HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1953-09-03, Page 8MORE EGGS From Your Flock 4 with ,SUN RAY LAYING MASH Yes, you'll get MORE eggs and BIGGER, eggs from your flock this Fall, if you feed famous Sun -Ray Laying Mash. Sun -Ray can bring you extra profits this year Sun -Ray Laying Mash is on sale at - CO PH Sk7A. 'ORTI-1 Nl CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs, Arch. ibald Clarke wish to express their sincere thanks and deeii apprecia- tion to all their neighbors and friends who helped in any way der -1 ing the long illness and death of their mother. Special 'Shanks to those who .loaned cars and sent floral tributes, also to Dr. Myers and Rev. Mr, Lane CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all my friends for the nice cards and gifts I received while I was a patient in Ward 8, Victoria Hospital, and War Mentor. sal Children's Hospital. Signed, 3OHN 'CONSITT FOR SALE A 8 -furrow McCormick Deering disc plow. Russell 'Coleman, phone 605r41 Seaforth FOR SALE 2 choice Ayrshire heifers, to freshen soon, Phone 667r24, Gordon Reynolds. FOR SALE Used space heaters, Coleman, Norge and Fawcett. Box Furniture Store, Seaforth ' FOR SALE 100 Sussex x Rock pullets, laying, Moore's Poultry Farm, phone 64'7r 81 Seaforth FOR SALE Dominion electric washing mach- ; ine, brand new; also 6 tube Fire- stone under dash car radio and aer- ial. Ken Moore, 64701 Seaforth POULTRY FARMS &0� E TO RENT 5 room apartment, immediate pos- session. Private bathroom, hot and cold nater, Apply Harvey McIlwain, Phone 853 Seaforth phone 112, Seaforth ,,,.,ar^ ^•.ccs. .ssx: uamawumaaa+21a111211 as;r0 • 01,1111,1111111.111111111 sssss Mal111 ttttt , u,unnnnuu„,,n„n,,,,nnnnnoonnunnun,,,„mann„ •uuunnnuuuuu,,. LA EVIEW CASINO END D THE BIGGEST ENDING YET ! ! LABOR DAY WEEK -END - OUR INFLUX OF WEEK- ENDERS WILL START THURSDAY ! SPECIAL - THURSDAY, SEPT. 3RD Regular admission 75c each Arthur Murray Dance Professionals Exhibitions and instruction by Canada's top teachers ! The Studio will also have special prizes, and certificates for the Best Ballroom Dancers I This program has continued to be an outstanding success. School Boards and teachers - take notice! Recent contracts accepted by the Arthur Murray Studio have been from Public & High Schools, to teach Social, or Ballroom dancing ! Few students to -day can dance even the fundamental steps of a waltz Sunday - Sept. 6th • Daytime A "BIG DAY” - and SURPRISES GALORE IN THE WAY OF ENTERTAINMENT ! LAST DANCE - MIDNITE SUNDAY ! Plan Your "Last Fling” of Season 1953 ! Make Up Your Own Party and Celebrate the Ending of a Wonderful Season ! unmmunmeaauunon„n„ ,„inn,,,,1111111111,,,,nn,,a,,,,,,,uuunouaaununen,un,,,non,uu,nununnnuuuuuna. •9111 ,161111111111•111.1111,41111,156111114=.111111111n.k. Back to School On a new C.C.M. bicycle. Complete line of boy's and girl's models now in stock Complete line of Bicycle Parts and Accessories in stock. Daly Motors Phone 102 Seaforth Announcing . . UNDER - PILLOW SPEAKER RADIOS Which do not disturb resting Patients can now be rented at Scott Memorial Hospital Nurses and Patients alike acclaim these as ,.THE PERFECT GIFT FOR THE SICK ROOM” Inquire at Hospital HERE • 4H - CLUB MEMBERS x 160 members of Huron 4-11 junior :farm clubs took part in a program Signs Of all kinds, nay size, none too big NEON SERVICE Orttrorlt letters. Truck lettering Croaker Signs phone 21, Exeter NOTICE Buying pigs again, and selling, so give me a call if you want to sell or buy, Also fill and top soil for sale, and gravel. Harvey Mcllwain, Sea - forth, phone 112. I WANTED I Man with car wanted to sell over 250 guaranteed products. Small cap- ital required. No risk whatsoever. Write for details. FAMILEX, Dept. 1, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. I TO RENT bath and built in apartment with and in aSea- forth. Available now. Phone 679 - 14 Hensall central PIANOS At Mildmay Furniture Showroom, •15 Used Pianos including Mason & Risch, Heintzman & 'Co., etc. Also new pianos, 22 Living Room Suites, 16 bedroom suites. Godfrey Schuett, Free delivery FOR SALE Quantity of Cornell 595 seed wheat, grown from registered seed, Apply Pearson Charters. Phone 647 r4 Seaforth FOR SALE Two good grinding stones, in frame. Rod MacLean, phone 649r3 Seaforth WORK WANTED Landscaping, digging cess pools, etc. Fred Williams, Seaforth. 'Call after 6 p.m, Next door to News office WS FOR SALE Forage harvester equipped with a Wisconsin motor. Has a pick-np and corn nose. Suitable for small tract- or. Apply at News Office - SLABWOOD FOR SALE Slabs, hardwood, $10 a load, 2 cords approx. in a load. Mixed wood $8 a load delivered, prompt service. Fred Hudie, Clinton, phone 362 For A More Personalized Service PHONE YOUR ORDERS EARLY WEEK END SPECIALS OXYDOL LARGE ME 37c SURF LARGE SIZE 37c GIANT..,..... 73c , GIANT 73c BLUE CHEER LARGE 370 DRF1FT LARD A IANT 73c NT , , , . , , , , 73c CHIPS() LAPG1ESze VEL LARGE 37c GIANT 73cGIANT .. , 73c RINSO LARCIII 37c GIANT 730 LUX LARGE 370 FAB LARGE 37c MAPLE LEAF. FLAKES. 33e GIANT 730 Palm Olive Soap 4 cakes 290 TIDE LARGE TANT 37c Sunlight Soap 2 cakes 21c BREEZES LARGE 370 Giant Ivory Soap 2 cakes.35c GIANT 73p Mee Soap .. ., 2 cakes 16o CLOSED MONDAY LABOR DAY PHONE 72 37c CLAIR HANEY, Egmondville THURSDAY, SEPT, 3, 1953 eeemeseereseereeeasemeamateleals As.".. w® -®ass. FOR SALE doors and hinges, forks, shovels, Eight good pigs ready to wean, hoes, rakes, tools, pails,. logging Apply Harold- Penhale, Bayfield. chains, 1000 different articles, kid- dies tobaggan, Quantity 2x4 plank, lumber. 24 rolls of roofing felt, 4 bunches roof ing board, 4 neckyokes, whipple- trees, gas piping, all sizes, good front bob for sleigh; 2 piles of 2x4 all lengths; 1 shed 6x10, quantity of wood. Melotte new cream 'separ- ator, never used, 800 Ib, capacity. Household — Metlary's refrigera- NOTICE tor 2 years old; McClary's gas range Would the person who picked up 1 year; Beach coal & wood range, the large glass pitcher on Aug. 24, new; kitchen table and 6 •chairs, from the cemetery gate in Eganond- Thor electric washer, like new; 9- villa, please return same to the ,piece dinner suite, guitar, like new; cemetery oak table writing desk; White sew- ing machine; 8 -piece wine chester- HELP WANTED field suite, new; antique walnut table and 'lamp; coffee table, end Simpsons -Sears Order Office, Sea - forth, requires keen capable lady for table, 2 small tables; 4 iron beds, 1 part time help. All employee's bene- wood bed, springs, spring tiled mat - fit. Apply Mrs. Rowland, Simpson - l tress; 3 dressers; 2 chests o fdraw- Sears Order Office, Seaforth ers; 2 wicker rocking chairs; settee LOST ;and chairs, 2 hat trees; 5 large mir- Lost on Aug. 20 between North cors;rs used chesterfield suite; 2 doz. Main and post office, gold Bulova jaof mixed fruit; 3 dozen jars; 4 large crocks; double toaster; sand - wrist watch with expansion brace- let. Finder please leave at James wich grill; ironing board; General Henderson's,North Main st., Sea -radio, 3 pair of feather pillows; kit - forth. Rewad. chenlinens, large pressure cooker I and other odd dishes; 5 pair of lace HONEY FOR SALE , curtains; 2 pair of curtains; electric Choice amber honey in your own fire place and book ease; 3 small containers 12c per lb. A liberal dis- electric lanbps; 3 floor lamps; new count on large quantities. W. E. roller painter; electric clocks; flour Shade, Egmondville, Ontario , bin; gallon thermos jug; copper boil- er and tub. Leather lounge, 2 girls FOR SALE bicycles. Chattels offered without6 young milking cows. John reserve and sold to highest bidder. Wood, RR3 Kippers, Phone 65'1r38!10 `%rms: purchase Chattels, h. dayProperty, p, ofsale Seaforth balance 30 days. Mrs. Lucy Burns, P. D. McCon- 11, Executors. Jos. L. Ryan, Auctioneer Tom O'Rourke, William Maloney, erks. and some implements, Sale Thurs-, A FOR SALE 3 piece chesterfield, fernery and 2 ladiescoats, size 44. Phone 3123. Mrs. Gordon Xleber FOR SALE 'Extension table, 3 leaves, and buffet. Bargain. Apply J. Jones, George st., .Seaforth TRUCKING Lanes graveled and cement gravel delivered on week ends or spare time. Price reasonable, depending on distance hauled. Lyle Montgom ery, R.1 Clinton. Come and see us or phone 841-31 Seaforth BOX T u .cut #vruirg AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed , Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 695 VETERINARY SURGE=ON J. 0, TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYAN'S, D,V.M., V,S. Main St, Seaforth Phone 105 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 791. Main SL, Seaforth NOVVS 9 A.M. to 0.30 P.M. Closed all day Wednesday MARTIN W, STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon • Phone 90 Seaforth FOR SALE Ladies bicycle, practically new. Miss Minnie Proctor, 35 Rattenbury street west, Clinton. Phone 2763 FOR SALE 1933 Chevrolet Sedan, Apply at The News office Auction Sale Of Estate of late Harold Tomlin- ne son, at Dublin: Farm property„ household •goods, all roofers supplies CI day, Sept. 10, commencing at 12.301 action Sale o'clock. Property offered at 3 p.m. Shorthorns Draft sale ,of Imported .Scotch Shorthorns at •Gennlar Farm, Tuck- er•smith, on Friday, September 4th, Property—Choice farm land con-' sisting of 67/ acres of good land at 1 parr. Dr, M. W. Stapleton, Pro - well drained and fenced. There are prietor; 3. D. Swafier, Auctioneer. on this -property lye storey frame �-�• TO RENT tented apartment, kitchen, living room. broom, sunporeh, downstairs, and two bed rooms upstairs, also cellar. Now vacant. one 249 ea o FOR SALE Frame dwelling with new garage in Egmondville. Immediate possession. Frame double house on John St ssession arranged. New modern dwelling -with all nveniences including oil heating, ry centrally located. Frame Dwelling with all modern nveniences. Oil heating. Suitable r V.L.A. purchase. oder. dwelling, East William St., within ne block of Goclerieh street, new air een- tioning unit, lmmedintc possession. Frame dwelling on Victoria Street with ell modern conveniences. Possession arranged. M. A. REID, Seaforth house and kitchen and wood shed, hot and cold water, hydro through- I out, 3 piece bath upstairs, 1 piece on bat first floor: this is a city home, There:1,1,r, Ph W S £ rth is a large bank barn 40x80 feet on stone foundation -with good stabling,! hydro in barn and water on pres-I sure; there is a large straw shed 30 x78 feet. This, farm is on highway 81 Con. 1, lot 35, at Dublin, county of Po Perth, le, mile from church, high and low school and post office. All co buildings have new roofs. Property lye offered subject to reserve bid. 1950 Meteor Coach with all new co tires, and radio; this car is like new. I f M 1947 Ford panel truck with new e tires. 2 large trailer tar kettles. 240 di gallon gas tank and Pump. Large tank for gas, 180 gallon. Large colony house 10x18 feet. Stone boat, 40 foot extension lad- der, 3-30 foot extension ladders. Pace garden tractor, 3 h p' plow- er; gas lawn mower, new. 8 foot steel bracer, new aluminum and rubber wheel barrow. Massey Harris hay loader; root pulper, 1 set 3 sec. harrows; large vice; 12 bunches of asphalt shingles; 3-10 gal. gas barrels; 2 cross cut, saws; 6 hand saws; 200 feet of half inch rubber hose. New hay car, rope and pulleys. 2 large garage FOR SALE Cornell 595 seed wheat $1.50, not cleaned, at the farm. John Bell High at Seaforth District Ii h School on g Tuesday.'Using vvtclassrooms theye Y wrote armors to tests, and then a demonstration took plate 'an the school lawn. Demonstrations of show proced- ure were given by Robert Item, of Granton, for beef cattle; Harold Ba- ker, for dairy cattle; William Turn- bull, Brussels, for swine; G, W. Montgomery, for grain, Douglas and Dorothy Keys of Seaforth Baby Beef Club, brought a Hereford calf and a Shorthorn calf which were HENSALL Miss Dorothy Farquhar of Toron- to is holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ,Charles Farquhar. Miss Jean Lavender spent a few days this week in Toronto, Miss Gwendolyn Chapman spent this week in Toronto. Mrs. Wm. Brown, Billie and Carol are holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Neeb, in Tavistock. Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Richardson and Kenneth and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Richardson spent the week end at French River. Messrs. Edison and Ross Forrest and their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Forrest, left Saturday for Saskatch- ewan where they will visit relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Tudor returned home after a pleasant visit with their son, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Tud- or and family in Vancouver, cleaned, trimmed and clipped for show, in the course of Mr. Hern's demonetration, The Holstein herd at Huron county home provided a calf J em for Mr, alar demonstration. of Deicer's n show preparation of a dairy calf, Mr, Turnbull brought a sow from the Turnbull herd of show York- shires for hie demonstration. NOTICE Spray and brush painting, wall papering, and water- proofing cellar walls, Jack Moore, North Main Street, Seaforth. Phone 169 J FIDELITY LODGE No. 55 I. O. O. F. Instituted March 8th, 1870 Meets 1st & 3rd Wed. Evenings Noble Grand VICTOR LEE JOHN A, BORN/ILL, B.A., M,D. Physician end Surgeon Photo 5-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC 17. A. McMaster, B,A,,M,D.,.Internist P. L. Brady, M,D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 pre to 5 pm, daily, except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only, 7.9 pm Appointments made in advance are desirable The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH, 'ONT. Officers —President, John L. Malone, Sea - forth; Vice -Pres., John H. Mel wing, Blyth; Manager & See: Treae., M. A. Heid, Seaforth. Directors ---J. L. Malone, Seaforth • J. 21. MoEwhtg, Blyth; 17, S. Alexander, Walton; E. J. Trewarthn, Clinton t J. E. Pepper, Bradfield; C. W. Leonhordt, Bornholm; 01. Fuller, Coderieh ; Ii. Archibald, Seaforth 1 S. Whitmore, Seaforth, Agents --Wm. Leiner Jr., Lendosboro t J. F Prueter, B,-adhogen; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Eric Munroe, Seaforth, Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will bo promptly attended to by applications to any of the above mined officers addressed to their respective post ollices. Recording Secty. HARRY McLEOD TOWN OF SEAFORTH WARNING Dogs running at large in the Town of - Seaforth will be impounded and if not claimed within 48 hours by the owner or harbourer and a fee of $3.00 paid, will be destroyed. By order of the Town Council 15.5111.1.0.1111.11.11,36010211311. SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS Open Daily Phone 363 J YfIE Enquiries Are invited EXETER CLINTON Phone 41 J Phone 103 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAPORTId ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 363-.1 Res. 192-M RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR, Opposite Dick House, phone 34711, Seaforth C AL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 318 w INSURANCE - . Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability etc. Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Successor to E. C. Chamberlain MAIN ST. SEAFORTH Phone 334 Res. 222R •111111.111111, 1•1111111•MINISMINISI PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed id list, 0 sampostpaid in les 25n c; 24 samples $1.00. with Mail - Order Dept. T-74, Nov -Rubber Co„ Box 01. Hamilton, Ont. USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE EXETER President Wm. A. Hamilton, Cromarty Vice -President Martin Feeney, 10R2 Dublin Directors Harry Coates, Centralia E. Clayton Coleuhoun, RIM Science Hill Milton McCurdy, RIM Kirkton Alex J. Rohde, RR3 Mitchell Agents Thos. G. Ballantyne, RBI Woodham Alvin L. Harris, Box 35, Mitchell B. Ross Houghton, Cromarty Solicitor, W. G. Cochrane, Exeter Secretary -Treasurer Arthur Fraser, Exeter Painting -Paperhanging Interior and exterior decorating WALTER PRATT, R.R. 1, Wal- ton, Phone 481-M, Seaforth. SALES AND SERVICE New Viking electric cream separators and repairs for Renfrew separators. BASIL O'ROURKE, phone Clinton 034r21 •��� PROCLAM TION Township of TMekersmith 'Upon instruction frem council under auth- ority of By-law #13, 1052, Township of Tuelt- orsmlth, I,herebY proclaim that all dogs in tthe n rohfldtrel fro m ru nnhn gaatnrIlnrnurh egy the .cried from Juno 1,1061 to November 1053Ownes ar hmborets of clogs contraven- ing ing the provisions of this by -how will be sub- jeot to a ,naltitnum nenahv of 150 00 (Sigtnetll D, Two. O 0 TToo keramith NOTICE For artificial insemination at its beat for all breeds, call the Waterloo Cattle .Breeding Association between 7.30 and 10.00 a.m., on week days and 7.30 and 9.30 am, on Sundays. Phone collect Clinton 242,