HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1953-07-02, Page 1h S
Good congregations gathered at
Egmoudville United Church on Sun-
day to meet and hear Rev A. W.
The following are the results of
the filial examinations at Seaforth
District High School, Individual sub=
Gardiner's farewell message at the jects to which students have failed
close of his '15 year' pastorate are listed in brackets after the stu-
here. At the close of the morning dent's names:
service a very pleasant event took The names of the students who
place which expressed the good -will have not been promoted are omitted.
and appreciation of the congrega- GRADE IX
tion toward Mr. Gardiner and fam-
ily. Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner and Miss
Eleanor Hudson were called to the
front and presented with a very
nicely worded address, read by Mr, , Sills, Ronald Scorns, Margaret Stu -
Jas. Love, clerk of the session, and a; art, Donald Dearing, Ronald Ennis,
presentation made by members of Donlyn Hemingway.
First Class Honours (75-100)
Barbara Boyd, Marion Heming-
way, Elizabeth MeEwing, Grace •Sie-
mon, June Smith Sally Nott, Ruth
the Board of Stewards, on behalf of
the congregation. To Mr, and Mrs.
Gardiner, •a trilight, a mirror and an
electric -clock, to Miss Eleanor Hud-
son, a silver tea service. The recip-
ients replied with kind words 'of
thanks and appreciation.
Rev. Andrew H. and Mrs. McKen-
zie and family of Islington are
spending a few days With the for-
mer's mother, Mrs. Hugh • McLach-
lan and Mr. McLachlan, and with
Mrs, McKenzie's father, Mr, Thos,
Robinson and family.
Miss Jessie Finlayson of. Lorne
Park has returned home for the
holidays. Her mother, Mrs. Jas.
Finlayson, who spent the past two
weeks at Lorne Park, returnee] with
Mrs. Alice Armstrong and Mrs.
Wes Cockerline of Pilot Mound
Manitoba, who came East to attend
the funeral of the late Ralph Steph-
enson, visited with Mrs. David Ste-
Mr. and Mrs, Percy Hoag of Luck -
now and Miss Eleanor, Hudson of
New Toronto were guests of Rev.
A. W. and Mrs. Gardiner at the
manse on Sunday.
Miss Laura McMillan of Toronto
has returned to her home for the
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Keyes and
daughter Joan of Windsor are spend-
ing some holidays with the former's
mother, Mrs. Nelson Keyes.
An important meeting of the Mer-
ry Maidens Garden Club will be held
on Monday evening, July 6, at 8:30
at the home of Mrs. W. Haugh.
Please bring cultural instructions,
manual and record book. Lunch will
be sandwiches and tarts.
The Burns W.M.S. met at the
home of Miss Gladys Leiper on
Tuesday, June 23. Mrs. Tebbutt was
in charge of the worship ' service.
Mrs. Geo. Smith read an article en-
titled "The Bible Today", which
was an address given by Lord Arch-
bishop of York at the annual meet-
ing of the British and Foreign Bible
A skit which had as its 'theme,
Studying the Bible, was presented
by Mrs. Tebbutt, Mrs. Howatt, Mrs.
Glen Carter, Mrs. Taylor and Miss
Mae Smith. The last chapter of the
study book was given.
During the business period, pre-
sided over by Mrs. Geo. Carter, it
was decided to bring to the next
meeting new or used clothing for a
bale. It was also decided to have a
copper contest among the 3 groups,
with the group leaders as captains,
during the months of July, Aug., and
(Sept. The two losing groups will en-
tertain the winners.
A note of thanks was received
from Ronnie Knox. -
W. A.
The newly -appointed vice-presi-
icepresi-dent, Mrs. John Riley, conducted
the_business period. It was decided
to ask each family for a donation to-
wards paying for manse expenses,
rather than having a social or sup-
per. This money was to be given to
the treasurer, Miss Jean Lieper, as
soon as possible. There were 26
members present.
The ladies of the W.A. met at the
home of Mrs. Louis Taylor on Tues-
day evening June 23. The president,
Mrs. Louis Taylor was in charge.
The meeting opened with the theme
song followed by hymn "Blest are
the Pure in Heart". Mrs. Mervyn
Johnston read the scripture from
Matthew 5; 1-14, Thoughts on the
lesson and prayer were given by
Mrs. Harold Dowson. The minutes
were read and moved for adoption
by the secretary; Mrs. E. McClin-
chey and seconded by Mrs. P. John-
ston. Mrs. P. Johnston then gave the
treasurer's report in the absence of
the treasurer Miss Rachel. Johnston,
20 ladies answered the roll tall with
a parcel for the fish pond for the
bazaar. It was moved by Mrs. Geo.
Reid and seconded by Mrs, Bob Tay-
lor that we send a donation to the
south tornado fund. The roll -call to
be answered next month with each
member's donation towards the
fund. The meeting closed With hymn
"0 For a Heart to Praise My God",
followed by the W, A. Prayer. A so-
cial hour was spent,
St. Thomas , Anglican Church
11 a.m., Holy Communion
Rev, T. Dale Jones will preach.
St. Marys, Dublin
0:30 a.m„ Holy Communion
Second Class Honours (66-74)
Loretta Brodhagen, Helen Con-
nelly (Fe), Mary Dennis, Isabel En-
gel, Dorothy Enzensberger, Beryl
McFarlEhe, Elizabeth Mc G a v i n,
Anne Marie McMillan, Yvonne .Me -
Taggart, Joyce Miller, Many Lou
Roe (Fr,), Marlene Austin, Alice
Christie, Mary Lou McLellan, Ruth
Teall, Bruce McFadden, -Bruce Cole-
man, Ronald Mason, Kenneth Thom-
pson, Ruth Brown, Erma Drager,
Margo Etue, Marjorie Pethick, Eliz-
abeth Townsend, Yvette van Pouke,
Verdi Watson, John Melady, Laird
Norris, Alfred Walters,
Third Class Honors (60-65)
Eleanor Dundas, Claire Hackwell,
Jean Hart, Jean Scott i(Fr), Betty
Simpson (Math), Neil Broadtoot,
William Roberton, Luke Sutherland
(Fr), John Etue, Robert Kerr, Her-
bert Kirkby, Robt, McCowan (Math,
Fr.), William Walters.
Pass (50-59)
Margaret Boyd (Math, Fr,), Juno
Jacklin (Eng. Lit., Math.), Doris
Johnston (Eng. Lit., Geo.), Dorothy
Regele, Ruth Ann McLarnon (Math.
Geog.), Lois M'cLellan (Geog.) Rita
Walsh (Fr.), Connie Wright (Ho.
Ec., Math,), Larry Berger (Fr.
Geog.), Glenn Chesney (Eng, Lit.,
Math,), Floyd Dale (Fr. Hist,), Wil-
liam Eckert (Fr.), Charles Dungey
,(Fr. Math.) Robert McGonigle, Ken-
neth McNairn (Eng. Lit., Math.)
Charles Pryce (Math,), John Juby,
Ronald Williams (Math.), Kenneth
Alcock (Eng. Coinp. Eng. Lit,), Ro-
bert Betties (Eng. Comp. Eng, Lit.),
Arnold Campbell (Eng. Lit., Hist.),
Harold Jantzi (Eng. Comp. Eng.
Lit.), Vincent Nolan (Hist. Fr.),
Douglas Riley (Eng. Comp.), Victor
Uhler (Fr.), Robert Walters (Eng.
Comp., Eng. Lit.).
Percent promoted -92%
First Class Honours (75-100)
Helen Mcllwain, Lois Roe, Donald
Dodds, Joanne seuermann, Betty
Goudie, June Backwell, Janet Mc-
Gregor, Sheila McFadden, Maja Roo-
bal, Rose Siemon, Lois Ann Somer-
ville, Dora Ann Stinson, Ronald
Frieday, Hugh Gorwill, Leon Mur-
ray, William Scott, Peter Spittal.
Second Class Honours (66-74)
Marion Dick, Frank Lyddiatt,
Wayne McMichael, Ross Millson,
Hazel Bannerman, Arlene Diegel,
Rose Marie Ducharme, David Ad-
ams (Fr.), Pat Sloan, Joseph Wil-
Third Class Honours (60-65)
Heidi Buri, Betty Campbell, Patri-
cia Munroe '(Math. Fr.), June Ross
(Math.) Jack Crozier, William Flan-
nigan, Helen McGonigle, Gerald Bell
Pass (50-59)
Shirley Bedard (Ag. Se., Fr.),
Gloria Blue (Ho. Ec.), Lois Charters
(Math. Ho. Ec.), Beverly Evans
(Geog.), Olene Godkin, Margaret
Herberger (Math), Joan Somerville,
Joyce Wilson (Ag. Sc., Fr.), Joyce
Jewitt ,(Math. Fr.), Larry Eaton
(Eng. Comp. Eng. Lit.), William
Hoff (Eng. Comp., Eng. Lit.), Wil-
liam Litowski (Math.), Anne Haugh
;(Hist. Lat.), Marilyn King (Ag.Sc.,
Lat.), Joanne Sinclair (Lat., Fr.),
Ronald Johnston (Math. Lat.).
Per cent promoted -82 %
First Class Honours (75-100)
Jim McIntosh, Elaine Dale, Marie
Hunt, Ruth Hemingway, Anne Stef-
fler, William Alcock, Scott Powell,
Second Class Honours '(66-74)
Olene Dundas, Joyce Johnston,
Marie •Lydiatt, Barbara Patterson,
Elsie ,Siemon, Elizabeth Storey, Ray-
mond Henderson, Elizabeth Axt-
mann, Muriel Dale, Lena Miller,
Nancy Spittal, 'James Axtmann, Gor-
don Kennedy, Joseph Murray.
Third Class Honours (60-65)
Marilyn Butt, Neil McGavin (Fr.),
Clara Buchanan, Mona Clarke (Ag.
Sc.), Elaine Etue, Helen Knight,
Helen Nolan, Donna Riehl, George
Love (Alg.), Ronald Muir, Ted Sa-
Pass '(50-59)
Margaret Achilles •(Alg., Typ.),
Iris Byerman, Catherine Campbell,
Karen Kidd (Eng. Lit., Ag.Sc., Fr.),
Beverley Broadfoot (Eng. Comp.
Eng. Lit.',), Robert Caldwell (Alg.),
Kenneth Campbell, Wayne Ellis (Ag.
Sc., Shop.), Raymond Powell (Alg.
Fr.) Malcohn Sholdice (Eng. Lit.),
Ronald Smith, Olive Bannerman
(Ag.,Sc., Alg.), Betty Blue (Ag.See
Alg.), Mary Whyte I(Fr,), iDonald
McMillan '(Alg.), James Perrie (Lat-
Per cent promoted -94%
First Class Honours (75-100)
Beth Boyd, Alice Bracken, Marion
Chamberlain, Gwen Christie, Marion
Laudenbach, Edna Martin, Nancy
Second Class Honours (66-74)
Bee Finnigan, Barbara Jordan,
Lucielle Lee, Hazel Slavin, Malcolm
Bolton, William Brock.
Third Class Honours '(60.65)
About 85 members and friends of
Seaforth W, I. enjoyed a 'bountiful
picnic supper at the Lion's Park on
Monday evening.
Prize winners in the sports events:
Pre school age race—Tommy Pap-
ple, Sandra Hugill; girls 8 end un-
der, Shirley Horner, Eleanor Keys;
boys 8 and under, Kenneth Papple,
Neil Crozier; girls 12 and under,
Sandra Doig, Marjory Papple; boys
12 and under, Donald Carter, Ger-
aldHorner; girls 16 and under, Mar-
jory Papple, Sandra Doig; boys 16
and under, Brune Coleman, Ronald
Eyre; young ladies race, Marjory
Papple, Ruth Ann Crozier; young
men's race, Ronald Eyre, Bruce Cole=
man; married ladies race, Mrs. James
Keys, Mrs, Gordon McKenzie; mar-
ried men's race, Sandy Doig, Gord-
on Horner; kick the slipper, Ruth
Ann Crozier, Jean Scott; kick the
slipper, men, Sandy Doig', Harold
Hugill; graceful walking, Gordon
Papple and Mrs, James Keys; San-
dy Doig and Mrs. Eldon Kerr; spe-
cial prize, Ronald and Janice Eyre,
drop clothespin in bottle, Ann
Haugh, Agnes Eyre, Gordon Papple,
Sandy Doig, Dong. Hugill,
Articles left at the picnic tables
include dishes and silver, also a
child's bathing suit and towel, and
may be picked up at Mrs. Sandy
Committees for July 10th: .
Hot Dogs—A u d r e y Cameron,
Jean Keys, Beth Pryee, Betty Mac-
Lean, Dorene Coleman. Soft Drinks
—Mildred Kerr, Helen Scott, Mabel
Scott, Mary Horner. Pies -- Mae
Doig, Gladys Doig, Margaret Me -
Nairn, Joyce Wallace. 'Sandwiches—
Mabel Cameron, Margaret Leeming,
Mrs, Hudson. Coffee and Tea—Mae
Hillebrecht, L iz z i e Kerr, Mary
Haugh. Confectionaries — Anona
Crozier, Olive Papple, Evelyn Carter,
Ice Creams—Marion Gordon, Ruth
Papple, Doris Hugill, Money --Kay
Whitmore, Lillian Pepper.
Each member is asked to help in
the booth and bring two covered
pies, also forks and spoons for the
pie and- tea.
Rev. M. C. Gaudier preached his
farewell sermon last Sunday after-
noon. Through the year that Mr.
Gandier has spent with us he has
made many warm friends who re-
gret very much to part with hien.
Best wishes go with Mr. Gandier to
his new field of labor. At the close
of the service Mr. Gandier was pre-
sented with a travelling clock and a
well -worded address of appreciation.
The address was read by Mr. Bill
Jewitt and presentation made by Mr.
George Addison.
Mrs. Ernest Adams and Miss Don-
elda Adams were guests at the Pear-
son -Sullivan wedding in Mount Car-
mel Church an Saturday, June 27th
and later at the reception held in
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Fralick and
daughter Mary of Wiingham were
guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Jos, Riley.
The Play "Honeymoon is Over"
presented in Constance Church by
the Y.P. of Wesley Willis Church,
Clinton, was exceptionally well ren-
dered. The east had been well and
carefully selected as each one did
his or her part in a very capable
manner. They were under the dir-
ection of Mrs. Frank Fingland,
blaster Gerald Adams, son of Mr.
and Mrs. K. T. Adams, Centralia,
was a guest on Wednesday with his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Ernest
A special meeting of the W. M. S.
will be held on Wedn"esday afternoon
July 8th, in the schoolroom of the
church. The members of the W.M.S.
from Londesboro, Burns, Winthrop
and Bethel are invited. The guest
speaker will be Mrs. Roberts.
The Kippen East W. I. and their
families will hold their annual pic-
nic at the Lions Park, Seaforth, on
Tuesday, July 7th. Supper at 6:30
followed by sports. Bring your neig-
GREGORCHmt—At Scott Memorial Hospital
on Juno 26th, to FIL.*S,rt. and I5,$. John
Gretorchuk, 7 Quebec Road, RCAF Sta-
tion, Clinton, a son
AEVEREAUX--At Scott Memorial Rosnh-'sI,
on June 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. James
Devereaux, RRA Seaforth, a son
Carol Chesney, Mary Morris, Ro-
bert Allen, James Flannigan, Allan
Haugh, Glenn Oliver.
Pass (50-59)
Jean Snell (Ag.Se., Fr.), Murray
Dale (Lat.), Kenneth Larone (Lat.
Fr.), Donald McKindsey, Janes Zie-
Per cent promoted 83%
First Class Honours (75-100)
Leona Johnston, Margaret McAr-
Second Class Honours (66-74)
Ann Litowski, Ruth MacLean,
Jean ,Siemon,
Third Class Honours (60-65)
Jean Brown Cecelia Connelly,
Patricia Doyle, Margaret Smith, Wil-
liam Hant, Floyd McPhee, Margery
Pass (50-59)
Florence Sloan,
There will be between 85 and 90
new students for grade 0 this year.
The following pupils have been
promoted from Grade 8 to Grade 9,
1st class honours: Franklin Bry-
ans, Ruth Crozier.
2nd class honours: Ruth Al-
brecht, Merle Cooper, Marion Mc -
Dwain, James Scott, Annette Towns-
Pass Startling: Janes Crich, San-
dra Dungey, Keith Eaton, Dorothy
Fischer, Alice Ann Nixon, Keith
Pethick, Ruth Pinder, Robert Snell,
Douglas Scott,
From Grade VII to Grade VIII
1st class honours: Joan Charters,
Joan Dick, Roy Dungey, Patricia
Horton, Sharon Hotham, Margaret
Little, Marlene Miller, SandraSa-
vauge, John Scott, Isabel •Shnnon,
Linda Sims, Patricia Welsh.
2nd class honours: Carole Adams,
Ronald Bannerman, Mavis Benne-
wies, John Boshart, Paul McMaster,
Mac Munroe,
Pass Standing: Tommy Broome,
Murray Butt, Peter Dale, Rine Du -
pee, Wayne Jessome, Shirley Kleber,
Donald McClinchey, Richard Watson,
Bobby Wright,
From Grade VI to Grade VII
1st class honours: Joan Bach,
Kathryn Boshart, Joan Boyce, Ag-
nes Carter, Glen Coutts, Betty blu-
egge, Madelan Townsend.
2nd class honours: Stewart Ban-
nerman, Judy Boshart, Ellen Calder,
Ann Dick, Brian Flannigan, Ellen
Gorwill, Robert Govenioek, Juanita
Harris, Karen Nicholson, Gene Nix-
on, Margaret Reeves, Ray Scoins,
Virginia Smith, Craig Willis, Wayne
Pass Standing: Donald Albrecht,
Betty Andrews, John Baker, Keith
Bennewies, Paul Besse, Keith bel-
low, Kenneth Drager, Eric Eaton,
Nancy Glew, Beryl Rouse, Saakje
Van Rooijen.
From Grade V to Grade VI
1st class honours: Nelson Ball,
Carl Berger, Bryan Brady, Carole
Dennis, Lynda Dobson, Donald East-
man Robert Elliott, Gordon Ferris,
Gordon Miller, Barbara Plumsteel,
Bruce Pulsifer, Bob Reith, Lynda
Savauge, Corinne Snaith, Merilymne
Woodcock, Bonnie Weiglund.
2nd class honours: Janice Adams,
Gary Ast, Wayne Benneweis, Judith
Crich, Barbara Dungey, Margaret
Elliott, Barry Fleming, Jack Hoff,
Douglas Rowcliffe.
Pass Standing: Bruce Austin, Mur-
ray Carter, Nancy Corby, Larry
Dale, Harold Dalrymple, Sharon
Doig, Mary Fraiser, Davina Hubert,
Barbara Mennen.
From Grade IV to Grade V
1st class honours: Phyllis Bryans,
Karen Butt, Larry Byerman, Dar-
lene Coughlin, Evelyn Dick, Emily
Elliott, Dianne McCabe, Lila McKay,
Pearn McLean, Bruce Miller, Donald
Muegge, Lloyd Pethick, Janet Row-
cliffe, Ann Troutbeck.
2nd class honours: Donna Berger,
Grace Beuerman, Andrew Calder,
Marlene Carter, Raymond Drager,
Aileen Eaton, Sally Fox, William
Holmes, Karen Hugill, Murray Me
Fadden, William Muir, John Patter-
son, William Pinder, Dorothy Ross,
Donald Wright.
Pass Standing: Marlene Dalrym-
ple, Douglas Fraiser, James Glew,
Marie Lingaard, Jon Van Rooijen,
Prelen Willumsen.
From Grade III to Grade IV
1st class honours: Gerda Christen-
sen, Donald Crozier, Dianne Den-
nis, Betty Drager, Mary Eastman,
Donna Elliott, Laura Hatcher, Peter
Kelly, Ted Lamont, Sandra McGon-
igle, Kenneth Mcllwain, Bobby Mu-
egge, Joan Roberton, Mary Scott,
Robert Sharp, Elizabeth Stewart.
2nd class honours: Ronald Beuer-
man, Clayton Connell, Neil Crozier,
David Dale, Tommie Dick, Jimmie
Dick, Garth Flannigan, Nora Gor-
will, Bruce Hoelscher, Gerald Horn-
er, David Stinson, Billy Teall.
Pass Standing: Leta Carter, Con-
nie Glew, Karen Pinder, DonleY
Pretty, David Watson.
From Grade II to Grade II1
1st class honours: Leonard Al-
brecht, Terry Ast, Linda Butt, El-
liott Clarke, Mary Crich, Jacqueline
Drager, Jessie Ferris, Lee Fleming,
John Grant, Shirley Horner, Anne
Kling, Keith McLean, Richard Mu-
egge, Gary Pryce, Brenda Pulsifer,
Darrell Schneider, Gloria Taylor,
Lorraine Wood.
2nd class honours: Pauline Ad-
ams, Keith Butt, Karl Campbell,
Nancy Dale, Kendra Moore, Bennie
Pass Standing: Marilyn Bellow,
Glen Eaton, Leroy Felker, Keith
Fischer, Muriel Fraiser, Richard
Kruse, Meta Reeves, Joan Teall,
From Grade 1 to Grade II
1st class honours: Connie Atkin-
son, Nancy Berger, Mary Jean Bosh -
art, Kenneth Cardno, Emily Carter,
Kaye Charters, Sheila Eastman, Ju-
lene Elliott, Barbara Holland, Ruth
Anne Kleber, Lynda Lane, Lorraine
Miller, Linda Powell, Linda Pryce,
Peter Sillery, Lois Smith,
2nd class honours: Dianne Byer -
man, Breen Doig, Wayne Coughlin,
Bobby Chambers, Ellen Connell,
Paul Welker, Douglas Grieve, Linda
McDonald, Jiimny Mcllwain Barbara
Nott, Valerie Norman, Bobby Plum -
steel, Ellen Pretty, Katie Scott,
Anne Sharp, Elizabeth Sholdice,
Hans Troelsen, Kurt Christensen,
Pass Sta» cling: Yvonne Adams,
Barry Benneweis, Jo -Anne Benne-
weis, Joe Dick, Harvey Drager, Bob-
by MVtennell, Larry Rice, Louise
From Grade K to Grade 1
Cheryl Ast, Paul Boshart, Robbie
$1.611 R Yew
Snowdon Bros., Publishers
Authorized us Second Clans mail, Post
Office Dept., Ottawa
`MEMORY' and
This is a hard silverplate manufactured by the makers of
the famous 1547 Rogers tiros. The hacks of the host -used
forks & spoons are reinforced with an extra layer of rich
silver to ensure. a long -wearing silverplate. Knives have
hollow handles & mirror finished stainless steel blades
Note these special low prices for a limited time only.
Teaspoons 29c each
Dessert Spoons 5Sc each
r 'e each
Dessert Fou'lts
Knives 1.29 each
(Hollow Handles. Stainless titmice
20 piece set 1.7.95
(including f; Kultc-s, 0 Fortes, ti Teaspoons,
6 Desse.rl Spoons, 1 Butter Kuite, 1 Sug. spoon)
34 piece set $22,95
(including 8 Knives, 8 Mofks, 8 Teaspoons,
8 I)essel't Speons, 1 Butter Knife, 1 `+ng. Spoon)
J ewellery
Fine China
Brady, Brenda Butt, Kerry Camp-
bell, Barbara Elliott, Brenda Elliott,
Helen Elliott, Dianne Free, Marian
Hemberger, Ronald Hildebrand, Jo-
dy James Bernice Jessome, Joyce
Kelland, George Kruse, Mary La-
mont, Clarence Little, Bob Mac Don-
ald Bill MacLennan, Ann McCon-
nell, Mary Jean McLean, Susan Mc-
Lean, Cheryl Moore, Lynn Nixon,
Paul Nicholson, Allan Patterson,
Janet Pethick, Catherine Phillips,
Brenda Ross, Anne Sills, Joyce
Smith, 'Susan Snow, Mary Ann
Snowdon, Mary Belle Stinson, Maur-
ice Stinson, Ray Taylor, Ivy Towns-
end, Maria Travaglione, Judy Wal-
lace, Danny Walsh, June Willum-
sen, Blaine Wright, Douglas Wright.
A considerable quantity of excel-
lent hay was stored on Monday and
Tuesday of this week, however heavy
rain Thursday night further delayed
haying operations in the conven-
tional manner. More farmers than
ever before in the County are putt-
ing up grass silage in tower silos
and horizontal silos both below or
above the ground and also quite a
number of farmers are putting up
stacks of silage this year.
Spring wheat is now completely
headed out and is fence high and in
a few cases there is severe lodging
of the heavy crop. Spring grain is
aloin ra id •owth with practi-
cany all of the barley in head.
It would appear that there is suf-
ficient labour locally to meet farm-
ers' needs now that our farmers are
becoming so highly mechanized.
m g p gr
The Riley reunion was held Satur-
day, June 20, 1953 at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Riley, Cromarty,
with 105 in attendance. A ball game
was held in the afternoon followed
by contests and races. Winners in
the various sports events.
Boys 5 and under, Ivan Boa;
girls 6 and under, Lynda Brodhag-
en; boys 7 and under, Billie Har-
burn; girls 7 and under, Betty Brod-
hagen; boys 9 and under, .Mervin
Neil; girls 9 and under, Betty Brod-
hagen; boys 11 and under, Mervin
Neil; girls 11 and under, Roseline
Neil; boys 13 and under, Lorne Hog-
ged; girls 13 and under, Eleanor
Boa; young men's race, Beverly
Riley; young womens, Barbara Neil;
married men, Alonza Harburn; mar -1
vied or single men, Beverly Riley;
Life Saver relay race, Harold Farr's'
team; shoe scramble, Eleanor Boa,
Ross Riley; three-legged -race, El-
eanor Boa, Beverly Riley; clothespin
race, Mr. and Mrs. George Boa; men
kicking the slipper, Bert Riley; wo-
men, Mrs. G. Boa; amen measuring
distance, Alonza Harburn; women,
Margaret Boa; cow calling contest,
Frank Harburn, Jr.; bean guessing
contest, Leslie Riley; one having
birthday nearest picnic, Mrs. Wm.
Riley Jr.; nearest- wedding anniver-
sary, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Riley Jr.;
lucky cup, Miss Jean Mann; oldest
couple in years, Mr. and Mrs. John
Riley; youngest baby present, Ro-
bert Steckely; longest married cou-
ple, Mr. and Mrs. John Riley; first
guest to arrive, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Flynn, Clintou; the one with the
nearest birthday to the late Wing-
field Riley, Ivan Boa and Joyce Kel-
lington; lucky'ticket on box of cho-
colates, Mrs. Bert Hogged;
Officers elected for next year:
Pres., Ernie Harburn; lst vice,
Wm, Kellington; treas., Bert Riley;
Sec., Mrs. Mervin Riley; sports eonn-
mittee, Mrs. E. Brodhagen, Mrs, Al-
lan Steckely, Mrs, Win. Parr, Harold
Parr. -
The Reunion will be held at the
same place the third Saturday in
June next year. .4. box of chocolates
is to be sent to Mr. Ted Harburn,
recovering, from serious burns, in
St. Joseph's Hospital, London, and a
gift was presented to Mi. and Mrs.
Bert Riley.
An enjoyable evening was spent
on Tuesday of last week when about
60 pupils, parents, and teacher Mrs.
Thomas A. Kay, of S. S. No. 7,
Tuekersmith, held a picnic at Lions
Park, Seaforth. Winners in the
sports events were: pre-school age,
children's races, Marilyn Black and
Jean McLeod; girls and boys 6-8 yrs.
Billy Charters and Geo. Townsend;
girls 9-10 years, Erma Townsend,
and Margaret Chesney; boys 9-10
years, Kenneth Black, Mack Me -
Lean; girls 11, 12, 13 years, Mary
Charters, Anne Charters; boys 11,
12, 13 years, Alex Townsend, Ken
Wilson; young ladies race, Elizabeth
Townsend, Mary Charters; married
women's race, Mrs. A. Chesney and
Mrs. J. Black; married men's race,
Mr. C. Neil, and Mr. J. Black; most
graceful walking couple, Mrs. J.
Black and Mr. Dave McLean; bal-
loon race, Emnia McCowan: ladies
kick -the -slipper, Anne Charters,
Mary Charters. A peanut scramble
was much enjoyed by the little folk.
Ralph Stephenson, formerly of
Stanley twp. passed away at the
home of his daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
David Johnston at La Rivere, Mani-
toba, on June 21 in. his 92nd year,
About April 1st he had gone West
with his daughter and her husband
who had spent the winter with hint
in Seaforth. Born in Stanley, Sept.
30, 1861, he was the eldest son of
the late John Stephenson and Ann
(Peck) Stephenson.
He farmed successfuly on the Go-
shen Line, then later on the Parr
Line until a few years ago when he
retired from fhe farm. He was unit-
ed in marriage to Margaret McClin-
' they in 1885, who passed away in
1913. Later in 1917 he was married
to Bella Fell who passed away in
1042. Surviving are 3 daughters and
1 son, Mrs. Wes Coekerline (Emma)
Pilot Mound, Man., Mrs. David
Johnston (Annie) La Riverie, Man„
Mrs, 3. Reid (EIva) Seaforth; Wm.
R. Stephenson of Hensall; 2 daught-
ers predeceased, Mrs. W. Turner
(Minerva) and Mrs. S. Morrow
(Florence). Surviving are 13 grand-
children and a number of great
Me. Stephenson was well known
and highly respected, he took an ac-
tive interest in municipal and com-
munity affairs. He also gave loyal
and faithful support to. the work of
the church, being a -member of the
Methodist Church, Varna, for many
years, later the United Chinch, in
which church he held the office of
On arrival from the West the re-
mains rested at the Bonthron Fun-
eral Home, Hensall, where the fun-
eral service was held on Friday,
June 20th conducted by Rev. T. 3.
Pitt of Varna and Rev. J. W. Rod-
gers, Hensali, with interment in the
family plot, Bayfield cemetery, The
pallbearers Were grandsons, Ivan
'Stephenson, Ralph Stephenson, Elm-
er Turner, Ralph Turner, Russell
Consitt, - Men Reid. The flower
bearers, Mark Drysdale, Ab. Shale,
John A. Armstrong, Wm, Arms-
stt'ong, Clarence Stephenson El-
more Stephenson, predline;h-
ey, Alex. Wylie, Geo. Reid, Geo.