HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1953-06-25, Page 5- 7`x•,.1 yam'[_ THURSDAY, JUNG 2S, 1953 11••• ,,,, 1. Illllnn n„IIIIIIIInllllnll11111111111111111111111111111,1111111.llllt The ri fit. ecir �+F~ S Gold Seal Red Sockeye Salmon 39c %a size tin Elimar Pure Peanut Butter 16 oz, jar 32c SWIFT'S PREM. CANNED PORK NABOB COFFEE FLY DEAD FLY SPRAY 1 Sprayer FREE DELICIOUS ICED WAFFELL COOKIES 4 flavors. Bag 370 MARJARINE, special 3 lb 890 CHIPIT COOKIE MIX Plcg 27c HOLLY BRAND PEAS, large 20 oz. Tins 2 for 39c McCORMIGK'S BiG 4 SANDWICH COOKIES 12 oz bag 350 oz, Tin 1 Ib Hag 32 oz. Tin 3$c 99c 690 WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET Phone 77 Free Delivery Low Prices Self Serve Allllllllllllll 11111111111111111111.11111111,111,11, Illnlllll 1111111 n,111111111a111111"11111111,11111111111111111111111.1111111111n1111111111111.1111 BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. N. Stackhouse and Eva, Miss Leona Anderson, Loudon, spent the weekend with her parents. Mr, Jas. McDonald was in Ottawa Mr, and Mrs. W. Stackhouse and urday. Decoration services were held at Baircl's Cemetery on Sunday, under the auspices of the LO,0,2'. Mr, and Mrs. 5, Neale, and family of Glencoe, spent the weekend with BASEBALL Huron -Perth Intermediate MON, NITE, JUNE 29 Clinton RCAF vs Seaforth Admission—Adults 35e. Children 15e LIONS PARK - SP)AFORTH Announcement Appointments for service on Your Singer Sewing Machine, by Mr, Gordon Showier, Stratford, can note b1:' nude by phoning 221. Also I have in stock a line of Singer supplies, such as Needles, Shoulder Pads and Shields, Pressing Cloth Pressing Mitt 113RS., FRANK PHILLIPS Phone 229, Seaforth OuR SEE THESE BEFORE isToirt YOU BUY Was 51 Ford Custom Coach 1,875 51 Ford Custom Sedan 1,725 49 Chev. Seclan 1,425 48 Plymouth Coach 1,275 48 Chev Coach 1,250 48 Pontiac 48 De Soto 5 Passenger Coupe 47 Chev. Coach 1,250 47 Ford Sedan 1,150 46 Ford Coach 1,075 47 Chev. Sedan 1,275 46 Olcls Sedan 1,150 40 Forel Sedan 400 37 Pontiac Sedan 350 36 Ford Coach (as is) Trucks 49 Dodge 1/2 -Ton Pickup $975 48 Chev. -Ton Panel 875 49 Dodge - 1 Ton NOW 1,675.00 1,575.00 1,350.00 1,175.00 1,175.00 1,400.00 1,350.00 1,150.00 1,050.00 995.00 1,175.00 1,050.00 350.00 275.00 50.00 $875.00 725.00 975.00 GREEN CROSS WEED -NO -MORE Now in Stock ! 1 Gallon at $7,50 5 Gallons at $35.00 SEAFORTH MOTORS Phone 541 Seaforth VIIMISSIIMISKAAIILLIAMA COOPER'S GROCERY Week End Specials Gold Seal Fancy Red Sockeye Salmon, VA oz tin.... 39c Ellmar Pure Peanut Butter 16 oz. jar 32c SWIFT'S PREM 12 oz. tin 33c NABOB COFFEE 1 ib bag 99c Libby's Rosedale Tomato Juice 48 oz. tin 25c HUNT'S—COCKTAIL FANCY 28 oz. tin 39c Lipton Frostee Dessert Mix, vanilla or chocolate, 2 pkg 27c KELLOGG'S BRAN FLAKES, LARGE pkg 27c BURN'S SPORK 2 -12 -oz. tin 65c Shirriff's Gingerbread Mix pkg 29c Orval Cooper, Seaforth CHECK OUR FRUIT COUNTER Free Delivery Phone 8 traltalliCatillaIWYZAICIALIOSI STOCK CLEARANCE OF NEW FARM EQUIPMENT 1 NO, 6 Tractor MoweIl 3 No. 11 Side Rakes, on steel 2 No. 11 Siete Rakes, on rubber 1 No. 2 Forage Harvester 1 No, 1 Hay Baler 1 No, 25 H.D. Springtooth, 5? a' . 1 No. 25 H,D, Springtooth, 7' Also - 2 No. 22 Std. Tractors; 2 No, 30 Std, Tractors 1 No. 44 Stci, Tractor and 1 No. 44 D Tractor Regular Price $307 29(1 391 2,000 2,325 253 235 SEAFORTH PHONE 641 REDUCED PRICE $275,00 275.00 350.00 1,600.00 2,100,00 225.00 210.00 TORS SIAFORTII THE SEAFORTH NEWS TOWN TOPICS Mr. and Mrs, Jack Johnson an family, New Hamburg, spent th weekend with Mrs. James Johnson. Mrs. Lyndon and Miss Jane Joyc and Jane and Sue Carswell, of Kan sas City, visited Mrs, Reid and Mis Galbraith, Mrs, Geo. MacDonald, Stratfor was the guest of Mr. and Mr Ralph McFadden on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Grattan Flanagan, Hamilton, spent the weekend wi friends here. Mr. and Mrs, Scott Coffin, Toron to, were guests at the home of M and Mrs, Peter McIver over th weekend, Mr, and Mrs, A, Becker, of Kitch ener, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Chas Cunningham. Mr. Ronald Sills, Toronto, spen the weekend with his' parents, Mr and Mrs. C. P. Sills. Mr. T. A. G. Gordon is visiting i Windsor this week. Miss Joanne Howe Toronto, spen the weekend with itIr. and Mrs Frank Sills, Jr. Mr. Michael McQuaid, Detroit visited with his brother, Mr. Johi McQuaid, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sinead, Mr and Mrs. Bob MacDonald, Mr. and Mrs, Henry King, all of Grand Hav- en, Mich., attended the Fell Re -union in Lions Park, Seaforth, on Satur- day, June 20, and were guests of Mr. and Mis• Alex MacDonald and called on relatives in Staffa and vi- cinity. Mi'. and Mrs. Ed Caskanuette, Woodstock, and Mr, and Mrs. John Farrel, St. Clements were guests at the home of their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Leo Relly over the weekend. The Misses Marion Chamberlain, Marion Laudenbaeh, Blanche West- cott, Marilyn Hillis and Barbara Hil- lis left Wednesday to take up sum- mer positions at Oakwood Inn, Grand Bend. A birthday party was held for Bonnie Weiglund on Friday when she became 10 years of age, The party started at the home of Fa and Mrs, R. E. Weiglund and ended up at the Lions Club Park. The fol- lowing took part and a good time was had by all. Judy Crich, Mary Crich, Corinne Smith, Margaret El- liott, Sharon Doig, Davina Hubert, Gloria Taylor, Joan Teall, Nancy a Cmorbs. y, Barbara Dung'ey, Janice Ad- BORN McLAU TTLIN--At Scutt Mcnoirl•.1 Hospital, on June 21. to Mr. and Mrs, Michael McLaughlin, Dublin, a daughter DALTON -- At Scott Memorial Hospital an. .7vne 21, to Me. and Mrs. Murray Dalton, Seaforth RRl, a son l,ICDONALD At Seaforth, on Tune 22, to Mn and Mrs. Gordon McDonald, Senfnr'th, a daughter MILLER-- At Scott Memorial Hospital, nn June 24, to Mt•. and bhra. Russell Millen Seaforth RR 4, a son JEFFERY — Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Jeffery (Doris Rereher), Ste,fo, are very' hippy to announce the .birth of their daughter, Judith Margaret, on Jame 17, 1928, to - South Huron Hospital, Exeter Stratford Old Boys Reunion June 29th to July 5th Dancing Stratford Casino Every Night from 9 to .,. Monday to Saturday "2 Orchestras 2" Casa Villa Modern Orchestra Thanes Valley Ranch Boys 101d Tyme Orchestra) Change of Modern Orchesrra every night "Casa Villa.—Paul Cross --Ai Kuhn" Admission only 75c per person Also dancing every Saturday night Greatest pull on earth GOOD FAR Super Sure -Grips Spring; summa, fall, winter—in any season on any soil conditions, you can't beat the super traction of Goodyear Super Sure -Grips I Drop in soon and we'll demon- ,1/4,- strata the features. LOGIC MMR THIS "HIGH SIGN" OF QUALITY HEN$ALL Mrs, Stewart McQut'on andMrs. Harty Snell visited this week with Mr. and Mas, Don Rigby and Donna In Blenheim. Mrs. Edna Corbett Was a week end visitor with her daughter Mrs. Edna Jones. Mies Betty Miekle of London spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs, E. L. Mieltio. Beide•Elect Honored Miss Kay Bell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Bell, was honored prior to .lel' marriage oil Saturday, when Mrs, Garfield Broderick was hostess on 'Wednesday evening, and a number of Hensall friends assembled at her lionte to present the bride with a floor lamp and other gifts. A social time was spent, after which refreshments were served, Mrs, Archie McGregor wee hostess at her hone on Thursday evening when a number of neighbor's and friends llouored the bride with a shower of miscellaneous gift which were presented in -a decorated basket by Misses Shirley Bell and Gwen Chapman Mrs. 154 Corbett directed contests and Miss Shirley Bell favored with piano selections. Refreshments were served. Born ---At South Huron District Hos. pita., on Friday, June 19. to Mr, and 31rs, John Corbett, Hay, a son • Ralph Stephenson Ralph Stephenson, 91, of Hensall, died Sunday at the hone of his daughter, Ml's. David Johnston, at LaRiviere, Man,, where he went two months ago for a visit, Born on the Goshen Line, Mr, Stephenson farmed for many years on the Parr Line, He was a member of Varna United Church. Surviving are three daugh- ters, Mrs, Johnston, Mrs, Wesley Coekerline, Pilot Mound, Man., and Mrs. Alva Raid, Seaforth; a son, W. R. Stephenson, Hensall. The body will be at the Bonthron funeral home, Hensall, after 2 p.m. Thurs- day. Private service will be held on Friday at 2 p.m, and burial will be in Bayfield Cemetery. BRODHAGEN Mr. and Mrs. Rusell Sholdice were surprised Monday evening, June 22, when they arrived home from Swing Bowling to fine members of the Farn, Forum, neighbors and relatives gath- ered there on the occasion of their nth wedding anniversary. Progressive euchre was played. prizes going to Mrs. Lavern Wolfe, Harold Magic. (high), Mrs. Idora Rie- gel and Glen Bricknhan (low). A de- licious lunch of sandwiches, pickles, cake, cookies and strawberries and ice cream was served. Mrs. Manuel Beuermann read a very appropriate address and Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens presented the honor- ed couple with au electric tea kettle, china cup and saucer and a table ornament. Other gifts received were glass fruit juice set and thermos jug. Mrs. Harold Diegel of Mitchell played the piano for a sing song. Mr. and Mrs. Sholdice have three sons, Gary. Warren and Roger, and one daughter Beverley. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Seehaver, Mr, Fred Seeltaver and Mrs. Rudolph Speicher of Barkway visited 21r. and Mrs. John. and Albert Hinz and other • relatives. Mr. twat We.I''li $clperbarth and Marlene and Nit and Mrs. Aug Seller - berth spent the week end visiting r •• latives in Detroit. Misses Gwen and Joanne Rock ac. eonipanfed Rev. and Mt's. Robert hock to Goraldton for a week's heti- dare. Mr, and Mrs. Eel Smith and Mrs. Albert Querengesser visited Mr. Al- bert Querengesser at Victoria Hospi• tal, London, on Sunday. The annual Sunday School picnic was held on Friday afternoon with a good crowd attending. Supper was served in the basement. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Betteruian and family of Seaforth with Mr. and Mrs. Marry Seuermann and family. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ileuernlan and family of Seaforth with `Mr. and Mrs. Clippie Hillehrecht. M1 1'. Itapiou left on Sunday to visit his sinters and brother in Alberta Mrs, Howard Querengesser and girls of New Dundee spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Queretr- gesser. PLAY "The Honeymoon Is Over" Presented by the Y.P. of Wesley Willis Church, Clinton Monday, June 29 ,at. S,.lit P.NI. In Constance United Church sponsored by the W.A. Admission 50c and 25e -.-I'ie, ice cream and tea served after play. 15r 'Picnics outings and hod►day piesures call -Far o'1 uti Coke and tasty d 'It Your favourite grocer is featuring good things to eat that go so well with ice-cold Coca-Cola. So when you shop for sup- plies, be sure to buy several cartons of coke. R -25X Raffle Carton Including Federal Taxes Phis d Pori! 2c Per bottle Authorized bottler of Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd. ESBECO LIMITED 658 Erie Street STRATFORD, ONT. Phone 78 YCoke"It tt reglsterod trade -mark Bell Service Meets the ,Challenge of the Tornado fhr 9h INS w� a $ r r t r ••• Truly there are times when no price can measure the value of your telephone service - ready when you want it most, Such a time came to Sarnia on May 21st when the tornado ripped through the downtown area. That night, Bell equipment --the telephone building itself— built to stand up in emergencies, carne through one of the toughest tests. An emergency power unit kept building and equip- ment alive, Dial mechanism, properly housed, re- mained undamaged. Light from the Bell — shown above streaming through the building's shattered doorway—was for hours the only electric light in downtown Sarnia, It became a beacon that told of service working for nearly ail of Sarnia's 12,000 'Customers, Less than 1200 telephones were put out of action and by the end of the next day an but tl few of these were back in service --thanks to telephone men from. Sarnia, Windsor and Chatham. Outside wires suffered little damage because they were either under- ground out of harm's way or overhead in rear -lane areas, safer from falling trees, When the tornado hit, window glass, dust and debris blasted into the room where operators were working at the long distance and Information switchboards. Some of the girls were cut by the flying glass; all were ordered to another floor where it was safer. Even before they were asked to go back„ Marna Levan (left above) and Pear/ Roberts (right) returned on their own to their switchboards. Chief Operator Afire 1?! - wards (shown here directing an off-duty volunteer to her post at the switchboard) found all but those more seriously cut anxious to go back to their switchboards. and when the room was made safe by plant men, they did. in addition, girls off duty cane in without being called, and rendered first aid, gathered food, cooi;cd meals, and refused to leave until they were no longer required. One girl from Quebec on vacation in Sarnia came in to help, As one newspaper columnist elope, "the 13,!! opera- tors were t/u' heroines al the .Sarnia disaxt,r", Toronto Toigrem Photo THE MORNING AFTER — the Bell building stands as o symbol of continuing telephone service. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA