HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1954-04-01, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS •,wwwww wh44 Hurry in to our Millinery dept. right away to choose your new "Easter Bonnet" from our glamor- ous showing. The new hats are small and. jaunty, daintily veiled and cleverly decked with colorful spring flowers. Priced at 3.99 to 7.95 Featured are the new profile hats, forward tilted sailors, sweet little pill boxes and clever scoop bonnets. They're spring straws, of course, in the widest range of spring colors we've ever shown. "enu„u uu".11011r .. II,it,nunanmT,un,anun,n,no,nn,im,naa,,,nmMMOtttnnotea„n liuiiuiuNuu ui WE AIM TO PLEASE FRESH PORK BUTTS .1,,,,,,,, ,,,,,.,,...,.., 590 ib CARNATION MILK, 15 oz. 3 for 42c DELMAR MARGARINE ,....,.,,,•,..•,,. 2 lbs. 59c Holly Peas—fancy quality, 15 02, . 05................2 • , • 2 for 35o ALLEN'S APPLE JUICE, 20 oz, 2 for 31 o New Improved FAB, large size , , , , . , , .... 39c with 1 free Pailnolive Soap RED BIRD MA.TCHES . , , .. , , .. 3 for 25c SPECIAL; INTERLAKE TOILET TISSUE 2 for 25c CL IR HANEY Egmondville TIiUItSDAY, APRIL 1, 1954 PHONE EARLY PHONE 72 WE DELIVER r.%nu,aa,n4a I,ana,mia,a,ar,aa,apa,,t„a,aeaa„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, aaaaulpa„a am,,a,i,,,aua,a11„aa,la,a,', CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Thomas A. Murray and family Wish to express sincere thanks for the many aore of kindness and eympathY extended by neigh - bora, relatives and friends during their recent bereavement, also to Dr. Stapleton and doc- tors and sreoial nurses of St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London CARD OF THANKS I wish to express through this column 012 sincere appreciation and thanks to all neigh- bors and friends who sent sot -well Garde. letters. treats and flowers, and who visited mo during my stay in the hospital and since FOR SALE returning home. Also the nurses and stair of Seed Grain—Some 0 -row barley and Abaft- the hospital who were so kind. A sincere welt oats. Also a few bushels Red �Olover seed. thank you, (Mrs, Robt,) Beatrice Ebtsrhart. OLIVER ANDERSON, phone 800x6 Seaforth FOR SALE COWAN,kSoaurth 111weeks old. PETER Mc - FOR SALE WILb'R18D 0 ROURICE, l r Dublin e IRR1. Phone 87x8 OR SALE 100 sores good o ay loam, well drained, con seating of 8 acres of bush, apple orchard,, drilled well, Barn 62' by 76', outside milk h pe'throughout. room, lagt pleinented,2en iing,�moderni kitchen, hyy4'. dro. andk 11 mGon. 11, Hullett Tp. ART COLSON, Blyth nut FARM FOR SALE 100 acres good clay loans, never fatting spring creek, 5 acres maple hush. Barn 38' by 70', smaller .cattle barn, garage, large frame house. A.RT COLON, Bly h RRlon. 12, Hullott VARNA The March meeting •of the Wo- man's Association was held in the sitssrefireethibirelleres sses seMe”-. sews. ....ret:: LEHIGH Premium Hard Coal More Heat Per Ton SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47 Soaforth, Ont. basement of the church on Wednes- day afternoon at 2.30. The meeting opened with the theme song with Mrs. Louis Taylor presiding. Fifteen ladies answered the roll call with a housecleaning hint. The Association is sending a donation of $10.00 to the Polio Victim Fund. The meeting closed with the W. A. prayer after which a social time was spent. Mrs. John Ostrom favored us with a reading, "Woman on a Diet”, and Mrs. Fred McClymont with an orig- inal contest which was very interest- ing. A treat of maple sugar and candy was enjoyed by all. MALTING BARLEY We are contracting Malting Barky for the Canada Malting Company The barley grown from this seed will be delivered to our Seaforth plant where new modern unloading facilities are being installed Topnotch Feeds Limited SEAFORTH 's WOKS CANADIAN APPROVED • 5 6 e,1 br AND OUR POPULAR THREE WAY CROSS - W.R. x H.S. o PUREBRED NEW HAMPSHIRE o PUREBRED LiGHT SUSSEX o PUREBRED WHITE ROCK o N.H. x L,S. CROSSBREDS o N.H. x B.R. CROSSBREDS McKinley Farms & Hatchery Phone 697 r 11 Hensel) R.R.1, Zurich BOX Naomi. g nrnn FOR SALE FARM, 140 acres, more or less, of choice land 2 miles west of Seaforth, on Mill Rona, Tuckeramitlr tp., known as the Charters farm. Frame barns, brick house and good water supply. Immediate possession, For further par- ticulars apply HAROLD JACKSON, Seaforth LE House inSeaforthFOR withSAdouble garage, 8 bedrooms upstairs, 5 rooms downstairs; bath Croom, full basement. C. P. VANMIL, Seaforth FOR SALE A quantity of timothy seed. Also red clover seed. ALLAN CAMPBELL, 837r11 Seaforth FOR SALE 17 York chunks. THOMAS J. MURRAY, Phone 04r5. Dublin FOR SALE, Purebred Durham cow. due In April to Ab - refolds, Orchid. Guaranteed tight. Also her last May w¢ heifer Pdoua W. C. MONTGOMERY, FOR SALE forth t RUSSELL PRINGLE hone 8521.23, Sea• WANTED Old tion -e Phone 6r50t28 muzzle 'teeters, type or co d 1GAvn GSC vvr.1. ++-++ I A teacher for USSS No. 1 Me1Cillon (Beech- wood). Please tate quali5eation, ew serience and salary ea7reeted. AUGUSTS DU- C1IARhIE, Sec., RR 2 Dublin. Phone 17R13 Dublin FOR SALE Timothy seed for sale. LEW BOLTON, 840 r 22. Seaforth. Price, $6 icer bushel FOR SALE Alfalfa seed, thoroughly cleaned at Jones McNaughton Seeds get our price. Wm. J. CLARK, Goshen Line, Phone Hensen 607r12. FOR SALE 1 International Harvester 9 -ft stiff tooth cpltivator in good condition with wide shovels Apply ARNOLD GACKSTETTER, Hensall 376 r 33. WANTED Wanted to borrow, $3,000 on first mortgage on a 100 -acre farm. Apply to The Sca£o•th Nowa. FOR SALE Purebred Shorthorn bull, ten months old. Apply to ALDEN CRICH, Phone 014r18, Clinton Central. FOR SALE Massey Harris No. 11 electric cream separ- ator, JOHN WOOD, Phone 651 r 33. FOR SALE Itm•s", Id' ladder, lawn mower, shovels, gal - clover baled timothy lo. Phones some red ,fen melt. Quantity of dishes and Idtehen uten- Safosend. Stanley TLi7ien. Sd8 r 2, ails. Quilts and maty other 'reticles. Quantity Senfnrtir• scolere. Terms cash. MISS EMMA READ - NOTICE h1AN, Prop. E. P. Chesney. Clerk. T have grime for twenty head of cattle for Harald .Inckson, Auctioneer thei.hsummer., Orville Dale. Phone 162W, Sea - Clearing Auction Sale CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock and Machinery at Lot 34, Con, 3, Ma Imo Twp., lYs North and 2 miles West of Seaforth on Tuesday, April C at 1 p.m. HORSES—team good work horses 8 to 12. year's old. CATTLE—Durham cow 7 yrs. old due May 21st; Durham cow 3 yrs. old, fresh; D Here- ford and Durham caw 3 yrs. old, fres. re - ham cow, fresh 2 months; Holstein and Here- ford cow 4 yrs. old, milking, due in July; Holstein and Hereford cow 4 yrs. old, duo in May; 2 Durham heifers rising 1 yr. old; 1 pure holstein heifer rising 1 yr. old; 2 part Hereford heiiers rising 1 ye. old; 2 steers 12 months old; 1 baby beef 6 months old; 2 Durham and Hereford calves. POULTRY -77 1 -year-old hens. 225 FIy- britl Red and White Rock pullets 11 weeks old. MAOHINERY_International'Combine (03R) with motor, scour cleaner, pickup and straw spreader (Hine new) 60 Cookshutt tractor with starter lights and pulley in real good shape; 2 -furrow Coekshutt tractor plough (like new) ; spring -tooth harrows used 2 seasons; 3 -drunk steel roller; 1 set harrows; M. Ii. 13 -run drill with fertilator; Interarational horse- drawn snuffler with bean puller attachments; M. It manure spreader; M. H. grain grinder 103!13 inch plate; 60 feet of 4 ply 6" belt.; Mc- Cormick o-Cormick Deering mower, oil bath; M. H. side rake; M. II. ]ray loader; M. H. grain binder; 2 steel -tired waggons; 1 hay rack, Disc ; 1 clutter; 1 set 2000 -Ib scales; hay fork and sling chain; car; hay fork rope and 4 pul- leys; fanning mill; sloop sleighs; sugar ket- tle; cyclone grass seed sower; M. H. aream separator; feed box; water trough; atone boat; 2 sets harness; scoop shovel; pig crate; electric fencer; quantity mixed grain. 1 Collie dog 1 year old. TERMS—CASH. No reserve, farm sold. ALEX M3DONAL D, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. Clearing Auction Sale 010 FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND Feed at lot 14, eon. 4, Hibbert two. 011 Sat urdee. April 10 at 1,30 sharp. HORSES" 1 grey gelding 8 years old; 1 black mare, 12 years old; team harness and collars. IMPLEMENTS: 1 M. H. binder, C -ft. cut; McCormick mhorse nearly new;1 new 10 -ft hay rack;t 18 -ft. ladder ; 1 wagon ; 1 walking plow .;11 1 sot of 2,000 Ib scales; 1 set of sloop sloighs; 1 wheel barrow ; 1 large steel water trough5; 1 set of 8 -section diamond harrows; 1 ten -tooth eulti- vator; 2 steel pig troughs; 1 cream separat- or; 1 Mother Nature brooder. FEED: Quantityof hay and straw; 3 oe 4 reds clove regrained seed. 3Forl s,ttshovels,hoess or able , es chains, whippletrees and a host of other articles too numerous to mention. No reserve as farm is sold, TERMS—GASH JAMES MORRISON, Proprietor J. L. Ryan, Auctioneer Wm. Maloney, Clerk. CARD OF THANKS I wish to express thanks to those who vis- ited or sent me treats, cards, while I was in the hospital. Special thanks to Fr. MaOowei1, Dr. Stapleton and the nurses of Scott Mem- oriel Hospital for their kindness. Ed, Rowland. St, Columban. AMBULANCE Prompt and CarefUl Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all 00048lone Phones; DaY 43 Night 696W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, S.A., M.D. Physician and Burgeon Phone 5.W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC D. A. McMaster, 13.A,,M.D., Internist P. Is Brady, 8 .D,. Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., daily except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only 7-9 p.m Appointments made in advance are desirable VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TURNBULL, D.V,M., V.S. W. R. BR'YANS, D.V.M., V.S. Main St. Seaforth Phone 106 CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank those who so kindly re- memberedme with cards, flowers and treats and those who visited mo during my stay in Clinton Hospital, and would like to thank friends and neighbors for their help during MY convalescence at home. Mrs. Ed. Layton. CARD OF THANKS I wish to express through this column my sincere appreciation and thanks to all my neighbors and friends for kindness received, also for the cards letters and treats. sent me during the time I was suffering with a frac- tured wrist. Mrs. Ernest Adams. CARD OF THANKS Mre. James T. Scott wishes to thank Miss Drone and the hospital staff, the special nurses; Drs. McMaster, Brady and Elliott, and the many friends who sent Bards, flowers and treats during her illness in Scott Memorial Hospital. IN MEMORIAM WHITMORE—In loving memory of Christens M. Townsend, beloved wife of Samuel H. Whitmore, who passed away April 1st, 1049. Until the day breaks and shadows flee away, —Ever remembered by husband and family Auction Sale OF HOUSE FURNISHINGS. Louisa street, Seaforth, Saturday, April 3rd at 1.30 P.M. McClay 4 burner electric stove. Kitchen ex- tension table, 6 antique kitchen chairs. Drop head Singer sewing machine. Fess oil space hearer. 2 oil drams with taps ;like new). Mahogany settee and 2 chairs; occasional chairs. House planta, smelt table, hall seat & mirror, Rogers radio. table helms, floor lamp, ovens' stool, ain,rl" bed with new mattress, diV`eov ro, hods, wail Mantis, 9113ings lira. tresses; Beattie seething -machine, rintlner Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insur- ance Company 0 NOTICE re DEDUCTIBLE CLAUSE 0 Policyholders of the Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insur- ance Co. are advised that com- mencing March, 1964, the sum of $6.00 (five dollars) will bo deductible from claims for loss by Lightning on Electrical Ap- pliances, Devices and Fixtures, Wrn, A. Hamilton President A. Fraser Secretary -Treasurer 1110•1101. emmetes_ramewerensmeserweesetesa FOR SALE Registered Shorthorn bull 13 months old. red roan. Also a few bus. of red clover Beed at $15 per bus. PETER D. MALONEY & SONS, Beechwood. FOR SALE Zip -Grip Clothes lines needs no clothes pins. Lifetime guarantee. Good Housekeeping seal of approval. For home demonstration phone 200. HARRY .TESSOME, Seaforth. ROOMS TO RENT Two nice comfortable rooms to rent, heated, breakfast optional. Phone 6483 Dublin FOR SALE About 35 bushels of orchard grass seed mixed with some bmom grass. COLCLOUGH BROS., Seaforth RR 2 FOR SALE Reading briquets on hand, good to burn with wend or straight coal. ICRAUSKOPF BROS. Phone 35r18, Dublin FOR SALE McCormick Deering Super 6 tractor on rub- ber, used 2 years. 1 360 -gallon wooden water tank. Also 30 acres fall plowed land for rent. MRS. CATHERINE RYAN, 37-6 Dublin FOR SALE Some red clover seed, and some timothy seed; also some loose hay. WIL114ER Me. CLTNCNEY, Va•nat, Phone 00702 Hensall FOR SALE Red Clover Seed, power cleaned.. H. AXT- MANN. Welton 11112. Phone 043r21 FOR SALE Stainless steel clotheslines. The lino that needs no clothespins. does not rust, lifetime ALPHONSon E eCRONINe. Phone 22323 Dublin. FOR SALE Ail enamel coal and wood range, like new. GEORGE STONE, Seaforth RIM. Phone 83533 F,OR SALE Colony house, in good condition. LEWIS COYNE, Seaforth RR6. Phone 64R16 Dublin Auction Sale FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS. Al Lot 11. con. 6, Tuckeremith, 3") south and half mile west. of Seaforth, on Thursday, April 8, at 1 P.M, CATTLE -2 Durban" rows, 1 R•esh ; 3 ehoieo Durlmm heifers, hied; 6 Dueluen belfere, 1 year old, vaccinaird r 1 steer Asher one steer; 1 calf 2 weeks old, MACHINERY-Iold Ferguson tractor, atop - up, lights, Al condition, Dearborn manure heeler, ahnest new with dirt attachment; hanridlat Dear- hornwgo,robber ft., almost plow. 13 inch, good shape; 1 trailer in very and 0hap0; On hath pump Sack, Al con- ; Cockelmtt manure eprend51" good con - deem ; trent end bear Huller to fit Ford trite ter; seed drill, double disc; some horse drawn imelemen{.r.; 1003011 on steel. Beatty hey ear; set or hay tongs; fanning mill with acreeoa; sugar kettle, cream separator, FEEDS— Quantity of onod baled hay, 550 hales of straw, some good Clintolt oats acme heuse- held egrets. Chicken aheltor and outer articles. Tame cash. REG. ALLAN, Proprietor E, Is. Chesney, Clerk Iiarold Jnck0On, Auctioneer FARMERS WOOL WANTED also WOOL COLLECTORS (lest prices paid, efficient grading, prompt settlement. Ship your Wool to Saskatchewan Wool Products Limited, Lindsay. atipta LODGE No GG TOOF Instituted March 8, 1870 Meets 1st and 3rd Wed, Evenings IRWII4 TRI3WARTHA, Noble Grand HARRY McLEOD, Recording Sects. JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 791. Main St., Seaforth Hours—Seaforth daily except Mon, 9 to 5,30 Clinton- MoLareenns Studio fl Mon. 5 12.80to to6,0 ewes. esweseeesseeeeeseesseestmeee NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of PETER LINDSAY A11 persons having claims egninat the Est- nte of Peter Lindsay. late of the Township of Hullet.t, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased, who Bled en the 7th day of Morels, 1964, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the under- signed on or before the 14th day of April, 1964, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 2311c1 day of March, 1064. MrCONNELL & HAYS Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Exeenter Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect• ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies issetmesevMesetmsenesseleeinestssoi The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE —SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers—President. J, H. MnEwing, Blyth; Vice -Pres.. R. Archibald, Seaiorth; Manager and Sec. -Tress., M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors—J. L. Malone, Seaforth; J. H. MoEwing, Blyth; W. S. Alexander. Walton; E. J. Trewartha, Olinton ; J. E. Pepper. Brumfield; 0. W. Leonhardt. Bornholm ; H. I:inllor, Goderieh; R. Archibald, Seaforth: Allister Bmodfoot, Seaforth. Agents—Won. Leiper Jr., Londeaboro; J. F Prueter, Brodhngcn; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Erie Munroe, Soatorth. Parties desirous to effect insurance- or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpenolve and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERR$'.. _: RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phitne 847R, Seaforth INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability etc. Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Successor to E. C. Chamberlain MAIN ST. SEAFORTH Phono 334 Res. 222R 000.0 A WILLIS DUNDAS PHONE 563-3 CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Photo 363 3 or 332 R MOMS BELLES AND SERVTOE New Viking electric cream separators and repairs for Renfrew separators. BASIL O'ROLIR K , E, phone Clinton 634 r 21. eseeemseseseessess PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list 3 samples 25e; 24 samples $1.00. Mail - Order Dept. T-74, Nov -Rubber Co., Box 01, Hamilton. Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of WILLIAM JOHN NOTT All porsens bevies elnims against the Eat - ate of William John Nott, late of the Village of Plemondvillo, in the County of Huron. Re- tired Farmer, deceased, who died on the 3rd day of December. 1003, are hereby notified to send in full Particulars of their elnims to the undersigned 011 or before the 14th day of April, 1954, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to eitrime then received. DATED at Senforth, this 10th day of March,1004. McCONNELL & Ii'AYS Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Esteto TENDERS FOR TRUCKS Tondo's are invited for the sunny of 000 to four trucks end will he received by the undersigned until Noon, Monday, April 5th. New 105:5 models, where available, also to be au Moto' Size -.-Approximately 360- cu. in. ,lis- placement. 1.3.00 x 20, 12 ply three. Heater & Defroster. Rear view Internee. Reinforced frame. Direct in lith Trans- mission. 2 Speed rear axle. Cast snake wheels. Electrical directional equipment. Alt meeker lights required by Lmv. Dark green in colour. 2 Units are to bo equipped with 0.7 yard capacity Gallon Dump bodies 2 Unite- to be equipped with necea001y trailer brake end lighting equipment. Lowest oe any tender not necessarily ac- cented. Further information may be obtained at the office of the undersigned, PETER D. PATTERSON Huron County Engineer Godoieh,Ontario SALESMEN WANTED START your own business selling a "MUST" to all families in your surroundings. Intecashm9ting 0rder. commission,witil frp h ee prodtreta. Monthly Premium. Free catalogue and details on request. FAMI3EX, 1000 Dclorimior, Dept, 0, Montreal SALESMEN WANTED WANTED; Man for steady travel among Consumers in Huron Co. Permanent connec- hutioneilhreme tleonsidre.WtnwligeDept E-364.131, Meetreal r.00�s,a- she SALES AND SERVICE Viking cream separators, new and used. Look over your old machine and see what you need for the spring before your cows freshen. Your Viking Cream Separator dealer, JOHN 13YERMAN & SONS, Walton RR 2. Phone 846r24 Seaforth FOR SALE She room cottage on Centre St., insulated and in gond condition. Apply FRANK SMALE, Seaforth C s WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 — Res. 318 w FREE SERVICE TO FARMERS Don't waste money on minerals your land does not need. We will, Without charge to you, take samples of the earth in your fields and have them analyzed. Call Topnotch Feeds Limited Plante 15 or 376, Seaforth CO-OP FED CHICKS Always get off to a Flying Start when fed on Co -Op 20% Chick Starter fortified with all the required Vitamins and Minerals Also don't forget Co-op Grow Mash and 00-ap Lay Mash at SEAFORTH FARMERS 00-013