HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1953-11-19, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEW Tip Tori Tailors Anniversary Sale' THREE BIG SALE DAYS Friday Saturday Monday Nov. 20 Nov.21 Nov. 23 EVERY TIP TOP CLOTH REGULAR VALUE 59.50 PLUS A NUMBER OF FLEET STREET CLOTHS REGULAR VALUE 69.50 ALL ON SALE FOR 55.00 COAT & TROUSER 115 different cloths to choose from, including finest English worsteds, all wool gabardines, fine Melange flannel worsteds, pure wool serges and west of England tweeds ... . Every cloth in the Tip Top Range goes into this sale - - (none are being withheld) plus a goodly showing of regular 69.50 cloths to round out the range ... Of course, the fit and satisfaction is guaranteed by Tip Top Tailors. ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS SUIT NOW ! Delivery is guaranteed in four weeks, just in time for Christmas - - so take advantage of this special offer this week -end Ladies' Tailored Suits The same big discount prevails on Ladles Tail- ored Suits - - Save from 4.50 to 14.50 by ordering your Tip Top Suit this week -end 55.00 YOUR TIP TOP AGENT S t/1 nYt ,tract Bros. COOPER'S GROCERY Week End Specials Country Kist Golden Wax Beans ....10-15 oz. tins Garden Patch Choice Tender Peas....7-15 oz. tins Aylmer Choice Tomatoes 6-20 oz. Tins Apex Fancy Quality Fruit Cocktail 4-15 oz. Tins Fresh Head Lettuce 2 Large Heads for 35c FRESH BOSTON PORK BUTTS Pound 49c CHECK OUR FRUIT COUNTER $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 Orval Cooper, Seaforth Phone 8 SELF SERVICE OR COUNTER SERVICE SPECIALS, IN EGMONDVILLE Smoked Picnic Hams , .... 490 a ib Fluff° Shortening 2 fibs for 550 Schneiders Lard 2 lbs. for 49c Delmar Margarine ' 2 fibs for 59c Culverhouse Pumpkin , . , , .... 28 oz. Tin 17c Mother Parker Coffee 1 iii Tin 990 Campbell's Tomato Soup 3 Tins for 35c Brunswick Chicken Haddie 14 oz. Tin 230 MILK -O 4 qt. size 350 Hills -Dale Sliced Pineapple 20 oz. Tin 31c CLAIR HANEY, Egmondville FREE DELIVERY PHONE 72 THURSDAY, NOV. 19, 1953 babe of Wingham were recent visit- ors with relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Walker, Tor - ,onto and Mr. and Ml's. Geo, Gould nd daughter of London visited re- cently with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Walker. Mr. Cecil Van Horne, local Sta- tion Agent, is enjoying a two weeks' vacation. Miss Tena McDonald of Kippen visited last week with Mr. and Mrs, B. C. Edwards and Mrs. Daniels. Mrs. Edna Corbett of Exeter spent the weekend with her daughter, Mrs. Harold Parker and family. Miss Bernice Jinks, nurse -in -train- ing at Victoria Hosiptal, London, vis- ited over the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Manley Jinks. Mr, and Mrs. Lambert and child- ren of Marlette, Mich., were week- end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Smith and daughter, Mr, W. C.Soldan and Miss Loeda Soldan of Pigeon, Mich. visited this week with Mrs. Bertha Moir and Mrs. Elsie Case. HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. Peter McNaughton and Robert spent the weekend in Toronto visiting with the former's sister, Miss Mae McNaughton and the latter's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Vickers at Newmarket. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis of Clinton were recent visitors with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Chapman. Mr. W. C. Soldan and Miss Loeda Soldan of Pigeon, Mich. visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Sold - an, Mrs, ,Soldan Sr,, and Mr. Roy Soldan. Mrs. John Anderson visited recent- ly with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rumball in Clinton. Mrs. Letreau spent the weekend with relatives at Zurich. Messrs Harold Parker, Howard Lennon, Sidney MacArthur, Wil- liam Parke and Thomas Dougall mot- ored to Manitoulin Island on Satur- day where they will spend a week deer 'hunting. Mr. and Mrs. John Sangster and CONSTANCE .Messrs 'Verne Dale and Bill Jewitt are in Toronto attending the Royal Winter Fair, The Play, "Bachelor Bride" pre- sented Friday night in the church to a full house, was a decided success. The cast were ladies from group 2 of the W. A, Each character was very efficiently presented and the beautiful old fashioned costumes added very much. Mrs. Frank Riley was directress. Miss Donelda Adams and her mother, Mrs. E. Adams, were in Goderich on Sunday. Mrs. Charles Hoggart was hostess at a quilting in her home on Tuesday afternoon for Mrs. Geo. Leitch's group. Mrs. Austin Dexter entertained the members of her group Tuesday afternoon to a quilting at her home. Reeve W. J. Dale 1s in Goderich this week attending county council. The pupils of Form 3 of Seaforth Collegiate, spent Wednesday at the Royal Winter Fair. Mr. and Mr's. James Medd were guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Miller, Tuckersmith. Mr. and MTS. Wilbur Jewitt and Mrs. George Leitch were in London on Tuesday visiting with Mr. Leitch who is a patient in St. Joseph's Hos- pital. Mrs. Lorne Lawson spent a few days in Chatham attending the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. John Busby who were at home to their many friends on Sunday afternoon and evening. Mrs. Busby is the former Myrtle Lawson. Mr. George Leitch, who has been under the doctor's care for some time, was moved on Sunday to St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Warren and Linda Ann of London, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Earl Lawson. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Addison visited over the weekend with Rev. and Mrs. S. Brenton of Woodstock, also with relatives and friends at Simcoe. Mn and Mrs. Robert Johnston and son, Bruce, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. James E. Medd. The Friendly Few Farm Forum met at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Riley with a large attendance. The radio program was heard, after which grogps were formed and the topic 'The Challenge of Dairy Substi- tutes" was discussed, which proved to be very interesting, bringing forth a lively .discussion. Mrs. Ken Thompson also gave a good report of the county farm forum banquet held at Londesboro, Nova 12th. Pro- gressive euchre was played. Most games, Mrs, Ken Thompson and Mr. Verne Dale; consolation, Mrs. W. J. Dale and Mr. Wilbur Jewitt. Next meeting will be held at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. William Jewitt. Mrs. Alice Lawson and Mr. Bob Lawson of Tuckersmith visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Law- son on Sunday. Buy Your Feed Needs at Seaforth Farmers' Co -Op. Where your dividends are Greatest when you Feed your HOGS POULTRY WITH CATTLE FEED These Feeds are carefully mixed and prepared from the beet quality Grains we can buy, with Co-op Concentrates and Premix - We will also -nix and grind your own Grain as you specify - CO-OP FEEDS ARE PROVEN • RESULTS ASSURED FREE DELIVERY, at anytime, on all orders one ton or over COMPARE our prices on Grains, Mashes and Concentrates before you buy SEAFORTH FARIVIERSI CO-OP. "SUPPORT YOUR OWN CO.OP" MILL DIVISION PHONE 9, SEAFORTH CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs, Thos: Allington wish to ex- press their thanks to the doctors and nurses and the Rev. J. H. James for their care and attention to Mrs. Allington et the hospital; also to the many kind and thoughtful neigh- bors andfriends that their good wishes and prayers, shown lw their letters and cards re- ceived the gracious reply is indicated by the fact the pleurisy and pneumonia is checked. She is now home again and recovering from the fall which occurred the week previous, and thanks everyone, SCHOOL TENDER . Sealed tenders will be received by the un- dersigned until 6 P.M. Thursday, 9 December 1063, for the construction of an addition to the Seaforth District High School, Instructions to bidders, plans and specifi- cations may be obtained by General Contras, tors from the Architect, Charles H. Gitlin, 284 Dundas Street, London, Ontario, upon deposit of 126.00. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mr. MERTON REID, .Secretary, Seaforth District High School, Seaforth, Ontario TOWN OF SEAFORTH BOX unnLn it r1,1utre AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595 W Clerk's Notice of First Posting of the Voters List Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 9 of the Voters' List Act and that I have posted up at my office at Sea - forth on the 10th day of November, 1053, the list of all persons entitled to vote in said mu- nicipality at municipal elections and that soeh list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 27th day of Nov- ember, 1903. Dated this 16th day of November, 1953. D. H. WILSON, Clerk McKILLOP FOUR SQUARE FARM FORUM The Farm Forum meeting was held on Monday night at Harry and Mrs, Nesbitt's home with 29 present. The topic for the evening was "The Chal- lenge of Dairy .Substitutes". This topic created a great deal of discus- sion. The remainder of the evening was spent playing games. Lunch was served and the next meeting will be Monday night at the home of Jas, and Mrs. Keyes. FOR SALE Ifolmscott Large English Yorkshires, serv- iceable age boars. bred from English imported foundation stock. Apply to A. C. LEVEY, R114 Seaforth SLABWOOD FOR SALE Slabs, hardwood, $10 a load. 2 cords approx in a load. Mixed wood $8 a load delivered, prompt service. Fred Hudie, Clinton, phone 362 SALES AND, SERVICE New Viking electric cream eoparatOra and ropnirs for Renfrew separators. BASIL O'ROURI{E, phone Clinton 684 r 21. Place your orders forLBriquettes and Al- berta coal. ILRAUSKOPF BROS., Phone 86-19 Dublin FOR SALE Smimmediate possession. at., insulated miuewroof. Prank Stnale, Stetorih. poseasalon. Avply FOR SALE 70 year-old hens. Leghorn Hump. THOMAS BURNS, Mitchell RIM FOR SALE 250 New RAMP pullets '7 months old. Cull- ed and blood tested, NEIL HILLMAN, Sea - forth R114. Phone 650r41 TO RENT A two room or 4 room apartment for rent, on East William Street. New floor coverings, cupboards and bath. Phone Seaforth 640r24 FOR SALE Girl's navy winter coat, size 10, and hat, like new. Phone 4451 Seaforth FOR SALE Five good quality Durham cattle, four are heifers, between 700-900. VINCENT J. LANE, phone 46r12 Dublin LOST Would the party who found a parcel on Main St. on Monday afternoon containing sewing material, please leave at The News office Seven pigs 6 we OR ALE FRED McOLY- MONT, Varna FOR SALE A baby carriage good as new. MRS. SAM SCOTT, 810r11 MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth FOR SALE Girl's dark blue winter coat, fur trimmed, sizes 12, good as new. Apply at The News office JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A,, M.0. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth FOR SALE 4 young Holstein cows, vaccinated and due this month; also 20 York pigs, seven weeks old. D'ARCY RATHWELL, Br'uceiield. Phone Clinton 627-8 FEMALE HELP WANTED TIME ON YOUR HANDS 111 PUTS MONEY IN YOUR POCKET. Ladies; Your spare time agreeably and profitably employed taking orders for garments and hosiery for ladies, men, children and babies, also bedding end yard goods. Nothing easier with our four magnificent catalogues illustrating about 1000 superior quality garments, all with samples of our materials. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Fast delivery. Generous commission, bonuses, gifts, etc. No invest- ment needed, so You have nothing to lose but all to gain. Why not try? DU JOUR LnOG- ERIE INC., 4235-147 Iberville St., Montreal. NOMINATION ' TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B.A.,M.D., Internist P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 pm to 5 pm, daily, except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings. Tuesday, Thursday and' Saturday only, 7-9 pm Appointments made in advance are desirable VETERINARY SURGEON - J. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S, Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 A Nomination Meeting will be held in the Township Hall, Staffa, on Friday. November 27th, 1953, from one to two o'clock P.M. for the purpose of nominating fit and proper persons for Reeve. Council and Trustees for School Area No. One for the year 1964. If an Election is necessary it will be held on Mon- day, December 7th, from nine o'clock until five o'clock at the following polls: P013 No. 1, Mrs. Feeney PSD No. 3, Twp. 30a11 PSD No. 2, S.S. No. 8 PSD No. 4, S.S. No. 6 THOS. D. WREN. Clerk of the .Twp. of Hibbert, Cromarty, RR #1 Purebred EnglishhYoksshire boars and gilts, eight weeks old, tattooed. JOHN E. PEPPER, R101 Dashwood. phone 47x4 Dashwood FOR SALE Frame dwelling with new garage In Egmondville. Immediate possession. Frame double house on John St Possession arranged. New modern dwelling with all conveniences including o11 heating, very centrally located. Frame Dwelling with all modern conveniences. Oil heating. Suitable for V.L.A. purchase, Modern dwelling, East William St., Within one block of Goderich street, new air con- ditioning unit, immediate possession. Frame dwelling on Victoria Street with all modern conveniences. Possession arranged. M. A. REID, Seaforth JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 701. Main St., Seaforth Hours—Seaforth daily except Mon, 9 to 6.30 Saturday to 9 PM. Wed. 9AM to 12,30 PM Clinton—MoLarens Studio, Mon. 9 to 6.30 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH, ONT, Officers—President, John L. Malone, Sea - forth; Vice -Pres., John 0. McEwing, Blyth; Manager 5 Seo.-Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors—J. L. Malone, Seaford:: J. H. McEwing, Blyth; W. S. Alexander, Walton; E. J. Trewertha, Clinton ; J. E. Popper, Brucefleld; 0. W. Leonhardt, Bornholm: H. Fuller, Goderich; R. Archibald, Seaforth; S. H. Whitmore, Seaforth. Agents Wm. Leiper Jr., Londesboro; J. F Praetor, Erodhegen; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Erie Munroe, Seaforth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will bo promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. VOW' _blue cosi •.711E 50110 FUEL FDR a0U0 COMFORT.. "The World's Finest Anthracite" WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 363-J Res. 19241 ate® RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 947R, Seaforth COAL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 318 INSURANCE ▪ Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability etc. Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Successor to 21. C. Chamberlain MAIN ST. SEAIFORTH Phone 334 Res. 222R PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed Postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list, 6 samples 25c; 24 samples 11.00. Mail - Order Dept. T-74, Nov -Rubber Co.. Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Township of Tuckersmith NOTICE OF MEETING TO CONSIDET6 BY-LAW Take notice that a by-law for raising 350.- 000 under the provisions of The Tile Drain- age Act will be taken into consideration by the Council of the Township of Tuckoremith at the Town. of Seaforth on the 5th day of December, 1953, at the hour of 8 o'clock in the afternoon. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk Twp. of Tockersmith •FIHIBBERT MUTUAL • RE INSURANCE Y COMPAN HEAD OFFICE EXETER • President Wm. A. Hamilton, Cromarty Vice -President Martin Feeney, RIt2 Dublin Directors Harry Coates, Centralia E. Clayton. Coiquhoun, RIM Seionce Hill Milton McCurdy, 0R1 Ilirleton Alex J. Rohde, RR8 Mitchell Agents Thos. G. Ballantyne, RR1 Woodham Alvin L. Harris, Box a6, Mitchell E. Ross Houghton. Cromarty Solicitor, W. G. Cochrane, Exeter Secretory -Treasurer Arthur Fraser, Exeter FOR EVERYTHING IN LUMBER PHONE 47 Seaforth Lumber LIMITED Open everyday, all day, except Sunday