The Seaforth News, 1953-08-20, Page 5TkhURSDAY, AUGUST 20, i9 a 11111FORTli NO'S 4,1111lnal,116$1,llarllllll11111111111rllallllllllllllll,lll,llll,llllllll llillllllllnlllllllllll,11,111! AI 11,111114,1111,1„11111,1111,11,.111„111 The Wright Specials Aylmer Tomato Catsup ,. 11 oz. Bottle 19c MONARCH SWEET MIX PICKLES, 10 oz, Bottle, ... 22c ROSEDALE TOMATO JUICE Large 48. az, Tin 23o CLOVER LEAF FANCY TUNA FISH7 oz. Tin. 39c SWIFT'S PREM ,,,,. Tin 33c ROYAL YORK TEA / Th Pkg, 390 ROSE BRAND MARJARINE 3 1b 950 KLEENEX Reg, or Chubby 2 Pkgs. 39c LIBBY'S BLENDED ORANGE & GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Large 48 oz. Tin 350 TIDE— Large Size 36c ,,. ,,,, Giant 710 WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET Phone 77 Free Delivery Low Prices Self Serve :9✓1,1111I11u uu e111II,illl,lnlu III Ill,, Ila111n1,111,1111111111111111111111,1111IIIIImilli,11111illllllellttIellllllllllltl111111111t111uar Take a beak... ax with a rok It takes only moments to pause for a Coke. Pays off in big dividends, too—for things get done when you work refreshed, Including federal Tani/ Authorized bottler of Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd, ESBECO LIMITED 658 Erie Street STRATFORD, ONT. R -33-X Phone 78 ?!Co&orris p rogh?erod trade -mark at the beautiful STRATFORD CASINO every Saturday night Modern Orchestra Admission 75c HENSALL A coroner's nnv on Tuesday 2 found thatLeitch,2 of R R. of nd John 4, Denfield, ,net death accidentally by electrocution August 13 at the Clipper Coach Manufacturing Co. at Hensall. While the jury was not able to determine that the accident was the result of. negligence on the part of anyone, they felt more care should be taken in keeping electrical appli- ances in working order in industry. Leitch was working with an elec- trical drill on top of an aluminum trailer when he was electrocuted. Efforts to revive him failed, TOWN TOPICS TOPICS Dr, W. Kent and Mr. Thomas j Poulton of London, the latter form- erly of 'Cleveland, visited with Mr. Sims on Sunday at the home of Lorne Dale, Mr. R. A. Sims of Toronto is spending his holidays with his ,bro- 1 they, Mr, James Shns, Miss Mary Geddes is spending a few days at the lake at Goderieh with Mrs, Stewart Geddes and font- ily Mr. Bill Bennett has taken the 'po- sition of junior in the Bank of Com- nterce. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Walsh and 1 MaI.'tidayof, Landon, attended the Mor- ris -McIver wedding in Seaforth on Mon Mrs, Ruby Dundas moved on Monday from Egmondville to Glen- coe where she will reside. Brian Flanagan, Glen Coutts, Gor- don Ferris, Nelson Ball, Ken Thomp- son attended the Summer School camp of the United 'Church at God- erich last week. Mr, and Mrs. Ben Rising, Centre St. entertained the following during the past two weeks, Mrs. N, E. Nor- ris and daughter Barbara June, Mr. Bob Close, all of Toronto; Mr, P. H. Rising, Champaign, Ill„ Mr, and Mrs. Carl Talbott and daughters Mary and Betty of Bondville, Ill, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maloney and family spent a few days last week at the Martyr's Shrine, Midland, Ont, Mr, Fred Lawrence is holidaying in Orillia, and later in Toronto. Mr. Louis P. Maloney and son Gerald of Detroit are visiting with his mother, Mrs. Margaret Maloney. Miss Margaret Blackburne, Tor- onto, is a guest at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Peter McIver, Mrs. P, A. Hatcher of Blackie, Alta., is a guest of her sister, Mrs. W. E. Kerslake and Miss Elizabeth Smith. Mr, and Mrs. Ed Caskenette and family, Woodstock, and Mr. and Mrs, John Farell and daughter, St. Clements, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kelly. Mr. Jack Dorrance, St, Cathar- ines with Ms mother, Mrs. Mae Dor- rance over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Rowan Sproat, De- troit, were guests at the home of Mrs. H. Sproat over the weekend. Mrs. E. C. Case is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Harrison Morse and Mr. Morse, in Albany, New York. Mr. and Mrs. John Nott have re- tutnied, to their home here after an absence of 20 months spent at the home of the fernier's daughter, Mrs. Keith Webster of Blyth. Mrs. Nott has just returned from a ten -week visit with relatives in Manitoba and Northern Ontario, Both Mr. and Mrs. Nott are much improved in health. Their many friends wish them continued good health.. BORN KBYES— At Scott Memorial Hospital an August 16, 10 Mr. and Mrs, Har- vey Keyes, Hensall, a daughter HIILLEY—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on August 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Kon Ilulley, Seaforth, a son JOHNSON—On August 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Johnson, Hamilton, a daughter. VARNA Mrs, Elmer Webster Funeral service was held on Sat- urday afternoon, August 15, for Mrs, Elmer Webster, formerly Flos- sie Makins, who passed away in Clin- ton Public Hospital, on Thursday, Rev. • Re her 55th can.. August13,inY T. JPitt, VarnaUnited Church, of- ficiated at the Ball and Mutch fun- eral home, High St., Clinton. Pallbearers were John McAsh, Albert Horner, Nelson Reid, George Johnston, Lloyd Keys, and A. J. Mustard. Those who carried the many beautiful floral tributes were Arnold Makins, Thomas Grealis, Ro- bert Webster, Mac Webster, Harvey Hayter, Dean Aldwinkle, Eddie Gre- alis, Adam Wilson. Interment was in Baird's Cemetery. The funeral was largely attended, with persons attending from Tillson- burg, Ingersoll, Detroit, Lncknow, 172 SEAFORTH MOTORS Phone 541 Seaforth Kitchener and London, Mrs, Webster was born in Stanley Township, the daughter of the late William Makins and Mary Ann Rou- att. She lived in that township all her life with the exception of a few years in Bay City, Mieh. In 1923, she married Elmer Webster, and they have lived ever since on their farm in Stanley Township, She was a member of the Varna United Church and active with the Woman's Association and Women's Missionary Society, when she was able. Surviving besides her husband is one daughter, Mrs. George Clifton (Leona), Brucefield; one son, Grant, at home; four grandchildren, Mari- lyn, Grace, Ann and Donna Clifton; two brothers, lames, Clinton; and Lloyd, Bayfield. Two sisters ,prede- ceased her a few years ago. John Dowson, of Varna, 18 -year- old son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dowson, Varna, died late Wednes- day night, on, his way to the Clinton Public .Hospital, as a result of an ac- cident, at the farm of his uncle, Ce- cil Dowson, Varna. The youth was on his way home from disking in the community, and called at the home of his uncle, when the tractor which he was riding upset. The gas tank exploded and the tractor pinned hint, down, the flames from the explosion • fatally burning him. The accident occurred when he was in the act of turning the machine around near a garage in his uncle's laneway, The youth was rushed to the Clin- ton hospital in a station wagon own- ed by Arnold Regan, of Bayfield, but he died on the way, Dr, Frank Newland of Clinton, attended the boy at the farm. The Dowson youth was born at Varna, attended Clinton District Collegiate Institute and was employ- ed at the R,C,A,F. Station at Clin- ton. He had been working land at night. Surviving besides his parents are one brother, Glen Dowson, Var- na, and one sister, Mrs. Marion Tip- ping, of Toronto. .Services for Robert N. Stephenson 05, former well-known Stanley twp, farmer, were conducted Monday at 2:30 p.nt., by Rev. T. Pitt, Varna, in the Ball and Mulch funeral chap- el, and interment made in Bay- field Cemetery. The pallbearers were Lloyd Keyes, Percy Johnston, Wil- mer and Orval McClinchey, Allan Armstrong and Milton Pollock. He was a 'member of the Anglican Church. His wife, the former Clara Oesch died several years ago. Sur- viving are one brother, David, Strat- ford; and one sister, Mrs. John Dow- son, Varna. HULLETT, Death of Mrs, Kelland MOVlttle The funeral took •place on Monday afternoon at Burns Lhdt1-,1 C'hurc'h of Airs. Kellam, McVittie• who died at Victoria Hospital, London. . u :'rtcrr- day after three weeks illness. The late AIrs. MtVittie was 12 on Jttly DI and her maiden name was Elsie Dodds. being a daughter of the lite Mr, and SL•s. John Dodds of Aie- KilIop. About 21 years ago site was married to Air. AIc•\'ittie and had Are, lived in Hallen. She was a m other of Burns Church and also of Londesboi i women's institute. Surviving besides her hnshand are two dau,'ht,rs. 11r,;. Norma» Thotnpsou (Jean) of liatr'.,w Bay. and Donna at hunt,', Also 1wt brothers. Melvin Dodds ,If 11ii f;au ant' Robert C. Dodds of funeral was tondnctivl M r:, y. '•ll. whit, of Londesboro ttssiste,l by Rev; .lir. Scott of Blyth. Interment was made in Burns cemetery. The pall- bearers were John Riley, b;, Hesk, R. am • o Fairservice Geo. Pollard, Willi were bearers Bell, Geo. Brown. Flower Donald Dodds, Norman Dodds, Harold Dodds, James King, Kenneth Scott, Harry Lear, McKI LLOP Mr. and Mrs. Steve Eckert of Timmins and Mr. and Mrs, James E. Sloan visited relatives in Detroit over the weekend, NOW is the time far LAYING MASH By feeding famous Sun -Ray Laying Mash this Fall, you can step up egg production by as much as 30 Yes, you'll get more eggs and bigger eggs when you feed Sun -Ray Laying Mash. A fall range of Sun -Ray Feeds is now on sale at --- POULTRY FARMS and HATCHERY Phone 853 Seaforth ADVANCE SALE OF TICKETS Advance sale of admission tickets to Western Fair, London, September 14th to 19th, is proceeding rapidly in town. These advance tickets are sold in strips of three for *1.00. Only advance tickets are eligible for the draw for two motor cars, Monday evening, September 14. The special coupon attached to each strip of tickets must have your name and ad- dress on the back of it and must be mailed to Western Fair, London, in time for the draw. There will be an- other draw on Saturday night, Sept. 19, for a third motor car, three tele- vision sets, and two bicycles. Alto- gether there will be prizes valued at over $7,000. Western Fair attendance broke all records last year. You will want to attend. Buy your tickets now and save 50 cents on a strip of three tickets. Regular admission to tit fair is 50 cents and does not entitle you to participation in the draw for prizes. Tickets may be obtained in Seaforth front Baldwin Hardware and Elliott's Restaurant, THE OFFICE OF J. E. Longstaff FOR WEEK OF WILL BE CLOSED August 24 to 29 WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Bette: Bulls Are 'Used” We will be closed for staff holidays from August 23rd to August 880th inclusive. Where semen is shipped. service will not be available until September 1st. NEW BUSINESS IS SOLICITED For service, roll cola •ct (Tial+o1 242 Week days 7.3' to 111 u.tit. -- Sundays t Holidays 1..n1 t„ ..:11, ..n.. Con's noticed in haat later in the day should b•' ins1,)„inuta,l at, following day. Top sires of all breeds are used. Hewev r. we are .staring il. Aberdeen -Angus in this ad, They ur: as follows: Blackbird Bandolier of Anoka 30th byPrince l: ' , r _ t i by BLu ut Grenadier J. .P.1. in• Rally B1c, tul Lady 1" th by Envious Blackcap 11,1 t t. Clackcap p i_f Maple Gables 65th y , l u ltcull (c t:, rat of Elia Grove by Burgess tsi neral of Ada Ind !tent i'rilletta of Don Head by Enchanter of Bordnlac Sud, e '^.leer of Maple Grove 28th by Bandolier of Maple Grove 1:11-11 by Bandolin• of Anoka front Miss Burgess of Anoka 4th by Blackbird Bandolier of Page. Queen's Grenadier of Corydon By Dominator LT, A. by Elston Repeater :?ml - frmn Queen Henderson 29th by Piston Compress 2nd. 2ImCAR Third Car drawn _for 15)urday,' Sop(ember 14th. ADVANCE SALE TICKETS AVAILABLE AT Baldwin Hardware Elliott's Restaurant