HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1953-12-03, Page 5THURSDAY, DEC. 3, 1953 Pre. CIIRIsTMAS SPECIALS ELLMAR PURE PEANUT BUTTER, 10 oz, Jar , ... 32c ROBIN HOOD OATS, for Slot Breakfast' . , , .30 oz. bag 17c CLARK'S PORK BEANS, 20 oz. tins -17o; 2 for 330 WETHEY'S TOMATO JUICE, fancy Quality, 20 oz. tins 110 10 TINS -$1.00 AUSTRALIAN RAISINS 2 lb 370 WESTONS CHOCOLATE DROP CANDIES, , 1 ib collo 39c OLD LONDON TOWN MINCE MEAT, 2 pie size. , Tin 33c OGILVIES - AYLMER - WAGSTAFFS FRUIT CAKE MIX MAKES A 2 LB. CAKE 69c SNIPERS CRISPY FLAKE SHORTENING, 1 lb , , .. 27o BAKE WITH MARGARINE AND GIVE YOUR BAKING A DELICIOUS FLAVOR ROSE BRAND S lbs. 95c WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET Phone 77 Free Delivery Low Prices Self Serve Saturday Mar ing Hockey All Boys wishing to play Hockey are to be at the Community Centre SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5th At 9 A.M. Age Limit, 15 before December lst Members of the Midget Team are not allowed to play SATURDAY, DEC. 5 - 9 P.M. - CHATHAM AT C4TH BALDWINS Give Cookies For Christmas Cookies make "different" and de- lightful gifts. Amy Alden, writing in The American Weekly with this Sun- day's (December (3) issue ,of The De- troit .Sunday Times, tells how to make and decorate Vanilla Roll -Out Cookies, Traditional Norwegian Mo- lasses Cookies, Ohristmas Stars, Norwegian Christmas Cake, Christ- mas Trees, and Holly Wreaths, Get Sunday's Detroit Times, a • ,d4 e1 5 1 "I think every widow should know about Debentures" "Most widows are looking for a safe, short term Investment that pays good interest. I found I could buy debentures for as little as $100.00 for terms of 1 to 5 years. For a 5 -year term, debentures pay me interest which is automatically deposited to my Huron & Erie savings account" o?, Ask for the folder '20 Questions' MORTGAGE''• CORPOR'AT IO.}N ri "Older than the' Dominion of Canada"; District Representatives listed below HENSALL — F. G. BONTHRON SEAFORTH — WATSON & REID HEAD OFFICE — LONDON, ONTARIO TOWN OF SEAFORTH N..minations A Meeting of the Electors of the Town of Seaforth will be held in the Town Hall, Seaforth MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30 1953 I'or the purpose of nominating persons for the offices of . Mayor, Reeve, six Councillors, Public School Trustees and Public Utility Commissioner Nominations will be from 7.30 P.M. to 8,30 P.M. If a poll be necessary, the sante will be held at the following places on. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 9th, 1953 FROM 9 A.M. TO 5 P.M. POLLING SUB -DIVISION No. 1 and 2 at Teall's Garage, POLLING SUIT -DIVISION No. 3 and 4 at the Public Libren' POLLING SUB -DIVISION No, 5 and 6 at M. E. Clarke Garage Seaforth, November 16, 1953 D. H. WILSON, Town Clerk THD S +'A. ORTU NEWS TOWN TOPICS Mr, Jack Aldington and Margaret of Varna, Mrs. Frank Tuffin, of Stai'fa, Mrs. McLachlan, of Crom- arty, and Mrs. Ken Williams and Ryan, of Clinton, were recent visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs, T. Addington, Miss Florence I)inney of London was the guest of Mr, and Mrs. 15. H. Close over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. H, iM ruin, Petrolia, were weekend guests of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Wright, Mr, Michael Laudenbach, Toronto, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Laudenbach, Miss Yvonne Bolton, Hamilton, and Mr, David Bolton, Kitchener, were guests of their mother, Mrs. L. Bolton over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Johnson, New Hamburg, spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs, J. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. L. Matthews, Chat- ham, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cleary. Mr, Jaok Murray, Toronto, spent the weekend with his another, Mrs. J. Murray, Mr. and Mrs. R. Boussey and son were guests over the weekend of Mr, and Mrs. B, Shaw, London. Mr. and Mrs. F. Bingham, Hamil- ton were weekend guests with rela- tives. BORN MEDD—Arrived ut the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Medd, on Dec. 2, a son, James. Harold, a brother for David GILER—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Nov. 80th, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ziler, Seaforth, a (laughter GACKSTETTER--Mr. and Mrs. Arn- old Gaekstette' (Irma Ferguson) of Iiippen are ]nappy to announce the arrival of their daughter Karen Jean in South Huron Hospital, Exe- ter, on Wed., Nov, 25th, a sister for Gail Ann and Lynn Loree. NOMINATIONS Morris Township Reeve: Harvey Johnston (withd.). Charles Coultes (qual.). Samuel Al- cock (quaff.), Bailie Parrott. Council .(four to be elected) : Stewart Procter, Bruce Smith, Wil- liam Elston, Walter Shortreed, Ross Duncan (all qualified), George Mich- ie (withd.), George Heatherington (withd.). Public School Trustees: Reginald Watson, George Michie and Torrance Dundas (all acclaimed), George No- ble, Janes Johnston '(both with- drew). Hay Township Reeve: Reeve Earl Campbell (accl) Deputy Reeve: V. L. Becker (accl) Council (three to be elected): L. H. Rader (quail, A. J. Roche, R. W. Illsley, Leonard Grob (qual), E. J. Willert, Delbert Geiger. Public School Trustees: Ray Fish- er, William Haugh (both acclairnod). Hallett Township Reeve: Reeve William J. Dale (qual), John Ira Rapson (qual). Council (four to be elected) : Geo. C. Brown, W. R. Jewitt, Thomas Leiper and Emmerson Hesk (all qualified), Arthur Clark and Nelson McLarty. Hens all Village Reeve: Reeve (Huron Warden) Alvin W. Kerslake (qual), William G. Park (withd). Council .(accl.) William G. Park, Lorne Luker, Harold Hoy, Norman Jones. P.U.C.: R. E. Shaddick. Public School Board (three ac- claimed) : Lorne E. Hay, Harold J. Bonthron, Peter L. McNaughton. WIT EUCHRE AND DANCE ! Sponsored by the L.O.B.A. In Seaforth Community Centre Friday, Dec. 4th Games at 8,30 Music by Collins Orchestra Admission 50c, Ladies please bring sandwiches. Lucky lunch prize, Christmas Bazaar TEA & HOME BAKING Sewing Booth, Candy and Mystery Box. Draw for Cedar Chest SATURDAY, DEC. 5TH FROM 3 UNTIL 6 In St. James' School Hall Under auspices of the Catholic Women's League Turkey Bingo ! St. Columban Parish Hall TUESDAY, DEC. S - 9P.M. 15 games for Turkeys 3 Cash Specials Adm, 1,00 Door prize BIG TURKEY BINGO ! St. Patrick's Parish Hall Dublin THURS., DEC. 3rd 9 o'clock Sponsored by C.W.L. cep "We just do not know how to begin. Well, it is no use. We just have so many Christmas Suggestions in our store that you, yourself, will have to come in and look around. Use our lay -away -plain." Funeral Home and Ambulance Service PHONE 43 NIGHTS 595-W HULLETT On Nov. 30th the Fireside Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs, George Dabbs with 28 adults present. The television broadcast was enjoyed and two discussion groups were formed to consider the topic, "The Struggle for Men's Minds". '(1) In order to show Asiatic coun- tries that our attitude to them is friendly, Canada should continue to send them aid through the United Nations' Technical Assistance Pro- grams, the Colombo Plan, and send them surplus foods at reduced prices. Be particularly friendly towards our new Canadians, ,(2) We can help con- vince others that the democratic way of life is batter than the Com- munist way by making our own liv- ing conditions so attractive and sat- isfying other nations will notice the difference. By having scholarships for clever students so they can spend a few years in our country at a col- lege, university or technical school. Christianize the other countries, send more missionaries, doctors and nurses to improve their living con- ditions and train the people to help themselves. Next Monday the group meets at Mr. and Mrs. 0. Anderson's home, Prize winners for progressive eu- chre were: most games, Mrs. Bob Dalton, Bert Hoggart; lone hands, Mrs. George Carter, Jim Howatt; consolation, Mrs. George Hoggart, Jim Jamieson, The directors of the Federation of Agriculture held their monthly meet- ing and turkey banquet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tyndall on Thursday, Nov. 26 with 31 present. I'rogressive euchre was played. Most games: Mrs. Verne Dale, Bob Turn- er; lone hands, Bob Turner; conso- lation, Mrs. Earl Gaunt, Stanley Ly - On. NORTH McKILLOP Mr. and Mrs. Harold McCallum spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Kitchen, of Brussels. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Glanville spent a day last week with the latter's brother, Mr. George McCallum of Galt, who is ill in Galt Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. John Dietz spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Regele, Miss Mary Foster and Mr. Bill Fischer of Mitchell called on Mr. and Mrs, Ed Regele on Sunday. Miss Yvonne .Diegel spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Martin Diegel, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Regele visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. Rapien on Fri- day evening. McKILLOP The films shown in the Evangeli- cal Church on Monday evening were enjoyed by those present. Mrs. Fred Hoegy has been con- fined to her bed with an attack of pleurisy. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Eisler of Logan, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wie- tersen of Bornholm were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eggert. Miss Lila •Smith of Stratford spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Lavern Hoegy. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Flanagan Jr. spent Sunday at Kitchener. Mr, and Mrs. Alex Stoskopf of Fullerton spent Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Regele. Mrs, Kate Balzer and son of .Strat- ford visited her brother Mr. Irvin Rock and Mrs. Rock on Thursday. Mr, and Mrs, Wilbur Chambers and son John of Preston spent the weekend at the home of her mother Mrs. Leslie Beuerman. Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Beuerman spent the weekend et Detroit, The Farm Forum met on Monday night at the home of John and Mrs, Henderson. Wo formed three groups to answer the questions. (1) What steps should Canada take to show Asiatic countries that our attitude to them is friendly and non aggres- sive? (2) What can we do to con- vince others that the democratic way of life is better than the communist way? This was followed by a short discussion period. We then splayed a SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION OF g off, it is 6 1- e for ,vEy er ry Age Electric Trains, Dolls, Games. Mechanical Toys Cowboy Guns, Crokiaole, Etc. COME IN AND BROWSE AROUND ri 1LS 81 PLUMBING ,HARDWARE HEATING ee few games of euchre with Mrs, Ro- bert Campbell and Harry Nesbitt as winners. Lunch was served and we will meet next Monday night at Gordon and Mrs. MacKenzie's home. KIPPEN EAST The December meeting of Kippen East W. I, will be held on Dec. 9 at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. E. White- house, and Mrs. Stewart is co - hostess. Roll call, "What I would like for Christmas". Poem, Mrs. J. Sinclair; motto, Mrs. R. Peck; Christmas Story, Mrs. N. McLeod; current events, Mrs. W. Caldwell; collection for Children's Shelter, Goderich and exchange of gifts; tree committee is Mrs. E. Whitehouse, Mrs, W. Workman, Mrs. W. Cald- well. Children's treats, Mrs. E. Mc- Bride, Mrs. E. Jarrott. Lunch com- mittees: sandwiches, Mrs. E. Jarrett, Mrs. J. Cooper Jr„ Mrs. Ross Chap- man, Mrs. Campbell Eyre, Mrs. Mc- Leod, Mrs, Lostelle; cookies, Mrs, W. H. McLean, Mrs, 3. Sinclair, Mrs. Win. Bell, Miss Margaret McKay, Mrs. E. Whitehouse, Mrs. Charles Eyre; ice cream, Mrs. W. Kyle, Mrs. J. McNaughton, Mrs. Glen Slavin, Mrs. Robert Gemmell, Mrs. Ivan For- syth, Mrs. 3, McLellan. HULLETT Mrs. John Riley .was hostess to the WMS and WA of Burns on Tuesday, Nov. 24, Mrs. Jas Scott, assisted by Mrs. J. Riley, Mrs. E. kiosk, Mrs. N. Lear, Mrs. Moon and Mrs. Colson presented a Christmas worship service and program. Mrs, Roe gave a reading in keeping with Christian Stewardship. Thankyou's were read from Mrs, Jas. Howatt, and the Leiper family. It was decid- ed to remember all sick and shutins at Christmas. The Christmas meeting will be held on Wed. Dee, 30. Ladies' Aid The president, Mrs. Wm. Bell, conducted business for the Ladies' Aid of Burns'. Roll call in January will be answered by an article of clothing, or toy, for a child in Korea. The bazaar held at the close of the meeting netted the society $24,21, A delicious supperwas served by members of group 1, OHOOSE FROM OUR air rt Cil vL tui' SSpecials' 1 BAGGAGE "PALM BEACH" SET- -In two-ply tweed with Cord. Duan cowhide binding. PULLMAN CASE AEROPACK 15.00 22.50 Train Cases in it wide variety of attractive coverings, as shown $17.00 Smith's Shoe Store SEAFORTH AniwutinAsNAfisvosswitosmakrukeassAt How Christian Science Neale "CAN YOU AFFORD ITO CRITICIZE" CHLO 680 kc. December 6th 3.48p.m.