HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1953-07-16, Page 4BRODHAGEN The Mogk Be -Union The 20th annual Moglc Re -union Was held on July '1st at the home of Mr. .and Mrs. Edwin Seherbarth, It R 1, Bornholm. The attendance register -:•';liowed 1338 persons were present. After a bounteous lunch the after- noon was spent in renewing' acquaint - tutees. A program of races and games was Hold with the winners as follows: Girl's raves 0 to 10 yeal'a, Slttriey Ilaulelbaeti, . Donna Sellerburtll. Boy's races, 0 to 10 years; Orval Bauer, (leorgo Muglc, Girl's races 10 to 14 years, Itlayda 13euermanll, Elaine LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND BEND The ONE Resort on Lake Huron DANCING EVERY NIGHT NEIL MoKAY and his ALL STAR ORCHESTRA Top comments every day! A great orchestra, led by an outstanding musician -•- "McKay — arranger and composer" Have you heard their "June -Johnny -and Quartette"? This quartette is doing great paid radio commercials. EVERY THURSDAY 'THE ARTHUR MURRAY DANCERS" Professional dancers—showing you how simple the newer dances can he, This week ---- "THE SAMBA" Last Thursday out attendance was More than usual, and by crowd acclaim these ehanlpinit dancers have ben engaged for this season1311 for every Thursday night. Plan to come to "hook - Itsten • and learn.' You'll enjoy every Minute ! Regular admission in Specials Look over our stock of used cars for that summer trip you're planning FORD 1950 COACH METEOR 1950 SEDAN FORD 1949 COACH MERCURY 1948 SEDAN 1VIERCURY 1947 COACH PONTIAC 1941 SEDAN FORD 1953 %2 TON PICKUP Monarch and Ford 1953 Cars in stock FORD MONARCH DEALER PHONE 102 SEAFORTH anaanaannaniannaa 1 COOPER'S GROCERY Week End Specials -olcl Seal Sockeye Salmon 7% oz Tin Jell-O Jelly Powders 3 packages Nabob Coffee 1 Tb pkg. Stokely Golden Corn 2-15 oz. Tins Kellogg's Corn Flakes 2-8 oz. pkgs. Capital Extract Artificial Vanilla 2-8 oz. bottes REFRESH -- ORANGE & LIME 6 pkgs. for Many Flowers Toilet Soap DEAL — 4 bars Fly Ded Surface Spray 16 oz. tin Crosse & Blackwell Blended Juice , .. , 2-20 oz, Tins • ('I-IECIi OUR FRUIT COUNTER Orval Cooper, Seaforth Phone 8 FREE DELIVERY ANYWHERE IN TOWN Taut<e tithes {hilly: le - 2 - 4 o'clock !COMMIT. 39c 26c 990 29c 33c 25c 19c 23c 39c 29c 1 o f/Ma it) .8004. $500 She can't get out today, but she is taking advantage of the "sale" -- by telephone. Add up the dollars your telephone saves in bargains you pick up. Think of the hours and effort it saves, too , , , how you can even "go places" without leaving the house. Your telephone Serves you so many ways; I10 price can measure its usefldl1ess, THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA THE SIDAFORT 'NEWS Querengesser. 130y's races le to 14 years, Lorne.Le.sa, Bobby Batter. young wise, ssesnos stasis Bern- ice Bauer. 'Young mem Harold Lettstt, Kenneth Bauer. Married woluou, 3115. Gordon Bach, Mrs, Gordon Mogk, Married men, ivan Rohrer, Bill Mc- Cann. 3 legged race, Dorothy David- son and Bill McCann, 'wheelbarrow race, Rill McCann and Charlie lie Rpet1- (tiff, Ladles kick 110 slipper, Elaine Querengesser. Men's slipper Mee, I4s,nneth Bauer. Ploop rase'. Donald Bauer'{ side, All children competing under 0 years received prizes. Horseshoe pitching was enjoyed by maty of the men while others enjoy- od a game of softball, the Boys' win- ning by a score of 22 to 3 over the Meal. After the games the refresh - 1110111 booth was well patronized. After supper a short business per- iod was conducted by the President; Oscar Young, A hearty vote of thanks was extended to the hosts of the Re -Union, Mr, and Mrs, •Seher- berth. The following •officers were elected for 1954, Pres., Rudolph Bauer; Vice Pres., Lloyd Prueter; •Sec.-Treas., Jack Prneter. An invi- 1 the home of Naz'. and Mrs. Gordon tation to hold the 1951 se -union at Mogk was received and accepted. A donation of $10 was voted to be made to the Salvation Army and a donation of $5 to the Brodhagen Ladies' Aid. Those attending from a distance included Mrs. Wm. Agar of Penticton, B.C., Mr, and Mrs. Fred Mogk of Concord, Cal, and Mr. and Mrs, James Stark of Meadville, Pa, who spoke briefly to the gathering. !year exactly the hundreIt was pointed out that it is this d years since the -?logic family came to Canada. The treasurer's report showed a l balance of cash on hand as $51,82. The business period wad •closed with the singing of our National An - then. The Brodbagen Band Concert was largely attended on Sunday evening. There will be another concert on Sunday evening, July 26 and every two weeks following. They are also sponsoring an open ah dance next week. The band consists of 25 members now and this band has been organ- ized for 49 .years without a break. The following are in the band now: Honorary leaderAlbert Querenges- ser, present leader, Albert Hinz, as- sisted by Ralph Gloor and Edward Seherbarth; Leonard Rose, Donald hose, Glen Mogk, Carl Vock, Ronald Hinz, Carl Buuck, Donald.. Wolfe, Gary Sholdice, Warren •Sholdiee, Earl Rock, Kenneth Elligson, Ray Seherbarth, Irwin Gloor, Bruno Breecker, Wayne Beuerman, Clare French, Jimmy Arbuckle, Gary Hinz, Ivan Rapien, Leonard Miller, Donald Heimpel and Arthur Heim - pd. They have bought new band uniforms, navy and grey, and new instruments for the younger mem- bers. School Report, S.S. 4, Logan In alphabetical order: Grade 8 to 9, Wayne Beuerman, Robert Harloff, Henry Leonhardt, Marlene Priestap (hon,), Ross Push- elberg. Grade 7 to 8, Jimmy Arbuckle, Glenda Miller. Grade 6 to 7, Clayton Ahrens, Ray Bennewies, Clare French, Larry Muegge, Carole Rose, Warren Shold- ice, Keith Wolfe, Grade 5 to 6, Arthur Diegel, Roy Wolfe. Grade 4 to 5, Billy Arbuckle, Dar- lene French, Gerald Hinz, Winnifred Hinz, Gary Priestap, Larry Trent- owsky. • Grade 3 to 4, Bobby Ahrens, Elaine .Bennewies, Diane Rock, Shir- ley Trentowsky Grade 2 to 3, Kenneth Ahrens, Gary Copling, Joan French, Richard Leonhardt, Paul Priestap, Jane Rock, Ray Rock, Roger Sholdice. Grade 1 to 2, Dorothy Becker, Al- lan French, Phyllis Hinz, Billy Mor- enz, Karen Wolfe. The beginners this year were Ka- thy Becker, Cheryl Bennewies, Bar- bara Hoeg'y, Joyce Rock, Paul Rock. Teacher, Mr, Glen Bricknan. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seherbarth of Trenton are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Scherbarth and other relatives Visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Manuel Beuerman on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. John Eisler, Mr. and Mrs. J. Eisler, Jr. and Cynthia of Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ches- sell, Vickie and Nancy of Mitchell and Ray Beuerman of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Watson of Ex- eter with her parents, ISr. and Mrs. Lorne Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stauck, Warren and Janet of Kitchener with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Querengesser. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Hinz and Mr. and Mrs. •Chris Leonhardt visited with relatives in Elmira recently. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Mogk and Wendy of St. Thomas are holidaying at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Mogk, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rode of De- troit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Prudes.. Master Larry Beuerman of Sea - forth is holidaying with his grand- parents, Mr, and Mrs. Louie Hille- brecht. Mrs. Ernest .F.11igson spent several days with her sister Mrs, Chas Ahr- ens after returning from Windsor where she spent several weeks with her son Carl hllligson and Mrs, El- 1!gson, Mrs, John G. Hinz has been con- fined to Seaforth Hospital, she re- turned home on Monday. • Mrs. Wm, Miller is spending a few . days with Mr, and Mrs. Ed Fischer in Seaforth, Mrs, Irvin Leonhardt and baby daughter returned from Stratford Hospital to the home of her parents Mr, and Mrs. Thos, Hannon, Mitchell • Gary and Warren Sholdice return- ed home after spending two weeks at camp, Quite a few relative's from here attended a shower for Me .and Mr's. Milton Brodhagen at the Stratford Casino on Monday evening. Misses Betty Lou and Jacqueline Drager and Master Harvey Drager of Seaforth are holidaying with their 'brother Mr, Wilfred Drager and Mrs, Prager. Miss Owen Rock and Mrs, Fred Herbert aceotnpanied Mr, and Mrs. Milton Eickmeir to Detroit to visit with Mr, and Mrs, Lawrence Rock. WALTON The third meeting of the Cran- broolc Cornflowers Garden Club was held at the home of ,our leader, Mrs. Vernice Corlett on July 9 with seven member's present, Miss Karen, the 'Moine economist was also {present. The meeting opened by the singing of the Institute Ode, The minutes of the last meeting were read by Helen Knight. The rollcall was an- swered by "Flowers in a Vase". Karen Machan and Rose `Campbell offered to bring lunch to the next Meeting which will bo held at the home of Ann •Steffler, Miss Karen gave us some feints about our refer- ence files. We then judged our bou- quets and Miss Karen gave us many helpful hints about flower arrange- ment, The Home assignment was thin given. The meeting closed with the singing of "The Queen" after which a delicious lunch was served by vire hostess, and enjoyed by all, Donald Youngblut, London; with friends here. Mr. and 'Mrs. M, Robinson, Toron- to, with Mr. and Mrs. William Ben- nett and other friends. WINTHROP The Young People's Union of Ca- van Church are holding a "Variety Night" on Tuesday evening, July ' 21st. A .program of solos, duets, monologues and other musical num- ,bers is being provided. A booth and fish pond will be on the church grounds. Everyone welcome, 1 Flew Faster Than Sound Jacqueline Cochran, America's only woman jet pilot, relives her un- forgettable experience! In the Am- erican Weekly, with this Sunday's (July 19) issue Detroit Sunday Tithes, Jacqueline. tells how she flew faster than sound and reveals how it feels to be in the mysterious world 'beyond the sone barrier. Get July 19 Detroit Sunday Times. FREE! FREE! FREE A beautiful 20x40 Bedroom Rug From factory to you. Yes, we will give you, absolutely free, a gift of a matching bedroom rug with each purchase off our luxurious 'Cordu- roy Chenille bedspread. This is the spread that has thousands of velvety tufts which completely cover the spread. Now on sale for $0.99 each, sent C.O.D., plus postage. In all shades, in both single and double bed sizes; with either multicolored or solid same color patterns on top. First quality. A truly remarkable buy, when you consider that you get a rug worth $3.00 as a free gift to match. Inmiediate money -back guar- antee. Town and Country Mfg., Box 904, Place D'Armes, Montreal, Que. at the beautiful STRATFORD CASINO every Saturday night Modern Orchestra Admission 75c Imu.gumpigumwou T1 -1U SDAY, JULY 16, 1953 Ea ENP -r THEATRE v , SLA[ Ol-t r �ii, NOW PLAYING a r Thurs. Fri. Sat.. July 16.10-15 •-- la T'oehnieotor CALIFORNIA CONQUFIST CAI1SIRL WILDA 'i't R11SA WRIGHT A FAST ACTION MIK.O11RAMA Moa, 'rues. Wed„ July 20-3i4In Technicolor GRFGOIiY 0000 ANN WORLD IN MS ARMS. ANN 331Y'111 A 1310 SOALR PRODUCTION SFT IN T(I11 DAYS of TI10 IBARBARY COAST Thurs, Fri. Sat., Tub' 21'24-21 03 Technicolor WAIT" ('II, 200 SUN SHINES NFLLIE A H1.ART WARMING HUMAN INTL1RFST DRAMA COMING -- .4, QUERN IS CROWNED Your Dollar buys more at -NOW- All our Ladies Sandals In smooth leathers and Suede Leathers — ALL COLORS 2,45 2.95 3.45 3.95 Al The Little Store with the Seaforth this Shoe Store I Our Men's Oxfords Isom Rubber Soles Crepe Rubber Soles Gro Cork Soles $4.95 E "Big Values" CL MID - SUMMER 20% OFF COTTON DRESSES Sizes 2 - 14X years SUN DRESSES Sizes 2 - 14X years SUN SUITS Sizes 1 - 2 - 3 years 2 - 14X years SHORTS Sizes 2 - 14 years PLAID DENIM SLACKS, Sizes 7 - 14 years BOY'S BATHING TRUNKS, sizes 3 - 14 years GIRL'S BATHING SUITS, sizes 2 - 14 years X-Tra Specials Cotton Dresses, sizes 3 - 6 1.50 Sun Dresses, sizes 3 - 6X 1.98 Boy's Cabana Suits, sizes 4 6X 1.98 One whole week of good values July 20th - 25th iddies Shop SEAFORTH 1.0, • t Atte t F al Nights OF THE SEAFORTH LIONS CLUB 18TH ANNUAL QM r� RT Py 1 SII r r�r a x 1 At -t, 17 DRAWING FOR GRAND PRIZES BINGO - GAMES - DANCING - MECHANICAL RIDES FREE PARKING CHILDREN (UNDER 12) FREE ADMISSION 50c ENTIRE PROCEEDS FOR LIONS WELFARE WORK AND MAINTENANCE OF PARK AND POOL