HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1954-01-28, Page 5THURSDAY, JAN'UAR'Y , 1,854 DOLLAR SPECIALS. Canada Packers Tulip Brand Margarine .,,,4 LB. 1,00" CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP, 10 oz. Tins , .. , ll for 1.00 ELLMAR PURE PEANUT, 10 oz. Jars ........ , 3 for 1.00 APEX FRUIT COCKTAIL, 15 oz, Tins 4 for 1.00 CANADA PACKERS KAM 3 Tins ' 1,00 FAMILY SPECIAL 2 tins Corn, 2 tins Peas, 2 tins Wax Beans 2 tins Pork & Beans - 15 or. Tins 8 FOR 1.00 WE&TONS GOLDEN BROWN SODAS — The new 4 in 1 Pack Plain or Salted 1 Ib. Box 29c PHILLIPS HAND SOAPS, assorted varieties 10 BARS 49c FIRE KING CAKE PAN 1 PKG. MONARCH CAKE MIX .. all for 73C JELLO - 7 DELIIOUS FLAVORS 11 PKGS. 1.00 WRIGHT'ScSUPERIOR FOOD MARKET Phone 77 Low Prides Self Serve Free Delivery JANUARY Clearance Sale ENDS SAT., JAN. 30TH STILL GOOD BARGAINS 20% AND 25% OFF WINTER COATS, SNOW -SUITS, ETC. The KIDDIES SHOP SEAFORTH • THE SEAFORTH NEWS TOWN TOPICS Mr. Fred Martin of Walton has taken the position of junior in the Dominion Bank. Mr. and. Mrs. 3. J. iCleary spent the weekend in Chatham., Miss Mary Duncan, London; spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Duncan. Mr, Michael Laudenbach, Toronto, was a weekend guest at the home of Mr, and Mrs. L. Laudenbach. Miss Mary Ryan, Preston, spent the Weekend with her aunt Mrs. Thos. O'Loughlin. Mr. John Kenny is a .patient in Scott Memorial Hospital with pneu- Inenia. Mrs. Wm. Byrne and son Don, Miss Ann Higgins and Mrs. Peter P01, all of Detroit, were weekend guests of Mrs, Jean Fortune. Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge is sponsoring a euchre in the IOOF on Feb. 8 at 8:30 pan. in aid of Hos- pital Auxiliary. Mr. Donald Stewart, Toronto, was a weekend visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. McConnell. Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Morris, Mount Forest, visited with Mrs. Wm. Mor- ris and Mr. and Mrs, Peter McIver over the weekend. Mrs. Jack Hotham and Madelyn, BORN MATTFIEWS—Dr. and Mrs. L. J. Matthews (Mary Margaret Cleary) are happy to announce the birth of a daughter Mary Jane, on .Tannary 2], 1064, at St. Joseph's Hospital, Chatham, Ontario, Mother and daughter very well RIOHARDSON—At Scott Memorial Hospital on Jan. 23rd, to LAC rand Mrs. Maurice Richardson, Seaforth, a daughter SARARAS—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Jan. 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Semmes, Cromarty, a son WOOD—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Jan. 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Don Wood, Seaforth, •r son MILLER -- At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Jan. 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. George Miller, Seaforth a daughter HENDERSON—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Jan. 2700, to Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson, RR5 Seaforth, a daughter spent Friday at the home of her parer}ts, Mr. and Mrs, P. Reilly, in Galt. Mrs. Raymond Nott assistant manager of this - district, spent last week in Montreal attending the.Ron- aid Parties Convention where mana- geris were present across Canada. from British Celumbia to Nova Scotia. While there, Mrs. Nott was chosen from those present for spe- cial service to the company and pre- sented with a beautiful gift. KIPPEN Mr, Fred Rowntree of Weston is spending a week with his sister and brother -in -lav( Mr.I and Mrs. Nor- man Long. We regret to report that Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Anderson are confined to Seaforth Hospital, we hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Stokes and Larry of London visited on Sunday with Mrs. Stokes father, Mr, Robert Thomson. Sympathy of the community is ex - 3 -Act Comedy Play "Mama's Baby Boy" Presented by Seaforth Junior Farmers in Seaforth District High School FRIDAY,JAN.29 AT 5.15 P.M. Sponsored by Seaforth Junior Farmers Admission 25c and 50c di cf. -- SO CGM.trtaI u 0 W U j,J •t2GV a4 d, .6-6/Act, u-wtt, v14.oT4tt, iaau.iciaf;.ow cowt6Qi1 ci kad, moth cat cwit bow i)4l',. Q wed, katd, a.Pniq k -- iM.C,Qttc% tai,cJlth. But eukiect it. cllst'ulrtiow was cii.vem,oia, -trlt.e, gnat 44. atitd, u4, edit/ on€, 4t ute, at a, -t,(,vl41, a4u1:, a9 got n4A1 ' Mao,' u>444 . !Jaw gue, taker "nerds(;` tot; aiad, t i w a. CFFIOO Cawkc1°. . Maw fittat4. a p B Otd bea.utUf5tt . ufD A I —4M( s (.tA,l�l1,f'- Na 4o•i4�Ia.d.! Ntr 4/.44.418- arta, P*uitarta,, M OU.gia, Kota n , brtepui atc49 at 44. btu L 11.4.4 ati, tun* Jm4t, KO' 4 a4C(.l. (iottit. �ikatr a-f¢aaw iso, tkt 4441,. (Pt!, tWvi ic- (r° n AFTER 21/2 YEARS AIR FORCE EXPERIENCE UW.. 4ia tiPWW CP 140.44, Ito- 11ai4ta,4zt w item, di e.tted, bet, Gbit, °tau% c9 d da 4 44a 14444.41 aiaaw 0.44A0 rp F/D ads KIRK?ATRICK NAVIGATOR BOB.KIRKPATRICK, 23, of Vancouver, Joined the RCAF in September, 1951 -- trained and served as a Naviga- tion Officer an.Soarch end Reseed operations in the Far North- took radar training—and now 0 a Navigator specialising in Air Interception In a CF -lee (cock Iwin•lel fighter with Nd. 445 Squadron •basad qt RCAP *lion Uplands. ee There are immediate openings now for more men to train and fly as Air Crew Officers in the RCAF! Royal ir Force Director of Personnel Manning, R.C.A.F. Headquarters, Ottawa. Ploaso mall to mo, without obligation, full particulars regarding enrolment requirements and openings now ovallable in the R.C.A.F NAME (please print) TARGET FREEDOM IsFor complete information on pay, trade training and other benefits, see the Career Counsellor al your nearest RCAF Recruiting Unit—or mail this coupon today. STREET ADDRESS CITY (Surname) (Christian Name) PROVINCE EDUCATION (by.grado and province) AGE You mud be 17 but not yet 26, single, and Have Junior Moltke lotion, the equivalent or bettor. When applying, bring 1) NA Cerllisote 1) P,enf ofE It a ... CA6 7 YOUR LOCAL R.C.A.F. CAREER COUNSELLOR WILL BE LOCATED IN THE TOWN HALL, SEAFORTH, ON FEBRUARY 4, FROM 12 NOON TILL 9 P.M. tended to the Thomson family in the passing of their mother, Mrs. George E. Thomson, Miss Gail Ann Gaekatetter spent last week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Win. I3orney, in Exeter. Mrs. George E. Thomson The death occured suddenly lain Saturday evening at her late resi- dence, 2nd concession of Hay twp. of Ida Dignan, widow of the late Geo. E. Thomson in her 78th year. The late Mrs. Thomson has lived her en- tire life in this district. She was born in Hay twp. on the Zurich Road. She was a member of St. Andrew's Unit- ed Church here and a life member of the W.M.S, Mr. Thomson passed away 12 years ago. She leaves to mourn her passing three daughters, Mrs. Albert Alexander (Elizabeth) Hensall, Mrs. Fred Parsons (Mary) London; Mrs. Elmore Keys i(Flor- ence) Varna. Two sons Samuel W., Kippen and Wm. on the homestead. There are five grandchildren. Private funeral services were held from the residence of her daughter and son -ht -law, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alexander, in Hensall, on Tuesday, conducted by her minister,•Rev. Nor- man McLeod assisted by Rev. W. Rogers of Hensall United Church. The pallbearers were Edison For- rest, Warren Thomson, Earl Dignan, Harold Dignan, Bert Thomson, Win. Petty. The flowerbearers were Walt- er Parsons, Grant Keys and Gerald Keys, Interment was made in Hensall Union Cemetery. &aott Memorial Hospital Games Festival Old Time Skating Party Thursday, Feb. 4 9 P.M. - 11 P.M. AT THE COMMUNITY CENTRE High School Students and Adults only Adults 50 cents Students 35 cents Colne and join the fun SOCIAL EVENING. Presenting Winthrop Football Team with Jacket WEDNESDAY, FEB. 3 Winthrop Hall. Good Music Everybody Welcome Ladies please bring lunch AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY (Continued from Page 1) stock was comparable to any. Reporting for hall exhibits, Mrs. Mae Dorrance said that the baking was well soaked when it rained. The women's work suffered also. Mrs. J. Hillebrecht, for the flower section, said the children's club, and high school exhibits were good but she would like to see more local adults exhibit. John Campbell, race -horse own- er, asked for drainage help on one section of the track. He suggested that the turf club and agricultural society get together on it and said that Mr. Horner, whose farm is ad- jacent, is willing to co-operate. In discussing the 1954 Fall Fair, it was felt that a better set-up at the gate is needed—"the gate is where you make your money," Mr. Montgomery said, and you do have quite a number of free admissions." The resignation of J. F. Snow, secretary -treasurer for the past two years, was read but the members would not consider it then. He was asked to reconsider the matter. Mr. Snow said he would act as treasurer gratis if the society would secure a secretary. The meeting agreed to procure someone who could work along with Mr. Snow for a period of time, and the matter was left to the executive. An invitation is to be extended to the Perth -Huron Shorthorn Associa- tion to come to the 1955 Seaforth Fall Fair. "Your financial position," Mr. Montgomery told the members, "is a real challenge, and you must think of new ways to raise funds. He urg- ed the board to concentrate on and improve on what they already have. Mr. McKercher suggested that the society consider undertaking the showing and sale of fat cattle, prob- ably in the early summer. The following directors were named: McKillop township, James M, Scott, R. T. Bolton, I. Trewartha, Ken Stewart, R. W. Campbell, R. E. McMillan; Tuckersmith township, Allister Broadfoot, Andrew Crozier, Andrew Moore, A. Nicholson, Jo- seph Devereaux; Seaforth, R. B. Holmes; Stanley township, Bob Al- len; Hibbert township, Percy Wright. The president of the Seaforth Jun- ior Farmers, who this term is James McGregor, Kippen, was added to the board, with each succeeding presi- dent automatically becoming a mem- ber of the board. The following were named dele- gates to the Agricultural .Societies convention in Toronto in February: A. Nicholson, R. T. Bolton, Mrs. Jo- seph Grummett, Mrs, Frank Storey, with Mrs. Wallace Haugh and Mrs. Mae Dorrance alternates for the women's section. VALENTINE SUPPER In North. Side United Church under auspices of the W. A, WED., FEB. 10TH Hot Beef Dinner From 5 to 8 P.M, Admission 31,00 Children under twelve 40c TUCKERSMITH Federation Annual Meeting and Euchre (with prizes) Hensall Town Hall WED. FEB. 3rd at 8.30 P.M. Guest Speaker Andrew Dixon, of Exeter, who will speak on Ausable Conservation Au- thority, illustrated with slides. Lunch served. Everyone welcome Admission Free Gordon Richardson, Pres. Carl McCiinchey, Sec. CROP REPORT Many of the old farm windmills are now being purchased as bases for T. V. antennas. with the local T. V. Station now featuring farm news, there is an increase in the number of sets being purchased by county farmers. Most farmers now re- port that 'they will have adequate feed supplies for the remainder of s H. N. S. HAM EUCHRE COMING FEBRUARY I2TH KEEP THIS DATE OPEN Euchre & Dance Seaforth Community Centre FRIDAY, FEB. 5TH Cards at 8.30. IIurfloell's Orchestra Auspices Seaforth W. I. Adm. 50c. Lucky Lunch Ticket Ladies please provide sandwiches Next euchre & dance, Mar. 5 Fan Party and Dance SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE FRIDAY, JAN. 29 Pntire proceeds to go towards purchasing a ventilating fan for the community centre Norris Orchestra Minimum admission 50c Larger amounts gratefully received. Auspices Seaforth W. I. the inside feeding period. All classes of livestock generally appear to be in good condition. Priced Right for January Clearance Ford 1952 Sedan $1800 Meteor 1950 Sedan $1400 Ford 1950 Coach $1400 Dodge 1949 Coach $1200 Pontiac 1941 Sedan $500 Dodge 1939 Sedan $400 Ford 1939 Coach $150 $150 $100 $50 Chrysler 1939 Coach Ford 1938 Coach Ford 1937 Coach Daly Motors Ford .oMonarch Phone 102 Seaforth