HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1953-10-15, Page 1The Seaforth News HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 76 ROY SCOUTS HOLD SUCCESSFUL APPLE DAY The annual Boy Scout Apple Day was held last Saturday realizing a total of $150,24, As the cost of e- ples was $47.00 and there was some advertising, the Scouts should net approximately $100.00. The funds will be used during the year in pur- chase of equipment and text books. As this is their only source of reven- ue the Boy Scouts wish to thank the people of Seaforth and district for their kindness, INSTALL OFFICIALS AT SEAFORTH LODGE District Deputy Grand Master A. Keyes and the staff of Exeter Od. Fellows Lodge, No, 67, installed the following officers of Fidelity Lodge, No, 55, Seaforth, for, the ensuing year; Past noble grand, Victor Lee; noble grand, Irvin Trewartha; vice grand, Ephraim Haase; recording secretary, Barry McLeod; financial secretary, 'John Thompson; treasur- er, William Forrest; BSS, John Carnochan; LSS, George Campbell; RSNG, Alex Boyes; LSNG, J. A. Westcott; warden, Glen Haase; con- ductor, Warden Haney; chaplain, Andrew Moore; inside guardian, Charles Reeves; RSVG, Alan Camp- bell; LSVG, John Patrick. , MRS. JOSEPH MANLEY Mrs. Callista 11. Manley, wife of Joseph Manley, McKillop twp. died in Scott Memorial Hospital, on Tues- day after a short illness, She was in her 38th year, Mrs. Manley was born in McKillop twp. a daughter of the late John Kelly and his wife, the late Annie O'Reilly. Surviving be- sides her husband are three 'daught- ers, Marie, Patricia and Ruth and one son Keith all at home; two sist- ers, Mrs. Tom Patten (Eva) Lucas; and Mrs. Dan Finnigan (Florence) e ---,..Stratford; four brothers, Joe and Fergus, McKillop twp., Basil, Ellice twp., William, Woodstock; James predeceased her in 1938. Site was a member of the Leitgue of The Sacred Heart and C.W.L. The remains are resting at Box Funeral Home, Sea - forth. Requiem High Mass will be sung at 9 a.m. on Friday in 'St. Columban Church, leaving Box's Mineral Home at 8:30. Interment in St. Col umban Cemetery. Rev. Fath- er McCowen will officiate. Pallbearers are Joseph McLaugh- fin, Stephen Murray, Frank Murray, Milton Deitz, Joseph Johnson, Hub- ert Johnson, JUNIOR INSTITUTE MEETING The Jtmior Institute held their October meeting on Tuesday even- ing, Oct. 6th in the Seaforth Dist- rict High School, The roll call was answered by 17 girls naming a Can- adian painter. A Thanksgiving .poem was read by Marion Ross. The guest speaker for the evening. was Mrs. (Rev) Thomas of Walton who spoke to the girls about painting. She stressed that one can never see beautiful colours in old buildings un- less you'look for them. "01d . torn down buildings, and unusual places can make the most beautiful pict- ures if you see the beautiful colours present", she stated. "I think all people can be taught to paint up to a certain stage", she remarked. Mrs. Thomas._expressed that life would be far more interesting for everyone if they would look for beautiful colors when they are looking about the countryside. Mrs: Thomas had along with her many outstanding examples of her painting. Doris Stevens mov- ed a vote of thanks to Mrs. Thomas for her most interesting talk. Cur- rent events for the month were giv- en by Betty Campbell. The meeting was brought to a close by everyone joining in singing some well-known songs. REBEKAHS MEET Mrs. Helen McClure, vice grand, presided over the regular meeting of Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge, Monday evening. Mrs. Kay Cann, D.D.P. and staff of Pride of Huron Lodge, Ex- eter, will install the officers at the next meeting, Oct. 26. A social period followed the meet- ing with Mrs. Hazel McGonigle, Mrs. Helen McClure and Mrs. Mary Fel- ker winning prizes at euchre. Groups one and five were winners in a con- test. Mrs. Ila Dormice, Sunshine Pal Convener, was presented with a gift of appreciation. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose 'Givlin, R R 1, Dublin, Ont., announce the en- gagement of their daughter Merger -- et Agnes to Mr. William Joseph O'- Brien, son of Mr. and Mrs. 'Christo- pher O'Brien, R. 11 5, Stratford. The marriage will take place at St. Pat- rick's Roman Catholic 'Church, on Saturday morning, October 24, at 9;80 o'clock. Northa:de United Church Rev. John Stinson, Minister. 76th Anniversary, 10 a.m„ Church School and Adult Bible Class. 11 a.m., Rev. W. G. Berry, B.D. of Toronto, "The Eternal Church in today's changing world". 7 p.ni., "The Church's chief con- cern" 8:15 Y,P.U. St. Thomas' Anglican Rev. J. James, Rector. 10 a.m., Sunday School. ' 11 aim, Family Day Service 7 p.m., Youth Rally. Rev. William G, Berry of Tor- o tto who will be special preacher at Northside United Church anni- versary on Sunday. PLAN NIGHT SCHOOL CLASSES AT HIGH SCHOOL A management committee was formed for rural community night school at a meeting held on Friday evening, Oct. 9 at Seaforth- District High School. An executive Commit- tee was elected as follows: L. P. Plumsteel, chairman of the Execu- tive; of Management Committee; vice chairman, Keith Sharp; Sec:, Miss Helen Johnston, R.R. 2, Blyth; treas., Mr, Gordon Scott, R. R. 2, Seaforth. It was decided -to offer the following courses at the night school: Farm Management; Interior Decorating, Welding, Repair Farm Machinery and Motor Mechanics, Landscaping and Horticulture, Wood- working, Bookkeeping, Furniture Refinishing, Cooking, Sewing, Dress- making, Horne Nursing, Typing, Leatherwork, Public Speaking. Tu- ition for night classes will be $'8 for 16 nights; 2 from one family $5; Welding fee $10. Classes on Thurs- day night beginning Nov. 5 for 16 weeks. HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Seaforth Golden Bears meet the Clinton Red Devils on Wednesday at 3:15 in the Lions Park. The two top teams are fighting for first place in the HSSA Schedule. ;tion if any symptoms are apparent. Night classes in Basic English are Too much medicine is not good for going to be held in the school this anyone. We should remember that K PPEN year foe new Canadians. If there are while progress is good in many ways, a sufficient number of applications it has also brought more cases of Mr, and Mrs. Harold Jones, Grant they will start on Thursday night, neurotics, neurosis and mental di- and Kenneth were recent visitors Nov, 5. I seases. We should try not to worry. with Mr. and Mrs. A. Ashworth of Mrs. W. Coleman, Seaforth, gave near Ilderton. SPORT SHORTS a humorous reading and community Dr. James Jarrett of London and By all appearances it looks as if singing was enjoyed. The Zurich In- Dr. Gilbert Jarrett of Stratford vis - the Seaforth Baldwins will ice an stitute provided much merriment sited recently with their mother VIrs. O.H,A. Jr. B team on the same par with their skit, 'Little Red Riding Katherine Jarrott. as last season's group ,champions. Hood; also duet by Miss Doris Mr. and Mrs. Haist of Zurich visit - At present there are over thirty in Swartz and Mrs. Ted Insley of ed recently with Mr. and Mrs. S. the early trainin • camp.Crediton, and reading by Nlre. W. With the ice going ito the arena Love, ofGrand Bend, were much Cudmore. in the early part of this week, it was enjoyed,, Two Scotch numbers by We are sorry to report Mrs. Wil - naturally taken' up with early sea- Miss Ina Lillico of Seaforth, bur Dilling is confined to her bed son hockey practise. At the pract- brought the program to an enjoyable through illness, we wish her a ises on Wed. and Thur. nights of close. Mrs. J. Hillebrecht tendered speedy recovery. this week, the thirty boys trying a vote of thanks to all those taking Miss Donna McBride, nurse -in - out looked to be giving each other part in the program. ;Following the training in Stratford hospital, spent top opposition for their position. The Queen two contests and a social half the weekend with her parents, VIr. team has players trying out from hour were enj;oyed SIDAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1953 DR. MOMASTER GUEST SPEAKER AT W, 1. MEETING A most enjoyable evening was spent Tuesday, Oct. 13, at the Sea - forth Community, Centre, when the Seaforth Women's Institute enter- tained more than one hundred guests from Grand Bend, Zurich, Dash- wood and 'Crediton. Mrs, Alex Pep- per presided for the regular opening exercises ane a. short business per- iod. The roll call was answered with 'My Favorite Radio Program', The members are reminded of the invi- tation to attend the Clinton Insti- tute meeting on Thursday, Nov. 26, at 2 p.m., also of the Rally at Ger- rie, Nov. 3 at 10 am. Mrs. Jas. Keyes was apopinted delegate to the London Area Convention, with Mrs. E, Whitlnore as alternate. Mrs. A. Crozier presided for the program, opening with the singing of the In- stitute Carol, The motto, "Recreation builds mental, morale and physical fibre", was very ably taken by Mrs, Jas. F. Scott, Seaforth, speaking narticulary of recreation for the housewife. She stated that sometimes women let themselves get into a rut. We have twenty more good years of life than our grandmothers had, so should use it profitably. We should make good -use of our librar- ies and wonderful recreational facili- ties; above all, keep Sunday for spiritual recreation. A duet by Mrs. J. Tiernan and Miss Helen Nediger of Dashwood, was much enjoyed. Dr. E. A. McMaster, Seaforth, was the guest speaker, choosing for his topic, Medicine over the years. He himself has practised medicine from the horse and buggy days and castor oil, till the present time with all our wonder drags. The progress of medi- cine is almost a fairy tale, he stated. Several diseases, such as per- nicious anemia, diabetes, tuberculo- sis, up till the 1920's practically in- surable, are now virtually beaten. Coronary thrombosis, with no diag- nosis 30 years ago, is now the ma- jor cause•of death, a definite disease of our fast moving age. Everyone over 40 should have regular cardio- graph tests, he stated. The new, wonder drugs have opened a new era, and people are becoming more health conscious, Cancer deaths have increased 47 per cent over 30 years ago, and everyone should report once a year to your doctor for ex- amination, and take immediate ac - „ Ynnr Aur h.rt ix.al n +1 I:..� n• ,I. fort TO INTRODUCE 1847 ROGERS BROS Canada's Finest Silverplato 50•FIECE SERVICE FOR 8 Jewellery 5 This snack set offered for a limited time only, will introduce you to the rich design of sterling silver now to be had in this 1847 Rogers Dios. ;ilverplate. rY SA AUG S Gifts Seaforth and Mrs. Alvin McBride. Noranda, Mitchell, Goderieh, Clin-' Committees for the Nov. 6 euchre Mr. and Mrs. Eddie McBride, Mrs. ton, as well as those from the home and dance are as follows: Alec McMurtrie, Mrs. Wilmer Jones, front. It is expected that last year's Tables and chairs, Mrs. E. Whit- Mr. and Mrs. Allan Johnson called Captain, Steve Storey, will be back more, Mrs. J. McLean; Lunch, Mrs. last week on Mrs. Simon Thompson from the west later on in the week. E. Cameron, Mrs. W. Coleman; ,of near Parkhill. Mrs. Thompson lost Of last season's club there are only prizes and tallies, Mrs. A. Crozier; her husband, daughter and home in about six of the regulars remaining, punchers, Mrs. E. Kerr, Mrs. - G. the June Tornado, and Mrs. Thump- but with the turnout to practice this Horner, Mrs. H. Hugill, Mrs.' L. son was only released from the hos- week, none of these positions are Carter, Mrs. Jas. Doig, Mrs. Sandy pital in Sept. and expects with other too secure. 1 Doig. members of her family to move into It is definitely expectedthatInstitute their rebuilt home in October. ladies delivered top goally Gar Baker. There have for the fall and winter on the follow- of beddirv;, and of been some encouraging performan- ing dates, Nov. 6, Nov 27, Jan, 8, - tides which were donated by St. ccs from two of this season's try- Jan. 29, Feb. 26, Mar. 26. Andrew's United Church W.M.S. outs. Incidental) for some of` the' 1 Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Y i Allan Johnson were Mr. and Mrs, hockey fans who are interested in; KIPPEN EAST ;Wm. McLean and Bill and Mr. and Ki en East W. I. will hold their Mrs. I. Rock of Hamilton; Mr, and PP Mrs, C. S. McLean, Triple Terrace, October meeting at No. 10 School on and Mr. Walter Geddes, Owen Oct. 21st at 8:30. They will enter- Sound; Mr. Ferne McLean, Toronto; tain Hensel] W. I. as their guests. ! Mrs. J. B. McLean and Marion, also Mrs. Campbell Eyre is hostess. The Ruth Beverly and Marlin of Exeter. Miss Lorna Ellis of Clff'ford is spending a few days with her cousin Miss 1VIerle Dickert. Mi. and Mrs. W. L. Mellis recently attended the funeral of a cousin, the late Mr. Waring at Wroxeter. Mn. and Mrs. Priestap of Mitchell visited on Sunday with the latter's father, Mr. Robert Thompson. Mrs. McLeod who has spent the past month with her sister in Que- bec has returned to her home here. Mr. Bob Love of the University in Toronto spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love. Mr. and Mrs, N. Long spent Thanksgiving with their daughter and son-in-law, Mn. and Mrs. A. "[Bch in Windsor. ' Mr, John Doig of Grand Rapids, Mich., was a recent visitor with his mother, Mrs. Lydia Doig and sister Miss Janet Doig. Mrs. 'Charles Cudmore, accompan- ied by her son and daughter of Kitchener, visited recently with Mn. and Mrs. Samuel Cudmore. Mr.• and Mrs. Gordon Wren spent the weekend with their eon and daughter-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Wren in Preston. Mr, and Mrs, Emerson Anderson spent the weekend with the latter's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Frayne in Pt. Huron. Mr. and Mrs. N. Dickert spent the weekend with relatives in Kitchener and Listowel. Anniversary services will be held The Seaforth Women's 'Phe Kippena gift Seaforth will feel the loss of their plan a series of euchres aid dances her household ar- Gar's performances in Scotland, from all reports he is doing a first class job. He has been aided by the guiding hand of Ken Doig, who has become a veteran of the European league. There has been no definite hockey roll call will be "My first attempt a schedule yet, but it is expected that baking". Guest speaker will be Miss all last season's teams will cone Steckle, home economist. The motto forth with some strong opposition, will be given by Mrs. Harry Cald- and also the group will consist of well and a demonstration by the five clubs instead of four. r Wingham Thrifty Kippenettes. Mrs. John Hen - hopes to be able to develop a club derson is lunch convener. that will contend with Wallaeeburg, Chatham, Sarnia, London and Sea - forth. HULLETT Constance, Londesboro, Winthrop WINTHROP and Duff's McKillop WMS Societies Cavan ,Church societies held their thankoffering meeting -Oct. 6th in the schoolroom of the church. Mrs. 3. McClure, W. A. Pres., opened the meeting with hymn 577 "Come Ye Thankful People Conte". Psalm 714 was read responsively after which Mrs. George Case offered prayer. W,M.S. Pres„ 'Mrs. Win. Dodds took the chair for the business, Hymn 578 was sung and prayer by Mrs. Dodds. Mrs. G. Smith gave a Christ- ian Stewardship reading "Oh give thanks unto the Lord for he is good". The roll call was responded to with an article to be sent to Korea. Mrs. G. Blanchard was lead- er of the devotional. The thence "New ways for new days", Mrs. T. Betties, and Mrs. Wm. McSpadden read the scripture readings, Mrs. J. Pethiek, Mrs. 11, Dolmage, Mrs, Win. Dodds assisted with the topic. Mrs, H. Dolmage played an instrumental `Melody ,ef Love" Hymn 346 was sung and Mrs. Blanchard closed the meeting a delicious lunch of sand - meeting with prayer. wishes, tarts, and cookies was served were guests of Burns at their thank - offering meeting held in the church on Oct. 8. The guest speaker was Mrs. Earl Mills of Walton, who chose as her topic, "Prayer". Mrs, Geo. Carter presided throughout the meeting. Mrs. Harry Tebbutt read parts of the 95th and 100th Psalms. Prayer was offered by Mrs. Jim Scott. The guests were welcomed by Mrs, Wesley Roe. The guest speaker was introduced by Mrs. John Riley and thanked by Mrs. Geo. Smith, The following numbers were given by the different societies: Mrs. Gor- don Papple, of Duff's, gave a read- ing on Music; Miss Phyllis McCool, of Londesboro, sang a solo; Mrs. Wm. Church, of Winthrop read two prayers; Mrs. Peter Lindsay of Constance, read a story entitled "Why I .became a Missionary". Mi.'s. Eddie Bell and Mrs. Carman Moon sang a duet, "In the Beautiful Gar- den of Prayer". At the close of the in St. Andrew's United Church here on Sunday, Oct. 18 at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m, Rev. J. T. White, B.A.. Londesboro, will be the guest speak- er at both services. Special music will be furnished by the choir assist- ed by guest artists. EGMONDVILLE Visitors with Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Milroy at the Manse on Monday were Rev. and Mrs. G. Micklejohn of Lucknow and Rev. and Mrs. A. M. Manson of Mt. Brydges. Mr, and Mrs. Wni. Finlayson and family and Miss Jessie Finlayson of Lorne Park spent the -weekend with their mother, Mrs. inc. Finlayson. Mr. and Mrs. 0. R. Keyes and daughter Joan of Windsor spent the weekend with the fornier's mother, Airs. Nelson Keyes. Spending Sunday with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. - Watson were, Miss Jean Watson, R. N. of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clark of Muirkirk, Miss Alice Watson of Stratford and Mr. and Mrs. Warden Haney. Miss Laura McMillan of Toronto spent the holiday weekend with her mother Mrs. W. F, McMillan: Mr. Ivy Henderson of Toronto spent Saturday and Sunday at his home here. • - - Successful anniversary services were held in Egmondville Church on Sunday. The attendance was good and the services were helpful and inspiring. The pastor Rev. W. E. Mil- roy was in charge of the morning service, the subject of his address was "The faith that sustaitied the Church". The choir was assisted in the morning by Mrs. Elmer Koehler who sang two solos, "One Sweetly Solemn Thought" and "Hymns of the old Church Choir". At the even- ing service the guest speaker was Rev. Grant Micklejohn of Lucknow. His address was in keeping with the day, on thanksgiving, as were also anthems by the choir. At the morn- ing service "Oh- magnify the Lord :with me", at the evening service, 1 "Bless the Lord Oh my Soul", and "It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord", also a duet by Mrs. E. Durst and Mrs. W. E. Haney, "The Shepherd of Love", The pastor and members of the congregation are very grateful to all Who by their presence or their help in any way made the anniver sary services so successful. Mr. Henry Weiland quietly cele- brated his 96th birthday at his home last Thursday, Oct. 8th. Mr. Wei- land enjoys excellent health, Misses Marilyn Black and Della Wallace were weekend visitors with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Seotchmer. Mr. and Mrs. H. Coombs and sons Kenneth and Fergus were in Detroit over the weekend visiting with Mrs. Coombs' brother who. re Gently suffered a severe accident and is now progressing favorably. Mr, and Mrs. II. Weiland of Tor- onto, were holiday visitors with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Henry Weiland, Fine China Mr. and Mrs, Norman MacLean were visiting in Detroit over the holiday. Mr. Hugh Dalrymple of. -Mitchell visited with his brother on Tuesday. CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bushy and Shirley of Chatham, Miss Tena Bus- by and Miss Edith Busby of Toronto spent the weekend at the homes of Mrs. Busby's brothers and sisters. Mr. and Mrs, Smith of Toronto spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Russ McGregor. Air. and Mrs. Frank Riley, Bruce and Douglas, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Bert Riley, Tuckersmith. Quite a number from this cow- munity attended the anniversary at Burns Church on Sunday. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. William Jewitt on the arrival of. their son at Scott Memorial Hospital an Sept. 30th Mrs. Lorne Lawson entertained Group 2 of the W.A. at her home on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Geo. Leitch is leader of this group. Mr, and Airs. K. T. Adams and Gerald of Centralia spent the holi- day weekend at the home of Air. and Mrs. Ernest Adams. • Misys June Rogers -pent the week- end at her hone in Wiartor. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Buchanan, • Fred and Joyce. spent. Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Buchanan at Milverton. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Warren and Linda Ann of London spent the holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson. WINTHROP Mr, Leslie McSpadden of Toronto University spent thanksgiving at Itis home here. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hawley and Mrs. Hawley of London were in Napanee last week attending the funeral of a niece of Mr. Hawley, Miss Agnes B. Broadfoot, RCAF, Weston, visited with Mr, and Mrs. R. McClure and Mr. and Mrs. Ebner Dale, Hulled. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Chambers and son and Mr. Raymond Chambers of Galt spent. the weekend with their mother. Mrs, A. Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Nott and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Haase on Sunday. BRUCEF'IELD Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Biuevale, visited Mrs, H. Berry during the Mr, and Mrs. 8, Neale and family spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs, W. Stackhouse and lova. Mr, and Mrs. C. Christie spent the weekend with friends in Kitchener. Mr. Douglas McBeath was home for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Ham spent a few days with Mrs. Ham and Miss Swan. Mrs. Dawson is visiting her broth- er and sister-in-law in Aivinston.