The Seaforth News, 1953-11-05, Page 82 VALUE - PLUS PRICES IN HIGH FASHION Winter Coats 39.9 49•95 Here's value packed Coats you won't dupli- cate anywhere - Soft downy fleeces and cut velours with an ele- gance you won't see at much higher prices. Fashioned in casuals or trim fits in a grand choice of shades includ- ing grey, Tight blue, rust, red, wine, mauve, fawn and black - MI are chamois interlined. A Stewart Bros. special at 39.95 49.95 SPECIAL 20 x 40 PLAIN SHADE BATH TOWELS Here's a very special - - - thick thirsty, closely looped terry bath towels, big size, in yellow, pink, blue, rose, turquoise and green. Special purchase - While they last .00 Clearance 1 MILL ENDS OF WHITE FLANNELETTE J WOOLETTES Big Variety W abaseo These are cut mill ends that vary in length from one to eight yards. It's a regular 65c qual- ity in heavy weight white flannelette. Very Special 39 c yard See this big, big range of famous Wa- basso woolettes now - Just the quality you want for women's and children's pajamas and night gowns. Very Special 69c yard Stewart ros. SIDE SARNIA JUNIORS AT SEAFORTH, TI URS., NOV. 12 FALL SPECIALS 1952 DE LUXE CHEVROLET SEDAN, radio & heater 1951 CHEVROLET SPECIAL SEDAN 1948 CHEVROLET COACH 1946 OLDS SEDAN 1947 FORD SEDAN 1946 FORD 3 PASS. COUPE TRUCKS 1950 Chevrolet 34 Ton Pickup 1942 Dodge SA Ton Pickup Seaforth Motors Phone 541 Seaforth ' S1MFORTI1 NEWS EUCHRE AND DANCE IN HENSALL TOWN HALL Friday, Nov. 6 Sponsored by Kippen East W.I. Desjardines Oreheetra Ladies please bring lunch. Admis- sion 50e. Good prizes, Lucky lunch prize. HENSALL Reveal' To Have Strong int, Team After three weeks of practice coach Bill O'Shea has eome up with a young fast team. Trying out for the team are; goal—Mickle and Mc- Cue of last year's 'Iiensall team; de- fence—Wade, Cameron and Niehol- son, last year team; Joe Adair, for- mer Chatham Maroons of the IHL; Edwards, Woodstock Jr. B and ,Proc- tor, former THL; forwards: Broome, Morton, Doig and Pike, last year Baldwins Jr. B, Max Feliowfield, last year Woodstock 5r, B, George Weber, former Stratford Jr, B and Knight, Dale, Murray. MGM LLOP The first Meeting of the farm for, um was held on Monday night at the home •ofGordon and Mrs. Papple with 2$ present. The radio program was hoard. We then formed four groups and answered the questions on 'the farm forum guide followed by a short discussion period. James Keys was elected secretary for the coning year. Progressive euchre was enjoyed by all and Mrs, Gordon MacKenzie and Robert Campbell were the winners. Lunch was serv- ed and the next meeting will be at Ken Stewart's hesie on Monday, Nov. 9th. EGMONDVILLE The October meeting of 'Egmond- ville 'United Church WMS and WA was held on Wednesday, Oct. 28 at the home of Mrs, Leonard,Strong. Mrs. Elmer Stephenson presided; and sheeting opened by singing, hymn 434 "Saviour like a Shepherd lead us". Devotional was taken by Mrs. Elmer Cameron, Mrs. Earl Papple read the scripture, Mrs, Hazel McGonigle gave an excellent report of Sectional meeting, Mrs, A, Ches- ney had study book on N, Rhodesia and Europeans in Africa, Duet by Mrs. E. Stephenson and Mrs. Ward- en Haney `The Master is seeking a Harvest". Miss Rena McKenzie re- ported snaking seven calls, Temper- ance report, Mrs, M. Haney, minutes of Sept. meeting read, roll call. Thankoffering meeting in Nov. at the home of Mrs. James McIntosh. WMS part closed by singing hymn 373, "Jesus United by Thy Grace". Mrs. James McIntosh presided for W. A. meeting, Mrs. John McLach- lan, roll call. Minutes of previous meeting read and adopted, treasur- er's report. A nominating Committee was then chosen, an invitation was then read from Mrs. Snell to attend Huron Pres. Women's Association at Blyth, Nov. 4 at 2 o'clock, each lady to bring a box lunch for herself. A duet by Mrs. Ivan Forsyth and Mrs. Stanley Jackson was enjoyed. Hymn 388 "0 Master let me walk with Thee" was sung. Meeting was closed by repeating W. A. theme, prayer, Lunch was served by group 3. KIPPEN EAST Kippen East Women's Institute at their October meeting entertained members of the Hensall W.I. Mrs. J. McLellan, the president of the organization, was in the chair and extended a welcome to the 70 members and guests. She introdueed Bill Brook who gave an account of his trip to the Coronation, and Miss Jean Steekle, home economist for Huron and Bruce, who spoke on "Girls' Club Projects." The Thrifty Kippenettes, e noos- ed of Bonnie Kyle, Elaine Bell, Mar- ilyn Mousseau, Phyllis Lostell, Ann Sinclair, Lois McLellan, Marie Jar- rett, was in charge of a demonstra- tion, "Club Girls Entertains." Members answered the roll call with "My first attempt at baking." M'r's. Harry Caldwell commented on the motto, "As we journey through life let us live by the way." Mem- bers were reminded of the Institute Rally to be held in Gerrie, Noveni- ber 3. The annual family night will be held November 20 in the Legion Hall at Hensall, when husbands and fam- ily will be the guests at a turkey banquet. It was disclosed that a eu- chre and dance will be held in the town hall, Hensall, November 6. Contributing to the program were Mrs. Hilda, Misses Marilyn Eyre and Gerda Benindike with vocal solos, and a reading by Miss M. Ellis. Mrs. C. Forrest was accompanist. HULLETT On Nov. 2nd, the Fireside Farm Forum met at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Bert Hoggart with 34 adults present. The pres., Mrs. Tebbutt was in charge. Mrs. George Hoggart was appointed •on the committee to send boxes to the sick, in place of Mrs, Wesley Hoggart who declined the office. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bab- cok, Mrs. Tebbutt, and Mrs. George Carter were appointed as represent- atives to attend the annual meeting and turkey banquet in Londesboro on Nov. 12. The broadcast, the farm forum guide and discussion ..period were on "The Ag. Rep. and the Farmer". Three discussion groups were formed. 1) The farmers in our forum make use of the services of the Ag. Rep. by receiving pamphlets, receiving advice on seeds, diseases and crops. 1(2) Our Ag. Rep. could be of more help if he could give one night to our forum to get acquainted with the people, answer questions and give ideas on crop improve- ments. (3) Farmers and forums could help the Ag. Rep. to reach more people if they would invite him to the forum, if more people were interested in 4-H clubs, Junior Institutes, Junior farmers; by men- tioning the Ag. Rep. when discuss- ing farm problems; if leaders in or- ganizations in the twp. would get in touch with younger and inexperienc- ed farmers, learn their problems and advise them to talk things over with the Ag. Rep. Mrs. Babcock offered her home for next week. Winners in progres- sive euchre were; mnost games, Mrs. Ben Riley, Nelson McClure; lone hands, Mrs. Mansel Cook, Douglas Riley; consolation, Mrs. Jim Howatt, Hugh Campbell. THURSDAY, NOV. 5th, CARD OF TI ONES I wish to thank. the Merl Monde for the mei while hospital,atsAI ohiIlrt were sent to hank Dr. P. L. Brady and the nursing staff for their kindness to me, MRS,W33 ROLEN CORL SL A largo square Qtens on oak table, extends to about 8 ft. Mrs. VERNON ALDERDIOE, Sae ICippen, er phone iionsall 684514 FOR SA 86 Rhode Island Recd pullllets. ANDREW OROSIE,, phone 087r22 Seaforth Young butcher ssoRw,`SsustEhail one litter, suitable for butchering, JAMES MaNAUGIJ- TON, phone 67002 i•Icns,al FOR SALE Purebred English Yorkshire boars and gilts, eight weeks old, tattooed. JOHN E. PEPPER, RR1 Dashwood, phone 47x4 Dashwood FOR SALE A Bean Cooker in good condition, DON BUCHANAN 860.26 Seaforth BABY SITTING WANTED Young lady is free baby sit evenings. Phone 786 after 6 P.M. to 7 P.M. FOR SALE 11 pigs for sale, 8 weeks old, HERMAN AXTMANN, Walton IMO D From Lot 11, SConT,RAYE1, Me]Iillop,. n Saltie beast 1% years old, identification mark on iotOltr.Please so phone 87r19 Dub. lin. eear, ie MRS. ROBERT RIDER Mrs. Robert Rider, London, died suddenly Saturday in Victoria Hos- pital in her 76th year, Formerly Christina (Tina) -Smith, she was born at Komoka and lived in Lon- don the last 55 years. She is survived by her husband, and by one daughter, Doris, Mrs. Floyd Marshall, of London; a son, Dr. Robert C. Rider, Windsor; four brothers, Peter, Alex and Melville Smith, all •of Windsor; and Craw- ford Smith, .Seaforth; and by three grandchildren. WALTON Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McDonald and Mrs, John McDonald were recent visitors in Niagara Falls and Buffa- lo, N. Y. The Guild anis W. A. of St. George's Anglican Church will hold their annual bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 28th in the community hall. FOR SALE Stainless steel clothes lines, "hall bearing pulleys, needs no clothespins, lifetime guar- antee with every line. Does not rust. AL- PHONSE CRONIN, 22r23 Dublin SALES AND SERVICE New Viking electric cream separators and repairs for Renfrew separators. BASIL O'ROURKE, phone Clinton 634 r 21. HOUSE FOR SALE Two storey 8 roomed brick house. Hot water heated, 2 pc bath, cistern, good cellar; barn 18x24' suitable for garage, garden lot; situ- ated across from St. Andrew's 'United Church, Kippen. For further information apply on premises. J. B. SINCLAIR, Kippen R12.3 FOR SALE Six -room cottage on Centre St., insulated and new roof, immediate possession. Apply Frank Smale, Seaforth. FOR SALE Property for sale -6 mom cottage in good condition, Centre at. in Seaforth. Apply to HAROLD JACKSON FOR SALE Frame dwelling with new garage in Egmondville. Immediate possession. Frame double house on John St Possession arranged. New modern dwelling with all conveniences including oil heating, very centrally located. Frame Dwelling with all modern conveniences. Oil heating. Suitable for V.L.A. purchase. Modern dwelling, East William St., within one block of Goderich street, new air con- ditioning unit, immediate possession. Frame dwelling on Victoria Street with all modern conveniences. Possession arranged. M. A. REM. Seatorth The Crow and the Pitcher A THIRSSTY CROW found a Pitcher with some water in it, but so little was there that, try as she might, she could not reach it with her beak, and it seemed as though she would die of thirst within sight of the remedy. At last she hit upon a clever plan. She began dropping pebbles into the Pitcher, and with each pebble the water'rose a little higher until at last it reached the brim, and the knowing bird was enabled to quench her thirst. MORAL: If you are thirsty for success; begin dropping a little money into a Savings Account at our nearest branch! With each deposit, your balance will rise a little higher, until at last you have the funds you need to make dreams come true. Be a knowing bird— visit our nearest branch today! Illustration by Arthur Rackham, from the Ilein isuazia Edition of Aesop's Fables. u.10 The Canadian Bank of Commerce WANTED Ten head of feeder cattle to deed by month. JOHN Mac1OUGALD, ICinburn, phone 641r18 WANTED TO BUY IlIgh VANROOIJENr ,idSeaforth Rm. PhonePlay Pen wanted,R123 FOR SALE HMO trailer, steel construction, 8'x20' fn side, on wheels,' Reasonable. Apply at The News office BOX uttm td ruin AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Viewers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595 W FOR SALE A pair of girls white boots and skates, size 6, in now condition. Apply to LOIS MAL- ONEY, George St. Seaforth, FOR SALE Purebred Yorkshire sows and boars. regist- ered if desired, HARRY A. THOMPSON, RR#2 Clinton, Tel, 004x18 WANTED I would like to get 12 bead of cattle to feed for the winter. WILT MCQUAID, phone 46522 Dublin MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth FOR SALE One of Seaforth's most modern homes, com- pletely newly, decorated, oak agora, fireplace, hot water heating with oil, insulated, 2 car garage. Good terms. Apply DR. McMASTER POSITION WANTED Position as saleslady wanted by young woman. Apply to The News office POSITION WANTED Housework wanted by experienced woman. Apply at News Office young TO RENT Heated three room apartment with bath, available now, suitable for couple without children. Apply to The News Office CONTEST Buy at Mildmay Furniture Store and get chance to win 100,00 furniture for Christmas. Select from new and used Pianos, 22 living - room suites, 20 bedroom suites, television, Frigidaire appliances. GODFREY SCHUETT, Mildmay. Free delivery. TO RENT Four room apartment and bath. Phone 112 Seaforth. H. MaILWAIN Auction Sate OF HOUSEHOLD nnis'ECTS in the Village of Kippen, Saturday. Noy. 7th, at 1.80 P M 1 Ohhesterfield, 1 dining room oak table and chairs, Westinghouse cabinet radio, 1 bed, dresser, stand, springs and mattress, dark dresser and stand; 1 white bed & chest of drawers, springs & mattress: odd tables, chairs, mirrors, hall tree; 1 Axminster rug 9x10; 1 Congoleum rug 0x12; 1 Congoleum rug 9x0; 1 Congoleum rug 74m'0. Small kitchen cabinet with top ; large kitchen cabi- net, pillows, bedding, feather ticks, clocks. dishes, crocks, kitchen utensils, fruit sealers, lawn mower, Westinghouse washing mach- ine, other small reticles. Terms cash MISS MARGARET SINCLAIR, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer SEAFORTH PUBLIC LiBRARY TENDER Por rewiring and installation of lights in the main reading room, will be received until Nov. 80, 1968. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further particulars apply to REV. D. G. CAMPBELL JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A,, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. IVIoMaster, B.A.,IVI.D., Internist P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 pm to 5 pm, daily, except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings. Tuesday, Thursday ands Saturday only, 7-9 pm Appointments made in advance are. desirable VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M.,V.S. „Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 NOVEMBER MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting of the Huron County' Council will be held in the Council Cham- bers, Court House, Goderich, commencing Tuesday, November 177th, 1968, at 2 P.M. All accounts, notices of deputations and other business requiring the attention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than November 14th, 1968. A. H. ERSKINE County Clerk Goderich, Ont. FEMALE HELP WANTED TIME. ON YOUR HANDS 1 1 1 PUTS MONEY IN YOUR POCKET. Ladies: Your spare time agreeably and profitably employed taking orders for garments and hosiery for ladies, men, children and babies, also bedding and yard goods. Nothing easier with our four magnificent catalogues illustrating about 1000 superior quality garments, all with samples of our materials. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refanded. Fast delivery. Generous commission, bonuses, gifts, etc. No invest- ment needed, so you have nothing to lose but all to gain. Why not try 7 DU JOUR LING- ERIE INC., 4286-147 Iberville St.. Montreal. NOTICE A splendid territory is open in your sur. roundings for a person interested in the sale of household necessities, cosmetics, tonics, etc. Our products are the finest and easy to sell. Small capital wi11 start youon the road to success. Write now for information. TAM- ILEK, 1600 Delorimier, Dept. C., Montreal Township of Tuckersmith NOTICE OF MEETING TO CONSIDER BY-LAW Take notice that a by-law for raising 660,- 000 under the provisions of The Tile Drain- age Act will be taken into consideration by the Council of the Township of Tuckeramith at the Town of Seaforth on the 6th day of December, 1968, at the hour of 8 o'clock in the afternoon. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk Twp. of Tuckersmith CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTER'S LIST 1963 Municipality of Hibbert Township Perth County Notice is hereby given khat I have com- plied with section 9 of The Voters' Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at Lot 28, Con, 18, Twp. of Hibbert, on the 29th day of October 1963 the list of all Per- sons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal Elections and that such list re- mains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take ilnmediato proceedinge to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the Met day for appeal being the 12th day of Novam- ber 1063, Dated this 29th day of October 1063, THOS. D. WREN, Clerk of the Twp. of Hibbert, Cromarty, RR##1 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist, Phone 701,. Main 91., Seaforth Hours—Seaforth daily except Hon, 0 to 6.80' Saturday to 9 PM. Wed. DAM to 12.30 PM 011ntoh—MoLarens Studio, Mon. 0 to 6.80 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST.„. SEAFORTH ONT, All kinds of Insurance risks effect ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers—President, John L. Malone, Sea - forth ; Vlce-Pres„ John H. MCEwing, Blyth; Manager & Sea-Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors -3. I,. Malone, Seaforth; J. H. McEwing, Myth; W. S. Alexander, Walton;. E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; J. E. Pepper,. Brucefield; C. W. Leonhardt, Bornholm; H. Fuller, Goderich; R. Archibald. Seaforth; S. H. Whitmore, Seaforth. . Agents—Wm. Leiper Jr., Londoaboro; J. F Prueter, Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker, Brussels Erie Munroe, Seaforth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business,, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. *`blu'COAl 1115 20110 5555.506 sotto COMi'ent. • "The World's Finest Anthracite” WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 363-J Res. 192-M RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 147R, Seaforth COAL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 318 INSURANCE • Fire . Auto e Accident . Liability etc. Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Successor to E. C. Chamberlain MAIN ST. SEAFORTH Phone 334 Res. 222R URIRIBBER/I" EEC UY L FNSUAN OMUTUAL PAN HEAD OFFICE EXETER President Wm. A. Hamilton, Oromerky Vico-President Mertin Feeney, RIM Dublin Directors Harry Cartes, Centralia E. Clayton Colquhcun, RR1 Science Hill Milton McCurdy, URI KSrkton Alex J. Rohde, EU Mitobeil Asante Thea O. Ballantyne, RR1 Woodham Alvin L. Harris, Box 35. Mitchell E. Ross Houghton, Cromarty Solicitor, W. G. Cochrane, Exeter Sserctary-Treaanror Arthur Fraser,. Exeter SLABWOOD FOR SALE Slabs, hardwood, $10 a load. 2 cords approx. in a load. Mixed wood $8 a load delivered, prompt service. Fred Hudie, Clinton, phone 362 PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed list, 6 postpaid in samplesaln 26sealed 244 aamplee 1.00. price Dept. T-74, Nov -Rubber Co., Boit 91, Hamilton, Ont. Painting -Paperhanging Interior and exterior decorating WALTER PRATT, R.R. 1, Wal- ton, Phone 481-M, Seaforth. FOR EVERYTHING IN LUMBER PHONE 47 Seaforth Lumber LIMITED Open everyday, all day, except Sunday