HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1953-10-08, Page 1The Seaforth News WHOLI7 SERUM, VOL. 76 HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1953 st,so a Year Snowdon 73roz., Publishers Authorized as Second Class mail, Port Oates Dept., Ottawa GRANDSON WINS SCHOLARSHIP Bob Gray, 18 -year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gray of Stratford won a J, T. Bickel' Foundation Scholarship to the value of $1200. cash in hie first year at the Univer- sity of Toronto. The scholarship is awarded for general proficiency on the grade 13 examinations and is open only to students entering cour- ses leading to geological, mining, or geo-physical fields, Bob was awarded a $400.00 bur- sary by the Atkinson Charitable Foundation on the recommendation of the University of Toronto. He is a grandson of Mrs. W. F, McMillan, of Egmondville. TEICHT—STEOR A quiet wedding was solemnized at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, at l3rodhagen on Saturday, Sept. 26th at 2:30 o'clock when Sonja Mary, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Gertsch, Maillop, became the bride of Stephen Teieht, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Teicht, Toronto. The Rev. W. •C. Becker officiated at the double ring ceremony and Mrs. G. Mogk provided traditional wedding music. The bride was lovely in a floor - length gown of nylon tulle over sat- in, designed with a fitted bodice with rhinestone applique, portrait neck- line, and long lily -point sleeves. Her matching crown caught her long veil of nylon net and she carried a bou- quet of white carnations and one mauve orchid. Her attendants were Miss Alice Breaker and Miss Heidi Buri, wearing floor -length blue ny- lon dresses and carried nosegays of pink carnations. Miss Erica Teicht, sister of the groom and Miss Lois Godkin were flower girls. The .groom was attended by Mervin Godkin and Lavern Godkin. A wedding supper was served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hillen, and in the evening a recep- tion followed at the home of the bride's parents. After a motor trip to Niagara Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Teicht will reside in Toronto, W. A. GROUP MEETS Group No. 2 of the W. A. of Northside United Church met in the church parlor, Tuesday evening, Oct. 6, with a fair attendance, sickness and sadness having entered Some homes lessening our number present. Mrs. Leeming and Miss Lawrence were leaders. Mrs. Lawson, the.se- cretary, presented the minutes and called the roll which was replied to by the members stating many things for which we were thankful. Mrs. Bechely contributed a beautiful lit- tle poem. The devotional Bible read- ing was read by Mrs. Leeming and taken from Ephesians, chap. 6, in- structing us "to put on the whole armor of God" thus enabling each to strengthen her faith in God. Miss Lawrence led in prayer.. The leaders gave an interesting report of the Interdenominational Sunday School Institute of North Huron which assembled in Wingham United Church on Sept. 30th. The theme of the Institute was "The Bible",; `:Our Bible"; "My Bible". This Institute is invited to meet in the Baptist Church, Goderich, next year. Mrs. Leeming presided during bu- siness discussion in which several subjects were considered. Miss Lawr- ence was appointed a member of the Nominating Committee. Sympathy was expressed for those in sorrow and thanks to those who had contri- buted to the helpfulness and enjoy- ment of the meeting. The meeting closed with singing of a hymn and Mizpah Benediction. COUNTY LODGE TO MEET The semi-annual meeting of South Huron County Orange Lodge will be held at Seaforth on Wed., Oct. 14 at 8 pan. in the Orange Hall. Anson Coleman of Varna Lodge is County Master and Lloyd Hern of Woodham is secretary. MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION The Seaforth Ministerial Associa- tion will meet. on Tuesday, Oct. 13 at 10 a.m. in First Presbyterian Church vestry. WALTON The W. A. of Walton ' United Church met on Thursday afternoon with a good attendance. The meet- ing opened by the W. A. theme song, followed by the Mary Stewart Col- lect. Sec. report was read and ap- proved. Treasurer's report was then given showing a balance of $62.11 on hand. Several items of business were finished up about the fowl sup- per. Hymn 356 was sung. The meet- ing closed with prayer. Last Wednesday afternoon 12 men with their tractors gathered at the farm of Duncan McNichol who is at .present laid up with a back ail- ment, and did the complete fall ploughing. After finishing the job there they moved to the next farm owned by Albert Clarke and had his ploughing completed by. evening. Mr. Clarke 'has just returned from the hospiptal having undergone an eye operation. Flint Presbyterian Church Rev. D. G. Campbell, Minister. 10 a.m., Church School and Bible Class, 11 a.m. "How to give Thanks". Junior Congregation. Evening service withdrawn for Egmonttvillo Anniversary. CHILDREN BAPTIZED AT RE -OPENING SERVICE At the Re -Opening Serviee of Northside United Church on Sunday last, Oct, 4th, the following children were baptized by the Minister, the Rev, John W. Stinson: William Eric, son of Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Hul- ley; Ronald William, son of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Henderson; Gillian Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Stevens; Ruth Anne, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dunlop; Anson Erie, son of Mr, and Mrs, A. E. Gilbert; Susan Elaine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, D. M. Kohl; Cindy Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don MacDonald; Douglas Alexander, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Morey; and Ronald Eric, son of Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Dalrymple; all of Seaforth. Northside United Church, Seaforth is happy to announce that the Rev. Dr. E. Crossley Hunter, descendant of the Crossley and Hunter Evangel- istic Team, has consented to present his famous lecture: "The Skin of Our Teeth" on Monday evening, October 19th at 8 p.m., as part of their 76th anniversary celebrations, W. 1. TO MEET The Seaforth Women's Institute will hold their October meeting on I Tuesday, Oct. 13, at 8;30 pan, in the Seaforth Community Centre.I Dashwood, Crediton, Grand Bend I and Zurich Institutes will be enter- tained.,�Members are requested to be present at 8 p.m. GRANDSON VISITS POLAND Mr. T. A. G. Gordon has received a postcard from Warsaw, Poland, sent by his grandson John Lofft who was with a party of students. It is the first time in five years that stu- dents have been allowed to travel behind the "iron curtain". Mr. -Lofft's home is in Montreal. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY The regular meeting of the Hospit- al Auxiliary to Scott Memorial Hos- pital will be held in the Nurses' Resi- dence, Tues. Oct. 13 at 8:15 p.m. New members are welcome. ALERT MISSION BAND The Alert Mission Band of North- side United Church held its thank - offering meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 6 in the basement of the Church. Hymn 618 was sung followed by the minutes of the last meeting. The scripture was read by Donna Elliott. Prayer led by Nelson Ball was fol- lowed by all repeating the Mission Band Purpose. Miss Fennell told a thanksgiving story. This was much appreciated by the children and their mothers. Hymn 588 and the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison closed the meeting. MAKE PLANS FOR BAZAAR Final plans for the bazaar, bake sale, and tea to be held Nov. 14th were completed at the meeting of group one of. Northside United Church held Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. S. Garnham. The de- votional was conducted by Mrs. C. Walden taking as her theme, "What is Life For". Mrs. Harburn read the 10th chapter of St. John. Prayer was offered by Mrs. Close. Mrs. W. Campbell continued with the busi- ness of the evening. Conveners were' appointed for the bazaar. Mrs. Wal- den offered her home for the next meeting. This will be held Oct. 29 at 2 o'clock, our first afternoon meeting. Thanks to Mrs. Ellis and Mrs. Garnham was expressed by Mrs. R. Murdie. The meeting was brought to a close by Mrs. Campbell reading a poem "Just This". Lunch was served. ASSESSMENT UP $15,803 IN TUCICEIiSMITH TWP. Tuckersreith Municipal Council met in the Town Hall, Seaforth, on pTuesdayresided., Oct. 6, 1953, at 8 p.m. All members were present and the Reeve Mr. 5, R. Hamilton, Zone Forester, attended the meeting and outlined a proposed tree planting by-law where- by ratepayers may plant trees on plots of five acres or more to the hundred acre lot with the township and the county participating in the cost, Council gave two readings to the by-law and same will be forward- ed to the Minister of Lands and For- ests for approval before the final passing. e Wm. P, Roberts, Assessor, pre- sented his Assessment Roll for the year showing a taxable assessment of $2,556,690. This represents an in- crease in taxable assessment of $15,- 805.00 over 1952. This Assessment Roll will be the basis for taxation in the year 1954. Court of Revision on the same will be held Nov. 3, 1958, at 3 p,m. Work has now been com- pleted on fencing and brushing in the cemetery south of Brucefield. Grants were made for wreaths to the Seaforth and Hensall Legions of $14.00 and $13.50 respectively and the Federation of Agriculture was granted $500.00, a commitment made earlier in the year, No action was taken on a request by Mr. S. W. Archibald to have a tile drainage bylaw passed in the township. Complaint was made by Archie Hoggarth that the mouth of the tile portion of the Elgie Drain was in need of repair and such repair was authorized by the council. A. Timmerman complained that the McCully Drain was not giving sufficient drainage to his property and the matter will be referred to the engineer. Certificates of completion were received on the Brown, Alexander and Etue drains and payment will be called on the same. The HEBC will be requested to in- stall one additional street light at lots 9 and 10 South Front Street, Egmondville. Council will advertise for Tenders for snowplowing twp. roads and tender ads. appear elsewhere in this paper. The Clerk was instructed to pre -I pare a bylaw regulating parking in an area adjacent to the Clinton Ra- dar School, and the Clerk was also instructed to notify George Radford, contractor on the Jackson Drain, to start work on the said drain imaned- iately. Engineer's reports on the Stanley Jackson and Tyndall Drains were re- ceived and reading of the reports will be held Oct. 20th, 1958. Village of Hensel" was paid $125. re Fire Protection Agreement. I .Accounts passed included: Drains, ` 1193.47; Weeds and Brushing and' Fencing at Cemetery $79.30; Grants, $527.50; Roads, $857.58; salaries & allowances, $975.00; hospitalization, $96.00; fire ,protection, $141.00; stationery and supplies, $94.20. 1 Council adjourned to meet Nov. 3, 1953 at 2 p.m. C. W. L. The regular meeting of the Cath- olie Women's League was held in the school hall on Tues. Oct. 7, with a good. attendance. The Pres., Mrs. Joseph Rowland opened the meeting with the League Prayer. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs, M. Etue. The correspondence was read which in- cluded a letter from the Dublin Catholic Women's League, inviting members to attend a Holy Hour in Dublin on Sunday, Oct. 11 at 3 p.m. which will be followed by et tea in the parish hall. The Feast of Christ the King will be observed on Sunday, Oct, 25. All League members will receive •Com- munion in a body at the 8:30 Mass. Miss M. Dunn, convenor, of The Sisters of Service, reported sending one box of used clothing to the In- dian Reserve, also one box to the Sisters of Service. 'Visiting Committee named for the month of October was Mrs. Leo For- tune and Mrs. Jno. Hotham, Jr. There was a lengthy discussion on. the plans for the annual bazaar which will be held on Sat. Dee. 4, in the school hall, It was decided to have a draw on a cedar chest with tickets going en sale in the near fu- ture. Mrs. C. P. Sills and Miss Rose Dorsey will convene the draw. Mrs. Joseph McConnell, newly elected Provincial President, spoke briefly on the Provincial Conven- tion held recently in Timmins, Ont. A. hearty vote of thanks was moved by Mrs. 0, P. Sills to Mrs. McCon- nell for her splendid address. Mrs, Gordon Reynolds then moved the meeting to be adjourned followed by prayer. ST. THOMAS W. A. The October meeting of the St. Thomas branch of the W. A. was held in the parish hall on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Geo. McGavin open- ed the meeting with the hymn "The Love of Christ Constraineth". Mrs James read for the scripture lesson, 11 Ger. 8: 1-7; 9: 6-11, using the new revised version. Mrs. McGavin read the October litany, followed by members and Lord's Prayer in uni- son. The various reports were given. The treasurer reported $44.00 for the W. A. Coronation Church Fund, The fund is still open to any who wish to contribute until Oct. 12th. 'The semi-annual will be held in Sarnia, Oct, 14th. The W. A. was gratified with proceeds from the re- cent home baking sale. Mrs. Mc - Gavin, representative from this branch for the Red Cross, urged the members to take sewing or knitting from the large and new quota. Meet- ing closed with the benediction. I REMEMBER How precious is our memory, What would we do without it, Yet year by year and day by day, Seldom we think about it. It takes us back to carefree days, The school, the patient teacher: Sunday we dressed our very 'best To go and hear the preacher, Night after night with games and songs, We really had a rare time; Then up the stair by candle light, For goodnight and for prayer time. But soon, too soon came sterner years, My school boy days were over; I said goodbye with tear -dinned eye, A free and hopeful rover. The West Coast I remember well, Remember how it ,beckoned; We travelled far by C.P.R. Not first class, mine was second. A lonely homesiek lad was 1, No known friend or relation, But I was twenty-one you see And soon found occupation. Fresh in my memory today, The winding road, the tree -lined lane, The pond, the nearby chopping mill, I'd like to be that boy again. .--John Beattie JAMES T. SCOTT HEADS ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION The annual meeting of Seaforth Athletic Association was held on Monday night when James T. Scott was elected president. Frank Kling is vice president and James Murray, secretary -treasurer. The directors are: Dr. Brady, Gor- den McGonigle, Don Morton, Archie Dobson, Bill Smith, Ken Powell, Leo Stephenson, Roy McGonigle. The Association decided to sponsor bantam, midget, and junior hockey teams. WHEELER—DALE Northside United Church was the scene of a pretty wedding on Satur- day, October 3rd at 12 noon when Margaret Dolores Dale, daughter of Mr.' and Mrs. Alvin Dale, Seaforth, was united in marriage to William Franklin Wheeler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Wheeler of Brussels, Rev. John Stinson performed the ceremony, The church was decorated with ferns and mums. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a wedding dress of lace and white satin, with a train, and her flowers were red roses. Miss Barbara Dale of Streetsville was maid of honor, wearing a dress of blue taf- feta and tulle, with headdress to match, her flowers being white baby mums tinted with pink. Brides- maids were Elaine, -Dale and Beth Norris of Seaforth, the former wearing mauve tulle and taffeta with yellow baby mums, and the latter shrimp tulle and taffeta with matching headdress and white tinted blue mums. Robert Wheeler of Brussels was best man and the ushers were John Wheeler and George Wheeler. Mrs. James Stewart was organist. Mr. Lorne Dale Jr. of Seaforth sang "I'll Walk Beside You" and "Be- cause". The reception was held at the home of the bride, the bride's mother wearing navy crepe with navy acces- sories and the groom's mother wore pale blue with navy accessories. The home was decorated with autumn flowers. Assistants were Misses Lola Rohfritsch and Marie Hunt. Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler left on a honeymoon trip north, the bride tra- velling in a charcoal grey suit with black accessories and a purple or- chid. On their return they will live at Brussels. a,uu11111u111111rt,nu11uuuuuunuuuhuuuuuu11u1nmuuuruun1111um11111111nuuu4uu11uaa11unauu11numt. a,aIuw� IA51E ARE mikificALLY 5 DIFFER&NY Here is exciting news for modern living ... gleaming Oneidacraft stainless tableware that needs no polishing—never tarnishes, rusts or stains. ASK TO SEE THE NEW SERVING TRAY COMPLETE WITH A 42 -PIECE SERVICE FOR EIGHT... t7924 $3995 AS NATIONALLY ADVERTISED *TRADE MARICS OF ONEIDA CTD. SAVAUGE7S Jewellery Gifts Fine China Seaforth { 9,11,1111111111,11,1111111111111,111111111111111 1111111,r11111111111111111,1111.111111a11l lill,lllall„I111„11111,111111,1,1111111111„1111111111111111, PRESBYTERIAN LADIES AID The Ladies Aid of First Presby-_ terian Church met Tuesday . after- noon, Oct. 6, in the schoolroom with an attendance of 48. The president, Mrs. H. E. Smith, presided. The meeting opened with a poem by Mrs. Wilfred Coleman entitled "October". The secretary's and treasurer's re- ports were read. There was a short business period discussing the bazaar which will be held Nov. 7. Two mu- sical numbers were given by Miss Barbara Trewartha on the electric guitar. Mrs. Paul Doig was guest speaker, who spoke on Brotherhood of man and loving our enemies. Lunch was served by Miss Jean Scott and her committee. THE LATE GEORGE PRYCE Word was received in Seaforth on Monday, Oct. 5, of the very sudden passing of George Pryce, a former resident of Seaforth, in his 57th year. He farmed in McKillop for some years, retiring to Seaforth. Six years ago he moved to Vancou- ver with his wife and family. He is survived by his wife, the former Clara Crawford, also three sons and one daughter: Glen of Seaforth; Re- ginald and Mary of Vancouver, and Donald of Alaska; also two sisters and three brothers, Mrs. Scott Bol- ton, and Thomas Pryce of McKillop and Miss Nellie Pryee and John and Edward Pryce of Seaforth. He was a faithful member of the United Church and an elder of his Church, and in politics was a staunch Liber- al. The sympathy of former neigh- bors and friends is extended to the family. DUBLIN The October meeting of the Catho- lic Women's League of Dublin was held on Monday evening, Oct. 5 at 8:30 p.m. in the Continuation School. 21 members were in attend- ance, Mrs. Meagher, the president, opened the meeting with the League Prayer and a hymn was sung in uni- son. The minutes. of the previous meeting were read by the secretary, Miss Marie Nagle, the treasurer's re- port by Mrs. Louis Looby and both rports approved by the President. Correspondence was read consisting of two letters, one from Miss Sheri- dan, National Secretary of the C. W. L. welcoming the delegates to attend the National Convention at Kitchener, also a thankyou note from Rev. Father ,Hennessey of Lon- don, in being invited to be guest speaker at a il:oly Hour at St. Pat- rick's Church, Dublin, Sunday after- noon at 3 o'clock. Arrangements were made for the tea following the Holy Hour for the members, The meeting was adjourned by Mrs. Frank Evans with the singing of 0 Canada and the National Anthem. A very successful progressive eu- chre and dance was held in the .par- ish hall on Friday evening under the auspices of the Caiiholic Women's League. About 25 tables of euchre were played with Mrs, John Flan- nery winning the ladies' prize for the highest number of games won. Mr. Dan Burns won the gentlemen's and Mrs. Martin Klinkhamer, the lucky chair. After lunch was served a social hour of dancing was enjoy- ed to the music of the Willow Grove Serenaders. Miss Dorothy Anne Costello won the spot dance prize. Mr. Bill Evans of Merriton spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Buuck of Detroit with Mrs. Kathleen Feeney. Mr. Danny Costello had the mis- fortune to sustain a broken arm when he fell from a horse on the farm of Mr. Michael McLaughlin. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wilson of Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. Pat- rick Ryan. Miss Mary Beale has returned to her hone after spending the past month in Detroit. She was accomp- anied by her brother, Mr. Edward Beale. Miss Dorothy Donnelly of Kitch- ener with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Don- nelly. Miss Marie Bruxer of St. Joseph's Hospital, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bruxer. Mi. and Mrs. Alex Maurice with IYIr. and Mrs. Fred Maurice in Ham- ilton. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dill, Karen and Billie with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dill, St. Marys. Miss Ina Aikens and Miss Mary ' Morrison entertained at a miscellan- eous shower on Sunday afternoon in honor of Miss Ursula Feeney, bride - elect of Saturday, Oct. 10, about 60 friends and relatives were present, and played bingo for an hour. The home was tastefully decorated i with streamers and balloons, an address was read by Miss Ina Aikens, following which the guest of honor was presented with numerous beautiful and practical gifts. Ursula made a suitable reply thanking each one for their thoughtfulness. A de- licious lunch was then served. Mrs. Aaron Jantzi led in prayer. Winthrop, Walton, Bethel, Egmond- ville, Northside, Seaforth and Me- Killop Branch of the Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Rev. W, E. Milroy of Egmondville was the guest speaker and gave a very inspiring address which was enjoyed by all present. The visiting societies each contribut- ed a musical number to the program. The meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs. Rev. H. C. Livingstone after which lunch was served and a social hour spent. The October meeting of the Bethel WMS and WA was held at the home of Mrs. Glen McNichol. Ethel Den- nis presided for the worship service assisted by Mrs. Earl Mills and Mrs. Don Dennis. Mrs. Ross Leeming gave a reading on Stewardship. The topic "New Ways for New Days" was taken by Mrs. Charles Boyd. A I reading on Thanksgiving was given by Ethel Dennis. Plans were made for the Thankoffering meeting which will be held Nov. 5 in the Church with Mrs. Desjardine as guest speak- er. An invitation is extended to Duff's McKillop, Winthrop, Con- stance and the McKillop group of Walton Church to be guests at this meeting. Mrs. Stanley Hilien con- ducted the business meeting, 19 members were present. All the offi- cers of the WMS and WA were re- turned to office for 1964. The meet- ing closed with a hymn and bene- BRUCEFIELD Mrs. Peter Cooper has returned to the village after attending the funeral of her father in New Bruns- wick. Many in the district attended the re -opening services in Northside United Church on Sunday evening. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. S. Mc- Kenzie to the village, They moved into their new home last week. Mrs. W, Pepper has moved into her new home in the village, we hope 'she likes it here. Mr. and Mrs. W, Dutton are on vacation. Rev. Mr. Maines will have ser- vices at Varna on Sunday, while Rev. Pitt will conduct the morning service here. WINTHROP The Helping Hand Mission Band of Cavan Church will meet on Satur- day, Oct. 10 at 2 p.m. in the school room of the church. The girls who attended Alma College will help with the meeting and introduce the new study book. Raymond Chambers of Galt spent the weekend at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Glen McClure and Mr, and Mrs. Don McClure spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Murray alton. Mrs. Glen Haase and little son Donald Murray returned home front Scott Memorial (Hospital on Wed- nesday. Mrs. Geo. Kirkby of Burwash is visiting her sister Mrs, Glen Haase. The regular meeting of the Win- throp Young Peoples' Union was held in the Schoolroom of the church on Sunday evening, Oct. 4 with Mac Bolton, president, in charge, Lavern Godkin and Jim Axtman took the worship period. Bob Betties gave the topic on Christian Citizenship. The meeting closed with hymn 266 "Je- sus Lover of my Soul" and the ben- ediction. McKI LLOP Duff's Church, McKillop, held their Autumn Thankoffering Service in the Church on Tuesday afternnon Sept. 29th with a very large attend- ance. The president, Mrs, Gordon Papple presided. Mrs. Kenneth Stew- art read the scripture lesson and Guests were present from Constance, EGMONDVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Grant Houston of Waterloo and Miss Frances Houston of Brantford were weekend visitors at the home of Mr. Andrew Houston. Mrs. Ogal Russell, Mrs. Needham, Mrs. Robt. Russell and two daugh- ters of Kincardine were recent visit- ors with their cousin Mrs. David Stephenson. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Stephenson were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Saunders and fam- ily of Royal Oak, Mr. and Mrs. Peree Johnston of Varna and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Tier of Wellington. HENSALL Mr. Robert Filer and friend of Toronto were weekend visitors with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne S. Miler. Mrs. Doti Gooding and family of Parkhill were recent visitors with the fornmer's parents, Mr. and; Mrs. Edgar Munn. Mrs. Ann Hopkins returned to her hone in Hinsdale, I11, after holiday- ing with her sisters, Mrs. Hugh Me- Murtrie and Mrs. Lorne Filer. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gould and daughter of London were recent vis- itors with Mrs, Gould's parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker.