The Seaforth News, 1954-02-25, Page 7Elf
4 gin 7
• Lightning, that vagrant and Unlll'edict-
abte thing which isn't suppose a, by
theory, to strike twice in the same place,
may fool the hockey folks this year.
At the end of the 1938-39 hocltey season,
Montreal Canadiens finished sixth in a
7 -club league, They managed to scrape
into the play-offs, but were quickly ousted. It was a bad year
for the F'r'ench-Canadian team, except in one instnce: the
League's leading point -maker, with 24 goals and 23 assists, was
Hector "Toe" Blake, battling Left wing. And for Ms services
in out -pointing suoh greats as Apps, Schmidt, Cowley, Bauer,
Schriner, Dillon and Drillon, he won the Hart Trophy, as the
player most useful to his team.
As these lines are being penned, there seems to be deveI-
aping a feeling, perhaps sentimental, that once again a member
of the League's lowliest club should be very carefully consid-
ered for the coveted award this season. For it is believed that
Elwin Ira (Al,) Rollins of Vanguard, Sask„ the "Thin Man"
who guards the Chicago Black Hawks nets, has an excellent
chance of winning the award.
Last season, Rollins was second only to Detroit's Gor'die
Howe in the voting for the "most valuable player to his team."
And if any player has filled that description this season the
player is Rollins.
The hawks have never been known as a defensive -minded
team in the postwar years, and manning the nets for them
has been too much to handle for several outstanding goalies,
like Boston's Sugar Jin Henry, Harry Lumley, now with Tor-
onto, and ex -Bruin Frank (Mr. Zero) Brimsek,
And when you discount the 24 goals scored against Chi-
cago in four games Rollins missed earlier this season, you get
a true picture of his value. Two other goalers, including former
rookie award winner Jack Gelineau, tried to stem the tide,
but in vain.
Tall, slim poker-faced, Rollins is lightning -fast with hands,
feet and stick, has perfect reflexes, a keen eye. It was the
goaling wizardy of Rollins that carried Hawks, last spring, to
their first play-off berth in six years, and forced Canadiens,
ultimate Cup winners, into seven games in the semi-finals.
The Hart Trophy award was niade before this series, and
Rollins might otherwise have won it. But lightning may strike
twice and a member of another Lowly team may edge more
prominent stars out of the "most valuable" award.
Your comments and suggestions for this column will be welcomed
by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 431 Yonge St., Toronto,
Rome, Italy
Here in Rome the Food and
Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations (FAO) has its
headquarters. In one of the ultra-
modern buildings that Mussolini
put up for one of his government
departments, a thousand people
of a dozen different nationalities
collect and co-ordinate all infor-
mation on production and distri-
bution of food products in all con-
It is here that we gathered
some of the facts and figures
"--alecessary to get a picture of the
situation in Europe.
Increased Production
Agricultural production in
North Western Europe has in -
greased by about two per cent
Snnually since 1950 it has kept
pace with the increase in popula-
tion since 1938 and in the United
Kingdom considerably exceeded
This result has been obtained
with lower imports of animal
feeding stuffs and the index of
production net of imported feeds
exceeds the index of gross pro-
duction by about five per cent.
In 1952-53 the production of
cereals and sugar exceeded the
average of the four previous
years, but the production of po-
tatoes was lower and the weather
was not generally favourable for
pasture and other green fodder.
Dabs: rbfliig TV
We used 'Co dream about it and
eventually it came true—the
little device by which one is en-
abled to sit snugly in one's arm-
chair and switch off the sales
talk from a TV commercial, The
makers of Blab -Off, the device
in question, report high and
mounting sales for their handy,
humanitarian little gadget.
Here is evidence of what Orte-
ga y Gasset might call a "revolt
of the masses" against the com-
mercial drivel to which their TV
Beta mercilessly expose them.
However, the announced aim of
Blab -Off is not to kill commer-
eials but to improve them. Ad-
vertisers who give new facts,
new ways to use their products,
new items to enrich the lives of
Their hearers — these sponsal's
won't get blabbed off. But the
unctuous and interminable ap-
peals to vanity and fear and
false appetite—these can be re-
duced to silent rnouthings on the
lecreen, to be ignored at will.
Now the advertisers are ad-
vertising Blab -Off, and the cycle
U complete, Perhaps it proves
that a free society carries within
Itself the remedy for its Own
worst excesses.—FrOrn The Chris-
tian Science Monitor.
With an excellent harvest, the
productionof bread grains in
most continental countries equal-
led and in a few cases surpassed
the prewar average. Except in
France the output of coarse
grains was generally greater than
before the war.
Italian Production Down
In Italy expansion of agricul-
tural production has not kept
pace with the increase in popu-
lation. Most progress hes been
achieved in special products such
as fruit, vegetables, wine and in-
dustrial crops, most of which are
largely grown for export. A de-
cline in the cereal area has not
been compensated by higher
yields, and coarse grain produc-
tion in particular is considerably
less than before the war. Live-
stock production as a whole is
not yet at the prewar level, but
is approaching it for milk and
eggs. A somewhat larger produc-
tion of rice and sugar has been
a feature of Italian agriculture in
recent years.
How far Italian production is
lagging behind can best be judg-
ed by comparing the average yield
per hectare of the years 1948-52
with the average of the period
of 1934-38. While Western Eur-
ope has increased its production
by 15 per cent, Mediterranean,
production is down six per cent.
In rice and maize—in spite of
the . first -mentioned larger pro-
duction—they produced in 1948-
52 only 83 per cent of the average
of 1934-38. Maize and rice are the
most important staple foods of
Italian Politics
The low productivity and the
concentration of land ownership
in large holdings on which the
peasants work either as share
croppers or for very low wages,
are the main stumbling block for
the formation of a new govern-
ment. The situation is clearly re-
cognized by all parties.
The parties on the extreme
right want to maintain the sta-
tus quo, those On the extreme
left — Communists and tenni
Socialists—are aiming at totali-
tarianism and within the Chris-
tian -Democrats, party of the
Centre, opinions are divided.
Signor Fanfani, leader of the
social minded faction of the
Christian -Democrats, wanted to
go t0. it alone and has antagon-
ized the three small parties of
the Old De Gaspers coalition, the
Liberals, Republicans and Demo-
cratic Socialists,
There is still hope that the old
coalition can be rebuilt.
This column welcomes sug-
gestions, wise or foolish, and all
criticism, whether constructive
or destructive and will try to
answer any question. Address
your letters to Bob Ellie, Box 1,
123 - 18th St., New Toronto, Ont,
'W fy/
A. V/l"r1 " r,eee, e, es, eseee
;u't Litres 4 f/: ffeJ1:1 . eyes: ewe
ed hyla% r,II, rrf tar t 1' ,t,:'t irrrdttl•
ei t'lini'r'r frr hu p'r it rage that
PV(I crawled between the ropes
Of e ring, lin was Battling Nel-
sen and, if memory serving us
aright, the Battling was not a
nlekname, but part of his right-
ful moniker. We may be wrong,
but as we recall it, the Durable
Danc's was christened -" over in
Denmark — Oscar Matthew Bat-
tling Nelson.- Of course, as we -
said, we might be mistaken --
and if anybody wants to slip us
return fare to Copenhagen, first
class, we'd be glad to slip over
and look it up.
But- there's no mistake about
Nelson's battling ability. He was
about as totigh as they come, and
the following tale - borrowedd
-largely from Bill Stern's 'FA-
a must for every fight -fan's li-
brary—tells of the deadly feud
• between Nelson and one of his
great rivals, Jimmy Britt.
• The fighters were at, unlike as
they could be. Britt was young,
handsome, intelligent, a smooth
dandy who not only acted like a
perfect gentleman but looked the
part in his Prince Albert coat
and high hat. On the other hand,
Battling Nelson, the - Durable
Dane, was a- hardboiled, tough
little man with a weazenod face
and a tangled mop of. wiry hair
that defied the discipline of a
con'..b and brush. Nelson's idea of
fashion consisted of turtle -neck
sweater and a cap.
One day, Battling Nelson, at-
tired in his tasteful ensemble of
sweater and cap caught a glimpse
of Jimmy Britt in his smart
Prince Albert and shiny high hat,
The idea of a prize fighter wear-
ing a hat like that positively in-
furiated the little tough guy, He
determined on the spot to de-
stroy Jimmy Britt together with
his fancy clothes, slick manners,
and, above all, his high hat.
1y * *
It was inevitable that these
two fighters meet in the ring.
They came to face each other in
a crowded arena under the hot
blue aun of a California sky. As
Nelson glared across the ring at
calm Jimmy Britt, he could still
see the high hat in his mind's
* *
When they met in the middle
of the ring, Jimmy Britt looked
into Battling Nelson's face and
what he saw there sent a cold
chill down his back. Nelson's
eyes were those of a dead man,
expressionless, terrifiying. Jim
my Britt shook off the feeling
with difficulty. He had never
been afraid of any man in the
ring, and he would not let him-
self be frightened now.
:.o * *
As the bout began, Britt drew
murmurs of appreciation from
the crowd for his superb boxing,
He landed six times as often as
the grim little Nelson, and his
blows were hard and sharp. The
Durable Dane shook them off and
kept ploughing in.
Sweating It Out -- Caryl Whit-
tier Chessman, imprisoned au-
thor of "Cell 2466, Death Row,"
may be executed before his
prison novel is published in July.
Described as a genius, Chessman
is scheduled to die in San Quen•
tin's gas chamber on May 21
unless he gets a stay of execu-
tion from the U. S. Supreme
Court. He received the death
sentence in 1948 under Califor-
nia's "Little Lindbergh" law, for
the attack -abduction of two
Soon, Nelson's expressionless
lace was a mass of crimson jelly,
With every blow landed by the
clever Britt, Nelson shook him-
self, and muttered in Britt's ear,
"I'll lick you. You and your high
hat." -
a * *
For foul rounds, Jimmy
Britt cut Battling Nelson to rib-
bons and the Dane kept coming
back for more. Britt, at the end
Of his patience, and somewhat
battered and groggy himself .
from the unending charge of his
opponent, stopped boxing and
stood toe to toe, slugging It out
with Nelson, Be began to realize
that his adversary was determin-
ed to destroy him, and that a
beating was not enough for the
Durable Dane to take from the
ring in victory. The constant
snarl of Battling Nelson, "I'll lick
you, you with your top hat:"
made Britt realize at last that
Nelson was fighting him with
hate In his heart.
• * 4.
At the start of the eighteenth
round, Battling Nelson tore into
Jimmy Britt, showering him
with club -like rights and lefts.
The handsome, superb boxing
master, Jimmy Britt, went down.
A hush fell over the arena. The
idol of the crowd had crumbled
before the fists of the scrubby
tough little guy from the Middle
* M *
Britt's eyes were glazed as he
rolled over and tried to pick him-
self up from the canvas. Nelson,
a mass of bruises and beaten to
a pulp himself, leaned over the
fallen warrior, snarling with
* * * *
Britt tried desperately to pull
himself to his feet to go on with
the battle. As Nelson growled
with animal satisfaction, Britt's
head sank once more to the can-
vas and the referee counted him
leu rfu0 Stage and Water Revue
The 4 Phillipa ,, Ed Won & Ce.
�,V,raughan Pipes & CO. heady', Oroyhound
4( Palsy Hubbard `i: The Moons
Don Francisco Tho Northern Guides
That eppaaitne and alma* human ,lar
Ir flilll' . , •A; Y.y!`L,A00
WRITE NOW (Enclosing Cheque or money order mid Del Ih0 born
Res. Sooi,-$1,20 o x soot, 11 71 pl a Albedo Edgar Adults See Children 2P
,t'a,<•.. Y , k1-Id`,r tf .,:.;f.; r'.•$at-1 '.ir:`N.-)6"7,, , 1. _� a`.E
S1►..'; u1 ,:1$2r. Chi .1$49
taA113 47If1OHR 1 Mt BALE
FULL. prenIetlon, large nogg when
tnaritote bring beet Priooe, Alm for
Moue market* with Bray Mimeo, .Melt*.
Ank for eatelOOue, Wee 11,1. Immediate
delivery; wide *holes bra,de; pr09008,
001110 eta,•ted, Luny Hatahory (80 yer:re'
experience), 120 John N Mannion.
Br b'2'XIX chinks. Ire 8. giallo !3p them-
ooivee. Potentially the laoet profitable
birds. Outgrow all athero with leen feed.
Betleenuttnlortalit5, For market lder, Araerloan Poue. Mereellent ultry
I n kuru, 1700 blain Fant. Hamilton.
*hear 010 glee you fop .55 peodnetton,
R.O.P. Sired White Leghorn/*, Rhode
Inland Rods, White Leghorn X Abode
Ialat d Redo, Rhode Leland red X Barred
R 1 k7, - Light kunnex X Rhode Inland Rod,
ribode Island Reil x Light Sussex, They
should los at !east 10% mare naso than
deal yarrow, breeds. For brm10,•,, we have
neat- 1sr generation Nichol New
H .id1 11n, turkey paths Stn oted
r) ra lodes.
11 1'1,1 t1 li IIATCtil^UIEH 5.71),
Gsorted ,\i )tl c 11ecre1 WhitePargLight ble while usneu,
Now helot al lre x Light ausoex. White
Mei; t,bio.' Sunaex, New Meant -dam
1,•n I•I.,, pollee X Barred Reek, Colum-
nlut, *tu.-b x New ninny/ 11re, Barred
11,,..I: c.' f , for bemired; 0 to Smolt old
021! D- h mired. Assorted heavy
lusede, our oboes, 91,00 per hnmlred bone ,'!n,•u- IA'rr"IlflniF ., LTD.
t i 1 t 1 s ONTARIO
n :i;1LTS lwhetl youraise chinks Pram
011S. dual-purpoye .&trains, you'll set both
ease and meat. Our New Hampshiren
are particularly gond e.6 layers and for
boners, Order early, Folder, held',,
I'oriitre harm, Dcx w. leini:*,vlile, On.
B8011E0 tam 1, ,-- ;14 411 bard to beat for
g.* and meat. Only ears from ear own
1 k hat Aletl. O1er thirty years Per.
aelo t tor L•: hen4 nue iambi -.mi
for pate 71 d 1 HL:tn 1 soy,
Onto, 70,
1501' LI) you tike to have lata of targe
gg0 next Bummer when prieoo are high?
Ocebn Nt'n I`ast Feathering Barred Rocks
0, 1 We !tock 0ru0e•brecis — 'Wrecks end
Legge ke -- 0.111 produce them If YOU
order early chid,,. Our other biocide.
fay .trams are New IIamethlres, Red
S11980x, Hollywood Leghorn., Canadian
approved, llvc delivery and entlnfact7On
S'00001eed, S1e0L1l February discounte,
Pelee List, Deebank's Pnultr3' Farm,
Ol,kinenn's Landing, Ont'
('1tESS ('ALLOTS SALVE ;tow 900
relief. Your Drugglnt *e11* 00005,
SUPERIOR Large G1adi01u, Bailee, Two
Dollars per hundred. LaSalle Glad Oar.
dens. 0922 Sendecle Street, Windsor.
Ontario. -
514,000 FULLY equipped poultry farm,
20 acres sandy loam moll, 900 Leghorn
in full production. romp for expansion
water throughout, electric) brooder!,
ghettoes, eked .110, 0 room house, 17,000
cash, Retail route Oshawa 9 nailer!
Bownlanellle, 6 miles on paved made. To
settle an estate, Telephone Bowmanvtlle
2880, (Mrs,) A. C. Perry, Hampton, Ont.
TURKEY POULTS — "Broad Breasted
Bronze," from March to July. Protect
y0ureelf with 10 yearn 0f experience 1n
turkey breeding and growing. Order now
for 1959 from Ivan E. Mullen, Addlocn,
CITAIN eawo, Repairs to all make,, of
power SAWA and outboard motor's, Rebuilt
18" HorwIlte, McCulloch, blah maebme,
Prided from 1160.00 available, Chain Saw
Protects Ltd., Oeraldton, Ontario,
REGISTERED Clinton Outs will be
available In 1959 for the first time from
IT, It. McKim, Breeden, Ontario,
17 ft. mahogany cabin outboard motor
cruiser, For full parrienlare write Box
655. Aylmer, Ontario.
WESTERN Ontario's Foremost Farm Salm
Av,mey, 225 Queens Ave„ London, Send
for list of trans for sale. (Further listings
Derma TROLRLESY One treatment
of Ever -Charge the amazing battery
chemical 10 0 wonderful t0n10 for a sick
battery. Ever-Chnrgo charges battery to
10 minutes and automatically keeps It
charged. Start motor, DIaY radio. use
heater, etc., all you want; your battery
will take It. Stop those harmful quick
ehnlgee. They net only harts Maur bat-
tery but cost lots of 111011y. Ev'ar•Ohnrgo
doubles life of new Or *lard battery,
En4oy greeter power and easter starting
repardleos of temperature. For 000 I0
cars. trucks. tractors, lighting plants, etc,
(Only ono treatment required.) Full
directions with each package. Satiafao
tion guaranteed. Price 01.50 Postpaid.
For Immediate delivery write Ever.
Charge. 99 Walpole Avenue, Toronto.
A good supply of ail *lessee of live stock
1420,414 head of cattle during the year
1952) at Toronto musket, attrurte a largo
number of buyers, large and email, each
week. These men comply the neceA9arY
e0mpetltlon to ensure full market value
for live :tock offered, Pleee lour stock
on the open competitive market where
all Interested bayero may bid fur it. Let
our experienced salesmen and assistants
represent you to make sure Y01 receive
tate highest net returns. Comma ,your
leve stock shipments t0 McCurdy & Mc-
Curdy Limited, Onhrrio stank Tante.
Then came the roar of the
crowd for the conqueror. Battl-
ing Nelson was hailed as a king,
swept up on the shoulders of his
new admirers and carried tri-
umphantly from the ring.
* '0 *
From this height, Nelson look-
ed down on Jimmy Britt as the
latter was being helped to his
corner. "Let him wear his high
hat now," snarled the new fa-
vorite. "He'll never be the
* x. *
Battling Nelson was right.
Britt never did become cham-
pion. Battling Nelson did,
thanks to a feud that started be-
cause he could not bear to see
another fighter wear a high hat.
T'TO 810dues **verde for Canadian artiat0
eoa ea0 00Yr Offer a eolleotte* of thee*
fine rendition. by Dovorno Mullen, the
Mullen Brother. and many tenure. Am
10050000* of *0 ',illi bring II Of thea* to
dAou po0tvald, Full refun4 if not ea.
ryly 0attefaotory. Records, Box 1000,
Newrneeket, O11t.
1IILTUnEa to equip a full modern Retail
Food Market, one 14 ft. 0ervlee Meet
counter; Ono 11 ft. Eel* -Servo Counter;
0me T ft. Self -Serve Counter; One 7 ft.
Hneemnn Deep Freeze Counter: One
Toledo Heat Seale; one Toledo Fruit
Boal*; OA. Dolloator One Electric Meat
Saw; '310 &departmient Nati .tai Cash
Bosrletore. Many mho, thieve rot In.
formmtla, trite Vora .t. u;a. t. Elinor
Slreat tt •1•„ _101-. , 4.04
BMWsmt 1-447'1, .-.
&IAVIS you anything needs dyeing or ole:•.n-
0b* Writ, to lie for information. w0
aro glad to answer your gbmetlono De.
leartm0110 6I Pne'lter'e Dye 71,,,,0 1.110104'4,
702 nage .qt. Toronto.
80000 CAI
DAN0RII the torment rt lir.,t rile.
Lind. weeping akin 1: 54: .
Eczema Halve will not dioalgl,ont 7
Iu;hing, 1)1,1 . humin*
ringwornl pinuidoo t a i t 1rt
r Ill
10e90nd r u 1417 t the sr -ll 1 n 1 1 ;a
ointment tent db:s 4 4*, .•aIl,IJ nn or
hop, less they 0,•,0 ,
PRICE. 11.011 PER Jilt
Hent Peel Tree on Receipt of frim.
RSD Q(teen St, 1.,, (nru•r or 1.0,8,1
0 713111\IN o -
One w0nlan teas nD tP Tate etioerior
°0E91INEN 1,1 1,17 o 1l.:e':,, pain. .11*.
treon and nervous Itel„n nr. nolatca trieb
monthly periods.
06,00 Postpaid 10 plain wr0Dler
POST'S t'1119M11'1I:$
809 QT'EEN 07'. 71.101' 83)110NTO
Great Oppartututi• Lcurn
111110resn ng.
3'10001u,4. dikuifled prof.•nelon,. F'oorl n,:gen,
Thousands of successful Marvel graduates
America's Creamer 00eteln
Illustrated Cetulm0uo 1•'rea
write or Cull
MARVEL HAIT(I)I113El71l 0011001,8
868 Blom. St, W'„ 'Toronto.
44 King St„ Hamilton.
70 Rideau 01,, come*.
ASHAMED to remcv0 your Int? Has
dandruff, thinning hair nr knotted b:ild-
0900 made you leek older and Una ttrat,
41ve? what Y01 need is 1.11711I. 10AIR
Eh SCALP CONDITION1:11. Grown as 1t
Broome, Baientlflcally r,IDpnund,.,l to
atlmulate the growth of new he,dthler
hair and keep the 9,017 clean,
made with LANOLINE for over ^o 1cars,
Sold under our MONEY RACK 111 ,1nAN-
'rP1E, Get yours today and give,ur
oenlp the break it needs, 14neloso 11.80
for Regular size, 02.76 targe leeenemi-
Sal 9120. L. & P. PRODUCTS !CANADA),
P.O. BOX 12, w1NII4OR. Ontario.
MEN AND ironies.
SWAP Bushnell 12 x 60 binoculere fol'
Old expensive violin. Box 224 Pr. late,
*5)10.03001 a bookkeeper, oteungrupher, or
ty8let. Lessons, 90e, Condlan Correse
90adena* Cooties, i.21* Bne Street,
AN UPPER to every Inventor Lim nt m.
'cations and fun Information sem tree.
The Ramsey ca,. Registered Potent annr,
news 272 Bank Street Ottawe
Attorneys $arablishod 1000 800 ftni.
vomit. Ave.. Toronto [intents eat -.nettles.
01.00 TRIAL Ofier, Twenty-five aomxe
personal requirements, Latest Cat:donne
Included. The Medico Agency. Eloy Tee
Terminal A. Toronto. Ontario.
ST011 S31O11TNG
Tr deslrono of t•bldlnn S'mrreelf of
do 11 the easy way. Tobacco Eliminator
carries a "satl*factlon or money bark”
guarantee. For free booklet. write C.
King Pharmaeal Cerporntlnn Ltd Rau
308, Walkerville, Ont.
01100 ant front, circular free, VAN ERTH'
OLTPPLY RDG', 17nx 22e, Wit nip..g,
FREIil Rare "Luelay charm" *0,1,4ed
with your Horoscope for only a L', S.
dime. Inelude Birthdate, (Month, Year),
Aosmenrle, Box 1207, Harbor, Oregon,
F00I, Friends! Rom(dl with relied
States Pmetmork. writs• leiter, meal,
address, put 111 nnnth,r envelop,. with
20e. Loon Masnikeff, sr..4 Limner I:Ird..
Brooklyn, N. Y.
MIND 10111 MANNERS- 111 tireiro
W a tau,:e, Famous 21'2 oar, boa: rn-
ytdte cmnll.I dictionary if C r U,t
etiqueitE nrr nrPd aimb:, brvt len 111', 11111
65.: postpaid, Du .•nu .,nnw hon• t" 111,
cnrrertly, 1,1,10 oocinl . ,2000 for
every ,Cr0elnn, write mr,l'er lotto's?
Northern Rook, Ervrvtee, Ilei., 1411, 1'3
Metcalfe Sourb. GaeISl:, t,nta ria,
tt'.4 NT1•:9)
DEALERS wonted -• 'rm take emcee for
ehlcke and tart*.* 1,0ulte for one of
C7nnade'e targeot and 0114* esrnlHnhed
Canedlon Approve., Iletcherleo °nod
c0mm1anibn Pohl Send far full deign,.
Box 111 122 Etohrecnrh Street New
Toronto 'morin
or money back
Very fart use of soothing, cooling, liquid
D.D.D. Prescription ptsitiveiv relieves raw
Itch•-•cauopd by eczema, rashes, scalp
irritation, chafing --other itch troubles. Grease -
cos, atalnlm's, 43e trial bottle must satisfy or
money hack. Ask your druggist for D.U.D.
ISSUE 9 — 1954
Yr UR x =1 M