HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1953-11-26, Page 1WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 70 N Seaforth HURON COUNTY'S LEAI,1INO NEWSPAPER SJAFOR'PH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1953 $1.60 a Year Snowdon Bros., Publishers Authorized as Second Class mail, Port Office Dept., Ottawa ........ TENDERS FOR DISPOSAL PLANT AND SEWERS The following aro the bids submitted by eleven contractors for building a disposal plant (Plan A) and the first part of the sewers (Plan 33) in Seaforth. The tenders were considered Monday evening by the council. Tender A Tender B Plant Sewers 1. Snssin Cons, Co., Niagara Falls . $63,933.50 2. ,Sparton Constr. Co., Toronto , , . •$39,587.50 $51,452.50 Schwenger Cons, Co„ Hamilton . $52,514.43 '4. Keillor Constr. Co„ St. Thomas .. 545,558.29 $59,296.62 15. Graham & Graham, London. '$42,701.45 $72,137.40 (Tender A not without Tender B) 6, Cornell Cons, Co., Brantford , . • 7. Dick Constr. & Eng., Welland .. $44,047.49 8 B -C Cons Niagara -on -the -Lake .. 9. Pearce Con, Co., Hagersville , , .. $46,172.00 10. Gaffney Con Co., Stratford . , • $41,524.00 11. Hishon. Constr,, Kitchener .... 444,486,52 Lowest bid for Disposal Plant, Sparton Construction, Lowest tender for Sewers, 33-0 Construction, Niagara Tenders for Plan A and Plan 33 $53,204,50 $53,493.60 $45,627.00 $71,553.50 $46,736.50 Toronto ..., $39,537.60 $45,627,00 85,164.50 COUNCIL STUDIES SEWER TENDERS On Monday evening Seaforth town council selected the lowest tenders for a partial disposal plant and main trunk sewers. Formal ac- ceptance will be made at a special meeting. The lowest tender for the disposal plant was from the ,Sparton Con- struction Co., of Toronto, at a little over $39,000. The low tender for the sewer work was the B -C Construction of Niag- ara -on -the -Lake at about $45,600. Present at the meeting were Reeve Scoins, Councillors Close, Christie, Crich, Scott, and Sharp, also the en- gineer, Graham Reid. A number of the bidders also had representatives on hand. Councillors were not sure they wanted to open the tenders on Mon- day onday evening without all members present. Mr. Reid pointed •out that the tenders had closed the previous week and that the town was holding forty -thousand dollars in bidders' certified cheques. Councillor Christie presided in the absence of the Mayor. After the eleven tenders bad been opened, the engineer recommended accepting the lowest bids on each part of the work, or if council wished to leave acceptance over to a full meeting to hold these two bids and return the others. Councillor Crich suggested also holding the bid of the Gaffney Co. for the plant, and the Hishon Co. for the sewers, as they were the next lowest. Council agreed to this. Council passed a resolution that the other 'bids be returned with thanks. The total of the two lowest bids amounted to $85,164.50. This is within the estimate presented to council last month. CARROTHERS—HOFF log'"`". A quiet wedding took place on Saturday, Nov. 21, when Dolores Maxine, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Hoff became the bride of Harry Douglas, son of Mr. and Mrs. V. 'Carrothers of Glan- worth. The bride's attendant was Lois Stevenson, the .groom's attend- ant, Danny Thomas, both of London. The couple will reside in London. SILVER WEDDING OF MR. AND MRS. WN1. BOYD A reception was held on Tuesday evening in the Winthrop hall to cel- ebrate Mr. and Mrs. William Boyd's silver wedding •anniversary. About 200 were present. During the evening dancing was enjoyed to the music of .Siemon's Orchestra. Later an address was read by Dominic Murray and presenta- tions of a beautiful chrome gtable, chairs and a lamp were made by Ed Godkin, Hubert Johnston and Stan- ley Hillen. Mr, Boyd made a suit- able reply. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd were married on Nov. 24, 1928 by Rev. Mr. Bark- er of Brussels, at the manse at Brussels, Mrs. Boyd was formerly Lena Jane Miller, daughter of Mrs. Robert Miller, Brussels. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd have one daughter, 'Gloria. Step dancing by Frank Johnston, Jimmy Sloan, Sam Pethiek and Irwin Johnston was much enjoyed. The address was as follows: "Dear Bill and Lena,—Twenty- five years ago Mr. William Boyd, handsome, dapper and gay, decided a life of wedded bliss was what he HULLEY—•DRYSDALE Married at the manse of St. Marys Church, Edinburgh, Scotland, by the Rev. L. W. Laurence, on Nov. 10, 1953, Francis W. Hulley of the Royal Cdn. Artillery, second young- est son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hul- ley, R. R. 2, Walton, Ont., to Anne Drysdale, youngest daughter of Mrs. Annie Drysdale of 1 Haddington Place, Edinburgh, ,Scotland. EASTER STAR INSTALLS OFFICERS The Seaforth Chapter of the Or- der of the Eastern Star held its in- stallation meeting on Thursday night Nov. 10• Mrs, Mary Kennedy, D,D.G.M., of London, installed the officers, as- sisted by Mrs. Ina Wolfe, P.D.D.G. M., of Stratford as the installing marshal; Mrs. Gertrude Eedy, of London, Grand Martha of the Grand Chapter of Ontario; who installed the five starpoints; Mrs. Margaret Snell, of Seaforth as installing chap- lain and Helmer Snell as installing patron. The honorary officers were, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Crozier as associate patron and matron; Mrs, Reta Mur - die, as honorary secretary; Mrs.. Win- nifred Mulford, of Stratford, as hon- orary treasurer; Mrs. Gladys Reith as honorary marshal; Mrs. Addie Ir- win of Clinton as honorary organist; Mrs. Anna Kling as honorary conduc- tress; Mrs. Eleanor Wilson as hon- orary associate conductress; Mrs, Eva Hodgson, Exeter as honorary Adah; Mrs. Eula Roy, Clinton, as honorary Ruth, Mrs. Edna Staith, London, as honorary Esther; Mrs. Mao Dorrance, Seaforth, as honor- ary Martha; Mrs. Mabel Ferguson, Exeter as honorary Electa; Mrs. Ma- bel Nickerson, Clinton, as honorary warder; and William Shannon, Sea - forth, as honorary sentinel. Those installed into office were: Worthy Matron, Miss Jean Scott; worthy patron, H. E. •Smith; associ- ate matron, Miss Norma Jeffrey; as- sociate patron, James Doig; secre- tary, Mrs. Georgina Smith; treasur- er, Mrs. Violet Broadfoot; conduct- ress, Mrs. Florence McGavin; associ- ate conductress, Mrs. Edith Daley; chaplain, Mrs. Flora Dalrymple; mar- shal, Mrs. Dolena M'cCuaig; organist, Mrs. Jean Kruse; the five star points, Adah, Miss Thelma Forbes; Ruth, Mrs. Mae Watterworth; Esther, Mrs. Agnes McClinchey; Martha Mrs. Dorothy Doig; Eleeta, Mrs. Ev- wanted most in all the world. So, elyn McLean; warder, Mrs. Eva after a great deal of thought and a Clarke; sentinel, Gordon McGavin. more or less long period of court- Mrs. Ross Hamilton sang during ship, he asked Miss Lena Miller to the installation ceremony. Mrs. M. share this life with him. We all Kennedy presented the past worthy .tainly warmed up in the Baldwir agree with Bill in his choice of a matron's jewel to Mrs. A. E. Crozier favour, By the time the third period bride, for there has been no better and H. Snell.presented the past pat- activity started,. Seaforth was giving wife than Lena. Bill and Lona have ron's pin to A. E. Crozier. On behalf London goaly, 'Harold McAinch, a Wide e seQet rte 0Aeot st LAY AWAY , GIVE HER'•8 GRLIIEN'VERI-THIN YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS NOW! Vert -Th In "GEORGINA FLEX" 10 kt. gold-filled top; stainless Gulidite back; expansion bracelet, $52.50 Autowind "MASTER" Stainless Guildite Water -cite case. $65.00 Other Gruen Watches as low as $29.75 SAVAUGE9S Jewellery Gifts Fine China SEAFORTH a small deposit holds any gift 'til Christmas! SPORT SHORTS This week the Seaforth Baldwins stretched their league lead in their O.H.A. Jr. B grouping, Saturday night ,found the London Lou Balls feeling the brunt of the Seaforth attack as the locals handed their vis- itors an 11-3 shellacking. Although the game was slow at first, it cer- worked side by side, sharing their of Mrs. Crozier's officers of the past joys and their sorrows, and have year, Miss N. Jeffrey presented Mrs. been wonderful people to have in, Crozier with a gift and in turn, Mrs. steady diet of rubber. London ap- pears to have strong possibilities for their young club, and judging from the community. Tonight a few of I •Crozier presented gifts to her offs-- early season performances we expee your neighbors and friends have ga-I•cers. Miss Jean Scott presented gifts them to catch third place in the thered here to celebrate this great to her honorary officers. Miss Scott, league at play-off time. event, not only for you, the princi-'the newly installed worthy matron, Monday night had the Seaforth pals, but also for Gloria, even chose, "Let Your Light Shine" as Lions giving their sons a special though she won't remember it. We her motto. treat in having John Mitchell of the hope you have many more years of 1 One hundred were in attendance Detroit Red Wings and Lloyd Pol- happily married life. In fact we are and a delightful lunch was served lick of the O.H.A. as guest speakers. looking forward to coming here to ' by Mrs. Georgine Smith and her Mr. Penick spoke first and told the help you celebrate your golden wed- committee. , boys of the O.H.A.'s interest in ding anniversary. In remembrance Miss Jean Scott also received' them as hockey players. He also of this occasion we ask you to ac- many beautiful gifts from the in -'said that he always found an inter- cept these gifts. Signed on 'behalf stalling board. Guests were present, est in the hockey development in of your friends and neighbors:' MARKS—OSHANEK On Thursday evening, October 29, at 100 Mile House, British Columbia, a pretty wedding took place when Carolyn Jane, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. 'Gordon Marks, and granddaughter of Mrs. George J. Connell, of Seaforth, became the bride of Mr. David Mark Oshanek, only son of Mr. and Mrs. John Osh- anek. In the beautifully decorated Cha- pel before an archway of juniper and pine the vows were taken, the double -ring ceremony being conduc- ted by Bishop Lloyd A. Meeker. The bride wore a long pastel green or, ganga gown, embroidered with pink rosebuds, and around her shoulders was draped a beautifully hand -em- broidered. white 'Mexican stole. She wore the coronet of orange blossoms which was worn by her mother on her wedding day. Immediately fol- lowing the ceremony Mrs. L. A. Meeker sang "Because". Miss Yvonne Oshanek, sister of the groom, was bridesmaid, and Ross Marks, the bride's brother, was best man. The bridal party and guests num- bering about 45 partook of a buffet supper in the 100 Mile Lodge dining room which was tastefully decorated for the occasion. Mr, and Mrs. Osh- anek left later by motor for a ten- day honeymoon trip to Vancouver. ,On their return they will reside at 100 Mile Rouse. Northelde United Church Rev. John Stinson, Minister. 10 a.m., 'Church School and Adult Bible Class. 11 a.m., The Ohumch at Work. Junior Congregation and Toddlers' Group. 'i p.m., Religious film "Love Thy Neighbor". SUCCESSFUL EUCHRE In response to a project suggested by Mrs. Kay Cann, Exeter, district deputy president of district 23, "Something For Our County Home", Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge sponsored a successful euchre party following their regular meeting Monday even- ing, 28 tables were in play and prizes were won by Mrs. Thomas Neilans, Mrs. Walter Stuart, Mrs. Alynn Dale, Robert Dodds, Robt. Charters and Alynn Dale. Approximately i$52 was realized from the event. At a meeting preceding the euchre Mrs. Mae Habkirk, Mrs. Ethel B'oyes and Mrs. Come Snowdon were named a committee to purchase and package individual Christmas gifts for the '38 residents of the IOOF Home at Barrie. Members signified willingness to cater for a wedding dinner in the lodge room, in the New Year with Mrs. L. Forbes, Miss Mae Smith and Mrs. M. Messenger named in charge. The annual Christmas party will follow the next regular meeting, De- cember 14. WINNERS OF DRAW Names of winners of the draw last week at Wright's Superior Food Market were: Cwt Sugar, Mrs. Wrn. Alexander, R. R. Walton; $5.00 vou- cher for groceries, Mrs. Frank Ma- loney, R. R. Seaforth; hamper of McIntosh apples, Mrs. Storey, R. R. Walton. CROP REPORT Plowing is now completed. At the end of the week most of the beef cattle and young dairy cattle were still on pasture. This Pall has seen the completion of an above average amount of drainage work. Fall wheat, old meadows and new seed- ings are going into winter in excel- lent condition. STORES OPEN WEDNESDAYS Seaforth stores will be open all day Wednesdays each week until Christmas, commencing Wednesday. Dec. 2nd. They will also be open each evening during Christmas week un- til 9 pm. EGMONDVILLE Mr. and Mrs• Grant'Houston of Waterloo were Sunday visitors at the home of Mn Andrew Houston. Mr, Ivy Henderson of Toronto spent the weekend at his hoMe here. from London, Exeter, Stratford, Parkhill, Blyth, Clinton and Goder- ich. these parts of the country, since 1 was in these parts he grew up. He expressed how the O.H.A. was glad to have Seaforth in the Jr. B group - EARL McSPADDEN WINS ing and that this season they are ex - TRIP TO CHICAGO petting a great deal from the success of this season's junior squad. In Mr. Mitchell's talk he told the Earl McSpadden, 22 -year-old son Lions and the boys how his club, the of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. McSpadden, Red Wings, always 'gave the boys a R R 1 Seaforth h b named the chance'.He emphasized how there nephew, Master Donald Diegel, dres- sed in cream flannels and blue jack et and carried a white satin pillow with streamers, Mr. Wilbert Calma of Kitchener, brother-in-law of the groom was best man, while Mr. Jake Goetz of Kitchener and Mr. Keith Pauli of Stratford were ushers. The; men all wore matching dark suits anFori s. her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Byermann wore a metallic brown taffeta dress with rhinestone acces- sories and a corsage of peach roses. The groom's mother, Mrs. Schmidt wore a golden brown crepe dress with green accessories and wore a corsage of yellow roses. • The church parlour, which was beautifully decorated in pink and white was the setting for the wed- ding dinner. Miss Audrey Greenwood of Kitchener, Miss Alma Bruder of Kitchener, Miss Irene Montgomery of Brantford, Miss Joyce Byermann, Dublin, Mrs. Everette Byermann of Walton and Mrs. Norman Eggert of Dublin assisted the young people of the church in serving the meal. Following a reception at the Wal- ton Hall, the bride and groom left on a motor trip to Georgia, United States, The bride donned a silvery green corded taffeta dress trimmed with white angora with a blue coat and black accessories and a corsage of red roses. Upon their return they will reside in Kitchener. The bride's gift to the maid of honor and the bridesmaid , as been was a rhinestone necklace; and ma - winner from Huron County of a trip' was a great career in hockey and for trop of honor, a compact; flowergirl, to the National 4-H Congress in the player who is willing to get out•a gold heart -shaped locket; ring - Chicago, from Nov. 28 to Dec. 5. and work, along with unlimited pos- bearer, a signet ring; soloist and Earl was awarded the trip as ., a sibilities. Mr. Mitchell said the work .pianist, earrings. The groom's gifts member of the Huron County Junior' of Ralph (Farmer) McFadden was to his attendants were white shirts (and ties to match. The waitresses est total score in the Junior Farmer' people of Seaforth were fortunate each received lovely bird ornaments. Farmers' Association with the high -Ito be complimented and that the 77e ai at Manhatten Beach, California, spent about three months in Wadena this summer visiting with her at the hospital. A. niece Mrs, Doris Razzo, and children, of Prince Rupert, also came to visit with her for several weeks. Five sisters and one brother, in addition to her widower, survive. They are Mrs, Williamson, Mrs. Jack Price, of Seaforth, Ont., Mrs. Ernest Toll, of Walton, Ont., Mrs. Leo Mur- ray, of St. Columban, Ont., Mrs. J. Hogg, Listowel, Ont., and Jack Sta- ples, of Blyth, Ont. Two sisters, Mrs. Mary Lamb and Mrs. Florence Love, both of Wadena, predeceased her in 1936 and 1940. At the funeral on Tuesday, Mrs. A. Anderson sang the solo, "No Night There", Mrs. Walter Wallster was organist. Pallbearers were: Ar - ton Faust, Carl Tweidt, Melvin Kil- and, Clifford Lee, Arthur Erickson, and Paul Hagen. seed competition at the Huron Coun- ' in having such a fine coach. ty Seed Fair last March in Clinton' said he hoped the success of Andy and the livestock -judging competi- � Roberts, Ken Stenland, and Julius tion that took place in May, 1952, in Chouinard would be a credit to this season's club, who the Red Wings so Guests were present from Brant- ford, Kitchener, Stratford, Atwood, Brussels, Brodhagen, Seaforth, God- erich. at a shower Prior to the weddingthe d- ceived many lovely gifts in Kitchener. eaxortn. Earl has served both last year and had"sent to Seaforth from their farm this year as secretary of the countY school in Hamilton. Junior Farmers' Association, and he was a member of the Seaforth Boys SCHMIDT—BYERMANN and 'Girls Grain Club in 1951. He Caven United Church, Winthrop, has been active in the Seaforth,Jun- was the setting for the marriage of Lar Farmer Club for four years, hav- Thelma Ruth Byermann and Alvin ing served in 1951 and 1952 as its William Schmidt. The bride is the secretary, and this year as vice -pre- second youngest daughter of Mr. sident. Last year he was one of three and Mrs. John Byermann, Winthrop, on the Royal team at the judging and the groom is the only son of competition in Toronto, representing Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schmidt of Huron County. He attended the in- Kitchener. The altar was beautifully ter -county, competition at OAC, in decorated with baskets of white Guelph, in 1951. chrysanthemums. The Rev. H. E. Liv - Earl has attended three short ingstone officiated, and the Rev courses at Guelph, including live- Melvin Keyes, uncle of the bride, stock, soils, and crops; farm build- assisted in the ceremony. Mrs. Don- ing; and farm shop, He has been ac- ald McTaggart of Brussels played tive in United Church Young Peo- the wedding music, while the soloist, ple's work, and is treasurer of the Miss Marion Mann of Monkton, sang Caven United Church board, Win- "Pll Walk Beside You"and "0 Per- throp. . feet Love". Given in marriage by her brother, HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Mr. Melvin Byermann, the bride wore a traditional white the gown The tenth period extra curriculum with full skirt of satin and nylon activities started this week with such net bodice of nylon net and trim - classes as Drama Club, Basketball med with seed pearls and rhine- House League, Cadet Instruction, stones. Her fingertip veil fell from Films, Hobby Craft, Bugle Band etc. a coronation crown headdress styled The Glee Club is having another with seed pearls and rhinestone and Operetta this year. This time it is to carried a bouquet of American Beau - be the operetta H.M.C.S. Pinafore ty red roses. The bride's sister, Miss and will be under the instruction .of Iris Byermann, was maid of•honor Mr. S. J. ,Smibh, in yellow nylon tiered net over taf- Films were shown on Monday feta and matching net bolero and night in the gym through the ceur- carried peach roses. The bride's girl tesy of the Chief Scout,for the De- friend, Mrs. Charles Sparks of Kitch- troit Red 'Wings hockey club. Parts ener, matron of honor, wore a match - of six games between the Red Wings ing green gown and carried yellow and Boston Bruins were shown after roses. Miss Darlene Schmidt of which the Scout answered many 'Kitchener, sister of the groom, wore .questions having to do with the a mauve gown and carried yellow sport. roses. For flower girl the bride chose tHigh School Christmas cards are her niece, Miss Gail McTaggart, now on.sale for 75e per dozen. TheY wearing a yellow nylon taffeta tiered Have the ,Seaforth High School crest gown and carried a bouquet of peach baby rosebuds. For ringbearer, her and a Ohristmas greeting en them. m DUBLIN Mr. and Mrs. Charles Friend in Toronto. Mrs. Thomas Butters in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stewart, Kitch- ener, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stew- art. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Feeney and son Joe of London with Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Feeney. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Feeney, Chatham, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Feeney. I Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dill, Karen and Billie with Mr. and Mrs. R. Dill, •Stratford. ! Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nekon, Kitch- ener, with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Feeney. Feeney—McKee A very pretty wedding took place at St. Mary's Church, Kitchener, on Saturday, Nov. 21, when Helen Marie McKee, daughter of Mrs. Ioma McKee, 74 Krug St., Kitchener, was united in marriage to Mr. James Patrick Feeney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Josep h Feene Y, RR2 Dublin Ont. . . Reverend Father Claude Straus, of - DIES IN SASKATCHEWAN ficiated at the ceremony and sang the Nuptial Mass. Given in marriage by her brother, Mr. Lloyd McKee, the bride wore a redingote gown of chantilly lace fashioned in princess line with long sleeves, waltz -length satin skirt which fell in tiers of lace and net. She wore a matching skull cap of lace piped with satin and rhinestones which held a scalloped finger -tipped veil. She carried a colonial bouquet of red.rose buds and white chrysan- themums. Mrs. Thomas Feeney, Chatham, attended the bride as mat- ron of honour wearing a gown of waltz -length orchid taffeta with vel- veteen jacket styled with standup collar worn over the strapless bod- ice of the gown. She wore a match- ing velveteen half hat edged with rhinestones and matching gloves. She carried a sheaf of yellow rose- buds and white chrysanthemums. Mr. Thomas Feeney, Chatham was best man for his brother, A recep- tion followed the wedding dinner at the "Hacienda", Waterloo. The bride's mother received in a frock of orchid lace with black accessories and a corsage of white baby chrysan- themums. The bridegroom's mother wore a navy crepe gown with black accessories and a corsage of red noses, For her going away outfit the bride chose a grey blue gabardine dress topped with a black persian paw jacket, blue accessories and an orchid corsage. On their return from the Southern United States Mr. and Mrs. Feeney will reside at 49 Lydia St. Kitchener. Guests attended the The following item from the Wa- dena, Sask., News refers to a native of McKillop Township. Wadena lost another of her old- timers in the passing of Mrs. Clar- ence Erickson, whose death occurred in the Wadena Union hospital after a four months' illness. Funeral was held from .Scandia Lutheran Church at Hendon on Tuesday, Nov, 3, with Rev. Garnet 0. Jenkins officiating. Jean Staples was born at Walton, Ont., on June 29, 1883. She came west in 1912 and was married two years later at Brandon, Man., to Mr. Arvard Johnson. The couple came to the Wadena district to take up a homestead the same year locating about five miles north of Wadena on the farm later occupied by Jack Eddison and family. Mr. Johnson passed away in 1925 and ten years later, May 7, 1935, Mrs, Johnson married Mr. Clarence Erickson, of Hendon. Mr. and Mrs. Erickson retired from the farm in 1950 corning to Wadena to make their home in the section known as "Tommy Town" where they lived until Mrs. Erick - son's passing. !During Mrs, Erickson's years in the rural districts of Wadena and Hendon she was noted for her church activities. For many years she was president of the Ladies' Aid of Scandia Lutheran Church were she also taught Sunday School and was the organist. In her honor members of the present Ladies' Md carried flowers at the funeral During her long illness members wedding f r o m Sarnia, Toronto, of her family came to visit with her. Blyth, Chatham, London, Seaforth A sister, Mrs. Dora Williamson, now and Dublin.