HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1954-01-07, Page 3(HECalvvet SPORTS CO1.IJM huff Lt wasn't Jt had year hi sport, 1953. We've seen a lot of y'ear's with Less color, less drama, down a long trail that leads back a half century or so, e doubt, tui instance, that 1954 will precinct:. another such throat -catching drama as did the 1956 Grey. Cup final in the last few n ilieu:El, when Indian Jack Jacobs o1. Winnipeg Bombers threw PAPS after pass through the crisp, sunny No- vember ail. On the strength of his strong right nrm, Bombers marched almost the entire length of the fitrid forcing Hamilton Tieats back to the very edge of their own line, in defence of a 12-6 lead. Foto yards out, the hands of ,111e big clock ping in the last few soconds,four yards to go, another Jacobs pass, Tom Casey going high in the Mir to catch it, Casey bowled over, the ball spinning wildly away ... a gallant effort suddenly finished. But Jacobs, the gnat of Bombers' 11950 defeat, redeemed himself by our of the 'ire •ate::! pr lie the. plays in Grey Cup history. And the finish of another great Canadian %earth classic, the Stanley Cup.. , Canadiens of Montreal and Boston Brains battling for a full 60 niinartes without a score in what proved to be the final game. Battle-searred Elmer Lech wheeling from a face-off to whip a. streaking cross-fire that sagged the far side of Sugar Jim Henry's net, and the crippled Henry, after a brilliant display, standing there for seconds, his face a study in stunned disbelief, as the wild roar of the crowd sounded its requiem to Boston's hopes for borkey triumph. And Canadian college football may never produce s greater, more dramatic thrill, than in the last 40 seconds of the final play-off game for the inter -collegiate title, when Varsity leading8-7, Western quarter -back Don Getty, 18 Year old college junior, sent a perfect pass hurtling through the air to Murray Henderson, who went racing over the Varsity line, literally snatching victory nut of defeat:. Yes, 1962 was a year of color and drama on many fronts, Diogenes Laertius, and the late' of Solon: 1)e lnortuis nil and we shall do as admonished by Archilochus, the Talmud, nisi bonum -- "Df the dead nothing but good." 1953 was a good year hi sports, 195e will do well to canal it. YOU!' comments and suggestions for this Colu: n' will be welcorad by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 431 Yang, Si.: Toronto, *.DISTILLERS LIMiTE eteI,ERSTBIJRG, ONTARIO .. PLAIN HORSE.SENSE ter By BOB Ever since the spectacle in the Oshawa Magistrate's Court, when i Godfrey Schilling defended him Self against the accusation of hav- 1 Ing broken the law by selling a mixture of edible oils and a dairy product, in imitation of a dairy product, to wit, ice cream, we have been waiting for further de- velopments in the case of the Af- rican cocoanut vs. the Canadian Ilow, Mr. Schilling, who had appear• ad in court without counsel, made full use of the generous offer of the Crown to lean over backwards and help him in his defence. Instead of being convict- sd within the hour, as most everybody present expected, he put up so strong a ease that the day was over before all the evi- dence was in, 3 Weeks Later The Magistrate, who seemed to enjoy the opportunity of making legal history which came to him between the ordinary run of drunken driving and non-support eases, deserved judgment. However, two weeks later he did not make history by throwing the case and the lair out of court as unconstitutional, but registered a conviction. This left the company which is snaking this co -called •ice cream imitation with the choice of suing the government for compensation for destroying its business or to go ahead and manufacture their product without using dried skim mills powder, Apparently they have chosen the second alternat- ive. Next, Please Two more cases of the same kind, in which the Department FAST ACYINCP PINEX COUGH SYRUP So pleasant tasting that children like It, lost acting PINEX gives offectivs relief. Sot a bottle of con. verdant PINEX PIM fARED or money- tsvIng PINEX CON. CENTRATEfor home mixing, (to prepared nUY Pinter Prepared far saevenioeO, —P100,, CO3e0n0ele far *monist No NEW! PINEX RUB AIFDICATODi STAINLESS! 011EASEL0111 llom'n a new product with a lavorita name. PINEX Modlootod Van- ishing 1190 onset Irrl. titian and congestion el cheat colds'-laothoe muscular settee dolt pain,, Qat Now P1NEX 61)9 at any idrer est ae.e counter today, Mae:.:.ter,-w,—.•-- e ISSUE R -- 1064 `ELLIS ol: Agriculture instituted proceed- ings against two companies for using edible oils and milk to Manufacture something that looks like whipping cream, have been postponed twice. They should have been heard in December, but for undisclosed reasons have been held over for the latter part of January. There are two aspects to the Edible Oil Products Act as it stands now. It prohibits the man- ufacture and sale of any imita- tion of a dairy product, like ice cream, cheese, whipping cream, etc., if edible oils are mixed with milk 05 a milk product. -It per- mits, however, such imitations to be made from edible oils and other products, e.g,, barley flour. The law does not provide for compensation to those whose businesses it destroys. The com- panies in question have been in business for one, four and five years respectively. They started manufacturing their products when it was perfectly lawful to do so. When compensation :vas-: men- tioned, the acting minister o£ ag- riculture said: "Compensation, heck. no! We are going to fight you." It's very much like a store owner beim: told to clear out, because the government ueucled his land to put a highway through. What Mr. Humble Said This attitude of the government practically forces these compan- ies to stay in business and make imitations of dairy products with- out using a dairy product in the process, The competition of veg. etable oils will still be with the farmer while at the same time another outlet for some surplus milk is closed. What is needed is some research work into the whole complex of edible oil and dairy foods. Un- til it is known what should be manufactured with and without milk, all imitations of dairy pro- ducts should be banned and rea- sonable compensation paid to those who get Burt for the bene- fit of the common good. The present hew is unjust to gome small manufacturers; on the other hand it was supposed to give pretectl.on to the dairy farmers, but "if any law supposes that," said Mr. Bumble, "the law let a ass.. --a Idiot." 114bds column welcomes bug'• gesti(fns, wise Or foolish, and all criticism, whether 'constructive or destructive And will 117 to answer any question. Address your letters to Bob Ellis, Box 1, 123 - 18th n, New Toronto, Ont. On The Spot Twt.l^.'e-y,coi-old Tommy Gilbert is justly proud of his markmanship with the bow and arrow. The seventh Slrader recently shot a 148 score out of a possible 270 on the standard 50 -tot rancie, setting a new record for the vicinity. Television has !nude millions of boxing "fans," the majority. of whom never had a close-up view --or smell --of an actual prize- fight; and it is rather amusing to hear some of them, the next morning, talking about last night's "terrific battle" and What a "lot of pnishment" tn-and-so took. Nowadays, what with Technical Knockouts and referees on the alert to stop a bout before a beaten man Is badly battered, it is seldom we see a glassy -eyed out on his feet yet without enough sense left to stay down for the final count. a o r Which is probably jttat as well, because such a fighter was a piti- ful sight, and one all -too -common back in the days when a bout was seldom stopped, short of a knock- out, except on the infrequent re- quest of one of the manager's, who would asic the referee to call a halt he order to save his bov from further mayhem, Wonder what some of the Tee - Vee fans would say to steer a bout as took place just about a quarter- century -ago --in January 1928 to be exact — down in Madison Square Garden, It was between the title-holder, Tommy Laugh- ren, a beautiful boxer, and the challenger, Leo l,omski, who ,tiJ„'t got rite 114,.!, . itJ.: of —the Aberdeen Assassin” through his skill at fly -swatting. Longs ki war aggresive, always boring -in, and a real slugger. Along with his punching ability he had plenty of boxing skill, which made him all the more dangerous. :1 5 a Right from the start it could be seen that Lomski was out for a quick knockout. lie carried the fight to Loughran from the open- ing gong but the skillful cham- pion, countering in beautiful style, landed several solid punch- es that hurt. Then they squared off, with Tommy jabbing away danced around looking for a quick kill. Then, it happened! Len rushed the Champion, broke through his guard, and threw a vicious right that caught Lough- ran on the jaw, flooring him for X count of eight. Dazed and bewildered, but urged by the roar of the crowd, Tommy lifted himself erect; but Lomslci swarmed all over him, connecting with another hard right to the jaw, and Loughran was down again for what looked to be the full count. He was still trying to get to his feet as the referee was reaching the fatal "Ten" when suddenly the bell rang and the round was over. During the one )Minute interval MP!AL BA K CLOSES MORO YEAR ASSETS NM THAN IS BILLION Assets increase by $20'1,399,315 to reach new peak for Canadian blanking — deposits over $2,7 billion mark — loans at record level — profits higher — Reserve Fund increased to $70,000.000. Notable gains in all depart- ments 02 the bank's business are revealed in the annual statement of The Royal Bank of Canada to- day, new high records In the field of Canadian banking hav- ing been achieved under several significant headings. Coeering the twelve months' period ending November 30th, the balance sheet shows assets of $2,895,856,189, a new high point. for Canadian banks and an increase of $204,- 399,315 over the previous year's total. Deposits are also substan- tially higher and total loans for the first time have passed the billion dollar mark. Profits for the year are high- er, permitting a further transfer of $3,000,000 1:o the Reserve Fend, This is the fourth consecutive year in which transfers have been made. The Reserve Fund has been further increased by the transfer of $12,000,000 from the bank's Contingency Reserves. With these additions the Reserve Fund now stands at $70,000,000, represent- ing an increase in that fund of $15,000,000 as compared with a year ago. Deposits are $207,193,640 higher than the record figures of 1052 and leave now reached the im- pressive total of $2,734,6.44,077. Interest-bearing deposits by the public again Increased substan- tially and now total $1,234,884,. 844, highest in the history of the bank. Public deposits not bearing interest rose by $64,897,118, and now total $1,240,424,366. Total loans are shown at $1,- 144,146,223, !tin increase Of $101,- 968,307 for the year. This increase its largely accounted for by the heavy volume of cents nerc'ia! loans in Canada, which increased by more than $105 million, to reach a total of $924,467,516. Call and short loans in Canada and elsewhere increased by :052,450. 030. Indicative of the Royal Bank's traditional strength are cash as- sets of $600,920,111, representing 21.56 per cent of the bank's liia- bilities to the public; liquid as- sets amounting to $1,829,643,607 are equal to 65.42 per cent of the bank's public liabilities. Included in the bank's liquid assets are Do- minion and provincial govern- ment securities totalling $1348.025,- 698. Profits for the year amounted to $18,952,608. From this amount $1,365,472 has been set aside for depreciation of bank premises and $8,952,000 for income taxes. Alter the above deductions net profit was $8,635,130 as compared with $7,129,085 in 1952. Out of net profits $4,200,000 was paid in re- gular dividends with $700,000 as an extra distribution to share- holders, leaving $3,735,136 to be carried forward. From the result ing balance of $4,515,375 in the Profit and Loss account $3,000,- 000 has been transferred to the bank's Reserve Fund, leaving a balance of $1,516,376. oa=r 4 .1 Was ,tic,tdi N6arlyCrazy Very first lieu of soothing, cooling liquid 0, D. D. 1'reecrtptloa positively relieves raw red itch --reused by eczema. rashes, Benin initiates, chafing—rather itch troubine. Greesoleon, stainless. 4.90 trial bottle. must J11ncf dr t,0gletforD.nc0. PIIESCRIPCO'ION eeeawmorereueereerexoewuerexceeeeeeeeeeee CLASSIFIED V TISIN ! 1l 1 11p� hl y1(Jf)), _ 1111101,- l ;irs norm. 0100 t string. 10,Ne, , 0 -,.,,,! )440,,41 City 11, n,t.r. .. 0.4104 elli it$,O A'OG1t aalarteet ,..in oetmena 15 bl(h ,yal,ilt" ONO. 101,5 11smble. �:'Stb, "VW bury ei,lek0, *'Isere it out your Vine. %o'er cl,lok lnveuttnont eurenland with the Money. yen put into toed, housing end Inhour co00,, 1s aotuaily very amelh yet en your lnveatmont dapon0o the your egg or meat py'onectlon and the (tee Of year profits. Por ma^aimllm eon pre„ dnetl,n buy 0ny of three: M.O.P. yawl ':'Omtdlan Approved white Legh e, rth0de s&,6 b,,ad. White Leghorn.a !thou,: inland Red. Main Revers 05 Stun Ir Inland Red. Barred Reek X Msh, Iofto' Red. For broilers we bum one breed • e.iehelr. tient ]laneretb,0 000')' )Iampeldre Wo ha,u emend breerm rer dun/ »once,, alae for von,.,ers and Onp n . 4100 unlit)), polars, swirled ct t +re01Ger 051100. aMloeue 4e 7 0i, ,till, L17'. ,5:11171 I t )fi h /mots s*dTAR70 H1 rro.st for /Pay chielte for 1004 then deny.'),' to get .hem early in the ;ear — 1f you 'want to oaten the send early sat to er nlntk is for Oracle A erne. We lie, by. 11 re puncta, mixed, some eta, t 'i 1,.+ }., oc.. Ice Sohn 1141: •'41 1 'rnit->)SI tal.JI: i R$ , . Re aura an roue! thl1. Mutt received an order this week 0,015 x customer for 14,000 teems, .pointy. lits roulette were: We Purchased tram you two yeas age 1,00) made men05. 1,aet Year we purenaced lower first cost Our - hey pecan and didn't have as good birds tier Old not make as much money, that's why we aro purohneing 14,000 smite tele year. You too will make extra 000105 with tete Cana.dlan Approved Broad Recanted Bronze, White /Tolland, Pelts vale White, Nehranken t,vkcy petits, Free 'gurney Guide. 'tW3':nn513 4'00 05 TTATellil01tIESLTD. 0700173 CR:t:4S CALLOMS 0041.510 -- New set rw.t;er, reu0 Druggist tens MESS. Wb0ET Teres W1ldent atarte last of D4 camber, 0000 feet with proven pro - d.etion approximately 4 01150 away 001ne,al interests. 1/619 06000„ 1/8002 01000Under 011100 Isaacs 1 r)A, 0.1011, 10 molder Tre Ins. Ao,'01 0 t'y'hren), Peeps, Texas. ,'nINCIimn.LARI Iteg1Ouceed Palen. all ages. '1010?tr•, Ronny Rained fur Plea - sur• and Profit. ('ompleto Information .m requ?st, Charles Xray, 1000.4. 1'. ,.nodhape. l.dilvmuhee 0. Wtn^,n00n. DT5INO AND CLEANING N 01'11 500) anything Mede drains or clean. Inge Write to un for Information. We ere sled to answer 50100 9uettona. Ho- ner/meat ET. 0004)015 Dye Wort, 04o11e4 01 vnnt(e 6!.. Toronto. Tommy's seconds worked des- perately on their man, and when the bell rang to start the second Loughran, though groggy, man- aged to snake it to the center of the ring. Then began one of the gamest uphill battles ever seen. Boxing brilliantly, Loughran kept stabbing lefts into Lonlski's face, mixing looping uppercuts to the body with hard crosses that stag- gered the challenger, piling up points while always guarding against Leo's ever -threatening prover. The second round went by. So ciid the third, fourth, fifth—on. up to the fifteenth. And when the bell ended the fifteenth and final session both fighters waited in their corners for the decision of the judges, with the fans on their feet from excitement. But when, a moment later, the referee rais- ed Tommy Loughran's hand, there were very few who ques- tioned the call. It had been great battle and while Tennski had come within a split second of taking the title. there was general agreement that Tommy had honestly won. And new comes the payoff! Shortly after the fight Tommy Loughran TOLD HIS FRIENDS THAT FROM THE TIME OF THE FIRST KNOCKDOWN, IN THAT OPENING ROUND, HE HAD ABSOLUTELY NO RECOL- LECTION OF FIGHTING AT ALL. He had battled brilliantly through fourteen more stanzas strictly filIm instinct! Joe Smith, Tnnlnl35 S manager, backed tip this statement when he revealed that while Tommy was being rubbed in his corner following the ninth round, the champion raid to h'nl, "That was a heck of a long round, hasn't it Joe." He thought It was the end of the first! • Of course it was all very de- plorable and brutal, and probab- ly we should be thankful that we don't have anything of the sort in these more enlightened times. Still, you can't take it away from Tommy Loughran. That sixgle fight proved that he was not only one of the cleverest hosiers that ever drew On a glove. but also one of the gamest You can always feel rich by living in a house 51001ler than; you could afford, and running only one ear when you could have two, .104111090X ,050'IN a:MXAI0 $AW b0WP 0e - blots:, oumplvto with 18 Leola. 0900 delivered. Write Ret Ores 111eetra0. 1. anon 101, Iter%,14400Faint rr enbnrtue 'ii'000, alantreut. .• ItletMln0_.�$A/Ater? 404 014045010.. Sine resell th tt1 'a00lc010 0075 to earn for 005o,i0 who cots sell and is w.ilIloS tm 16fern /0 em s111 0 0100 specialarm Otr of muo ,}aided trntt tease, berry buohes. 0te, toI'I5 at 0000. Horde tillNser.s. Cerny. ' ..-,+'d, Ontario. 50x:1)1091. MS PROVEN -- EVERY St,1FPERHR 6S1° RXNEUMAYIC PAiI1S OR NEURITIS 14401)10' 7117 DiXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STONE, AES, $ h,, °Hower 44,$00 Exw,roes Prepaid. PO$T'S ECXEMA SALVE BANISH the torment 09 dry oc0emn rasher and weeping clan trOabiee. Peet iY Hutting Salve will not Llintni000,l /tithing. sealing. binning (ee0mi riosworm, pimples and feet eczema. will respond weevilly to the shinier, odntoOpW ointment regardless of how c,ebborn of hopelens then soon. .PRXC0 01.00 PAR drill POST'S REMEDIES Pent Past. Free en Xteoeloe et Price 080 One en 040. r:., Corner 5t r,ogan fOrinito * EI M1N)'.!s 0 One women toile another. 'rake superior' "1050100500105" to help unovlato pain, 61y, tram( and 000(0010 terrl,a aae,eleted with monthly periods. 811.00 Poetphld to plain wrapper POST'S 0111001ICAX.w gap 000103050 S1'. EAST TORONTO IE' other0 tan, see what Chinese medicine can do for 8100.000(, Ponrinale, 10.01,, /tell, Plies, ()nick results. 550unande matte. fled. Toon90re. 3110 Pinson ay, 50,5- oouver, Canada. 00100018, E0)0lea, Rheumatic Paine — Re. Raved like mottle, with iiew, two -'N Herta Method (Internal & External). yea ter free detail,. TmnerielC In0,,Qtrlea. P.O. Reit 011. Winnipeg., 5E A HAIRDRESSER SOIL: r;AN93).1'8 1_EADt",40 8030001 Great Opportunity ]:cern Hairdressing Pieseant. dignified proteesinn. seed waged, 00ho000050 of suceee0tul Yds^ e1 v000,10010 A5:erien'. Greatest 55nteln illustrated Catalogue trreo Write or Call (c,R551, eL055Dn1039.50• a41000011 100 Boor St. W., Toronto Broacher,: 40 Xing Pt„ /0151140,1 `,n Rideau St.. Ottawa PITENTS All OPFER to et ow inventor—Lint of /U- V's/Wens end full Information sent frac. The Roomer Co,. Registered Patent 0Sttore assn, eta Hank Street, Ottawa. VIIIT30DR5T05'BAVGH A 00mpan5 Pato000 Attorneys, Established 1810. 000 Md. melts 3. - vereltl' Ave., Toronto. Patents an enuntrieo. PERSONAL 91.00 TRIAL offer. Y'wonty-Live deluxe personal requirements. Latent Catalogue 1�no1ud60. The Medico &gemmy. nos 116 Terminal A. Toronto. Ontario. HAY e. 0onnS801,00 0torh Thirttyt eareiullymoeleeto0 ,o6dr00000 of o,ntidrmtiul get-aoauulnted Clubs. 301n Yount. Nos '970. `veapar0. Rhode Telawl. STOP 5)1(01017:4, Start the New Year right. Quit Moat. cetera with the aid of TOBACCO ELI:1f1hA TOR. A 9.6uy money ball: guaranteed tweatthent. Per tree booklet write 9 W. Xing Pbatm, eat Corn. r:rd., 51001 000, 'rfalkerv111e, Om, I` MAY BE YOUR LIM 10 life's not worth living it may be your fiver! wt's a tate) 10 tars up to two plate of liver bile a to • to keep your digest 000 tract in top chapel 11 yon0litter bile 10 not Sowing freely your food may not digest ... gas bloats up „our etomech ... you feel o ooiipated and ail the fun and epaikIe go out of life. That's when you need mild gentle, Carter's Little Liver Pills. These famous vegetable pills help stimulate the dow of liver bile. Soon your digestion starts functioning properly and you. .eel that happy cloys are here again! Don't ever stye sunk 11s,00re keep Carter', Little Liver Piioo on ben.]. 87e tit densest. x EAT T J G MTN FALSE TEETH It you bade trouble with platen tent slip. 0001, end cause 150011100 ...try Brlmme P1.wti-hhur. One 050),110011010 mite. l lair) at enafele :When•) P r '0 piste. 11eea50e Helene, Ph,- tl•Liner hen1ene per. msa.i N to your plate. It reline, and mate Mafia Fewer, to a tie!. 10 p0W0rr Or pate tan de. Eveel on old rubber p:.,tes 503 got good results SIS menthe to a :Via' or longer. YOU CAN EAF ANYtHINQ; Ehnpty lay soft strip of Plustl-Lin00 e8 teotn,le00mo upper or lower. Bite and 05 1,0)40 prtteeny. E'o:p to 1,xd, titeteie1, od001ere, 7,0 you bud your plates. nsmovnble tit our :,a . l Pette alewier included. Monty book !, rod 0000000e1g Pelloned. It net avapnble tit your true ,cure, tend 53.10 fur 0,51,0, for 1 plats. WILDROOT LTD., FORT ERIE, ONT. Dept. T5 ' • y l Rlul,�l 11 Xfi . , wctt z j i f Yawn5.EC LLMET Everylody gets a bit run-down now Dort Am, tired -out, heavy -heeded, and maybe' bothered by backaches. Perhaps nothing gorioualy wrong, lust a temporary toxic condition caused by 011(4:), acids an8 wastes. That's tate time to telae Dodd'0 Kidney Pilis. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys, and so help restore their no0ual action of removing excess acids and wastes. Then yen feel better, sleep butter, work better, GO Dotld's Kidney fills now. Look for the blue box with the red bend at all druggists. You can depend on Dodd's. ee