HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1954-03-11, Page 2TT TT111►77►44 TTTYY Mix and sift S times, WI; c, once -sifted pastry Roar (or 2 4 c. once -sifted all-purpose flour), 3h," tsps, Magic Baking Powder, ! tsps salt, ?:4 tap. ground mace. Cream 1/3 c. butter or margarine and blend in ;= 3 c. fine granulated sugar; beat in 1 well -beaten egg, 1 tsp. grated orange rind and lei tsp. vanilla. Add dry ingre- clients to creamed mixture alternately with c. milk. Turn batter into a loaf pan (4a" x 83a") which has been greased and lined with greased paper. Bake in moderate oven, S50°, about 1 hour, Allow loaf to cool in pan. Spread sliced cold bread with butter or margarine for serving. Always Dependable NNE. 141PST tht raft,* eG,rtcaysaQst,...( "Dear Anne Hirst: I have one big fault—I'm jealous. I try not -to be, but you know how it is; little things run in your mind, and the first thing you know they are too big to cope with, Talking it out with someone can help snore than anything. "My husband works tor a cum- pany that employs women, too. He often talks about how much fun the men and women have to- gether, and I can't help but won- der whether he does. He claims he never flirts, but you know how a man loves to be noticed, and a clever woman can always ;flatter them into having an af- fair. "And what eau a poor wife do with two small children, a lot of housework, and no time to fix herself up? Working girls have money to spend on themselves, The housewife never has a penny to buy pretty clothes with! "My husband can be the like of any party when others are around, but at home he doesn't exert himself to have fan with tis, , .. Please help me. Worried Wife and Mother:" o The jealousy between wives a and business girls has existed O for two generations, and it is o likely to continue -••so long as 8' wives envy single girls their 4' pretty clothes and "freedom," O and suspect husbands of phil- O andering at every opportunity. 0 Yet where is the . wife who ® hasn't first chance to keep her t' roan contented at home? e It's not difficult, as you say, c1 for a clever woman to flatter O a man; he loves to be enticed. 0 I wonder whether you have ap- o plied this psychology to your 0 husband? If a man is the life 0 of the party it is because he O enjoys the applause of the • crowd; if he gets applause at *' home, he is not apt to fall a a' victim to any designing worn.• e an, o Since you suspect your Inas- • band of flirting with his co- b workers why not take time out e to flatter him yourself? Build ra him up as lord of the manor. " Don't let a day pays that you do not say (or imply) how a proud you are of him,. how the " children look forward to his * homecoming. Dwell on his at- e' tractiveness, and show him you o are still attractive, too, Instead * of decrying your lack of spend- * ing money, take. 15 minutes out * to freshen up for his arrival, * put on a welcoming smile, and * Make hint glue(' he h home. * You will object that you * haven't time for such nonsense, * It is really only tact and coin- * mon sense; with a little effort * you can lighten his mood, make * him conscious of :ourself and 4t the children and keep him in * a Nirvana of content, * The fact that he eomments * on the fun they have in the of- * fire Indicate:,, to my mind, how * lightly he takes it. If he were e guilty of philandering, it ie not * likely- he'd mention it at all. • Instead of doubting him, and * imagining evil where no evil • exists, be a trusting wire. Your * best protection is to take it for * granted that he is entirely loyal 'r to you, and letting hist know * you thick so. Many- a suspicious wife has driven her man to infidelity by sowing the. seeds in his mind. " 1 know that. (thing for small * children and a home fa an ea•• ht sting and often a dull job. * But a wife has to create an * atmosphere of pleasantness and * even gaiety lu the home.; if you * will spend more effort on this snide you will tied your bus - • band more like the loan who * courted you, and a closer come * panion than he has been. I a don't know of any attitude that 'v brings richer rewards. * 1 1111111 1 could devote this * whole column tudu, to your 4: problem. but thus:: ideas will * help you if you 1t eigb them practically and :animisly. 4: * A. suspicious wife ran change :e loyal husband into an unfaithful one; It takes a cad to betray a trusting wife ... Write to Anne Hirst in any time of trouble, and know she never breaks a con. fidence. Address her at Box 1. 1?.3 - Eighteenth St,. New To- ronto, Ont. ' 3ak6 this tasty CILIEESEBRILAD easily, .speedily wi h farfW Flet DRY Yeast! A New bread and bun treats are a treat to nlalce with the ueu' forts(. of Fluischnn.mn'a Yeast! Neser e worry about yeast cakes that stale and lose strengt • , , Dew 1'leiselanann's Dry Yeast keeps /1,11.rir(v;gib and Iasi-artiut right in your cupboard. Cres to month's supply. CHEESEx=118EAD 41 seem 3 r:. edit. . 5.; , ;.;ran augur, 1; tit,'. ,:nth and 4 e,s, SI1nr'tenitrp; ,:ora 1., Inks'•;a.rr-:. ivft•xtr.•,i(ir, rnr(uer( roan heal' (;'+;ter, gr it111lat( 1 13 t( 1r untilS *j I en, Yelrl e 1'1r l.,r,..ue, east 1N1l1p1, Dr;,' 1.1 .t.,.11.1 111 nm Flli cr .•rr•'1. tit iq r„u'e�•1 n,il':: cii •.1Urt=,. „lir Ir, 4 { t q,,•,..; iY(r,; hrn:,,l tit or:l!•a• Witt,•.rt dr at t,;r:u•.,, until 'lc, hlla'. 431 01(4. (`-qt er .toll set m1 a eerie ;(l,tc... tt-, . frote r;talight 14't rias a;,til tlouhir,l in tittile. \ r. k in y r, lin41ttt•• packed liar} •.•nhr,-dared old cheese aid 1' e. (11,rt,.tt I once. siitwd bread f1,11.. 1 3 (1111 on 144411,, :floored boas:di:nthin.n11• and rt eaie, Place in grelerrd howl ad g11141c imp of (1,)ng11. and t(t rise u1,ul (10,411(4 it) Rauch d two dough: • tlu-n out iµtstll•1' atrrrl hoed and divide into 'I "qua! portion,. (ores 11 t.lotlt•.ital tet 1(:.1 co' 1 mins. Ltiviele each portion 'f :torte:, hoe 3 parts; kilted and shag': into month halls. i'lert .4 hale In each of 4 ,n,11 ,1 It,a1 par•:( (.Itf” s iireior. tops asci ?crinkle each ieaf wills etI c. shredded cheese. Coyer and let gee e '1/1(11 detf led i11 balk. Bake in re el,• ref ole hat even, e n, :i $", 4.e. .1(1 rum•, ftp MIKIL.ssa O)snwccuowa)s C..wok,xs5aetsr+.1.' WM1,0941. • Beauty And Her Beasts •-• Hollywood mask -maker Millicent Pat- rick stands before a mirror with one of her creations on 'her head, another to her right. The one at right, called the "Gill Man," will soon he seen in a science -fiction thriller. HRONICLES INGERF014 C'1'ren' d(Attet A Ctsrka Every morning 1 (1111' the top• milk from a gigot jug for our coffee - Milk that has, been stand- ing for milk horn's to give: the cream time to rise end thicken As e rule It makes good table cream. One day last week was an exception. The "cream" was little better than straight milk I was puzzled. "What happened to the milk this morning?" ask ed Partner, "there's hardly any cream on it at all.' Partner thought for 11 minute at:(1 then he answered, "Wtl1, 1 • go os I 1I3USt have brenight. you (kb's, May's milk." .eirs, efey was the cow t.heet freshened about ten days amt. So that started n,e thinking --about the way Mother Nature ]las of keeping a nig:: angio, when permitted to do so What 1 ate saying will not he news t(' farm( foil; hl,t it 4111(1 surprise a ("'1 uth.rr". It's '(his tot habt c'at rs arc. much the Stmt .,., 0311a. (('(134' milk (o1 tit .1n must nest 13,. too ric'It or di( entice trtnlbl: follows. A caw cannot maker up 11poeial formulas or dilute over -rich tails, yo im h'n' case 11101110r 1aturo tai,',: over maid prosid:.' theenv. with n,illt that is ler; in batter fits content- •in other 'ende it is just right tor a belly e:,lf. As the calf gets niter 1h' mother's ini1I; gels "'14 ' No1 only that bm the normal lactation p11'iud for 1.1 40:/ }r little to (0,1 months -- just ions: enough to give the emit :) got d Si ;lt 1n lite, or until tlhels tin. it ono (rt 1)9,r oats (11 gruss. That war .at i le •(1 arra( ;e. mcnt it, 1131 ciao •. I,'.'lt r• rtlC 40001(1(1 1111 c; ill gut 1 br,:t1 :1001 rah( -4 semi Ii: ;as -melee- 'tt t114, laws• al' 1.1:141111,v, 'NOW, however rhe: cow is a toil', ;fro:h1001( tar -4 chins, ; o the farmer (1047 to ;parc tit(' at'riv:al 1.11' (113!':,3 and the: prevent Act; hinny cows from fre::hcnit(' at arproeinlc4te'ly the B1.41711' tante. It lie 'toesn't, d(Ht•11 4;or, the huti.c'rf;)t 000ttdl1 in every el.:hi ('/ileo eau' o: and 111;:1 • 11c;ar: 1• ;ewer milk prise to rl_' f.:ermeh. Tt i;. n:ltra',,i nt, 1'.ht' ,.1st lush fun 13113n1,(•vcn to r0/i11%.1 10 milk. 1'i'v, r*b lana dtdrn'. ttoe,t!d rah oi'l ' .. "rtrh en'1105' .lo(:4e-c Mi01." Nov; Shin nn,, n(tlk is r"ctigni.,.:d ad t::•in'-, (' 4 1'1r'ti 101' }'1 i,1 ohdcir,5 13„41 tun f1tt. tcnht! ;q1' atluh;. Slant with, t11-1. taul;ire't 11010 put no etlt 140(11',3 i :n: ',', fres 110:011(I8. 111 - „pr,,, NC; Lt., •: lent Spt:u!;il)la ,'d cd411.11- folk , NS f• h rl 11)1 .•:ntdta:lt Wee ettet• ltd(.; ler'I u(u' Cuitnl.y 11'101, For the Avert. The re v, ere 2R elderly ladies. and about oft tV 1, .ALL'S' SAW -1 41 (San Totter buy two riaga, dear. SQA things ge wrung, we'll esob ita'r a souvenir of thio romanes," 111umbel s preecent. Our program was arranged to give pressure to our guests, although we had our business session as usual. Busi- ness over, we served refresh- mentea, sandwiches and little tarts. Several of the ladies ex- cleimed with delight. "My; but that: was a good sup of tea!" Tea was followed by a short program, One of Our ladies, who has a lovely,. mellow voice, sang. sat oral songs—old time favourites • and I noticed several o)(1 ladies f(u'tiVely wiping an eye as they listened to the cloein4 number, - "Whr'n 1 grow too old to dream." Another W.I. member game a humorous recitation that provoke ed a 'goad deal of laughte'. There was also ('o mnnlnity singing and a roll call. It being cies( 'tc St. Valentine's Day, each member, as her name was called, got up and • presented a velcnt.ilr• to the lady 1,114) 1' mune was Own to her One dear olds lady got u!7 and thanked our W.I. members "for the lovely afternoon you have eteen (11'." I im•tginr' t130 little 00ueeh 11'12 Clnite 111 411nnn,•.r1ll and O}1.vi'usly sin r'rn. ts:,. just loved it if our ptt(ests were happy we were too, knowing we hit t rou(;l,t a little change: and hl r hu ax<s to them tar two short hours—and ttco hours at a time i plenty- long enough. BIa11(00 C'.antennial Manor (S one c,f the newest and most_ up- to-date homes for fico :gvd in the provinces. Those who live there are t;•ell-ied and wall -card for That day every room was cont- fortnbly warm, although it was Zero outside. Yet the('e is this to rentuntber: Elderly people.. in this and other homes must con- form In certain safes and regula- tions, Gorse is the freedom they knew lit thaeir -own homes, In its place there i., a certain amount of altavoictable monotony. It is this :monotony that friends, re. natives and organisations can do much to ailcviete. Old people crave to be nems a(laen'ed, to ]know 1111)1 '4011104100 (:are;:, little /dims - tions to mak(: theta feel they still - "belong"—•10 their families cud their communities—to prevent that tett-of-date idea of stigma at- taching to living i11 at home for the aged. To those, tvhe take the trouble to visit the old folk it limy even be as bread upon the waters, for many of our elderly eit.izens have charm, dignity and wisdom that comes only in the sunset years pf a full and useful life. Tlnu'e is another way in which friends can help, That is to sug- gust, and encourage, ways in which older folk can occupy their time -any kind of handcraft for the women. Cards checkers, bin- go, whittling or light carpentry for the men, And in summer -- gardening. Ii'lowers and vege• tables too, to occupy their time kind interest, with help for the harder work, If land for this purpose is not available then the Board of Man- agement should be approached so that facilities for light gardening may provided. Here is 011 inexpensive present to. give a fisherman -husband when the sewn opens. It ha Is the 'ardent type who likes tc assemble his own filling flies buy him several spools of nylon, sewing thread. 130ea0Se of its extra strength, fineness and bright colors, nylon thread is - being used to tie the feathers to the fish hooks. Some anglers have large.collections of gay spools to tempt various Miele, of fish, »Y Y Those quarter -inch tholes 011• circling polythene grocery haw of fruit and vegetables are there 'to allow the produce to breathe. After harvesting all fruit ani vegetables breathe in oxygen give off carbon dioxide and water and undergo slow physical changes, The holes are of a sir,( and number to allow this respir- ation to continue- and to preserve quality by preventing dehydra tion. vuj -boo& ht SAL CASSEROLE 4 medium onions, quartered lila cups Water 1 14 cups milk 2 tablespoons butter 1 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper VI cup BENSON'S or CANADA Corn Starch 1/4 cup water 2 cups conned peas 2 cups canned salmon 1 cup ratted cracker crumb( COOK onions in water until tender. ADD milk, butter, salt and pepper; heat to boiling. MIX BENSON'S or CANADA Corn Starch with ! cup water to make a smooth paste, ADD to hot liquid gradually; cook until thick and smooth, stirring constantly. ADD peas and salmon; mix well. POUR into greased 1 %a -quart casserole; sprinkle crumbs over top. BAKE. at 350°F, 40 minutes or until clone, YIELD; 6 to 8 servings, for free folder of other delicious recipes, write to: Jane Ashley, Home Service Deportment, THE CANADA STARCH COMPANY LIMITED, P.O. Box 129, Montreal, P.O. Report 4043 Bombers Poised in Northern Russia -- This photo, from Aviation Week AAagoxine, shows the IL -38, a new Russian bomber. It is a four -engine plane with a range of 3000 miles, a wingspan of 168 feet, and a speed of 480 miles -per -hour. The magazine claims that 400 of these mammoth bombers are poised itt Northern Russia "Across the polar ice cap from the North American continent," New Russian Bamber w. This photo is purportedly the first one of Ryssio's new turbo'•)rnp bam- ber, the TU -200. The plane has six engines and a range of 4800 miles, a wingspan of 236 feet told a speed of 465 miles -per -hour. It is in the global bomber class of America's 8.36. r,