HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1954-01-14, Page 6♦►Yw ►rrrvvvrrv►►very►r►►r►r ► ► ►►►►►v►► rrr ►.
daw Anitiews,
How would you like to. bake
a cake -- and then get a cheque
for twenty-five thousand dollars
for it.
Well, that's just what hap-
pened a few weeks age to a South
Dakota woman! She's Mrs, Ber-
nard Kanago, the wife of a
painter - paper - hanger, and she
was one of a hundred finalists in
a big baking contest sponsored
by a prominent United States
flour -manufacturing concern.
The contest attracted hundreds
of thousands of entries from all
parts of the States, and from far-
away places sueh as'Puerto Rica.
Hawaii and Alaska.
The "bake -off" among the fin-
alists took place at the famed
Waldorf-Astoria in New York and
here is the recipe which took
down the grand prize.
(Makes two 9 -inch round layers)
1 cup finely chopped nuts
2 ounces sweet or semisweet
21s cups sifted enriched flour
4ii teaspoons double-acting
baking powder
1 teasp.,on salt
1'h cups sugar
aa cup shortening
11/2 cups milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
as sup egg whites (4 large or
5 medium) unbeaten,
1. Place ruts evenly over bot-
tom of two well -greased and
lightly floured 9 -inch round layer
2. Sift together flour, baking
powder, salt, and sugar into mix-
ing bowl, Add shortening, milk,
and vanilla.
3, Beat for '13z minutes, 150
strokes per minute, until batter
is well blended. (With electric
mixer blend at low speed, then
beat at medium speed for 11/2
4. Add egg whites. Beat for
11 minutes.
5. Spoon one-fourth of batter
carefully into each nut -lined pan,
using about half of the batter.
Sprinkle with the grated choco-
late (half in each pan). Spoon
remaining batter into p a n s,
spreading carefully so chocolate
is not disturbed.
6. Bake in moderate oven
(350' F.) 35 to 40 minutes. Let
cool in pans 10 to 13 minutes be-
fore turning out. Cool thorough -
1y and frost layers, nut -side
up, with chocolate frosting.
Spread f r o s t i n g between
;and on sides of layers. but
frost only i.i inch around top
sedge of cake and about 1 inch
In center. Decorate chocolate
frosting .+ith reserve 1/2 cup
white frosting, thinning with
water a teaspoon at a time as
2 squares c2 oz.) baking
IS cup granulated sugar
cup water
4 egg yolks
?•i cup butter or margarine
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups sifted confectioners'
1. Combine chocolate, granu-
lated sugar and water in sauce-
pan. Cook over low heat, stir-
ring constantly, until chocolate
melts and mixture is smooth.
2. Remove from heat. Add
egg yolks; beat thoroughly. Cool,
3. Cream butter and vanilla.
Blend in confectioners' sugar
gradually, creaming well. Re-
serve a/s cup of this frosting to
decorate cake.
4. Add the cool chocolate to
remaining white frosting; beat
until smooth.
Exact figures about the age of
animals are hard to specify.
We know the age to which
men and women live, because
the date of their birth is entered
in an official register, and the
date of their death also is record-
ed. Famous animals that are
kept by men are registered in
hooks kept for the purpose, so
we know the age of prize horses,
cattle and so on.
The prize for the land animals
has to be given to the tortoise.
This animal is believed to live,
under favourable conditions, for
between 300 and 400 years. The
crocodile, given fair play in its
native wilds can live for 300
It takes an elephant a long
time to grow up, and it takes him
a long time to wear out. Well
treated, he should live to be a
hundred. That is the age co
which the eagle is supposed to
live, but some people put the age
he may reach at 200 years. Lit-
tle is known about the age to
which whales live, for they are
seldom, if ever, kept or bred in
captivity, They were once be-
lieved to reach 500 and even
1,000 years, but 100 years seems
a more likely span.
In the following table the aver-
age ages are given. For instance,
we give fifteen years as the ave-
rage life of a dog. You may have
known of a dog, however, that
lived to the fine old age of
twenty, Such a case is very rare,
though not unheard of. One
year of a dog's life is- about
equal to seven years of a man's,
so a twenty -year-old dog would
be as old as a man of 140 years!
Rabbit 5
Sheep 12
Cat 13
Dog 15
Goat 15
Cow 25
Pig 25
Horse 30
Camel 40
Lion 40
Elephant 100
Whale 100
Crocodile 300
Tortoise 350
Down To The Sea .._ Ray Tissue of Surfside, Calif., will he looking
for a new home now that the sea has claimed his old one. Just
before falling into the churning sea, the rear of Tissue's home
leans precariously against the front of the house (top). The roof
of the house crumbles under the force of the sea as the whole
house lies in the water (bottom). Shortly after these pictures were
taken there was nothing left but a few pieces of wood, This was
the third home destroyed in three days by high seas.
Beauty Tip — A double feature for secretaries is this combination
ball-point pen and lipstick. The twin novelty was recently dis-
played at the Hannover, Germany, Fair.
For a very long time men
have been trying to find some
way of making use of the ris-
ing and falling of the sea in the
daily tides. It is possible to use
the tides only where the differ-
ence in the level at high and
low water is very great, as is
the case on the southwest coast
of England, the northwest coast
of France, and on the north
German coast, and on the east-
ern coast of the United States.
In England, at the mouth of
the Severn River the difference
between high and low water at
the spring tides, when sun and
moon are pulling together in
the same direction, is 42 feet,
and at the neap tides, when sun
and moon are opposing one an-
other, 21 feet. This was the spot
suggested for the first experi-
ment in the harnessing of the
tides, The scheme for harness-
ing the power of the tides in
the Severn Estuary includes a
great dam built across the
mouth of the river, with a chan-
nel and locks for the passage
of ships. Sluice -doors would
admit the water when the tide
was rising. At the turn of the
tide the doors would be closed
in order to imprison the water
above the clam. Then, this
would be let out gradually,
working turbines as it ran away.
When more power was being
produced than was needed, this
would be used to pump up wa-
ter to a still higher level, where
it would remain till more power
was wanted than was being pro-
duced. Then this water would
be let out to work additional
turbines. In this way the great
problem of storing power would
be aolved economically, The
power produced by this harness-
ing of the tides in the Severn
would, it is believed, save three
or four million tons of coal a
year, a very large amount of
fuel indeed.
At Rockland, Maine, there is
a 5,000 horsepower electric
plant that uses tidal water for
compressing air. This t h e n
serves instead of steam to drive
an engine. In the Bay of Fundy,
between Nova Scotia and New
Brunswick, the tidal rise is al-
most 40 feet. Engineers say that
by building a three mile sea
wall across a narrow gap, elec-
tric power a hundred times
greater than that from Niagara
could be obtained.
if you have a glass teakettle,
fill it half -full of water and
watch it as the water comes to
a boil, A small bubble will start
to rise toward the surface of the
water, but suddenly it will col-
lapse, Another little bubble, and
more and more and more of them
will follow. The sudden collapse
makes the walls of a bubble
smack each other quite hard; and
when there are many hundreds
oS such smacks, the tone has a
high pitch that makes no think
of singing.
That noise stops when the
water finally boils. Now the bub-
bles do not collapse any more
under the surface, but explode
on the water with a low-pitched
Decorate a cake with the help
of a nut pick or skewer. Keep
point well covered with Frosting
as you work.
How a Great Goalie
Started His Career
The little vulage of Chicouti-
mi in northern Quebec stirred
with excitement. On the streets,
in the small business establish-
ments, in homes, eouversation
was inevitably centered about
the eoming visit of the great
14lontreal Canadiens hockey team.
The Canadiens had aocorded the
small town a signal honor by
scheduling an exhibition game
with the local team, and festive
preparations were made for the
celebrated event.
There was, of course, no spee-
ualtion about the outcome of the
contest. It was conceded without
argument that, the Canadiens
would vanquish the local team
with little trouble, There was,
however, a great deal of antici-
pation as le how the Canadiens
would handle the pride of the
Chicoutimi outfit, Georges, the
town carpenter. Georges spent
his spare time tending goal for
the local bladesters, and was
recognized in that neck of the
woods as a competent goalie with
big -league ability.
When the great day arrived,
Georges was probably the only
unruffled gent. in Chicoutimi.
His fellow citizens could barely
cont a i n their excitement, but
Georges went about his day's
work as usual, ate a light dinner,
and walked unhurriedly to the
local rink. When the game start-
ed, he was a formidable looking
figure in front of the Chicoutimi
goal. Ile looked as big as a house;
and in a few minutes proved
himself just as invulnerable.
As expected, the professionals
skated rings around the local
boys, and they were peppering
the big carpenter almost contin-
ually during the game. Time af-
ter time, Georges turned back
their savage shots with deft flicks
of his stick. When his stick
wouldn't reach, he threw his
body in front of the puck, block.
Mg every tricky shot. Ile seem-
ed to know by instinct exactly
what the hard -rubber puck was
up to, and his tinning was per -
feet. In short, he made more
amazing saves that night than
the ordinary goalie makes in a
The townspeople were amazed
by the fact that Montreal couldn't
whip the local amateurs that
night, but the Canadiens, with
the philosophical attitude com-
mon to professional p 1 a y e r s,
shrugged off the defeat. There
was to come a time, in fact, when
the Montreal management was to
be thankful for the poor show-
ing at Chicoutimi, for the Can-
adiens signed the carpenter to a
contract as their regular goalie,
and while they didn't win that
game, they won an even more
important victory.
The pride of Chicoutimi not
only made the grade that season,
but became the league's outstand-
ing net tender as well, remain-
ing with Montreal for fourteen
years, piling up record after rec-
ord, and finally giving his name
to a trophy which today stands
as a reward for the league goalie
who comes closest to approxi-
mating his greatness. Today, the
old timers, and the new crop as
well, agree that no more appro-
priate •name could identify the
cup awarded to the best goalie
of the year than that of the Chi-
coutimi goalie who made the
transition from small-town car-
pentry to big-time goal -tending,
the Montreal Canadiens' Gegrgee
Vezina. -
If you can remember back
when the 5 and 10 advertised
"nothing over 10 cents," brother,
you ain't no chicken.
France Has A President —• Rene Coty, a conservative independent,
waves his hand in victory at Paris after he was elected President
of France. Coty was elected on the 13th ballot thus breaking the
longest presidential deadlock in the nation's history. He was
formerly the Senate Vice President.
'Pigemmhok' His So've Parking Problem
This "pigeonhole" parking garage in downtown Los Angeles may
be a partial solution to the city's vexing parking problem, The
space -saver accommodates 128 cars in a 60,:by-90-foot area.
When a customer drives in, he leaves his car in the entry way
and shuts off the engine. A push-button hydraulic lift slides under
Exterior view of the five -story "pigeonhole" parking garage,
the car and lifts it to a space just large enough to accommodate
the auto. It takes 45 seconds for the lift to make a round trip
from the entry way to the farthest space and deliver the car to
the waiting customer, The operation is so mechanized it requires
only one attendant.
Up on a lift goes the car until a spot is found to deposit it.