HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1954-01-14, Page 3TIiECai Birt SPORTS COLUMN
Canaala's biggest sports event tills
year will be the British Empire and Corn.
monwealth Games, From July 30 to Amp
ust 7 the sun of Vancouver will be shining
on 750 athletes from at least 22 of the 20
nations in the Commonwealth, They will
compete in nine events.
Never before have so many amateur athletes from so many
countries gathered in one Canadian city at the same time. In
1951 when the Games were held in New Zealand, 13 countries
were represented.
Planning anything as large as this is a tremendous job. A
full time paid staff has already been working for more than
a year organizing the Games in Vancouver. Dozens of business
men have been devoting time, money and energy in a strictly
voluntary effort.
One of the biggest jobs has been the prepur'ation of facilities
for the various events, Vancouver has had to raise money to
build a 35,000 capacity stadium, a 6,000 -seat swimming pool, a
5000 -seat bicycle track, and, 50 miles from Vancouver, the great
Vedder Canal had to be put in shape at a cost of thousands of
dollars for the rowing events. Of course, when the Games are
over, these facilities will remain, Their value totals more than
The stadium being built for the Ganges will be the largest in
Canada, and the most modern. Later, it will become the home
of the British Columbia Lions' football club in the Western
The cycle track, now completed, is said to be the fastest in
the world, and certainly the best in Canada. The swimming
pool, built at the University of British Columbia, will be the
finest in North America, and it's an official Olympic pool.
It's impossible to estimate the number of spectators and
tourists who will flock to British Columbia for the Games.
But those who should know estimate an influx of probably
75,000 over the usual number who visit British Columbia
during that part of the year.
And, of course, many of them will be Americans, who will
continue to spend further weeks (and dollars) In other parts
of the Dominion.
Your comments and suggestions for this column will be welcomed
by Elmer Ferguson,sc/o Calvert House, 431 'forme St., Toronto.
With the new year the season
of annual meetings and conven-
tions has arrived. All over the
country farmers are getting
ready to take a couple of days
off from their daily chores to go
to town and attend the yearly
gathering of their specific produ-
cer group.
P esidents and secretaries, con-
veners and treasurers are put-
ting the last touch to the
speeches and reports which will
ring through the halls of the
Royal York and the King Ed-
„e,-- :ard Hotels in the next two
Much Has Been Done
Much has been done in the
past year which wants to be
brought to the attention of the
rank and file to enable them to
form their own opinion on what
needs to be done in the future.
It is the future to which the
conventions should devote most
of their time. If the reports
were shortened to the hare facts
and the perfunctory greetings
and speeches of most of the very
important personages cut out en-
tirely, more space could be given
on the agendas to "new business."
More To Be Done
Evaluation of past experiences,
constructive criticism, new ideas,
discussion of future pians from
the floor of the house should all
he welcomed by a progressive
and alert leadership.
Farmers are getting familiar
with the idea that they can solve
many of their problems them-
selves, but more, much more, has
to be done to give them the con-
fidence in their own collective
strength and the faith in their
leaders and fellow members.
needed to do the job,
Co-operative Action
We are living in a social order
which favours the growth cd
monolithic industrial corporations
and giant occpuational groups
with dangerously great powers
concentrated in the hands Of a
few; powers so great that they
necessitate frequent interven-
tion of the State to prevent thele'
abuse and to protect the 00001
mon good.
Under these conditions the in-
dividual farmer cannot expect to
get his fair share of the national
wealth and a just return for his
labour, Farmers can, of course,
look to more or less benevolent
governments for handouts with
the inevitable consequence that
they will sink lower and lower
in the estimation of governments
and people, until they end up as
hewers of wood and drawers of
The recognition of this danger
led last year to the first large
scale undertakings of co-opera-
tive action in the marketing of
hogs and cheese.
Keep Pitching
To stay free and to be masters
of their own fate, farmers will
have to continue on this road.
But to co-operate does not mean
to sit at home and let George do
it; and then squawk because
George did it differently.
It means that everybody
pitches in, makes his financial
contribution and takes his little
share of responsibility, if it is
only by coming to the meetings
and taking part in the decisions.
Let's get out, friends, and get
action. ---
This column welcomes sug-
gestions, wise or foolish, and all
criticism, whether constructive
or destructive and will try to
answer any question. Address
your letters to Bob Ellis, Box 1,
123 - 18th St., New Toronto, Ont.
Life Saver — Dr. Gocran Hagstroom, of the Epidemic Hospital of
Gothenburg, in Stockholm, Sweden, demonstrates a new light-
weight portable breather. Called a "Takato", the mashie weighs
less than six pounds and is entirely hand drlvenl
It's Well Appreciated — This Korean waif finds it hard to believe
his eyes as he receives a man-size drumstick fram Cpl. Joseph
Gallipoli. The boy was among Thousands of children who were
guests of soldiers stationed in Korea.
Calling on an old friend over
the Christmas holidays, he hand-
ed us a bunch of ancient turf and
sporting magazines he had dug up
while cleaning out his cellar.
Some of them were dated back
as far as 1909, but the names in
those would mean nothing to
most of our readers, although we
did happen on the chart of a
race won by a two-year-old call-
ed PAN ZARETA. P.emember
PAN ZARETA, anybody? If you
do, don't admit it, because it was
quite a while back, and no fool-
ing. a o
However, in one magazine dat-
ed Oetober, 1932, there were
plenty Of names and pictures
that still have a certain interest.
There was a shot of Tod Sloan,
at one time the most publicized
and successful jockey in the
world. By 1932 Sloan had sunk
pretty far down, and the picture
shows him acting as starter -for
a turtle race. (Not the sort of
turtles we sometimes bet on, but
the actual reptiles.)
e 0 '
Then there was a picture of
Steve Donoghue congratulating
another English jockey who had
jtist accomplished the unusual
feat of riding 100 winners in a
season. The young man's name
was Gordon Richards, who is
now, of course, "Sir Gordon" and
who still boots his hundred or
more per year. Some Of them last
longer than . others as, for in-
stance, a photo of a familiar-
Iooking face with the caption
"P. Remillard led all the riders
by a wide margin at the Mary-
land half mile circuit." The same
Pat who still gets the occasional
winner home although -- except
at Dufferin, of course -. not on
the half-milers.
t a 0
"Where in the name 0f Heav-
en have all the fighting young-
sters of this suppoe'dly virile
nation gone to?" — sounds just
like the start gf a present-day
column bewailing the lack of
boxing talent, doesn't it? But
here's the way that particular
paragraph goes on. ''Mickey
Walker, a real veteran, fighting
Max Schmeling, a lad from Ger-
many; aged and feeble Benny
Leonard mixing it with Jimmy
McLarnin, not so spry himself
any more; Johnny Dundee com-
ing out of the grave to be smack-
ed around by a preliminary
fighter. Why, I'm ashamed of
my own people. Why can't we
have youngsters doing aur fight-
ing? It's no sport for old folks
Iike Leonard and Dundee."
Which should prove—if any-
thing—that even if the fighters
4 change over a twenty-year
stretch, the sports writers still
keep moaning on the same note.
0 0 0
Here, in another paragraph, is
something that has a familiar
ring. "That guy nobody likes—.
Rogers Hornsby—is again out of
work. Funny about Hornsby, he's
been canned in St. Louis, New
York, Boston and Chicago, and
now he wants to try his luck in
the American League." That, we
repeat, was more than 21 years
ago—but Hornsby, the last we
heard of him, was still getting
* 0 a
We would like to go on and on
quoting from this old magazine,
partly because it's full of inter-
esting stuff and partly — well,
because quoting is a whole lot
easier than trying to grind out
original matter. Still, we must re-
call to you an incident mention-
ed there, 'one of the most unus-
ual . happenings in horse -racing
history. A good title for it might
Harry M. Savage, who has lust been appointed publicity director
for the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, A former newspaperman
who served in the Public Relations Branch of the Royal Canadian
Air Force in Canada, England, France and Belgium during World
War II, Savage succeeds G, M. Brown. 'The latter recently resigned
the post to take up residence in Vancouver.
Ing outfit FREE, Sell made -to -measure
and ready-made oluthen In your full or
metro time, direct Prom manufacturer SO
wearer. Write to:--- Deism ve Clothes,
006 Mayor, Montreal.
LpARN Auatlonoorin*, term noon. Porde
ontnlog. Rolsen Au' Ion So11401, PSrnon
Cay 11, Iowa,
OUST thin week Ivo roceiVed the follow-
ing orders for pullnte, ono for 10,040
another for 0,000. another for 4,000.
These good poultry people are baying
the egg breeds which ,^o roeamn:end --
White Leghorn, White Leghorn X Rhode
Inland Red. Rhode Wend Rcw1, Rhode
Island Red X Barred Ilock, Light Sussex
X Rhode Inland Red, Why? Because they
have purohaned from us before and have
made extra money. We have the mackerels
from these pullet sales at a taw price and
now broiler men buy them but we don't
recommend thein. We know that the
bent fur broilers aro chicks from our
guaranteed lot generation Nichols New
Hatnpohires. Ale° turkey pounn, started
ahlelto, ohlor pullets.
rendes ONTARIO
WHAT'S in s same? Plenty, if ft's Bray
Cttleko, Get our 1964 pricellet, pick out
Um breed you've found host for you .--
order early in 1904 to catch the better
140g saoketo. Bray Hatchery. 1.20 John
N. Hamilton.
E04.10 are law 1140 but aro always high
from June to Oelober. Early hatched
Pullets are We only ones that catch thio
market. Get some of three well started,
well foatieued 0 and 7 week old pullets,
White Rock X Light Sussex, New Hemp,
shire X Barred Rock, Barred Rocks,
Red X Barred Rock. Light Sussex X
New Hamp:hire, New Hampshire. and
other popular heavy breeds, save time and
bother. Pullets 829.96; Non -Sexed 939.961
Amoorad breeds 838.96: Cockerels 830.962
Assorted heavy 00chorain 934.96. Also
Younger started ehIek0.
DEALERS wanted — To take orders for
thicket and turkey pointe for one of
Canada's largest and long • established
Canadian Appro0od Hatcheries. Good
contntlooloa paid. Send for 0111 detail,.
Box 111. 129 Eighteenth Street. Now
Toronto, 0011,10,
dog SALE
CRESS CORN SALVE -- For sure r0'
rour Druggist Belle CRESS.
1947 nE0 — Model 119L — 49 Student
capacity, Heater, Defroster rano,
Fully eet11p0ed. 7.60 x 20 'Dreg In good
Th1,, unit boo been thoroughly recondi-
tioned and reneinted. Many miles or
troublo-free transportation at tow operat-
1ng cost. 80 -day Mechanical - warranty.
Terme arranged. Sale Price — 88,460.00.
Many other makes and models to choose
Beed List eaves careful buyers money
0Vot7 Year. Advance prices — Pedigree
Seed. Write 010005 Seeds Ltd., Box 114,
Belleville, Ontario. Since 1890 — Lead-
ers in the Field.
The "Willie" concerned was
Wee Willie Garner, Iater to be-
come a top race -rider but then,
in 1920, an apprentice or "punk".
The occasion was the Queen City
Handicap at Latonia, and Garn-
er had the mount on ROLLED
STOCKING, one of the favorites
to take the race, although pitted
against some of the best colts in
he business.
It was a nasty afternoon. For
nearly a week it had rained or
drizzled, and the Latonia track
was fetlock deep 111 mud. ROLL-
ED STOCKING didn't get any
the best of the break, but Wee
Willie guided him like a veteran.
Down the back side he kept his
mount out of pockets and free
of interference and when they
had turned into the straight and
were an eighth of a mile from
well out in front. Two lengths
from the wire they were in the
clear and Willie was dreaming of
victory in his first big stake and
his share of the $17,000 purse—
which was a lot of money in
those days, and still is if you
ask us personally.
O q, O
Then, without warning, it
stumbled and fell. Down went
the two of them, the horse slid-
ing and the jockey thrown clear.
Too surprised to move, ROLLED
STOCKING just lay there. But
not Wee Willie. With the soupy
mud streaming from him Garn-
er got to his feet. The second
horse, General Haldeman, still
was three or four jumps away.
O e x
Garner grabbed the reins at
his fallen mount and tried 00
stretch him four or five inches
further, which was all that was
needed to put the hoist's nose
over the wire. Had he been suc-
cessful it would have given the
judges something to Muzzle ov-
er, ,xxxause the horse: whose nose
first hits that imaginary line is
the winner. But R. O L L E 1\
STOCI'IING plain refused to co-
opeerate He flipped his head
hark. not forward, and Wee Wil•
lie couldn't slide him any fur-
ther in the mud.
And, naturally-, General Hal.
demon copped the race.
Still, as we said before, you d
have to give Willie Garner frill
marks for trying!
er money back
Very first use of soothing, cooling, liquid
8.0.1). Prescription pt alLLvcly tetievae raw
ed itch •ansed by *mom, mho, scalp
rrittti n chafing—oilier ,telt troubles. Gteaae-
es., stainless. 43c trim bottle must vialsfy or
ck,k. Asyour druggist for 0.0.0,
ISSUE 3 — 1954
fwrAVD you anything needs) dyeing* or along•
load write to 4s) for Information, we
ore died to answer your (lunation, De.
gqammen* R, Parker's Dye Works Limped,
721 'rondo St.. Toronto.
01181' 99" blade complete with t8 *0010,
DQ6 folder.delivered. Write for free Innotrat•
ntlnontnl Tran:Sort Appli.
snoop limited. 1440 Saint l'atherino went,
0000 each In ala weeps to 3009 to earn
for anyone who oast soil and is willing to
oen0ao0 every farm In Your tow -cabin,
scathe our 0500101 Tame offer et mush
needed fruit trace, harry bonbon. eta,
amply et once, Horde Nnrn0r3'. °amp•
bellford, Ontario.
365 Elgin, Ottawa„
$1.25 Express Prepaid,
RAIQIBli th0 torment of dry eczema rnehe0
0e1 00091008 skin troubles, Pont's
Dose= Salvo will not disappoint you.
Itching. coaling, burning eczema acne.
ringworm, plmnlea end foot 0020100, will
respond readily to the stainless od0r1000
ointment reg0rdle0e M how stubborn or
hopeless they seem.
Sent Pest free on Recdnt of Price
609 Queen St. E., Cerner 0r Logan
Toronto. ,
FE01[NEx ed
One woman Lelia another- Take superior
fl0E9I1NEX!' to help alleviate pain. die.
tress and nervosa tension associated with
monthly periods.
56.05 Postpaid In plat° wrapper
710 others fail, neo what Chinese medfclne
u0n do for Eczema, Peor1001a, Raab. Itch,
Mo. Quick remits. Thoueunde portio-
ned, Teenlore, 1116 Kingswny, Van -
mover, Canada,
PILES, Eczema, Rheumatid Paine — Re•
Ileved into magic, with now, too -067
North Method (Internal & External), Send
for free details. Imperial Induntri m,
P,O. Box 471, Winnipeg„ Canada.
Groat Opportunity Learn
8'leasant, dignified profession, good wages,
lthoueendo of aueeooeful Marvel graduates
America',, Greatest System
Illustrated °060100,10 Free
Write or Gall
888 Moor 9t W.. Toronto
44 King St„ Hamilton
T9 Rideau St.. Ottawa
DRAW Lightning Quick Cartoonel En-
tertain. be papular, he a Television Artist,
Chalk Talk and Cartooning made easy,
5106. Graphic Arte, 2820 T0000, Ver-
non, Texan.
BECOME a bookkeeper, stenographer, or
typist in t•0nt• 09610 time. Lessons 60o.
For particulars. write Canadian Cor-
respondence COh1-aet. 1200 Bey Street.
ROCKET To The Moon( Join U,S. Roe.
het society! Amazing! Send 01.00 Can-
adian to: Pox 29, Glen Ellyn, 2111not0.
BE your own bogs, Big Arofito with
new invention, needed on scary automobile.
Free details. Intercesmoo, 4680 Gtrouar$,
Avenue, Box 6, bfontreel.
AN OFFER to every inventor --List or in.
mations and full Information eons free.
The Ramsey Co„ Registered Patent Attar=
mega. 275 Bank Street, Ottawa.
FETHER9TONRAT3011 & Company Patent
Attorneys. Eatabilehed 1890. 6011 Uhl.
Ooroity Ave.. Toronto. Patents all countries.
01.00 TRIAL otter. Twenty-01ve deluxe
Personal requtretnente. Latest Catalogs*
Included. The Medico AZ00155, Eon 005
Terminal A. Toronto, Ontario,
MARRY' Wealthy, Attrectrre American*
Send 81.00 for Thirty carefully selected
addressee of oenfieentiel get -acquainted
Clubs. John Ymmt, Ons 210, Newport.
Rhode island.
Star: the Nov Year richt, putt cigar-
ottee with the aid of TOBACCO ELIMINA.
TOR, A 7 -day money back guaranteed
treatment. For free booklet write C,
W. Ring Pharmacal Corp. Ltd.. Bon
803, Walkarvllle, Ont.
U L i 153 E
11 iife'o, not worth living
it trap be your liver!
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bile a day to /OAT 70110 dil;e*tiV0 tract in top
,hap,! II sour 0*0* bile is cot sowing freeb
your. fuu.1 may nut direst .. , dao bloats npp
your ston,ce1, ..'u feel constituted and
all ,h-;. L:n an,i sparkle -e 001 nF itis. That's
whenynlk neud *0015 nestle Carter's Little
Liver PIN. fptnnue crnetable pills help
sunml:ue the flow of liver into. Soon your
dire tion =,errs functioning pr0per)y end you
feel that '117-5 thee, are here wminl Don't
veer ter eene.11 "00 1 r, f • try', Little
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4,45A'S FltlEYt
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