HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1954-03-04, Page 4T TV irffVfl, IN THE LEGISLATURE Continued from Page 1 the year, except under exceptional circumstances when an additional Session may be held in the Fall. However, this does eat mean that Members of the Legislature are re- lieved of their Government activities between Sessions. During the Session many special committees are appointed, and near- ly all Members serve on one or more of these special committees. Sone of these committees may meet for three or four days in almost every week of the year. This was the case with the Select Committee on Re- form Institutions appointed at the 1968 Session. Tliis Committee visited many Reform lnstitutipns and sat almost continuously sinea last Spring until now, All 'these Select Commit- tees finalize their findings in the na- ture of a report which is presented to the Legislature and usually re- sults in a new Act being introdueed, or in existing Acts being amended to bring them in line with the findings of the Committee. A Select Committee meets and does its work between Sessions. The Standing Committees }meet only while the Legislative Session is in progress, and are automatically dis- solved when the House prorogues. The report of the Select Commit- tee on Election Law was presented in the House on February 19th, with specifie recommendations as to the chimes which should be made in the Motion Act to keep up with our fa -t-ehanging conditions, Several :,1,'mbers of the 'Committee spoke on the various aspects of the report, as the effect of the recommendations would make quite a decisive change in election procedure. As a result of the Federal Elec- tion on August 10th, 1953, when ninny people lost their vote on ac- rouutof hong or vacation, it was recommended that Advance Polis be set up in Provincial Elections so *hat all people who would be away vacation or on business or for any other reason on Election day, would be allowed to vote at the Ad- v-anee Poll, This Poll would be held for several days in the week preced- ing the date of election. At the present time 100 signa- tures are required on a Candidate's Nomination paper, and a recommend- ation was made to require only 10 ME SEAFORTI-1 NL WS signatures. MERRY MAIDENS CI IIB It was reoommendod also that The Merry Mail -dens': Garden Olob a $200.00 deposit be required of ell for 1954 has 85 members to date. Candidates in a Provineial Election, The first aneeting will be March 5th and this, too, follows the procedure in the auditorium of the Seaforth required in the Federal Election Act, 1 District High Sehool when the H. 0. The reason for this deposit is to Aawnharn Nursexy'Ca. will show how eliminate a person as a 'Candidatato beautify Canada by "Landscaping who may be doing so in a frivolous I Your Home", This is a showing of way. It is expected that a Candidate coloured slides accompanied by an -should represent at least a body of informal and educational discussion public opinion among electors and on how to beautify your hone and show It recognition of his respousi- increasethe value of your farm or bility by putting up a deposit of this: Property. ber U Jiel members of presented with the se il- 3 nature, This deposit would he fol 4' ver ;loons kindly donated by Mr. R. felted if the Candidate received less 1 than 50 per cent of the votes ob Sava.uge, also the seeds donated by tained by the winning Candidate, ; the , and F. Seed 'Co., of Winnipeg. Another recommendation Willett ThiFs' is a very important meeting and was mentioned was one which would it is hoped every club member will make it possible for Candidates to be present. Everyone interested in personally hire conveyances for telt-jhom tbeautificationautcais cordially in- ing voters to the Polls, and consider - d. ation was given also in the report to ISPORT SHORTS ° making it compulsory for electors tai Seaforth start battling it out for vote by providing some type of per. -1 the WOAA Midget crown this week caseaoffor ilfailness, to vote, except in as they start a best of `five series illness, or by providing proof I with the Winghan Lions this Wed - of inability to attend the Polls. This report will be studied by the nesday night in Wingham,fter g havingto o to five full games to Government and Bill introduced at a later date which will be based on' see who would have to play .Seaforth the report, but will not necessarily : in the top honour round, Wingham n.ake all the recommendations effee- 'came 11P from last Monday night's t_ve. I game in Wingham holding the re - During the Session, reports will , quired one game edge. After playing 1 e received from the other Select in Wingham on Wednesday night Committees which were appointed i both teams will return to ,Seaforth during the 1953 Session, As in the an Friday night for their second case of the Committee on Election battle• crushin and haiilin a Law, the 'Chairmen of these Com- In the'Juniote B hockey picture g g' ppz°oximately mittees will present their reports, Seaforth got started •on the right 12,000 yards gravel for the roads of and considerable debate will take foot for taking their group champ- Hullett twp, at 66 cents per yard be ionship for the second year straight accepted, Carried.. Leiper and Brown place at the time of presentation. The purpose of these articles is to as the toppled the Sarnia Sailors 7-4 that we Blyth Fgrant ofBoard50,00 each acquaint our people with something in the Seaforth Memorial Arena last of the mechanics of the Legislature e Saturday night. The game was,by Fair Board and Huron 'Central Fair and possibl spotli ht measures far the fastest that has been played Board of Clinton. Carried, Jewitt & which are of particular interest to on Seaforth ice in some months. Al- ;Brown, that the Clerk notify the though Seaforth emerged holding a Council of the Town of Clinton, that the. folks at home. three goal lead, it was the difference' we in the Township of Mullettcon- in goalies that told the actual tale. I sider that the Huron County Council Sarnia forwards held just as much ;of being the Body in authority in elite THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 54 First Presbyterian Church Rev, D, Glenn Campbell, Minister 10 A.1MI. Bible Class and Church School -- 11 A.M. - "THE SIDLE IN THE WORLD" Junior Congregation — 7 P.M. -- "WAITING FOR GOD" Come to Church—The Church is not a gallery for the exhibition of emin- ent Christians, but a school for the education of imperfect ones. tor, Mr, Frank Tamblyn presented the Audit for 1953 to the Council. G. C. Brown and Resit, that we ac- cept the Auditor's Report for 1953 and the Clerk forward same to the printer, Carried. Brown and Leiper, that we pay our Auditor $300.00 for the 1953 Audit. Carried, Leiper and G. 0, Brown, that we donate a Shield for the Sehool which gets the most points at the Music Festival. Car- ried, At this time the gravel tenders were called for and opened, There were two tenders, Mr. George E. Radford for 66 cents per cubic yard acid Levis Construction for e9 cents per cubic yard. Heslc- and Leiper, that George Radford's tender for PARENTS' NIGHT AND PUBLIC SPEAKING CONTEST Seaforth Public School Tuesday, March 9 8 P.M. Parents and friends welcome ImEgamegomilligaufereismagidglamomegramaksagmiggsoinammigimusmaggIMMI HELP Now is the team to apply for workers Farm labour is scarce , but help may be made available from Canadian and European sources if farmers make their needs known at once. Time is required to select and distribute workers. Apply now to the nearest Office of THE NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE THE ONTARIO FEDERAL - PROVINCIAL FARM LABOUR COITTEE the play as Seaforth 'but the firm I on County are competent to make goal tending of Ron Salter turned all decisions with regards to the the opposition aside in despair. 'building and situation of the Huron Glen Forbes, the young ]eft winger ,'County Court House and we there- of the Sailors was ushered to the fore take no action on the Resolu- Scott Memorial Hospital, for emer-' tion proposed by the Clinton Town gency treatment after receiving a Council. Carried. Brown and Jewitt, serious gash on the left ear when that the accounts as approved be hit by a flying puck. The lone injury paid. Carried. Leiper and Hesk, that of the game came in the dying min- we make a grant of $35.00 to the utes of the third period. 1 Summerhill Community Hall. Lost. Following the Tuesday night game Leiper and Hesk, that we do now ad - in Sarnia both teams will return to journ to meet on April 5th, at 2 pm. Seaforth on Saturday night for the Carried. third game of the series. • HURON ROAD WEST BRODHAGEN Mrs. Bert Lee, Ottawa, and her Mrs, John C. Deogex received word daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. of the death of Alfred Herrington in Albert Palester returned to Guelph. Toronto on Tuesday, his wife was Mrs, Lee is spending a few days with the former Martha Diegel, his sister - her daughter before returnireg to in-law, Mrs. Roppel was buried at Bort Elgin a week previous. He leaves to mourn, his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hicks spent a few days in 'Toronto last week. Miss Ordelia Wolfe of Detroit is visiting relatives here. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L. Querengesser on Sun- day were: Mr. and Mrs, Ed Kressler, Ottawa, after spending last week with her cousin, Mr. Noble Holland and Mrs. Holland, Mr, Palester is at- tending veterinary College, Guelph. Mr, and Mrs. Noble Holland spent the weekend with their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Me - Burney. WALTON Jack and Cherry of Stratford; Mr. Clarence Querengesser, Glen and The third meeting of the project Grant Moore, Heather and, Con - "Being Well Dressed and Well stance of Waterloo; Mr. and Mrs. Groomed" was held at the leader's Fern of Rostock. home, Mrs, W. Humphries on Febru- I Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Voll of Kitch- aly 16th, We opened our meeting ener spent the weekend with Mr. and by singing "Winter Wonderland".' Mrs. Harold Mogk. The Secretary's report was then I Miss Ann Gillespie, Teachers Col - read by Mona Clark. The roll call lege, Toronto, Mr. Don Ahrens, was answered by "What would make Waterloo 'College, Mrs. Gillespie and a person nice looking?" We cut out Mrs. Wettlaufer of Kitchener, with our slips. Horne assignment for the Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ahrens. next meeting: Basting our slip. We Rev. and Mrs. Gerry Beeker and closed the meeting and a delicious family of St. Jacobs visited with his treat was served by Rosemarie Bol- brother, Rev. Walter. Becker and ger, Mrs. Becker. Mr. and Mrs, Oscar Elligson and HULLETT family of Kitchener and Mrs, John The regular monthly meeting of G. Hinz and Winnifred of Waterloo the Mullett Township Council was with Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Elligson on ay. held on March 1 in the Community Mrs. Robert Gibb and Sharon of Hall, Londesboro, at 2 p.m. The Glencoe with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reeve and all members of the Coun- cil were .present. The minutes of the last regular meeting of February 1 and special streeting of February 16 were read. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Broughton and Motions: T. Leiper and E. Hesk, Deborah of Atwood with her parents that the minutes of February 1 and Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Rock. February 16 meetings be adopted as 1 Mrs. Kate Rug quietly celebrated read. Carried. At this time the Audi- her 84th birthday last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bennewies, Smyth. Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Pryee, Roger and Peggy of Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beuerman. Announcement r. M. W. Stapleton, President; Frank Kling, Vice - President, and E. C. Boswell, Secretary -Treasurer, of Seaforth Lumber Limited, have pleasure in announcing the appointment of C. [Sndtty] SMITH AS GENERAL MANAGER OF SEAFORTH LUM E`ER LIMITED Effective March 1, 1954 Mr. Smith, who has hacl a wide experience in contracting and in builders' supplies, succeeds John A. James, who has resigned to engage in a business in Guelph. It is hoped that you will feel free to consult Mr. Smith at any time regarding your building requirements, be they large or small. You will be under no obligation.A SE F T LUMBER E,LIMITED Everything in Builders' Supplies and Coal PHONE 47 SEAFORTH Ray, Elaine and Cheryl visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mikel in Fullerton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, George Mogk of St. Thomas spent the weekend at their home here. Quite a number from here atten- ed the Robin Hood Cooking School in the Town Hall, Mitchell last i week. The sleet storm on Monday dam- aged trees, wires and disrupted Hy- dro and Telephone throughout the district. Miss Nancy Mogk entertained a few girls last Wednesday on the oc- casion of her 16th birthday, Mr, Ralph Hicks made a business trip to Toronto. Messrs Lorne Wolfe and Ray Beuerman spent Monday in Kitchen- er, Diane Amy, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson (Pearl Vock) was baptized by Rev, W. Becker at the Sunday morning ser- vice at St, Peter's Lutheran _Church with Mr, and Mrs, Carl Vock as sponsors along with the parents. Flowers adorned the Altar and vice in memory of August Jung, who passed away two years ago in Feb- ruary, they were placed there ley his wife and family. Also in memory of Mrs. Wm, Riehl, who passed away one year ago Feb, 25 placed there by her husband and daughter Shirley. The Luther League members held a progressive erokinole party at the Church on Thursday evening with Monkton Redeemer Lutheran !Church and First Lutheran Church Young People as guests. Prizes went to Rev, W. Beaker and Marleen Rie- gel (high); Dorothy Regele and Lloyd Beuerman (low); Doughnuts and chocolate milk were served. The married couples group of the Church presented their play"Bless- ings on this House" on Friay even - EG ENT THEATRE . SEAFORTH NOW PLAYING , TIIURS. PRI, SAT, AIANGMAN'S KNOT Randalf Scott Donna Reed Randoinh Scott rides the Overland Trail in a blaring Sase of Heroism an Treachery MON, TUES. WED. CONFIDENTIALLY CUNNIE Janet Leigh Van Johnson Steer beef Yerses Shakespeare with Romance, Laughs and Pandemonium TI -URS, FRI. SAT, • DANGEROUS WHEN WET Esther Williams Fernando Lamas COMING SOON THE I DON'T CARE GIRL nuwuau•..unum.unnnnini.munin„"uun„nanun, a,,l,nu„nnnum , lllllllllll it u"nnummlau..,nim!UhII HEY, MOM! Buy my "Savage" or "Skipalong" Shoes at the little Shoe Store and you'll save money WILLIS SHOTE STORE The Little Store with the "Big Values" Seaforth HOCKEY — JUNIOR 13. PLAYOFFS Salvia at Seaforth, Saturday, March 6tli, 9 P.M. . ,loll n"n.uuaaaag".nnnnaal.a..R ola..a.a,.Ina,a..,..uaaun"un.,ua.m..u,,,upuullOpa......,a..mu"+UII"11.1, ing in the • church basement with a very large crowd attending, Rev, W. Becker was the chairman. Rev, Beck- er and Russell Sholdiee were the directors and the cast were as fol- lows: Mrs, John Arbncltlie, Wilbur Hoegy, Mrs, Rev. Becker Mrs. Frank Eickmeir, Mrs. Roy S�iemon, George Jarmnth. Between acts there was a ladies' quartette, "The Blue Skirt Waltz" and "It is no Secret" by Mrs. Edgar Elligson, Mrs. George Jarmuth, Mrs. Harold Elligson, Mrs. Ralph Fischer, PLAY "Mama's Baby Boy" Presented by Seaforth Junior Farmers Sponsored by the Y.P.U. of North Side United Church Wednesday, Mar. 10 8.15 P.5I. In the Church School Room Admission 60c and 25c COOPER'S GROCERY WEEK -END SPECIALS! Stokely's Fancy Honey Pod Peas 2-15 oz. cans 35c Aylmer Tomato Catsup Australian Sultana Raisins Green Giant Fancy Golden Wax Libby's Tomato Juice York Ice Cream Pies Bird's Eye Frozen Orange Juice Potatoes - N.B SIDE BACON 11 oz. bottle 21c 2 1b s. 37c Beans ..2-15 oz. cans 35c 2-20 oz. cans 25c 45c each 2 Tins 41c 10 Ib. Bags 27c Pound 69c CHECK OUR FRUIT COUNTER Starting this Saturday night this store will remain open till 9 P.M. Orval Cooper, Seaforth Phone 8 SELF SERVICE OR COUNTER SERVICE NOT/CE TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP All car owners in the Township of McKillop are requested not to park their cars on the roads of the Township during the winter. Cars that are left on the roads are contrary to the Highway Traffic Act, and are a detriment to operation of snow plows. After January 1, 1954, please note that Provincial Police will take the neces- sary action to° see that cars are not left on roads, and prosecutions may follow W. J. MANLEY Road Superintendent ATTENTION FARMERS. Radiators Cleaned and Repaired Bring your tractor and truck radiators in for a cleaning and repair job, to have them ready for the work season. Your tractor will work cooler and more efficiently and save gasoline, also save time in busy season. Reasonable rates. All work guaranteed COLLINS SERVICE STATION Phone 607 r 12 No. 8 Highway west of Seaforth TOWN OF SEAFORTH Tax PrepyiuenI Receipts for 1954 THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH WILL PAY 4 PER CENT PER ANNUM UP TO AUGUST 31, 1954, ON ALL PREPAID 1954 TAXES Certificates and full particulars may be obtained from the Town. Clerk's Office in the Town Hall D. H. WILSON TREASURER