The Seaforth News, 1953-08-20, Page 4LAKE VIEW CASINO Ga4AND BEND DANCING EVERY NIGHT To one of the most popular Orchestras Grand Bend has ever, had NEIL MoKAY and his ALL-STARS featuring June - Johnny - and the Quartette EVERY THURSDAY The Arthur Murray Show "It grows and grows!" A half hoar of Ballroom Exhibitions. plus tuition by America's top instructors - plus 25x• hours regular dancing at usual adtuission of 75c each COOPER'S GROCERY Week End Specials Aylmer Tomato Catsup Monarch Sweet Mixed Pickles Rosedale Tomato Juice Clover Leaf Tuna Fancy Cherry Valley Choice Pumpkin Bick's Fresh Pasteurized Dill Pickles Weston's Marshmallows Liquid Certo Christies Pantry Cookies 121;2 oz. Pkg. 25c 1 Tb Weiners, 1 Tb Sausage, 1 Tb Bologna, for $1.00 CHECK OUR FRUIT COUNTER Orval Cooper, Seaforth Phone 8 Self Service or Counter Service FREE DELIVERY ANYWHERE IN TOWN 11 oz. Bottle 19c 16 oz. Bottle 22e 48 oz, Tin 23e 7 oz. Tin 390 28 oz. Tin 17c 24 oz. Jar 37c 16 oz. Bag 39c Bothe 270 SEAFORTH DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL RESULTS Seaforth District High School students who wrote Upper School examinations were successful its passing 90 per cent of the papers written; Almost 50 per cent of pap- ers written obtain 1st or 2nd class honors. First-class honors denotes a mark of 75 or over; second-class honors is 66-74; third-class honors is 60-05. and pass or credit standing is 51) to 50. Abbreviations for subjects are as follows; English Composition, Eng. Comp.; English Literature, Eng. Lit.; History, Hist.; Algebra, Alg.; Ge- ometry. Geom.; Trigonometry and Statics, Trig. & St.; Physics, Phys.; Chemistry, Chem,; Botany, Bot.; Zoology. Zooid. Latin Authors, Lat. A.; Latin Composition, Lat. C.; Fr,mrh Authors, Fr. A.; French Composition, Fr. Comp. Baker. Garfield ---- Eng. Comp. C. Eng, :', Lit. 2nd, Geom. 3rd, Trig. & St. 3rd, Chem. c, Lat. Conip, e, Bolton, Malcolm -Eng, Comp. 3rd Boyd. Ruth -Bot. r, Zool: c, Lat. A. c, Lat. C. c, Fr, A. c, Fr. Comp. c, Bruck, Donald -Eng, Comp. 3rd, En;;. Lit. e, 11g. c, Geom. c, Trig. & St. 2nd, Phys. c, Chem. c, Fr. A. 3rd. Fr. Comp. c, Collins, Margaret -Eng. Lit. c; Alt. 1st. Geom, 2nd, Trig. & St. 1st, Phys. c, Chem. 2nd. Docharme, Thomas - Eng. Lit. ;rd, Geom. c, Chem. c. Eyre. Mervyn -Eng. Comp. c. Flannigan, James ---Eng. Comp. e. Hicknell, Peter -Hist. c, Geom. 1st, Phys. 3rd, Chem. '3rd, Fr, A. 2nd. Fr. Comp. 3rd. Hillis Marilyn -Eng.. Comp. 3rd, Eng.I it, let, Hist. c, Alg. 3rd, It says: "You get the best deal ih town at John Bach's!" Bl1cre else tractor tire efficiency with GOO DAT EA n 0 X31 Q `€i �)l N To and inflation worries and ir.�.asc tire pull, let us fill and your traction tires with ion 1001 Come in soon for details. LOOK POA THIS NIGH SIGN" OP QUALITY 65 Geom. 1st, Phys. 3rd, Chem, c, Fr. A, 2nd, Fr. Comp. 2nd, Jacobi, Harry-Alg. 1st. Geom. 2nd, Trig. & St. 3rd, Zool, 2nd. Johnston, Irwin -Chem, 3rd, Fr. A. c, Fr. Comp. c. Keys, Douglas-Geom. 2nd, Trig. & St. 2nd, Chem. 2nd, Bot. c. Knight, Harold-Alg. 1st, Geom. ist, Trig. & St, lst, Phys. 1st, Chem, 1st, Lat. A. 2nd, Lat. Comp. lst, Fr. A. 3rd, Fr. Cont. 2nd. Lane, Patricia - Hist. let, Bot. let. Zool. 1st, Lat. A. 2nd, Lat. Comp. lst, Fr. A. 1st, Fr. Comp. lst. Laudenbach, John -Eng. Lit. 3rd, Hist, 3rd, Geom. 3rd, Chem. c, Bot. c, Zool. 3rd. Laudenbach, Marion-Zool. 2nd. l Lee Lucille -Eng. Comp, 1st. I Lillico Marion -Eng. Comp. 2nd, Eng. Lit. 3M, Hist, c, Zool. c, Fr. A. c, Fr. Comp. e. McGavin, John -Eng. Comp. 3rd, Eng. Lit. 3rd, Geom. c, Trig. & St. e, Phys. 3rd. McLellan, Donald -Eng. Comp. c, Fr. Comp. c. :McSpadden, Leslie -Eng. Comp. 1st, Eng. Lit. 1st, Hist. 1st, Bot. 2nd, Zool. 1st, Lat, A. c, Lat. Comp. 1st, Fr. A. 1st, I'r. Comp. 2nd.' Murphy, Thomas Eng. Comp, 2nd, Alg. 1st, Geom. 2nd, Phys. 1st, Chem. 1st, Lat. A. 2nd, Lat, Comp. 2nd, Fr: A. 1st, Fr. Comp. 2nd. Oliver, Glenn -Eng. Comp. e. Scott, Robert -Eng. Comp. 2nd. Sill', George -Eng. 'Comp. 2nd, Eng. Lit, c, Hist. c, Zool. 3rd. Snell, Jean -Eng. Comp. c.. Stewart, Douglas -Eng. Comp. 2nd. Eng.. Lit. 3rd, Alg. 2nd, Geom. 1st, Trig. & St. 3rd, Phys, c, Chem. 211d, Fr. A. 3M, Fr. Comp. 2nd. Watson, Alice -Eng. Comp. c, Hist, 2nd, Ale.. 3rd, Geom. 1st, Bot. 2nd, Zool, lst. Fr. A. lst, Fr, Comp. Ord. Watson, Ione -Hist. 1st, Alg. 2nd, Geom. 2nd, Bot. 1st, Zool. 3M, Fr. A. 1st, Fr. Comp. 1st. HURON OFFICIAL RETURNS ASHFIELD 1 2 3 Cardiff McLean 109 26 106 26 83 44 68 48 20 96 37 49 45 45 468 334 4 5 6 7 Total BLYTH 1 2 Total BRUSSELS 1 2 3 Total CLINTON la ].b 2a s 8 31) 4a 4b Total COLBORNE TP, Total EXETER ib 20 2b 30 1) 4 Total GOI)ERICIi 2a 21) 3a 311 4 5 6 7 R 9a 138 72 134 38 272 110 120 68 75 45 111 65 306 178 102 08 96 76 109 68 98 80 108 60 91 90 101 61 69 71 777 588 68 38 42 68 108 66 45 44 263 216 119 53 89 71, 154 80 162 104 118 82 97 06 64 40 783 499 78 49 105 62 88 94 80 77 70 68 68 82 122 106 67 66 150 123 '72 75 81 61 THE SEA1+'ORTH NEWS 9b 85 10a , (34 104 ....... 86 11.,......, 91 124 , , .. 62 12b •08 Aetalnce 1441 GODERICH TP. k1 1 2 182 82 386 4 . 82 5 ,,79 62 Total 498 GREY TP, 1 58 2 87 3 66 4 66 5 134 60 7 Total ... 36 HAY TWP, 536 1 53 2a 46 51 3b 4 98 5 23 6 114 7 26 8 .... 26 Total H NSALL 4G8 1A 115 113 97 Total 212 HIBBERT 1 65 2 70 3 92 4 77 Total 304 HULLETT TWP. 1 81 2 52 3 51 4 117 5 29 6 64 7 71 Total McKILLOP TWP. 465 1 20 2 107 3 107 4 103 Total 337 MORRIS TWP. 1 79 2 83 3 108 4 128 5 85 6 81 Total 1564 SEAPORT II 1 78 2 96 3 82 4 39 5 50 6 68 Total 403 STANLEY TWP. 1 42 2 58 3 52 4 164 5 67 G 77 7 17 8 137 Total 614 STEPHEN TWP. 1 97 2 68 s 82 4 88 5 36 6 103 7 34 8 83 9 38 l0a 32 10b 32 Total 693 TUCKERSMITH 1 91 2 '78 3 41 4 64 5 56 6 47 25 14 416 7 . 8 Total CSBORNE 1 61 82 5J 979 1331 63 82 50 20 48 248 43 53 47 61 81 66 58 409 61 110 158 78 47 92 748 91 96 187 208 97 108 89 502 81 44 65 88 22 52 71 423 182 106 103 83 474 56 48 50 84 52 50 290 135 126 149 124 86 135 755 55 53 32 31 27 63 27 63 351 16 95 101 63 85 66 12 49 94 83 735 7'79 Totat,,...:.,...... 472 285 E. WAWANOSH 1 48 28 2 ., ,... 102 59 4 .• 64•• 54 59 18 Total 318 207 W, WAWANOSII 1 •88 43 2 82 44 8 52 26 4 65 47 6 17 42 Total........ .,. 852 240 38 BRODHAGEN. Mrs. Fred Kisiner is confined bo Victoria Hospital with a mild case of Polio, and is making satisfactory recovery. Mr. and M'rs. Orval Whitfield of St. .:Catharines visited with her :bro- ther Russell Sholdioe and Mrs. Sholdiee. Mrs. Howard Querengesser and girls of Waterloo with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Querengesser for a week, Rev, and Mrs, ' Backer returned home from a trip to Ottawa and north through Muskoka. Mrs. George Mogk spent last week with her son Carman Mogk and Mrs. Mogk at St. Thomas. Mr, and Mrs. John Mueller and Ruth Ann of Hamilton with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Hillebrecht, Mr. and Mr's, Russell Sholdice and family are spending a few clays in Grand Bend this week, Members of the Zion Lutheran Church Swing Bowling of Stratford, were guests of the Brodhagen Swing Bowling 'Club on Thursday evening: Miss Gladys Eickmeir of Stratford was the high scorer of the evening with a perfect score of 800. Miss Ida Durst of Stratford .(low), Mr. Joe 'Smith, high and Mr. Oscar Young (low), Lunch was served in the church basement. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Woodward, Donna and Gaye of Toronto with her 'parents, Mr. and- Mrs. `Albert W Querengesser, Mrs. oodward and girls remaining for the week. Mrs. Harvey Ahrens and baby son returned home from Seaforth Hos- pital The flowers that adorned the Alt- ar of St. Peter's Lutheran Church were placed in memory of the late Fred Miller who died 34 years ago Aug. 16, by the family. Mrs. Mary Bouke •of Detroit and Mrs. Andrew Bald of Seebach Hill with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Harloff. Mr. and Mrs. Hope Pauli of De- troit spent the past week with Mr. John Ritz and other relativ3s. Miss Arlene Diegel is spending two weeks at Edgewood Camp at Eden Mills. Miss Cherry Kressler has return- ed home after spending the week with her aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Martin Diegel of McKillop. Misses Jean and Elsie Siemon and Lorne Wolfe and Gerald Buuck at Delhi over the weekend. Mrs. Lavern Wolfe spent Monday with her ,brother Lorne and 1VIrs, Hinz at Cedar Springs. WALTON Mr. and Mrs, Harold Jackson and son Dick of Bancroft, Mich., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fox of Walton. The W. A. of Walton United Church met on Thursday afternoon with the President, Mrs. Turnbull presiding. Hymn 516 was sung fol- lowed by the Lord's Prayer in uni- son. Treasurer's report report was given, with $28.83 on hand. Thank - you cards were read. The date set 104 for the fowl supper was Oct, 21st. 115 The meeting closed with the Mizpah 79 Benediction. 82 Mr. and Mrs. Sohn S. Buchanan 73 and Miss Eleanor Rae, Stratford, 59 with friends Isere. 115 Miss E. Robinson, Toronto, with 33 Mrs. Rebecca Dennis. 660 Miss M. Beuermann, Kitchener,' with Mr. and Mrs. John Beuermann. 66 24 Victor Shaw is a patient in Viet - 2 57 52 oria Hospital, London. 3 45 58 Frank Kelly with friends to the 4 69 40 western Trovinces. 5 89 46 Threshing and combining are,, in 6 67 17 full swing in this part of Huron•'''Co. 4 TI4URSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1953 EG .NT TH Sk�AI+'U�'tTT t ,NOW ,LAYING, SUNNY SIDE OF THE STREET Frankle Lane Tony Arden ALSO,.. KID FROM AMARILLO Charles Starette Smiley Bhrnette MON. TULIS. WED ABBOTT & COSTELLO MEET CAPTAIN KID0 They're raising Cain on the Bounding Main NEXT P54011S. FRI. SAT. WAY OF A GAUCHO Gene Tierney Rory Calhoun Surging with the Fury and Romance of the Argentine Pampas Keep We cannot aaza.uouaxieessamm.osoe+. Your Credit Good pay the factories for the Shoes they sell us, unless you pay us for the Shoes we sell you. At Our Prices It Should Be Cash In future we wIll send out our accounts every three months, TO KEEP YOUR CREDIT GOOD KINDLY CALL AND SETTLE WJL .IS SIIOE STORE The Little Store with the "Big Values" Seaforth Reports indicate about the same yields as last year in grains and corn. Prospects for the sugar beet crop are very good. RADIO SCHOOL NEWS Five Dakota aircraft and crews from the Air Radio Officers School at 'Clinton have returned from "Op- eration Butler", a search for an Am- erican Civilian Stinson Station Wag- on Aircraft lost in Northern Ontario. This aircraft, piloted by Mr. Harry Butler •of Detroit and carrying two passengers, left .Sault Ste Marie, Michigan, for Wawa, Ontario, on August 12 and has not been seen since. The searchers left Centralia for U.S. Air Force base at Kinross, !Michigan, on Thursday and have carried out a search from that base jointly with aircraft from the U.S. Air Force and from 'RCAF .Station, Trenton, and the Flying Instructors' !School at Centralia. The area from the east shore of Lake Superior to approximately 100 miles inland and from Sault Ste, Marie to beyond the Canadian Pacific Railway in the north has been extensively covered but no signs of the lost aircraft have been found. A search in .tbat area at this time of the year is very difficult owing to it being heavily wooded and the foliage covers up much of the terrain. Controlling the search were S/L W. Chrismas of 'Centralia as searchmaster and as ins deputy F/L V. E. Eldridge of the Air Radio Officers' School. One aircraft is re- maining in Kinross for a few days to early out further searching and cheek on any new developments. Sports fans! Read Ted Williams' own s cry Isis war une exp and his comeback in baseball. It's a stimulating revelation in the out- spoken words of the great ballplay- i er, told in "Where Do We Go From ! Here?", in The American Weekly ' with ths corning Sunday's (Aug. 23) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. • t f 1 ' t' erience 4c • ryr ensansartustrite heed reliable answers to your"crisis questions" this year! . . . get them in THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR,. Often referred to as "a newspaperman's news= paper" the MONITOR covers the world with a network of News Bureaus and correspondents. Order a special intro- ductory subscription today -3 months for 1 $3. You'll find the MONITOR "must" 1, rending and as necessary rf asY our HOME TOWN PAPER 7tite Cnrta ��--- sn �-Som+cs Aromas The Christian Science Monitor One, Norway St., Boston (5, Moss., U.S.A. Please sand me an introductory Moni- tor subscr)ptlon-76 issues. I enclose 53. 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