HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1954-01-14, Page 2rese AN ilook Dear Anne Hirt: I have been mauled for 11 years, and now I am the most unhappy woman 1 know. My husband is a grand person and is good to zee, but our married life has been a series of ups and downs. I determined to • see it through, and I have—up till now, "My trouble is another man, of course. Ile is married and has two children, yet he says he never loved anyone as he loves me. I have tried to stop seeing him, but he makes me. I've been horrid to him, I've told him I was through, but he will not let me go., "I am almost dying with shame to deceive my husband as I am doing. I never thought I could sink so low! "The man is crazy about his children (I have none) and he tells his wife he still cares for her. But she thinks I'm trying to get hint. Can you tell me what to do? Ashamed." A Shocking Story 9 How can you, a woman of * 35, be so adolescent? You are * trying to excuse your infatua- * tion as a naive young girl * would deny she deceived her * parents when they, have found " her out. * How can you claim that the s' man MAKES you see him? No * one can see you against your °" will. You can refuse to meet * him, stay away from places he * frequents; you can lock your * door against him, and tell him " if he approaches you again he DOLL / CLOTHES 4546 14"-22• TALL 44***;r r 6'4-lt..1Sef to make a little gel -tory-boot' dreams mine ?i uc! Just mah., this old-fashion- ed wardrobe for her favorite doll! Besides the piettieet party dregs be the: world, there a cummer- bund, petticoat -- and PANTA- LOONS! Bonnet, hag, mitts, too! Ls" your acrapbasket rem- nants! Potter;) 4545 in doll Sizes 14, le, le, 20. or 22 inches. State size. TIi S pattern rssy tri Ust•, sim- ple to sew i, tested for fit. liss :Complete illustrated instructions. Send THIRTY - FIVE CENTS (35e) do coin: (stamps cannot be accepted, for • this pattern. Print accepted) tor this pattern. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to Bo., I. 123 iwigt,tesnti St., New Toronto. i tint 1411?ST * will Le arrested. Though you * know his influence is evil, you * have enjoyed yielding to it. Un- * less you take strong measures, * you are headed for a scandal * that will drag your good hus- * band with you. * Already the man's wife is talk- " ing—and why not? How long * do you think it will be before * the truth is publlely known? * As for you, you know of the * man's other affairs, and where " those women landed. Do you e, want to join them in the dis- * cardi' * I am sorry for you. You have * had the courage to stick to an * unsatisfactory marriage for * years, but now you have sunk * deep in the depths of self -de- * ception. No wonder you have * no peace! Why can't you see * the facts as they are? * I urge you to rise above this * temptation, Regain your self- * respect—and you can, if you * are really sincere in your desire * to escape from the hold this * man has upon you ... Go back * to your church; talk with your * minister, Pray for the strength • you need, and have faith that * it will come, * 1 A II.t.STt YOLTTB "Dear Anne Hirst; My fiance and I had a quarrel over noth- ing a week ago; he said unkind things, and I broke the engage- ment. I heard he went out. and got drunk. •'I have been sick over the whole business. 1 realized I was as much to blame as he; I am overly • sensitive, and lost my head. I would have written an apology if he hadn't taken too many drinks after he left. Ile never did drink that I know et, - and this I cannot forgive. "He called me two days after, and apologized for being rude, but I Would not listen, Don't you think I was right? Drinking is something I cannot overlook. MISERABLE" '' You do not say how old you are, but you must be very * young to refuse this man your * forgiveness. You were equally to blame in the ailment, you * admit. It is his getting inloxi- * cated that you will not over- * look. * Under such stress, taking '• one drink too many seems, I am sorry to say, a popular way * to induce forgetfulness and * bring momentary comfort to * an emotionally upset young " man. You should have over- " looked the incident and ac- cepted his plea: After ail, he * is not a drinking man. `° Better sit down and write * him an apology for ending the * engagement, and say that you " understand his reaction to the * shock. When he reappears, * you two can talk things aver * and straighten out the whale * matter We are neves' tempted beyond our strength to resist—IF we • honestly want to resist. Self- respect, courage, and prayer combine to build an armor• g ain ' against evil ..Anne Hirst urn- derstands the weaknesses of hu- mans, and will rally to your aid. Write .her at Box 1, 123 Eigli. tennth St New Toronto, Ont. * F• ashion .Hunts w Date dress by Horwitz and Duberman in Chantilly type lace of Acetc'e and sill:. Acetate satin cummerbund tops the very full skirt, R `Rea9.x V 1 +' LES GINGER 1"S Crmz+.d.QLttie 0 Ctaxk.s To you who road this column Christmas is now just a memory, It is with us tope but a more recent one, I promised to tell you how we fared at Ginger Farm, but first I would like tc thank my column friends who sent cards, letters and kindly greetings at the holi- day season, It was nice of you to think of us and we do ap- preciate your interest and good wishes. It is things tike thsat, the -little unexpected touch, that gives to Christmas that warm Christ - massy feeling that is ,just a little different from any other time of the year. Se again 1 say "thank you" for helping to make our Christmas a happy occasion And now back to the big day itself. The turkey was sizzling i in the oven: the plum pudding bubbling on the stove; the Christ- i mas tree bright: with trimmings . and gaily wrapped gilts as l be. gin setting the table for nine, confident thnt everything was proceeding without it hitch. For this 1 was extremely ttranlcful as, for several d nos previous to Chrietm is an uncomfortable feel- ing had po-sea cd me -ea feeling that things would not be gone. a- we had planned. The thought bothered me as I couldn't shake it off. Then as I set the table 1 laughed at am nien teen, what was .1 a;rieid ot.---liob and Joy had been up the night. beim Dee had photesd. that evert lh.,. was ali righ, there -- and tee weather wan good, so what mai I to worry about? Then the tc;�. phone rang. It wee Daughter, My sister ,nd K]erni would not be. corning wiih them ars sistsi Kath- leen had taken 0 chill waiting ton long for a streot-car the night before. Not only that but Arilim' was having car trouble so they might be s- Iii.ilc Lite in getting here, But 1 am gi1u1 SaY, (v.e r though the motor boiled, they ar- rived sate and sound, And how they arrived! Bob stud Johnny went - nut to help then) unload. There wit:: David pod his baby carriage; shawls, blankets, pros- eat , • betl).i equipment and two haingroe n kittens in a crate! Fernlike ke who q\se a pet ,.int, often have to take it along but how many bring n rat, to nzy nothing of kittens. 'roe often ties poor cat is left to fend for itself. Finally we all sat down to dm. net --mother bold father, son and his wile, daughter and her hus-. band --and our grandson. 'Also Johnny. Ye„ our family started as One couple - Partner and my- self. With the passing of time Dee and Bob were born, and thus our children made us a family of four. Those same children grew up and married and in- creased our family six. Then, came David—and now we are seven. And the same thing is happening all over Canada, as each family tree, in most cases, grows and grows, Sometimes port of the old root dies, but younger roots sur- viae, giving health and strength to the ever -spreading branches. These are. sober; reflective thoughts.-. thoughts, I must con' fess, that were not much in evj- SALLY'S SALLIES "Joe'4 getting a commission when lee enters the Army. N's Bet salary for him" float nhorl.oning (it. should be at least two incurs deep) to 370' in a deep-frying pan. (If a fat thermometer is not aaailable, test: fat temperature with a cube of bread --the breed should brown in 60 seconds). Cut 1 pound fillets of any suitable tish into serving sized pieces and sprinkle lightly with salt. Mix and sift into a bowl 1 e. once -sifted pastry flour (or 7;l cup once -sifted all-purpose dour), 11 tsps. Magic Baking Powder and ?•;; lisp, salt; stir in +. ; c. very axrld water and beat until hatter d rs very smooth. Dip fish pieces Irl batter and then fry ill heated shortening, turning once, until golden. Drain thoroughly 011 absorbent paper, sprinkle lightly with salt and keep hot until all fish has been conked. Yield 4 servings; Always Dependable deuce during the family celebra- ltons -- which, I suppose, were much the same as in other famil- ies. However, In our case, a few unscheduled events took place, the chief of which happened about 5 a.m. the clay after Christmas. Partner and 1 have a bedroom downstairs. Dee and Art and the baby were immediately above us and we were all still sleeping. Suddenly there was n terrific crash..1 waited breathlessly. I3ad David's carriage -bed fallen off its improvised stand? Was he hurt? 1 listened for cries, .I heard sounds all right, but- it wasn't ' the baby crying, it was Dee and Art laughing! "Good Lord," said Partner, "that darn bed must have collapsed " That is j t as BS• actly what had happened. The bed, a lovely antique, of the spool variety --a family heir. loons, given to us by a descendant of a pzoneer fannly. This bed had wooden slats, on top of which, • to give it modern comfort, we had place,:l a steel spring and a coil -spring mattress. Thus it had given us good service for a num- bar of year:. But alas, the bed heel evidently reached the limit 01 endurance. All the nails on one side of the slate gave way, The hats dropped to the floor — as did the spring, the mattress, and its occupants. As 1 said to Daughter afterwards, it was a mercy it happened after the baby wile born and not before.. • The second minor accident was this morning. At night we always. (Arne a 7•watt bulb burning and - it gives enough light for anyone • to find their way around the Jaime in safety. But light bulbs don't last forever either. This morning it was burnt out and Ptu•tncr walked straight into the sharp edge of an open door. He now has a bruise surd slight cut • over one eye, giving him the ap- pearance of having celebrated not wisely but too well. Now everything is quiet: Dee and farnily went home yesterday. In addition to all the bulky stuff . they brought with them they had equally bulky presents to take back . , ..table, bottle sterilizer, - blanket and ?!i a dozers jars of fruit. The kittens were crated incl alnust escaped before they W To SI've Money nd Get Fast Cough Relief, Here's an old, tested, home mix- ture your mother knew .. , still e most dependable remedy for dis- tressing coughs. Fast and effeetive, children like its pleasant taste. Make a syrup by stirring two cups of Hagar into one cup of water until dissolved ... no cooking need- ed (or you can use maple syrup or honey instead). Now pour 2414 ounces of PINEX CONCEN- TRATE into a 16 ounce bottle and add the syrup you've made. You'll have 16 ounces of fast acting, plea- sant tasting tough medicine, more than you could buy.for four times the money, with effective relief for the whole family. Pinex -a 'medal compound of proven medielnal ingredients -•-mast help you, or money refunded, PILAF.?( IS EASY TO MIX— PAST ACTING—EFFECTIVE warn 3 -- 1954 oa ern "Robinson Crusoe" Claims Our Civilization 1s Doomed A .modern Rubinson Crusoe, who seeks a Stone Age eure front the world's worries, is 33 -year-old Danish civil engineer, "Taxi" Kauffmann. Hard working and intelligent, he bids to renounce civilization and spend the rest Of his life cut off from all human contact on a lonely Pacific islet. There, 13,000 miles from Cop- enhagen's twinkling lights and cigar -smoking girls, he intends to live after the style of his Stone Age ancestors. He will not set up stone quit circles to worship the sun, or indulge in sacrificial rites, but cling to his own peculiar in- terpretation of Christianity. His name "Tavi" is the Poly- nesian substitute for his baptis- mal name; his adoption of it sym- bolizes his renunciation of his European upbringing. It means blood brother of Maui—the leg endary fisher up of islands from the Pacific's coral -haunted deeps The young Dane's conversion to Stone Age "simplicities" repro. sents no sudden fanaticism. For eight years, since graduating in engineering science at Copenhag- en University in 1945, he has been working steadily totvards his goal, First, he saved up sufficient to emigrate to the U.S.A. In San Francisco, he savoured modern civilization's "delights"—its speed craziness, cinematic artificiali- ties and press -button comforts— but found all such diversions devilish. "The atomic age is bankrupt," he announced. "I tremble for its future, Civilized society will be man's ruin, unless he escapes from it and rediscovers, before it is too late, his true -destined affin- ity with Nature, her works and God -inspired sublirnities." He bought a 26 -foot sloop and set sail, with an American friend, to discover a perfect island re- treat. The two sailed first via the Marquesas to Tahiti, then to the Cook Islands, the Tongan Group • and Fills, They lived on coco- nuts, fruits and vegetables. The prospect of voluntary ex• ile proved too daunting for Kauff- r• •r's friend, :Fie quit. Undeter- red, the Dane decided to pursue his experiment lone -handed. Wisely, he set about adapting himself to Pacific Island life be- fore stepping back 2,000 years. reached the car. Looking at the loaded vehicle I made one earn- est request — "Phone us when you reach home -- we would like to know if you arrive safely." The call came through about three hours later, At Suva, the Fijian capital, he heard that Queen Salote's Gov- ernment at Tonga needed a con- sulting engineer. Be took the lob for ten months; then turned in hie sloop—Queen Salote's own house- hold use it today ae their royal barge --and asked that, as reward for his services, he should be allowed to live rent-free and un- molested on one of Tonga's unoc- cupied 150 islets. The very place for him was found at Runge, an uninhabited volcanic islet, about a mile long and a third of a mile wide, some forty miles from Nukualofa, the Tongan capital. No Tongan ever visits it, be- lieving it haunted by dead and uncharitable spirits --an island of sulky skulls. And there, as an enthusiastic recluse, this Danish engineer Crusoe went a few weeks ago into lifelong exile, He prepared his new homeland a little in advance, however, per- suading a Tongan agriculturist to help him plant breadfruit trees on the Islet:, Palin trees grow plentifully. But because they ape commercial- ly valuable and might attract future prospectors, Kauffmann intends to cut them down and leave sufficient only to keep him in cocoanuts, His Eden lacks any fresh water springs, so he must slake his thirst either en cocoanut milk or by collecting' rainwater as It trickles through cavort) roofs. In these caves, too, he can shelter when hurricanes lash and roar against his retreat. Doesn't Want a Wife He has taken thirty books with hint. They include the Bible and Spengler's "Decline of the West" Asked if he wanted a wife, the young bearded Dane, a towering specimen of blue-eyed Nordic manhood, shook his head vigor- ously; exclaiming: "Like any seeker after pure truth., 1 seek first inward peace, not the dis- tractions or allurements which the battle of the sexes gives to modern society," In 1982, Hunga's submergedrr volcano—it lies about a mile offs"" shore -is due to erupt afresh, He looks forward to experiencing at • first hand all the primitive gran. deur of fire and fury belching from its hissing, wave -lapped cone, By that time he will either have discovered bliss as a hermit or will have tasted the disillu- sionment that has overtaken so many eccentrics who, turning their backs on civilization, have found merely fresh dregs of re• morse. ag II/4414 )r J ) frb 'nth4tki LEMON PU ONG 11 cup granulated sugar 4 cups milk 6 tablespoons BENSON'S or 2 egg yolks, well -beaten CANADA Corn Starch l/s cup lemon juice 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon grated lemon rind 2 egg whites, stiffly beaten MIX sugar, BENSON'S or CANADA Corn Starch and salt in top of double boiler. ADD milk slowly: mix until smooth. PLACE over boiling water, cook until thick; stir consiontly. COVER, cook 10 minutes) stirring occasionally. REMOVE from heat, pour over well -beaten egg yolks slowly; stir constantly RETURN to double boiler; cook 2 minutes longer, stir well. REMOVE from heats add juice and rind. FOLD hot mixture slowly into stiffly beaten egg whites. COOL, chill; serve with Custard Sauce, YIELD: 8 servings. cusiARD SAUCE i tablespoon BENSON'S or lA teaspoon salt CANADA Corn Starch 2 egg yolks ; cup granulated sugar 2 cups milk 1 teaspoon vanilla COMBINE BENSON'S or CANADA Corn Starch, sugar and salt in top of double boiler. ADD egg yolks, mix well; stir in milk slowly. PLACE over boiling water, cook until thick !about .5 minutes); stir constantly. COQL, odd vanilla; chill. YIELD: 21/4 cups. , For fr.e folder of other delicious recipes, write to: Jane Ashley, Home Service Department, THE CANADA STARCH COMPANY LIMITED, P.C, Box 129, Montroa!,