HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1953-11-05, Page 3r Calvert SPORTS COLUMN 6 �>r z 9eupedoo to which we refer. The most sporting game of all was played on McGiil's big football bowl, September 19. It was Canada's nearest ap- proach to the those Bowl game that hits the peak of United States college football blory. And, as in the Rose Bowl it was college, vs. college, and east vs. west. This game was of high sporting merit because it was designed for a fine purpose, that a£ establishing, or contri- buting to a fund to make life brighter for Canadian paraple- gic war heroes. University of British Columbia sent its football team east to play 1VIcGill. The game was the first of what is planned to be an annual event for the Winston Churchill trophy. The grim old British warrior and statesman who defied Nazi air power at the lowest ebb of Allied hopes in the last World War, gave his consent to use his name for a trophy. There is a trophy record -book, which will be kept in a com- partment of the famous sculpture "The Onslaught", a suitable receptacle, for the fine piece of work is by Dr. 'Tate McKenzie, famed Canadian sculptor, a work that is the property of the University of Pennsylvania and depicts with great vigor and vibrancy, a charging football line. Each year, the auto- graphs of the competing teams will be inscribed in the re- eord-book. and it will become, over the years, a valuable con- tribution to the history of Canadian college football. The game was played in the presence of two of the Domin- ion's most colorful mayors — Fred Hulme of Vancouver and Camillien Houde of Montreal. Mayor Hulme kicked off in this, the first east -west college classic to aid the Canadian Paraplegic Association. Similar to famous yearly Shriners Bowl games in San Franisco each New Year's Day for the benefit of crippled children, the Canadian ''Paraplegic Bowl" game is expected to become an annual attraction with the 1954 game to be played in Vancouver, As the most sporting football game of alt, in Canada, this column heartily commends it, for its scope, its sporting spirit and its fine objective. Your comments and suggestions for this column will be welcomed by Elmer Ferguson, c/a Calvert House, 431 Yonge S,., Toronto. o The most sporting football game played in Canada this year didn't take place on the gridirons of the eastern Big Four, nor the Western Conference. Doubtless these grim battles In Canada's upper pigskin brackets had their Inci- dents of sportsmanship. But not the kind Calvert DISTILLERS LIMITED AMHERSTSURG, ONTARIO a. ..Plaut Horse Sense.® by BOB If it is true, as the Globe and Mail reports, that "spokesmen of labour" are supporting the mining companies in their de- mand for an increase of the price of gold, it is time to ring the fire bell. An increase of the price of gold means inflation. It would cut the value of the dollar in the salve proportion as the value of gold is officially increased. Pensions, annuities, interest re- turns, savings, wages, bonds would be worth that much less. Those who own property would profit, but those who have to live on a fixed amount of dollars, which they receive weekly or monthly, would be the losers. Supply and Demand Only last week we felt com- pelled to deal with the campaign going on against government in- terference with the "law of sup- ply and demand" in the agricul- tural sphere. If only governments would withdraw their supports of farm products and let prices find their own levels, all would be well, say the wizards of finance. Why then do they not want to let this good old law of sup- ply and demand work its mir- acles in the gold market? No mining company is under obligation to sell its gold to the government at the controlled price. There is a- free market for gold and they are free to sell at the free price, Why don't they do it? Because the government price plus the government subsidy is higher than the price on the open market. Subsidies The government price is Am- erican $35 per ounce of fine gold which at present exchange rates amounts to Canadian $34.44. llom 13unetious — This ram is somewhat phlegmatic as he per. mils a boisterous White Rock rooster to crow from his perch atop the wooly one's head, LLIS Under the Emergency Gold Mining Assistance Act the Can- adian government grants sub- sidies which, according to the Globe and Mail, are "running at about $2.35 for each ounce Of newly mined fine gold" going to the ,''lint. Fixed price plus sub- sidy add up to $36.79. The current price on the world free market is only about $36.00. Since shipping charges have to come off this figure, it is "not sufficient to tempt produc- ers away from their principal customer, the Canadian mint." The mine operators are not in- terested in a free market; they prefer government interference with the price of gold. They say the lasting cure is in "the hands of the United States Government or the International Monetary Fund, which they say would raise the price of gold at a nod from the American Treasury." We hope the American Trea- sury will continue to nod on its treasure in Fort Knox and not nod at the International Monetary Fund. Agreement is Possible So far we have been told that of the three union demands for higher wages, shorter hours and the revocable voluntary check- off, the first two could be set- tled. In view of net profits for the companies of up to $6,000 per man employed, an agree- ment should not be difficult to reach We were given to understand that the main obstacle to an ag-° reement between miners and op- erators was the check -off which, as the president of one of the largest companies said, would not be granted as Iong as lie lived. Now we hear that "-rising labour costs and prices of mach- inery and other materials have made it unprofitable to dig gold to sell at $35 an ounce." Protest against Horse Deal If it is the intention of the operators to use the emergency situation created by the strike in the Porcupine for a horse deal, higher gold price for check -off, we protest, We protest In the name of farmers, wage earners, pension- ers and all those who have tried to save a few dollars of their meagre earnings for a rainy day. No names of the "spokesmen" for tabour were mentioned in the report, Knowing the leaders of the United Steelworkers as • being aware of their responsibili- ties, not only towards the mem- hers of their union but towards all working people, we wonder who these "spokesmen" were. This column welcomes sug- gestiolis, wise or foolish, and all criticism, whether constructive or destructive and will try to answer any question, Address your letters to Bob Ellis Box 1, 123 - loth Street, New Toronto, Ont, ' - Gr CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Boy's Best Friend — There's true friendship in this hug that eleven - year -old John Sottile gave his dog Seabee when the two were recently reunited at St. Mel's school. Johnny, a deaf mute, had previously been walking with his pet when a man drove up in a car, seized the dog, and drove away with it. It isn't very often, in sport, that you find members of the fair sex competing, on equal terms, with the males. In the top brack- ets, that is. There are, we believe, girls who could hold their own in such pastimes as croquet, rifle shooting and yacht -sailing; and we have known one or two who could — like Damon Runyan's character Miss Silk—"palm a pair of dice as good as any man." However, at the Royal Winter Fair this month, folks will get an eyefull of a young lady who not only competes 011 even terms with the menfolk, but who, often enough, tops them at their own game. Patricia Smythe — better known Over 'Ome as "Our Pat" ' —may not be the first to repre- sent her country in International show -jumping; but she's un- doubtedly the first that ever sel- ected, schooled and trained the horses she rides in this spectacu- lar and risky sport. Pat Smythe comes naturally by her love for horses and her knack with them. Her father was in the British cavalry; and her mother, herself a fine horsewomen, taught Pat to ride at the mature age of four, And she was not long in showing that she was better than a raw hand with a mount. By the time she was ten she was good enough—mounted on a pony named "Pixie"—to tie for first prize at the famous Richmond Royal Horse Show in London. When show jumping revived in 1946 "Our Pat" had arrived. A natural aptitude for horseman- ship, plus good judgment and shrewd counsel from her mother enabled the still very feminine Pat to compete at shows with growing success. By 1949 she had made the international grade. In the following year she set, on Kilgeddin, a European high jump record of Oft. 107/sin. Since then successes in all the major Euro- pean show jumping centers — Madrid, Marseilles, Paris, Rome, Nice, London — have come her way and the hundreds of rosettes, silver salvers and stirrup cups at her home bear testimony to them alt ' Neither Tosca, a gray mare of uncertain Irish ancestry, nor Prince Hal a massive chestnut gelding reject from the race- course, who are now touring with her had jumped before being pur- chased at bargain prices by "Our Pat". Today it is doubtful if any money could buy them, Their insurance value is understood to be in excess of ,52,000 each. It was on these two horses at the EAT ANYTHING trail FALSE TEETH It you bavo trouble with purees Dint slip, rook and cause sore gums --try 71rlmmo Pb1ntt-Liner. Ono application maker plates At snugly without umcder or puma, hearse BTimme Pinotl-Liner hardens per- monentiy to yelr pieta 1t relines and rents loose pintee In a way 110 ponder nr Dante ran do, Even on old rubber pintos you got good results 015 months to It Y0Or or longer. YOU CAN EAr ANYTHING) Simply ley soft strip of Pinotl-Llnor on troublesome upper or lower. 551te and it maids portently. Easy to um, taetelees, odorless, barmier!' to you and your plater. Removable ng dlreetol, Plate cleaner Mohler& :Money buck It not completely oatloled. it not avelleble at y0151 drag More, Mead 51,60 for reline for 1 pieta WILDROOT LTD„ FORT ER1E ONT, Dept. TW Harringay, London, arena that the girl from Gloucestershire won three of the main events at the annual "Horse of the 'Year" show that concludes the British season. They were secured in spite of strong home and European con- tinental male challenges. The Harringay Spurs, awarded for the highest score by a jumper under Federation Equestre In- ternationale rules, also went the same way. 4 ,I, e In the horse -jumping dodge they have some odd rules, You can accept money for prizes and still be a simon-pure amateur; but if you take dough for teach- ing horsemanship, right away you are a dirty pro. Pat Smythe could become a very wealthy woman by teach- ing—but, up to now, she prefers the kick of high class competi- tion. And, down at the Toronto Coliseum thousands will be pull- ing for her to prove that, from an equestrian standpoint, "the female of the species—" aw, you know how the rest of it goes. NO RELIEF He got his daughter off his hands, His joy was not complete, For then and There he had to put Her husband on his feet, - it's Silver JuhUes Yew E Y L WINTER FAIR friday, Nov. 13111 to Saturday, Nov. 21st, 1953 8 DIG DAYS Prize horses, livestock, fruits and Vegetables , .. world championship reed, grain and hay ... and scores Of other features to thrill rural visitors. t8 Spectacular Horse Show Afternoons and Evenings 51 World -Famous R.C,M,P. Musical Rtde o Largest Poultry Show in North America w Fascinating Flower Show See your local agent oboui reduced rail roan C. S. McKEE General Manager ROYAL COLISEIiM TORONTO 15917E 45 1953 LO18NTb WANTED ao9TBME 4IEWELLERY Agents Wanted to r0preeent manerytW- tuyer of popular prised Mee. coos Malawi now styles added monthly. Opt fn for tremendous Ohrlutmag sale0. Write for full deta110 today, Xdeal Jewellery Co., 4000 R0, Lavrrenro, Men. treat AGENTS take order,' for famous retrac- table ball pen with new ink dlaoovery, Won't emoar, leak. Driers Instantly. Fully guaranteed or money rotunded. Retails for 88e. Runt your name and 500 for 51,11105 nample. Weilmark an- ter00loes, 150 Xing Pt, Emit, Toronto. gads onions '11-101tE ars two ways to matte extra money out 05 eggs, The 11rst le to buy Fall hatul4ed 0hh•ku and have egg,' In the Summer and Fall when they are scarce and the ''Tres aro high. The teem] in to hey the right breeds for maxhnunl egg t,r0duetinn. We also have omelet breeds for brollere, laying pullets abet honking chicks and turkey paints now for 1864. Catelogne, TOP NOTCH CHICK SALES (110ET,P0 ONTARIO RUT day old pullota for delivery new then yon will be mere to cash in on the high egg prices YOU will ho sure to get next Summer and Fall and when you buy don't matzo a mietalte and buy dual our- imee or moat type chickens far maximum egg production. Here are the five that will out lay anything that we have to offer, R.O.P. Sired White Leghorn'', White Leghorn X Rhode /eland Red, Rhode Island Red, Rhoda Island Red X Rorred Rock, Light 5,100015 X Rhode Xstand Red. Far broilers we rocommnd our erose strain New Hampshire and Neer Hampshire ar0olee, Our low Fall prises will please Yon. Nun -sexed, pullet or norkerel chicles. Started chicks!. laying pullets. Alm) honking Welts and turkey mutts for 1964. Catalogue. TWEIHI le CHICK T1ATCTIERtES LTD. FERMIS ONTARIO BROILER Growers. env pure arose strain New Hamnohlres are making more friends among the broiler growers every day, , Why? Because these New Ilampshlr,s make the broiler 10040010 extra money, We also have light Sussex X New Hampshire. New Hampshire X Light Sussex, Columbian Rank X New Hampshire, New Hampshire X Columbian Ronk, White Rock X New Hampshire, New Annlpohiro X Barred Reek, white Reels X Tright Suomi Non-eexed or rorkereln. Also turkey brnllorO. 't'WEDDLR CHICIK IIA 'POTTERIES LTD. 'MRCVS ONTARIO DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE yon anything 00100 dyeing or °lean MO Write to as for information We are glad to answer YouT aueotinne De• pertinent IT Pgriter's Dye Werke Limited 701 Penge St . Toronto FOR RALE CRESS CORN SALVE — For sure relief, Your Druggist sells CRESS. DADS -- Sons, Build this large 111"x04"x14" Toy Garage, full scale. 'Christmas Special 52.20,' Sample 010 Woode -Vernenut Co„ 726 Dlolhlson 6, E., 01005 Ropldo, 111Ntlgab, - 07,B,A, SATE your home, family, if fire starts, send 917. for system or 37.50, for 2 Ore alarm switches, be protected while asleep. Instructions included, Thermal SwltOh Company, Petersham. AIasaachu- setts. NEW. Hot, Sell Bnbysttters, who's pro- blem to children's entertainment. MGua Int - teed Amusement, Plan 51,00, refundable. Reorders natured. DOXOY, 1000 So, First. Champaign, Illinois. DREAM Book! 1100 interpretations, Get wised up about things. 11.00 postpaid. Xing nook Salon, Tlbets Wick Road. A„ (Beard, Ohio, COMPLETE KNITTING LIBRARY Ton PROFESSIONALS AND BEGINNUtP,S. Pour hard -bound volumes by Marti. world famous designer; containing over 178 Pages. 157 easy-te.follnw iltnntrattons. Each volume worth one dollar. yet while mtpply mete can be yours for 010 for nmplete library of four 0011,me0, Vol. 1 'Knitting is Emig" Vol. 2 "'Knitting 0(110 ChilreScarvestand Gifts", Vol, 4 "Gloves, Vol.c4 "Sweaters and Caft, 5001 order or cheque t gift, Prod money order er ebegna to Gibson Seton, Box 44',. Terminal "A", Toronto. Ontario. CHOCOLATE BARS IMPORTED Each box 24 — 10 cents (wt. 3 lbs.) $1.25 Expross Postpaid WHITE HOUSE PACKING CORP. 5827 Terrebollne Moni real, Quo, 00)00 Markel doing 9250,000 yearly, Wisconsin Resort. town, Priced right. lin shfnaler. Wichita. Ic1nsas. 1V,iu'rERN Shirt Mannf,1G,rtng 'plant in Arizona doing over 9100,Omi0 yearly. 11r1e' $30,1500, 1(.ohflnder, W0.•l,i1,. Ranges. DAIRY 017EEN in Moho doing 115.000 yearly, 32-.600 will handle. Knsht'indrr, rt'itrtdrn, gamete KNITTERS! AGENTS! STOREKEEPERS: W110011nr, yarn 11,70 pound. Lowest priced awhere, Help anima our heavy etnsk and saw! Sa tiers etlon guatnnieod. Rmvmunr•elr Wool Company. Bowmmr villi, Onterlo, 0.00ET.Y modernized two family home and nearly 110 arty. 01 0,:00 0leh ,nndimn loam. on county road 01000 M ,,loot. and elty, good heuk barn. hydro bath, sacrifice 913.000. ,fust be sold, "may more to shams° from. Bradlnyn Real 19state. Gn011111 Ont. BIBLES, PRA TER BOOKS, RELIGIOUS owes, Statues, Pictures, Medals. Cr01- fie. Rosario., eta Write tor i•R100 ('a t:dog',1e, Mao)', (Art sum,. Dept. 67. 476 Meng St.. E. Hamilton, Ont. lnnnl-Brio Siding and Reefing 1"111:15 Coil:Mites. 24 months to nay. all material and wnt•knlensldp carries 11 genre' guarantee. Dominion Bonne Ser. 1100. 11 ltainxfnrd ltd.. Towage DI 001190, babies, adult(' breeding pain. surplus bran 0 fat 4 f, Caearice singers 97.50. Aviaries. 3 i'•1,,,o not I::Ir,lerlA. Toronto a II NS. Rifles, etc. — 131 cure to write for our free new 1913 catalogue borer( buyi,lg, Larne 'anenrtmyitt, Strops Sloe Cn.. 260 131011 St„ Ottawa, Ont. GUN ea talogu0 free. New 1852.64 adltlon Qannt.Iflr9 Iioitod R00mroe now. R. & W. Kerr 1.[d., 1211' St C:r,hrrino 04,1 West. Montreal. •• 1100S aro scarce, now Is the time to buy a •bole° registered Yorkshire hoar tired by 13,111011 Bradbury 21810„ a halt brother to the champion mow of England Choice beers ready for service. miters younger froln eight 000110 up, alga mows Also Belglnn. Peroberon and Clyde otnlllon0. Nom five and MY yearn old. Herbert .1 Miller & Sons. 57.1, Keene. Ont. BINOCULAR SALE SPEOLAL parchoee of,. brand new high nuwered p110nlat° day A night glasses, 6x30 Dieneiglns 124.06, 8x30 wide angle 128,00, 7x38 B&L typo 0911.0. Miner, emerged 12x60 848,00, 40x60 140.60 All with Individual emus and coated lenses. All with gelid feather cage and fully. guaranteed. Rush - MOUSY Order SOT ore• veld, otherwise 93,00 dnpoolt 50101100 CA,D. OPTICAL MOUSE 1.1.0, Roo 180. A delaido Street Station, Toronto 1. USED BUSSES WE. niter the Rue Oporatot a largo stock of reum,ditloned units suitable 10, echnol or adult transportation. These trades carry a thirty -day' mechanical warranty and aro priced from 0760. Terms arranged. S1e01a1 1060 Model 10165 Me•o00y, High headroom. WVilson Body, 26 -adult Mating, 2 Iloatnr;4. 1. *Peed rear Axle. 8.25 x 10 tires. W111 point to order. Thio unit 1n eXcellent condition firms about, 54300. Write m• Phone, REDO 550`5'001 COIIPANV DF CANADA LAI. f.eo NW. 4)uyt4.le, 5fa1 rete 1571. MALE HELP WANTED .9ALI00td5N whole or port time. To call on tamers In Western and Baste Ontario, No peddling, no collections. Plod- u01 well advertised, Every Hommel; far- mer a buyer. Ninety per cent repeat Sales, Build yourself an income In your tow00118 or county. Salta 50017 010111, ago no harrier If active. Apply giving address, phone, 1,1501 experience if any, territory desired to Box 500, London, Ont. KELP WANTED EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY Cook general wanted immedintelY for boab tISul eubur5an ham, for two adplts; coun- try W0111011 preferred, Expellent home anft top wag,0 for someone who to a seat hem0mak,r, Give RIFnarttcularo 0.0 Phone number. Mrs. 0 nyworth. R.20. No. 0, Wooton, READ THIS *- Every sufferer of Rheumei- lie Pains or Neuritis should try DIsesoU Remedy. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 536 Eigln °Items $1.25 Express Prepaid POST'S ECZISMA SALVE RANIBH the torment o1 dry eczema ram•• 4114 weeping skin treubloo. Poet's Blew '1 Salvo will not dReappoint yon. Robing, coaling, harming eczema, eon ringworm, pimples and foot eczema, w, respond readily to the etainlese, odorle ointment regardless of how stubborn HopelessRICE 02.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES Sent Post Free •n Receipt of Prior 889 Qurea Pt. E., Garner of Lennie rmronto e PEMIN4X $ One woman tells another, Take 051,oripx E'EMINEX" to help alleviate Donn. tll4, trees and nervous 10001011 emulated wfiff monthly periods. 85.00 Postpaid 1n plain wrapper POST'S CHEMICALS 880 QUEEN ST. EAST rloROht'R'a1 OPPORTUNITIES FOR 9116N AND WOMEN LEARN orteeteee secrete ox Technic171 Metaphysics, Easy to learn. Only 50150511 of Its kind, write: Premier College 00 Technical Metaphysics, 2532 Mckenzie Et., Vancouver, B.C.. Canada. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Lonrn Hairdressing Pleasant, dignified professi011, geed wages, Thounands of ou0cesmful Marvel gold_0,00, America's Greatest RYstem illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 858. Bions St w., Toronto Branches: 44 Ring St„ Hamilton 72 Rideau St.. Ottawa DEALERS—STOREKEEPERS Phillip's Sales Wholror.le Catalogue 0.1,41 Fall & Christmas Supplement 1,0ntr.tn2016 over 0090 profitable items and house- wares, dry -goods, notione stationery, smoker sundries, tare. gifts and nee- ntlum merchandise, etc. Write on your letter 1,,0.1 er sive r trade Style for free copy, PHILLIP'S SATES 010 RUSHY ST.. 1.7(7STREAL 5, TOOLS WHOLESALE -- 10A RE 100(10,, MONEY, SELL TO 011.111NDS• 1"rl:'. SEND FOR TREE CATALOGUE, GIBSON BALES, P,01 411 TI:11.1t1:<::t. "A". TottOT, 1(1 ONT, SELL Christmas lm:nere. Sete !hey new 1n Christmas .signs. Inoue •& profits. Sena 22,,^ for ,.,.nude, Deerl,.. i Lettering, 1031 11,2,,,, ', 'Verdun, N. ,•. HELEN'S BEAUTY SCHOOL LEARN H,'IROR1ASlNlt IN 4 Moving UNDER EXPERT sT 11120Yl0lnt.. 714 Yonge 5t. Tones 'O PLAN t0 0101E Wmdd'r t'a'r • T Frnrl . o 1860, Soo tenet Ifni 'nn Antonin' .n• route. (bins ear,it ti••ia••r. 51f1 F1.4•11. Sunny South, 11l,, 11.0 ^+n Aner,L0 ;r, Texan. PATENTS AN OFFER to every 'r-,r,,t"r--1.1st 31. 17,- onti0na and full •nC"r,arrlon e,rnt tree. Tho Ramsay On., 1-10:11,,,,,,,1 Pn,.nt Wier* nese. 271 Rank 0,reet. 011009. FETHE00TONTIAr-OFl &00menvF Pe trot mom-, f-nabll07,d 5880, 860 5302, street. - 000 sots 011 count rise PERSON•tl 11.00 TRIAL otter. '1 'r. ontytirn .ta'uxe personal requirements Latest ' ^ta'nguk lacluded, The 5104100 3:0000. neva Terminal A Tnrfeta. Jn torte TOBACCO 301.IV11ATOR A acient life remedy f,n^ ,•ipar••ttr :,rue• tion. For tree 1.0.10.. 0 rite C, W. ming Pharntasnl Co1T0r0.tS.n -i,41. R0- 9N?- Walltervllle, Ont, MANHOOD rest rind Hectored. If ye, don't enioy 111'1. 1^,0 nut worn, 11l4001151• send oelf-a,11r,m .•,b or,llnt•e to: Dr. Otte ken Beaehio.s, I.. l,s.,. 11,,,, _^:11111. 01111. IlIlnoia. _ .4 - UNWANTED NAIR' VANI`OHED alv118 n'Ith `;ACAPEL., remarkable discovery of the age ,°see Information at Lor -13,r Laboratories TA d„ St0. E 170 Grant. lir -t., or entre P.C. Bar, 99 Veneno r, H WA NTFID WA11rl D 1leeke to se eply 'C..zulnr Approved eat ch 1l, Yh 1 t ohfng egp0 for 1913-14 000.11. 11 > Rey 110. 110 Eighteenth Street Nsc Tann! Ont., rte. WANTED for Cs se We w111 per ,:nee for goo,] toed tel,0,00 toe z:elite refrl,0ra tore Wilton" NI aline, Sn1.n Dna Service. Pllnne 1127, Bar St, Parry 4„ urn), WANTED T4 PIHISIP.s.919--Laying and - ready -to -lay 1,011 re 31..1. ant, 4,1.000 breeds. Ae 1. R-0 ten 123 0'1,)" tnonth 0,11,0t. S n Tn, , elnin stn