HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1954-03-18, Page 3rwE(,'al'Verf sPOArs-caIuMx
• The National Hockey League race is
over. Next week the .four surviving
teams plunge into the classic of the steel
blades, the battle for the Stanley Cup,
and the world championship of what has
come to be Canada's national game.
Literally millions of people on both sides
of the border will either watch, in the
rinks of four cities, or on their television sets, or Wild listen to
the radio'ed accounts off these stirring battles.
The border -line that separates the two great nations of
this continent is forgotten as the Stanley Cup battles rage.
Since 1914, when the Pacific Coast League included a team
from Portland, Oregon, professional hockey has been inter-
national in its scope, played in the spirit of sport by good
and friendly neighbors. It was in 1916 that the first profes-
sional international Stanley Cup game was played when the
Portland Rosebuds, champions of the west coast came east.
Each of the invaders wore daily a fresh rosebud taken from
a great basket. But the rosebuds weren't enough, and
Montreal Canadiens, the oldest team in professional hockey
won the first international Cup series.
It was inevitable that, sooner or later, the Stanley Cup
must go to the United States. And the first team south of
the border to take the prized emblem out of Canada was
Seattle Metropolitans, who in 1917 had won the championship
of a Pacific League in which, as hockey's popularity gripped
the west, three American teains were competing, and only one
Canadian entrant remained. Canadiens, again champions of
the east, journeyed west, and lost the title. And so the Cup,
for the first time left Canada.
1919 was a year of tragedy in Stanley Cup annals. For
after Canadiens and Seattle each had won two games, the
series, played on the Pacific Coast, was abandoned, Practical.
ly all players on both teams were stricken with the deadly
flu' then raging, and stout-hearted Joe Hall, a star defense -
man with the Habitants, died in a Seattle hospital,
That was the only unfinished series since the trophy
became the prize for superiority among- professional players.
We spoke of the possibility of surprises. Many of these have
dotted Cup history, Perhaps the most stunning of these came
16 years ago, in the spring of 1938, when the Chicago Black
Hawks raced through to the title.
The Hawks, managed by Bill Stewart, only American -
born pilot ever to achieve a Stanley Cup triumph, had finish-
ed sixth in the points standing of an 8 -club league, They had
scored the least goals of any team. Only one club had been
scored on more frequently. They had won only 14 games
of 48. But in the Cup series, they knocked out Canadiens and
New York Americans, and in a stormy final, took three out
of four from Toronto Leafs.
That's the drama of the. Cup finals — the chance that the
underdog will suddenly show his teeth.
Your comments and suggestions for this column will be welcomed
by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 431 Tango St., Toronto.
Crossed Sahara
On A Icycde
When Paddy Irwin, a wiry
little 40 -year-old Irishman, re-
sently pedalled over the border
of the Belgian Congo on a bat-
tered cycle, he had logged 286,-
000 miles of cycling in 21 years
—eleven times round the world.
He used up six bicycles in the
Every Bit Helps — This cute Paris
girl tacks up her contribution to
a proposed housing develop-
ment. A local priest appealed
for money to build a low-cost
housing unit for his needy pa-
rishioners, and the public res-
ponded by pinning money to
the wall of a house.
Paddy claims to be the first
man to cross the Sahara Desert
by cycle. He started his cross-
ing of the Sahara in October,
1952, from Algiers. He had cycl-
ed to North Africa from Ireland
in 1951, but was refused permis-
sion by the French military
authorities to attempt the desert
journey, so he returned to
He says the first 500, mines of
the desert are hard sand, with
an oasis about every 100 miles.
"I lived mostly on palm dates,
and carried my water in a two -
gallon goatskin bag." '
The second 500 miles is real
desert with lots of loose sand on
the surface. The French have a
machine which clears sand away
at 100 miles a day. Paddy met
the Spanish operator periodic-
ally„ and was given food and
water. The final 500 miles is
hard sand, with an occasional
Paddy's jounrney took 35 days.
He cycled on to the Gold Coast,
to Goland, Dahomey, Nigeria,
the French Cameroons, French
Equatoral Africa, the Belgian
Congo, Uganda, Kenya, Tangan-
yika, and back through the Bel-
gian Congo and to Ndola in
Northern Rhodesia.
Paddy worked on the famous
Moan Antelope mine for a time
in 1934, and left Africa in 1944.
He returned later, and in 1947
he cycled 11,000 miles to Dakar,
starting from Ndola.
From the copper belt he Is
continuing his journey to Cape-
town. From there he plans to
cycle up the west coast of Africa
to the Gold Coast, where he in-
tends to settle and prospect for
Family Tradition _ Rin Tin Tin IV, the great -great-grandson of
one of the silent screen's greatest money-makers, pays tribute
to an oil painting of his famous ancestor. A new telefilm series
will soon feature the three-year-old German Shepherd in the .
kind of adventure for which Rin Tin Tin I was noted.
If we accept the fact that the
British are not only willing to
buy our Canadian food pro-
ducts, but are eager to get them,
why then do we not sell to
Without thinking, nine per-
sons out of ten will answer that
the British do not have the dol-
lars to pay for our goods. But
do we have to have dollars in
payment or could we not accept
other currencies e.g. sterling?
The Oxford Dictionary defines
the word trade as the "exchange
of commodities for money or
other commodities."
Leaving aside the exchange
of our commodities for other
commodities, commonly called
barter, let's examine the possi-
bility of exchanging our com-
modities for British money and
the uses this money could be
put to.
Trade With Free World
Supposing somebody would go
to London, England, and strike
a deal with Co-operative Whole-
sale Society for a million pounds
of lard which they so "desperate-
ly" need, and would take some
sterling in exchange. What
could he do with this sterling?
He could go anywhere in Bri-
tain or the sterling area to pick
and choose from what British
industry has to offer.
He could go further than that.
He could pay his sterling into
the kitty of the European Pay-
ment Plan and go out and buy
anything he lilted ,in any one of
the 16 countries which are mem-
bers of the European Payment
Let us keep in mind that by
far the larger part of the free
world, with the exception of
Canada, the United States and
some minor countries, are trad-
ing on the basis of sterling.
Ford or Ferguson Tractors?
Canadian Farmers use Ford
and Ferguson tractors. The one
is made in U.S.A., the other in
Britain, Can any fernier truth-
fully say that it makes much
difference to him which one he
uses, the two being so much
Would it not be reasonable to
bey more of the one which is
made in the country willing and
capable to take our products.
Balance Of Power — Chicago White Sox General Manager Frank Lane, left, shows three newly
acquired players how to balance baseballs on a bat. Watching Lane's act are, left to rights
Dick Strohs, pitcher/ Johnny Groth, outfielder, and Dick Duffy, pitcher. The trio is expected, of
course, to do better tricks when the season gets under way.
This is just one example, there
are many others.
Who will do the job? The
farmers, of course. The govern-
ment has shown quite clearly
that it has no intention whatso-
ever to promote trade with Bri-
tain. Our federations and unions
and associations are getting lost
in discussions on "two -price"
system and "parity" prices. They
employ economists and research
workers, managers and secre-
taries, but they never get beyond
the stage of appointing com-
mittees for further study.
Canadian Farmer Equal to Any
Australia's and New Zealand's
farmers maintain their own
offices in Britain,.. They go out
and do a selling job.
The New Zealand farm co-
ops have associated themselves
with the English Co-operative
Wholesale Society and establish-
ed N. Z. Produce Association
with offices in England and New
Surely Canada's farmers can
•do the same. Unless they do,
and do so quickly, our socailed
surpluses will be used to break
hone prices down completely.
This column welcomes criti-
cism, constructive or destruc-
tive, and suggestions, wise or
otherwise. Address your replies
to Bob Ellis, Box 1, 123 -18th
Street, New Toronto, Ontario.
How Can 1?
How can I remove ink stains
from a rug?
A. Wash at once with sweet
milk and sprinkle with white
cornmeal. Let remain over
night, then sweep up. Good re-
sults can also be had if the stains
are dry, by rubbing with milk,
using fresh as it becomes inky;
then wash spots with ammonia
water to remove the grease.
Q. How can I avoid having
heavy boiled potatoes?
A. To prevent the spoiling of
boiled potatoes, take the lid off
when serving. Allow them to
cool a little rather than cover
thein and make them heavy
from steam. •
Q. Should stockings be wash-
ed, if one has not worn them,
and they are to be stored away?
A, Yes; the washing will re-
move the excess dye besides
preserving them for a longer
Q. How can I remove food
from boiling water without
burning the fingers?
A. A pair of candy tongs is a
handy utensil to keep in the
kitchen for removing articles
from boiling water, removing
olives from the bottles, and
similar uses.
Q. How should satin be
A. When pressing a satin
dress, sponge lightly on the
wrong side, then press the satin
on the wrong side wiith a mod.
erately hot iron.
Q. How can L exterminate
roaches in the papery?
A. Washing the pantry
shelves with a hot solution of
alum water will drive away all
roaches and insects,
Q. How can I keep baby's
hands waren on cold mornings?
A. By giving him a water
bottle half filled with warm
water, to play with. Be sure
onICsS bred for production on certain
markets -- any egg markets. We have
them. The breed or crass opeoially
selected for that purpose. Canadian
Approved Bray Chicks that sive you
preduotton for the market yon elm for.
vet our complete 1150, look It over, got
year March order 1n. Bray Hatchery
120 John N. Hamilton.
TOO are Just kidding your0vlf tr you
think dual purpose breeds will .1v0
you the maximum In egg production and
oleo give you the maximum in meat pro-
fit. They will not. For maximum
egg produetlon you must have special
egg breeds. we Lave six of them. They
will .lay room eggs and eat loss feed.
p'or maximum meat pretita you m00t
have a meat bird. l(lebole New Math -
entree everyone from first generation
stock Is one o? the bent fat broilers,
Catalog.m gives you full information.
Alco t'lrker - poults. older pullets.
FOR thirty years we have hntehed ohleke
from our own broader flank only, They
have gained a reputation for high sr,,
duction and large eggs, Popular 1104
00lund Columbian Rocks and Hamp, X
Columbian groes, Also Barred Rooke and
((olden Neolke4 Ramp. X Docks, Canada
Accredited. Illustrated price list. Bea-
sonrtbts pr100a, Hyde Path Parm, Dnndao,
HOD' want rcoultn—mid You will get
results If you ridge Chicks: from our
dual-pur,oae strain. We hatch Bared
and Whits Rocks, Now Ilampehlree and
three good trusses bred for eggs and
meat, Write for folder. Held'a poultry
Farm. Box "W", Flnhervills, Ontario,
YOU will he more pleased than over with
our Broad Breasted Bronze Nebraskan,
Whlto Rolland and anitavllle Whits
turkeys tmn-eoxed, hens, tame. Prices
very oornpstitivc. Book ,mw for beat
dates, sok for smiths on Broad Rrenoted
Realize tome.
CRESS CORN SALVE -.. F'or cure re-
lief, 'tour Drugglet sells ORE55.
IMPORTED Simulated Japanese Pearls,
1n 'a 17" necklace that will enhance
fincot costumes, 8x7 mm, graduation,
Tire color is light cream. clasp included,
Regular price is well over 91. Buy et
our opeehJ Spring Sale Price of only
9000 Earl S. Grubb, Export -Import, New
Bloomfield, Penna., U.S.A.
rIXTUREs to orally a full modern Retail
Food Market. One 14 ft. Service Meat
Counter; One 11 0. Self -Serve Coulter:
One 7 ft. self -Servo Counter: One 7 ft,
Hussman Dem Freeze Counter: One
Toledo Meat Seale; one Toledo Fruit
Seale: One Ddtuaor; Ono Eleetrlo Meat
Saw: Two 3 -department National Cash
Registers, Many other things, Far in-
formation, write Vern Jantzi. 3839 Moor
Street West, Toronto 18. or phone
BEInsult 1-4411•
A axed supply 01 all 01,0000 of live stsek
(420,414 head of cattio during the year
1903) at Toronto market, attracts a large
number of buyers, large and small, each
week. These men supply the necoeaary
competition to ensure full market value
for live stock offered. Place your etook
en the open competitive market where
.01 interested buyers any bid for it. Let
our experienced salesmen and assistants
represent you to melte sure you receive
the highest net returns, Conotgn Your
Live stook olllpmente to McCurdy & Mc-
Curdy Limited, Ontario Stoll Sarin,
BEAT:TIFUL Registered Collin Puppies,
for pets. show, or broedingl stud service.
Loch ilahn,ch Coillo Kennels, 1000 Byron
South. Whitby,
HAVE you anything needs dyeing or clean.
tug? Writs to b0 for information. We
are glad to answer your questions, De.
partment H Parker'o Dye Works Limited,
791 Tonga M. Toronto.
BANISH the torment Of dry eczema reales
and weeping akin troubles, Poses
Eczema Salva will not disapnolnt YOU.
Itching. sealing, burning eczema acne.
ringworm, pimples and foot eczema, will
respond readily to the etainlese odoriosa
ointment regardless of how stubborn or
hopeless they seem.
Sent Mgt Free on Receipt of Pelee
080 Queen 5t. E„ Corner of Logan
d r'E31NEx 6
One woman tells another Take superior
1015511NEX" to help alleviate pain. die- .
tress and nervous tension associated with
monthly periods.
93.00 Poatpnld In plain wrapper
ASHAMED to remove your hat? Han
dandruff, thinning hair or spotted bald-
ness made you took Older and unnttrtc-
tivo? Wbat you need 1s 2118712 12AIR
grooms. Setontiflrolly compounded to
stimulate the growth of new healthier
hair and keep the scalp clean 'LUx171.1
made with LANOLINE for over CO years,
Sold under our MONEY RACK GUARAN-
TEE ON mire today and give your
scalp the break it needs. Enclose 91 00
for Regular size, 32.79 Large Economi-
cal else. L. A P, PRODUCTS (CANADA).
P.O. 11020 12. WINDSOR. Ontario,
ARE you nervous about taking drugs?
Wo have the remedy for you, write for
information on our , emedire. 140altb
k Hnppinese Co., Herb Speciullate. .343
Pala Ave.. Toronto 8, Ontario.
that the top is screwed on se-
Q. Bow can 1 remove dirt
and grease stains from Ieather?
A. The stains can be removed
with benzine or pure turpentine.
Restore the polish by rubbing
with turpentine mixed with the
whites of eggs, beaten slightly,
but not stiff. Use a clean, dry
if life's not worth living
it may be your liver)
Ws a Itotl It masa up to two lime o1 live,
bis a day to keep your digestive tract in top
Menai If your liver bile in Oot flawing freely
your feed nay hot digest . , gas Monte up
your atmnaoh .you tool e0nntipamd and
all the fun and sparkle go mut of ,tf0. That's
wiles van need mild gentle Carter's Little
Liver Lila These fmnous vegetable pills holo
stimulate the now of liver bile: Soon ,your
digestion stark, functioning properly and y0u
cel that hup,y days are here mini Don't
seer stay funk. AbAtee peep tlarier'n Little
Liver Phi, on hand see et your (bassist
ISSUIf 12 — 1954
TREES. roves, everereona. A Oomplet0
lIAW of selected nursers, 510011 In boot
condition. Send for tree priced voter
inguo tidal,. Central Nurseries Ltd. St.
Cathartics, Ontario.
Great Opportunity Learn
Pleasant, dignified p1'ofeeelon, good *:•tg00,
'.lhoimtntda of successful Marvel graduates
Amerloa'o Greatest System
Illustrated Catalogue Free
Write or Call
868 Blear at. W., Toronto.
40 King St., Hamilton.
12 Rideau Rt., Ottawa.
BECOMD a bookkeeper, stenographer. or
typist. Lessons the. Canadian roues.
pon0ence Cotte es. 1291 1103 street.
EARN Mmu+Y 0.t home *with 'roar Type-
writer or Sewing Machine, Write today
for Free patella. Carl f0. Edwards,
891E-0 -- 120., Den Moires 13. Iowa,
SPECTACLE Repairs( Atr Mail. Lenses
Opklofan lando11 Optometrist. 1';l4 61T. rttier-
Royal St. East, Montreal.
BIG Money For Tot! 'fake no Cartoon.,
Mal Make your Dream conte true. Porti•
oulars Free. N. H. taken, 1121 1'pre'
Water Street. Halifax N.S., Caned:.
HOLLOW Tree. monthly Ilnbby :dart, -
sine, year 91.60, Iambic cony 10 . Aisa
Correspondence t".lel, or Stamp .'iib
MOmberoldp, tame rate. 021 \'0'00 2.,
Lawrence, Kansas, U.S.A.
42.1 OFFER to every Inventor-- Wit et la
ventlone and full information igen, iron,
The 1107000y Co,. Registered Pe tent atter
novo. 275 Sank Street Ottawa
F 0
Attorneys. Established 1070psntoe ent
varsity Ave., Toronto Patens all smmtetee
club intro/the you to lonely pco.dv ,le -
siring early marriage, .Many with 112,•nn0,
Widows with farms r ray (,'needy.
and cunntr, girls. Members from coign
to coast. Proven results Were 1220. line
Particulars in plain sealed envelops, r'. C.
Club, Box 120, Calgary. Alberta,
91,00 TRIAL offer. Twenty-five delOxe
Personal reaulremento. Latest Catalogue
Included. The MOdfco Agency Rex 164
Terminal A. Toronto. Ontario
TOBACCO Eliminator — A Scientific
guaranteed remedy for cigarette addlc-
tlon, Quick — Sure -- Permanent. Per
free booklet write C. King Phnrna•al
Corp, Ltd.. Box 203, Walhervllie, Ont.
I WISH to trade or buy Mickey piethren
printed by the at. Lawrence Starch Co.
Mies Jabot Healy, Bax 816, Perth, (Maris
Protect your loved onesl You can
make your WILL yourself. Full-
eney-to-understanli direction en-
closed with each BAX WILL
FORM. Sold ter over 30 years by
Stationers and Dept. stores. Only
260 or if unobtainable locally Bend
90o for postage paid Bax Form.
'Aro Estate Too Small"
You Map
These days most peep e work under
pressure, worry more, s eep less. This
strain on body and brain makes physical
fitness easier to lose—harder to regain.
Today's tense living, lowered resistance,
overwork, worry --any of these may affect
normal kidney action. When kidneys get
out of order, excess acids and wastes
remain in the system. Then backache,
disturbed rest, that "tired -out" heavy -
headed feeling often follow. That's the
time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's
stimulate the kidneys to normal action.
Then you feel better—sleep better—work
better. Ask for Dodd's Kidney Pills at
any drug counter. 53
Itch. n.6tceateich.
1 Was Nearly Crazy
Until T discovered Dr. D. D. Dennis' amazingly
tact rend—D. D. D. Prescription, World
popular, tide *Ura, cooling, liquid medication
speeds peace and comfort from cruel itching
eluted by eczema, pimples. rashes, athlete's
toot and other itch troubles. Trial bottle. 43e.
000, 010ee. First use soothes, cheeks raw red
Itch or motel• bark. Al,ndruggist for D D. D
Preserhnlon (ordinary or ,xira gen pgth).