HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1954-02-18, Page 8vrvVresacvVYT THE SEAFORTH NEWS EXCITING ..LUES in NEW SPRING SUITS with Two Trousers ing, Jean was showered with enanY beautiful and useful gifts; refresh- ments wore served. Mr. Ross Jinks spent the weekend with friends at St. Thomas, Miss Elaine Beer left on Sunday by plane for Bermuda where she has accepted a position. She was aceom- panied to Toronto by her mother, Mrs. Fred Beer, who will visit friends there, Mr. David Dignan, who recently underwent an operation in .St, Jo- seph's hospital, London, is graduailY improving, Mrs, Ida Jackson and Donald spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Nelson in Goderieh, Mr. and Mrs, Lee Oeech spent the weekend with friends in •St. Cathar- ines, F. Sgrallecombe Dies at Hensel! Mr. Fred Smalleoombe, 80, who died at the Consitt Nursing Home on Monday, had lived here most of his life. He was born at Exeter arid when he came here os a small boy' he saw the old Huron and Bruce Railway when it first went in 1875.. In municipal life he served as a reeve and councillor for several terms, Active in the Conservative Party, he was also a member of the Park Board, Chamber of Commerce, Huron Lodge No. 224 A.F. and A.M. and Hensall Lodge 228 IOOF. He had the first ice rink here and also conducted a restaurant, He started the onion business here for Steele Briggs and was in charge for rnany years. Mr, and Mrs. Bmalleoonbe celebrated their golden wedding in December 1949. Mrs. Ssnallecombe died in 1950. Surviving are 1 son, Fred, Guelph, and two daughters, Mrs. E, Normin- ton and Mrs. C. Faber, Hensall, one brother, Garnet, Guelph; and one sister, Mrs. George Walker, Wind- sor, Funeral services were held Wed- nesday under the auspices of Huron Lodge with Rev, W. J. Rogers offi- ciating. Interment was in Hensall Union Cemetery. Miss Betty Moir, who has spent the past week with her mother, Mrs. Bertha Moir, returned to London this week. Following the choir practice at Carmel Presbyterian •Church on Thursday evening, Mrs. Charles Forrest, who is leaving to take up residence in Sarnia, was presented with an electric clock. The choir were entertained later at the home of Mrs. Leo Tiberio, where refresh- ments were served and a social hour spent. Mr, and Mrs, Guy Bedard of Lon - 1 spent theel-end with the lat- 45.00 Here's value for you men and young men who want a lot of suit for very little money - Every suit has two pair of trousers at this low price, that add months of extra wear ... They are styled in the new long roll single breasted styles or popu- lar double breasted models. The cloths include all wool worsteds in a variety of shades as well as many lighter shades, melange finish plain shade "Centura" fabrics that are spot and wrinkle resistant. See these suits in our window and then come and try on a few, - You'll be amazed at the superb value ! ! TWO PANT SUITS 45.00 The Store With The Values news WE CONSIDER IT A PLEASURE TO BE OF SERVICE TO YOU RED ROSE COFFEE, 1 ib. .................................. 1,13 OUR OWN BLEND TEA 1 LB. 76a SMOKED PICNIC HAMS ,.....,. 65c D£LMAR MARGARINE 2 FOR 55c CATSUP — 11 OZ. HEINZ 27 FAIRBANKS CARBOLIC SOAP ..... , . 3 for 210 s HENSALL Miss Betty Moir of London spent the past week at the home of hex mother, Mrs. Bertha Moir. Complimenting Miss Jean Ingram, bride -elect of this week, a number of friends and neighbours assembled at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ingram on Tuesday even - 0. K. GUARANTEED USED CARS 1952 Chevrolet Sedan 1951 PONTIAC DELUXE COACH 1950 CHEVROLET COACH, radio 1946 Ford Coach 1940 Ford Sedan 1675.00 1475.00 1275.00 650.00 240.00 Seaforth Motors tPhone 541 am Seaforth inleY s ab *;hicks CANADIAN APPROVED • PUREBRED NEW HAMPSHIRE 0 PUREBRED LiGHT SUSSEX • PUREBRED WHITE ROCK • N.H. x L.S. CROSSBREDS • N.H. x B.R. CROSSBREDS o AND OUR POPULAR THREE WAY CROSS- W.R. x H.S. McKinley Farms & Hatchery Phone 697 r 11 Hensall R.R.1, Zurich Concrete Silos All fanners intending to build this year should contact us now. We have 20 years' experience in the work and build a silo that will withstand tornados or any pressure that may be put upon them. Jonathan Hugill & Sons Phone 667 r 13 Seaforth P.S.—Last year we were very sorry to have to tura away some 50 prospective customers who delayed their orders until spring. See our complete line of pins, bias tape, elastic,, threads and buttons PRINTS at 69e Broadcloth at 490 Seersucker at 69c CLAIR HANEY Egmnondville PHONE IIAULY PHONE 72 WE DELIVER WORK WANTED Middle 'aged lady wants work, good house- keeper, and good cook, capable of taking full charge. Phone 312W Seaforth LOST Two )er books containing receipts, on Main street, Seaforth, on Saturday. Reward. Finder please apply et News Office FOR Vpright pian and a0 2444,, hp G.E. electric motor, a metal baby bath. All in excellent eondltior. Phone 255, Seaforth FOR SALE Good sot of work harness, also two good CARTI•Imilked 111?R1 cows, rbllin, Apply T l,yto 80R3 P bl r N M� FOR SALE 7 suckers, six weeks old, ED BOYOE, RR5 Seaforth. Phone 852x41 tion was taken, followed by the sing- ing of hymn 405. The meeting was closed by a prayer by Mary Dennis. This was followed by an exchange of valentines after which a delicious lunch was served by the hostess. EGMONDVILLE Rev. and Mrs. Grant Micklejohn of Lucknow visited with Rev. and Mrs, W. E. Milroy at the manse on Mon- day. Mr. Wm, Finlayson and son Jack of Lorne Park spent a few days with his mother, Mrs. Jas. Finlayson: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clark and daughter Barbara of Muirkirle spent a day recently with Mrs. 'Clark's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 5, Watson. Miss Laura McMillan of Toronto spent the weekend with her mother Mrs. W. F. McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Campbell o Bayfield visited last weekend wit their son-in-law and •daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Simons. Lon- don weekend tar's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart HULLETT Bell. On Feb, 8th 21 adult members o Fire Damages Hensall Truck the Fire -side forum met at the hom Hensall firemen were called to ex- of .Mr. and Mis. Don Buchanan t ex- tinguish a fire in atractor-trailer discuss "What Grade, Madam?" owned by Allan's Transport of Hen- We agreed that a uniform gradin Sall, and operated by Garnet Allan, system is an advantage to produce who had just driven into a service and consumer, as it increases sales station on No, 4 highway to get gas- quality and satisfaction. Pork cowl olive, Allan had just gone into the be stamped with the grade when i service station and when he return- went to market. Bacon should b ed a few minutes later fire and .graded and that sante grade carrie smoke was pouring from the motor, through to the consumer. Any col considerable damage was done. ored wrappers which deceive th purchaser should not be allowed. CROMARTY Most games, Mrs, Bob Dalton, Mrs The members of the Ladies' Aid Joe Babcock; lone hands, Mrs. Bo enjoyed a pot -luck dinner and guilt- Dalton, George Carter;artconsoOliverAnder lation ing at the home of Mrs. T. Laing •on go Wednesday. son. On Feb. 15th the •group wig Miss Florence Russell, Mitchell, meet at Oliver Anderson's. spent the weekend at the home of The cooking classes in Londesbor hall, conducted by the Women's In her brother and sister-in-law, Mr and Mrs. Wesley Russell. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cadick and Sharon Grace, London, visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. John McLachlan, torium. The meeting was opened b Seaforth, and Mr. and Mrs. Prank Grade 5 pupils, Miss Turnbull' stitute are very popular this week. HOME AND SCHOOL There was a Mothers' Night meet ing of the Home and School, Tue day, Feb. 16th, in the school and Allen were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McLachlan on Wednesday evening. Cromarty Farm Forum met Mon- day night and following a discussion period enjoyed a recreation of eu- chre with the following winners: Ladies, Mrs. Harry Norris, Ml's. Ger- ald Carey: Men, Harry Norris, Ger- ald Carey; lone Brands; Leslie Riley; There will be no meeting next Mon- day night owing to it being review night. Feb. 26th all farm forums will meet at •Staffa for review night, Seaforth Junior Farmers present their play "Mama's Baby Boy" in •Staffs Hall, sponsored by Cromarty Farm Forum. In charge of last night's meeting were Mr. and Mrs. Meikle. The next meeting, March 1, will be in charge of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harper and Mr. and Mrs. Fil- mer Chapple. BRUCEFIELD The Feb. meeting of the W. A. was held on Tuesday, Feb. 2, in the schoolroom of the Church. Opening hymn 366 was sung. Mrs. Ham read the scripture lesson, Corinthians II: 1-11. and Galatians chap. 5. The topic on Christian Fellowship was taken by Miss E. Bowey, followed by pray- er. Hymn 380 was sung and the W. Ar creed repeated. President'Mrs• N. Baird took,charge of the business. The roll call was answered by the name of a new member. There were 28, making a total of 58 members. Thankyou cards were read from Mr. John Cairns and Mrs. Consitt, A let- ter, from the Marek of Dimes was read and a donation •of $10.00 made. Mrs. Berry read a report on groups for 1953. Group 1, $250.00; Group 2, $280.00; Group 3, 1182.00; Group 4, $200,00. Meeting closed with sing- ing W. A. hymn. A social half hour followed, group 2 was in charge. WALTON The February meeting of the Wel., ton ,C.G.I.T. was held at the home of Mary Dennis on Feb. 5th at 2:30, The meeting was opened by the call to worship by Mary Dennis. Hymn 41 was sung followed by the serip» tune by Norma Hoegy. Mary Dennis then led in prayer, Our leader, Mrs, Doreen McCreath gave a very inter- esting topic On the Bible. Hymn 401 was then sung and the minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. 'The next meeting is to be held at the home of Rosemarie Hed- ger on Marek 13 at 8;30, The collee- Grade. Participating were Larr Beuerman, Evelyn Dick and Tera McLean. Mrs. Paul Brady was chair roan for the evening; Mrs. C. Reit was treasurer; Mrs. M. Berger acts as secretary; these three mother arranged the interesting meeting Mrs. Alvin Sillery conducted the ro call. Grade 1 won the attendant picture. The business was conducts by the president, Mrs. Frank Klin Mrs. Stinson, having the birthda nearest Valentine's Day, was Moths of the Evening. Two very it teresting films were shown, "WWill k Common ch ColdOUCoffee td and cookif were served by the lunch committe Mrs. A. Y. McLean, Mrs. W. Wright, Mrs. Talbot and Mrs. SSiller•; FOUR SQUARE FARM FORUM We -met on Monday night at Go don and Mrs. MacKenzie's hoar We listened to the radio broadca and then formed groups to answ the questions. A short discussiO was held after which we played pr gressive euchre with Mrs. Jas. Ke and Guy Dorrance the winner Lunch was served and we -will me next week at the home of Arch and Mrs. Kerr. BORN SCIIERBARTH--At Scott blemotal HoaptO on Feb, 14, to Mr. and Mrs Edwa Sehorbarth, R11,1 Bornholm, a daughter 1,5sKINNELL—At Scott Memorial Hospital, Feb. 10, to Opt. and Mrs. David M Kinnell, Seaforth, a daughter BOWEN — At Scott Memorial l•Iospital, Feb. 17, to Flying (Meer and Mrs. Arcl Bowen, Seaforth, a son WOR51m'LL—Mr. and Mrs, Charles S. Wore (Helen 1inkbeiner), 200 Stirling Avg Kitchener, are happy to announce the rival of a son, Kenneth Charles, n br ther for Barbara Ann, at St. Mary's Iia pital, Kitchener, Feb. 051, 1954 COMMUNICATION Editor The Seaforth News. Dear Sir,—I 'think if a new H on County court house is built, should be at Clinton, It is a cents. location and the eounty owns plan of land there at the county home there is good room for parking a future expansion. I am opposed to tearing down t present court house which has sto solidly for about a hundred yea All modern buildings are not bu that way. Keep in mind the half m lion dollar government building Halifax, said to be of most mode design, and it fell down in thr weeks. Thanking you for this spa RATEPAYER, CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. R. H, Modelsnd wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to relatives, .friends and neigh- bors for the kindness and sympathy shown them in their recent sad bereavement. Bimetal thanks to Rev. W. E. Milroy for his comfort- )ng message. Also Lois Ham11ton, Mary ,Oardno and the gentlemen who acted as pall bearers end dower bearers, and any one who helped in any way TENDERS Tenders for straying cattle, by the head, for Warble Fly Control in the Township of Mc- Killop, will be received ,rt the Clerk's office up to February 27, 1564. Certificate from Workmen's Compensation Board showing their assessments are paid up to date must accompany tender. A marked cheque of $100.00 to accompany tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, 3, M, ECKERT Clark MaICillop Twp., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1954 BOX a ixtttra1 ;�liruirrt R1, Ont. AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed. Flowers tot' all occasions Phones; Day 43 Night 596W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 0 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon. Phone 5-W Seaforbh SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A, McMaster, B.A.,M.D., Internist P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 pm to 5 pm,daily. except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings. Tuesday, Thursday and; Saturday only, 7.9 pm Appointments made in advance are desirable VETERINARY SURGEON T. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BR%ANS, D.V.M., V.S. Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 791, Main St., Seaforth Hours—Seaforth daily except Mon, 9 to 6.80• Saturdto Olinton MoLarens Studio,to 9 PM. Wed.0 Mon. 9 12.30AM Mon.5.830 Tenders Wanted TOWNSHIP OP' TOOICERSMITH f h f o S aTuckersmith d e b en y5 ux- r0, ilt Tenders are invited by the Township of Tuckersmith to crush lapel haul approximately et 12,000 cu. yds. of gravel to township roads in 0, 1954. Contractor must furnish all require- mente except gravel which will be suppliedby the '''muslsobond , in the formrofi a nd 'n'nrarkedtchequerurnforsh $500.00 ,, to accompany tender or tender will not be considered. 111." screen to be used and work to be com- pleted by June 80th, 1064. Tenders to be sealed and marked 'Tender" and in the clerk's kande by 3 P.M. March and, 1504. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ae- a' canted. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk. M TENDER E B TOWNSHIP OF TUCICERSMITII A Tenders arra invited by the Township of Tuckersmith for spraying cattle for Warble P Ply Control under the Warble Fly Control I"+ Act and Amendments. Township will supply material used in spraying and contractor must 50 supply all other requirements including labor. a Tender to state a rate per head per spray. a Tenders to be sealed, marked ...render" and r in the Clerk's hands by 3.30 P.M. March and, e 1964. Lowest or any tender not necessarziY 1 accepted. E. P. CHESNEY, Cleric. rc Applications Wanted s TOWNSHIP OF TtroxensMITH s Applications are invited by the Township of for the position of warble 8y Inspector for 1954 at a rate of Ole per hour t and an allowance of 10e per mile for use of e ear while on inspection duties. Applications to be in the Clerk's hands by 3.80 P.M. March 2nd, 1964. - E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk. TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT TENDER FOR GRAVEL Tenders will be received at the regular Council meeting in the Township Hall, Staffs, " until three P.M. Monday, March 1st, 1954, for 1 approximately twelve thousand cubic yards of crushed gravel, delivered on the Township Roads, three quarter inch crush, flat rate, O Township pay for the gravel. A marked s, - cheque for four hundred dollars is required. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted THOS. D. WREN, Clerk of the Twp. of Hibbert, Cromarty, RR. #1 HONEY FOR SALE Clover honey $1.50; amber honey •- $1.35; in 8 lb, pails only, while sup- 1' ply lasts. Wallace Ross Apiaries. s Phone 1864 ' HELP WANTED FEMALE a UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY for house- - wives capable of working 3 to. 4 hours in the h evening. No canvassing. Ne experience ne0ea• d sary. For interview write TREASURE COSMETICS, Box 330, Walkerville, Ontario .s FOR SALE Good used piano, Newcombe, recently tuned 11 CLOUGH, R Clinton. PhoGEORGE e O OS 31 COI, e WANTED TO BUY d A coal brooder stove for a colony house. 5. Must be in good condition. Also a large bell. GEORGE COLCLOUGH, 500x81 Clinton y ;r WANTED TO BUY t_ A child's bed in good condition. Apply at News .0 _The Le AGENTS WANTED ACT NOW for big earnings. Be your OMI 18 boss ---sell our guaranteed household necessi- ties with interesting commission. Wherever ., you may live write in for details. 2AMILEX, 0. 1500 Delorirnier, Dept. 1, Montreal 7. FOR SALE Feed turnips and cob cora. A. TIMMER- MANS, RR3 Kippen. Phone SS7r18 r- FOR, SALE A small Coleman oil heater, slightly used e' Call evenings 6 to 8. MRS. E..1. WEBER, St. Egmondville Dual purpose FORSALEfor sale. A few h ve qualified heifers and ms in B.O.?. calve in springor 0" young V. SCOTT, phone 851-4 01; Just 13 good pigs, SALE to 10 weeks old. A. R. DODDS, phone close88x14 Seaforth 1e FOR SALE A quantity of mixed feed grain, oats, barley and wheat Rgeeasonable. 9MOORE'S POULTRY FARTHE PERFECT GIFT a The Perfect Gift for the Patient 18 0. T.1 Pillow -Speaker -Radio. Rent one today •a- at Local Hospital. Reasonable rates. SALES AND SERVICE on Viking cream separators, now and used. Ile Look over your old machine and see what you need for ell Viking Cream Separabefore tor, dealer, JOHN 3., BYERMAN & SONS, Walton RR 2. Phone le- 848x24 Seaforth '� Income Tax Returns income Tax Returns Made Up 1953 Forms on Hand Phone for appointment it Iionsall 038 r 16 Dublin 14 r 12 al THOS. D. WREN ty Cromarty RR ls1 so id he il- 51 rn se e. FREE SERVICE TO FARMERS Don't waste money on minerals Your land does not hoed. We will, without oharge M you, take samples of the earth in your fields and have them analyzed, Call Topnotch Feeds Limited phone 15 or 875, Seaforth Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect, at lowest rates in First -Class lmpanies he McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEA`FORTH, 0NT. Officers—President, J. H, McEwing, Blyth V, R. Archibald, Seaforth; Manager nd Seo.-Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors --J. L. Malone, Seaforth; J. H. oEwing, Blyth; W. S. Alexander, Walton: J. Trewartha, Clinton; J. E. Popper. rucoOold; O. W. Leonhardt, Bornholm: H. ,wrier, Goderieh; R, Arahibhid, Seaforth; Mister Broadfoot, Seaforth. Agents—Wm. Loper Jr., Londeeboro t J. F. rueten, Brodhagen ; Selwyn Baker. Brussels 1 ria Mmuoe, Seaforth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or •unset other business, will bo promptly ttended to by applications to any of she al named o1ioers addressed to espective post offices, RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive end guaranteed radio pairs to all kinds of radios, et TERRY'S Amo REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 7R, Seaforth SBORNE S. HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD.ormon EXETER President Wm. A, Hamilton, Cromarty Vice -President Martin Feeney, 8122 Dublin Directors Harry Coates, Centralia E. Clayton Colquhnun, 12R1 Science Hill Milton McCurdy, 12.4.1 Kinston Alex J. Rohde, RR3 Mitchell Agents Thos. G. Ballantyne, 11R1 Woodham E. Ross Houghton, Cromarty Clayton Harris, 11R1 Mitchell Solicitor, W. G. Cochrane, Exeter Secretary-Traasurer Arthur Fraser, Exeter INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability etc. Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Successor to E. C. Chamberlain MAIN ST. SEAFORTH Phone 334 Res. 222R 1ule. LI" oa'� THE SOUS FUEL FOR 2OLIp„C01,1Fe7T • , "ThILLe World's Finest AnthraciteS" WIS DUNDA Phone 363-J Res. 192-M SALES AND SERVICE New Viking electric cream separators and epalrs for Ronfrew separators. BASIL ROURKE, phone Clinton 034 r 21. PERSONAL Hygienic, Supplies (rubber goods) mailed ioatpaid in plain sealed envelope with price ist, 9 samples 260; 24 samples $1.00. Mail- )rder Dept. T-74, Nov -Robber Co., Box 91, 3amilton, Ont. NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith Ratepayers and others are request- ed to not park cars or vehicles on roadsides in the township during the winter months in order to facilitate snowplowing operations. The town- ship will not be responsible for dam- ages to any vehicle parked on road- sides caused by snowplowing opera- tions. (Signed) D. P. Chesney, Clerk, COAL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 318w PRICED FOR QUICK SALE Insul brick sided, one storey dwelling, centrally located • $2500,00 Possession Feb. lot M. A. IUOID, Realtor Other good properties listed