The Seaforth News, 1953-08-20, Page 7Like To Take A Trip
To Timbuktu?
Modern transportation is
Shortening the time - distance
frorn here to Timbuktu, for gene
,orations the epitome of thruway
There is now a commercial
flight across French West Africa
every week from Bamako to
Geo, stopping at Gounclem, 70
Miles from Timbuktu- From
Goundaun, according to the Na-
tional Geographic, it is only two
days by camel to the sun -baked
village on the Sahara's southern
edge — an overnight hop by
But while it may have have
lost its mythical title as the
"farthest corner of the earth,"
Timbuktu's new accessibility has
'brought little change into its old
rimy of life. It is still 800 miles
from the nearest coast, though a
vital trade crossroads point for
the vast West African bump—a
meeting place of Sahara camels
and canoes plying the Niger
Timbuktu still has no paved
streets, autos, electricity, sewage
or water system, movies, restau-
rants, or hotels. The tempera-
ture hovers between 100 'and 110
degress in the shade some eight
months of the year. Brief but
torrential rains bring some re-
lief in late summer—but dis-
pleasure as well, for two -storied
mud -brick houses are likely to
melt away. Timbuktu was a
center of Moslem culture during
the 15th and 16th centuries.
How Can You Miss?—Bill Wiehr demonstrates a highly versatile
gun which is sure to bag game in one way or another. The
muzzle -loader can shoot around a tree to get an elusive bird,
and if one barrel misses, the other barrel is ready to fire, It has
a built-in watch, thermometer, weather vane, mirror, spectacles
for better sighting, and a knife for skinning the catch. A cont•
pass keeps the hunter on the trail, and if he's still unsuccessful
in bagging any game, there's a can opener so he won't starve,
Moslem writers left accounts of
its great wealth in gold and os-
trich plumes, of the giant camel
caravans, some 10,000 strong, that
gathered to trade in gold, ivory,
and slaves, In 1828, a F• ench-
man was the first westerner to
reach the city and win the Paris
Geographic Scciety prize of 10-
000 francs for penetrating its
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Ask any American fight fan to
name the greatest scrapper ever
sent from British shores to battle
there and he will invariably
plump from that all -action, two -
listed puncher, Ted "Kid" Lewis,
idol of London's East End. A
relentless fighting machine, Lewis
clouted over seventy opponents
into oblivion in the course of 250
recorded contests.
British champion in three divi-
sions, it was in the States that he
notched some of his greatest vic-
tories, mainly against American
Jack Britton. These two boxers
monopolized the world welter-
weight title for seven years,
meeting altogether twenty times,
with each round a bitter, slashing
brawl that served only to inten-
sify their fierce antagonism.
* * 5
Even their managers engaged
Refreshing Pause—Dr. Karl Her-
rikoffer takes time off to relax
and have a swig of Bavarian
cheer upon his return to Munich,
Germany. He is the leader of
the German Himalaya expedi-
tion which conquered Nanga
Parbat (Naked Goddess) Moun-
in heated slanging matches dur-
ing fights. And of all their epic
clashes, it was the scrap at Can-
ton, Ohio, on March 17th, 1919,
that reads most like a sensation-
al ring novel. Queer things have
happened. in U.S. fight arenas—
but nothing like that in the en-
tire history of the sport.
Lewis was champion at the
time, and so confident of victory
that he took the ring only half
et. He was suffering from fever.
But when his manager suggested
a postponement, the Kid waved
him aside.
"I'm not going to let down
either the promoters or the fans!"
he declared, •
His face a sickly hue, he slam-
med into the fray with his usual
tempestuous attack, knowing his
hopes depended on an early win.
The pace was hot, and as the
slugging contest developed, so
did the bitter "needle" element,
While their managers fought
their usual word -battle from the
corners, the fighters exchanged
snarling remarks as they swap-
ped furious blows.
And all the time the game Kid
was growing weaker. He had to
be lifted on his stool for the sixth
round ... and a vicious left hook
sent him crashing to the canvas,
As he staggered to his feet the
crowd screamed for the "kill,"
and once again he was floored,
Then came drama. Britton
considered the referee's counting
was too slow -and said so. At
"six" Lewis was up, to be once
more smashed to the canvas,
Again Britton criticized the speed
of the count, but the referee ig-
nored him and the round ended
with the Kid holding on for dear •
life In a mauling clinch.
For two further rounds he
steered clear of serious trouble.
Then the end came, inevitably.
A right to the heart followed by
two smashing lefts to the chin
crumpled him in a heap. And
once again his aggressive rival
showed dissatisfaction with the
referee's counting.
Lewis stirred. Would he beat
the count? Britton was taking no
chances. Stepping swiftly for-
ward over his prostrate oppo-
On The fall—The little champ behind the cue ball is seven-year-
old Guy Delville of Roubaix, France. He inherited his mastery
of the cushions From his father, a 17 - time French national
billiards champion.
nest, he rattled off the last five
seconds.,, "six -seven -eight -nine -
out!" , , , then turned in triumph,
clasping his gloves above his
While the crowd stared stupe-
fied, the referee hesitated, Then
pointing his finger at his fellow
countryman. For the first and
only time in boxing history a
fighter had been counted out by
his rival—and had lost a world
title fight into the bargain!
"But was the referee right in
allowing Britton to speed up the
counting?" asks Gilbert E. Odd,
in "Debatable Decisions" a vivid
fully illustrated collection of fight
stories with controversial end-
Perhaps, comments the author,
the fact that he acted upon the
boxer's counting in giving his
decision implies that he must
have doubted his own.
Another sensational ring mo-
ment that Gilbert Odd recalls so
dramatically is admitted by the
great Jack Dempsey as being the
most vital of his colourful ear-
eer. It concerns his winning of
the heavyweight crown from the
giant cowboy, Jess Willard, a
tremendous hitter, who had top-
pled the formidable Jack John-
son from his throne.
Big Jess was a 5-4 favourite
before the fight, staged in swel-
tering heat at Toledo, Ohio, on
Independence Day, 1919. But so
confident were the youthful
Dempsey and his astute manager,
Jack Kearns, that they staked
every cent they could lay their
hands on -10,000 dollars at 10-1
—that the challenger would win
by a knock -out in the first round.
M * k
There was drama from the
start. Seeing how blood-stained
the canvas was after prelimin-
ary bouts, a disgusted Willard
demanded a fresh one, It was
provided, But its lacings so muf-
fled the bell that—rather than
waste time fitting it again—the
timekeeper was provided with a
police whistle instead. He used
it throughout the contest ... and
it very nearly brought the down-
fall of Dempsey.
Wearing his habitual scowl and
looking all wire and springs, the
Manassa Mauler leapt at his op-
ponent like a wildcat and soon
had him groggy at the knees. A
jaw - cracking right smashed
home; and Big Tess slumped
down as if shot.
He scrambled to his feet but,
hurling leather from all angles,
Dempsey felled him six more
times in the first round. And on
the last occasion, while the crowd
roared its frenzy, the referee
counted the sprawling Goliath
out and indicated that the chal-
lenger had won,
He had scarcely ducked under
the ropes, however, had not gone
twelve yards towards his dress-
ing -room, when Dempsey was
hastily recalled to the ring
to learn that in the pandemonium
the referee had failed to hear
the timekeeper's whistle, ending
the round before the count of
He had not only lost I0,000
dollars. He had still to win the
The second and third rounds
were wonderful exhibitions—of
what punishment the h um an
body can stand. A shambling
hulk, his features pulped, Big
Jess was smashed round the ring
until even the frenzied crowd
were crying for a halt. Merci-
fully, his seconds threw in the
towel before the carnage could
continue in the fourth. For the
second time Dempsey was de-
clared the new world champion
but was the referee right?
Technically, ho should have
disqualified Dempsey fee leaving
the ring before the contest was
over—a definite breach of the
rules, And yet, having declared
him the winner, he was also
wrong in allowing the fight to
t is Drouth?
Druuth means that when you
drive across a meadow, the grass
crackles like dry paper under
your wheels; and that next day
it is dead where the tires of car
u1• troctor have passed. It means
that the corn, planted on your
ricnest grotmd and with all the
calx, and expense for manure
and fertilizer to insure the high-
est yield, gets up to tasseling
stage. Then the dark green
leaves start to twist as each
day's relentless sun beats down
and the forming ears are dwarf-
ed to nubbins with little feeding
value. It means that expensive
seedings of a new pasture which
you are counting on for next
year, after the drouth may have
passed, shrivel and die in the
dusty fields. Drouth means that
the springs dry up end the
Creeks gradually disappear and
the ponds grow thick with green
scum as the last water soaks in-
to the thirsty soil, so chat you
start hauling water or driving
the animals to some distant
source to drink. It means -that
the ribs start to show on once-
fat cows and that their milk
dries up so that the calves, on
which you count for your year's
income, look scrubby and un-
thrifty, Sometimes it means
that they must be sold out of
the drouth country or shipped
off to the market at perhaps a
third of what it cost to produce
them. And drouth means far-
mers lying awake long into the
night after a 10 or 12 -hour day
in the fields, with their minds
working like a terrier at the
problem of how to keep going
until a better season,—H. Leo-
nard Hall in The St, Louis
Post -Dispatch.
How Can 1?
Q, How can I reclaim stewed
fruit that is beginning to turn
A. Add a pinch of baking soda
and boil the fruit over again for
a few minutes.
Q. What is an easy way to
get the pin feathers out of a
A. Tweezers are very good
for this. Another good way is
the use of paraffin. Pour melted
paraffin over the bird, let it hard-
en, then peel off. The pin feath-
ers should come with it,
Q. How can I remove mildew
from leather shoes?
A, Scrub them with a hano
brush dipped in lukewarm water
and mild soapsuds — preferably
Castile soap. Wipe them with a
damp cloth and give the shoes
a day or two in the sun before
polishing them.
Q. How can I get rid of the
fish odor in a frying pan?
A. Sprinkle salt in the pan,
add hot water, and let it stand
for awhile before washing it,
Q. How can I stimulate the
growth of my hous. plants?
A. Try rubbing a little castor
oil or mineral oil lightly over
the leaves of the plants This
will keep them looking green
and will stimulate their growth
by cleaning the pores through
which the plant breathes.
Q. What makes my wood -
burning fireplace smoke?
A. It may be improper build-
ing of the fire. For one thing,
three logs are best for starting
a fire—paper and kindling on the
bottom, then two logs across this
and one log on top of them.
Bunch up some newspaper, put it
on the very top log, • light it to
get the draft going. When that
paper is almost consumed, light
the paper underneath,
Q. How can I best clean'ilni-
tation leather?
A. With mild soap and luke-
warm water. To prevent crack-
ing and peeling, follow the wash-
ing with a thin coat of petro•
leum jelly.
WAT(u1xoe Wholesale --Attention Dealers,
Peddloro, and Muttered Aek for free prlce-
ltst en all kinds of watches. Canadian
Precise Watch Ca„ lmo,orters, Room 42,
Tongs Street Arcade, Toronto,
Agents wanted to represent Canada's
leading nursery. We offer proatabte full
or part limo Wee position% and need
men with drive and Initiative. Commie -
Mane Pall weekly, Exclusive terrttery,
Handsome tree selling outltt supplied. We
offer a completeline of fryAt trees and
hushes, Ornamentals, Evergreens, Shrubs,
Rosea. oto, Our eaten proposition offers
you a distinct advantage. For further
pnrtlenlars Write tot
"The Fonlhiil Nurseries," 99 wellington
St, E„ Toronto, Ont,
BABY 01110IIs
STANDARD Quality Canadian Approved
heavy breed pullets e.0 low as 019.96 per
hundred, Mao non -sexed and cockerel
chicks. Get our lots prime for August
turkey poulta day old or started, also
broiler ehirko, started chick*. older pal-
STANDARD Quality heavy breed pullets
Canadian Approved 014.96 per hundred.
These low prices made passible be, big
demand for cockerels. Money Maker Qua-
lity add 03.00;. Extra Profit add $4.001
Speclnl Mating add 05.00 per hundred.
Also non -sexed and cockerel chicks at
competitive prices. Turkey poulta, older
Pellets. chieks and started tual.
GASH FOR SAWDUST! Tura eawduet
Into each. Fifteen pr0ven methods, Full
!not,-0091one 91,00. Holm, 202 Mundane,
Wlaowdale. 0ntar10.
GAVE you anything needs dyeing or clean.
lag, Write to es for information. We
are glad to en0wer your queet3000. De
oortment R Parker's Dye Werke Limited.
905 'tango St.. Toronto.
TURKEY poops at bargain prices while
they last. Day old Broad Breasted Bronze,
neltaville White non -sexed 6le; hen* 9032;
tome 60e. Week old add 200; 3 week aid
add 30c.
CRESS eiORN SALVE—For sure relief.
Your .Druggist sells GUESS,
WHEEL Chairs, Invalid walkers, folding
and adlustable. Free literature. poam rub-
ber cushions $7,60 delivered, Bamford•
Reale Ltd., 34 eft, .Pleasant Ave., Ottawa,
INDMAN motorcycle parte and parts for
Army Harley., and Whlzzera, Ran Wet -
sons Cyclo Headquarters, 257 Wellington
Street, London. Ontario.
HE60O Septic Toilets, most modern gall-
a -day toilet for eummcr cottages and
camps, available today. Guaranteed for
10 years. LoWest price on market. De-
livered to any station in Ontario for $94.
complete. A0 H. D. Shnneen Motors Ltd,.
090 Lake Shore rd., New Toronto 14.
FOR SALE Dairy farm with fluid milk
contract. Situated to Algoma Distrlot
one half mite from Trans -Canada High-
WaY, Fbr more Information write, 5010
Line Farm, L. L. bfaltleux and Sons.
Watford Sta.. Ontario,
OND 32300 Geo. White all steel grain
venerator en rubber tires, Pelee $800. Two
36,950 Geo. White all steel grain separators
on steel wheels, Price 1700 each, All eaoip-
ped with 19 et, Iiart feeders and weighers,
All in first-e10ss condition, W. E. Humph-
reys. Massey-ITarris Dealer, Kingsv111e,
Guaranteed, White primer $1.55. Flat
White $2.60. Exterior $2.60 and 03.60 gal.
Interior glass 02.75 end 23.60 gal. Write
for free 1053 color card and price flat.
Service Paint Company. 1351 Laurier East,
Montreal 34.
MODELS 41-47, passengers 42-65, Models
61-53, passengers 12.18. Langdon's Coach
Lines Ltd., King, Ont.
GOOD selection farm properties, xemnt-
ville and vlrtnity. Contact 3, R. Patter-
son. Broker, IiemptvIlle, Ont.
90 gallons mind, 016,00, 200-250 gal-
lons oval. 1000-2000-3000-4000.5000-10,000-
10,000 gallons new. 1.21100 gallon stainless
steel tante, 4-9000 gallon vertical tanks on
stands. 1-30,000 gallon used horizontal
tan0,. Tank ear tanks used. Truck Tank
1000 gallons, 5 compartments. Semi 'rrnll-
m.% 3000 gallons. Viking Pumps.
LEGS St. Lawrence, Montreal,. Que.
Sir Cedrick Hardwicke listen-
ed while a stranger told a long
and unfunny joke. Later a friend
asked him: "Why did you laugh?"
"I always do," replied Sir Ced-
ric. "If I don't there's danger of
having it told again."
Perfect Timing. In Port Huron,
Mich., less than an hour after
Building Inspector Boy Monroe
inspected and condemned a city -
owned warehouse, it collapsed.
Explosive agora Loads
-Size Workers -•- Follow the
leader is great fun for these min-
iature construction workers.
However, the foreman continues
to work hard despite the volun-
tary help of his "building crew."
If he stopped to play he'd never
finish his protect.
Piece one of
those little
plugs in tlto
middle of e
cigarette, et -
gar, or pipe
of tobacco and
offer It to a
fele ti Tie
victim will net
a very 00050-
1150 surprise
0s Seen an it
burns do en to
the plus. ur ,t 4;oeo off. with n HANOI
and the smelting is abruptly interrupted.
PRICE PER PACRAGF. 30e. 3 FOR el.000
01ON'r0000t1„ t12'E1119e.
If life's not worth living
it may be your liverl
0('e a lintel 15 takes up to tea pinta of liver
bile n da to keep Your digeettve tract in ten
divot If your liver bile is not Bowing freely
your fond may not digest , .. gas bloois up
your nt0maeh . , . yam feel constipated end
all tate Htn and sparkle go out of lire 'Chat's
Liver yPIRA '0 les lfaino ms Castor's
hale atimulnto the flow et liver bile. loon
your digestion starts functioning lr..perly
and k'ou feel that happy days are .r again)
non everMae chink. Ahrn,ee keep Cal er'e
Little Liver Ville on bond.
335 Eloin, Ottawa.
$1,25 Express Prepaid.
Ohne woman Yell* another, Take 011001'l0
P7014INSX" to help alleviate path, dye.
tram and aervoue tension nnnneinted with
monthly periods.
05.00 r0e0pa6d in ulaln wrapper
Nig 410101054 S'I'. DANT POR0,N7Vs
08,0,009532 the torment of dry 0000ma reehee
d Weiming akin troubles, Pnot'e tOezemo
Salve w111 not dlshppolnt You
Itching, scaling, burning eczema. acne,
ringworm, pimples and 1001 0050101. will
respond readily to the ntainieae, odorless
ointment rogardleoe of how stubborn or
hopeless they gem.
201010E 62,60 PER JAR
Sent Peet E1ree an Receipt of Pelee
aa9 Queen S0. E., Corner et Logan
dent oarartA'6 LEAVING a(SOIOL
Groat 099ortunity Leers
Pleasant, dignified profession, gone wagon.
Thousands of euoseesral Marvel graduate.,
America's [Mattel S7ot61n
Illustrated Catalogue Free
Write or Call
359 Blow St. W,, Toronto
44 King St., Hamilton
72 Rideau. St., Ottawa
FULL or part time. Whether You are a
housewife, *lace or factory worker, door
to door agent. You Can earn top mope?'
selling nationally advertised Family Home
Masea7e kits that everyone 1a talking
about. We pay your eommieslon to make
Write for free Information today. Family
Home Products. 1405 ne"nr'o Blvd„ Mont-
real, Que.
Agents wanted to introduce complete new
line of deems. True to life, fire and fade
resistant, washable. guaranteed to last.
Every place using natural foliage, a
Prospeet. Liberal eonmias
on and advant-
ages. Inquire: American Decors. 1250
Greene Avenue, Montreal.
SUBSCRIBE to "what's Your Hubby?"
Magazine. $1.50 per year, Canada. Sample
150, Beatrice Maloney, 124 W. Castle
Street, Syracuse. New York, 12.9.A.
LEARN priceless seeret0 of Technical
Metaphysics. Easy to learn, Only School
of 000 kind. Write: Premier College of
Technical Metaphysics, 3513 McKenzie St.,
Vancouver, R.C., Canada.
Sell our house name plate, made et
crystal Blase and metal. Very fast seller.
They are very easy to read even in dark
places. They reflect light. Make quick
money. Ask for our free circular and
wholesale price list or better send 01.20
for your sample with your name on 1t.
Pterrot 7152 -7th, Avenue, Rosemount.
Montreal 38, Quebee,
AN OFFER to every inventor—LIai of 1a-
venti0na and full Information sent tree,
She Ramsay Co., 800001ered Parent Otter-
tter' amis. 173 Bank Street, Ottawa
Patent Attorneys. Established 1550. 100
607 Street. Tether*. Potents all 00001,ieo.
1f desirous Of ridding 70nreelt of
de it the easy way. Tobacco Eliminator
carries a "eatisfactlnn or phoney back"
guarantee. VO free booklet, write C.
Xing Pharmacal Corporation Ltd.. Box
803, WalkervIlle, Ont,
31.00 TRIAL otter Twenty-five deluxe
personal requirements. Latest Catalogue
Incleded, The Medico ASOnc3. Hoe 124,
Terminal A, Toronto. Ontario,
amazing Mentalist. Profitably astound.
entertain. Limited one tally to area, Part!.
milers 050. Easy Instructions, Mystic
Hadley, Rehoboth Beach 11, Delaware.
WANTED, qualified rroteotant teacher
for S.S. No. 0, TOwnahtp School Area of
Kennebec in the County of 7,0000000,
Post Mee 1,000 yards from school. Good
tocallty, Single room school. 25 pupils.
Grades 1 to 8. State qualifications, salary
expected and name of last Inspector,
Duties to commence Sept. 1, 1963. Apply
45 10, Hughes, See„-Treas.. Arden. Ont.
Quick, Stop itching of insect bites, beat rash,
eczema, hives, pimples, acalcs, scabies, athleto't
foot and other externally caused akin troubles.
Use quick -acting soothing, antiseptic P. D. D.
PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless, atainleve. Itch
stops or your many back. Your druggist
stocks 0.101,. Is PRESCRIPTION.
i'dWLI16 34 — ISM