HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1953-07-23, Page 4STA FFA .Staffa hall was prettily decorated for the celebration of the 50th anni- versary of the organizing of the Staffa Woman's Institute on Wed- nosday, July 15th, The W. I. crest made by Mrs. Mervin Dow hung at the front of the hall and the plat- form was banked by ferns and bask- ets of roses, lilies, and delphiniums. The president, Mrs. T. Laing, called the meeting to order to open with "The Queen" followed by the Lord's Prayer and address of wel- come. Our secretary, Mies Vera fiambley called the roll of all present and former living Members with 99 answering by the month in which they were born, Mrs, Ernest Allen, THE S1 A1'ORTH NEWS , p ay t an nstltrtnental fol- lowed by rending o letter from Mrs, Ethel Currie, Winnipeg. Mrs. Lydia Colquhoun, Norwich, 0 past presi- dent, spoke briefly and MI's, Ken Drake 'favoured with a solo. An Iu Memoriam service for 90 !Members was conducted with Mrs, Leslie Butson, Mrs. Walter O'Brien and Mrs, Arthur ICenrp taking part, Mrs. Hewitt, Mitchell, and Mrs, Glidden, Stoney Creek, chatter mem- bers of Stoney Creek Institute brought greetings and Mr's, Feeney, Dublin, played an instrumental. Miss Collins of the Women's Insti- tute Branch, Toronto, brought greet- ings from the department and Mrs. Jas. Hill, Seaforth, presented a FOR LEGION MEMBERS AND THEIR FAMILIES Jowett's Grove, Bayfield SUNDAY, JULY 26, 2 p.m. 'rhos., without transportation he at 1.,:rgion Qtuirt 'is at Community °sins.. at 1 P.M. BRING YOUR OWN LUNCH Prizes and Ma for all vsamrr_saaoa,a...M11 ,.... ,. ..,:RS" k y as LIONS PARK, SEAFORTH Setir y, July 251 SEE THESE TWO TEAMS OF LOCAL PEOPLE AT- TEMPT TO PLAY A RIP -SNORTING GAME OF BASE- BALL WHILE MOUNTED ON THE HURRICANE DECK OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN DONKEYS You'll laugh! You'll howl! You'll scream! Presented by SEAFORTII AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Parade 9.00 P.M. Game 9.30 P.M. North - Capt., Dr. E. A. McMaster, Mayor of Seaforth South - Captain, Dr. J. 0. Turnbull Umpire - Dot Reid Master of Ceremonies - Eric Munro Admission - - Adults 50c Children 25c ."•,,b7 JULY 23-24&25 STILL BARGAINS GALORE IN SUMMER COTTONS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS The Kiddies '"h SEAFORTH PROCLAMATION TOWN OF SEAFORTH CIVIC HOLIDAY On Instruction front the Municipal Connell I hereby proclaim Nhrnday, Aug, 3rd, 1953 CIVIC HOLIDAY b or the Town of Seaforth and respeetfully request. the Citizens attd Businessmen to observe the same D.R. E. A. McMASTER MAYOR God Save the Queen sketch of the history of the Institute bringing out, many amusing inti dents of former meetings. A solo by ' Mrs. T. L, Scott was followed by re, marks from the district secretary, Mrs. 0. Hislop, Several letters of regret from district former nnem- bers were read followed by instru- mental by Mrs, Roy McCulloch and Mrs, Alf Ross and a solo by Mrs. Henry Harburn, The meeting was closed after the eourtesy report by Mrs, Cecil Bow- man. A social hour was spent at the tea tables with Mrs. Hill the only charter member cutting the anniver- sary cake. BRUCEFIELD The annual picnic of Brucefield United Church Sunday School was held Wednesday afternoon in Jew ett's Grove, Bayfield While the younger set played softball, the horseshoe pitching group got in a bit of good exercise, Following the pro- gram of sports, supper was served. Results of races are as follows: five years and under, Jimmie Broad - foot, John Lazenby, Ricky Mustard; eight years and under, girls, Phyllis Lobb, Gail Farquhar, Doris Walker; boys, Dick Lahb, Brian Mustard, Gerald Baird; 11 years and tender, girls, Carol Anderson, Jean Broad - foot, Caroline Ross; boys, Orrin Baird, Dick Lobb, Brian Mustard. Girls, 13 years and under, Jean Ratthwell, Betty Jean Ross, Cather- ine McGregor; boys, Bob Fathering - ham, Wayne Elliott, Orrin Baird; young ladies' race, Jean McGregor, Mary Broadfoot, Olive Aikenhead; young men's, Bob Allen, Bob Must- ard, Beverley Broadfoot; married women's, Mrs. Archie Mustard, Mrs, Murray Squire, Mrs. Gordon Elliott; married hen's, Don Gray, W. D. Wilson, Bean guessing contest, Alex Must- ard; girls' shoe race, 12 year's and under, Betty Jean Ross, Phyllis Lobb, Jean Rathwell; boys' shoe race (12 years and under), Wayne E1= liott, Jack Broadfoot, Dick Lobb, women's kick -the -slipper, Mrs. Mur- ray Squires, Mrs. S. Baird, Joan Triebner; men's kick -the -slipper, W. D, Wilson, Bob Allan, A. Zapf°. Children's relay, "Fill the Bottle," boys' and girls' teams tied; three- legged race (12 years and under), Jean Rathwell, and Betty Jean Ross; Phyllis Lobb and Jean. Broadfoot; Bob Fothea'ingham and Jack Broad - foot; three-legged race (over 12 years), Mary Broadfoot and Olive Aikenhead; Jean McGregor and Ca- therine McGregor; Joan Triebner and Barbara Workman, Eating relay .for adults, men's and women's teams tied; peanut scram- ble; sack race, Catherine McGregor, Jean McClinchey, Olive Aikenhead; hop -the -rape race, Gerald Rathwell, Bab Fotheringham, Olive Aiken - head; lucky spot (12 years and over), Mrs. William Sinclair and Mrs, Anderson (tiedi 1VIrs. Robert Allan, Mrs, T. B. Baird. BRODHAGEN , Mr. J. F. Praetor, Mrs. Mary t Dittmer, ]VIr. and Mrs. Ed Prueter visited Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Dittmer at their eottage at Point Clarke. Miss Gwen Roclt has returned to Kitchener -Waterloo Hospital for training after a month's holiday with her :parents, Mr, and Mrs. Rd - win Rook and other relatives, Mrs. Ed Wisenberg and .grandson Billy Allan of Toronto aro holiday- ing at the home of Mr, and MI's. Geo. and 'Harold Mogk. Miss Shirley Ann Diegel of Mitch- ell is holidaying at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Henry L. Die - gel. Mr. and Mrs, Donald Stauck, War- ren and Janet of Kitchener are hol- idaying at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Albert Querengesser. Miss Susan Querengesser of Now Dundee is 'holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Russell Sholdice and Mr, and Mrs, W, L, .Querengesser. Mr. Wayne Bouel'tnan is holiday- ing in Fort Erie at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Henry Bode. Miss Jane Rock attended vacation School at First Lutheran Church, Logan, last week. Mr, Jim Riehl of Mitchell with Mr, and Mrs, Harry Tait. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice and family with Mr, and Mr's. Harry Schilleubor'ger in !Clinton. Mrs. Harold Grove of Detroit spent the weekend with her parents Mr, and Mrs, Louie G. Rock. Mr, and Mrs, J. Arbuckle and boys and Miss Joanne Beuerntat of Edgewood Camp, Eden Mills, were home Friday and Saturday, Mr, and Mrs, W. L Querengesser, Mr. and Mrs. Henry L, Diego], Mr. and Mrs. Martin Diegel of McKillop, Mr, and Mrs, Harold Diego], Mitchell were guests at the home of Mt'. and Mrs. Ed Bressler on Sunday to cele- brate the 78th birthday of their mother, Mrs, John C. Diegel, Vacation Bible School is being held at St, Peter's Lutheran Church here this week with about 70 pupils attending% The following are in charge Rev. W. Becker, Mrs. George Mogk, Mrs, Edward Scherbarth, Mrs. Ralph Fischer, Miss Donna Smith, Miss Rose Siemon, Mrs. Wil- fred Drager, Miss Nancy Mogk, Miss Arlene Diego], Miss Alice Braeker. Quite a number of friends and relatives from here attended the shower for Mr. and Mrs. Lamb (nee Rose Bode) of Fort Erie, at the Town Hall, Mitchell on Saturday night; Band Picnic The Brodhagen Baird members and their wives, sweethearts and patents, totalling about 76, enjoyed a picnic at Bayfield on Sunday. At the noon luncheon Mr. Albert Hinz, the bandleader, was called upon by Ronald Hinz who read a very suitable address which was written by Mrs, Edward Scherbarth, and the ;presentation of a Sunbeam Electric Shaver and Sport Jacket was made by Donald Wolfe and Ray Scherbarth on behalf of the young boys of the band. Albert taken by surprise thanked everyone very much. Mrs. Norman Hinz also thanked the rest of the band members who assisted the lead- er in his work. The band played many musical lumbers during the afternoon. A boat ride was enjoyed by the picnic- rs, with the band ,playing as they eft and came back to clock, Swimming was also enjoyed and games and relay's were conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Edward Scherbarth and Donald Rose. Race results; Girls under 6, Bever- ly Sholdice; girls 6 to 8, Joan French; boys 0 to 8, Roger Shold- ire; girls 9 to 10, Darlene French; boys 9 to 10, Warren Stauck; boys 11 to 13, Warren Sholdice; girls 14 to 16, Laurene Scherbarth; boys 14 to 16, Donald livolfe; girls 17 to 20, Shirley Anderson; boys 17 to 20, Irvin Gloor; ladies 20 to 25, Adele Cole; men 20 to 25, Ralph Gloor; ladies over 25, Mrs. Harold Ellig- son; men over 25, Edwin Scherbarth. STRATFORD CASINO every Saturday night Modern Orchestra Adtui:;siou 75c Greatest pull on earth GOOD EAR Super Sure -Grips Spring; summer, fall, winter—in any season on any soil conditions, you can't beat tho super traction of Goodyear Super Sure-Grips1 Drop in soon and we'll demon- strate the features. LOOK FOR THIS "HIGH SIGN" Of QUALITY .FARM GOODentAR T.•IR,ES BAYFIELD Located on the shore of Lake Huron three miles south of Bayfield, Huron Church Camp, operated by the Anglican Church, is a beehive of a.etivity these days. Braving the present heat wave, 135 boys and girls are enjoying the second camp which is for children aged 9. to 12, Enjoying the 10 -day period are children from all over Huron Diocese, including London, Bayfield, Goderich, Windsor, Galt, Woodstock, Hespeler, Tillsonburg, Ingersoll, Point Edward and Dun- dalk. Huron Camp has been in oper- ation since 1947 and at one time used the facilities at Kintail Camp. The camp dean for July is Rev. R. W. Wenham, of Hespeler. In operation since June 29 the camp will again play .host to hund- reds of children and teen-agers at three junior camps, one intermedi- ate and one for :girls aged 7 to 16, Staff includes Dean Wenham, Camp Nurse Mrs. Carew Jones, of Bayfield, Leathercraft Instructor, Miss Lily Barlow, of Wallaceburg, and several counselors, Pull time supervisor in charge of swimming is Miss Nancy Spittal, of Seaforth. Chief Cook, A. MacGregor of Lon- don, is to the younger folk the most popular man around the camp, 'Children here have big appetites and it takes only one call on the bugle to 'bring them running. The camp is busy from 7;30 a.m. until 9 p,m„ with worship periods, crafts, swimming, hikes, baseball, honfires. Added features and safety measures this year at the beach inc towers and wooden buoys marking off the area for swimmers and non- swimmers. Sundays, if the weather is favorable, service is held in the outside Chapel. HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. Richard Taylor Sr., highly respected citizens of Chisel - burst, who aro leaving that district to take up residence in Hensall in the new home they purchased from Mr, Milton Love, were honored at a presentation held for them at S.S, 10, Tuckersmith, Thursday evening July 9th, attended by over seventy neighbours and friends, Progressive euchre was one of the highlights of THURSDAY, JULY 23, 19S8 EG ENTT" E A T-, IL t fSLtt�,1+ U.kI.'1 H NOW ?LAYING Thurs. Frt. Sat„ Jab' 213-24.2 Iit Technicolor David Wayne . WAIT TIL TUE SUN SHIRRS N131.L1tf 1uo Jean Peters Ont 'e miss thin heart warming human Interest nteludramn Mutt. Tues, Wed., July 27.20-55 In Technicolor A (QUERN 25 CRDwNIiD TILE. ONLY FULL 1diN(TU FIM'ru II OI'.TIM CORONATION IN 'rsemsueOLOR Thul'.Y. trrt..Snt„ July 311411, Aug. 1 FEARLESS IAGAN Janet Leigh - Cartet,ut •Cnrponter COMING — WE'RI7 NOT MAI0RII4n Only at this Store Do you get so much for your Footwear Dollar WILLIS SHOE ST The Little Stole with the "Big Values" Seaforth the evening with the following win-, Iters: Ladies -- Ml's. J, Br'intnell, Mrs, W. Workman, Mrs. Gordon Munn; Gents—Alex McGregor, Ted Roberts, James Drummond; Presen- tation of a lovely table and lamp and smoking stand were macre to Mr. and Mrs, Taylor, Mervyn Eyre read- ing the address. Luncheon was serv- ed.• Dear Mr. and Mrs, Taylor, This jolly "get together" of friends and neighbours seemed the ideal time to wish you well on the eve of your de- parture to your new home in Hen- sall. During your years on the 10th and 12th you have made a place in our affections and esteem which is all your own. CO PER'S GROCERY Week End Specials Aylmer Catsup 11 oz. bottle 21c 20 oz. Thi 17c Hunt's Fruit Cocktail Large 25 oz. tin. ,370 Libby's Rosedale Tomato Juice 48 oz. Tin 25c Aylmer Instant Baby Food 6 Tins for 19c St. William - - Strawberry Jam, Black Currant Jam, Pineapple Marmalade39 oz. Jars 59c Blue Ribbon Coffee 1 i'b Tin $1.02 ' Clark's Pork & Beans 2-20 oz. Tins 31c Weston's Mallow Boats 834 oz. Pkg. 17c CHECK OUR FRUIT COUNTER Orval Cooper, Seaforth Phone 8 FREE DELIVERY ANYWHERE IN TOWN —Three tines daily: 10 - 2 - 4 o'clock Henley Choice Tomatoes You'll find fun and relaxation among the delightful surroundings at Jasper ill the in the heart of Alpine Canada. Golf, q� swimming, canoeing, fishing, hiking and Canadian Rockies frail -riding! Park Lodge rte= - - —_.-- --- rte_----�--__ t1111�IIIIIIIIin Ill lllmiuuiWr ' MIN Lodge In the Lake of the Woods Country There's freedom from care, from hay foyer, and there's lots to do at Minalri, Golf, swim, ming, motor boating, fishing—everything for a happy holiday) luiltertn;;;:h. Take your choice, pick the vacation that's sure to please! At either of these two great Canadian National summer resorts you're bound to enjoy yourself , .. meals to tempt, delightful accommodations, attractive surroundings, They're easy to reach, The Continental Limited takes you to both of' them. Jasper Park Lodge (650 guests 814.50 a day and up... Minaki Lodge (185 guests) 88.50 a day and up—Loth including cost of meals. (OR ANYGIPTOCCASION—Canadian National now offers an attractive Gift Certlflsale severing Train Travel anywhere la any tail destination . , , for any amount you with , on sale at all Comedian National ticket offices. Easy to buy, easy ie use , , , and cure to Please. Information and reservations may be obtained from any Canadian National agent, , or our Hotel Deportment, Chateau Laurier, Ottawa, .DIADIAN NATIONAL THE ONLY RAILWAY SERVING ALL TEN PROVINCES