HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1954-01-21, Page 1The Seaforth HURON COUNTY'S I. E A D I N. G WHOLE SERIES, VOL, 76 N EW SPAPER SEAP+ ORTH, ONTARIO, TI;IURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1954 $1.60 a Year Snowdon Bras., Publishers Authorized as Second Class mail, Poet .0inee Dept., Ottawa ANNUAL MEETING OF PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The annual meeting of First Pres- byterian Church, Seaforth, was held in the church schoolroom on Monday, January 18th at 8 p.m. The meeting was opened with devotional exer- cises by Rev, D. G. Campbell. Mr. F. E. Willis was appointed chairman for the meeting with Mr. K. I. Mc- Lean acting as secretary. The re- ports were read with all societies reporting an encouraging and sue eessful year. 1953 Session Report and Session Fund report by M, McKellar. Board .of Managers by K. I. McLean. Treas- urer's report by C. M. Smith. Audi- tors' report by F. E. Willis. Har- purhey Cemetery report by M. 1YIc- Kellar. Ladies' Aid Society report by secretary, Mrs, Butt and Treas- urer, Mrs, McTavish. Women's Mis- sionary Society report by secretary, Mrs, McTavish and Treasurer, Mrs, Bickell, Seaforth Mission Band re- port by secretary Gordon Millar and treasurer' Bobby Reith, Barbara Kirkman Society report by secretary Miss P. Patterson and treasurer Miss J..Cluff, Men's Club report by secretary-treas,, K. I. McLean. Flow- er and Gift Committee report by Mrs. Harry Scott, Firside Fellowship report by secretary, Miss P. Patter- son and treas., Mrs. K. I. McLean. Choir report by Miss P. Patterson for Jas. Wallace. Sunday School re- port by Miss Jean Scott. C,G.I.T. re- port by K. 1. McLean for Sheila Mc- Fadden and Lois Charters. Young Peoples' Society by Don Morton. McKillop W.M.S. by Mrs, Robt. Mc- Millan. Following the reading of these reports it was unanimously 'carried that these reports be adopt- ed as read. Mr. C. M. Smith was re- appointed church treasurer. Messrs F. Kling, C. 'M. Smith, Jas. F. Scott and W. J. Stewart were elected to the Board of Managers for a three yr .r term. Messrs F. E. Willis and Jas. Murray were re -appointed to be church auditors, The Board of Man- agers reported that during the year a great deal had been accomplished in repairs and renovations, repair to the church steeple being a major item. In a report given by Jas. F. Scott from a joint committee of the Rirk session and board of managers it was announced that plans for the installation •of new lighting fixtures and insulation and redecorating the church were being made, these reno- vations to be done in the near fut- ure. Mr. McKellar as representative elder expressed appreciation to Rev. Mr. Campbell and Mrs. Campbell for the splendid leadership they are giv- ing to every department of the church. Rev, Mr. Campbell replied to Mr. McKellar's remarks. - The meetingadjourned following the benediction by Mr. 'Campbell, to ., enjoy a social hour and refresh- ments served by the Ladies' Aid. FINANCIAL REPORT OF SEAFORTH RED CROSS Financial statement of the Sea - forth Branch of the Red Cross So- ciety for 1953. RECEIPTS Cash on deposit Jan. 1/53 Campaign receipts General donations Bank Interest EXPENSES Amt. remitted to Division Workroom stipplies Loan cupboard Civilian Welfare ......, Administration Express Cash on deposit Dec. 31/53 $ 248.99 2069.49 2.00 2.90 2318.38 $1393.49 579.69 58.50 8.23 2.85 1.30 274.32 2318.88 Ivy M. Butt, Treas. During 1958 the workroom ship- ped to headquarters 1084 articles of sewing, 275 knitted articles, 20 large and 8 crib size quilts. Volunteer workers are welcome at the workroom in the Public Library the first Friday afternoon of each month, when work is given out. There is an urgent need for knitters. EGMONDVILLE Mr. Ivy Hlenderson of Toronto spent the week end at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Simons have taken up residence in Mr. Robt. Eberhart's apartments. We welcome them to our community. On Monday evening, Jan. 25, the ladies of Egmondville Church are putting on a potluck supper at 7 o'clock, which will be followed by the annual congregational meeting. We hope for a good attendance. Egmondville Y.P. officers for 1954 were installed on Sunday ev- ening: President, Bee Finnigan; vice pres., Marian Lillico; sec, -tress„ Ken Moore; conveners—Faith & Evang- elism, Gloria Blue; Mission & World Outreaeh, Warren Shera; Citizen- ship & Community Service, Bison Smith; Stewardship & Training, Ma- rian Lillico; pianist, Marian Lillico, Northside Unita 'Church Rev. John Stinson, Minister. 10 a.m., Church School and Adult ' Bible Class. 11 a,in., "Christian Way to Think of Sunday". Junior Congregation and Toddlers Group. 7 p,m, "The Man Who Delighted in God'sLaw", 8.15 Y. P, U. DIAMOND WEDDING OF MR. AND MRS. J. CRAWFORD Mr. and Mrs. John Crawford, who were sixty years wed on Jan, 17 cel- ebrated the occasion at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. 'Glenn Pryee •on Sat. Jan. 10th. Sixty years ago John Crawford and Mary Souter were married at the bride's home in Mc- Killop by the Rev. Musgrove. They were attended by the groom's sister, Elizabeth, now deceased, and the bride's brother, ,, Alex of Tucker - smith Telegrams of congratulations were received from the Queen, Prem - for Frost, and others, also a number of cards and gifts from friends and relatives. In the afternoon guests were re- ceived by Miss Linda Pryce and the guest book was attended to by Miss Elaine Pryce. Mrs. 0. Dowson and Mrs, Cameron poured tea assisted by Mrs, A, Boyes and Mrs. A, Math- eson. In the evening Master Garry Pryee received the guests and Mrs. Robert Joynt and Miss Nellie Pryce poured tea assisted by Miss Eleanor Henderson and Miss Helen Pryce. The tea table was tastefully sot with Irish linen cloth, gleaming silver, tall mauve candles and centre piece of golden baby mums. The wedding cake held a place of honour on the buffet. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Crawford of Brussels, who celebrated their diamond anniversary last year were present, also Mr, James Fulton (Brussels) a cousin, and guest at the wedding sixty years ago. VESTRY MEETING OF ST. THOMAS CHURCH The annual Vestry meeting of St, Thomas'. Church was held in the Parish Hall on Tuesday evening, commencing with a pot -luck supper at 7 p.m. The reports of the various church organizations were received showing favorable progress and fin- ancial balances throughout all. The Rector, Rev. J, James presided and outlined objectives for the ensuing year. Elections completed the busi- ness of the meeting and resulted as follows : Peoples' Warden: John Earle; Rector's Warden: T. T. Jackson; Delegates to Synod: E. C. Boswell, J. R. M. Spittal; Substitutes: W. E. Southgate, H, G. Meir; Treasurer: W. E, Southgate; Envelope Secre- tary: E. C. Boswell; Vestry Clerk: H. G. Meir. In addition to the above the following were elected . to the Board of Managers: Mies C. Pinkney, Messrs, G. Wright, J. McCabe, H. Palin, George Flewett, Robert Archi- bald, E. Larone. MASONIC OFFICERS INSTALLED THIS WEEK The following officers for 1954 were installed in Malloch Chapter: Z. Ex. Comp„ J. W. Crich; J. Ex. Comp., J. B. Higgins; H, Ex. Comp., Amos Corby; Treas. Ex. Comp., J. G. Mullen; Scribe E. Ex. Comp., C. A. Barber; Scribe N. Ex. Comp., James Doig; P. S. Comp., D. E. Kyle; S. S., Comp„ Win. J. Bell; J. S., Conip., Frank 'Case; Outer Guard Comp., Harry Charters; Master of the 1st Veil, Orval Oke; Master •af the 2nd Veil, Joe Ferrand; Master of the 3rd' Veil, D. R. Cooper; Mast- er of the 4th Veil, A. E. Matheson. W. 1. VISITS COUNTY HOME Members of the Seaforth Wo- men's Institute visited the County Home at Clinton on Friday after- noon, Jan. 15, presenting boxes to the residents. The program included musical selections by Erlin Whit- more, Nancy Pepper, Gloria Carter, Mrs. E. Cameron and Mrs. Jno. Mc- Gregor, tap dancing by Mrs. Orville Storey, readings by Mrs, R. J. Doig and Mrs. W. Coleman, comic duet, Mr. Gallagher and Mr. Sheen by Mrs. E. Cameron and Mrs. W. Cole- man. - Mr. Jacobs took the Institute through the new building which is now being built. WILBERT TAYLOR There passed away in St. Joseph's Hospital, Toronto, Mr. Wilbert Tay- lor in his 73rd year. He was born in Hullett Township at Constance and spent his early Iife there before go- ing to Western Canada when quite a young man, returning seven years ago to make his home in Toronto. He leaves to mourn his loss his wife, formerly Celia Magwood of Margar- et, Manitoba, two sons Lyle of Tor- onto, Earl of California, two daugh- ters, Viola and Loraine .(Mrs. Harry Loughead) of Winnipeg. One son Herman paid the supreme sacrifice. in the last war. He also leaves his aged mother, Mrs. Dina Taylor •of Walton, one 'brother, Percy, and one sister, Annie, wife of the late John Pryce of McKillop Township. Also surviving are six grandsons, three granddaughters and two great grand- sons. Everything possible was done for him but he passed peacefully away on Jan. 9 from coronary thrombosis. The funeral was held from Trull Funeral Home, Toronto, on Jan, 12, conducted by his pastor, the Rev. M. Kelly of St. Andrew's United Church of Toronto. Interment was at Pine Hill Cemetery. A quiet gentle personality, great- ly loved by family and many friends. He would have said, "Better by far you should forget me and smile than that you should remember and d be sad," Among those attending etre fun- eral. was Mr, Percy Taylor of Walton. HULLETT REEVE IS HURON WARDEN Reeve William J. Dale, of Hullett, on Tuesday was elected Warden of Huron county for 1954, Mr. Dale has been since 1950 on county council. The only other candidate for the wardenship was Roy 13, Cousins of Brussels. Six new members of county council are: Cecil Blake, reeve of Ashfield; Terence Hunter, reeve of Colborne; Valentine Recker, deputy reeve of Hay; B. Parrott, reeve of Morris; James Doig, reeve of Tuckersmith, and John Durnin, reeve of West Wa- wanosh. Hay township has a deputy reeve for the first time, and Grey township does not have a deputy reeve, because of population increase and decrease in the respective townships, WILMER BROADFOOT HEADS SCHOOL AREA The inaugural meeting of the 1954 Tuckersmith School Area Board met in the Seaforth Town Hall, Jan. 12 at 2 p.m, Members present: W. Broadfoot, R. Forrest, D. Dayman, C. Neil,, M. Falconer. The two newly elected trustees,: W, Broadfoot, and M. Falconer took oath of office. The trustee board then elected Wilmer Broadfoot as chairman and Ross Forrest as vice- chairman of the board, W. P. Rob- erts is the secretary -treasurer. An application for a refund of taxes in lieu of tuition fees paid by Reg McNeil was granted. The General Liability llnsurance Compensation Policy and Secretary - treasurer's bond were renewed with Watson and Reid. A number of ac- counts were passed for payment. John Lancaster, former grade 6 teacher at the Crawford Public School, Ft. William, is now teaching at S. S. 4, Tuckersmith. NORTHSIDE CHURCH ANNUAL MEETING the .annual meeting 01 the North Side United Church was held in the church school room on Tuesday even- ing, Jan, 1911i, at 8 p.m. The opening worship service was conducted by the pastor, Rev. John W. Stinson, who used John 15 as the basis for the med- itation. A welcome was extended to all present and the meeting began with the -election of the minister as nannies,: and Mrs. Ross Murdie as secretary. The various reports were very int- eresting and encouraging, The Sun- day School reported a good year with growth in each department with a substantial financial balance to carry over into the new year, The Mission Banti, Explorers, Jr. and Sr, Tyro 'Groups, the C,G.I.T., Y,P,U. and Jun- ior Choir presented statements which were very happily received and show- ed a healthy condition prevailing. At - ter the reports from the senior choir, an expression of sincere appreciation and gratitude was expressed to Mr. and Mrs. James A. Stewart, and to Miss Mabel Turnbull for their kindly anis courageous leadership during the past year. This was heartily endorsed by the whole congregation. The W.A, brought in a very (mcom•- aging statement, with flee efforts be- ing made by each Group. Foremost among the projects planned during the year was the completion of pay- ment for the church carpet and floor coverings amounting to over $2400. The W.M.S. were warmly congratul- ated on reaching their allocation of $800, and the Mao Lane Evening Aux- iliary had a good year. It was with much regret that the Recording Ste- ward and his wife, Dr. and Mrs. Har- burn, could not be present. Due to ill- ness Dr. Rayburn found it necessary to forego the pleasure of attending, though this is the first annual meet- ing in forty years that he has missed. Au expression of good wishes was Presented to then both. It was unani- mously agreed that we enter, es a con- gregation into the United Church Ob- server every family plan. The general financial picture of the church was very encouraging. The building fund treasurer presented a plan for the retiring of the clturcit bonds in five year); time. The mission- ary and maintenance fund showed more than a 10% increase over last year's allocation and the general fund th goodly balance. In appreciation ofy Rev. and Mrs. Stinson. an increase' was made in the salary for the 0001- ing year. Total receipts for the year, from all sources, local and missionary, was in advance of 820,300,. Elders elected for three year term, E. 13. Goutlie, W. H. Golding, Robert McFadzean, Clarence Walden, Dr, i Paul Brady. Stewards elected for three year team, Wm. Bull. Edward Pryce, Gordon Elliott and Ellwood Clarke. NORTHSIDE W. A. Group 2 of the W. A. of North- side United Church met at the home of Mrs. Ross Savauge with Mrs. Ball in the chair. The meeting opened with hymn 571 followed by prayer by Mrs. Hay. The scripture lesson, Psalm 101 was read by Miss Jean McLean. A business period follow- ed. Eight members offered to donate towels for the church. Group mem- bers were urged not to forget that an Easter film is to be shown at the church on April 2nd. Several ladies offered to entertain the C.G.I.T. girls after skating. It was decided to have a bazaar and baking sale in May or June, Mrs, Ball took the topic "Life is like a ladder, every step you take is either up or down", she said. Success has been defined as the by-product of everyday Christian living, In order to climb, one must be honest, forgiving, humble. Christ- ian standards are not the standards of the world. Faith is another attri- bute. We cannot worry and have faith. We must not pass on gossip. Make sure your brains are in gear before your jaw goes into action. The meeting closed by singing hymn 488 and the Mizpah Benediction. A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Aikenhead and Mrs, Fleming. MRS. WM. LANDSBOROUGH A lifelong and highly respected resident of Tuckersmith passed away on Friday, Jan. 15th in ,Seaforth in the person of Mrs. William Lands - borough. She had been in ailing health for the past month. Her maid- en name was Anna Maria Manson, being a daughter of the late David and Mary Manson of Tuckersmith, and would have been 84 years old next Sunday, the last surviving mem- ber of her family. She was married in September 1901. ' She was a member of the Egmond- ville United Church. Her husband predeceased heron Jan, 0, 1934. Sur- viving are two daughters and two sons, Mrs, Secord Mclirien (Grace) of Hullett; Mrs. Walken Carlisle (Elsie) of Hensall= James of Tuck- ersmith and William of Clinton. There are seven grandchildren anti one great grandchild. The funeral tools place on Monday afternoon from the Whitney'ftnier- al home, Seaforth, with Rev. W. I3. Milroy of Egmondville United Church officiating. Interment was in 13aird's Cemetery, The pallbearers were Russell Cole- man, Alistor Broadfoot, James Me- Intosh, James Carnochan, Sam Whit- more, Frank Crich, P. U. C. HOLDS FIRST MEETING OF 1954 The Public Utility Commission of: Seaforth held their first meeting of the year on Thursday, Jan, 14, with all members present. The chairman, Frank Kling, was re-elected chair- man. Hugh Flynn was appointed secretary -treasurer. Commissioners are D'Orlean Sills and Mayor Dr. I Melllaster, R. B. Holmes was re -ap- pointed manager. Plans were made to remove the high-tension .poles on Victoria south of Goderich street to the old sub- station and replace with ordinary poles. re- ais ng lines tree trimming sand ual er work f will continue. ST. THOMAS' LADIES GUILD The Ladies Guild of St. Thomas' Church held their annual meeting and election of officers on Thurs- day, Jan. 14th. Pres., Miss D. Parke; 1st Vice Pres,, Mrs. R. Spittal; Se- cretary, Mrs. C. Rowcliffe; Treas., Mrs. A. Reid; Mrs. E. Larone read the lesson. Minutes of the last meet- ing were read and the roll call was answered. The treasurer's annual report was read which showed a profitable year in 1953. During the business it was decided to have a shower of childrens' wear for booth for next meeting and •other plans were made for fall bazaar. Meeting was closed with Benediction alter which a cup of tea was served. PARENTS NIGHT AT NORTHSIDE On Friday night last, the Tyros of Northside entertained their parents in a very happy meeting. After the opening worship service led by T - Men, Gary At and Darrell Schneid- er, Tyro plaques, T's and Shoulder tabs were presented to the follow- ing by Dr. P, L. Brady: Darrell Schneider, Lee Fleming, David Stin- son, Keith Butt, Gary Pryee, Elliot Clarke, Terry Ast, Karl Campbell, Robert Muegge and Kenneth Black. I Rev. 3. W. Stinson presented Carl Berger with his Blue Flash and Nel- son Ball and Robert Elliott with their Maroon 'Flash. A varied pro- gram was then presented by the boys which included games and stunts, including a circus. Two ex- cellent films on India were present- ed by Mr. L. Mosher after which donuts, chocolate and tea were served with Mrs. Pinder, Miss Laver encs, Mrs. Ferris and Mrs. Stinson assisting, STANLEY - Mr. and Mrs. Russell Erratt, ac- companied by Mr, and Mrs. Roy McBride, left recently on a trip to Florida. They expect to be away about a month, IllhIOIJS REiIOHTED froiaa old rings and jew,ell'e`on new beaus; in .. � \. /1 nezv settings by . . • ' Come in and ask about our -money-saving 'remount' service - . , Have diamonds from out-moded jewellery ntotiuted in a lovely new ring. Choose from our wide selection of smart styles by Bridal Cell. You'll be pleasantly surprised at the le* prices we will emote von! 7 v SAVAUGES S Jewellery Gluts Seaforth N Fhle China TUCKERSMITH F. OF A. TO MEET AT HENSALL A Directors' meeting of Tucker - smith Federation of Agriculture was held in the Town Hall, Seaforth on Jan. 16th, 1954, with Gordon Rich- ardson as chairman. It was decided to hold annual meeting in Hensall Town Hall on Wednesday, February 3, on motion by Robert Archibald and seconded by Roy Bell. The guest speaker to be Andrew Dixon of Ex- eter High School, to speak on the Ausable Conservation Authority and. give slides. To be followed by euchre' and lunch, no admission to be charg- ed. Wally Crich and Gordon Richard- son were appointed as lunch commit- tee and Roy Bell and Carl McClin- chey to see to hall and speaker. Moved by Erlin Whitmore and se- conded by W. D. Wilson, that secre- tary receive $10.00. Moved by Robt. Archibald and seconded by Will Ro- gerson, that secretary have authority to pay all bills, REAL ESTATE CHANGES Recent real estate changes through the office of W. C. Oke include: Mrs, Evelyn Mills of Kirkton has purchased the house on West Wil- liam belonging to the Daly Estate. Norman MacLean has purchased the house on James St. of the late Mrs. L. C. Jackson. SEWING SISTERS MEET The second meeting of the Sea - forth Sewing Sisters was held at the home of their leader, Mrs. Dale Nixon, on Jan, 16, with five mem- bers present. A demonstration on fagoting was given by Mrs. Nixon. Some rayon and nylon fabrics were burned to study the effects. Lunch was served and the meeting was closed with God Save the Queen. BRUCEFIELD The Woman's Missionary Society met in the schoolroom on January 12 with a good attendance. Mrs. T. B. Baird was in charge of the wor- ship service on the theme, The Church an linage of the Kingdom, and Mrs. B. Keys led in prayer. The President, Mrs. W. J. Maines, took the chair for the business period and read a New Year's message. This being the annual meeting, encourag- ing reports were given by all secre- Itaries, and the treasurer reported the allocation had been exceeded. The following were appointed to the Nominating 'Committee for 1954: Mrs. T. B. Baird, Mrs. H. Dalrymple and Mrs. Robt. Allan. Mrs. C. Christie was named leader of the Baby Band and the auditors to be Misses M. Swan and E. Bowey. It was suggested that each mem- ber write a letter of pretest to all Magazines carrying advertisements for liquor firms. As the Conference Branch is stressing the Literature Department, Mrs. W. - Scott asked each member to read at least five missionary books this year. The topic, The Four R's in Eur- ope: Relief, Reconstruction, Recon- ciliation, and Reading the Bible was in charge of Mrs, W. Scott, Mrs. H. Dalrymple, Mrs. Jas. Thomson, Mrs. W. Douglas and Mrs. J F othernn,- ham also took part in the program. The president closed the meeting with prayer. Mr, W. Simpson and son spent Saturday with the former's father, Mr. 0, Simpson. The United Church congregation meeting will be held next Tuesday night, - Mrs. Fred Burdge is in the Clin- ton Public Hospital. 14Ir, John Cairns underwent an eye operation in Stratford Hospital. CONSTANCE Congratulations are in order for Mr. William J. Dale, who was elect- ed as Warden for the County of Huron at the meeting of the County Council in Goderich on Tuesday. Mr. Dale has served as reeve .of Hul- Iett Township for the past four years. At the regular meeting of the W. A. and WMS on Wednesday after- noon in the church excellent reports were given by the WMS and Mission Band and the W. A, The group lead- ers, Mrs, Austin Dexter and Mrs. Geo. Leitch excelled in their work making the grand total of $433.13. Mrs. Jos. Riley and Mrs. Verne Dale are the leaders for this year. Miss Verna Adams of Welland was here over the weekend to see her father, Mr. Miller Adams, who is in the Clinton Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Byrd have moved from Mr. Brown's apartment in the village to Holmes- ville. Mrs. Jos. Riley entertained her group to a quilting at her home on Tuesday. Mrs. Verne Dale entertained her group to a quilting at her home on Thursday. Mr. K. T. Adams and son Gerald of Centralia spent Friday at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Lawson were in Stratford on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson were in London on Tuesday. CROMARTY Mrs. Lloyd SorsdahI, Mrs. T. Laing, Mrs. Wnt. Harper, Mrs. T. L. Scott and Mrs. Grace Scott attended the annual meeting of Stratford Presbyterial in Knox Church, Strat- ford on Thursday. Mr, and Mrs. K. C. Davidson and daughter Kendra of Listowel visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fran- ces Glossop. Miss Marguerite Duncanson, Tor- onto, spent the weekend with her parents at the manse. Mrs. W. N. Binning and Richard, Mitchell, and Mrs. Ruby Routly, St. Mary's, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mtn T. McKellar, Mrs. I. MacTavish is a patient in Seaforth Hospital. The members of Cromarty Y P S enjoyed a bowling party in Exeter on Saturday evening. They were afterwards entertained at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Harper.. BRODHAGEN Mr. and Mrs. Milton Rock have lrurehesed the farm they have been occupying fiord Mr. Otto Kuntz. Mrs. Louise Jarrnuth spent a week with Mrs, Elisabeth Rock, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Mogh and Mr. and Mrs. llarold Mogh and Nancy spent t undav with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McMillen at Gadshill: Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice and Beverly accompanied by Mr, and Mrs, - John Amstein of Mitchell, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mr's. Ro- bort Amstein and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Amstein in Kitchener.