HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1953-12-10, Page 1The Sea arth HURON COUNTY'S. LEADING N WOPAPLIi r•� WFIQLE SERIES, VOL. 76 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10,1953 CHRISTMAS MEETING OF W. I, The Christmas meeting of the Seaforth W. I, was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wallace Haugh on Tuesday, evening, Dec. 8 with a large attendance. Following the re- gular opening exercises, Mrs. Alex Pepper presided fora short business period, Several letters of thanks read .for sick boxes, It was decided to visit the County Home early in January, the box committee to be Mrs. G. Papple, and Mrs. A. Crozier, and the program convener, Mrs, J, McGregor, It was also decided to approach the Community Centre Board in view to installing a fan in the. Community centre dance hall. A bank book was presented to baby David Miller and the committees were read for the Jan. 8 euchre: tables and chairs, Mrs. E. Kerr, Mrs, Sandy Doig; lunch, Mrs, Jas. F Scott, Mrs• G, Papple; prizes, Mrs. Alex Pepper; punchers, Mrs, P. Doig, Mrs W. Coleman, Mrs, E. Papple, Mrs, G. McKenzie, Mrs. J, Keyes. The program which was under the direction of Mrs. W. Coleman and Mrs, R. McLachlan, opened with everyone joining in "Jingle Bells", The following took part: Welcome song, Linda and Kenneth Papple; piano selection, Ruth Crozier; reci- tation, Kenny Miller; Solo, ASnnne Cameron; piano selection, Haugh; action song, Catherine Doig and Neils Millman; reading, Mrs. P. Doig; solo, Nancy Pepper; piano se- lection, Marjorie Papple; duet, San- dra and Wayne Hugill; recitation, Elsie Doig; piano selection, Georgina McCartney; piano selection, Gloria Carter; Christmas Story, Mrs. Jas. F. Scott; Guitar selections, Walker Hart; dialogue, A terrible catastro- pre, Mrs. E. Cameron, Mrs. D. Wal- phe, Mrs. E. Coleman, Bruce Cole- man, Ken Coleman. Carol singing was directed by Mrs• Walker Hart, and the pianist for the evening was E. Cameron. Lunch was served by Mrs. Haugh, Mrs. Carter and her committee. A. large box of parcels Was received for the Children's Shelter, in response to the roil call. A vote of thanks was moved to the hostess by Mrs. Crozier, and the meeting closed with "The Queen". TUCKERSMITH COUNCIL Tuckersmith Municipal Council held their meeting in the Town Hall at Seaforth, Dee, 1, 1953. Acting Reeve A, E. Crozier, presided with Councillors Jas. Doig, Ivan Forsyth and Bert 1Garrettl George Faulkner, Tuckersmith member to the Clinton High School Area Board approached Council requesting them to *prove an addition of 7 class rooms to the Clinton high School and also to ap- prove the Town of Clinton issuing debentures in the amount of .one hundred and eighty thousand, to fin- ance the same and on which that part of Tuckersmith within the area would bear their share. Council went on re- cord as being in. favour of the propo- sition. The Ausable Conservation Au- thority was paid $93,82, 1953 assess- ment, Marked cheques of $500,00 and $100,00 were ordered returned to the Levis Contracting Co. and Wil- son McCartney respectively re gravel contract. A. motion passed at Novem- ber 21st meeting re provisionallY adopting the Layton Drain report was rescinded and the report was re- ferred back to the engineer, The read superintendent was instructed to in- vestigate tronble on a tile drain ad- joining the J. Dayman property and to have the same repaired if neces- sary and was also instructed to re- pair sewer at Lot 37, Con. 3 LRS. The Clerk was instructed to advertise for tenders for construction of the Stanley Jackson drain. Tender• ads will appear. elsewhere in the paper. Bylaws confirming the rate of taxa- tion, mailing of tax notices, and setting of time and place for nomin- ations were given their required readings and passed. Surety bond on the Tax Collector was renewed and premium of $37.50 ordered paid. Ac- counts passed include: Ausable Con- servation 593.82; Relief 555.84; Drains 542.10; Rebates $11.95; Fox Bounty $2.00; Hospitalization 56.81; Brucefield Street Lights 525.00; In- surance Premiums $37.50; Printing and Advertising $184.81; Roads $2205.47; Gravelling expense 57,50; Salaries and Allowance 5178.00; Postage '$28.00; Council adjourns to meet December 15th, 1953 at 2 p.m. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY PARTY The Christmas party of the Hos- pital Auxiliary to Scott Memorial Hospital was held in the nurses' re- sidence on Tuesday evening, Dec. 8 with over ,30 members present. Mrs. H. E. Smith, president, conducted the business of the meeting. The kitchen committee reported that the new stove was installed in the kitch- en of the hospital. Tentative date for the Games Festival will be from Jan. 15th to Feb. 15th Mrs. H. 0. Free, ticket convener for the draw on the turkey and the dell, asked that all ticket -money be x•'iianded in to her by Monday, 14th as the draw will be made at the Legion Bingo, Wed. Dec. 16th. ' The mystery box was won by Mrs. Bruce McLean. "Santa" arrived and distributed gifts to all the members. A social half hour followed when lunch was served. C. W. L. BAZAAR St, James School Hall was very attractive with Christmas decora- tions for the annual bazaar held by Catholic Women's League on Satur- day last. The amount realized was 5582.00. Mrs. Jos. Rowland, pres., received the many guests. B rs. Jas. Slattery and Was M, Dunn were conveners 'of the afternoon tea. Pour- ing tea from the brightly decorated table, complete with Chinese Christ mas trees and miniature wrapped gifts, were Mrs, Wm. Devereaux, Mrs, Mary Hagan, Mrs. Jack Dever- eaux, Mrs. A. Bannon; serving tea were Mrs. Gordon Dick, Mrs. Rich- ard Box, Mrs. Henry Enzensberger, Mrs. John Flannery, Mrs. Alvin Simile, Mrs. Frank Maloney, Mrs. Frank Sills, Sr., Mrs. James Dever- eaux, Mrs. Anthony Phillipps. The candy booth was in charge of Mrs. Wm, Hart, assisted by Miss Nora Reynolds. Sewing booth, Mrs, John James, Mrs. Clarence Malone and Mrs. Lansink, Mrs. Gordon Rey- nolds was convener of the home bak- ing sale, assisting were Mrs. Win. J. Duncan, Mrs. Mervin. Lane, Mrs, M. Williams, Mystery Boxes, Mrs, Leo Fortune and Mrs. John Hotham. De- corations were arranged by Miss Frances Fortune, Rev. Father Weber drew whining tickets for a cedar chest which went to Miss Evelyn Rivers, Seaforth, A cushion, Mrs. Roy McGonigle; glass dish, Miss Theresa Heffernan; Christmas cake to Mrs. Wni. Austin. Door prize won by Miss Betty Murray of St. Colum - ban. Miss. W. J. Cleary was in charge of tickets for quilt. Mrs. Maurice Etue was in charge of Christmas Cake. Miss Rose Dorsey and Mrs. C. P. Sills were in charge of cedar chest tickets and Mrs. Alice Stiles furnished music during the after- noon. NORTHSIDE W. A. On Tuesday evening Mrs. James Riley was hostess to 30 ladies of group 1 of W. A. Northside United Church. Carol singing was enjoyed and the evening's business was con- ducted by Mrs. W. Campbell. The treasurer's report showed that al- inost $400 was raised during the year. Mrs. Glen Pryee opened the devotional with the reading of the poem, "What Shall We Remember". The scripture was read by Mrs. Gor- don Elliott, Mrs. James Pretty read a paper. Mrs. Pryce concluded the devotional with a poem. The greatest pleasure of the evening was realized in listening to Mrs. David Ritchie, "Putting the Christ back in Christ- mas", using as her theme the angels' song in Bethlehem. She concluded her remarks with the statement, "A self-sacrificing love of you and me is what God appreciates most". Thanks was expressed by Miss A. Ferguson to Mrs. Ritchiefor her in - spicing address. Mrs. C. Walden thanked Mrs. Riley for her hospitali- ty. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. B. Stephenson, Mrs. D, Lemon, Mrs. L. Hoggarth, and Mrs. E. E. Close in serving. C. W. L. of the The December meeting Catholic Women's League was held in th school hall on Wed. Dec, 2, with a good attendance. Mrs. Joseph Rowland, president, opened the meeting with the league prayer said in unison by the mem- bers. Minutes of the previous meet- ing were read by the secretary. The treasurer reported a substantial bank balance. Mrs. Lou Rowland read the correspondence which included a thankyou card from Mr. John Kenny. Librarian Miss Rose Dorsey reported buying one new book for the league library, My Trip to Rome. Mrs. Gor- don Reynolds will be in charge of arrangements for the Christmas treats for the school children. Pins will also be presented to graduates of grade 8 at the school concert. Final plans were discussed for the bazaar. The meeting was then closed with prayer. MRS. THOS. McADAM Following an illness of two weeks, Mrs. Thomas J. McAdam died in Scott Memorial Hospital late Friday night in her 81st year. She was the former Elizabeth Jane Sparks, and was born at Tavistock and married at :Stratford. The only survivors are her husband, T. 3, McAdam of Sea - forth; one sister, Mrs. James Biffin of Stratford, and several nieces acid nephews. In early life Mrs. McAdam was a milliner for many years at Stewart Bros., in Seaforth. She was a member of First Presbyterian Church here and active in the wo- men's organizations of the Church. She was also a member of Edelweiss, Rebekah Lodge, ,Seaforth. The funer- al service was on Monday from the G. A Whitney funeral home, con- i ducted by the Rev. D. Glenn Camp-, bell. Interment in St. Andrew's Cem- etery, -North Easthope. The pallbearers were: Jas. A. Stewart, M. McKellar, Roy Dungey, F. Walker, James Field, Wm. Sin- clair. MARGARET ANN PETHICK Acute pneumonia caused the sud- den death Sunday sof Margaret Ann Pethiek, 10 -month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pethiek, who re- side on the North Road in McKillop twp. The infant appeared to have a slight cold Saturday evening but its condition was not considered serious. When the mother; attended the babe at 2:00 a.m. it seemed well, but at 7:00 a.m. it was discovered tobe dead. The funeral service was con- ducted on Tuesday from the Whitney funeral home, by Rev. J. H. James of St. Thomas Anglican Church. In- terment in Maitlandbank CemeterY. Besides the parents, two sisters, Ruth and Janet, survive. TO BUILD BROODER HOUSE Mr. Roger Andrews is making plans for. an $18,000 brooder house on his farm west of Egmondville. Broilers will be raised in the sum- mer and heavy cockerels in the winter. The brooders will be gas heated, and an automatic feeder will supply the whole building. Work is to commence on Mareh 1, and M. Thorpe Rivers will be in charge. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs, Orrin Dowson, Varna, announce the engagement of their daughter, Marilyn Janet Eliza- beth, to Robert Wilson 'Rutmney, Willowdale, son of Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Rumney, Victoria Harbour. The marriage will take place early in January in Varna United Church, Northakde United Church Rev. John Stinson, Minister. 10 a.m., Church School and Adult }3ib1e Class. 11 a.m,, "White 'Gift" •Service Toddlers' Group 7 p.m., "It came upon the Mid- night Clear". Picture Sermon. lCHRISTMAS b,towdoxl limn.. Publishers Authorized es Second ('lass mail, Post Office Dept„ (rtl awn JEWELLIIP C v" Shown are three of our many big values , . , exquisitely styled r.' diamond rings of fine quality and superb artistry! $144.25 $68,0 $30.73 SAVAUGE S JEWELLERY GIFTS FINE CHINA Seaforth ued services. Mrs. Russel Consitt took the topic for the day. Mrs. brought in the slate of officers for Douglas concluded the devotional 1954 with Mrs. Emerson Kyle as period with prayer. ipresident. Mrs. Sinclair closed the Miss Martha McDonald, the presi- meeting with prayer. A dainty lunch dent, conducted the business period. was served. The creed was repeated and the Following is the slate of officers: minutes of the November meeting Hon. Pres,, Mrs. J. Sinclair; Pres., were read and approved. After the Mrs.i Emerson Kyle; 1st Vice Pres„ treasurer, Mrs. H. Berry gave her re - Mrs. Emerson Anderson; 2nd Vice port, the roll call was answered by a Pres., Mrs, 3. McLellan; 3rd Vice verse on "Christmas". The secretary. Pres., Mrs. Russel Consitt; Sec., Mrs. read notes of thanks from several Robert McGregor; Treas., Mrs. Mor- who had received flowers and cards. ley Cooper; Press Sec., Mrs. A. A letter from Mrs. Dunn, a former Gackstetter; Missionary Monthly member, was also read. She sent Sec., Mrs. Archie Parsons; Mission greetings and kind wishes to the As - Band Sec., Gerta Benindyk; Assist- sociation. Arrangements were then ant, Dorothy Turner; Baby Band made for the supper which the wo- Sec., Mrs. Ross Broadfoot; Common- men are preparing for the Oddfel- ity Friendship, Mrs. Alec eblurtrie; lows on Dec. 11. The four group Christian Stewardship, Mrs. McLeod; leaders then reported on the year's KIPPEN (Supply Sec„ Mrs. Allan Johnson; work which was most successful but A number from in and around the Supply Committee, Mrs, Archie Par- there were still several undertakings village attended the Stanley Twp. ( son, Mrs. A. Gackstetter; Pianist, to be completed. The meeting closed banquet in Zurich on Thursday even- Mrs. R. Broadfoot, Mrs. Harold with the election of officers for CHRISTMAS SEALS "Heal)thro-a-seal" Now that we have our Christmas Seals, What are we going to do? This is the gift -giving season, Our job is to see it through. Some folks will give of their plenty, Willing to help in the fight, Come, let us do it together, Remember the widow's mite. There are 'those who give so gladly Once they knew this same appeal, Now they are healthy and happy Through the T.B. Christmas Seal. And for such a worthy service The call comes both loud and clear, Just add it to your Christmas list, The Seals come jrtst once each year. Each seal bears a bright wee laddie 'Singing a Carol you see, Ile represent young Canada, Christmas nineteen fifty-three. Let us this year in our giving, • Go beyond our Kith and Kin; T'isreally a greater kindness To give to a sick shutin. Fred Snow will take ,your donation In person or through the mail; The important thing about it is make sure we do not fail, Then here's for a happy Christmas, Not one .of its should complain, Read over the Christmas Story, Then read it over again. • Mr E ing. I Jones, Suasion Sec„ s, Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Hutcheson Jarrett; Associated Members Sec., of St. Thomas were weekend visitors IMIrs. Jane McLean. with the letter's brother and sister -I Women's Association Officers: in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mellis. I Hon. Pres., Mrs. Allan Johnson; Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cooper spent 1 Pres., Mrs. W. Workman; lst Vice, the week with their daughter and Mrs. Harold Janes; 2nd Vice, Mrs. son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Camp- A. McMurtrie 3rd Vice, Mrs, A. Camp- bell in London. Gackstetter; 4th Vice, Mrs. Wm. Misses Gail Ann and Lynn Gack- Caldwell; reas., Mrs. Eddie Me - stetter returned to their home last Bride; Sec•, Mrs. H. Caldwell; Fin - week after spending a week with ance Committee, Mrs. E. Kyle, Mrs. their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell, Mrs. Robert McGregor, Wm. Horney in Exeter. Mrs. 3. McLellan. Miss Donna McBride, nurse -in - training in Stratford Hospital, spent W. JOHN NOTT the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McBride. Rev. W. E. Milroy conducted a Mrs. Ducker of Toronto, who has funeral service on Saturday after - The gift that first Christmas morn- ing, As vital today as then, And this is part of the story, "Christmas Greetings", John Beattie thanks to Mrs. Sinclair for her vale Peace on earth goodwill to men. spent the past month mth he friends, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Long, left on Saturday to visit friends in Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickert and Elaine of Clifford visited on Satur- day with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Diek- ert noon in Egmondville United Church for W. John Nott who died in Scott Memorial Hospital on Thursday in his 88th year: Mr. Nott had been in failing health for the past two years and seriously i11 for one week. He Was born in Grey township, the son of the late Thomas Nott and Martha Mr. and Mrs. S. Beattie and child- Carter, and moved, in early li ren of Wingham were recent visit- the Algoma district, where he farmed Miss Ina Ropp of Znrich is spend-1ors with Mrs. Robert McBride. until 1918; then moved to Richard's ing a week with her friends, Mr. and Landingfollowed by a year in New York Ste' te, retiring to Egmondville Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter. in 1920. Mr. Nett was twice married, MTs. A. .Gackstetter and daughter first in 1904 to Lorena Williams, who Karen Jean returned home last week died in 1934. Hie second wife, the from South Huron Hospital, Exeter. The December meetingof the W. M, S. of St. Andrew's United Church was held at .the home of Mrs. John Sinclair with Mrs. W. Workman as co -Hostess. Mrs. J. Sinclair opened the meet- ing with a Christmas poem. The first part of the program was taken by Mrs. Sinclair and 1VIrs, R. Consitt from the Missionary Monthly with Mrs. Bruce McGregor taking the solo part and the members singing hymn 64. 26 members and 5 visitors were present for the roll call. Dona- tions were received for the Relief Baby bale, Mrs. J. McLellan :gave the visitors report. Mrs. Russel Con- sitt reported for the Oct. visiting. Mrs. Eldon Jarrett gave a favorable report for the .Sunshine and Mrs. Morley Cooper gave the Treasurer's report. Mrs. Allan Johnson gave a report of the Sectional mooting. Mrs. E. McBride .gave the History; .of a Christmas hymn. A Christmas Story was told by Mrs. Carl McClinchey. Mrs. Bruce McGregor then favored with a solo, Mrs. Sinclair extended thanks for the co-operation .of the members during her two-year term of president. Mrs, Kyle extended former Margaret Moore, to whom he was married in 1937, survives, along ronized and the sum of $243,21 was with one daughter, Mrs. Keith (Eva- realized. Following are the conven- lena) Webster, of Blyth; one son,lers for the various booths: Fancy Raymond Nott, Tuckersmith town- 'work, Mrs, C. Christie and Mrs. D. ship; six grandchildren, one brother, ! Triebner; baking, Mrs. 3. Broadfoot George Nott, and one sister, Mrs. j and Mrs. Baird; apron, Mrs. Maines Annie Stevens, both of Sault Ste. 1 and Mrs. R. Allan; Bandy, Mrs. W. Marie, who are the last survivors of Fotheringham and Mrs. S. Ross; a family of ten, During the service touch and take, Mrs, G. Richardson a quartet was sung by Miss Mae • and Mrs. E. Johnston; fish pond, Smith, Mrs. Warden Haney, Mervyn Mrs. L. Eyre and Mrs. A. Mustard; Nott and Ivan Forsyth. Burial was Country Fair, Mrs. L. Wilson, Mrs. in the Egmondville Cemetery. E. Thompson and Mrs. H. Berry, The pallbearers were William The committee in charge of the Scotchmer, John McCloy, John Mc- tea roam was Mrs, W. McBeath, Lachlan, Clair Haney, John Earle,Miss Mayme Swan, Mrs, G. Elliott Thomas Robinson, John Modeland, and Mrs, Ross Scott. Grant Finnigan, William Papple and 1954 which were: President, Mrs. N. Baird; 1st Vice Pres., Mrs. J. Broadfoot; 2nd Vice Pres„ Mrs. Moffatt; Recording Sec., Mrs. W. McBeath; Treas., Mrs. H. Berry; Devotional Com., Miss Bow- ey, Mrs. Ham and Mrs. R. Scott;• Pianist, Mrs. A. Johnston; Assistant Pianist, Mrs. G. Henderson; Press Sec., Mrs. C. Christie, Mrs. Triebner and Mrs. Dawson; Flower Commit- tee, Miss Swan, Mrs. W. Haugh and Mrs. Maines; Card Committee, Mrs. Rohner and Mrs. Douglas; Financial Sec., Mrs. G. Elliott; Visiting Com- ittees—Mrs. S. McKenzie and Mrs. Hohner; Mrs. J. Thompson and Mrs. B. Keys; Mrs. 3. Henderson and Mrs. A. Mustard; Mrs. L. Wilson and Mrs. W. Broadfoot; Mrs. E. Johnston and Mrs. Triebner. Manse Committee—Mrs, T. B. Baird, Mrs. L. Wilson, Mrs. L. Eyre, Miss M. McDonald. Church Committee—Mrs. A. John- ston, Mrs. E. Thompson, Mrs. D. Triebner, Mrs. G. Richardson. Program Committee: Mrs. G. Hen- derson, Mrs. W. McBeath, Mrs. G. Anderson, Mrs. E. Allan, Mrs. 3, Broadfoot, The Woman's Association of Brucefield United Church held a very successful bazaar in the Sunday School room of the church. The af- fair was well attended and well°pat- from Mrs. Lillian Dickson was read by Mrs. Duncanson. The annual business meeting fol- lowed the regular meeting. Favor- able reports were given by the ,dif- ferent secretaries, $259 having been sent to the Presbyterial Treasurer. The' following is the list of officers for 1954: Hon. Pres., Mrs. T. Scott Sr.; Pres., Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl; 1st Vice, Mrs. T. Laing; 2nd Viee, Mrs. M. Lammed; Sec., Mrs, T. L. Scott; asst. Sec., Mrs. K. McKellar; Treas. Mrs. W. Harper; Supply Sec., Mrs. T. Scott Sr.; Home helpers Sec„ Mrs. Houghton; assistant H. H., Mrs. J. M. Scott; Exchange Sec., Miss M. B. Currie; Glad Tidings Sec., Mrs. M. Houghton; Welcome and Wel- fare, Mrs. T. Laing; Literature Sec., Mrs. T. Laing; Auditors, Mrs. Houghton and Mrs. Sorsdahl; Organ- ist, Mrs. W, Miller. The pot luck supper and bazaar on Friday evening was well attended and a fine array of sewing and fancy work were on display. Also candy, cooking and a fish pond. The pro- ceeds amounted to 5150.00. - Mr. and Mrs. Ray Davis and family, Belton; Miss Celia Norris and Mr, Robert Hubert, Seaforth were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Norris. Mr. Gersham Speare, Toronto, and Mrs. E. McDonald, Exeter, visited over the weekend with their sister, Miss Olive Speare. Mr. and Mrs. Alohzo Harburn and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harburn. Mr and Mrs. Howard Wright visit- ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wright. Mr. Arnold Storey spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Orval Storey, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Allen, Mitch- ell, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McLachlan. Mr. Jim Ramsey, Georgetown, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ramsey. Master Billy Houghton, five-year- old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hough- ton was taken to Victoria Hospital, London, last week suffering from polio. Mr. •and Mrs. Otto Walker visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cornish, Exeter. Mr. Robert Laing has purchased the 100 acre farm west of Cromarty which was formerly owned by Messrs Tom and John Hay. This fano was the original Thomas Hoggarth property. Mr. Jack Kemp and daughter Au- drey, Mitchell, visited with Mrs. Houghton on Sunday. Warden Haney were the flowerbear- ers, BRUCEFIELD The regular meeting of the Wo- man's Association of Brucefield United Church was held on the after-. noon of Dec. 1st with a good attend- anee. Mrs. C. Christie opened the meeting by reading a selection, "Ambassadors for Christi". After the singing of hymn 50 Mrs. Douglas read the scripture and Mrs, Christie CROMARTY The December meeting of the Wo- men's Missionary Society was held at the 'home of Mrs, T. L. Scott with Mrs. Thos. Scott Sr. presiding. The scripture lesson and devotions were taken by Mrs. Mac Lomond. Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl read the last chap- ter of the study book, The Christian Church in Africa. After the offering was received, Mrs. Grace •Scott led in the dedicatory prayer. A letter HARLOCK Much sympathy is extended to the relatives and friends of the late Mrs. Janes Leiper who passed away Sun- day night after an illness of six months. Mrs. Leiper was in her 81st year and had always lived in Hulled. She was formerly Miss Hamilton and was predeceased by her husband 12 years ago at the time he was warden of Huron County. She is survived by five sons and two daughters: John, Robert and Agnes of Toronto; Guy, William, Thomas and Jean at home. The funeral took place on Wednes- dayafternoon to Burns cemetery, Mr. Isaac Rapson left on Tuesday for Toronto where he will spend the winter months.