HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1954-03-25, Page 8Gt'EAT CLEARANCE ! SANFORIZED COTTON CHAMBRAY New Check Pattern Aris 2.5r This season, work shirts have taken on a new colorful look - - They are all fully san- forizecl for perfect and lasting fit. Some are in sport shirt style and are nice enough to wear for dress Yo- - - u must see this big range of new summer weight work shirts - Sizes 1416 to 18 Very special at 2.96 STUDENTS SIZES TWO PANT SUITS Values to 45.00 TO CLEAR AT 2500 Single or double breasted styles in blended worst- eds and gabardines - - All but two or three have extra trousers-- but sizes are 34, 35, 36, 37 only. They are plain shades in royal, teal, grey and brown, plus a few small check patterns. To clear 25.00 S. Seaforth Agricultural Society i.i again sponsoring a Field Crop Competition 'fhi.s :veer v:e have obtained Regi4- t, red SO. 1 Beeeer Oats. Aeybody wi-;tint; to t'litele gel in tonal as soon as possihI with: Allister Tiroadfoole R, L. McMillan. Ken Stewart. Wilber Keyes- John M,4 owau, Harold Pryee or Merton Heyes Eas BORN MeCLURE — At Sent Memorial Ilosl,ital, on March 19th. to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mc- Clure, wClure, RR1 Seaforth, a daughter 05nAGHER---At Scott Memorial Hospital, on March loth, to Mr. and Mrs. John Meagher, RIt1 Dublin, a daughter VARNA The filen "Beautifying Canada by landscaping your Home" will be pre- sented in the Varna Township Hall on Thurs. April 1, at 8.15 p.m. DECORATED and`HOME MADE ti. Novelties :e Large Egg 5:OOra Medium Egg . 3.00 Small Egg 1.2k - :Ail :AIl eggs filled with chocol- ates) Standing Rabbit 100 Small Rooster Small Hen or Rabbit... .60 "'• Baskets for every purpose and pocket Drop in and see our display UCNIF RILL, Mitchell THE SEAFORTI NEWS FOR SALE Young Durham bel about i3 months old. A few cords geed hard maple, body wood. Phone 664'13.. FOR SALE 4 FARM. 140 awes 'Duro or loss, of choice land 2t miles west o n as the 10 Mill Ram. Tuekotsmitlr tie, known as elle Charters farm. Fame barns, brick house and good water sopply. Immediate possession, For farther pare Balers apply HAROLD JACKSON. Seaforth A quantity of tQ othyALd red clover aped, Phone 841116 Senforth. WILBUR JEWIT'l' CURt.ERS DECIDE TO BUILD CURLING RINK Mr, and Mxs. Harr Rogelr wish to thunk burrow, shovels, barrels, 700 bus. Oilmen An enthusiastic meeting of the y oats suitable for seed, 3 mere mixed hay: CARD OF TH- ANKS I wish to thank all my neighbors end me with k dlremembered wee so e friends Y who visited t am , , letters, Ilmv02•s tyre s; l zcards,o Spe- cialwhile t peltlent iu Clinton Hospital, Sr vial thanks to the nursing stale, Mrs, Hugh Ball, W.A. Constance Church, L'arin Forum end Dr. Oakes. EPHRIAM CLARKE CARD OF THANKS I wish to express through this cohunn my sincere appreciation and thanks to all neigh- bors luta friends who sent gotewell cards, fruit and flowers during ny stay in hospital and since returning home; also to thank the nurses and stole of the hospital who were 00 kind and to all others who 1101104 in am way, a sincere thank you, FOSTER 1'IARRIIRN Clearing Auction Sale FARM MACHINERY & HOUSEHOLD EF. DCIS, LMullett 'w,,. 1 m A Lot 14, Con. or 1 1 t o l milesouth, 3 nae s C u osboro on t Intim; emit o P.M. Menthe'. Mnreh 20th 3tt 1 P.M 1 eurb0nur Combine, 6 ft. out, used only for 170 acts, motor driven. Ford Ferguson tractor, on rub- ber in goodudltion 13 tooth Ferguson cul - heater likmewl. 2 furrow Ferguson plow. ;; ft. fertilizer spreader (like new). 13 run IDlossey Harris disc chilli rubber tiled wegon 1 Manses Barris hay lender; 6 ft. out Big 4 McCormick mower; 10 ft, M,asscy. llnrris dump rake; 7 ft, Deering binder • Clinton fanning mill with flat pulley; single furrow walking plow ; 16 ft, sliding shay rack £ root Milner; pump jae4c 1 2 h -p gas engine. Largo steel stock trough. Manure sleigh, hay ear CARDTHANKS with seropeso and pulleys. Set double harness.h OF • 3 horse :collars. Cross cut sea, Forks, s, wheel Seaforth Curling' 'Club was held on Rev. B1ox, 1, 1 Heath, l(riln an els, flower flousehoki Eaeetn—Colotuul player piano; & loorers, aololet, pianist . and all those who Diithr; room table & attire; 0 kitchen eludes. Tuesday evening, March 23, and a loaned Dara; also all k11ate who sent flow•erat Raking cabinet, 5 sideboards, small tables, Edison Victrola with 300 records, cupboard, 3 bedroom. suites. Cherry antique settee with 2 matching ehuirs, Chest of drawers, pictures, •Hewing Machine, meat grinder, sausage filler & lard press. 60 sap pails rad spites. Wood Mater. fruit jars and other household items, Terms- cash. WILLIAM & GEORGE PAIR - SERVICE, Proprietors Harold Jackson, Auottmnoer final decision was made to form a company and proceed with building a curling rink. Property to the south and adjs.- cent to the community 'centre has been secured and it is expected work to start this Spring, building to be completed for Fall activities. The committee in charge of build- ing is Frank 'Kling, N. McLean, Wm. Campbell, Jas. Stewart :and Harry Ball. The Finance 'Committee appoint- ments are Wm. Leyburn, M. A. Reid (Treas.), W. J, Duncan, Dr. E. A. McMaster, Chas. Barber, J. E. Keat- ing, Dr. H, A. McIntyre and A. Whet - ham. A canvass will be made and stock sold on a 'private company basis. Wednesday, March 31 will mark the close •of curling for this season, when a local spiel will be held and it is hoped that all curlers and would- be curlers will turn out, Play will start at 2 p.m, LADIES LEGION AUXILIARY The Legion Ladies' Auxiliary held a social in the Legion rooms, March 10th. Hensall and Exeter Auxiliaries were invited, Bingo and other eon - tests were played. Mrs. Bertha Clark of Hensall won the doily. Miss Isobel Snell of Exeter won the mys- tery prize. Lunch was served. Al- together the evening was spent Pleasantly. REBEKAHS MEET Guests were present from Exeter, Milverton, and HensaB for the regu- lar meeting of Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge, Monday evening, in the .I.0, O.F. Hall here. Mrs. I{ay Cann, Ex- eter, district deputy president, visit- ed in her official capacity and gave an address on the Rebekah emblem, the three links, which signify friend- ship, love, and truth. Mrs. Hazel McGonigle and Miss Mae Smith were named representa- tive and scholar, respectively, to at- tend Assembly sessions in Toronto in June. Mrs. Lillian Gruminett was named alternate. Mrs. McGonigle and Miss Smith were also appointed district representatives. This year, Edelweiss Lodge wilI choose one of its past noble a ands as district deputy president; those nominated for the office are Mrs. Anne Henderson, Mrs. Ila Dorrance, Mrs. Hazel McGonigle, Mrs. Mary McElroy, and Mrs. Lillian Grum- niett. A donation was made to the current Red Cross drive. Several members of the visiting lodges spoke briefly; and a lunch was served un- der the convenership of Mrs. Mar- garet Messenger, CROP REPORT Despite a week's postponement of the County Seed Fair 41 exhibitors brought out 150 entries. Ten -bushel lots of oats sold for an average .of $2.40 per bushel with $5.10 per bushel being paid for a ten -bushel lot of Simcoe oats. Ten bushel lots of barley sold for an average of $1.83 per bushel. Inquiries re: whereabouts of grass, clover and cereal seeds are increasing and local farm supplies of good seed are becoming exhaust- ed. Contracts are being let for cash crop acreages and already some 148 growers have contracted to grow ap- proximately 1200 acreage of sugar beets. Six township's in the County have already passed the Brucellosis Control Act By -Law and petition forms are being circulated in three more townships. Several farmers have tapped with light runs of sap reported. SPORT SHORTS After a week and a half lay off, the Seaforth Baldwins are going to swing into action on Thursday night. Their new opponents are the Water- loo ,Siskins. The OHA Jr. B semi- finals between these two clubs will start in Seaforth on Thursday be- fore moving back to Waterloo on Saturday night. The series will be a best of seven, with the remaining schedule being drawn up before the game on Thursday night. mission cards and all the ;rind ladies who helped 118 any way at Our house during out recent bereavement CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs, Harry Regele wish to then all the kind neighbors who helped t0 do our chores during our recent period of bereave, meat; it war deeply appreciated CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Eliznbetl Ragolo wish to thank all those who San floivars, Dards, and treats, and visited bol during her illness both at home and 10 the hospital. Special thanks to Dr. McMaster, Dr. Elliott and Dr. Brady, also to her special nurses and the hospital staff POSITION WANTED A 15 yaps old Dutch boy. would a job on a farm, Experienced in farm work, Apply to Box 127, Senforth News Would the party that picked 0p milk can a the corner Baur west of Senforth on Sunday Marek 7111, on #8 highway, please return same. ELGIN NO'11T RTwo nice comfortable rooO ms Front, hotted, breakfast optional, Phone 64113 Dublin FOR SALE Quantity of feed Marley at the been, 540 , ton. HARRY FREEMAN, Clinton RR4. Phone 800-4 Stainless eteelFcloth slliines.. The line the noesis n0 elathesptns, does not runt, lifetime 000ranty on every 1ine, Phone 221.23 Dublin ALPHONSE CRONIN FOR SALE McCormick Deering cream separator. No, 2 in gond condition. Apply to CLEM KRAUS ICOPP, 401121 Dublin FOR SALE Red Clover Seed, power cleaned, H. AXT MANN, Walton RR2. Phone 348'21 FOR SALE Some red clover seed, and some timothy seed; also some loose lay. WILMER Me CLINCHEY, Varna. Phone 087x32 Hensall FOR SALE Holstein row, will freshen soon. J. W. THOMPSON, RR2, Phone 83301 FOR SALE McCormick Deering eerier 0 tractor on rub- ber, used 2 years. 1 350 -gallon wooden wntei tank. Also 20 acres fall plowed land for rent. MRS. CATHERINE RYAN, 37-5 Dublin FOR SALE Reading briquets on hand, gnarl to burn with woad or straight cont. KRAUSKOPF BROS. Phone 36113, Dublin FOR SALE Aleut 35 bushels of erased grass seed mixed with some broom grans, COLCLOL7GH IBROS., Senforth RR 2 FOR SALE Colony house, in good condition. LEWIS COYNE, Senforth MI5, Phone 611016 Dublin FOR SALE Al enamel coal and wood range, like new. GEORGE STONE, Scafmih RR1. Phone 051r3 FOR SALE_ Calf for sale, Phone 667124. GORDON REYNOLDS DISPERSAL Auction Sale OP DAIRY COWS & YOUNG CATTLE. At Lot 4, Con. 13, 'hnekeremith Twp., 3 miles east of Hensall, on Wednesday. Mar, 3111, at 1 P.M. 5 Holstein cows flesh mid recently fresh.. 4 Holstein cows due time of Rale. Holstein emus due in May. 1 Jersey cow with relf at foot. 2 part Holsteins ire=11 8 month+ mrd re -bred. 1 Ilurhanm cow fresh, with twin .,hes; 1 Jersey h0fcn bred; 1 Creasey heifer, due June 1st. 20 Hereford heifers steers, from rdlees re year olds.. 470 bales of mixed hay. 15 ton of mixed hey, loose. Terme cash THOS. SLAVIN, Proprietor E. P. Chesney, Clerk IL .n d T Haeold e ks n r c n. Auctioneer Auction Sale OP HOUSE FURNISI•IINGs. Louisa street, Seaforth, Saturday; April 2rd at 1.30 P.M. McClary 4 bu•nereleetric stove, Kitchen ex- tension table. 6 antique kitchen chairs. Drop heed Singer sewing machine. Fess oil epnee heater. 2 oil drums with taps (like new). Mahogany settee and 2 choirs; oceno0onnl chairs, House plants, small table. hell seat & mirror, Rogers radio, table lamps, floor lamp, organ stool, single bed with new mattre_ee, dressers, beds, wash stands, springs, mat- tresses; Beattie washing machine, clothes horse, step ladder, lawn mower, shovels, gar- den tools. Quantity of dishes and kitchen uten- sils. Quilts and many other 012101es, Quantity sealers, Terms cash, MISS EMMA READ - MAN, Prop. E. P.. Chesney, Clerk. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer Auction Sale FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS, At Lot 13, Con. 5, Tuckersmith, 350 south and hall' mile :vest of Seaforth, on Thursday, April 8, at 1 P.M. CATTLE --2 Durham Cows, 1 fresh; 8 choice Durham heifers, bred; 6 Durham heifers, 1 year old, vaccinated; 1 steer risme 0110 30111'; 1 calf 2 weeks old, MACHINERY --Ford Ferguson tractor, step- tlp, lights. Al condition, Dearborn manure louder, almost new, with dirt attachment; Dearborn mower, 6 ft., almost new; Dear- born wagon, rubber tired, almost new; Per- guson plow, 10 inch, good shape; 1 trailer in very good shape; oil bath pump lack, Al con- dition ; Cockahntt manure spreader, good con- dition; front end bean puller to fit Ford trac- tor; seed drill, double disc; some horse drawn implements; wagon on steel. Beatty hay eat'; set of hay tongs; fanning mill witb screens; sugar kettle, cream separator. FEEDS -- Quantity of good baled hay, 550, bales of straw, some gond Clinton oats, some house- hold eifeete. Chicken shelter and other eticloa. Terms cash. REG. ALLIN, Proprietor E. P. Chesney, Clerk Harold Jackson, Auctioneer The Fox and the Leopard lltwtralon try Arthur Rackham, Pam the Heinemann Edition of Aetop's Fables. A FOX and a Leopard were disputing about their looks, and each claimed to be the more handsome of the two. The Leopard said, "Look at my smart coat; you have nothing to match that." But the Fox replied, "Your coat may be smart, but my wits are smarter still." MORAL: Smart wits can bring you happiness and good fortune, Outfox the hazards of life by opening a savings account with "..4*., The Canadian Bank of Commerce—as so rnany other alert Canadians have done. Add to your balance regularly and make your savings account the cornerstone of your future independence. The Canadian drank of Commerce Clearing Auction Sale FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS & Household Effects, For o Alvan, Zee milee'north of Mitchell, then of 1)410 Oast of No. 23 Highway, 081 Wednesday, March 31, Sale to commence at 1 o'clock sharp. CATTLE -1 Durham heifer with calf by her side 0 months old; 1 Durham heifer with sale by her side 10 months old, 1 Durham cow, not bred, good grass cow, 1 Durham bull 10 months old, 1 Durham steer 2 yearn old, IMPLEMENTS—Ma-D tractor W4. goes no new, good rubber. Mc D. 3 fur- row nee bottom plow, nearly new. MoD, bin- der 7 ft, ant, nearly new; Oliver 3 sec drag; Coekslmtt tractor doubt, disc; 6 sec. drag harrows; 3 drum steel land roller; M -H Na. 9 ;mane sprendnr•, dump rake; Me -D. drop head hey loader; Deering 5 ft mower; rub- ber tiro wagon ; 10 ft. hay rack nearly now ; steel tire wagon; smarter; circular 008111 scales, 2000 Ib. enp. ; fanning min ; 1040 Wil- lys Jeep; sot sleighs: wagon lax, pig rade; quantity 2x4 scantlings. FURNITURE -- Cook stove nearly new with pipes ;good heel ,room suite consists of bed, dresser & eland, spring & mattresses; wooden bed, spring mattresses, Dresser & ste,d. Rnc110. Several small tables; extension table, kitchen chairs, rockers. B day clock, farm clock. Brass kettle 100 years old, antique Electric, Imp. 2 boll- ers, cracks, beadings just quilts, sheets, enm- forters. Plastic drapes. Pillows. Hot plate. Westinglmuoe fridge only used 1 veer, gond ns new; 'Westinghouse electric washing mneh- ine, nearly new. Dishes of ell kinds, granite wee, silver ware, kitchen utensils, shotgun 16 gauge. Lawn mower, cementer teals. Several large windows. Paver emery, vise, forks, shovels, linen GRAIN -10n bus. buckwheat. good & clean for seed; 20 bus. barley. clean for seed. And a large ,umber of articles too numerous( to mention. No reserve as the Pro- Drietor le giving up farming and moving away. Auctioneer decision final in ease of all disputes. Perm is sold. Terms of sale, cash. 1LVIN CECHE, ProPrieter Sohn E. Siemer, Clerk Fred W, Ahrens, Auctioneer NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of PETER LINDSAY All persons having rinims nrninst the Est- nto of Peter Lindsay, late of the Township of Mullett, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on the 711, tiny of March, 1061, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the under- signed on o1• before the 14th day of April 1974, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed, having regard only to claims then rec'it'ed. DA'rEn et S'sfertl, this 22nd day of Murch, 1954. McCONNELL & HAYS Senforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Execute' NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of WILLIAM JOHN NOTT All persons bering claims ac'ainst the Est- ate of Willi,un. Jahn Nott, late of the Were of Enmonclville. in the County of Tluron, Re- tired Farmer, deceased, who died on the 2r1 day of December, 1953, are hereby notified to sent; in full pe•ticulors of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 14th day of April, 1054, after which date the neset0 w4t1 be distributed, having regad 02115' to claims then ''reeyed. DATED at Seaforth, this 19th dray et March, 1004. McCONNF,LL & HAYS Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Estate TENDERS FOR TRUCKS 1r invited far he supply of one Tenders n t u i t lv y to four trucks and will be received by the undersigned until Noon, Monday, April 5th. New 1050 models, where available, also to he submitted, Motor Size—Approximately 000 cu, in. dee placemen t. 10,00 x 20, 12 ply tires. Heater & Defroster. Rear view mirrors. Reinforced frame. Direct in 5th Trans- mission. 2 Speed rent axle. Cast spoke wheels. Electrical directional equipment. All marker lights required by Law. Dark green in colour. 2 Units are to be equipped with 6-7 yard capacity Galion Dump ladies. 2 Units to be equipped with necessary trailer brake and lighting equipment. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Further information may be obtained at the office of the undersigned PETER D. PATTERSON Huron County Engineer Goderleh, Ontario SALESMEN WANTED ACT NOW if you want extra 65 for EA5TER. Join a progressive company with 260 guaranteed products. Every house in your territory a potential customer. No dull season with our line. Wherever you may live write in for details. FAMILEX, 1000 Delorimier, Dept, 5, Montreal NOTICE Good quality Seed Oats, Abegweit. Wanted,• a cream separator, about 000 lbs. capacity. JOHN HEYINIC, Harlock. 23r6. Blyth central FOR SALE House in Seaforth with double garage, 3 bedrooms upstairs, 5 rooms downstairs; bath room, Lull basement. C. P. VAN MIL, Senforth FOR SALE A quantity of haled alfalfa and timothy hay. Also have grass for a number of head of cattle for the summer. R. J. DOIG, Dublin RR 1. Phone 840r11 Seaforth FOR SALE A quantity of timothy seed. Also red clover seed. ALLAN CAMPBELL, 82741 Seaforth FOR SALE Timothy seed for sale" LEW BOLTON, 840 r 22, Seaforth. P1•ice, 85 per bushel FOR SALE Alfalfa seed, thoroughly cleaned at Jones McNaughton Seeds, get our price. Wm. T. CLARK, Goshen Lino, Phone HensaB 687r12. FOR SALE Quantity of red clover seed power cleaned. Phone 811 r 26, THOMAS STOREY, Walton, R. R. 2. FOR SALE Registered Shorthorn bull 13 months old, red roan. Also a few bus. of 'red clover seed at; 816 per bust. PETER E. MALONEY & SONS, Beechwood. FOR SALE Zip -Grip Olothen lines needn no elothen Dina, Lifetime guarantee. Good Homu,lteoping mot or approval. For home domeneletalon phone 206. HARRY 3'E850ME, Seaforth. ... Township of MoKiltop DRAINAGE rl;NDIC1t14 Separate Drainage Tandem, Iownellip of Meatless, for the Conatumtton end,.prude exceeding to Engineer n Specifications, will be received until ADrll 3rd, 1954. 1. Keys' Drain, 2245 lineal feet of amens Mon and levelling mnterinl, eta. 2. McQuaid Drains, 5000 lineal feet of ex - mention, lovelllSg material and brushing,. for digging, laying and becklilltng 911 lineal feet of 7 and 10 -inch tile and pills: 1 field stone protections and 2 catch lamina and blushing. Township to supply Alpe and tile within 1 mile of drain, exenet 10 -inch tile in Town- shin yard A mike(' amid for 10 percent with n minimum or 9100.00 to a0compnnY emit tender. 'renders to state when evork will be done. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plane, speolfications, etc, may be seen at the Clerk's OlTlen, McKillop Township, 1. M. EOKERT, Cleric McKillop To. R.1, Seaforth, Ont. THU DAY, MARCH 25, 1954 BOX Y 1 r u1t AMBULANCE Prompt end Careful Attention TTospital iSed Flowers for all occasions Phones; Day 43 Night 595 W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, S,A., M.D. Physician and S7lrgeon Phone 5-W Seafortvh SEAFORTH CLINIC D. A, McMaster, 11.A.,11.1)., Internist P. L. BI•adY, M.D;, Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m, daily except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only 7-0 Pan. Appointments made in 0(1 0,10 are desirable VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TURNBULL, D•V.M., V,S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M.,V.S. Main St, Seaforth Phone 105 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 791. Main St., Seaforth Hours—Senforth daily except Mon, 9 to 6.30 Saturday to 9 PM. Wed. 9AM to 12.80 PM Clinton—McLarens Studio, Mon. 9 to 6,30 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAPORTH ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect, ed at lowest rates in "First -Class Companies The McKillop Mutual Fare Insurance Co. BEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH,: ONT. Officers—President, T. H. McEwing, Blyth;: Vice -Pres., R. Archibald, Seaforth; Manager and Soc.-Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors—J. L. Malone, Seaforth ; J. H. McEwing, Blyth; W. S, Alexander, Walton; E, T. Trewartha, Clinton ; J. E. Pepper, Brucetield; C. W. Lennhordt, Bornholm; H. 1h111ee, Goderich; R. Archibald, Seaforth; Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth, Agents—Wm. Leiper Jr„ Londesboro; J, F Prueter, Brodhngen;, Selwyn Baker. Brussels:. Eric Munroe, Seaforth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will bo promptly attended to be applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at T2215%3•"10 RADIO REPAIR, Opposite Dick House, phone 247R, Seaforth INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability etc, Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Successor to E. C. Chamberlain MAIN ST. SEAFORTH Phone 334 Res. 222R *�lille,C��l - Fur• bCoFdeL fo 'scab'$ re I o 0 s 6 !S aat, WILLIS DUNDAS PHONE 303-5 CHAMPION STOVE AND, FURNACE DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 203 3 or 332 R HALES AND SERVICE New Viking electric cream separators and repairs for Renfrew separator,. BASIL O'200072 E, phone Clinton 634 r 21. PERSONAL Hygienic' Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list, 6 samples 25e; 24 samples 61.00. Mall - Order Dept. T-74, Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. ScSpmoaRnaViking rooameeatrnew used Look over your old machine and see what you need for the spring before your cows freshen. Your Viking Cream Separator dealer, JOHN BYERMAN & SONS, Walton 11,11.2. Phone 848'24 Seaforth FOR SLE Six room clottage on Centre St., insulated and in good condition. Apply PRANK SMALE, Seaforth CO WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 818 w FREE SERVICE TO FARMERS Don't waste money on minerals your land dna not need. We will, without charge to you, take samples of the earth fn your flelde and have them analyzed. Call Topnotch Feeds Limited Phone 15 or 876, Seaforth CO-OP FED CHICKS Always get off to a Flying Start when fed on Co -Op 201/4 Chick Starter fortified with all the required Vitamins and Minerals Also don't forget C1.op Crow Mash and Co-op Lay Mash at SEAFORTH FARMERS CO.OP