HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1954-02-04, Page 6AN 'i" t_ST
L'efoibt" " coups - 642.m,
"How mut a wontan play with
a titian's love and, just when he
has sacrificed es erything to marry
her, turn him down and stay on
with a drinking and supposedly
worthless husband?" Out of his
despair, one man cries for the
"I was completely deceived by
the woman," he writes, "whom I
same to love beyond all else. Fee
her I tossed aside my faithful
wife of 25 years, lost my two
wonderful children. Now, at 50,
after six years, I am still waiting
for her to marry mei I have lost
My home, my loved and prosper-
sus practice. I have been asked
to resign by my long-time asso-
ciates. I am broke, and reduced
to manual work to exist. Word
travels fast when you slip, and
helps kick you lower.
"I was completely sincere with
her. I wanted nothing but a
good marriage, and I believed her
promises. I sense now there must
be some strange, strong bond in
her childless marriage to her hus-
band ._ but she must be made
of stone to cast me so aside.
Perhaps I kept her waiting too
long while I broke all my ties:'
"Christmas and New Year she
spent with him, while I was
brushed aside with weak excuses;
she's afraid, I think, he will find
out about me -- when before,
she was begging me to run away
with her! All through the holi-
days Y waited in my furnished
room, thinldng of the joyous
Christmasses in the past, alone
with only one card, no tree, no
visitors, just my bottle to console
me — if that is consolation.
"I used to wonder linty any
Look! i' Potholders
fig „re
Adtk. [a Y 1' nailer.
„ Petret'n-rut of l ,throne rel Tie
gayest, prettiest, most ut,usluu
one you ever saw. Fun to rnakel
. lacy; Use scraps of fabric, rick-
rack, binding, embroidery thread,
Pattern 524: trenster motifs
for 7 -yes, 7 tun -to -make pot -
holder,. inehtdtrntt:. Per,
fact gifts.
Send 'TS%'1 N I'N•-t''d\'1: CENTS
in coins (stamps cannot be ac-
cepted t for this pattern to Bo:+. I .
123 Eighteenth St., New Toronto
Ont. Print plainly PATTERN
NUMBER, your NAME arca Adl•
TEN popular, new desiees to arra.
chat, sew. enlhroidet, knit -.•
printed right iii the 1'.aura
i r
Wheeler Needlecraft .floor:, Plus.
many more patterns to send for
ideas for gats fiersar Money-
makers, fashion ' Send lee cents
ler your copy l
coir _
living being could think of end-
ing it all. New I know, Anguish-
ed by my guilty thoughts of cov-
eting another man's wife and all
the other eommandmenta; I've
broken, I wonder if Geld cfin for-
give me my sins and help inc to
forget her, and let her suffer the
hell I'm going through? I pray
(if I still have the right) that He
will bring me strength to pick up
the pieces and somehow go en,
Today I want meet of all to rise
again fron the half-dead,
"I azo not looking for pity. It
has been my own doing, But I
urge other men who read this to
consider the pitfalls, before dis-
carding a wonderful wife a n d
facing the loss of an honoured
profession . , , I prefer to remain
unknown until such time as, God
willing, I can face the world
again as a helper to suffering
people, and partially pay for my
sins. Can you help me?"
1 Two reasons may have decided
" this woman to stay with her
* husband. The first, his obvious
* dependence upon her, and se-
* condly, the spiritual need to
' renounce the happiness she
* could find with you as her
partial payment of the guilt
* she shared. No matter which
* is true, you do not want her
e' now, you say, so forgetting will
* be no problem. Do not allow
"' the vengeance you hope for to
" cloud your future.
* First of all, go hack to your
' church; your mind and spirit
' are receptive now to its teach-
• ings. Your faith promises that
' God never turns away a re-
* pentant soul. Never cease pray-
". ing, and the strength you need
' will conte. For practical aid,
,* react Dr. Norman Vine Vincent
' Peale's "The Powrtr of Positive
' Thinking."
" As a ph;,-sician, you realise
* the futility of seeking forget -
'e fulness in alcohol. I urge you
* to get in touch at once with
* Alcoholics Anonymous. You ac-
* knowledge your failure to over-
' come the habit alone, and their
* understanding and sympathy
* are yours for the asking. At-
* tending their meetings will re-
* store your courage, and if in
any dark hour temptation as-
" sails you, they will be with you
'1' and see you through; this is
* one pledge which every menz-
ber of AA gives, and, I have
* learned from more than one of
* them, a 1 w a ys honours. You
* need never dread those (right-
" ening nights again.
" Your way is clear -- the way
* to moral rehabilitaiiott, the re-
* stunption of your -practice, the
* new respect of your associates
* as they see you .'icing from Cha
* depths into the useful career
"' that awaits you. - And above
"•` all, the pride your wife and
* children will feet in you. Strive
* toward this new lite, in humil-
"' ity and faith, and it will b'
Never give up. No matter what
your past, the future ctto be what
you make it. Turn to the right,
with f 110 and courage. Anne
Hirst is here to help Write lisr
at 13oi: 1, 123 Eighteenth St,. Nsn
BI((*'t' R&M:
St.te,11tists say- thud the: , i Gatto t
cxplosiou in history wee the vol-
canic explosion of the Javiu,thsp
island. Krakotoa, in,ltt 3; the big
gees atomic e.,plosion we're ltd
so tar doesn't hold a candle to
that elle. The blast sent sin to
tett cubic miles of earth 20.000
feet into the air. The Iii• wes
heard distinctly 3,000 miles awash,
azid the waves started by the
blast were recorded at London.
11.000 mules srway Few two \ stare
the dust-lade:1 t m.,: phs re Pro-
duced hrilliant ri a. 1 : nice hie
:sets all dt•e•r np' ttrorkl.
ftcrat 01 The 7rauble • • These two cornstalks, held by Joyce
Chandler, were taken from fields where the Missouri Farmers
Astsecla/Ion ie conducting experiments in the use of soil insecti-
eklea. The stunk on the left suffered rootworm damage, while
the r'a4k on the right, from a row treated with oldrhl, had a
healthy root system and no rao'.vvc cru darnode,
What Happened? - Awe-struck by the huge heaps of snow that
almost cover the entrance to her houae, this little girl of Castel•
luccio, Italy, finds the world cha. -I overnight. Eleven lives
were lost in the heavy snows'rrots (het virt''ally !.'pried the eetirts
r1•: ,fir e.-
.RO.l`It I[CL ,S
V,'ell now, hes everyone eel
properly settled down to 19:34?
If so I suppose most of as are
hoping that good fortune will
come our way. Hoping , .. come
to think of it good fortune usu-
ally needs more than hope to
encourage it, don't you agree?
Hope is rather a spineless quali-
ty unless we give it a boost with
a little honest -to -goodness old-
fashioned grit and gumption.
For instance we may hope to
get a lot of extra jobs done this
winter; hope to get caught up
with ottr corre pnndenc'e; hope
that mother-in-law will be easi-
er to live with this year when
she comes for her usual winter
visit. And no doubt we all of
us hope that this talk about a
recession is just talk and nothing
else. We slope . we hope .. ,
but u'ltat are we delete to br!lu
about the: fulfilment of our
hopes? Hope won't get tense
extra jobs done, nor will it
write a single_ lFAtcr. And hope
never yet uladt• anyone etc:1*'r
to live. with. Tolerance, syrn..
path)' and understanding ac-
complish f;.r more. And tar good
ness were, \what is the :mutt of
"hoping" that a recession ion i,: not
on the way? 7 have met quite
a number tit term folk _..• and
others: -- who are terribly wor-
ried because they think difficult
tittles are. ahead. So whet? Few
of ti'-nt, as lar tre .I know art1
doing anytbhtg about it. And yet
there ie. an Gild - proverb that
tells ne c':tet ria what the should
do - "Hope for the hest but.
prep u.t. •I'or the arose." 'l'o at
that m ,icer ..en.'e. 7t we • *'or:
hard to brim: ;dealt a dosis :I
result then t.t have reesen t.o
hops; for snee es:•.
And thaa policy certainty WI..
pike: to a possible recession - -
a rtes:rsiou which is in fact al-
ready- with 1.1s. 0ti ntodc-rate r
lent. I1ow can 11 be otherwise?
'Vann product. prime nee lower.
iahottr and rennin„ etKDE r0S05
high, c. The intuit is, ebvintts. so
wits ,h; ot.,): from . the
thoughts The hone ytrtor'rr tot.
farm t',tik i over and we engin
jost r,s er.11 realize- e- l Pb• sr'on-
''1 rte de the b t.r r e111, w e we,
lion (, to cubit .t ;l
of r•vur r tear, I, -ht intuit v,r
c:.o d'? ut'ottt f,iliit,p market .•
'''+ut to hatch for an oppor•
tui'. t ',,, for unythiu:' 'W/o
to c:bh rata ha'i c r."- \path the
trtcu•1c,•i Ictus;, ;emir circa l nd -
eottla to teal krt. tt'h, n Liieri is
alrearh' ;, heavy 5':.1•0 -ov, r, and
what 1:w anvcn ; r-tpect bol a
Leif tit it.'s" h eturally there ere
all kinds of noir, tt)nom Irss
telling ,u. how to t tow bottrl
(Tope, isms 1 , inlproVe 11=-a at+ok:
the hr's ly';,o of nifor'lsin11I4r (Oi
tnodetn 14,505ine, and I;n :,rt Birt
I nnti,r tc•r; r)f 11,,, rill give n,t-
vhs' tel 1(1' nvotoit;r' ht)nd,ed-
anre. fart:itr nt, bn SS' in f,colie-
rnise. Alam; 1'11111 line farm telk
ostially hese: to work out their
own salvation -• or titer don't
- artnnrttine In inch' nilflittr nee
ingerron '
Well, how eels: 1t he dotse, ,you
runty esti? That. 1 da not pt'eeume
to tell you. Everyone must be
hie OWI' dot tar ..., and some.
time the tlecessery prescription
is somewhat bitter 16 swallow.
But I carr tell yeti HOW to find
Mat where and how to Cut eat-
pendlture, That is if you have
already t'0rmed a habit of keep.
Versci pity --Winner of an award
for versatility is this two-piece
sweater which con be worn
three ways, It can be turned into
a turtle -neck or scoop -neck
sweater. Or the dickie can be
worn separately under a jumper.
int trash of your income and
expenditure. CIO over your ac-
counts for 1(1x1 — you will bare
to soonr•.r to: later anyway to
male- out your lucerne tax re-
turns. But clun't wait until the
last week in 11Itu'ch. Do it NOW
while the year is still young,
and by so doing find me ways
and means by which you can
economise. Your way may not
be our way b'calt+" we all )lave
different ideas on economy
Imus ever, only by a careful
study of past accounts is it pos-
sible to find the loopholes
through which unnecessarily
high expenditure has been seep-
ing throb ii. Ways and income
may differ telt the sane funda-
mental principle applies to all
farm folk wishing to economise
rut dawn on the overhead
and reduce current expenditure.
That is possibly a better policy
than ter by and increase one's
ine omr •- at least by more hi-
tt nvt r (arming. Grow more
crops, grow more produce, sell
more produce, and thus you help
to uggrtivitte markets that are
already glutted. Price cuts auto-
matically follow with the farm-
er contributing to the very thing
he bus been trying to avoid --
a yr,cittetiort in farm income
The very nature of his catling
mese it impossible for the tar-
necr to go nn strike --- evert if
be wanted to. But there is :loth-
loth••fn ; to stop him following the
labour mime; policy less
work, sewer working hours anti
better pay. One farmer alone
cannot do it but It would be
poseible it all farmers adopted
the sante plate You will notice
I kaki'fewer" , not shorter
hoar.. Farre animals cannot be
put on trade. union 1101(15- so to
put in .less time the farmer
would have to arrange his
schedule to suit himself,
Well, so much for that •-- and'
if you would like to know, these
thoughts have come to me as a
result of going Over elft' own
1553 accouitt:
Nearly Crpl
Vary filet use of uootid.ng, CIcauq liquid
D. D. 1). rt'Oecrlptloee poslttvsly rats4vet
raw IAA lith -eau d by amine, calms,
Is sia Ittttmalou, cllutttti- *ttw' Itch troubbx,
aeeamseleta, stratus. tt s trol�rltbbatttl* rue
un1 d ar toes ri l.T.h.PNA,+3(1R!F i'M
year dr so m or
VOW ]K 1 — laet
• Tinted mingelia:ikS
•Old As The Hills
`l'huuglttinted fhih'er untie are
es old {Is l(gypt, it wasn't until
the comparatively recent devel-
opment of commercial lacquers
that antiquated pastes and pow-
dens were discarded .iu favor of
quick -drying liquid .polishes.
Northam Warren, ati American
pharmaceutical <:hemltit, its cred-
ited with making one of Cleo-
patra's beauty secrets a 20th Germ
ttu'y fashion. He had Ioxrg con-
sidered producing a lacquer sub-
stitute- for the inefficient hand
buffers of the day. But the' un-
pleasant custom of cutting the
cuticle with scissors or a knife
diverted his attention for several
years. And so, it wasn't until the
young chemist had successfully
formulated the first bottle of
liquid cuticle remover in 1911
• that he was able to turn his mind
to manufacturing a quick -drying,
long-lasting lacquer for the nails.
Finally, in 1910 the first brush -
applied nail lacquer appeared on
the market. It was colorless and
few women rushed out to buy it.
The following year the chemist
altered his product slightly and
created a new fashion. He tint-
ed the cleat lacquer with a pale
rose pigment, This was the birth
of a multi-million dollar indus-
try that has clever lcunwn a de-
Nail polish sold across the
counter today is a vastly different
product from the simple lacquers
applied by more daring women
during the First World War.
Polishes now adhere better, dry
quicker, wear longer and have
beets specially compounded to
resist the effects of strong soaps,
hot water and sea bathing. When
one woman complained that her
brightly manicured nails faded
at the beach, manufacturers
promptly set about: making their
shades sun -fast as web.
New shades are now closely
cued to current color trends in
the fashion industry. The mom-
ent tangerine was introduced
several seasons back as e t --
tame color, nail polish manufaee
turers were ready with their me-
tres of tangerine -tinted nail lac- -
quers. Last spring a pinkish hue
was the •hartnonizitrg nail fashion.
This spring it will probably be
a bright, clear red.
Because there are endless vari-
ations of red and pink, nail pol-
ish is one of the most difficult
lacquers to produce. Key man
in the manufacturing process is
the tinter. Because met) some-
times see colors differently, thit-
ers are always tested first to de-
termine whether they actually
visualize colors as do the ma-
jority of people. Only after
years of experience in recogniz•
ing almost imperceptible vari-
ations in shades, do they qualify
as profesional tinters.
As women are usually more
sensitive to color than Wien, thee-
heyare sometimes engaged for color
comparison and final appoval
work. However, since some of
the duties of a tinter involve
lifting heavy batches of lacquer
and pigments, few women are
attracted to this highly special
tzed field.
Manufacturers offer a tip to
women who complain about hav-
ing to toss out half-filled bottles
of nail polish because the unused
contents have become too thick
to spread evenly. This is often
the result of failing to screw the
cap on tightly enough, they say,
and suggest wiping the clogged
area around the bottle neck with
a facial tissue moistened in nail
polish reutnv er hefore replacing
the cep.
There is a handy new key -
keeper for motorists who like
to have an extra cal: key where
they can easily find it. The key -
keeper consists of a small poly-
thene plastic case equipped with
a permanent magnet to hold the
extra key securely to the under-
side of the car heed sir other
metal. SIIr'fact.
f! life,, not worth. diving
(1. may ha your livor!
LW. a item 1.5 Wakes up 1.0 two pant of aye'
hire a day to keep your digestive tn,ot in toy
(lbapet If 50nr liver bile 're a0t Rowing freely
your feast may cot digest .. , gas floats OT
your stomuoh Y0n Mal oonotkprated a00
all the fun. and rip,ukle go nut of life. That',
when you cued mild gentle Carter's Little
Liver foils, Thwto famous vesotablo pier bole
oamulttto the -Row of Livor bile, Soon you,
digestion Aorta functioning properly and you
Feel that happy days 010 hero actual Don't
marLivstaytF ,1,1. straps toop Curler's L!tfte
un m, dewiest.
Why Not "Color.
Style )" Your Home?
Color -styling the outside of the
Boase is becoming as fascinating
an adventure in decorating as
doing over the living room. Not
so long ago houses were painted
drab brown, buff, grey or green-. -.
to preserve the surface. Little '
thought was given to enhancing
the design. Now, there are ex-
terior paints that vie with inter.•,
for ones in color excitement.
They will do 1011011 more than ;just
protect property- against the ele-
A well-chosen color scheme Gait
give a house an entirely new per-
sonality, make it look larger, con •
eeai an ugly feature as wet) as •
increase its resale or rental
value considerably.
Arnong the newest paints for
exterior use is a line of suburban
colors specially. developed to col-
_ oreetyle erected or remodelled
city and suburban homes. Bright -
and cheerful, they have been de-
veloped to harmonise with sur-
rounding .landscapes, the house
next door and each other. 'They
have a loolc of permanence about
them that helps overcoute at new
community's lade of. trees and
shrubs, Ali modern living colors,
they consist of 'a smokey blue,
a sparkling turquoise, Mother •
Natulime.re's own spruce, a coot coral,
a .rich sungold and at refreshing
A house hits two large cuac,r
areas—the roof and the walls,
They need nut match. Usually
they don't. But their colors should
be carefully related. Hence:- this
family of harmonizing suburban
colors which help home owners
relate roof, walls, garage, gable
ends as well as such "accent •
areas" as chiumeys, tshutters.
windows and door's.
If Waistline to reute:Grai with
paint this spring, jest follow the
sane guides used when choosng
a dress or a suit, Dark colors
make areas look smeller, light
colors make then) bigger, hori-
zontal panels of color give the
illusion of width, vertical prunes
height. Warm colors advance,
cool colors .recede, shall arias of
bright color balance seationl of P°l''w
subdued color.
Paint a smtul Melee sert i,aelt
from the street white and it wilt
loom larger and appear to art
vance several feet, C'onulder yuur
color neigh/wire on either bide
Select a basic shade that will
harmonize with them. Try land-
scaping with color. If the trc-cs
and shrubs seem to overshadow
the house, light warm cruors will
help free it from the mere of Sol
nage. On the other hand. if the
newly planted shrubs are eon
kneehigh, use a warm grace such
as suburban spruce on the gable
ends, walls 'or garage eed clic'
house will assume r.. eis of
greater solidarity
Play down ugly telatur,: with
colors close to the well shade.
Then use a strong color like sub-
urban coral or turquoise no one
feature, such es the trent door
to distract atteetior, trona tees
attractive parts.
Finally-, take a tip trout nature
and keep the -color scheme simple,
Let one shade dominate the
!louse's color style, just as a single
color generally emphasizes the
beauty of an individual flower,
Other colors in the individual
scheme can be in contrast er to
harmony with the featured one.
If you kava trouble with plates ` ,..,,
that nap. rock and cause 0070001ns /a •,
--try *rlmtna Phadt-Moor, One 1' r"• ,
appaoatlon snakes pla(oo at•mwvty try-.:
• t
r yolcder 0?uk tr
Drlmme Plastl.Lblrr herde0a per-
manently to your plate. It rennet and milts loom
plates Ina way= pmvdur or paste 0,w ria. 1:500
on old robber phone YOU got good results Ida
mmatha to a seer or longer. TOB CAN EAT
ANYTHING! dimply toy 0oft Arlo of t'1eat1-r.tuor
00 troublcgnme upper or lower. alto pod It
molds perteutly Aare to inn to tnb4a, °durersw,
barmiest, 6o you and your Mates. - Removable as
dlrooted. Plate Moaner Included. Mormy beck 11
not tmnptntely sath:0ed. 110ot available et your
drag aura maid ;1.50 roc reline,. roc 1 pinto.
When kidneys, tad Ili
remove erects colds
mrd *motto, tusk •
unto, tkod feeling.
dhduobed root ()roll
ollvw. Dodd'u
iduey rills steno.
tate kidneys to
normal duty. You
fool b0tter--cion
better, work better.
Get Dodd', of eny
dr115 atom. You 01.11,
depend 00 Dodds.
,t, ffryt
5 •'$a,
Medicated, Siaialess! Greasolersat
ftore's a note product well a favorite name. elt31X lege
nee malting HUB eases Iodation and contortion 01
chest colds -^soothes muscular rides and peens l;11 New
PtNH1 1(06 at any ring counts today,
l a pteasaot tasting that deldran Nke it, last saint Pelee givoa effa,• -^'et:
e*v(i, (i01XtOo boats
fro home ntlgt ng� BPARgD or manly Ideye
As terettsred BUY hiae0 prepared for cosea&Jsaa•-„
Fitu'a ci50sen0at* for 0aoaamy, sq, ,t•,