HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1953-09-17, Page 8THE SEAFORTH . NI+ WS faemn,nuunnanuuununnou,m,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,a„ono,nqa,nooauumana,,,,,nga,,,aen,unu, onnn,umnaomuu4, TED SCOTT ON DitEDGE 'FIRST CHOICE with thousands of Canadian Poultrymen Yes, Sun -Ray Feeds are popular with so many Poultrymen in Canada because they know that Sun -Ray give best results—best value for your money '. This Fall, feed Sun - Ray Laying Mash and just watch the increase in both size and quantity of eggs. It will pay you to feed Sun -Ray Laying Mash. On sale at — SCOTT POULTRY FARMS and HATCHERY Phone 853 Seaforth sanuouunnietem m, Ted Scott, captain of the storm- tossed dredge, Howard M., Jr„ which . was' being towed to safety on' Sunday in Lake Superior, is a former Sea - 1 forth man. I Ise is the sou of Mr, and MI's, Robert 13, Scott and brother of Miss Jean Scott, R, R. 2, Seaforth, The U,S, Coast Guard cutter Mackinaw Sunday rescued nine erew j members of a Toronto -owned dredge barge which had drifted helplessly on the storm -lashed waters of Lake Superior since early Saturday. The ,Sault Ste. Marie 'Coast Guard station reported that the Mackinaw took the dredge Howard M, Jr, in tow 12 miles off Au Sable point west of here. The nine crew 'member's were re - ;ported safe aboard the Mackinaw, which was reported to be towing the (barge to Port Arthur. Coast Guard spokesmen said the Mackinaw would hold the 'barge in tow until .the arrival of a tug, the Favorite. The tug was expected to take the Howard M. Jr. the rest of the way, The storm, which ,prevented the cutter from rescuing the crew mem- bers Saturday night, was reported to have abated somewhat. However, waves, churned by a high wind, buffeted the barge and its „es- cort. The cutter Woodrusll was standing by if needed, WORK IS BEGUN ON 36 CULVERTS Construction of 36 culverts has eoMmenced •on No. 8 Highway be- tween Seaforth and Clinton by the Looby and Looby Construction Com- pany, of Dublin. But due to the shortage of steel, work will be slowed until October 1. Completion of the work is not ex- pected until next year. ouougnonao,q„a,,,,u,,,a,oouonn,n000nonoammoomnsmonom,oanmmmmoc. Dinstnore Construction Company, of Chatham and Windsor, are ex- u;,,,,......mmalmtweArargraw pected to start grading the highway this week, Grading will precede the recon- struction of the Seaforth-Clinton stretch of the Highway which will by-pass the several farms on the out- skirts of Seaforth and eliminate several dangerous curves. NEW See the Submersible Deep ell Pump at our Fair booth. Also Oil Furnaces and Stoves Electric Stoves and Refrigerators Complete Plumbing Units Geo.. SiIIs&Sons Hardware Quality Goods with Quality Service SEAFORTH MOTORS Offs otedie9 pars ire & ? t% AIR FORCE DAY ViSIT YOUR NEAREST AIR FORCE STATION Auction Sale OF PROPERTY AND IiOUSEHOLO EF- FECTS. In the town of Seaforth Saturday, Sept. 26, at. 1 o'clock. Household Effects -1 walnut buffet, 1 sideboard, boolcense, dining room table and 6 chairs, couch, 2 fumed oak chairs, parlor chair, rocking chair,- 3 kitchen chairs, 3 small tables, piano with bench, 2 phonographs, hall -rack, kitchen range, clock, - washstands, dresser, 2 iron beds, springs and mattresses; two -burner hot plate, 2 ladders, step ladder, and a number of small articles. Property—A white frame house situated on Wilson Street. Living room, dining room and kitchen, downstairs. Three bedrooms and bath upstairs. A, full basement, hydro and town water. Property Will be sold subject to a re- serve bid. 10% down and balance in 36 days. Ahattels cash. Estate of Andrew Little. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. E. P. Chesney, Clerk. A. W. Sil- lery, Solicitor Auction Sale HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, etc., in Town of Mitchell, on Saturday, Sept. 19th, at 2 P.M. Double bed & springs, 2 walnut dressers, antique; low style dresser with large oval mirror, mahogany finish; walnut extension table, antique, 2 hoards; walnut side board, hand carved; 2 living room chairs: Raymond sewing machine, perfect condition. 2 small tables, 1 walnut, 1 oak. Walnut chair, antique.9 bedroom chairs, chintz covers; oak (fumed) arm chair; small verandah glider; hooked rugs and other scatter rugs. Dresser and table lamps. Hand carved walnut hall rack with wooden umbrella stand, antique. 2 pr. chintz curtains suitable for large bay window or 2 single windows, fitted with hooks for hang- ing, perfect condition. 2 jardiniere stands. 4 kitchen chairs and 1 kitchen rocker. Large kitchen table and a smaller table Almost new kitchen stove, Wingham Classic, combination coal or wood. Electric washing machine. Elec- tric heater. Also dishes, kitchen utensils, vases and other ornaments, pictures. Also various wooden stands, lawn benches and ohairs. Lawn mover, card table, pr. pillows. Terms cash. MISS JULIA SKINNER (Mitchell Nursery) Jos. L. Ryan, Auctioneer _ Clearing Auction Sale FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS & Household Effects, at Lot 22, Con. 3, McKillop Twp., 114 north and 1 mile east of Seaforth, on Thursday, Sept. 24th at 1 p.m. Cattle — 4 cows re- bred; 5 spring calves; 3 Durham year okl heifers, 5 Durham year old steers. Implements — Cockshutt 70 tractor, standard, on rubber, power take off & 6 speed gear. Fertilizer disc drill ,11 run, good condition, Massey Ilarris No. 7 drop head hay loader. Rubber tired wagon. New one man hay rack, 16 ft. 1 steel tired wagon, sloop sleighs with flat rack, grain grinder grain crtisher. Lumber and planks: Fanning mill with bagger. 32 ft exten- sion ladder. Massey Harris binder, 6 ft. cut. Cockshutt manure spreader. Deering mower, 6 ft. cut. Internation- al side rake. Massey Harris dump rake, 3 section spring tooth harrows, stiff tooth cultivator 6 ft. wide, 9 ft. three drum steel roller, 4 section har- rows 9 ft, wide; International bean scuffle( and puller; fence blocks, el- ectric fencer, rubber tired wheel bar- row (new) trailer,brooder house 14 x 10, set 20b0 lb scales, set horse clip- pers. Windows and casings Harness and horse collars barrels oil space heaters, Coleman (new), coal heater and pipes. Grain -1200 bu. of choice mixed grain. Ajax oats and Montcalm barley suitable for seed. Terms cash. Milton Stewart, Proprietor Harold Jackson, Auctioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk SAVE TIME AND MONEY IT PAYS TO SHOP IN EGMONDViLLE Week End Specials DELMAR MARGARINE RED PATH SUGAR CARNATION MILK TALLS ,,,.,",,, NAVEL ORANGES BUY QUALITY BUY 'THE BEST BUY ECONOMY MINER RUBBER BOOTS. 2 LBS. 59c PER CWT. 8.79 6 TINS 88c 2 DOZ, 29c MINER, RUBBERS CLAIR HANEY, Egmondville THUESDAY, SEPT, 17, 1953 PHONE 72 1 FORSALE 7 good Yorkshire pigs- 6 weeka old. JACK MoIVER, Dublin 22r21 FOR SALE Baled straw for sale. Phone 831.3 Seaforth, PERCY DALTON RockFOR SALE RO150 Y WILDFONRR2 (Waltstarting W MY. FOR SALE 1000 Records on sale, balance of Norris Di- electric Record Bar. Pon, music 45 rpm 441, 78 t'pm and Western Blue 131s1, reg.76 and 90, for 3 for $1. 12 in. Red Seal reg. 1,05 and 10 in. Red Seal reg. 1.26, for 50c. 20 Albums of olxseieal music, reg. 5.00 to 6.25, for $2. New 1 RGA Victor Car Radio; 1 portable radio below colt prices. 1 cabinet radio $es, • It&D Electric Drill half price. MRS. A.W. NORRIS, St. David St., Mitchell, Ont. To RENT Available apartment ous Phone 69 Seaforth. insallnte bath. WANTED Do you need money? You can make from 550 to $75 a week by Belling 250 guaranteed household necessities in your surroundings. MILER Dept for 3 r 160catalogue Delo it mier Montreal A - FOR SALE I(Ipltett. Week old calf. FILED OHAPPEL, FOR SALE About 700 Wyandotte is Hemp Mullets, Fish - I, O,y02 13 sll g pigs. JOSEPfFERGUSON,081Hena FOR SALE Property in Egmondville. An acre of land, frame• lFritts. MES.ROBERTB STRONG oxiR, FOR SALE Several Holstein cows, overstocked. 667(24. GORDON REYNOLDS, Seaforth RR 2 FOR SALE I Livingston stoker, almost new. Apply to DR. McMASTER, Seaforth FOR SALE 250 mixed pullets,Hemp. and Sussex( and Rock and Hemp, laying. RALPH STEPHEN - SON, Varna. Phone 676r'11 Hensall FOR SALE OR RENT Five room house on Railway street. Immed- iate possession. Apply to CARL DALTON, phone 48r9 Brussels WANTED Goerly perrson. room T THOboaRNTON, ith Walton, Or nt. FOR SALE 100 good pullets, 5 months old, starting to lay, Red x Sussex. Phone 617r21. STEWART DALE ,ems Hog Producers Auction Sale • Of Household Effects. In the Town of Seaforth 3 blocks west of Main, on Ord St., on Saturday, Sept. 103), at 1.30 p.m. Maitland cook stove with Trot water front in Al condition, heat- ing stove, rangette 2 burner, electric: stove (like new), Maytag white enam- el washing machine (like new); wine chesterfield bed (like new); walnut finish china cabinet; couch (like new) hall tee, 2 extension tables (rnahogEnty1; 12 dining room ebnivs, bot plate, platform rocker, occasional chairs, 1'ocknrs, small tables, mahog- any wardrobe, mirrors, side board, card treble, 12- kit ellen chairs, pine cupboard, cupboard zinc folding iron- ing 170131(1, clock, chest Of drawers, 2 furnished bedrooms, boils, dressers, springs & mattresses, Meat giAlder, lard press, house plants, fernery, lawn mower, ;Ahrrninum scoop, carpen- ter's tools, shovel, axe, garden tools, dishes, kitchen utensils, seniors, tubs, copper holler, Trost of other articles. Term cash. MIS. Jath 131`own, Prop, Harold Jackson, Auctioneer Bring in your pen or 2 pens of four Bacon dogs "to the Seaforth Fair, and help your- self to the T. Eaton Special Prize, plus the added advan- tage of selling by sealed tender. Hogs to be on the grounds not later than 12 noon, Thursday, Sept. 24th SWINE CONLMITTEE Signs Of all kinds, any size, none too big NEON SERVICE Cut-out letters, Truck lettering Crocker Signs phone 21, Exeter CARD OF THANKS Mrs. John Barre wishes to thank her many friends and neighbors for cards, treats and dowers sent her while she was a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth; also to tltank Dr. J. A. Gorwill and the cursing stalf ton their kindness NOTICE We are agents, for Fairbanks Morse Ham- mermills, Woods electric grinders and oat rollers. Stable ventilation, etc. - See how vier It le to own one. V. J. LANE, Fleury-Bissel Dealer, Seaforth RR 5 COMING EVENT The Order of the Eastern Star will hold its annual bazaar and baking sale an Saturday, Oct 8rd, at 8 P.M. in the IOop Hall _.. B 0 ii unrra1 rrut e) NOTICE A home made bakingsale and afternoon tea will be held in St. Thomas Anglican Ohurch Parish hall on Sept, 30 under joint auepices of the W.A. and Chancel Guild HONEY FOR SALE We are now running our September honey which is recommended for hay fever, at 14c a lb. in your own container. Buy direct from the producer at first cost. Orders for hey fever customers will be given my prompt at. tention. WALLACE ROSS APIARIES, phone 1353 Seaforth NOTICE Boar for service. McKillop Bacon Club has purchased another Yorkshire boar, Robin - woods Pirate 1460 -431878 -.This is an advanc- ed registry bog. Terms 52 a time of service. JAMES E. SLOAN HONEY FOR SALE Choice amber honey in your own containers 12c per Ib, A liberal dis- count on large quantities. W. E. Shade, Egmondville, Ontario ' TRUCKING Lanes graveled and cement gravel delivered on week ends 'or spare time. Price reasonable, depending on distance hauled. Lyle Montgom ery, R.1 Clinton. 'Come and see us or phone 841.81 Seaforth WORK WANTED Landscaping, digging cess pools, etc. Fred Williams, Seaforth. Call after 6 p.m. Next door to News office FOR SALE Limb wood $4 cord; also some body wood $5 cord: at the yard. Clarence Regale, phone 641.9 Dublin central BENEFIT DANCE Londesboro Comintmity Hall, on Friday, Sept. 18, proceeds in aid of Chris Dale to rebuild barn. Music don- ated. Ladies bring lunch mem® TO RENT Heated apartment, kitchen, living room, bathroom, sunporch, downstairs, and two. bed rooms upstairs, also cellar. Now vacant. Phone 249W Seaforth AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595 W VETERINARY SURGEON • J. 0. TTJRNBULL, D.V,M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D,V.M., V.S. Main St, Seaforth Phone 105 NagaragIalaaaalrafara FOR SALE Frame dwelling with new garage in Egmondville. Immediate possession. Frame double house on John St Possession arranged. New modern dwelling with all conveniences including oil heating, very centrally located. - Frame Dwelling with all modern conveniences. Oil heating. Suitable for Y.L.A. purchase. ' - Modern dwelling, East William St., within one block of Goderioh street, new air con- ditioning unit, immediate possession. Frame dwelling on Victoria Street with all modern conveniences. Possession arranged. M. A. REID, Seaforth `FIDELITY LODGE No. 55 I.O.O. F. Instituted March 8th, 1870 Meets 1st & 3rd Wed. Evenings Noble Grand VICTOR LEE Recording Secty. HARRY McLEOD FOR EVERYTHING IN LUMBER PHONE 47 Seaforth Lumber LIMITED Open everyday, all day, except Sunday .Attention Farrners We are now open to purchase good quality Fall Wheat Highest market prices paid APPLY e JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 791. Main St., Seaforth Hours 1A.M. to 6.39 P.M. Closed all day Wednesday Seaforth, Ont. PHONE 376 amri,etacw»auunM ,affirm MARTIN W, STAPLETON Physician add Surgeon Phone 00 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforbh SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A, McMaster, B.A.,M.D., Internist P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 pal to 5 pm, daffy. except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only, 7-9 pm Appointments made in advance are desirable The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers—President, John L. Malone, Sea - forth; Vice -Pres., John H. Ma5Iwing, Blyth; Manager & Sen. -Tress., M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors—'J. L. Malone, Seaforth ; J. H. Maliwing, Blyth; W. 5. Alexander, Walton; E.. ,J. Trewartha, Clinton; J. E. Pepper. Brumfield; O. W. Leonhxrdt, Bornholm; H. Fuller, Goderioh 1 R. Archibald, Seaforth; S. H. Whitmore. Seaforth, Agents—Wm. Leiper Jr., Londesboro; 3. F Prueter, Brodbngen 1 Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Erie Munroe, Seaforth. Pities desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will bo promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post, offices. Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in -First-Class Companies slue co'a 06 soup 50(1 Fos sptto COMFosrn WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 363-J Res. 192-M RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 84716, Seaforth COAL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 318 wcIAt INSURANCE a Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability etc. Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Successor• to E. C. Chamberlain MAIN ST. SEAFORTH Phone 334 Res. 22211. PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed Postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list, 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail - Order Dept. T-74, Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91. Hamilton, Ont. USBORNE & HIBBEI1T MUTUAL FIRE INSUJRANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE EXETER President Wm, A. Hamilton, Cromarty Vice -President Martin Feeney, RR2 Dublin Directors Flarry Coates, Centralia E. Clayton Colquhoun, RR1 Science Hill Milton McCurdy, 16501 Mitten Alex J. Rohde, RR3 Mitchell Agents Thos. G. Ballantyne, RRl Woodham Alvin L. Harris, Box 36, Mitchell E. Ross Houghton, Cromarty Solicitor, W. G. Cochrane, Exeter Secretary -Treasurer Arthur Fraser, Exeter Painting -Paperhanging Interior and exterior decorating WALTER PRATT, R.R. 1, Wal- ton, Phone 481 -Mi Seaforth. SALES AND SERVICE Nom Viking electric cream separators and repairs for Renfrew separators, BASIL O'I0O0IRII1t, phone Clinton 6341.21 PROCLAMATION Township of Tuckersrnith Upon instruction from caution under auth- ority of By-law .#l0, 1062, Township of Tuck- ersmith, I homby prodtum that all dogs in the hnmiets of Egmondville and Ilarperliey (ire prohibited from running at Large during the period from June 1, 1953. to November 1, 1953, Owners or harborers of dogs conlravon- ijngest the a maprovxtaloimunsm ofPethinalts y by-laof$50w w,ill00, be sub - (Signori) D. A, • of ATT, Remo Two. n. of Tnckmrsmith SLABWOOD FOR SALE Slabs, hardwood, $10 a load.. 2 cords approx. in a load. Mixed wood $8 a load delivered, prompt service. Fred Hudie, Clinton, phone 362 NOTICE For artificial insemination at its host for all breeds, call the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association between 7.30 and 10.00 a.m, on week days and 7,30 and 9.80 air. on Sundays, Phone collect Clinton 242. ;1