele Briggs Seed Co. Ltd., reports 140 tons, of onions have been ship- ped by rail and truck to Quebec, Montreal and all over Western Ont., they will be shipped to the Maritimes anti Northern Ontario also, It is ex- pected when the work is completed by 22 employees, who commenced work March 4, 185 tons of onions will have been shipped. Mr, Ed Corbett, who injured his knee several weeks ago, received treatment in ;St. Joseph's Hospital, London, last week, and had a cast put on the leg. HULLETT The regular monthly meeting of the Hulled Township Council was held April .5 in the Community hall, Londesboro at 1:30 pan. The Reeve and all members of the Council were present. The minutes of the last re- gular meeting of March 1, and spe- cial meeting of March 11 were read. W. R, Jewitt and G. C. Brown, that we make a grant of $800.00 to the Hulled Township Community Hall Board. Carried. T. Leiper and E. Heslc, that we in- struct the Clerk to write a letter of thanks to the Londesboro Women's Institute for the generous donation that they shade to the Hulled town- ship Community Hall Board. Carried. Jewitt and Hesk, that we appoint Mrs, Stanley Lyon representative to the Community Hall Board from the Women's Institute, William Govier from the Federation of Agriculture, Mrs. Wilmer Howatt, Mr. George Carter, Mr. Jaynes Snell representa- tives front the ratepayers of the township. These members with Thos Leiper and Emmerson Hesk from the Council to constitute the Hulled Township Community Hall Board. Carried. CONSTANCE Corporal Adams, M'rs. K. T. Adams and Gerald, of Centralia, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Adapts an Saturday. Mr, and 1lrs, Lorne Lawson were in Stratford on Monday. 31t's. Verne Dale's group of the W. THURSl?AY, AP 954 Ea ENT THEATRE S +` ORTFT NOW PLAYING 'JllUItS. 2111. SAT, MISSISSIPPI GAMIILrsn Tyrone Pawer Piper Laurie Tyrone Power as the kingpin of the Riverboats. Lucky at the turn of a eai•d: unlucky in Love Mon, Tues. Wed THE JUGGLER Kirk Douglas Mllly Vitale ALSO ON THE SAME BILL --• THE 49TH MAN John Ireland Richard Denning Thurs, Ft'i, Sat. CITY BENEATH THE SEA Robert Ryan Mala Powers COMING SOON DREAM WIFE an...... u...... uuununu,uaunnnnunuuuuuuanualou",un,unn onpnnallnnlnanuul,lUUMuuu"uui. 'e e YESTERDAY , , TO -DAY .. TO -MORROW , . ALWAYS THE "BEST BUYS" AT THE WILLIS SHOE STORE The Little Store with the "Big Values" Seaforth HOCKEY—TONIGHT (THURS.) Kitchener. Waterloo At Seaforth - 8.30 P,M, Nuf Sed 11 In III lls,111,11111111111111111111,11111111 n,ll,l um111l1,111n In11,1111111111"lullll"11111111111111111llllllIIIMI loll l llllll"III,11� The Annual Board Meeting of the Board of Trustees of SCOTT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Seaforth Will be held on Friday, April 9th at 8 P.M. At the Nurses' Residence A. held a quilting at the home of Mrs. Charles Haggett on Tuesday of last week. Sympathy, is extended to Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Montgomery in the death of their. brother-in-law, Mr. Charles McGregor of Grand Bend, Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Thompson in the death of Mrs. Thompson's 'grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Agar. BRODHAGEN Mrs. Ida Brunner of Seebach's Hill visited her daughter, Mrs. Wm, Diegel and Mr. Diegel for a few days. Ilev. and Mrs. Eric Rebele and daughter of Bridgeport with Rev, and Mrs. Walter Becker. Mrs, Joe Klein of Detroit spent the weekend with M1'. and Mrs. Ed Smith, _14r. Norman Querengesser of Ed- monton, Alberta spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Querengesser. Mr. and Mrs. G. Ray Hart of Lon- don with her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Rock. First Presbyterian Church Rev: D, Glenn Campbell, Minister 10 A.M. Church School and Bible Class —11A.11S.— Sermon—"THE SIN BEARER" Junior Congregation —7P.M.— Sermon—"DEVOTION IN THE KINGDOM" COME TO CHURCH—Tlte best road to real progress is real religion, TOWN TOPICS Mr. Lewis Kennedy of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Wm, .1. Kinahan, St. Augus- tine, Miss Maty McGrath, Toronto, Mrs. 0, Kennedy, Seaforth, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Duclharmo, Dublin, at- tended the dinner and reception in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Angus Kennedy on Saturday RO DO YOU KNOW? Ontario Hydro serves an arca greater 1 , in size than Great ' Britain, France, Hol- land, Aenmark, Switzerland, Bel- gium, Greece and Albania combined. r 41 The lineman is a key man on the Hydro team, installing new lines and maintaining exist- ing lines. In summer's heat or winter's cold he often works on live -lines to assure that in all kinds of weather, Ontario's farms, homes and industries, stores, office build- ings, hospitals and other vital services, will have the low-cost power on which they depend to such a great extent. The line crews are trained at Hydro's own Linemen's School ... they are among the over 400 trades and skills of Hydro's team of 19,639 employees . . working for YOU. Information concerning Ontario Hydro can be obtained by writing your Hydro Chairman, 620 University Avenue, Toronto. The Gnat and the Bull. A GNAT alighted on one of the horns of a Bull, and remained sitting there fora considerable time. When it had rested sufficiently and was about to fly away, it said to the Bull, "Do you mind if I go now?" The Bull merely raised his eyes and remarked, without interest, "It's all one to me; I didn't notice when you came, and I shan't know when you go away." MORAL: A person of substance isn't easily bothered by trifles. That's why so many substantial citizens from coast to coast maintain savings accounts with The Canadian Bank of Commerce. Why not follow their example? Open a savings account with our nearest branch today ... add to it regularly ... and as your balance grows, you, too, will be able to ignore little worries and enjoy life more. lllttslratiea by ,irthur Rackhant, front lite Heinemann lrdiiiec of Aesop's Fables. The Canadian Bank of Commerce