HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1953-07-16, Page 8T1I7 SEAFORTH NEWS '1'.'HURS DAY, JULY 16, 1963 KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Dalrymple spent Sunday in Detroit. Mr, and Mrs, Eldon Kerr' of Win- throp were Sunday visitors with the latter's parents, Mir. and Mrs, El - sten Dawson. Mr. and Mr's, Havcrkamp and family who have just arrived from Holland have taken up residence in Mr. Rockus Faber's home on High- way No. 4. Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Stogdell of `.111111111111111 n 11I I I I I I I 11 n 11111111 n 111 x 1111111111111 l a 1111111) i mn l I n l a a l Il i,ll , V e a l e 1, n, u h es a 1111 l ll l i l l 11111l a I n 1111II„1 i l l a I l l l l l,CJ E � Swimming Lesons Every morning from 10 m 12 Applicants rnust register at the Booth at the Seaforth Lions Park 1.1[11,1111,...1111111111,111 l I llll 0111111,11. lllllll 41,11,11111,1111111,10110 lllllllll1111,111111.111.111 lllll 1,11,1M,1111111111111;IM111111$1111111 f` - Go west by the onfjnn Limited" It's the pleasant, luxurious way to travel -"The Jasper Way" on the Continental Limited . . . Canadian National's de- pendable daily link between Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, ,buaki, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Jasper and Vancouver. Canada's magnificent scenic beauty greets you with a new adventure every mile while you relax in the sir - conditioned comfort of attractive bedrooms, standard and tourist sleepers, lounges and coaches. Delicious meals in attractive dining cars served with Canadian National's traditional courtesy and efficiency. By arrangement at major points you can have a drive -yourself car waiting for you. For reservations and information regarding your business and pleasure travel, see, write or phone your local Canadian National Passenger Agent. Don't let opportunity escape` you for lack of a savings plan OPEN A A SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT 334 'T'oronto visited on Thursday with Mrs. Stogdoll's brother and sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs E. Dowson. Miss Joanne k1or'ney of RidgwaY is holidaying with. Mr, and Ml's, A. Gackstettor. Mr, and Mrs, Grant Love of Caro, Mtcll., visited recently with rela- tives in the district. Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Green of Mitchell visited on Sunday with the latter's father, Ml'. Jonah Green. Mrs, Eddie McBride and Sharon visited recently with Mrs. S. Baird near Brueefield. Mrs. Wm. Horsey of Exeter spent a day this week with Mr. and Mrs. A. Gaekstetter, Mr. and Mrs, Orville Workman spent the weekend in Detroit, Many from here attended the Co- .ehrane Reunion in Jowett's Grove in Bayfield on Saturday. THE ONLY RAILWAY SERVING ALL TEN PROVINCES Store Wide Sale, still on with a Bang until Saturday, July 25th Still lots of Bargains for every member of the family - - Sandals, Play Shoes - - Oxfords and Pumps Shoes at $.1.00 - $2.00 and $3.00 a pair — from Regular Stock MEN'S WORK SHOES BROWN "KORK" SOLES Regular $6.75 BOOT OR OXFORD Sale Price $5.45 SUMMER SANDALS - WH BL BL ITE $3.45 ACK and BLUE $3.85 "SUSAN" SANDALS $4.95 GREY RED MULTI McBrine Baggage 20% DISCOUNT . during SALE. WOMEN'S PUMPS, reg. up to 8.95 RED BROWN BLACK $4.95 WHITE BLUE GREEN 5.�45 $0 .95 PLAIN OR PLATFORM SOLES Summer Moccasins BLUE NATURAL HARVEST BROWN RED Misses' 11 to 3 $1.95 Ladies' $2.65 PLAID LINING Children's Shoes at Real Savings $1.95 TO $3.95 SANDALS BROWN AND SADDLE OXFORDS Men's Brown Oxfords - Sponge and Crepe Rubber Soles — Sale Price $5.45 MANLEY Mr. and Mrs. J. Dietz are on an extended trip to Calgary, also at- tending the "Stampede", Quite a number of the farmers are finished haying. Miss Ruth Manley is holidaying with her cousin Miss Bernice Patten at Lucan. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Murray spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Louis O'Reilly. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Johnson and Mieliael visited Sunday with Mrs, Connelly, Kennicott. Mr, Jerome Manley at Parry .Sound. WINTHROP Mr. and Mrs. E. Hawley in Lon- don, Mrs. C, Hawley who spent the weekend here returned home with theta on Monday Miss Dianne Morey, Mitchell, is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. E. Haase. Mrs. Robert Campbell of Russell, Ont. and Miss Mae Smith and Mr. Robert Smith, Seaforth, called on their uncle, Mr. John McClure on Sunday, Mrs. .1. M. Gillies, Jackie and Isa- bel of Collimgwood visited with Win- throp friends recently. Sorry, we could not give you the personal attention, Mast Saturday night, that we strive to clo, but there were just too many of you for the short time we had, Yours for shoe service, CLINT SMITH NO EXCHANGES AT THESE PRICES PLEASE SEAFORTH PHONE 97 NO LAYAWAYS ALL SALES FINAL CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Burnes and fomlly wish to express their thanks for the ntany acts of kindness during their recent sad bereavement to nil who helped in any way, and everything was deeply appreciated • CARD OF THANKS • Mr. George Leitch wishes to thank his many friend„ and neighbors for cards, flow- ers and treats, and those who visited him while a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, also Dr. McMaster, Dr. Brady and Dr. El- liott and the nurses In Memoriam 11UNGEY-Infond and loving nemoty of our dear mother, Mabel Dnngey, who died on July 16th, 1052 One year to -day our mother was culled To her eternal test; Gone where the angels sing so sweet, And taken when God knew best. We -miss her here so very mucic, Her presence oft seems nigh, But we all hope in heaven to meet Where no one says good-bye. •-Sadly missed by her family. u ur tt . rruir.r AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595 AV AstramosiMiswiparsaltstlatalemmemeuma TO RENT 4 room apartment with hot, & cold water, Private bathroom and lots of shade for child- ren. Immediate passession.Apply IIARVEY MeILWAIN, phone 112. NOTICE Fill for sale and delivered; also good ce- ment gravel; will have soon in stook pile, & top soil also. HARVEY MCILWAIN, Sea - forth phone 112 200 laying pullets, OR $3 each. A Findlay Vega cook stove, one child's cot, small cream separator. ROGER ANDREWS, Seaforth RR 3. Phone 647r3 FOR SALE John. Deere binder, 7 foot cut, on rubber, equipped for tractor, like new. AUGUST DUCHARME. phone 17r13, Dublin R12.2 FOR SALE Little Marvel grain thrower, like new, complete with pipes end elbows. Apply to HARRY CALDWELL, Kipper FOR SALE Large led currants and gooseberries. Phone 152-W Seaforth FOR SALE Truck, 1937 2 -ton Dodge, nearly new motor, good tires,new rear end. steel platform, reeks, new battery, hoist. Make good grain truck. Cheap. WILLIAM M. SPROAT, phone 603r2 Seaforth VETERINARY SURGEON .1. O. TURNB3ULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M„ V,S. Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optornetrisz Phone 791, Main St., Seaforth Hum's 9,A.M, to 5.30 P.M. Closed all day Wednesday aesawseovavoassaoer SIPOLIIM MARTIN W°'STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth FOR SALE 12 acres of clover hay. WESLEY ROE, phone 231,4 Blyth FOR SALE 9 pigs ready to wean. W. Montgomery, R4 Walton. Phone 834r4 FOR SALE Six-foot McCormick binder, right hand eat. Would make a swathes Apply to WILLIAM McLACHLAN, RR3 Kippen. Hensel' 686r14 FOR SALE Large frame house and lot. to Egmondville, nice location near church and school. Water Pressure and good well, recently wired, up- stairs suitable for apartment. Good garden, ser, garage. MRS. RUBY DUNDAS, ,Seaforth, phone 649r12 JOHN A. GORWILL, B.q., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B,A„M.D., internist P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 pat to 5 pm, daily. except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only, 7-9 pm Appointments made in advance are desirable The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEA]) O1FFICE — SEAFORTH, ONT, Officers —President, John L. Malone Sea - forth ; Vice -Pres., John II. McEwing, Malone, Manager & Sec.-Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth, Directors --J. L. Malone, Seuferth; J. H. MaSwing, Birth; W. S. Alexander, Walton; E. J. Trewnrthn, Clinton; J. E. Pepper, Iirueefteld; C. W. Leonhordt, Bornholm; H. Filler, Godertch; R. Archibald, Seaforth1 S. H. 1Vhitmore, Seaforth. Agents—Wm. Leiper Jr., Londesboro 1 J. P Prueter, Brodhngen1 Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Eric Munroe, Seaforth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective past ell'ioes. CIMMOIMPRIMBUIVISSIIIMM Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH ONT. All kinds of Insurance rasps effect ed at lowest rates in 9'irst-Class Companies FOR SALE Kitchen cupboard. sideboard, 2 beds and springs; 1 ooal heater; 1 cook stove; electric Rangette; 3 burner coal oil stove; quantity of wood; sealers; 1 extension table, MRS. RUBY DUNDAS, Seaforth, phone 64902 FOR SALE Seven acres of alfalfa and timothy. Am willing to cut and rake same. KEN Mc - P2151515022, Dublin 17r24 RASPBERRIES, A large quantity of raspberries for sale. Orders taken now. Call H. A. BENNEWIES, phone 182W Mitchell FOR SALE Good six-foot Massey Harris binder, good as new, cut throe crops. Apply to E, S. Me- BRIEN, phone 845r3 Seaforth FOR SALE One kitchen cupboard. Modern. Apply to MRS. JACK PRAISER, Seaforth TO RENT Three or four -room apartment with bath, in Egmondville. Available August 15th. AL- BERT PEPPER, phone 049r24 Seaforth FOR SALE Massey Harris Clipper Combine, 0 ft, cut; power take -off drive; complete with bugger and seeur screen attachment; in real good condition. Will sell reasonnhlo as owner htat no further need of it. NORRIS SILVERY, Seaforth RR3. Phone Clinton 0281113 TENDERS FOR COAL Tenders will be received by the undersign- ed until July 28, 1953, for supplying 100 tent' al Stoker Coal suitable far Huron County Home, Clinton. Coal to ba delivered in the bin at. the County Nome. Please furnish analysis with tenders. Lowest or any tender 21011 1210. 05.50 rily accepted. A. H. ERSKINE, Olerk, County of Huron, C,odetieh, Ontario NOTICE - RE WEEDS Notice is hereby given to owners of sub- divided portlpns.of the Municlpality of Flacon that unless 00 noxious weeds thereon are de- stroyed before the 8th of Am:Mat, 1058, in accordance with the Weed Control Act, the 1001109101' under authority given in Sections 3, 7, 10 and 12 of the Act, will Cense the noxious weeds or wood seeds to be destroyed, and the costs thereof will 'bo placed on the collector's roll for collection in the same manner as taxes under the Aasosament Act, W, St, DOUGALL, Weed Inopentot', Monieipality of Huron For Quality, Service and Savings at Spring and Summer Prices WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 363-J Res. 192-M RADIO REPAIRS' Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR, Opposite Dick (louse, phone 31,R, Seaforth • COAL SUMMER PRICES Buy screened coal - more for yoar ---- money Summer Prices WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 -- Res. 318 w MINMEMINIONIr INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident . Liability etc. Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Successor to E. C. Chamberlain MAIN ST. SEAPORTH Phone 334 Res. 222R Painting -Paperhanging Interior and exterior decorating WALTER PRATT, R.R. 1, Wal- ton, Phone 481-M, Seaforth. PROCLAMATION Township of Tuckersmith Upon instruction from council under auth- ority of Ry -law #19, 1962, Township of Tuck- ersmith, I hereby proclaim that all dogs in `the hamlets of Egmondville and Hnrpurhey are prohibited from running at large during the period from June 1, 1963, to November 1, 1903. Owners or harborer, of dogs contraven- ing the provisions of this by-law will be sub- ject to a maximum penalty of $50.00, (Signed) D. A. MOFFATT, Reeve Twp. of Tunkornmith ameosomeemenommielsomMINI ATTENTION FARMERS Old fence wire taken away. Cull ISD. Mo- GRATH, Dublin. Phone 46r23, collect PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list, 5 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail-, Order Dept. T-74, Nov -Rubber Co„ Box 91, Hnmilton, Ont, NOTICE Custom baling done. Apply Martin Rose, R3 Mitchell, Phone 36.10 Dublin ngelectric AND SERVICE Vikiream0nors end ronairs for Renfrew separators. BASIL emotinIg% phone Clinton 084r21: In Seaforth 4Tro o RE dN I eated apartment with bath -room, sun porch, also cellar, for Aug, lst, Mono 249W WOOD All FO1Rm SAE boar wood, also limb wood. Apply to Clarence Bagel°, 040 Dublin central ALE FARM — One )tetdv d fibresbnear Zion in Logan township, Cash er terms, Aitpiy Will lam Allen, RR No, 8, Mitchell, er 320 Spring - ton. Rd., Upper Darby, Pa„ U.S.A. 1050 Allis Cltaimerrg SALER wr take -oft combine with plek-up, enlarged bin mid strew - spreader, now cylinder and concave bars, llaa' gone over phone896r5LOSeafertlt JOiIN