HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1953-10-01, Page 8THP4e S L4.FORTR N flWS 10.Big Fall Specials at Stewart gyros.... urtwsocs�a, 16" width Pure Linen Towelling Irish linen with VERY SPECIAL blue, red, green or yellow border .. YD 42" SIZE QUALITY PILLOW SLIPS .. Regular 1.50 quality plain hemmed pillow slips FALL SPECIAL.. , . PAIR 36" WIDTH WHITE MADAPOLIN Firte, fine quality, pure white Madapolin A FALL SPECIAL AT.... 70x90 PLAID PATTERN FALCON BLANKETS A value you won't beat, assorted color check pattern blankets A FALL SPECIAL.. PAIR C 20 x 40 CANNON TOWELS Excellent quality towel h1 checked pattern - 1,50 value TO CLEAR EA. • 81" WIDTH UNBLEACHED SHEETING Fine count sheeting in full 81" width FALL SPECIAL .... YD. 98 22" x 36" LOOPED MATS Wine, green, grey, thick quality loop knit mats FALL SPECIAL 3.25 650 QUALITY - MILL END PRINTS Save 20c a yard on these fine quality good pattern prints FALL SPECIAL AT.... YD. MILL ENDS 36" WIDTH, WHITE FLANNELETTE Excellent quality, soft white flannelette - mill end length A Real Bargain at YD. ®a SPECIAL DISH CLOTHS Red, yellow, green and blue check pattern quality dish cloths FALL SPECIAL ....' EA. STEWART ' BROS. 5 TO RENT 4 room apartment in Senfotth, downstairs. floor coverings, built in cupboards, bathroom. Available now. Phone 6790.4 Hanean HONEY FOR SALE Choice September light amber honey in your .an containers at 12c per 1b. Liberal discount n large quantities. Build up your resistance t, fight these Autumn colds by eating lots of this fine honey. A taste will convince you it is f ood. ELMER SHADE, Eirmondvtlle LOST Toy terrier black with brown ears, white throw and tip on tail. Answers to "Tipple". Dog tag No. 13. Reward. Phone 396 or 165 STRAYED Bluth steer with a white face, weight about 700 lbs„ strayed from Lot 5, Con. 2, McKillop Tp. Anyone knowing whereabouts of this animal please phone 4ir21 Dublin. CLEM KRAUSKOPF 2500u00 COMMUNITY ARENA, HENSALL TUES. OCT. 69 P.m. 12 Regular Games 75.00 If there are 1500 paid admissions the regular game award will be raised to 100,00. 3 Specials 200.00 1 Super Special 1000.00 • Sponsored by Hensel) Legion and Ladies Auxiliary Admission 1.00 Specials and extra games 25 cts. or 5 for 1.00 All prizes must go C - US - B - 4 - U - BUY Any reasonable offer accepted on our large stock of New and Used Tractors, Farm Machines, Electric Washers, Refrigerators & Home Freezers, Belts, Tires & Tubes, Paints, Motor Oils & Grease, etc. Nearly New Machines with Money Back Guarantee One 1.11PTO Drive Ensilage Harvester $595.00 One tit Ensilage and Forage Blower with pipes, etc $195.00 One 3 base Cockshutt Plow on rubber $195,00 One 3 bast. Coekshutt Plow on steel $14t.00 One 3 base Massey Harris Plow ou steal $145.00 Slightly Used Machines with Money Back Guarantee One Farnell 1-I Tractor with str & its, hydraulic lift all, etc. $996.00 One Fennell A Tractor with starter and lights, etc, $696.00 2 Massey Harris Tractors with starter imd7ights, etc. ....ea $696.00 One III. 8 ft. Tractor Disc Harrows $.18,00 One 1.H. 1131221--9 tow Corm Cultivator $98.00 One (•ockshatt 9 ft. Stiff Tooth Cultivator $98.1)0 , 98.00 'S 11 at Tractor Plows )�`leal S 1. T one 3,11-14 3 section Spring Tooth Harrows with steel drawbar $36.011 Plus our large surplus stock of New Parts for old model tractors and farm machines at 1,i regular price NEW WOOL) TONGUES 1/3 REGULAR P181011 JOHN BACH PHONE 17 Seaforth FOR SALE Dresser) ducks for Thanksgiving. We will deliver to Seaforth. MRS. GEO. COL- CLOUGH, RR1 Clinton, Phone SO6r31 Lots in Dublin OsuitableLfor anybody that wants to build on them. FRED ECKERT, Dublin 85 Columbia FROlt SLE Hemp, pullets tinting to lay. Also 75 pullets 4 months old, Rock x Rhode Island Red. Phone Blyth 28ri3. DON KENNEDY, Londesboro At Seaforth Fall Voir, child's blue satin Jacket- W. CAMPBELL, Tames street. Phone Auction Sale OF FARM PROPERTY. On Monday, Oct. 12, at 1 P.M. at Lot 14, Bayfield road south, 1 mile west of Varna on County road, Stan- ley Tay. 105 acre farm, clay loam land, 15 acres second growth bush, remainder work- able land al) freshly seeded. irame house, Bark barn 40x30, cement pig or poultry shed. Hydro available. Terms 10r/e down, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to reserve bid. For further particulars apply to NORMAN CAMPBELL, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer Auction Sale Or HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS. On Saturday, Oct, 3rd, at 1.30 P.M. at Lot 17, Con. 10, Me - Killen Twp., 111/, miles north of Winthrop and 2 miles east. Day bed (new), 2 occasional chairs (new) extension table, 5 dining room chairs, kitchen chairs, sideboard, rocking chairs, sewing machine, battery radio, New- combe piano, fernery, 3 furnished bedrooms. Curtains, pictures, bed linen, pillows. Wing - ham Clipper range tnew). Quantity dishes, toilet sets, coal oil lamps, oil dram,kitchen utensils and other articles too numerous to. mention. Terms cash. Estate of late Mrs. Allan Ross, solicitor A. W. Sillery. Aust.. Ifarold Jackson, Clerk, E. P. Chesney • Auction Sale COMPLETE DISPERSAL SALE. Over 60 Registered and Accredited HEREFORDS. At Lot 10, Con. 4, McKillop Twp., 2nlz miles west of Dublin No. 8 Highway and 2 miles north; or 8` , east of Seaforth on No. 8 Highway and 2. miles north. The Herd of John Delaney, Seaforth, on Saturday, October 8rd at 1 P.M. JOHN DELANEY, Proprietor W. S. O'Neil, Auctioneer Clearing Auction Sale FARM, FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS & Household Effects, At Let 26, Con. 3, Hib- bort 7'p., till mat and 1(3 miles south of Seaforth, on Thursday, Oct. 8th, at 12 o'clock. HORSES—Clyde middle aged mare. CATTLE ---9 Durham cows fresh with calves at feet. 6 Durham Cows due to freshen time of sale. 2 Durham cows due to freshen in March. 8 Durham steers 0 to 10 cwt. 6. Durham heifers 900 #s. 11 Durham steers aid heifers 1 year old. IMPLEMENTS Massey Harris No. 30 tractor fully equipped. Close 2 furrow plow. Massey Harris spring tooth tractor mUtivntor, Massey Ilarris 13 disc fertilizer drill. 4 section harrows, 3 drum lteel roller, Massey Harris side rake, Hay oader, sulky rake, 6 ft. mower (like new), rubber tired wagon, 16 ft. hay rack, sleigh .10031 18 scales. 240 Ib scales, Renfrew Cream sepa'ntor; fanning mill. Masao Ha•t•ia hinder, AMR bona. Wheelbarrow, 2 colony hooses 10 2 r 12, 0 shelters, Jameswa stoves. Hay & Grain, O6 ton mixed hay, alfalfa & timothy. 800 hug, 'mixed grain, Household Effects --Quarter cut oak dining room sulth, buffet, china cabinet, Bble, 6 nits U hrlsierer walnut parlor suite Rock- ing chairs tens] tables, 4 halo springs, mat- tresses, 2 single hula dressers mantel radlo, sad boatel est nv m table, kitehen chairs, other articles too numerous 4o mention PROPERTY-- (1) Tot. 26, Con. 3, 100 acres, praotteelly all workable, clay loam hard, 3n )nod condition, 2 storey brick houne, large hank horn with straw shed, hon hoose, gar- age. Goad water supply, hydro. Parcel (2)-- East halt eO lot 24, Con. 7, itihbert two., 60 nem all in grass, 8 acres bush, good water supply wihh whidmill. O'roperty will he sold together sr separately. Terme chattels cosh. Property: loaf down, balance in 30 days. Im- mediate possos0I011. Prnn. Estate of late Dan - lel O'Connor, Met., Harold Jackson, Clerk, E. P. Chesney FO IT ALL SEAFORTH GOLDEN BEARS VS. WINGHAM MUSTANGS Monday, Oct. 5th 3.15 P.M. LIONS PARK, SEAFORTH THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1953 s ,u,n„,nus,,,,,,,,,,,unum.111,,,,,n,v„u,,,nnwmu,ununu11,1111111111,.111n.1u.1„un,nu11wuollunllvullnnunuua NOTICE TOWN OF SEAFORTH BY ORDER OF THE TOWN COUNCIL EFFECTIVE OCT. 1ST, NO FIRES WILL BE ALLOWED AT THE REAR OF ANY BUSINESS PLACES UNLESS IN AN INCINER- ATOR APPROVED BY TI -IE FIRE CHIEF uaanrnn,nnuaeunantn,.1„an,,,,,nununnu,numuuuana,uu,niauuluuuaunnnuui,wumuionnnuuluui0• CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my neighbors and friends for the many cards and treats, sent to me while a ,patient in the Stratford General Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Ingham, spe- cial nurses and the regular nursing staff. All was deeply appreciated. —Albert Clarke CARD OF THANKS To all those good neighbors and 'Mends, both young and not PO 7000) from far and near, we take this opportunity to express the great pleasure it gave us receiving and studying the many andvaried tokens reeeiv ed recently from the kind thoughtful eased - fates who wished to mark and Pay tribute on our Golden Wedding day, and :nay all those good wishes and blessings be granted and shared by us a11, is the wish of MR. AND MRS. THOMAS ALDINGTON CARD OF THANKS Ronald Jewitt would like to thank his many friends for their cards, treats, flowers and visits paid to him while a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, also thanks to Mrs. Millson's Sunday school class, the Golden Linke mission band, the Farm forum group, and thanks to Drs. McMaster, Brady and Elliott, and the nursing staff. FOR SALE Medium sized Quebec heater, nearly new. BERNARD NOTT. Egmondville. Phone 6641.4 BOARDERS WANTED Room and moils, modern conveniences. Close to Main St. App1Y to The News Moe SAfivL 23 pallets SusseFsOReRd, eE months old, 2.75 each. ANDREWS POULTRY FARM, RR 3 Seaforth. Phone 64718 WANTED Two ladies, part or full time, 3 or 4 even- ings per week, 211/ hours in evening, earn 09 $10 an evening. Box 127, The Seaforth News FOR SALE 25 acres of good grass land, part of Lot 4, Con. 11, McKillop, has shade and spring well with windmill. GILBERT MURRAY, Dublin LOST One red steer, 800-900 pounds. Sawed-off horns. Strayed about four wveeks ago. ERN - EST DALE, RRA Clinton. Phone Clinton 801r21 FOR SALE Dry mixed wood. $6.00 cord delivered. LOUIS COYNE. phone 64r16 Dublin FOR SALE Stainless steel clothes line ball bearing aran- tee witheys. needryt clothesline. ALPHONSE Clifetime RONIN, 22r28 Dublin FOR SALE Two oil space heaters—one Duotherm large size, one smaller Coleman. Also galvanized tank 41%' in diameter and 6' high. MRS. E. J. WEBER, Egmondville FOR SALE Pansies, choice assorted, well rooted and blooming. 3 for 260 THOS. ALDINGTON, North Mahn street, Seaforth EWE LAMBS Leicester -Suffolk ewe lambs for sale at market price. KEN MnPFIERSON, Dublin 3, unnu, nauu noninn, nullllnmannnnvuom„nu m u. WRY PAY MORE? Old Company's Lehigh Premium Hard Coal Now At Sale Prices! GO .4 1, 'mo,,,rnmrote0(' (4'HiG`?' Order Today and Save! Seaforth Lumber Limited 1.1111111111111011,.1nn11v11nuuumuunluw.11111u.111u.11c opervormonallimmonnempalar WANTED CONSTRUCTION HELP AND CARPENTERS Armstrong Bros. Construction Phone 1000 BRAMPTON 13 0 Biu rat r'r'utr AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595 W VETERINARY SURGEON J. O. TURNRTJLL, D.V.M., Y.S. W. R. B1SYANS, D.V.M., V.S. Main St, Seafort]) Phone 106 FOR SALE Philco car radio in A -one rvnninng condition Just like new. Price $26. See 'WM. BROWN, Egtnondv ilie,. Ontario STRAYED To premises of Ephraim Clarke: one yearling heifer, white face. Owner can have same by Proving properly andpaying charges. FOR SALE One of Sea£orth's most modern homes, cora pletely newly decorated, oak floors, fireplace, hot water heating with oil, insulated, 2 car garage, Good terms. Apply DR. IIcMASTER NOTICE We have purchased a modern. Oliver Iron Age Spray Machine and are now prepared to do your Cleaning, Whitewashing, Spraying of +a Any Kind. Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. Give us a call, 64-10 Dublin. PETER E. MALONEY & SONS FOR SALE Hares and softwood slabs, piled up and dry; also cedar for kindling. Phone 60r4 Brussels. JAMES STEVENSON, Brussels JOHN E. LONGSTAFs' Optometrist Phone 791, Main St., Seaforth Flours 0 A.M. to 0.30 P.M. Closed all :thy Wetineo4lw MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC EI. A. McMaster, B.A.,M.D„ Internist P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 pm to 5 pm, daily. except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings. Tuesday, Thtnsday and Saturday only, 7-9 pm Appointments made in advance are desirable The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OfiFICE —SEAPORTS, ONT. 0Ricors —President, John L. Malone, Sea - forth; Vice -Pres., John H. McEwrng Blyth; Manager & Seo: Treas., M. A, Reid, Seaforth. Directors—J. L. Malone, Seaforth' J. H. Malwing, Myth; W. S. Alexander, Walton I D. J. Trewartha, Clinton; J. E. Pepper, Brucefield; C, W. Leonhardt, Bornholm; H. Fhiller, Goderich ; R. Archibald, Senfotth; S. Ii. Whitmore, Seaforth. Agents—Wm. Leiper Jr., Londesbero; J. F Praetor, Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Eric Munroe, Seaforth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will bo Promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named oflieers addressed to their respective post offices. Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates, in First -Class Companies lkrbill<e�CQal' a tnE,,s91 , #p#,$ Fdi Al:11, ¢UIV' RT,,. WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 363-J Res. 192-M RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radia repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR, Opposite Dick House, phone 847R, Seaforth FOR SALE Apples for sale. Sprayed winter apples, Spies, McIntosh, Russets, Tallman Sweets, Snows, Bellflowers. Delicious. Phone 655r16. BOB ARCHIBALD 1 blow torch, 1FOR DazorSALE desk lamp v Price. Poultry Clock lights on am. sets dimmers in 20 min. lights out, below Dost. Daily Dipper Sub Tub for Hotpoint washer. Bottle warm- ers, below cost. 1 carpenter's plane almost new. MRS. A. W. NORRIS, Mitchell FARM FOR SALE 100 ac. farm 3ae mi. north and IA in. east of Dublin, also close to Bralhagen. 7 room house with new 8 piece bathroom, barn 42 72, new cement stabling, two decker 18 080 hen house, drive shed 13030, hydro and water throughout.- PAT FLANAGAN, Mitchell RR4 TRUCKING Lanes graveled, cement and fill gravel haul- ed, price depending on distance hauled. LYLE MONTGOMERY, RI Clinton. Phone84l-R-31 Seaforth NOTICE Weare agents for Fairbanks Morse Ham- mermills, Woods electric grinders and oat rollers. Stable ventilation, etc. See how easy it is to own one. V. J. LANE, Fleury-Bissel Dealer, Seaforth RR 6 TO RENT Heated apartment, kitchen, living room, bathroom, sunporcb, downstairs, and two bed rooms upstairs, also cellar. Now vacant. Phone 249W Seaforth FOR SALE Frame dwelling with new garage in Egmondville. Immediate possession. Frame double house on John St Possession arranged. New modern dwelling with all conveniences including oil heating, very centrally Ideated. Frame Dwelling with all modern conveniences. Oil heating. Suitable for V.L.A. purchase. Modern dwelling, East William 5t., within ane block of Goderich street, new air con- ditioning unit, immediate possession. Frame dwelling on Victoria Street with all modern conveniences. Possession arranged. M. A. REID, Seaforth NOTICE • Spray and brush painting, wall papering, and water- proofing cellar walls. Jack Moore, North Main Street,' Seaforth. Phone 169 J RIIIIIMPADOESAIRRISISPOIRVISOSSI VenvouramarmarM FOR EVERYTHING IN LUMBER PHONE 47 Seaforth Lumber LIMITED Open everyday, all day, except Sunday WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 318 w INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability etc. Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Successor to E. C. Chamberlain MAIN ST. SEAFORTH Phone 334 Res. 222R PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list, 6 samples 250; 24 samples $1.00. Mail - Order Dept. T-74, Nov -Rubber Co., Box 01. Hamilton, Ont. USBORNIS & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE EXETER President Wm. A. Hamilton, Cromarty Vice -President Martin Feeney, RR2 Dubin Directors Harry Coates, Centralia E, Clayton Coleuhoun, I0R1 Science Hill .Milton McCurdy, Bro. LOrkton Alex J. Rohde, RR3 Mitchell Agents Thos. G. Ballantyne, RR1 Woodbam Alvin L. Harris, Box 25, Mitchell E. Ross Houghton, Cromarty Solicitor, W. G. Cochrane, Exeter Secretary-Trcaeurer Arthur Fraser, Exeter •mea® Painting -Paperhanging Interior and exterior decorating WALTER PRATT, R.R. 1, Wal- ton, Phone 481-M, Seaforth. SALES AND SERVICE New Viking electric . cream separators and repairs for Renfrew separators. BASIL O'ROURISE, phone Clinton 634r21 PROCLAMATION Township of Tuckersmith Upon instruction from council under auth- nt'ity of By-law #13, 1062, Township of Tuck-. eremith, I hereby proclaim that all dogs in the hamlets of Egmondville and •'Hnr7rurhey are prohibited from running at large during the period from Junco 1, 1563, to November 1, 1063, Owners or harborers of dogs coninavcn'. Ing the provisions of this by-law 'Will he sub- ject to a maximum penalty of $50.00. !Signed) D. A. o. of Tu T Reeve Two.of Tvc)iersmtth SLABWOOD FOR SALE Slabs, hardwood, $10 a load. 2 cords approx, in a load. Misted wood $8 a load delivered, prompt service. Fred Hudie, Clinton, phone 362 WORK WANTED Landscaping, digging eess pools, etc. Fired Williams, Seaforth. Call after 6 p.ln. Next door to ' News office