HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1953-12-24, Page 1HURON C O U NTY'S LEADING N E W BPAPER
The Sea
rth 11i
Tuakersmith Municipal Council
met for its final meeting of the year
Northside Church School pageant
and Christmas tree was held Friday
in the Town Hall, Seaforth, on Tues, evening with Superintendent Sam J,
Dec. 15th, 1953, at 2 p.m., with all Scott as chairman. The Junior Choir,
under the direction of Miss Mabel
Turnbull, led in the Processional
hynm..The first section of the pro-
gram was presented by the begin-
ners with Mrs. Snell, Mrs, B. Christie
and Mrs. Fleming in charge and the
following children taking part: Wel-
come song duet, Judy and Linda
Muegge; "Away in a Manger", Lind
exercise, class. "Be Careful"; recita-
tion, Robbie Brady; "Rock -a bye -
baby, girls; exorcise by class, "Tom-
my Thumb"; recitation by Kerry
Campbell; "Jolly Old St, Nicholas",
class, with solos, Helen Elliot, Susan
Snow, Elaine Pryce; recitation,
Bruce Brady; solo, Jean Boores;
recitation, Maurice Stinson; solo,
Brenda Ferris; recitation, Billy Mac-
Lennan; duet, MarYbelle andMaur-
ice Stinson; "Silent Night", el
members present except D. A, Mof-
fat, Reeve, who has absent on ac-
count of illness. Acting Reeve A. E.
Crozier was in the chair.
Appointments for 1964 were made
as follows: Seaforth High School
Area Board, Jas. McIntosh; Clinton
High School Area Board, . George
Falconer; Scott Memorial Hospital
Board, Wm. Cameron; Truant Offi-
cer, John Earle. '
Tenders for construction of the
Stanley Jackson Drain were opened
from R. L. Beattie, $1358.00; W.
G. Campbell, $1700.00 and the ten-
der of R. L. Beattie was accepted at
tender price.
M. A. Reid of the Seaforth High
School Area Board waited on coun-
cil and requested them to pass a by-
law approving the issue of an addi-
tional $25,000 to the original esti-
mate of 1$125,000 to provide for the
cost of building and furnishing an
addition to the present school. The
matter was tabled for the consider-
ation of the incoming 1954 council.
Grants of $10.00 and $25.00 were
made to the Brucefield Library and
the Seaforth Lions Club respectively.
The treasurer was, instructed to
prepare a statement of the receipts
and disbursements for the year for
the nomination meeting in the same
form as in previous years.
James Doig was instructed to or-
der 14" and 12" tile from E. Ro-
binson as required for the Stanley
Jackson Drain.
The treasurer was instructed to
pay Provincial Aid to Drainage on
the Moore and Watson Drain.
The clerk was instructed to inset
notices in the local papers advising
that the township will not be re-
sponsible for damage to cars park-
ed�on roadsides, which may
caused by snow plowing operations.
Accounts were paid as follows:
County Rates, $25,302,00; Tele-
phone Systems, $13,225.20; Public
Schools, $18,027.40 ; Separate
Schools, $884,33; High Schools, $12,-
415.65; Grants,$35.00; HEPC., $46.-
46:41; Division Court Fees, $25.00;
Rent, $30.00; Salaries, $944.00;
Roads, $1582.74; Court of Revision,
$37.10; Printing, 1185.00; Supplies,
$18.20 ; rebates, $6.00; Drains,
The second section of the prograin
was presented by the Primary with
Misses Blanohe Westeott and Elean-
ore Henderson in charge. Choruses
and group numbers were followed
by a piano solo by Sharon McNichol
and a recitation by Clayton Connell,
A Pageant, "The Story of Christ-
mas", followed. The following mem-
bers of the School took parts m cos-
tume to present the story of the Na-
tivity: Heralds—Kenneth Black and
Karl Campbell; Trumpeters—Jim
and Bill Flanagan; the Prophet Sa
Neil Broadfoot;Angels—Linda
vauge and Susan Snow; Mary —
Ruth Pinder; Joseph—Bill Scott;
The Shepherds --Kerry Campbell,
Gordon Ferris and Bryan Brady;
Kings—Robert Snell, Larry Berger
and Kenneth Thompson. In mod-
ern costume were: Tyros—Donnie
Pretty and Clayton Connell; Explor-
ers—Garda Christenson and Marilyn
Butt; Scouts—John Scott and Paul
Besse; C.G.I.T.--Carol Adams and
Merle Cooper; Sr. Tyro—Donald
Wright; Beginners — Brenda and
Barbara Elliott: Little Kind Girl—
Lois Scott; Vespers—Mar•Y Belle
and Maurice Stinson; Curtains —
Gary Ast and Barry Fleming. The
NarratRev. J, W. Stir was nson leiss d Fennelliand
geant Prayer.
The fourth section of the program
was the presentation of the film,
"The night before Christmas", in
charge of Mr. Lawrence Plumsteel.
SPORT SHORTS After the singing of carols, Santa
After Saturday night's onesided Claus arrived with bells•ringrng and
distributed treats to all the School.
win over the London Lou Balls, the Mr. Scott wished everyone a very
Seaforth Baldwins stepped away out 'Merry Christmas', and led in the
in front of the OHA Jr B standings arising of "The Queen"
Friday evening First Presbyterian
Church held its annual Christmas
concert before a large attendance.
The weather was anything but fa-
vorable, but it did not stop the
children coming out to see Santa
Claus. Rev, D. Glenn Campbell was
chairman over the following pro-
gram: Mare. Campbell and Shiela Me-
Fadden's class, 'A Winter Scene
Recitations—Wendy Fry, Alan Mc-
Lean; Miss S. I. McLean and Jean
Scott's Class, girls, "A Christmas
Message"; boys, "Santa Claus";
Mrs. K. Sharp and Mrs, IC. William's
class, "Jingle Bells", solo, Anne
Kling; recitation, Emily Carter;
Floyd McPhee, Mr. Morton's class,
piano solo, Ken Cardno; vocal solos,
John Grant, violin and guitar duet,
Glen and Beverley Nott. Mrs. Reg
Kerslake's class, "The Spirit of
Christmas"; Mrs. F. E. Willis, reci-
tations, Dianne Dennis, Nora Gorwill,
Elizabeth Stewart; Mrs, E. Nott's,
dialogue, "What does it take to make
Christmas;'; Mrs. A. Nicholson's
class,' play, "Bargain day at the gal-
lery"; Mr. Thompson's class, `A
Christmas Wish"; Mrs. Thompson's
class, "A Christmas Drill". The ap-
pearance of Santa Claus, who dis-
tributed gifts to all the children,
brought the evening's entertainment
to a close.
$1.e0 a Year
Snowdon Bros., Publishers
Authorised las Seice cond
lass ,ail, Post
The annual Christmas concert of
Eginondville 'United Church was
postponed on Friday evening until
Wednesday evening of this week.
The program is as follows, with Rev.
W. E. Milroy as chairman and Miss
Marion Lillieo as aeeompanist for
the evening. A feature of the even-
ing is the presentation of attendance
awards, by Mr. Routledge.
Choruses by the school; A num-
ber by Primary Class; welcome—
Lois Tyndall, Anita Hillman, Allan
Hillman. Choruses 'by Xgniondville
School, "Candles for Jesus", by five
girls in Mrs. Nott's Class. Piano so-
lo, Carolyn Neil; number by Marion
Lillico's class of boys; a birthday
song by Hume and Grant Milroy;
"Our Wishes" by six girls of Mrs,
Mervin Nott's class; solo by Shir-
ley Henderson; Operetta by Mr. Jef-
frey's School; recitation, Lorraine
Miller; solo, Nancy Pepper; "Christ-
mas Lights", Egmbndville School;
recitation, Lois Tyndall, Allan Hill-
man; Girls' Chorus, Alice Watson's
class; monologue, Neila Hillman; solo
by Mr. Milroy; Nativity scene: reci-
tation, Helen Boyce; an angel's solo,
Sandra McGonigle; The PropheeYi
Kenneth McLeod; the choir sings,
"0 Little Town of Bethlehem"; a
duet, Margaret Chesney, Carolyn
Neil; ]3rahm's Lullaby, Alice Wat-
son as "Mary"; "Joseph", Helen
McGonigle; duet, Barbara Nott and
ANDREW OKE Grace Stephenson; an Angel's solo,
(Nancy Pepper; the choir, "Hark the
A funeral service for Andrew Herald Angels". Murray McLeod
Oke of Toronto, a former resident tells the Shepherds' story; the choir
sings "While Shepherds Watched",
Don Tremeer tells the story of the
wise men. "The Three Kings", Char-
lie Green, Bev Henderson, Wayne
Chapple. The choir sings "Silent
Night" and "Joy to the World".
The W.1VLS. and W. A. of Eg-
mondville United Church met at the
of Seaforth, was held on Monday
afternoon, Dec. 21, in the Box Fun-
eral Chapel, High St., conducted by
Rev. John Stinson of Northside
United Church. Interment was in
Maitlandbank Cemetery. The pall-
bearers were: Frank Pennebaker
(Clinton), Wilson Hawkins, James
Henderson, Lou Tebbutt, J. T. Scott,
and Cecil Oke •(London). Among home of Mrs. Norman McLean on
those from a distance attending the Wed. Dec. 16 with a good attend -
funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Alvin ante. Mrs. Elmer Stephenson pre -
Oke, Toronto; from London: Mr. and sided for WMS meeting with music
Mrs. Cecil Oke,Mrs. Bertha Oke of "Silent Night" on chimes. A read -
Mrs. Mae Paye .(Winnipeg), Mrs. ing by Mrs. Milroy, "The Lighted
Wm. Brock and Mrs. Mabel Brock; Church", solo, Mrs, W. Durst, "Star
from Clinton: Mr. and Mrs. Frank of the East". Mrs, lMeMillan had
Pennebaker and Mr. and Mrs. Clay- charge of devotional, assisted in a
ton Martin; also relatives from Ex- candle light service by Mrs. Duret,
''eter. Mr. Oke, died in Toronto on Mrs. Tremeer, Mrs. Eyre, Mrs. Alex
Saturday after being in failing Boyes, Mrs. McLeod and Mrs. D.
health the past three years. He was Stephenson. Study book 'taken by
in his 80th year. He was born in Ex- Miss Rena McKenzie, who also led
eter and spent his early years there. in prayer.
He lived in Detroit, Ithaca, N.Y., W. A. then took over,
Mrs. .n Silent
Indianapolis and London before Intosh presiding,
coming to Seaforth where he lived Night" was sung. Mrs. Elmer Cam -
for about twenty-two years, con.'" eron led in prayer. Roll call, min -
ducting a harness business and later uprevious reading meeting y Iread and
the Colonial Tea Co. Over twenty'dA Shepherd". Hymn auk
years ago he went to live in Toronto Doig,
"Awa in a Manger" was sung.
with ten wins and two losses. As the sr morningthe following with his son. He was mars .0 Y
Seaforth tidal wave swallowed up Sunday Grace Bowlby of London who pre- Meeting closed with W. A. theme
the London crew 13-2, it was the diplomas and seals were presented deceased lisp about twenty years prayer. Lunch was served and a
ago. Surviving are one son, Alvin, of pleasant half hour spent.
to members of Northside Church
most lop -sided game of the season. School who had mot the requireit d Toronto, and a sister, Mrs. Will Hig-
London came out with the inter- atte dance standards for 1953. gins, Clinton, also nieces and neph-
tion of making it rough fax the lo-
cals, as a result the idea backfired
and had some of their better play-
ers sidelined in the injury depart -
anent. Just how London expects to
win games when their coach is con-
stantly ejected from the game is
not known. In the Saturday night
tustle Geddes got into a heated ar-
gument with referees Angus Mc-
Lean and Gus`Boussey which result-
ed in Geddes being ushered out of
the players' box.
Tuesday night should be a tell-
tale match when the strengthened
NI/Ingham Town Hailers invade the
Seaforth ice. At. present Winglram
is rated as being the hottest team
in the league, but we have reason
to believe that they will find their
hands full when they step into Sea -
forth territory.
The annual Christmas party for
the staff of Seaforth Shoes Limited
was held at the community centre
on Friday evening, starting with a
turkey banquet followed by dancing..
The Walton Public Library will
be open Tuesday afternoon and
evening instead of Thursday begin-
ning at the New Year,
Nortdedde United Church
Rev. John Stinson, Minister.
10 a.m., Church School and Adult
Bible Class.
11 a.m., Christmas Service:
"When Herod was troubled". Jr. and
Sr. Choirs.
7 pan., Candlelight carol service.
First Year Diplomas: Elizabeth
Carter, Elaine Oke, Brenda Ferris,
Larry McIlwain, Ruth Pinder, Bobby
Plumsteel, Jimmie Mcllwain, Jessie
Ferris, Jimmie Carter, Nancy ab
er, Mrs. Wm. Leemrrig,
Plumsteel, Sharon McNichol, Bar-
bara Talbot, Lee Fleming, Phyllis
Bryan, Helen Elliott.
Second Year Seals: Kenneth Mc -
Dwain, Karl Campbell, Marion Mc-
Ilwain, Gordon Ferris, Neil Broad -
foot, Gloria Carter, Ruth Ann Cro-
sier, Lois Scott, Donna Mae Berger,
Kerry Campbell, Carol Carter.
Third Year Seals: Diana Beuer-
nian, Joan Bach, Carl Berger, Bill
Roberton, John Scott, Mary Scott,
Mary Belle Stinson, Maurice Stin-
son, Larry Beuermann.
Fourth Year Seals—Robert El-
liott, Donald Wright, Bill Scott, Joan
Roberton, Emily Elliott, Miss A.
Fifth Year Seals: Alice Christie,
David Stinson.
Sixth Year Seals: Gwen Christie.
Seventh Yean Seals: Judy Crich.
Eighth Year Alumni Diploma:
Kenneth Thompson, Linda Savauge.
Ninth Year Seal: a
Tenth Year Seal: Dora Annv
Eleventh Yr. •Seal: Robert Knight.
The diplomas and seals 'were pre-
sented by Superintendent Sam Scott,
Rev. 3. W. Stinson and Secretary
Robert Knight. A film strip, "The
Nativity" was shown prior to the
assembly of the study classes.
Egmoudville Church
Rev. W. E. Milroy, Minister
10 a.m., Church School.
- 11 a.m., Morning Worship, "The
Lord has Come",
'7 p.m., Song Service and Story
St, Thomas' Anglican
Christmas Eve 11:30; Christmas
carols followed by the Holy Com -
reunion at midnight. The Holy
Christmas morning,
Communion at 10;30
Sunday Dec, 27th.
11 a.m., Christmas Service for all
the family,
'7 p.m., The Christmas story with
St. Mary's Dublin
Sunday Dec. 20th, The Christmas
story with carols. 1(We want all the
ehiidren to attend this service).
Sunday 'Dec. 27th, The Holy Com-
Bethel S. S. and S. S. 9 School
ORVAL STEPHENSON held their annual Christmas concert.
Livingstone, Chairman. Wel-
There passed away at Marlette,
come Chores "Hello"; Welcome lteei-
Mich., on Dec. 12, Orval Stephenson,tation, Stanley Glanville; Choruses,
aftbuser a 69th year,ty bornn insMarlet Marin lette, citation by Lois Godkiht" and n;Csong, Mar-
son of William H. Stephenson and I garet Hillen, "Little Red Riding
� Hood's Christmas Tree"; dialogue,
Jane (McOlinchey) Stephenson. He
lived on the farm with his parents "A Joke on the Boys"; aecordian
far sone time. Enlisted in World! solo, Barbara Boyd; monologue, Jean
Hillen "A leg or a wing"; Back-
May we extend to all,
every good wish
for a very Merry
War I. On his return from the war
he followed the plumbing business
for 20 years. In 1926 he was united
in marriage to Marjorie Davey, dau-
ghter of Rev. Geo. P. and Mrs. Da-
vey. Beside his wife he is survived
by four daughters, Amaryllis .(Mrs.
Edwin North) Freeland, Mich., Mar-
jorie Jean, Saginaw, and Ann and
Cheryl at home, also a sister, Mrs.
Alex Wylie, Marlette. Orval had
many relatives and friends in this
vicinity and made frequent visits
here, by his genial and kindly dispo-
sition he made a host of friends. He
and his wife and daughters were
outstanding singers and gave freely
of their service in gospel song. His
sweet tenor voice will long ,be re-
The funeral service which was
largely attended was held in the
Methodist Church on Tues. Dec. 15.
Friends attending from this part
were Mrs. David Stephenson, Mr.
and Mrs, Elmore Stephenson, Lee
McConnell, John McConnell, Mr. and
Mrs. Peres Johnston and Phyllis,
Mrs. Russell Erratt, Mr, and Mrs.
W. R. Stephenson and Mark Drys-
Mr, Michael Laudenbach, Toronto
spent the weekend with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. L. Laudenbaeh,
Master Paul Matthews was a
weekend guest of Mr. and Mr's. S.
Henderson, Mitchell. •
Mrs. Joseph McQuaid was the
lucky winner of the Christmas cake
at the Goderich C.W.L. Bazaar.
Mrs. Peter McIver and Master
Peter Stiles st of Miss elend in
ICiL•chaner, gats
Miss Mary Lott Sills, Brescia Hall,
London, is spending her holidays
with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, C. P.
Messrs, Donald MacTavish and
Mapier Simpson of Toronto and
Douglas McCullough and Oban Mac-
Tavieh of London spent the week-
end with Mrs. John MacTavish,
Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Thos, Aldington were Mr. John Al-
dington and Frank and Mrs, Inge of
Varna; Mrs. Andrew McLachlan of
Cromarty and Mr. Carter 1 orslalce
of Staffa.
wards' Drill; solo by Mary Dennis
and club swinging; song, I saw
Mommy Kissing Santa Claus" by
Jimmy Bosman and Stanley Glan-
ville; dialogue, "A hasty Goodbye";
violin solo, Bert Dennis; song, Prim-
ary S. S. Class, 'Let me see old San-
ta"; monologue, Shirley Bosman,
"Chr i s t an zil s Acknowledgements";
song, Geraldine Dennis, "Snow-
flakes"; reading, Olene Godkin; dia-
logue, "Two Lazy Coons"; song, "I
See You"; quartette, "It won't be
long till Christmas"; recitation,
Phyllis McNichol, "Too much to do";
Bethlehem Lullaby, Jimmy Bosman,
Stanley Glanville, Judy Neabel;
Christmas Long Ago, No. 9 School;
'Recitation, Margaret Hillen, "Pro-
gramme's Over". Rev. Livingstone
presented the awards for attendance
at Sunday Sohool as follows: Certif-
icates, Phyllis McNichol, Stanley
Glanville, Bernice Glanville, and
June Hillen, Seals: Jean and Mar-
garet Hillen, Geraldine and Mary
Dennis, Lois, Merle, Audrey and 0-
lene Godkin, Barbara, Beth and
Ruth Boyd, Bert Dennis. Santa ar-
rived and distributed gifts from the
Christmas tree.
am's Cold, Roy Ben newies, Carol farming and the wide spread be -
Rose, Larry Muegge Diane Rock, tween the price paid by consumers
Darlene French, Dla'ne Bennewies, and that received by the farmer.
Clayton Ahrens; Band selections and
instrumental solo by Bobby Ahrens;
gymnastics; Monologue: Take it or
leave it by Christa Spats; Play—
Sing on .the dotted line—Jimmie Ar-
buckle Warren Sholdice; Play, Am-
ateur Night at Station J -0 -K -E,
Keith Wolfe, Warren Sholdice and
Jimmy Arbuckle, announcers with
Clare French giving a coronet solo;
Junior girls and boys square danc-
ing, Rhythm Band, Vocal duet by
Christa Spata and Carol Rose;
Christmas Pageant with singing of
Christmas carols; closing recitation,
Allan French; closing song by all,
"Santa Claus is coming to Town".
Visit from Santa who distributed
gifts, randy and oranges. God save
the Queen. Draw for prizes on'tick-
ets sold by the pupils was made by
Miss Linda Mogk, the winners: Sand-
wich toaster, Miss Doreen Hender-
son, R.R. 1, Sebringville; Towel Set,
Miss Wilma Eicknneyer of Mitcheh;
Cookie Jar, Miss Joyce Querengee-
ser; Mystery Prize, Mrs. Lonie Hil-
The Sunday School of St. Peter's
Lutheran Church will present their
Christmas program on Christmas
Eve Dec, 24 at 8 p.nt.
Messrs John Arbuckle and Calvin
Diegel, Waterloo Seminary and Col-
lege are spending the Christmas
holidays at their homes.
Miss Gwen Rock, training Kitch-
ener -Waterloo Hospital and Miss
Joanne Rock, Normal School, Strat-
ford, with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin Rock.
The Junior Choir of St. Peter's
Lutheran Church consisting of 13
boys and 13 girls held a candlelight
Editor of Seaforth News, — I
would like to bring a matter to the
attention of all hunters in the dis-
trict through the courtesy of your
valuable paper, and that is the im-
portance of exercisinga 'utmost
caution when ,using 1i h
On Wechiesday, Dec. 16, Mr. Egon
Gregersen, who is employed by us,
was startled by the whine of a bullet
which struck the fender of the tract-
or he was operating, only a few inch-
es from where he was sitting. Owing
to the poor visibility lie could see no
one at the time although he had seen
hunters earlier in the afternoon.
One thing is certain, the occur-
rence was purely accidental, but Mr.
Gregersen could have been serious-
ly injured or even killed.
Hunters are always welcome here,
but we do urge extreme caution In
seeing that stray bulletsdo not fly
wild. Thank you Mt. Editor, .Sam
J. Scott.
They also do not understand that
profit made in a good year must be
invested in machinery and repairs
as the farmer has had so many years
when he was financially unable to
make these repairs. (2) We think
that all we in our Fenn Forum could
do to help improve understanding
of these problems would be to invite
such people to our forums and talk
to them on these subjects, and would
many care to listen?
If you were on the executive of a
provincial or national farm organ-
ization what would you recommend
by way of public relations for the
organizations? Radio programs, use
of the press, television of farm con-
ditions, lectures, and the stressing
of the importance of honesty in mar-
keting products and production of
high quality produce. In the past,
for some unknown reason, many city
and town people have felt superior
to their country cousins. Farmers
must educate themselves and their
families, learn to express their
thoughts clearly, and co-operate with
other farriers to improve their living
conditions, )y increasing their own
self-respect, they gain the respect of
,city and town dwellers.
Prize winners: Most games, Mrs.
Barry Tebbutt, Glen Carter; Ione
hands, Mrs. Glen Carter, Bill Dol -
mage; consolation, Mrs. Jim Howatt,
Bill Dolmage. No definite plans were
made for next Monday.
The December meeting of the
C.W.L. was opened with prayer by
the Pres., Mrs. 3, Moylan. Reports
carol service on Sunday evening un- from convenors showed 121 paid-up
der the direction of their leader, members, boxes sent to sick mem-
Miss Donna Mae Smith, Miss Mar- hers, and a balance of $99.12 in the
jorie Miller read the Christmas treasury. Cash donations were vot-
Story. Several hymns were also sung I ed towards the drive for furnishings
by the congregation with Mr. Calvin for the new Catholic Immigration
Diegel at the organ.
Members of the Luther League
went carol singing to shutins on
Wednesday, Dec. 23rd.
Messrs Glenn and Keith Miller of
Galt and Ray Beuerman of Kitchen-
er at the home of the latter's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Beuer-
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Eickmeir in
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hart of London
with her mother, Mrs.. Elizabeth
Rock, Saturday and Sunday..
Mr. J. M. Erskine and Mr. Jack
Roe of Atwood called on Mr. W. L.
Querengesser and :Russell Sholdice
on Saturday.
The Brodhagen School Christmas
concert was held at the' school on
Friday evening with a large crowd
attending. Mr. Glen Brickmani is the
teacher and there are 88 pupils who
took part in the program. Mrs. Rus-
sell Sholdice was pianist for the
evening in the absence -of the school
music teacher, Miss Joy McNaugh-
ton, and Rev, Walter Becker was
the chairman. The school was decor-
ated with red and green streamers
and a lighted Christmas tree. The
program was as follows: Opening
chorus, "You're very welcome every-
one"; opening welcome recitation by
13111 Morons; Junior chorus, "Where
did my showman go?" Play—Sales
Resistance, Glenda Miller, Shirley
Trontowslcy and Clare French; reci-
tations by juniors, Christmas Greet-
ings; Senior chorus, A Christmas
Carol,"Glory to God in the High-
est"; recitation, 11.ummage Sale, Janie
odhagenetBand;; onS Play,n Tlinelef Hir'-
Mr. Harry Beuermau, who has
been confined to his bed for the past
3 months, quietly celebrated his 58th
borthday on Monday,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rock enter-
tained the members of their family
to Christmas dinner on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Diegel are
spending Christmas with their
daughter in Warren, 'Ohio.
Due to illness on the lice, and the
unexpected snowstorm, the attend-
ance at the Fireside Farm Foram at
George Carter's was much below av-
erage, 9 adults discussed the. topic
"Telling the Farmers' Story" (1)
We believe town and city people are
not well enough informed on the
cost of production, .the work involy-
ed, advanced cost of machinery, the
increased wages for hired help, the
Centre at Windsor, and to Rev. J. L.
Hennessey for gifts for the veteran
patients in Westminster Hospital. In
an interesting letter from Mrs. Jos.
McConnell, pres., of the Provincial
Council, the highlights of the Na-
tional Convention held in Kitchener
were given. Good used clothing will
be collected for the missions in Jan-
uary. Mrs. A. Kennedy and Mrs. A.
Cronin were appointed to care for
the altars during February, Several
copies of the new edition of the Con-
stitution and By -Laws are being or-
dered. An apron donated by Mrs. J.
McIver was won by Mrs. 3. F. Mur-
phy. It was decided to hold the meet-
ings in the hones during the winter
months, The meeting closed with
the league prayer.
Winter made its first appearance
in the County on Monday and in
some areas of the County at least
IS inches of snow has been record-
ed. Mail carriers report that some of
the County roads are still complete-
ly blocked incl farmers are exper-
iencing difficulty in reaching town
to complete pre -Christmas shopping.
Poultry producers repiort ,excellent
sale for all produce and one of the
largest turkey producers in the
County reports that practically - all
of his 9000 flock are seld and that
by the end of the week ho will have
shipped approximately 20 tons of
turkey in cry-o-pae bags to northern
Ontario. School and church concerts
and other social events contested to
the Christmas season are the order;
large capital now needed to start of the day in the rural areas.