The Seaforth News, 1953-09-24, Page 6SNE Calvert SPORTS COLO1IN eity3 9e49,0400 * # he Meat important toe in the sports world does not, oddly enough, belong to a soccer player, a football or rugby ace, In fact this toe isn't employed in any part of the kicking business. The toe belongs to the greatest shot- putter O'Brien of Southern ahCaliforniiad 'IUniversiter y', (MemPie champion and world record holder in the business of heaving the 16 -pound missile for distance. Juse how did a toe become important to a shot-putter? You might ask. And the story is this: In 1950, O'Brien had set a national college freshman rec- ord of 53 ft. 101/2 in. Instead of being satisfied, his coach, Jess Mortensen began experimenting with O'Brien to the extent that by the athlete's sophomore year his putting style had been completely rebuilt, Under the new style Parry's right toe is the key to his success. Most shot putters stand squared away in the ring but when he puts the shot O'Brien's big toe is pointed toward the rear of the circle. Among other things this means that his heel and back are to the direction of the put. Mortensen believes this vastly improved O'Brien leg drive. Whatever did it, progressively this young stalwart has broken the National Collegiate Athletic shotput record, set a new mark for the National A. A. TJ., established the all-time Olympic record, and beaten Jime Fuch's world record. His most recent nark, when this was written, was two and three- quarter inches beyond the 59 -foot mark. Back in 1904, Ralph Rose was putting the 16 -pound shot appoximately 49 feet, at the time a tremendous heave which nobody believed would ever be excelled. Rose, a giant of a man, put the pellet 48 feet 7 inches to win the Olympic title, O'Brien's title -winning and record smashing Olympic heave was just beyond the 57 -foot mark. But that was merely a start. Today's O'Brien, with his toe working smoothly to help pro- vide great leg -drive in his push -off, is getting closer and closer to the 60 -feet mark, and may be able to achieve this, come the next Olympics, Or perhaps sooner. At any rate, he's one athlete of whom you can truthfully say, he's the greatest the world has ever seen, and prove it by figures, Recently, a fraction of an inch was added to Les Steers' high -jump record of 6 feet 11 inches, and even though a tech- nical flaw barred the new record, it indicates that techniques have improved leaps and bounds, particularly in field events. Your comments and suggestions for This column will bo welcomed by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calver) House, 431 Yonge 51„ Toronto. Calvtrt DISTILLERS LiMITED AMHERSTBURG. ONrseto ..Plain Horse Sense.. 85y BOB EL IS The most important achieve- ment of organized farming in Ontario since the end of the war was the establishment of the On- tario Hog Marketing Agency with its sales organization United Livestock Sales, Ltd. - It was very successful in main- taining price even against re- peated attempts by the packers to bring prices down. To enable the agency to keep up the good work it is important that hog producers continue to give it full support by following its direc- tives. Send Hogs to Yards One of the difficulties encoun- tered by the agency in estab- lishing prices is the recurrent shortage of hogs at the stock- yards. Too many hogs have been shipped direct to packing plants, In an open letter, published in last week's Rural Co-operator. C. D. Black, manager of the sales agency, explains the situation to all hog producers. After reviewing the develop- ments from the January price of 23 cents to the present price of 35 cents, Mr. Black says that he is "not worried about being able to keep the value of your prod- uct at this higher level than it has been for a number of years, PROVIDED we get the hogs at the RIGHT PLACE and at the RIGHT TIME in order to do so." Mr. Black thinks that ('very hog producer should be aware of the complications and eontin- ues: "Regardless of what you may hear from any source the basic fact is that — price is es- tablished at the public market," "It, therefore, follows that in order to create and establish the true value of your hogs, it is essential to have sufficient hogs TAD 15 See 7,r,t %t le ,,r>;yy s `Ie .efie bri1' '4'211 in 1 e » y";, "JO 'Mrd erne' IfifiC ; 18 - at the public market and we have consequently ordered trans- porters to deliver hogs to the Ontario Stockyards who have been going elsewhere with your hogs." Rebates to Transporters In an interview to the Co- opeeator Mr, Black states that the transporters have shown an unwillingness to comply with the directives.. Some farmers suspect teat the reason for this is that an unde- sirable practice of rebates to some of the transporters has crept into the marketing of hogs, reports the Rural Co-operator, Generally hogs sold a:, the yards fetch higher prices than those delivered direct to the plants. Last week the market price was at a record high of $37, while at the plant hogs were paid for at $35 to $36.50. Appeal to Producers Mr. Flack ends his letter with a strong appeal to all producers: "Now you, the individual hog producer, probably not fully aware of the situation, ,nay not want this. We are concerned — in that through lack of complete knowledge on your part — you All Dolled Up—The Best Dressed Dog at the Canadian National Exhibition. Kathleen O'Connor and her dog "Sally" won the Ballard Award and 15 silver dollars for the hest dressed dog in the Big Mutt Show. may become the innocent con- tributing factor to lower hog prices." "In order to maintain the price of hogs at this comparatively high level, after complete study, we cannot advise you too strong- ly to insist that your trucker ad- heres to the directives emanating from this company for the sound a n d well -considered reasons stated above" Necessity of Co-operation Under a marketing system, which is supposed to be regu- lated by supply and demand, two or three large buyers combining forces, could secure undue ad- vantages over a multitude of small sellers. As a matter of fact this used to happen and has led to the es- tablishment of the one Central Marketing Agency acting for all producers. I stands to reason that only through co-operation with and full support to the Agency of each and every producer suc- cessful operations can be carried on. This column welcomes sug- gestions, wise or foolish. and all criticism, whether constructive or destructive and will try to answer any question. Address your letters to Bob Ellis, Box 1. 123 - 18th Street. New Toronto Ont NO MATCHES, SO LANDS PLANE As he was planting out rows of potatoes in a field adjoining a country road near Dillingen, Germany, a farm -labourer heard the sound of an approaching aeroplane's engine. A moment later a small 'plane made a perfect landing on the roadway, and out stepped the young civilian pilot, an unlighted cigarette dangling from his lips, He walked across to the Worlt- er, offered him a cigarette, •std said: "Got a light, please?" The surprised man gave him a box of matches, the pilot lit up and re- turned them, hurried back to his machine and took off., Nine oilers To Fly To Kars The race to design and build a "space station" is on. Scientists the world over are scrambling to complete plans for the first station, in such a race as the world has not seen since the splitting of the atom demand- ed a bomb. The nation, or group of nations, which succeeds in establishing 'this earth satellite could beat off all attempts of a rival power to do likewise and hold the entire earth in cubju- gation. Hurtling around the earth at a speed of some 18,000 m.p h. the space station could bombard any city with guided missiles fitted with, atomic warheads. There could be no defence against such attack, the satellite itself being out of range of anything but Dr. Walter Dornberger. fam- ous as the scientist responsible for the vicious V-2 rockets which showered upon London in World War II, is now working for America, advising upon the development of guided missiles, The doctor has predicted that within twenty years man will have fashioned a rocicetship capable of the trip to Mars and back, via an earth satellite. But, he adds, this great solar adven- ture will probably never take place, for it would cost ne less than £3,000,000,000 — perhaps more! Certainly no single air- craft company could foot such a bill, but to a government — with the military side in mind — it is a different matter. This man-made moon could be the perfect international "police- man." Under the direction of U.N,O.,. no Power could ander- take secret preparations for war, without being observed. The space station could bring peace to the earth. £3,000,000,- 000 does not seem much to spend upon the conquest of warfare. Since the Korean flare-up, the United States has spent nearly five times that sum upon rearm- ament! 167ad$F7Se'+.-a' A" tet:• FALL AND WO TO BRITISH PORTS: Firs, Class from $192 Tourist Class from $140 TER I Nc Ai3 Thirift $anis aao Rates TO FRENCH PORTS: First Class from $199.50 Tourist Class from $145 VESSEL ASCANIA SCYTHIA FRANCONIA ASCANIA SCYTHIA FRANCONIA ASCANIA *SCYTHIA From MONTREAL Wed, SEPT. 30 Wod. OCT. 28 BRITANNIC 4FRANCONIA MAURETANIA ''SAMARIA MEDIA O')EEtt ELIZABETH h^iCANIA Sal. NOV. 21 From QUOBEC TO From NEW YORK Thurs. DEC. 3 Sat, DEC. 5 Fri, DEC, 11 Wed, DEC. 16 Fri. DEC, 18 Wed. OCT. 7 Wed, OCT. 14 Wed, NOV. 4 Sat. NOV. 7 Sot. N- OV. 28 Liverpool Havre and Southampton Liverpool Liverpool Havre and Southampton Liverpool Liverpool Havre and Southampton From HALIFAX M. DEC, 4 Tues, DEC, 8 Sun, DEC, 20 Havre and Southampton Greenock and Liverpool Cobh and Liverpool • Havre and Southampton Liverpool Cherbourg and Southampton Cobh and Liverpool tJ1kLTi4AS SAILttAGs el,,raftddY e4r..6ml1snbertofour K�r;r. re CUNA D LEIS';'Ifi Corner Boy & Wellington Sts., Toronto, Ont. See your local agent No one can serve you better rRAV,E4 FittsT Classt Opty a feW d The antra iwollarsta y°re for C,1 AMMO AQpNT1 WANTED isomers Nubs, 010µr010 ,gonna! Make friends and events easily showing �. oda', anon (lht7otman cards,. 70 Rama including feature. religious, • smote. hu. m0rneo French, personal and everyday earns Many novelty Items. 'rtbbona, wraps,, seals. purse lights and boolcs. Prompt service. Liberal commissional W Y .leandron Greeting Ca,'d Co.. a0 Kelp glutton North Hamilton. Ont. TUE progressive retell firm of S. Ie. RICE, WINDSOR — Grund Falls dlatrlct, Nowtoundlnnd, soltotte Inqulrtes f,01 mainland ninny rectums lnterooted 10 obtaining nolo agent in lath Province. ADDRESS all correspondence, Stanley H. Rtes, Windsor. Newfoundland. Box 103. OMIT en10148 TRY Tip Notch Canadian Approved ohloks suul t moteStandarddµQuality will brood purr lets as low as $10,20 per hundred. Also non•0sxod and cockerel chtcka at com- Petltivo prices, Specht Broiler chicks, Turkey Puults Bronze 3 week old Ole,; O week old 90o.: 4 week old $1,00, Toe NOTCH CHICK SALES GUELPH - ONTARIO BUY the right breed of ,blots for the Job you want them t0 Oa, We have 000elal breccia for maximum egg production, for broilers. or dual purpose. 1lntehes every week In the year, Canadian Apnrovod Standard Quality hon^y breed pullets 510.45 per hundred. Those low prices made no0slble by blg demand for cocker- els, Money Maker Quality add 91001 Extra Profit add 93,00; Special Mating add $4.00 nor hundred, Also. nen-sexed and cockerel chielm at competitive erica, Turkey poUlts, Older pullets, Started chicks, Started turkey's, TWEDDJ,E CTHICR 2LMrCJ,ERrES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO BROILER Growers try our Pure erose strain New Hampshlres and you w111 be bark for more, Also have the following cross breeds Light Sussex X New Hamn. shire, Now Hampshire X Light Sussex, Columbian Rock x New Hampshire. New Hampshire X Columbian Reek, White nock X New Hampshire, White Rook X Light Sussex, New Hampshire X Burred Reek. 10n.,Oxed or cockerels, 1'1VEDDLIO 0259001 HATCHERIES LTD. PERM'S ONTARIO C.UIIOIRA REPAIRS SPECIAL/'LINO In high grade cameras and nynehronizotlon. Fust service. UI'1AICING0 CAMERA COUNTER 1001 S7', Cretin Ave, W., 1'OILON00, Ont, DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE you anything needs dyeing or clean. Me Write to us for information. we ire glad to answer your questions, De - Pertinent R'. Pa'ke,''s Dye Works Limited, 791 Tense St., Toronto, FOR SATE TRACTOR and Auto repair and welding shop, Gond Texas farming area, 52,100. ICASHFINDER, Wichita, ICansos. CRESS 00RN SALVE—For sure relief. Your druggist sells CRESS, FOR Sale — Registered Yorkshire sows. heavy in pig, from vaccinated stock. Also Young breeding stock available. Fox Hoven Poral, Chippewa, Ont. 11ACICNEYs. brood mares, stallions and young stock for e01e, Claude K. Bottum. BebeasPenn. Ont. Clap WHEEL Chairs, Tnvnli,1 walkers, folding and adjustable.. Free literature. Foam rub- ber cushions 27.00 delivered. Bamford. Regis I,td.. 34 Alt pleasant Ave„ Ottawa, Onto Pio WATER WHEEL Will develop 85 horse Power, also crown gear and two Anions to lit, and 00or0x- Imately 20 feet of shaft. Wheel In rul% ping order and has given good satisfac- tion. Pelee complete 81,000 at mill site htooaelnnd. H. E, Decker & Sons, Moose - land, N.S. 2ND GENERATION Rog, No. 1 Cornell wheat and certified Wong winter barley, treated and Government sealed for your protection, Gordon Leslie, Acton. Phone Rarkwood 401,3, PUPPIES 05173 SALE GERMAN Shepherd puppies, pedigreed, male and female, black and tan. Also 2 females three years old, 1 female two Years old. Roekeil(fe Kennels Rated., Mrs. e. G. Snyder, R.R. No. 1, Bracebrldge, Ontario. COLLIE nue., Laaa(e type, allow pros- pects, pure bred, excellent .children's Pets, Intelligent with animals, M. Stewart. 331 Spring Garden Ave., wIllowdale, Ont. SIX month old purebred Guernsey buil, excellent lyDe, well developed, shinned C.O.D. 8100, 1. S. Murray, Brockton Farm, Streolsvlllc, Ont. SCHOOL BUSSES FACTORY conditioned trade -Ins — all makes, year model, and seating Cana. cities — 30 day mechanical warranty on most units. Price. from 8710, Terms ar. ranged. Special -1061 Mercury panel — 19 school seating, Airfoam Seats, Horizontal Win- dow Sash. insulated body and heater. Ex. eellent condition 02800. R100 MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA Ltd, Bus Division, Leaside, Ont.—Tel, Ma, 1171 TRUCK TIRES Brand new firsts, 820x20, 10ply, heavy duty diamond tread, regular 9130,30, limited supply 580.00 each F,0,10, Tor- onto, Send full amount, save C.O.D. Wbarges, Jaen Distributing, 1002 Bloor St. ,. Toronto. 1947 DODGE School Bus. 42 pasenger. Excellent condition, Roy. Madigan, Pointe au 73nrli, Ont. • EGG BUSINESS tN a thriving Ontario town. Last year turnover in excess of 3200,000 and this year peak will exceed 400 cameo weekly. Assured outlets to the wholesale trade. Owner will stay to train new owner. Other more pressing buelneas Interests only reason for selling, Particelaro, write Box 107, 123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto. MADONNA Lilies, 8 Inch, 83 dozen de- RYered. D. MacRae, R.M.D., Duncan, B.C. GROCERY, MARKET and Hardware Store In Northeast Texas. Owner retiring.- Price etiring:Price 80,600. ICASHPINDER, Wlehlta, ICansae, IRVING H. MILLER, 'REALTOR. 719 WEST ST„ PR118000T, ONT. Tourist home In village on busy high- way, Year around buslneos, 12 large rooms. ell heated, large shed, sore and a halt of land, price $18,000, Terms. 100 ogre farm, oil tillable, In rloh farm- ing arca, large barn, ties 22 head cattle, water. cement floors, alio. 1,00 house, 9 8mnoframe house, hydro, phone, 1,r1.0r1co 7,000. 13,000, down, HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers attention—Consult' your neat, est Harness Shop about Staw Harness Supplies, We sell aur goods only through your local Staco Loather goods dealer, The - goods are right and so are our prices, We manufac• two in aur faoforbm Harness Horse Collars, Sweat Pada, Horse Blankets and Loather Travelling Goods Insist on Stara Brand Trade -Marked Goods and you got satisfaction Made only by SAMUEL TREES CO. LTD. 42 Wellington 3t E., Toronto - Write for Catalogue - ADVERTISING 01.1.*ICA1 DON'T DELAYI EVERY SUFFERER op RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY., MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, 335 Elgin, Ottawa, $1.25 Expross Prepaid, ♦ FEMINEX * Ono wm0100 tells another, Take 0800rtoR' "FEM1NEx" to help alleviate pain, dia. tress and nervous tension aaeaclnted with monthly periods, 58.00 Postpaid Ia Blain mutiny," POST'S CHEMICALS 880 0010EEN ST, 10090 TORONTO POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema reshot, and weeping shin trouble.. Post's Eczema Salve will I101 dlsapnoh1t you. fishing, selling, burning mama, acne. ringworm, pimples and foot 00001115, wit 0000004 readily t0 the stainless. odorless ointment t'egnrdlessof how otl,hbo,'n Or h0Polosa they 0000, PRICE 02,20 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES Seat Post lr Free 'Receipt eceipt of Price 880 Corner of Logan T'o'mato OPPOR'TUNI'TIES FOR 80105 A\ll tt'tlt2Tt\ YOU CAN STAY HOME AND MAKE GOOD EXTRA MONEY mailing our (order pulling) clreaters, of nun0-cottl1etltivo lm00,100 Specialties, provon good sellers. Receive big malls and do business the Quick modern way—Inde- pendently. Order derVrBusinee ssyoU locally, withYour Ott o capital, Our Firmoperates from Coast to Coast. Write Home Afnll System'. Bolt 103, 123 -11th Street, New Toronto LADIES — 'Sell at factory-ta.you prima our beautiful hand-kultting yawn le, friends, neighbours. church groans. ate. Write for free sample book, Barry Yarns, Box 782, Station "B", Montreal, Que. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SC11002, Groat On9m'tunay Learn Ha Ird roes itet Pleasant, digit IOnd proteaslml, nand wagon. Thousands of sneceaotul Marvel nraduatee America's Greatest Sy010n, Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SC11002.8 .358 Moor at. N'., Toronto lirnm•w,, 4.1 King St„ H:unllum 72 nldeau St., Ottawa LEARN orlcelese secrets of Technical Metaphysics, Olney t0 learn. Only 500,0o1 of its kind. write: Premier College of Teohnloal Metaphysics, 2032 Merensle St.. Vancouver, B.C.. Canada APPLIANCE and Gift Store doing 521,0011 yearly in Northwest Texas, Inventory Price. HASIIFINDER, Wichita, Kansas. PATENTS AN OFFER m av re u,ventur—Ciel or In. 00ntinn0 end full information sent tree, The Ramsay Co.. Registered Potent aeon a0y0. 278 Rank Street, nllnwn FETHERS'FONHAUGH & 00 m p a n y. Patent Attorneys. Olatabll,hed 1800 850 Bay Street, Toronto Parente nil countries, PERSONAL 81.00 TRIAL offer (Verity -live deluxe nereon0; requirements. Latest Catalogue included. The Medico Agency Box 131. Terminal A. l*noto. Ontario TOBACCO ELIMINATOR A scientific remedy for cigarette addle. 1100. For free booklet, write C. W. King Pharmacal Cornorntbm Ltd,. Bex 303, Walkorville, Ont. UNWANTED HAIR Eradicated from any part of the body with 'Saca-Pelo" a remarkable discovery of the age. Sncs-Peln contains no harmful ingredient, LOR-BEER LABORATORIES 079 GRANVILL135 STREET, VANCOUVER, B.C. LI WHAT EVER• YD,PRO PETCTIVE GROOM SHOULD KNOW! "And Husband tool FREE Details! Nfodern Services, 10536 104 St„ Edmonton, Alta. Act Now and Expect something UNUSUAL(• WANTED CIDER press and cutter, small or Medium else. H, .T. Webb, Dinning Highway, Islington. WANTED to purchase—Pullets all ages and breeds. Apply Box No. 106. 138 Eighteenth Street. -New Toronto. WANTED — Flocks to suPlde Canadian Approved Hatchery with hatching eggs for 1063-64. eeaoon. Amity Box No. 104. 123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto. WANTED 100 Acres suitable for mixed farming—Good building and water oupPly. Box 100, Wilson Publishing Co., 122 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto. IT MYBE YOUR LIVER If life's not worth living it may be your tiveri It's a fast! It takes up to two pinta of livor bile o doy to keep your digoetive tract fa top .hoped If your liver bile is not Bowing freely your food may not digest ... gas bloats UP your stomach ... you fool constipated and all the fen and sparkle go out of 1,fe. That's wbon' you need mild gentle Carter's Little Livor Palle. These famous- vegetable pills help stimulate the flow of Liver bib. Soon your digestion Marto functioning properly and you feel that happy dayo are bore again( Dont ager stay (mak Ahoays keep Carter's Little Liver Pills on hand.