HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1953-11-12, Page 56 THURSDAY, NOV. 12, 'Ms THE SEAFORTH NEWS 111111MISIMONNIMINIMMIMISMIIMMIIIIMMINIMINIMMINIMINIMMI MONEY SAVING DAYS, NOV. 12-13-14 WRIGHT'S Superior Food Market wwwwwwwwww...,,,,ANWU SPECIAL, PRIZES AT OUR STORE ONLY Ticket on every 1.00 spent in our Store Given Away: 1 Cwt. Sugar $5.Q0 Voucher for Groceries 1 Hamper of Apples your choice :AAAAAA A Check these money -saving specials ST. WILLIAMS Breakfast Club Raspberry Jam, 24 oz Jar 33C CLARKS Pork & Beans, 15 oz. tins 2 for 27c. 8 for $1 .00 Chase & Sanborn or Maxwell House Instant Coffee, 2 oz bottle 59c TOILET TISSUE, Good Quality 12 Roll $1.0O JELLO JELLY POWDERS, 7 Delicious Flavors 11 for $1 .00 NABOB COFFEE 1 lb. Bag 99 c BURLINGTON CATCHUP 11 oz. Bottle 19 c CARNATION MILK, tall tins 7 for $1.00 RED BIRD MATCHES 3 Boxes 25c Cookie Treat of the Week - Baby Ruth Cookies - Butter Finger, Cocoanut Cris 10 oz. Pkg. 37c Wright's Superior Food Market Phone 77 Free Delivery Low Prices Self Serve Don't let WINTER -TIME be TROUBLE -TIME 1p,V� car/ Where are the snows of yesteryear -and this year too?. Right around the corner! And right around the corner with them is your old acquaintance "Winter Car Trouble"! Don't let Winter cripple your car.... bring it to us for thorough 12 -point Winterizing service. First day the mercury dips you'll be glad you saw us! SEAFORTH MOTORS &WWWWW9WISMISIV 1 moi•o. HENSALL Miss Elaine Beer of London spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beer. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell motored AININFAMSALIW to London this week to meet the former's mother, Mrs. Wm. G. Bell, who returned home after spending several months with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carter in Edmonton. 111•11.21101•10110111311.11611111111.11•14, INTERMEDIATE HOCKEY Centralia RCAF visits the Hensall Fink's At Seaforth Community Centre SATURDAY, NOV. 14 AT 9 P.M. 15 "Wjeagg',04,1V;),MUtti 14s4;aWeE4A4,4..,, "Debentures are the safe investment I have been looking for" 09 rIf''My Huron & Erie debentures guarantee me interest on my savings, and they're a most dependable investment. I can buy them for a 5 -year term, and for as little as $100. Debentures were tailor-made for my investment needs." .. • • %.4, • Ask for the folder '20 Questions' The .; • urort rite is,oR,,,GAG-ECOI2PORATION "Older" than the Dominion of Canada" District Represen atives listed below Iff.au • HENSALL - F. G. BONTHRON SEAFORTH - WATSON & REID HEAD OFFICE -- LONDON, ONTARIO Miss Jean Mousseau has accepted a position in the office at Thomp- son's Elevators and commenced her duties there last week. Christmas Bazaar Afternoon Tea HOME BAKING SALE St. Thomas Anglican Church WEDNESDAY, NOV. 18 3 P.M. TO 6 P.M. TOWN TOPICS Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gordon and Donna Jean, and Mr. and Mrs, Eldon Kerr spent a few days in Rochester, NX. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. R. Somerville left for Wauehula, Florida, to pend the winter. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Aldington were Mr. and Mrs. john Aldington of Varna, Mrs. Jim Miller and Leslie of Staffa, Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Mil- ler and Barbara of Munro; Miss Elsie Drover, Hamilton, Mrs. T. Aldington is recovering nicely in Scott Memorial Hospital after an attack of pleurisy and pneu- monia which followed her recent ac- cident when she broke her wrist. , Mr. and Mrs, Jack Baker a Lon- don returned recently from a holiday in Britain and spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Dale. BORN DEVERSATIX-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Nov. 8911, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Devereaux, RR4 Seaforth, a daughter TYNDALL-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Noveracu. 10, to Mr, and kits. Bruce Tyndall, RR3 Clinton, FL son VARNA The members of L.O.L. 1035 held their annual banquet in the base- ment of Goshen United Church on Friday evening of last week. After supper short addresses were given by Rev. T. 3. Pitt, Rev. N. McLeod and Rev. Mr. Carew -Jones. Moving pictures were shown afterwards in the township hall. The many friends of Rev. T. J. Pitt are glad to see him after his recent illness. A number from here attended the Huron County Temperance Federa- tion meeting in BrUcefield on Tues- day evening last. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stewart of Seaforth visited friends here over the weekend. The ladies of the United Church W. A. held a successful bazaar in the township hall on Saturday afternoon last. BAZAAR AND' HOME BAKING SALE Sat., Nov. 21 at 3 p.m. St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen BOOTHS WILL CONSIST OF Fancy Work Vegetables Touch & Take - Baking Baby Booth EUCHRE At St. Columban. Parish Hall MONDAY, NOV. 16 A Euchre, Lunch and Programme Admission 50c at 8.30 PM. AFFAimEIASIR 6:12•130211•BMINVANFARAF.11 Seaforth Community Centre SKATING FRIDAY NIGHT, NOV. 13 8 to 10 P.M. Saturday Afternoon for Children from 1.30 to 3.30 DANCE FRIDAY NIGHT, NOV. 13 10 until 1.00 Murdoch's Orchestra Admission 50c 60:1333161121869 THRIFT DAYS THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY November 124344 10% SAVINGS on all cash purchases of Plywoods Arborite Masonite Wallboards Chrome Trim A lucky ticket with every dollar of Purchase ! Five cash prizes of $100, $50, $25, $15, $10 Bali ac "11 Seaforth, phone 787 lay Limite Clinton, phone 97 run.worewanswentoRrearonv,:casu.arovermarmatreur Transportatio Specials 1937 Chrysler Sedan 75.00 1933 Chev. Coupe (good) 100.00 1937 Nash (new paint) 200.00 1937 Olds (new paint) ....... .. . . • . 200.00 1937 Chev. Sedan 150.00 TRUCKS 1937 Ford 1/ Ton 150.00 1942 Dodge 34 Ton 325.00 SEAFORTH MOTORS PHONE 541 SEAFORTH THRIFT SALE THURS. - FRI. - SAT. SPECIAL BARGAINS Snow Suits, size 2-5 $5.95 Parkas, sizes 2-12 $7.95 3 piece Gabardine Snow Suit, sizes 2-4 $7,95 3 piece Wool Snow Suit 3-5 $7.95 Dressing Gowns, yama cloth trimmed cord 2.98 Baby's plastic and rubber Pants, odd makes and sizes 21c We have a lovely selection of Children's Gifts for Christmas Kiddies Shop Seaforth EUCHRE Under auspices of the L.O.B.A. in lodge room Seaforth WED., NOV. 18 Games to start at 8,30 Lunch served, Admission 40c EVERYONE WELCOME Bazaar, Home Baking and Afternoon Tea Sponsored by Group 1 of the W.A. To be held In the S. S. room of Northside United Church Saturday, Nov. 14 3 to 5.30 P.M. Aprons, knitted articles, candy and other items fer or Car me* kagh REINFORCED HEATER HOSE per ft. .17 ;6" diem. heavy duty cord hose to fit all makes of ear heaters. Maximum strength. othfit -[W"'" RADIATOR SOLDER 10 .29 Seale leaks perrnsx,ent- ly and saves anti- freeze. RAD FLUSH ..• .29 10" SWEEP RATCHET BRACE 4,79 Smooth, fast - cutting. Spring alligator jaws; reversible ratchet. Ball bearing. inoi0411AsIet IMPEn "SUPER" ANTI -FREEZE GaL 2.18 New Low PrIc? - Im- rt3r,doravtee"db tee'. m(11v1Zp-1- oration retarded. UNIVERSAL HEATER MOTOR 5,69 Heavy duty for all 6 - volt replucentents. So - eerier to origins/ equipment. "QUEEN" SNOW DEFLECTOR 1 69 6. Latest and most glam. orous model in high - lustre chrome and col- oured plastic. .74 Metal box holds spare car keys. Permanent magnet holds tight in hub cap, etc. WINDSHIELD ICE SCRAPER .15 All - plastic - can't scratch; with clip for attaching to visor. Fast-aation. MOTO-MASTER GAS -FLOW 4 oz. .29 Absorbs water from gasoline - prevents frozen fuel lines, *ot- ter and stalls. WINDSHIELD WASHER most 7.60 cars / Press dash button and Trico Automatic Washer cleans mud and splash from dtrty wind- shield. CAULKING GUN 3.59 411 steel, ratchet type. Easy to load. Equipped With round nozzle. PENCIL TYPE TIRE GAUGE 1.29 Incorrect tire pressure can cut tire life almost In half. Check Gres reg- ularly with this accu- rate, calibrated 0 to GO 0,. gouge, Leather case. Genuine Schrader Tire Gauge 1 80 STEERING WHEEL MUFF .39 Warm, soft mohair -- one size fits all ears. FUR murt^ ... 1.19 SPARK PLUG PROTECTORS .79 94 Set of 6 Set of 8 PH snugly over spark plug and terminal Reep spark plugs dry - free from oil and mois- ture. Give quick, battery -saving starts - even In wettest weath- er. jiffy installation on any spark plug. Es.EMINEB Phone 792 SEAFORTI1 0.5, & W. V. Sinti4 •