HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1954-01-07, Page 11t SPORTS C.Ol.1111h'
!t Ratin'l a bad year 311 ,pQrl, 1953.
We've seen a lot Of y'ear's with Less color,
less drama, down a long trail that leads
bark it halt' itntery or So,
We doubt, nor Me:emcee that 1904 Will
produce another sue11throat-catching
drama fl' die) the 1958 Grey Cup final in
the lust few minutes, when Indian Jack Jacobs o'1' Winnipeg
Humbert; threw pass after pass through the trlsp, sunny No-
vember air. On the strength of his strong right ar111, Bombers
marched utmost trine entire length of the field, forcing Hamilton
1'icats back td the very edge of their own lino, In defence of
a 12-6 lead, Four yards out, the hands of the big clock spin-
Bing in the last low seconds, four yards to go, another Jacobs
pass :Conn Casey going high in the air to each it, Casey
bowled over, the ball spinning wildly away ... a gallant effort
'suddenly finished!, But Jacobs, lite goat of Bombers` 11'50
defeat, redeemed himself by one of the greet eteat petting dee
playa to (trey Cup history.
Anel the finish of another greet (uta(litur spurt: classic,
the Stanley Cup , , . Canatiiens of Montreal and Boston Bruins
battling for a full 60 rniuntes without a score In what proved
to be the final game. 78attle-scarred 181300r Laeh wheeling
from. a Pane -off to whip a streaking cross-fire that sagged the
far side of Sugar aim Henry's net, and the crippled Henry,
after a brilliant display, standing there for seconds, his face
a study in stunned disbelief, as the wild roar of the crowd
sounded its requiem to ,Boston's holies for hockey fr111mph.
And Cenadian college football may never produce a
greater, more thematic thrill, than in the last 40 seconds of
the final play-off game—fen. the inter. collegiate title, when
Varsity leading 8-7, Western quarter -back Dns Getty, 10 year
old college julli.or, sent a perfect pass hurtling through 'the
air to Murray Henderson, who went racing OM the Varsity
line, literally snatching vietol;y out of defeat.
Yes, 1..953 was a year of color and drama on many fronts,
1)logenes Laertius, and the law of Solon; De mortals nil
and we shall do Its admonished by Archilochus, the Talmud,
bottom — "Of the dead nothing but good." 1953 was a
good year in sports, 1954 will do well to equal It,
Your continents and suayasfioos far this column will be welcomed
by Elmer f:erpuson, c'o Calvert House, 431 Yonge 51., Taranto,
e,,n2re el 8(238 ONTARIO
Ever since the spectacle in the
Oshawa Magistrate's Court, when
Godfrey Schilling defended him -
vett against the accusation of have
ing broken the law by selling a
mixture of edible oils and a dairy
product, in imitation of a dairy
product, to wit, ice cream. we
have been waiting for further de-
velopments in the case of the Af-
rican cocoanut vs. the Canadian
Mr. Schilling, who had appear•
pd in court without counsel,
made fall use of the generous
*iter of the Crown to lean over
backwards and help him in his
defence. instead of being convict -
3d within the Hour, as most
everybody present expected, he
put up so strong a case that the
day was over before all the evi-
dence was in.
$ Weeks Later
The Magistrate, who peened to
enjoy the opportunity of making
legal history which came to hint
between the ordinary run of
drunken driving and non-support
eases, reserved judgment.
However, two weeks later he
did not make history by throwing
the case and the last out of court
as unconstitutional, but registered
a conviction.
This left the company which is
making this co -called ice cream
Imitation with the choice of suing
the government for compensation
:tor destroying its business or to
.go ahead and manufacture their
product without using dried skim
milk powder. Apparently they
have chosen the second niternat
Next, Please
Two more cases of the name
kind, in which the Department
8o pleasant tasting
that children 13110 lt,
lest acting PINEX
elves effective robot.
3301 a IIHlo of crm-
venio0l PINEX PRE-
fARED or money-
soving PINEX OOH-
3ENTRATE for home
rim Noma OW Pinot 0,Oparad for eartventItae
—ninett Con,O1lretc ler atesomy
MEDICATED, 8743018553 eagoo'E1oSsf
teen n now product
with a favorite name.
PINEX Medloated Van.
Ming NUB oases IrrI-
tenon and congestion
of (haat colds—soothes
muscular ;whet end
palm. Got New PINEX
en at any demi
.tom PPM counter today.
Pt neon =.
ISSUE 2 — 1054
of Agriculture instituted proceed-
ings against two companies for
using.. edible o;1s • and milk to
manufacture something that looks
like whipping cream, have been
postponed twice. They should
have been heard in December,
but for undisclosed reasons have
been held over for the latter part
of January.
There are two aspects to the
Edible Oil Products Act as it
stands note. It prohibits the man-
ufacture and sale of any invita-
tion of a dairy product, like ice
cream, cheese, whipping cream,
etc., if edible oils are mixed with
milk or a milk product. It per-
mits, however, such imitations to
be made from edible oils and
other products, e.g., barley flour.
The law does not provide for
compensation to those whose
businesses it destroys. The com-
panies in question have been in
business for one, four and five
years respectively. They started
manufacturing their products
when it was perfectly lawful to
do so.
When ,`ontpensation was mete
Honed, the acting minister of ag-
riculture -said: "Compensation,
heck, no! We are going to fight
It's very much like a store
owner being told to clear out,
because the 'government needed
his land to put a highway
What Mr, Bumble Said
This attitude of the government
practically forces these compan-
ies to stay in business and make
imitations of dairy products with -
011t using a dairy product in the
process. The competition of veg.
etable oils will still be with the
farmer while at the same Hine
another outlet for some surplus
milk is closed.
What is needled is some research
work into the whole complex
of edible oil and dairy foods. Un-
til it is known what should be
manufactured with and without
milk, all imitations of dairy pro-
ducts should be banned and rea-
sonable compensation paid to
those who get hurt for the bene-
fit of the common good.
The present law is unjust to
some small manufacturer's; on
the other ]nand it was supposed
to give protection to the dairy
farmera, but "if any law, supposes
that," said Ivir. Bumble, "the law
Ors a ass --•-a 'diet."
This column welcomes ;sug-
gestions, wise 00 foolish, and all
oritielsm, whether oonstruetive
or destructive and Will try to
IUIOWCr any question. Address
your letters to Bob Ellis, 'Box 1,
123 - 18th St., Now TorontO, Ont.
On The Snot • Twelessehaat-5,!d Tommy Gilbert is justly proud of
his markmanship with the bow and arrow. The seventh grader
recently allot a 148 score out of a possible 270 on the standard
50 -fol range, setting a new record for the vicinity.
Television hes made iniiliull,1 0f
boxing "fans," the majority of •
. whom never had a close-up view
--.or smell—of an actual prize-
fight; and it is rather amusing
to hear some of them, the next
morning, talking about last
night's "terrific battle" and what
a "lot of punishment" So-and-so
Nowadays, what with Technical
Itnockeuts and referees on the
alert to stop a bout before a
beaten man is badly battered,
it is seldom we see a glassy -eyed
out- on his feet yet without
enough sense left to stay down
Mr the final count,
Which is probably ,lust -as well.
because such a fighter was a piti-
ful sight, and one all-ton-eem100"
baclr in the days when a bout was
seldom stopped, short of a knock-
out, except on the infrequent re-
quest of one of the manager's,
who would ask the referee to call
a halt in order to save his boy
from further mayhem.
Wonder what some of the Tee -
\tee fans would say to such a bout
as took place just about a quarter-
century-ago—In January 1928 to
be exact — down in Madison
Square Garden. It was between
the title-holder, Tommy Laugh -
ran, a beautiful boxer, and the
challenger, Leo Lomski, who
cilt311 1 gut Ill, IIa; .. ,. ,,u.' c, 'wine
Aberdeen Assassin" through his
skill at fly -swatting. Lomski was
aggresive, always boring -in, and
a real sluggers Along with his
punching ability he had plenty
of boxing skill, which macre him
all the more dangerous.
u a e
Right from the .start it could
be seen that Lemski was out for
a quick knockout, Ile carried the
fight to Loughran from the open-
ing gong but the skillful cham-
pion, countering in beautiful
style, landed several solid punch-
es that hurt. Then they squared
off. with -Tommy jabbing away
danced around looking for a
quick kill. Then, it happened!
Leo rushed the Champion, broke
through his ftuu'd, and threw a
vicious right that caught Lough-
ran on the jaw, flooring him for
a count of eight.
Dared and bewildered, but
urged by the roar of the crowd,
Tommy titled himself erect; but
Lomski swarmed all over flim,
connecting with another hard
right to the jaw, and Loughran
was clown again for what looked
to be the full count He was still
trying to get to his feet as the
referee was reaching the fatal
"Ten" when suddenly the belt
rang and the round was over.
During the one minute interval
Assets increase by $204,399,315 to reach new peak for Canadian
• banking — deposits over $2.7 billion mark — loans at record level
— profits higher — Reserve Fund increased to $70,000,000.
Notable gains in all depart•
lnents of the bank's business are
revealed in the annual statement
of The Royal Bank of Canada to-
day, new high records in the
field of Canadian banking hav-
ing been achieved funder several
significant headings. Covering the
twelve mouths' period ending
November 30th, the balance sheet
shows assets of. $2,895,856,189, a
new high point for Canadian
banks and an increase of $204,-
204;399,315 over the previous year's
total. Departs are also substan-
tially higher told total loans for
the first time have passed the
billion dollar mark.
Profits for the year arc high-
er, permitting a further transfer
of $3,000,000 to the Reserve Fund.
This is the fourth consecutive
year in which transfers have been
made. The Reserve Fund has been
f11r'then' increased by the transfer
of $12,000,000 from the bank's
Contingency Reserves. With these
additions the Reserve Fund now
stands at $70,000,000, represent -
Ing an increase in that fund of
$15,000,000 as compared with a
year. ago.
Deposits are $207,133,040 Weller
than the record figures of 1952
and ha•:re new reached the im-
pressive total of $2,734,644,077.
Interest-bearing deposits by the
public again increased substan-
tially and now total $1,234,884,-
044, highest in the history of the
bank. Public deposits not bearing
interest rose by $54,807,118, and
now total $1,240,424,365.
Total Mans are shown at 41,-
344,148,223, an increase of $161,-
968,307 for the year. This increase
le largely accounted for by the
non„ '4 ' talesieW03 t ten wMannet A rW w W ''+; •eti ....,.m..on,'Nek
212.01)0, St 11000,
BA/114 ka..tiOnoo,inc 2a7.182,1. mon £�
ataing. F(, 1 I , .
0(316 11. in,,.:,
t3A211 '1111(K3'
0(1l01 0,n4r 11111 In 4,40,00111 im )1540'
duality ehlcl'a. Why Sound. wan 0(153
Wary .111+9,,. t'htoro it Ont :taus' M1vur,
Tour ,:1111212 lnve0'lilent 180muared :112!1 til,,
mono: 100 put foto 10011, hm,o400• turd
1(11one sesta in actually very email. yet.
on your investment depends the 1100 or
your egg or toes+ production and the Dine
at your proY380, For ma:¢itnu'n 008 Pen-
oueth,r. buy any of these: 14,0.14. aired
Canadian Approved white Loot' r5,, Rhode
ldlaed Red, Will, .p L0ghorn R. Rhode
tsloud-Rod. Light Shiest:: 11 Rhode inland
Rod, /tarred 3(0e:k 1i Rhode Island Red.
1'111 hrosltn0 we hrur ono breed -.• hlehole
tl1'et aen0rntron Now tdantpnhire, we
have 032011151 breeds for dual mimeos, also
for r0n pxa eat) eupon0. also 1001181
po0lta, charted chinks. nks, oi•'er pallets.
Twee -meal (2321,'1 rlsa',s+,;Iurll, n1in,
1180 rTZ.r ene aidek0 for 1004
then doable to get them early 111 the
veer -- if you want to sera the geed
early Owum8r markets for -Grade A
Y.ar00. We 11.2"0 4,11,011280, pullets, mixed.
pica 020!2"•1, Ii' . I'. e, t,.:T ^. 10 John
N.- 5f.v111"r.
1,1 1;
201 1'
ORTKAr finftWERR - 110 tame r n J read
tide, .runt reeelved as ceder thin week
tenni a ountOmer for 14,000 turkey pointe,
151,, renrar10 were: We purchased from
sou two Sean ago andmade money, Last
•roar we purahesed lower first coot tur-
key pointe and didn't have nu goo* birds
nor .1111 not maks 0.0 melt money, that's
Why 286 oro pur011001ng 14.000 80u1t0 this
dear. Tau too rill make extra money
'With our Canadian Approved Broad
Drees:ea Breese, White holland, Belts.
rine 28!11*., N011rr01000 turkey ponies.
Free Turkey 0„ids,
'0Wb175D1.8 CITIC'K t140018p3834)0 LTD.
5.81100* h oreranto
ell}SS CA1,0(11'.S SAI,VN - Now set
rel.e, your nru00 (5,t eollu 411(IEt030.
W10NT Teens wildcat starts last n:
inowenh.,1'. 0000 feet with proven pro-
1w,tion amonsltantely 4 miles aawes
mineral Ude:veto, I/619 00000., 3(
30100 uneiee 12 'm sidia' Trades. miles 8'3:. leases Bolrfi 1'l, well.09
("Teresa Pecos. 'Thane.
t 8121,10'1i1LLAa1 Registered Pairs. all
n4ee. prolific. 3Sasi1)Raised3 for q
nui'0 :and Prof it. m
on request. Ohnrnng Reny. 1000.0. 4Y,
clerni4'T", Idilw0uk80 0, Wlurunsht.
(3010`70 AND (108ANINO
Ft:L 28 ren anything needs dyeing or clonn•
inn? write to us to Information. We
yrs sled to answer %our naeetlons, t)e•
oarsman* n. Porker's Ole rrvMo , Acnes.
4I 4„n6e St.. 'Purnnta
heavy volume of coinmercial
loans in Canada, which increased
by more than $105 million, to
reach a total of $824,467,516, Call
and short loans in Canada and
elsewhere increased by 452,450,-
Indicative of the Royal Bank'r
traditional strength are cash as-
sets of $600,920,111, representing
21.56 per met of the bank's lia-
bilities to the public; liquid as-
sets amounting to 41,823,643,607
are equal to 65.42 per cent of the
bank's public liabilities. Included
in the bank's liquid assets are Do-
minion and provincial govern-
ment seeurlties totalling $848,025,-
Profits for the year amounted
to $18,952,608. From this amount
$1,365,472 has been set aside for
depreciation of bank premises and
$8,952,000 for income taxes. After
the above deductions net profit
was $8,635,138 as compared with
$7,129,085 in 1952. Out of net
profits $4,200,000 was paid in re-
gular dividends with $700,000 as
an extra distribution to share-
holder's, leaving $3,735,130 to be
carried forward. From the result,
ing balance of $4,515,375 in the
Profit and Loss account 43,000,-
000 has been transferred to the
bank's Reserve Fund, leaving a
balance of $1,515,375.
, 1 Wag
its oraitCh H8ariy C azy
Ver first eco of soothing, coaling 11,luid
D, JO. D. Prescription positively relieves
raw rad itch --corned by teams, rashes,
orrlp 1111001100, chafing—other Itch trouble0,
018 omopey twt.boltetlemoat
run d004052* or DD,IAPlESCPSPTION
Tommy's seconds worked des-
perately on their man, and when
the bell rang to start the second
Loughran, though groggy, man-
aged to make It 80 the center of
the ring. Then began one of the
-gamest uphill battles ever seen.
Boxing brilliantly, Loughran kept
stabbing lefts into Lomski's face.
nixing looping uppercuts to the
body with hard crosses that stag-
gered the challenger, piling up
points 'while always guarding
against Leo's ever -threatening
The second round went by. So
slid the third, fourth, fifth—on
up to the fifteenth, And when the
bell ended the fifteenth and final
session both fighters waited in
their corners for the derision of
the judges, with the fans on their
feet from excitement. But when,
a moment later, the referee rais-
ed Tommy Loughran's hand,
there were 0817 few who ques-
tioned the call. It had been a
great battle and while Lomski
had come within a split second
of taking the title, there was
general agreement that Tommy
had honestly won.
'0 i 0
And now comes the payoff:
Shortly after the fight Tommy
ALL. He had battled. brilliantly
through 'fourteen more stanzas
strictly from instinct!
Jbe Smith, Tommy's manager.
backed up this statement when
he revealed that while Tommy
was being rubbed in his corner
following the ninth round, the
champion said to hila, "That was
a heck of a long round, wasn't
it Joe." He thought it 'teas the
end of the first!
t 0
Of course it was all very de-
plorable and brutal, and probab-
ly we should be thankful that we
don't have anything of the sort
in these more enlightened timer.
Still, you can't take it away from
Totrlmy Loughra3. That single
fight proved that he was not only
one of the cleverest: boxers that
ever drew on a glove, btrt also one
of the gamest.
'k'ou eau always feel rich by
living in a house smaller than
you could afford, anal running
only one ear when you eouid
have two,
3AN1E13 *SPIN 45041N RAW
,011' 30' blade 60mplet0 with 10 t1010,
9000 delivered. write 10r free flluatrtt-
0l10ttiprl0006 Ireatt01. 144onrb,o AW�snt,
.,..• 18*88frnt,,... SAI,i;E1MMAN.,, WANTED��
4000 cash to pox weeks ,0 cagy t0 earls
4an5n00an05(801O Den loomg0ll (0 and youra (llling to
soling our 02'001121 Vern: Otter or meth
oneded 101011 trees, berm boohoo, aetO,
It,pl'y at ones, kOou10
trey], Untario.
... •. ..._..�4)h0U1CAl
138lt, Mfyln, Ottawa
$1.213 Express Prepaid.
431112501,8 1110 torment of dry 00x00(1 1aet(m
0nfl 28002,15,0 skin troubles, Poat d
i9 holinSalve
a 0c011n0S, barn g commt
rInoworm, pimples and font 00x0ma. 9.'(14
1011000* readily to the 011o"210012 0110138031
ointment regardless or h•*^ teribb0rn 41.
h*prinoo they own:.
038080 80.50 PER 11.21E
)4o(t Poet Free on 130011134 of Prion
9130 00111 to, 1:., Corner of Loran
Te onto.
1"11)113F1 4
One ruin a tells 51,0ther. ,ako arperlor
S'E1AT.NE•ti" to help alb*, mte pain, diaq,
trees told n0110One ten1(0n 10110th^04. W3(00
(1111121110 120ri0ln.
3011,4)0 Postpaid In plain a'ra0par
POST'S C)11411114 ALS
11100 433338150 S'0. FAST TORONTO
19' ethers fain, Deo +anal ,31540t800 mo5(ola4
eon do for 100em0, rsorinnln, Rash, Itch,
Plias, quick results. 'thousands satin,'
died, Tnoniol'e, 1115 5.1112,-
.. +,., Van,
sourer. Canada.
ruaos1, Wc0em0, R( unuttle Pains —• Re-
lieved film magic, with new. twe,trap
SCorto Method (Internal 40 flxt0rnot). Sen
tor 8.0, treedetails.
43.10 ipeg., C000Impeolni r[eS,
50)8 CANADA'S L104)4:40 SC11000
Groat Opportunity %r:ee„
Pleasant. dignified profession, goad wa4app,,
Thnn0ande et 01100000031 Marva) graduate
America's Gr00100t System
'tno0(10ted Catalogue O'ree
Write or Cell
IS at Vila 3AIRDRESSIN6 *i 000'!..55
908 Blonr et. RT,, Tmourto
44 Etna at„ Bandlton
88 Itrdeau et., Ottawa
$fit O7'FIOR t0 every inventor—L.ot Of 1s•
ventione and full information sent 6re9.
Tho Ramsay Co.. Registered Patent Attoh
0010. 378 Bank street. Ottawa.
Ti0T10lan8TONBAUG11 0 (omoua Pategtya
Attorneys. Retubliebed 1800. 000 Um!.
malty .eve,, Toronto. Paten's all 02nntrt08.
01.00 TRIAL offer. Twenty -flue datums
900onnal resel00mert0, patent 1atal02005
included, The Medico Agency. 0000 100
Terminal A. Toronto. Ontario
18.41380 Wealthy, Attrr:etiv0 .tnmri.'unq
Rend 01.00. for Thirty 85retu11y 0oleete
addressee of eonfidenttar net-naluaktt(N
Clubs. John Dann„ Rus iv1, *Newport.
Rhode Inland.
$101' 0'!11011;31.
01208 the NOW 'rear right, tint -heal.
altos 0OR.A With the
mutes- non gu0rnn 00011
treatment.rlaFe writ,
11ng Phamu0an p,1a.Boll
008. Walkerv111e, Ont.
if life's not worth livia38
it may be your livor&
It'a a taed it takes up to two pinta et 1leer
bile a day to hoop your digeetise tract in top
shape! It your liver bile is not flowing freely
your food may not digest ... gat bloats up
your stomach ... (012 feel constipated and
ell the fun and sparkle go out of hie. That's
when ,you need mild gentle Carter's Littla
Liver Pills. These lemons vegetable pills bele
stimulate the tow of aver bile. Soon your
digestion starts fmioti0ninp properly and you
feel that happy days are Man again! Don't
ever etas, sunk. eatrao, keep Carter's. L:tt58
14110, Pills on head. 37e at vow elentegiet.
58 yon Novo trouble With Riau.„
t.l 5,t tiny, root- and cause sore Gwen
—try Minims Plnat14,1ner. One
application 21(01.0,0 plates at 0003111
miaow p,1eder sr pooh, 120000se
Rrlmme Plast! -Liner harden1per-
nmently to your Idaho. 5t relines end 0000,1(100
plate0ln A way nop0Wder or p01tc can do. Lv09
0n 011 rubber plates yon gat gond 0000100 0052
mouths to a year or longer. YOU CAN EAT
ANYTHINOI Slmrly Say suit strip Of Ploett-1,1000
011 te8081iet..0 upper or lower. Hite and (4
molds perfectly, 1ruy 10 nae, *085.16,4. 0darl0ce)
hatmlee0 00 900 and (0012 pletee. Removable as
dimmed, Plato Oconee included. Money bock li
not completely e0tie0rd. it not avonatle at 80x6
drug 0tnre, ,and 9100 fur relies. tar 3 pinta.
'1101101 1TD., FORT E811, ONT. Dope. TW
Mr -
m n
If Tonere T
8verybody gets Il bit rundown noW and)
then, Bred.0018 hoary -headed, slid maybe
lathered by backaches. Perhaps nothing
Serioaaly wrong, int a fcmporary tack
condition caused by excess acids and
wastes. '!'hat's the time to take Dodd'a
Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys,
And to help restore their normal action of
removing excess acids and wastes. Then
you !eel better, sleep better, work better,
Get Dodd's Kidney Pills new. Look for
the blue bos with the red bond at all
dnlggists. You eon depend or, 1)0114'0, 52