HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1954-02-18, Page 1The Seaforth News WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 76 J. H. McEWING HEADS McKILLOP MUTUAL CO. The annual meeting of the McKil- lop Mutual Fire Insurance Company was held on Friday afternoon when the following ,officers and directors were elected for 1958-54: H. Meliwing, Blyth, Pres., Ro- bert Archibald, Seaforth, Vice-Prea., M. A, Reid, Sec,-Treas., and Mgr„ Seaforth, Directors: J. L. Malone, Seaforth; J, H. McEwing, Blyth; W. S. Alex- ander, Walton; E, J. Trewartha, Clinton; J. E, Pepper, Brueefield; C. W. Leonhardt, Bornholm; H, Fuller, Goderieh; R, Archibald, Seaforth; Allister Broadfcot, .Seaforth. Agents: Wm. Leiper, Jr., Londes- koro; J. F, Prueter, Brodhagen; .Se1- Seaforth. Baker, Brussels; Eric Munroe, HONORED PRIOR TO LEAVING FOR TORONTO Mrs. Ken Carter entertained at her home •on Wednesday evening hi honor of Miss Karen Kidd, who is leaving for Toronto to attend the Mothercraft School of Nursing. A very pleasant evening was spent playing bingo. Miss Jean Snell read a short address and Miss Marilyn Butt presented Karen with two place -settings of silver. The hostess served a very dainty lunch. MRS. A. W. DICK INJURED IN CAR ACCIDENT ,Mrs. A. W. Dick, who has been in hospital at London since Saturday's car accident, is expected to be able to •return home to Seaforth this week. Two persons suffered fatal in- juries, another is in critical condition in St, Joseph's Hospital, London, and seven suffered injuries in varying degrees, as a result of a head-on col- lision on Highway No, 83 — the Dashwood Road --- half a mile east of 'Dashwood about 7 p.m. Saturday, Dead are: Mrs. Gwyn Simpson, 42, Leaside and Milton Ratz, 60, Shiplca, in Huron county. The others injured are; R. D. Simpson, 43, 35 Leanest rd., Lea- side; husband of the dead woman and presumed to be the driver of one car, who was in South Huron Hospit- al, Exeter, suffering from a frac- tured pelvis, lacerations and other, undetermined injuries; his daughter Linda, three, in the same hospital suffering from shock and lacera- tions; Marion Dick, 16, fractured left arm; Jane Dick, 1a, forehead. and leg lacerations, They are in Ex- eter hospital; Evelyn Dick, 11; Tom- my ,Dick, 10, Joseph Dick, 7, all of Seaforth and Edward ' Bedford, 7, Toronto, who suffered bruises and abrasions and who were released from Exeter hospital after treat- ment. Mrs. Dick was one of several passengers in a car driven by Milton Ratz of Shipka and was on her way home to Seaforth after attending the funeral of her sister-in-law, Mrs, Gordon Pearson, of Dashwood. Mrs. Dick, the former Lennabelle Pearson, was born at The Nile in the Dungannon district. Mrs. Dick, whose husband died abort two years ago, had recently moved into the Dick residence on Jarvis street. Three ambulances, H. Hoffman's from Dashwood and Hopper -Hock- ey's and Dinney's from Exeter, re- moved the victims to hospital. Damage to the cars is estimated at $2,500. Mr. Ratz operated a chopping mill at Shipka. Surviving are his wife, the former Ada Fassold; a son; Jack; two sist- ers, Mrs. Matthew Sweitzer, Grand Bend, and Mrs. Crawford McPher- son, Parkhill; and two brothers, Roy and William, •of Stephen township. Mrs. •Simpson was born in Cape- town, South Africa, and came to Ex- eter as a young girl and attended school there. She was married in Ottawa and lived there before mov- ing to Toronto, The Simpsons were in the process of moving from Tor- onto to Grand Bend when the acci- dent happened. Surviving Mrs. Sirnpspn, besides her husband and daughter, is a sist- er, Mss. Norman Hockey of Exeter. SIJAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY :18, 'x.964 ALEXANDER—NICHOLSON Mr. Ross Cecil Alexander, son of Mr, and Mrs. Edmund Alexander and Barbara Jean Nicholson, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nichol- son were quietly harried in the First Presbyterian Church .on the 13th of February at 4 o'clock, the Rev. D. Glenn Campbell officiating. Miss Marion Alexander of Hen- sall, sister of the groom was matron of honor, dressed in mauve lace with net overskirt and matching headdress and shoes. Allan Nicholson of Tuckersmith, brother of the bride • was groomsman. The bride looked charming in a dress of Trinidad rose with overskirt of net embroidered in silver with sil- ver hat and shoes to match. Mr, Smith played the wedding music, Miss Nylle Doig, of Toronto, sang "Always" during the signing of the register. The wedding dinner was served at Fairview Farm with the two im- mediate families. The home was beautifully decorated with pink and white streamers and mums, and the wedding cake centered the table. The Rev. Campbell proposed a toast to the bride and the groom responded most fittingly. After the dinner the guests all left for the bride's home when a reception was held with some fifty guests attending. The evening was enjoyed playing cards and sing- ing. They will reside on the groom's farm in Usborne. HOME ON LEAVE Leading Seaman Lorne Goudie ar- rived home on Sunday to spend six weeks' leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Goudie, James St. Lorne is with H.M.C.S. "Iroquois", which has just returned after a year on duty in Korea and Japan. Com- ing home by way of the Suez Canal, the Canadian warship sailed around the world, Shortly after Mr. and Mrs. Goodie received a telegram from their son after his arrival at Halifax, they had a phone call from Mr. and Mrs. ;Clarence Dewar of town who had just seen Lorne on television as he left the ship. GOLD PINS PRESENTED In a brief ceremony last Thurs- day afternoon at the Forest City Knitting Company, 'Glencoe, gold pins were presented to a number of employees who have served at the plant for five years or more. Pre- sentation was made by Miss Kay Dalrymple to the following: 0. Bell, D. Mitchell, H. McFarlane, M. A. McRae, D. Henry, J. McRae A. Sharina, K. Dalrymple and C. la. H. Remick. Several others will be eligi- ble for this mark of service in a short time. McKILLOP PHONE SYSTEM TO REPLACE CABLE The annual meeting of subscrib- ers of McKillop Telephone System was held in Carnegie Library, Sea - forth on Saturday, Feb. 13. Business included a decision to put in new cable a% miles north from Seaforth to Grieve's bridge,. Wm. R. Jewitt was appointed se- cretary' for meeting. Walter Scott, chairman of the system, said he was sorry attendance was small at such an important meeting but roads and weather were rough. Sec -Treasurer, J, M. Eckert, read minutes of com- missioners monthly meetings during the year. He explained that the Mc- Killop system collected 18500 to $4000 in long distance tolls for Bell Co. This involved expense and was 90 per cent of his year's work, but McKillop system received no remun- eration, The system has 438 phones. The cost per phone in 1953 -was; re- construction $6.50, maintenance $7.80, switching $11,40, net income 20c, making a total levy of $25,90. 'Commissioner George Campbell said commission had discussed dur- ing year plans for replacing cable and new line at Clinton end, The cable from Seaforth limits north to Wilmore Scott's was really ,bad and out of spares, every storm cracked it and needed more tape. Part was built in 1917, the rest five years later. Commissioner Allan Campbell said he wished more had come out to express an opinion on raising rates. Commissioner Walter Scott said the cable was 33 years old and could not be repaired much longer. It was necessary for repairman to use lad- ders to get at cable as it would no longer carry his weight. The Tuck- ersmith System put in a cable two years ago out of surplus and now found it was not sufficient. We should raise our rates now. McKillop should put in their new cable this year as the Clinton sub- scribers would have to be changed over to dial next year. James McQuaid, of the Dublin phone system, said a cable 575 feet long had been laid from the east of Dublin to the exchange building, cost $293, approximately 50 cents a foot. Jack Kellar, McIfillop lineman, ex- plained about circuits and the cable. It was approximately 10,000 feet frons Hickey's to Grieve's bridge, There were ten circuits on highway going west of Seaforth with no spare, Tuckersmith using part of it and paying rent. Mr. Kellar recommended putting in a cable with 51 pairs as far as the road north of Gordon Elliott's pro- perty and 37 pairs north to the bridge. This will snake provision if we eventually have to split the lines for dial phones down to 10. It is planned to bury the new cable if possible, which would be cheaper for construction and maintenance than an aerial cable. The new cable line would cross the river at the pole yard. This would save several hund- red feet of cable and would be out of the way of the new bridge and roadway which will be built there some day. Cable will be buried 24 feet back 'from the present fence line, as it is expected the county will move the fences back 17 feet at some future time. The cost of a 51 -pair cable to G. Elliott's corner is estimated at 78 cents a foot ($2072), and then a 37 - pair cable to the bridge at 68 cents a foot. Mr. Kellar said that at the bridge one circuit went east, 4 went west and 14 north. If we go to dial'-' all these circuits would have to split down to 10 phones. He said that at present there were 111 phones t of Clinton on 10 circuits counting the trunk line. You know that God- erich tarp, system went to pieces, said Mr. Kellar, and Bell had to take them over. They have bought ground at Clinton for a dial office which will be working in 1955 or 1956. The old cable north of Seaforth, said Mr. Kellar, has 22 gauge wire which never should have been used as resistance is so high—it was like trying to force water though half inch pipe. The new cable will have 19 gauge wire. Discuss Dial Phones If Seaforth goes dial in five or ten years, said Mr. Kellar, the pre- sent cable simply would not work on the battery system. We will eventu- ally need cable to Winthrop. He had worked on the old cable far 15 yrs. and saved the system $8,000, but he could do no more. It was all one system, said Mr. Kellar, and all pay for it. He was sorry there were no Clinton people at the meeting. Earl Mills said people in north- ern part had difficulty haring. Mr. Kellar said a new cable would snake it somewhat better, but they were too for from Seaforth Central to eliminate noise entirely. Chairman Walter Scott said if Bell goes dial at Seaforth we will have no central. Mr. Kellar said for McKillop to set up a dial central of their own would east $175 a phone or $58,000, and have - to pay 10 cents every time they phoned into town. 3, M. Eckert said he did not like dial phones. He had had to wait 114 hours near Burlington before he could get a clear line on a rural dial phone. Mr, Kellar said Goderich twp, are now paying $38 for rural phone and $45 for rural store phona. If we wanted to sell out to Bell, we should do it now. To Lay New Cable Earl Mills asked how much the • Continued on Page 5 FEBRUARY RAIN STORM A large branch blew down on Jarvis street in front of Mr. Cliff Broadfoot's house about noon Tues- day, setting off the fire alarm, Later in the afternoon power was disrupt- ed for an hum when the wind broke a guy wire near the flour mill, caus- ing a short circuit. Heavy rain caus- ed flooding in low areas and very few cellars in town remained entirely dry. BRIDE -ELECT HONORED AT SHOWER A pleasant event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mc- Lean of Tuckersmith when, on the_ evening of Tuesday, Feb. 9, a num- ber of friends and neighbors gath- ered there to honor Miss Barbara Nicholson, bride elect, and present her .with a miscellaneous shower of gifts, which included three lamps, an end table, sheets, flannelette blankets, bedspread, towels, pillow slips, and a variety of kitchen uten- sils. Mrs. Paul Doig read the follow- ing address: There was a young lady called Bar- bara, Who taught the young fry their r's, A corking good teacher though some- times she said, Those young devils should be be- hind bars. NAMED ACTING POSTMISTRESS Miss Ruth 'fluff has been appoint- ed Acting Postmistress of Seaforth Post Office, until a postmaster is named to succeed the late Mr, C. 1'. Sills. Norlheido United Church Be.vJohn Stinwa 3 ister, 10 a;} ;, `dhurch Sehoasja,ana Adult Bible Class. 11 a.m., "The Residue of idle s' Junior Congregation and . Group. 7 pan.; ".Seeking the Way';',. Illustrated: •,, 8:15 p.m.,, Y. P. Union Egmondvllle United Church - Rev, W. E. Milroy, Minister. 11 a.m., Morning worship, Su ject, "The ltighteousness of God" 7 p.m., Singsong and at. Wednesiay at 7:30, m' vice. FUNERAL OF CHARLES P. SILLS, POSTMASTER Funeral services wore held Fri- day morning, Feb. 12th from his late residence on High St., under the auspices of Branch 156 Canadian Legion. Solemn Requiem High Mass was celebrated by his pastor, Rev. E. P, Weber assisted by Rev. J. B, Ffoulkes, Dublin, and Rev. J. Mc - Cowell, St. 'Columban, Father Weber delivered the funeral oration. Or- ganist was Mrs. Frank Devereaux, Toronto. Prank Sills Jr. sang "Penis Angelicas" during the Offertory and after Mass Frank Sills, Jr. and Mrs. H. Enzensberger sang„ Sweet Sav- iour Bless Us 'Ere We Go", Mem- bers of the Canadian Legion formed a Guard of Honor. Led by the Sea - forth Highlanders' Band they pre- ceded the remains to St. James' Cemetery for interment. A detach- ment from the R,C:R's, London, formed the firing party and the last post was sounded by Bandmaster Stanley 3. Smith. Pallbearers were Postmaster E. 4, Hingst, Mitchell; George Hays, Dr. J. A. Munn, P. 3. Dorsey, 3. Botham Jr. and John Earle. Honorary pall- bearers were W. J. Duncan, J. J. Cleary, 3. L. Slattery, Gordon Me - Gavin, Chad Glew and P. D. McCon- nell. Attending in a body were the Sea - forth District High School Board and staff and a number of students both from there and from Brescia Hall, London. Ushers were Con Eckert, Arthur Devereaux, John James and Ed. Dev- ereaux. Those attending the ifuneral of the late Charles P. Sills from out of town were Mr. Joseph Sills, Balti- more, Maryland; Mr. and Mrs. Don Tudhope, Mrs. Tom Walsh, Mr, George Reynolds, Mr,_R. Fitzgerald, Mrs.' Frank Devereaux and Mr. Ed. Devereaux, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hays, Miss Pat Hays, Mrs. Monica Klinkhamer, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brall, Mr. Gordon Bra]],- Miss Eleanor Super, Mr. and Mrs. Mar- vin Dorilbrock, Mr. and Mrs, R. Tate, Detroit, Mich„ Mrs. T. McKay and, Mrs. W. 3. Faulkner, Galt; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hays, London, and Miss Rita Dolan, Miss Denise Conk- lin, , Miss Elaine Dillon, Miss Rose- mary McConkey, Miss Joyce Curran, MiShan Mahueys PatisOs Kaykiss Carmel MacG MacGregor, Shaughnessy, Miss Margaret Kraemer, Miss Made- line , Prout, Miss Dorothy Bunn and Miss Ann Robertson all of Brescia Halal London. ELM a Year Snowdon 13ros., Publishers Authorteed as Seeund Class mat;, Poo Office Dept., Ottawa And over near Hensall a young man resides, He's known as Ross Alexander; A farmer by trade, and a good thing to be, And he at young Barb took a gander, Then she looked at hire, and by Gosh! 'twas all up, The next thing to do's set the date; They've set it and that's why we're all here ,tonight, To rejoice and help Barb celebrate. McLean's lent their home, we all brought some lunch,. We piled our spare cash in a heap; We bought you these gifts as a proof of ,our love, And they're all yours to cherish and keep. Miss Nicholson t h a n k e d her friends, a contest was held, there was community singing, and a deli- cious lunch was served. Miss Nicholson's pupils at No. 1, Hibbert, presented her with two handsome china cups and saucers. Miss Judy Friend read the address. WILLIAM JAMES BEATTIE The death occurred in Seaforth about 12 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 16th, of William James Beattie of Mc- Killop in his 76th year. Mr. Beattie had been ill about six weeks. Born in McKillop he was married 48 years ago to Miss tears Kerr, who prede- ceased him Aug. 17, 1986. He had. farmed all his life and was a mem. bars of Duff's United Church, Mc- Killop, of which he was an elder. He was also a trustee of S.S. No. 4, Surviving are one daughter (Helen) Mrs. Mac Scott of McKillop and three grandchildren. The funeral will take plane on Friday, Deb. 19th, at 2 p.m., from the G. A. Whitney funeral home, Godcrieh St. West, with Rev. H. E. Livingstone of Winthrop officiating, Interment will be in Maitlandbank emetery. LEGION ELECTS OFFICERS ' The February general meeting of Breach 156, 'of the Canadian Le- gion, Seaforth, was in the form of election and installation of officers for the corning year. Zone Command- er, 3. D. Thorndike, of Clinton, was special guest speaker of the evening and fulfilled the duties of installing Officer. Comrade F. Willis was the assisting Sgt. -at -Arms. Com- rades; K. Powell, F• Willis, and Bert Muir acted as scrutineers for the election. The Officers and Executive resulting are as follows: Past President, Leslie Beattie; President, Stewart Wigg; 1st Vice President, Wm. R. Smith; 2nd Vice President, Ross Hamilton; Secretary, John L. Hotham; Treasurer, D'Or- lean Sills;.Pension Officer, R. S. Box; Chaplain, Rev. James; Sgt -at - Arms, Barry Marshall. 'Chairmen of the various commit- tees: Thos. Beattie, Robt. M. Smith, Jas. T. Scott, Geo. Hays, Jno. Tay- lor, Geo. Eaton, Jno. Eisler, Dr, J. A. Munn. LAMONT—SPENCER St. David's Anglican Church, Galt, was decorated with spring flowers, Saturday, Fob. 6, for the marriage of Lucy Ruth Spencer, and Norman Archibald Lamont, Rev. J. T. M. Swan officiated at the ceremony and the wedding music was played by Mrs. Thos. Hoskins. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. A. R. Spencer, Galt, and the and thegroom Spencer is the c r h f Russ ell, Man„ son of Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Lamont, Seaforth. The bride, given in marriage by her brother, Basil Spencer, looked lovely in a gown of chantilly lace over net and taffeta. Style points of the gown, a tiny stand-up collar and lily -point sleeves. She wore a head- dress of tiny seed pearls caught to a finger-tip veil of silk illusion and carried a cascade bouquet of red roses. Mrs. Burton Myers, sister of the bride, was matron of honor, and Sandra Spiers, niece of the bride, was flower girl. Mrs. Myers chose a gown of nile green net over taffeta, with matching headdiress and cas- cade of pink carnations. Miss Spiers wore orchid nylon sheer over taffe- ta, matching headdress and carried a nosegay of nixed flowers. Both gowns were floor -length. John Cassier, of Cathcart, Ont., was groomsman and the ushers were Arnold Lamont, Hamilton and Chas. Cohen, Galt. A reception was held at Langtrim Hall where the bride's mother re- ceived the guests wearing nay dress with navy and white accessor- iea and corsage of pink roses. Assisting the bridal party, the groom's mother chose a gray dress, blaek aoeessories, and corsage of red roses, For a wedding trip to Eastern On- tario the bride donned a grey wool dress With red accessories, white nY- lon coat and corsage of red carna- tions. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Lamont plan to make their home on Glenmorris St., Galt, The wedding took place on his grandmother's wedding day, which was Feb, 6, 1878. WESTFIELD Canada's Finest Low Priced Watches A PRODUCT OF BULOVA ..Westfield "Watertite"watchesstay "Water• tile" as long es the crystal is Intact, he case unopened. Only If a competent ew• eler replaces crystal or closes case will the "Watertite" qualities be maintaine0.. ANA $29.75 SAVAUGE S Gifts Fine China Jewellery Seaforth JOSEPH ROWLAND Joseph -Rowland died suddenly on Monday night from a heart attack while at work at the Top Notch Feeds flour mill. He was in his 45th year. Born in Logan township son of Patrick Rowland and Winifred iMe- Grath, he was married at St. Colum - ban to Miss Dorothy Ann Melady on Jan, 8, 1934. He lived in Dublin for five years where be was caretaker of St. Patrick's Church, and then came to Seaforth where he had since lived, being caretaker of St. James' Church until last fall. Besides his wife he is survived by two sons! and two daughters, Gordon and Fer- THE SERVICE STATION MAN gus of Toronto, and ;Marie and of Saskatchewan, and Mrs. Hughes, Detroit, Four sisters and two broth- ers predeceased him. Requiem high mass was sung by Rev, Father E. Weber. The pall- bearers were, for Mrs. Flannery: Wilfred O'Rourke, John Meagher, James Krauskopf, • John Nigh, Maur- ice Melady, David Bolton. Pallbearers for Mr. Flannery were Michael Williams, Emmett Malone, August Ducharme, John Flannery, William Ryan, William Maloney. In- terment took place in St. James' Cemetery. Pauline at home. Also surviving is A message came to me the other day his mother, Mrs. Winifred Rowland, Across the miles, I heard a preacher and three brothers and three sisters, say, John, of Calgary; Edward and Fran -nes Clare (Agnes), Chatham, and He drove out of his way most of a cis of Toronto; (Angela) Mrs. Bert' mile Gallant of Windsor, and Mother Ag- , To see and share the presence of a j smile, Mother Mary Afro, (Helen) of Wind- This smiling friend, a service station sor. man, The funeral takes place on Thurs- No name ;vas mentioned, we -will day morning with Requiem High call him Dan. Masa at 9:30 at St. James' Church, His plant is small, the building just sung by Rev. E, P. Weber, and inter- a shack, ment in St. James' Cemetery. Tho But he has what it takes to bring pallbearers are James O'Connor, Jo- them back. seph Malone, John Hotham Jr., John Stevens, Leslie Fleming, Maurice Quito often folks will park across Etue. the street, And marvel at the knack he has to DOUBLE FUNERAL FOR meet MR. AND MRS. W. FLANNERY :Young folks and old from every walk A. double funeral took place at' in life, St. James' Church on Saturday I'll wager he's the same with his morning when Mr. and Mrs. Wil- I good wife, Bain Flannery, aged Tuckersmith re- Always a line up, a good-natured sidents, were laid to rest. Mrs. Flan- crowd, nery, in her 87th year, passed away They like to Bear hiometies on Thursday, Feb, llth, and her snskee out loud; m sm husband,. aged 88 years, died sudden - He operates the station all alone, ly on Friday evening. One day a bigger, better one he'll Mrs. Flannery was the former El-, own. len O'Rourke and was born in Mc-' Killop township. They were married Good luck and bless you service sta- at St, Columban 58 years ago on tion man, Feb 17tha and after living in Hul- we like your service, we admire lett for five years, moved to Tuck- your plan; eramith 53 years ago where they had Your customers enjoy your happy since lived. She was a member of St. smile, James' Church, Seaforth, of the 'C. When they need gas they'll drive an W, L., the Altar Society and League ' extra anile. of the SacHt. They ai'ered surviveeard by two sons, Sunday the blinds are drawn, the JFloosephen, at home, aughts, pumps are locked, rce, at home andndtwo (Eildaocn) Merrs. The folks from out of town are Labelle, of Toronto, and two grand- often shocked; children. Six days shalt thou labor, the Mrs. Flannery is also survived by seventh rest, two brothers, Patrick O'Rourke and Always his motto and he finds it best, William O'Rourke, Dublin, and two sisters, Mrs. Catherine Krauskopf, 1 know not where this town 'or sta- Dublln, and Sister Florence of St. tion It might be Ia good question for a Joseph's Order, Toronto. uirz Mr. Flannery was born in Hallett maim, near "Walton, and lived in McKillop But there are other "Dans", anal., tin his marriage. He is survived by ing ones too, 1 four brothers and one sister, Pat- Who brighten up life's road for me, rick Flannery, Stratford: Terence, for you. --JOHN BEATTIE Dublin; John J., Egmondville; Dan,