HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1953-10-01, Page 3THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1> 2953
Seafarth Fall Fair
Brood mare with foal, T. 3. Mc-
Michael, Harry Bolger; foal of 1953,
T. J. McMlehael;e filly or gelding,
Harry Bolger, Fred Toll,
Percheron for Belgian
Foal of 1953, Harry Bolger; filly
or gelding, Elmo Pritchard, 0. A.
Bannerman and 3rd,
Wagon Class
Filly or gelding, Ken Brown; filly
or gelding 2 yrs. 0. A. Bannerman;
filly or gelding 1 yr, Maureen Stew-
Harness Classes
Light draught team, Ro!bt. Patrick,
Fred Toll; pereheron or Belgian, E1 -
mo Pritchard, 0. A. Bannerman;
heavy draft, W, 3. Dale; single wag-
on horse, Elmo Pritchard, 0, A,
Bannerman, Ross McKagne,
Jackson; wagon team, George Jack- Rathwell,
son, Ross MoKague, 0, A. Banner- Judge—Ross Ma P shall
man, Ken Brown; 4 horse tandem,
Geo. Jac](son and R. Pritchard tied 9hro ear•li ng ram,(Pureshiredowns Armst ng; ram
Sh 1,
lamb, A. Steeper, E, Armstrong, A.
Steeper; ewe lambed 1953, E. Arm-
strong, Steeper; shearling ewe, A.
Steeper & 2, Armstrong; ewe lamb,
Steeper, Armstrong, Steeper; pen,
ram, 3 ewes, Steeper, Armstrong;
best ewe, Steeper; best ram, Arm-
All classes won by B. Kennedy.
All classes won by M. Shoebottam,
R. R. 1, Denfield.
All classes won by R. Brown, R. 1,
Thames'f or•d,
dry cow, llatheell, Carter, Rathwell,
1•I. McNaught )r; heifer, Rathwell
and 2nd, H. McNaughton, Carter;
heifer, sr., H. McNaughton, T. Rath -
well; heifer, jr, 11. McNaughton, T.
Rathwell, Carter, McNaughton; <hei-
fer• calf, sr., L. Carter, I. Trewar-
tha, McNaughton & 4th; heifer calf
Jr., rMeNau hton; champirtha, onBafle-
waI , g
male, T. Rathwell,
Ball 2 yrs and over, S. Hallihan;
ehampion male, S. Hallihan; cow, S.
Hallihan & 2nd; dry cow, W. Boyd,
Rallihaa, W. Baycl; heifer 2 years,
W, Boyd, S. Hailihan; heifer yr. sr.,
W. Boyd & 2nd; heifer yr. jr„ Boyd,
heifer calf, sr,, Borden Reihl, Wm,
Boyd, B, Reihl, P, Simpson, Boyd;
heifer calf jr„ Margaret Boyd, B.
Reihl; champion female, W. Boyd;
dairy herd, II, ➢'1eNaughton, S. Hall-
ihan, L. Carter; special winner Tom
for lst, Robert Patrick, 0. A. Ban-
McMichael special foal, Harry Bol-
ger, T. 3. McMichael; twp special,
Elmo Pritchard, Ross McKague, 0.
A. Bannerman, Ken Brown; best
handled colt, Ebner Johnston, H.
Mcllwain, Harry Bolger; best heavy
e Jackson.
Jude 'hin
gegh Berry
Light Horses
Carriage team, Wallace Munroe,
Jamieson, McKague; roadster team,
Wright, Munroe and 3rd, Weber;
single carriage horse, Jamieson, Mrs,
Graig, Munroe and 4th; single road-
ster, Wright, W. Munroe and 4th; Lincolns
Weber; Hackney pony team, E, All classes won by A. Steeper.
Johnson, Schrader; single Hackney, Leicestor
Schrader and 4th; E. Johnson, 2nd Aged ram, W. Re Pepper:; sheaAi•rr-
and 3rc1; Shetland mare with foal, liner rant, W. I . pl j )nd
Elmer Johnson and 2nd; Harvey
Macllwain, Dr. Stapleton; Shetland
foal of 1953, Eimer Johnson, Har-
vey Mcllwain, Johnson, Dr. Staple-
ton; Shetland pony tears, E. John-: ewe lamb, Pepper, Armstrong; pen,
son,. Osier, Johnston, H. Macllwain;'ram, 3 ewes, Pepper, Armstrong;
ladies' saddle class, Maureen Stew- ewe and ram, Pepper.
art, Edna Stewart, I. James; single Oxfords
All classes won by D. W. Dearing,
carriage horse, Munroe, Jamieson,
McKague; single roadster, Munroe, • Special winner of most points, D.
Wright, Weber; standard bred mare Dearing,
and foal, A. B. Weber & 2nd; stand- Dorset Horned
and bred foal, A. B. Weber: Shet- All classes won by I.. Campbell.
land pony, E. Johnson and and; Os- Judge—Ephraim Snell.
ler and 4th. PIGYorkshire
Butchers' Cattle Boar over 1 yr, W. Turnbuil and
Steer or heifer over 1 yr. R. Kins- ,on, R. McMillan, A. Warner; boar
man and 2nd; baby beef, R. Parson, under r. u1 m l., A.
RTur null;
P, dg — Pan, Turnnttll, Warner; sow 1 yr and
Judge—Wm. O CATTLE ovrr, W. Turnbull and Son, and 2nd,
atcAIt'lan; sow', littered slue Sept.
Bull, 2 yrs & over, )istarter;, ulsot• -0 eithsiluand under, Warner,
1 yr and over, Lorne Cartel , bullyy
calf under 1 yr., Harold McNaugh- Turnbull and ;3rd.
ton; champion male, MrNaughtan; Berkshires
cow, MtNaughton, Carter and 3rd; Boar over 1 yr., Wen. Flynn; sow
strong; ram lamb, Pepper, ani :.
F. Armstrong; ewe, 1953, Pepper,
Armstrong 2nd and 3rd; shearling
ewe, Pepper, Armstrong and 3rd;
1 yr and over, W. Flynn; soyv 6 mats Mrs, A. Clarke; house slippers, Mrs. eortr, pas, -beans, Mrs. 3, Carter;
and under, Flynn and 2nd and 3rd, Platt, Mrs. Steffen. Mrs. Gi'utamett.' pcl(ld beets, Mrs, Carter, Mrs. Nott.
Tamworth dressed doll, Mrs. Dalrymple, Mrs, Ii.I Judge—Jean Beggs,
Boar over 1 yr ,> Geo. Douglas; McLeod;; knitting special, Mrs. John1
boar under 1 yr., G. Douglas; boar Ilett.
6 mths and under, Douglas and 2nd; JudgeExhibMaritjurio Beggs, Lintyooc.
sow, 1 yr or over, Douglass; sow lit- Floral
tered since Sept, 1952, Douglas and
2nd; eow 0 .mths and under, Doug- Asters, Mrs. Elgin Nott, Mrs. Wm.
las, 2nd and Srd; market class, five Bradshaw; aster display, Mrs Peeb-
shoats, A. Jamieson. Special, lest les, Mrs. Glazier; cosmos, Mrs. W.
bacon type boar, W. T. Turnbull; Peebles, M)'. W, Haugh; calendula,
Mrs, W, Iitutgii, Mrs. Peebles dahlias
(3 blooms) Ethel Bennis, Mrs I'cre-
bles; delphinium, Mrs. Bradshaw;
gladiolus, (3 spikes and 7 spike et, Dr,
McMaster; gafllardia, Mrs. Haugh;
Afr. marigold, Mrs. Glazier, Mrs. \V,
Pepper, Douglas. Peebles;r Fr. marigold, Mrs. Haugh,Rhode Island Red, c„ Douglas, Mrs. Peebles; larkspur, ;Vies, Haugh.
Mrs. Peebles; pansies, Airs. Glazier,
Special, best pen of bacon type,
Jonathan Hugill.
New Hampshire, c., Douglas, Pep -
pr' h 'Pepper and 2nd; eke and p„
Pepper; h, ckl, p., Douglas, and 2nd.
Barred Plym Rocks, e„ Douglas,
Pepper; h., Douglas and 2nd; eke„
and p, Douglas, Pepper.
White Rocks, c, h., Douglas, Pep-
per; ckl., Pepper, Douglas; p, Doug-
las, Pepper.
White Leghorns, c, lx, ckl, P•,
G. I, Douglas, Pepper,
Light Sussex, c., Pepper; eke, Pep-
per; p., Pepper and 2nd.
Orpingtons, e, h, ckl, Pepper; p,
Pepper and 2nd.
Aneonas, e, h, Pepper; eke, p, Pep-
per and 2nd.
White Wyandottes, c, Douglas and
2nd; h, Douglas, Pepper; ckl, Doug-
las and 2nd; p, Douglas,
Brown Leghorns L'til„ c, Doug-
las; It, Douglas, MCClymont; ckl, p,
Douglas and and.
Leghorns AOV, ckl, p, Pepper.
Jersey Giants, c, Pepper, McCly-
mont; h, cki p, Pepper and 2nd.
Minorcas AV, e, Douglas, Pepper;
• h. Douglas and 2nd; Al, Douglas,
Pepper; p, Douglas and 2nd.
Bantams AV, e, Pepper, McOly:-
mont; h`, Geo. Douglas, Pepper; eke,
p, Pepper, Geo. Douglas.
Pigeons AV, c, b, t:kl, p, Douglas.
Class 2—Utility Pens •
New Hampshire, e, Pepper.
Rhode Isld Reds, c, Pepper.
Barred Plym Rocks, c, McClyneont
White Rocks, e, Pepper.
Light Sussex, c, Pepper.
White Leghorn, c, Pepper.
Cross Breeds, heavy, c, McCly-
Cross Breeds,Jight, e, Pepper.
Judge --C. Huntsman.
High School Section—Poultry
Light Sussex, eke, Ron Williams;
p, Mary Dennis.
\i , Douglas
, eke., „
Bantams, e, Ross Millson, Chas.
Dungey; 11, Douglas Riley, Ross Mill -
son; cid, p, Ross Millson,
Utility Pens
Light Sussex, c, A. Campbell, C.
Cross Bred, heavy, e, Mary Den-
nis, Douglas Riley.
Public School Section—Poultry
'yy Hampshire, e, Neila Hillman;
11, Mania Jewitt • p, Allan Hillman.
Rhode Isle Rett, It, Bill -Billson.
Barred Pim hock, ckl, Douglas
White Rock, It, Sharon McNichol,
White Leghorn, ll, B01 Millson.
Bantams AV, c, Emily Elliott,
Dennis Jewitt; h, Jack Broadfoot,
Bill Millson; eki, Sandra Bushie,
Garth Flannagan; p, Sandra Bushie,
11111 Millson.
Rabbits AV, e, Bill Millson; ckl,
Beryl Rouse, Bobby Muegge: p,
Richard Muegge, Bobby Muegge.
Pigeons, c, BennieVanakker•, Don-
ald Muegge; h, Bennie Vanakksr &
-2nd; eke, Bennie Vanakkel';.p,
ald Muegge..
Judge --J. P. Walker
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Thos. Allington; pettaties, Mrs. t1.
Peebles, Dr. McMaster; roses, 1)r,
McMaster, Mrs. T, R, Thompson; dis-
play roses, Mrs, T.-11. 'Thompson, Dr.
McMaster; phlox, Mrs. W, Peebles;
scahlosta, Mrs. Peebles, Mrs. W, Brud-
elraw; ilnnias, Mrs. W. Haugh, Mrs.
Glazier; batty zinnias, airs. Peebles;
pep. zinnias, Mrs. Peebles,. airs. W.
Haugh; Ali', violet Garnet Adams.
Mrs, Bradshaw; Afr. violets, Mrs. El-
gin Nott, Mrs. 'I'. Barton; be f~onins,
Mrs, J. Carter; coll. potted plants, Mrs
\V, Haugh; (peens, Mrs. Carter, Mrs.
Haugh, .roll. annuals Mrs. W. Haugh;
t nrple,
Mrs. Bradshaw; cactus, 1)r AleMas-
ter, airs. Ilauglh; eorsnge, Mrs. 1'. R.
Thompson lits, Elgin Nett; resettle.
Mrs Jas, Carter; 'Revel arr, Mrs. dle-
ziet Mrs. Peebles; floral dosigu, Mrs.
Dalrymple. Mrs, Elgin Nott; house
plant, airs, Dalrymple, Mrs. \\1u.
Bradshaw; aspidistra. Airs.. Haugh.
Mrs. Dalrymple; novelty in ort dow-
ers, Mrs, herd Ort, Mrs. D. Lemon;
liv, room bouquet. Mrs, \V. Hanger;
low bouquet, Mrs. Peebles, Mrs. Nutt;
tall bouquet. Mrs, Peebles; floral :11-
1'angement Mrs. Lc ,ale Pryce; Mmia.
tune garden, airs. Glazier, Mrs, Eigiu
Judge—V. Cook.
Fall Wheat, Arnold Jamieson,
Jack Crozier;Oats, Harold Pryee,
Arnold Jamieson; barley, Arnold
Jamieson, Tom McCowan.
Field Crop Competition ---• Oats,
Bob Allan 95, Harold Pryce 90, Arn-
old Jamieson, 88, John Whyte 85,
James Keyes 80, Bob MeKereher 77,
Donald Buchanan 75, Stanley Bit-
ten 72, Jack Crozier 08, Ken Stew-
art (15, John Henderson 08, Tommy
McCowan 59, Russel Bolton 55, Bob
Field Crop Competition •-- Corn,
Bob Allen 95, Thomas McCowan 87,
John Henderson 32, Jonathan Hug -
ill 80, Art Henderson 78, Donald
Buchanan 74, Ken Stewart 72, Jack
Crozier 70, 1t. S. McKereehr 09, Les
Pryee 67, Frank Fowler 62, Guy
Dorrance 111, Robt. Campbell 55.
H.S. Home Economics
Skirt. Mary Lou line, .Vary 1;! oad-
toot, Gr.tee Seimou; blouse, J: -au
:icon, Marlon Heuriugwcn, Jun
Smith; dress and junket, 1,11111 Silt,
Margaret Stewart, Lois MoLotlun.
Weskit and skirt, June Fins; sum -
nor Chess, Yvonne Alt•Taggat1. Dora
Stinson, Maja Hoolial; winter dress,
Marylin lyra, Betty Catupim11. nose
Sermon; blouse, Joyce .1,ue1, 11,1,s
Johnston, Lois McLellan,
Grade 11--\Veskit k skirt, Muriel
Dale; jumper, Mary Whyte; party
dress, Ruth Hemingway, Mary \\ byte.,
Alttriel Dale;
Crafts-Hunihercltief, Rose :Mur-
ray, June Smith, dBetty txtintiun;
hack darning, Jean Semi, ,lune Smolt.
Ruth Hemingway; enib. article. h ,i
true , r'u:
4 u m Yrcle 1'•anl'ol•ke L' 1
Butter: Crook, Mrs. J. Carter, E.
Dennis; prints, lairs. Carter, E. Den-
nis; dozen, Mr's.- Carter, 1:. Dennis.
Maple syrup, E. Dennis, F. •Me-
Cly'nhont, Soap, Mrs. Carter. Lard,
Mrs. Jas. Carter, Ethel Dennis.
Judge, Mrs. Norman Carter
Women's Work
Needlecraft ---Quilt, Mrs, T. Bar-
ton, Mrs. Rhea Orr, Mr's. John Me -
Ash, bedspread, Mrs. Peebles. Best
quilting, Mrs. John McAsh, Mrs. G.
Segner, Mrs. T. Barton; pieced cot-
ton, Mrs. Barton, Mrs, Geo. Segner,
Mrs. 11, Orr; bedspread, quilted,
Mrs. G. Segner, Mrs. Jack Kemp,
Mrs. T. Barton; quilt, child's, M
rs, J
Kemp, Mrs. Peebles, Mrs. Segner.
Afghan, Mrs. Peebles. Floor stat,
braided, Mrs. Seigner; hooked, Mrs.
Barton; yarn, Mrs. Staffer. Winner
of most points, Mrs. T, Barton.
Judge, Mat'arie Beggs
Roots and Vegetables
Red tomatoes, Mrs. W. Haugh, T.
Aldington; tomatoes, yellowy F. Mc-
Clymont; enllecticn tomatoes,F. Ma.
Clymont; Spanish onions, Mrs. J.
Carter, Mrs. W. Haugh; dutch set
Mrs, W. Coleman, Mrs.. W. Haugh;
onion sets, Mrs. W Haugh; pickling
cucumbers, Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs. W
Bradshaw; butter beans, Ken Stew-
art, F. McClymont; white beans,
Mrs. W. Haugh, F. MCClymmnt: car-
rots, F, McClymont, Mrs. Haugh:
carrots, Mrs. Haugh, F. McClymont;
Leets, F, McClymont, Mrs. Haugh;
beets, F. McClymont, Mrs. Haugh;
cucumbers, Mrs, GI a z i e r, Mts.
Haugh; parsnips, T. •Aldington, G.
Adams; peppers, Mrs. W. Bradshaw:
sweet corn, 0. Adams; field corn,
Jack Crozier, Ken Stewart; - radish,
F. McClymont; sunflower heads. F.
McClymont; novelty in vegs, F. Me-
Clymont, Mrs. W.Haugh; fall cab-
bage, T. Aldington Mrs. W. Glazier;
winter cabbage, Mrs. W. Laugh, T.
Aldington; onions, T. Aldington;
muskmelons, F. McClItmont, G. Ad -
anis; citrons,- T. Aldington, Mrs. W.
Coleman; California citrons, Mrs. W,
Haugh; watermelons, Mrs. Haugh:
vegetable marrow,Mar McMaster, y
Whyte; pumpkin'. Mrs. W. Coleman
Mrs. Haugh; squash, Mary Whyte,
F. McClymont; hubbard squash, G.
Adams, F, McClymont; pumpkin,
G. Adams; Maty Whyte: field car-
rots, F. McClymont; swede turnips,
1'. Aldington: Irish Cobblers, Mrs.
W. Glazier; A.0,V, Potatoes, T. AI-
dington: fodder corn, Jack Crozier,
E. Stewart; garden produce, Mrs. W.
Haugh.,F. McClymont,
Keyes, Catherine Campbell, Lois
Roe, Peggy McLeod, Agnes Hicknell.
New vegetables, Mary Whyte, Shirl-
ey Maines Beth Pryce.
Centrepiece of veg.,Betty Axt-
man, Agnes Bicknell, Mary Whyte,
Catherine Campbell, Beth Pryee.
Cotton dress, Ruth Hemingway
bound buttonhole, Ruth lienringway;
worked buttonhole, Ruth Henning -
way; floral arrangement, Catherine
Campbell; cotton dress, Ann Haugh,
Dorothy Keyes, Agnes Bicknell; Baugh, buttonhole, Ann augh, Mary
Broadfoot; worked buttonhole, Ann
Haugh, Mary Broadfoot; var, of
coolies, Marion Hunt, June Smith;
cup cakes, Marion Hunt; canned to-
matoes, Agnes Bicknell, Ruth Cra-
zier, Mary Broadr'oot,
Turnips, G. McCartney, K. Wright,
Ii. Dale, H. Millson, S. Haugh: car-
rots (shorty Mary Scott, Susan
Haugh, 1301 Teall, John Scott, Linda
Pryce; carrots (Ing) Lloyd Pethick,
Suane Haugh, M. Mintage, 'Kerr
Cardno, Gordon Miller; red man -
golds, Bill Millson; yellow mangolds,
Stewart Boyce, Melva Boyce, Har-
vey Dale. parsnips, Ross Riley, :Bary
Scott, Nick Whyte, Susan Haugh,
Whyte; onions, Ken Coleman,
Beatrice Siemon, Bob Fotheringham,
Helen Broadfoot, Carol Carter; to-
matoes, Larry Byernran, Jack Broad -
foot, Mary Scott, Jean Broadfoot.
(-Brans, Ken Coleman, Beatrice Sia
mon, Susan Haugh, Jack Broadfoot,
Gordon Dale; cabbage, Barry Flem-
ing, Lois Maloney, Susan Haugh,
Beatrice Siemon, 'David Stinson;
held potatoes tgiris) May Belle
Stinson, Susan Haugh, Jane Hyde.
bskt. potatoes tboys1 Lloyd Pethick,
, ,
ly Axunautn; bonnet Put Danis Juhus bonnie Riley, Larry Beuecman, Iiob,
tun, Lois McLellan, Maja Itoobtu;
bowleg 11nt Marie Pullman, Alen,
Gut(kin, Lois Roe.; smoelir-rl article,
Ruth Hemingway.
Fowls 'lea biscuits. Muth 1-1, lulu;
way, Maty Whyte. Alice Christie;
muffins, .Mary. Whyte. fenny 3 aoi's
Frances Cook; coolti s. Dorothy Enz-
en •berger, June Smith; clue. eaice,
Frames Cook, Muth Sills, Mary
Whyte; chiffon cake. . L•na Miller, It.
Hemingway, Catherine Campbell; ap-
ple par+, Jean Semi, Bruer McFadden;
a dct+:an;
meringue pie, Dorothy Enzeusacraal.
iris Beuerntaau. Mar) hit
Arts and Crafts— Grade 11 - -Wood - Public School Section
Flowers—Sec B
Pansies, Linda l'ryce, Alary 130511 -
art, Wayne Hugill, Helen Elliott,
Kenny Devereaux. sweet peas, Clay-
ton Connell; gladioli, Paul McMast-
er, Suane Haugh, Clarence Dale,
Jean Broadfoot, Wayne Hugill; ast-
er;, Lou Tyndall, Joan Boyle, Kath-
ryn Boshart; Frnih marigolds, Lar-
ry Byernran, Suane Haugh, Jack
Broadfoot; African marigolds, Suane
Haugh, Lois Tyndall, Lynda Pryce,
Elliott, Ben Montgomery: summer
squash 1 pepptt) Cleorgine McCart-
ney, P,ili Millson, David Stinson,
Susan Haugh, 1 arvey Dale; eueun-
hers, Douglas Jamieson,
Margaret Little, Suane Haugh, P,ea-
triee Siemon; corn, Margaret Bie-
gregor, Jack Broadfoot, Mary McIn-
tosh, Gordon Dale, Douglas Hugill;
coll. vegetables, No. 1, Hallett, S.S.
3, Tuckersmith, Jack Hoff; beets,
Clayton Connell, Emily Elliott, Judy
James, Suane Hanger, Melva Boyce.
Judge ---Wm. McKenzie.
work. Dotllyu Hemingwtt)'. Ronald ale
nis, Jack 21elady; metal noire, Jack
Melody, Durl Hopper, lou. Ennis;
ah•aughtin; , Donlyit HeutitegwtY, 11111''
Grade In --Woodwork, ';crake extra
13111 Flannigan, Don Dodds:
project, manic 1.:Minil. \\ tylt .til Mi-
chael; rh•augluittg. 11111 Scott, Peter
Spittal. Hugh e;orwill,
(;rade 11 ---Woodwork. ,leu :McIntosh.
Neil McGurn; Gordon Kennedy; .xi'..
dim Perin'; notal work. ,Jitu M,'it.t, . l
drungluing. Dave Adams. Jim 1'• ,:t".v. IBarry Fleming; Zinnias, Larry 1,y-
erman, Clayton Connell, Donald
Nott, Suane Haugh, Ellett Connell:
Dahlias, Kathryn Boshart, Suane
Haugh, Barbara Nott, David Stinson,
Ladles' Work -
Dining Rouen--Tableclutic. Mrs. Ste-
ffen, Mrs. Dalrymple airs. ('Ilatnietti:
ct.tirepiect Mrs. Staffed, Mrs. Dal-
rymple; luncheon set, Jars, G. Seigu' r
air.-. Berton; centrepiece, ,nth„ Airs.
T. Barton,alt, t 'h:utticki; centrepiece
r toc11., Mrs, McAsh, Mrs. Steffen airs.
Alc('hue tattoti centrepiece, Mrs.. Orr; buffet sot, airs, S. Merlins-,
bir, T. Barton, Mrs Seigner bridge
r Mrs. J. (3rumnu t t, Mrs Peebles:
blr s:
felt cover, Mrs. Peebles.
Living Roots—Chair set, Alt,- Slat -
fen, Airs. S McClure. Mrs. Peebles:
ttsttion, Mr M. Barton airs. S. llcC'lure.
Airs. D. L cm at; needlepoint u,vet
Mrs. D. Letmnn: petite point Mrs,Seigner; needlepoint framed Mrs. D.
Lenton: Alm Jack Kemp, Mrs Seig-
ner; shell picture airs. Dalrymple.
Airs. Grummett, Mrs. Seigner: c}oiley.
Mrs. Seigner, Mrs, Jack Kemp, Mrs.R. Orr.
Bedroom --Pillow slips, Mrs. Steffen.
MA's. Barton, Ml's, Jack Kemp: colored
pillow slips, Mrs, Kemp, Mrs. Orr.
Mrs. Steffen; other pillow slips. MA's,
Strtffen, Mrs. Seigner, Airs. Barton;
cath. towels. AA's. Seigner and 2nd.
Airs. Kenn; pair towels, Mrs Steffen.
vlrs Kemp. Mrs. Peelle, sheets.
Onions, Briley CBL to:: a. 11 r'.t: :•
Boyd, Maty Whyte; to carrots, Al ar
I 'thick. Betty Simpson. Ann Hai:Ott , assorted var.,R
cutll Ann Kleber, Su-
arrots. buneli d, Keith 11e.hiclt, Pe.,—lane. Haugh, Stewart ince, Robert
oy Jan'es..\nn Haugh: 1. t trips. Ell.. .: l Elliott, Paul Bellaste2 dinging: ta-
uhetlr lic•Ewinq 11111 \i Rices. Lot- bee centres, S S. 1, Hallett, hill
P.oe; beets. Barbera Boyd. .11r 1 Teal1, Barry Fleming. Paul bleMast-
Ham;lt. Dora •\nn Stinson: eat nn, er.
=rs. Anil Haugh, Beatrice (1111- at ( Judge—V. Cooke, Clinton.
MIs. Seigner, Aim. Barton; varsity eel.
Mrs, B. hrieduy, Mrs. Steffen. AB's, S.
McClure; baud. picture, Mrs, Platt.
AAs, ('e.11,•s, Mrs. Gra:nin t1,
Me --
Meat's Rear-Pyja nuts. .Ail 2e12•
iter, mitt . Mrs, Platt, sect PAs. A.
('lark', Mis, Juo. Platt. Air,. Sctgner;
%cork sox, Mrs. Ptat1 .lits..; as Carter;
,weutet, Mrs. Seigner, alt's Friedav,
- Tett atpron bit's Signer Mrs, J.
.'tit unnett Mr', 3. Kram,; work apron.
.ler:. Kemp. 'Mrs, Seigner. Mrs, Carter;
house chess, Mrs. Kemp, Mrs. (Carter,
AL's, Itiguer, blouse, Mrs, :Kemp;
.nom and dumlght•th
1 sses, Mrs. Mc -
cline. Mrs. Carter; , night dress, Mrs.
-Scigr,er•, Mrs. lienip: skirt, JD's. J.
Keutp: wool skirt. Mrs. Seigner, Mrs.
Kem); bed jacket, Bit. Carter. Mrs
('hatuicki graves lit S, MrChtti,
Jus. Pe, bion, Airi . t+ of uer; handbatg,
itis. Barton,-
tthilch 'u's Wear --Baby's aby's set, Knit,
:ter- Kemp,
:Vers. lienBart, Mrs, A.
u'ec liet set. 'bars. Kemp, lits.
11.1•, ;Tres Steffen; carriage tIIV''t', bus.
2)11 Kart, :Mrs.y Clarke; overalls.
ills. Kemp alts . elgner sn!arlcea
dress, alts. deign,.! Mrs. TS utp, Maty
Whyte: cotton ttrrss, Mrs. Seigner
Mrs Kt:Inpsocks. Mrs.tett sun snit
Alr.t. Elgin NM21r Kemp; Full ar-
ticle. MA1s. ii. \h 011 and 2m1; Mrs.
- Made over c.t.rin ,tt, AAs 5, Jit.
i lme, ales. Soignee. Mrs. Kamm; pot
It M"t'r \Ttv 5. M ('lnrt', firs, Kotllp,
AA \ (;dike; lunc'tci ,t elot.lt, tilts,
Horticultural Products
Most classes, F. l•IeClymont, Shel-
don pears, 0. Adams; Bartlett pears,
Mr's. T. R. Thompson; Green Gage
plums, Mrs. W, Haugh: German
prunes and other variety, Mrs. T.
P., Thompson.
Canned Fruits & Vegetables
Strawberries, Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs.
W. A. Glazier; cherries, MIr Carter;
peaches, Mrs. Elgin Nott, Mr, 3,
Carter, Mrs. W. Glazier; pears. Mrs.
Carter, Mrs. T. R. Thompson; plwus,
Mrs, Ilgin Nott: pineapple Mrs. J.
Carter; raspberries, Mrs, A. Jamie-
son, 'Mrs. J. Carter, Mr, SamMc-
Clure; grape juice, Mrs. J. tarter;
tomato. juice, Mrs, A. Jamieson,
Mrs, W. A. Glazio , Mrs. S.McClure:
chili sauce, Mrs. Glazier, Mt:.. S. Mc-
Clure, .firs. 3, Carter; Mild cherries,
Mrs, J. Carter; tomatoes,lets. A.
Jamieson, Mrs. 3, Carter Mrs. W. A.
Glazier; cucumbers, Mrs. A. Jamie-
son, Mrs, J. Carter, Iters. jack Roma;
relish, hires, J. Carter: salad dress-
ing, Mrs, 3. Caner', Mrs. J, Kamp;
canned chicken lb's. 3, Carter; to-
mato catsup, Mr W. Gl lxier, Mrs.
3, Carter; blticle c•tu'rant jam, Mrs,L,
Nott, Mrs, Geo Seigner,Mrs. Cart-
er; strawberrytrot, Mrs,J nt
Mrs. Seigner, Mr's, \V, Haugh; rasp-
berry ,ism, Mrs. G. Selene% Mrs, T.
W. McMillan, Mrs, J, Benin; apple
jelly, Mrs. Seigner, Mrs, Glazier',
Mrs. Carter; ted currant. jelly, Airs.
T. McMillan, Mrs E. Nott,Mrs. A.
Jamieson; A,O V, jam, Mrs. A,,Iatn:
Platt, Mrs. Kemp; coronation design.; ieson, Mrs, Haugh, Mt. , Carter;
Laird Norris; Pickling c11,,,1111,•-
Ann Ilauglt; table int ul .s •.,..e.-1
Dorothy Keys. Betts
feed turnips, 31.1c!
McGavin; tomato'-, Marion lb cit t -
way, 13111 Norris, I,an•d Noris; pump-
kins, Glary Whyte. :Via u•y Levi
Bruce Coleman; large pumpkin. 1 e
Cooking—Sec C
Tett his,'uit Caroline Russ, Tent
Whyte Linda tints, Bary Brown;
tarts Iron Riley,Mar areI Reeves,
Joan Baeh, Linda Sims; clroeolate.
ee Connie Eckert, 1- at hard I'hmr-
rice incl;, .Son Ihct 1 ;a tee; Sharon Ila:hani Nancy Giew,
,Mary \Chyt,.. Penny ,l,l s:a 1Joart Iayeo bran nutrtn_. Ctm•ol
squash, Marjorie ie iit•Fiwnt ln± .1 b owter. Connie Eckert. Judy Nott,
Boyd, Arlene Gorll.mr: n 11 tli,tn'1, Beverley Phillips. Sharon MtNuhol;
lues. Bill Rualh'rs; Irish
.Norris, Lard Norrie. t obi
as. potatoes. Dura Ann
zabutb 211tlevin. Neil Iltdio}oti,v
Toru AIcCowall; other coral. linMc-
Intosh. MlJeatrtyroe iDleSmith.
aoI 1,t
Mdtt Hints, CVhiersgineniya',
Rnsso Se\iCmoayrn;e
rice Seinrnn. Dora AnnStinson: t
sects Boun•ice?einlar, lout- r
rice Seitllali. white
cake, Pearn sl .Lean, Ann
Troutbeck, Linda Sat au;e, Merger -
cg Ann Elliott ltniee Adams; apple
pie.. Petty Ross, Linda Sins, June
Du}:te; maple cream, Steuart Boyce,
Kay Nott, Ann Trotitherit, Linda
Dol on, Ental Townsend; fudge,
Flowers •
Asters. hila'}- Braadt101 ou r?.
B. Siouan. G, Sienlo't
Sermon. Luis Somerville, Jean tion;, t.
vine; nrar(gol,is Pc.. 11111 H.-tien. 1.+'
Millet', 3l:u•y 13raart('11; marigolds
Af.. Ann Haugh, :Mary Whyte; peas..
las, single. Beatrice S, ;we,.
bolt Al1•Ewing. Dorothy 10 z'•u<h .r g
pansies. Anti Haugh; snapdragons.
Ann Mouth; gladiolus. Alm po'i'
Ewing M,tt'y i3roadfoot ; gladtoltts.
diff.. Marjorie )orie \It Fsvin? gladiolus.
display. Mary Broadfool. Alarlori,2 ]1t--
Ewinr; roll. anitmils, Peony James.
Sr ,ith,
.1 , ,:;e --Airs. Norman tarter.
Public School Section D
Writing Sec 13
Boy Blue, Shirley Storey :. Bo
Peep, Rath Manley, Gaye Elliott:
The Swing, Carol Carter; Twinkle
Star, Eileen Dolrnage, Judy Nott;
Indian Summer, Diane Gardner. Vir-
ginia Gardner. Flora Ann Scott!
God Save The Queen, William de
Jong; 0 Canada, Lore.en Holzhauer, ,
Mary Kehr Mayda Beuermmr:
Maple Leaf Catherine Doig, Bill
Strong, Beatrice Siemon; neatest
scribbler, Darlene Coughlin, Mary
AIlan. itiarie Rowland, Mar)- Scott,
Bobby Muegge.
Coronation Scrap Book 1 Jr,1 Joan
Ann ilatiah2 he:;cttt+'=, Lutb 'let0Roberton, Connie Clew, Ken Melt -
potted plants. Ann Haugh: cies•' wain, Gerda Chrisensen: Lois Ma-
Idaugh • cactus eon. Ann 1 Ala loreV• ,l.ntt Bob Fotheringhein,
ion Hemingway; ,•let -autbe•nnm,-
Ruth 'Nall, Ann Haugh; floral .1 't
gement, Ann Haugh. Alley eh 1-;
Joyce Jewitt,
Judge---Gt•c'te McV:me,dter
Exhibits for Garden Club-- Bou-
quet. 'Mary 13roadfont, Giorgiut Mc-
Cartney, SIm•iel Dale, Darethy Key-
es, Betty Campbell. Asters, Agnes
Bicknell. Dorothy Keyes, Lois Sole.
Maty Braaitfoot, Zinnia dah-
lia,•Elinabeih McEw•ing. Betty- ;There
son, +^--'nes Ilreknell, Petty (amp'
hell, :Miry Lan Roe. Marigold, liar}
Broadfoot, Catherine Campbell
Gladiolus, Mary Broadfoot. An-
nuals Mary Ilroadtu,t, Shnlcy
Maim , I'ercnntals, i c v li 1 cod.
Fliilheth lirltvin•", calhcrin, cam.
am -
Bonnie McI eod Suatu Haugh Retry
Allen, Melva Boyce; ( Sr. ! Ann Sills,
Annette Townsend, Carol Adams,
Sharon Iiothmn, Ellett Gat•will.
Art—Section E
Pre -School Art, Susan Seim, grd
'1, 2, 3, Regtje de Wilde, Wayne Hu -
gill, Donna Elliott, 4. 5, f,, Wilma
Billings, Carol Fowler; 7, 8, Sandra
Sayauge, Francis Haul, Ann Chart-
ers: chidren' exhib„ Dennis Jewitt,
Bobby Phillips, Mary Ellen Suther-
land, Anthony fan LLoou, Mary
Kchn: spatter work, Jr. Int Sr.,
'21111 :ton Powell, Ron Powell, i.r •tje
euuttl0 ',tla.lat;) -ew eT
Gardner; SOH p e•u•ving, P,ryan Brady,
hus•tn fenced) erget, Gordon Ferris,
hurray Carter.
Crafts & Hobbies -Section G
pbeli Beth Pryer,.. .Ian t .•i . r r :or, i i d',nt , d model Roy Dnn'•ey;
Peggy McLeod. ('t1'h a . c Elizabeth l pl a. Pic me, (rule 'Austin, Roy pun..
McEwine', J tu\' Whyte. feel* B; -'trey; tea tosvel, Betty Ross, Ronnie
i c oli. 1)era Stinson, \ evetable ahs- Multi oil, Eileen Dtilnt t .' e.proli,
play. 1st year, Agnes Titrl:nell, JoanDorat1Broad-foot; knitted article Bea -
Ann Stinson, Ruth Anil
1 tnaier, CA-! trice Sierdon, L'nrbartt Mennall. Ba,-
decline Moylan, T)ar thy En;,nshc,-hara Mennen, Margaret 1,iltIt Dea-
ver; and year, Mary \ihate, Iris hy-1tlt'.a Sieuton, host cartoon Dianne
t, Bernd Pale Catherine ('n- ( rlriner, u.au l.uzeu he'rget, John
ntpbelt, Joyce Jewitt, 11, 1') ity Keyes s , Scott, Gene Nixon; roll. of weeds,
June Smith. Tomatoes, i cis Rot, c''.1...I•Jcan lled.aut,hiitt; wall and tabic' tlis-
therine Campbell. Carrots, Dorothy r Plays, Seatforth 0. S„ St. James.