The Seaforth News, 1953-06-18, Page 5THURSDAY, JUNE 18 1953 THE SEAFORTH NEWS 1111111111n,A111111111111111111111111M1111111111111,111111111111111,111,111111111111111111111111AI1A111111111111nIt1111111111111i11t111V11U111111111/ The W rzhc Specials Clarks Pork & Beans, 20 oz, 2 for 29c Blue & Gold Fancy Peas 2 for ..35c '15 oz. Tins CAMPBELL'S VEGETABLE OR TOMATO SOUP 2 Tins -250 8 for 990 GREEN GIANT NIBLETS CORN, 14 oz. tins. , 2 for 37c INSTANT ICING Pig 18o ROYAL INSTANT PUDDING Buy 1 Pkg, 13e 1 Pkg, Free for you • AYLMER CHOICE TOMATOES, 28 oz, tins.— . , 2 tins 455c SALADA ORANGE PEKOE TEA BAGS, 60 count pkg 71c AYLMER CATCHUP, 11 oz. Bottle 21c CLUB HOUSE PARTY OLIVES, round jar , , , , „ 29c WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET Phone 77 Free Delivery Low Prices Self Serve IIII,IIIt1,1111111111111111111111111111111a1111111111111111111111111111,11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111t111111111111A11111111111A BORN MURRAY -- At Scott MVle,eorisl Iluspitul, on June i9, to Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mut, ray, RR'-' 'Walton, a son SAVLr0RUDNI---At Scott Memorial Hospital. on June I9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Stepan Saveorodni, St, Marys, a son ASE ALL Huron -Perth Intermediate Mon. Hite, Jere 22 ST. MARYS vs. SEAFORTH Admission—Acliilts No, Children 15e LIONS PARK - SEAFORTH VARNA A reorganization of the Bible So. eiety will be held in the township hall on MViouday evening,. June 22, A sound filth will be shown by a re- presentative of the Bible Society, Mr. Melvin Webster took a truck load of men down to the tornado district on Friday last where they helped with a couple of 'barns, The ladies • of the Woman's Asso- ciation held a Coronation Tea at the United Church Parsonage on Wed- nesday, June 3. The manse was beautifully decorated in patriotic colors and spring flowers. Mrs, (Rev,) T, J. Pitt and Mrs. Louis Taylor welcomed the guests who were from Clinton, Windsor, Bay- field, Goshen and Varna. SEE THESE BEFORE YOU Was . 52 Olds Rocket Seclan $2,975 51 Ford Custom Coach 1,875 51 Ford Custom Sedan 1,725 49 Chev. Seclan 1,42'5 48 Plymouth Coach 1,275 48 Chev Coach 1,250 48 Pontiac 47 Chev. Coach 1,250 47 Ford Sedan 1,150 46 Ford Coach 1,075 47 Chev. Seclan 1,275 46 Olds Sedan 1,150 40 Ford Sedan 400 37 Pontiac Sedan 350 36 Ford Coach (as is) Trucks 49 Dodge 1/2 -Ton Pickup 975 48 Chev. 3. -Ton Panel 875 49 Dodge - 1 Ton BUY NOW $2,695.00 1,675.00 1,575.00 1,350.00 1,175.00 1,175.00 1,400.00 1,150.00 1,050.00 995.00 1,175.00 1,050.00 350.00 275.00 50.00 $875.00 725.00 975.00 GREEN CROSS WEED -NO -MORE Now in Stock ! 1 Gallon at $7.50 5 Gallons at $35.00 SEAFORTH MOTORS Phone 541 Seaforth_ S11720.1, 61911=61116.101.816:011=0. COOPER'S GROCERY Week End Specials. Clark's Pork & Beans 2-20 oz. This 29c Blue and Golcl Fancy Tender Peas , ... 2-15 oz. Tins 35c Campbell's Vegetable or Tomato Soup 2 Tins 25c Green Giant Niblets Corn 2-14 oz. Tins 37c AYLMER TOMATO CATSUP ... , , 11 oz. Bottle 21c JELL-O LEMON PIE FILL 3 Pkgs., .29c BURNS DELMAR MARGARINE Pound 35c ROSE SWEET MIXED PICKLES . , , . , 16 oz. Jar 33c BACK BACON 1/2 pound pkg...35c Orval Cooper, Seaforth CHI±ICK OUR FRUIT COUNT1:R Free Delivery Phone 8 STOCK CLEARANCE OF NEW FARM EQUIPMENT Regular ' Price 2 No, 6 Tractor Mowers $307 3 No. 11 Side Rakes, on steel 296 2 No. 11 Side Rakes, on rubber , , , 391 1 No. 2 Forage Harvester 2,000 1 No. 1 Hay Baler 2,325 1 No. 25 H.D. Springtooth, 814.' 253 1 No, 25 H.D. Springtooth; 7' 235 Also - 2 No. 22 Std, Tractors; 2 No, 30 Std. Tractors 1 No. 44 Std. Tractor and 1 No, 44 D Tractor REDUCED PRICE $275.00 275.00 350,00 1,600.00 2,100.00 225.00 210.00 SEAFORTH MOTORS MOND 541 S,LAFORTI7 overmasemmormmale TOWN TOPICS Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ilugh Thompson Sunday were Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Irwin and two daughters, of Timmins, Mrs. James Campbell end sons of Wiitgham and Mrs. Howard Irwin and family of Winghant. Mrs, Ethel Duggan and son of Detroit visited last week end. with Mrs. Neil Thompson. Mr, and Mrs. Lapslie Smith of To. Tonto spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. Percy Smith, McKillop. Mrs, Harold Free and Dianne are spending a week in Montreal. 74r. and Mrs. Stanley 13euerman and Dennis of Kitchener spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Beuerman, This is moving week at the public school, when much of the books and equipment is being transferred to the new•sehool, Mr, and Mrs. Guy Clemens and Mr, and Mrs. L. J. Egan of Moose - jaw, Sask„ motored here and are visiting in Egmonclviile with the ladies' brother, Mr. John McLachlan and family. CONSTANCE Services for Mrs. George Riley, 91, who died Monday at the home of her son Frank, Constance, were held Wednesday at 2 p.m. by Rev. M. C, Gaudier, Londesboro, and in- terment made in Clinton cemetery, Her husband, George A. Riley, died 21 years ago. She was born in Hul- lett and lived there all her life and was one of the oldest members of Constance United Church. Surviv- ing are three sons, Frank and Joseph of Hullett; Thomas, Clinton; three daughters, Mrs. Charles Hoggart, Kinburn; Mrs. Fred Stephenson, of Brussels; Mrs, Edith McFarlane, of Toronto; two brothers, John Free- man, Hulletb; Robert, Clinton, and one sister, Mrs. Gertrude Glazier, Clinton. KIPPEN A shadow of gloom was cast over the community when it was learned on Thursday morning, June 4, of the sudden passing of Mrs, Gordon Westlake, Stanley twp., near Bay- field. Mrs. Westlake, upon retiring for bed was stricken with a heart seizure and passed quietly away. She was the former Jean Agnes Pearl Love, second oldest daughter of Mrs. Pearl Love, and the late John Love of the Parr Line, Stan- ley twp., and was in her 29th year. Ten years ago she was married to Gordon Westlake, who survives. She also leaves to mourn. her passing, one son Ronald, 9 years old, and two daughters, Sandra 8 and Roselee 5,. also her another, Mrs. Pearl Love two sisters, Margaret, Mrs. Harold Jones of Kippen and Miss Edith Love and two brothers, James and Wayne Love, all of the Parr Line. The body rested at the Keith Westlake Funeral Horne in Zurich until Saturday at which time public fun eral services were held from her late residence conducted by Rev. Lane of the Presbyterian ,Church, Bayfield, where the deceased was an ardent member and .organist at the time of her passing. He was assisted by Rev. Martin of near New Ham- burg, and also Rev. Heimerick of the Lutheran Church, Zurich. The pallbearers were Dewar Tal- bot, Harold Jones, Wesley Mc- Bride, Wm. Armstrong, Gordon Gil- bert and James Cleave. The floral tributes were many and beautiful showing the esteem in which the deceased was held: The flowerbearers were Bob Madge, Gladwyn Westlake; Hugh McBride, Donald Bell, Russel Grainger, Clif- ford Talbot Jr. Interment was made in Bayfield Cemetery. Sympathy of the community is extended the sor- rowing family. EGMONDVILLE Miss Jessie Finlayson of Lorne Park spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Jas. Finlayson, who returned with her to Lorne Park on Sunday to spend a couple of weeks with her son, Mr. Will Finlayson and family, Miss Eleanor Hudson of New To- ronto was a week end visitor with Rev, A. W. and Mrs, Gardiner at the manse, Mr. and Mrs, Bert Beacom of Go- derich were visitors with Mrs. David Stephenson on Sunday. Miss Frances Houston of Brant- ford visited at the home of her bro- ther, Mr. Andrew Houston on Sun- day. Mr. Lionel Ray, who has spent some time in Quebec has returned to his wife and family at Mr. A. Houston's, and is at present taking a cout•se in Clinton Radar School. The May meeting of the W.A. and W.M,S, of Egmondville United Church was held at the home of Mrs. David McLean, Mrs. James McIn- tosh, W.A. president, opened the meeting, Mrs. Forbes and Mrs. G. McGonigle took devotional part. Mrs. Elmer Cameron took topic. It was decided to start meetings on time to finish earlier, Two ladies were appointed to assist manse 0001- mittee and given power to purchase furniture for manse. Mrs. Gardiner presided for W.M.S. part of meeting. Mrs. Routledge led in prayer, An in- vitation to Winthrop June 8 and to Northside June 23, 8 p.m., were ac- cepted. Visitors day program was discussed for June 22. Mrs, E. Moyes had study book and Mrs, M. Raney temperance, Mrs. 3. Watson, Chris- tian Stewardship, community friend- ship, Miss Rena McKenzie, Mrs. Gardiner reported having made 33 house calls and some hospital calls. HURON COUNTY ' WIND DISASTER (FUND At the recent meeting of Huron County Council it was decided that a Fund for the relief of those who suffered severe damage in the re- cent storm in Huron County, be set up. . The County Council opened the Fund with a contribution of • 310,- 000.00. Mr. John G, Berry, Goder- ich, was named Treasurer of the Fund, To those individuals or organiza- tions wishing to contribute to the Fund, arrangements have been made with all the Bank branches in the County to receive contributions and forward then to the Treasurer: The Fund will accumulate until such time as the expected contribu- tions from the Provincial Govern- ment and Dominion Government are received, At that time the dis- tribution of the whole amount will be made in one payment. The County Council are aware that this same situation may arise again and are warning the. public to become protected. This fund is not established as a precedent for the future. Official receipts will be furnished by the banks. WALTON Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Grigg of Moose Jaw, Sask., both former resi- dents of Walton, arrived here on Tuesday. Mr. Grigg went west in 1912 and returned later to marry Miss Nellie McArthur. They see many changes in the district. Seaforth District High School Graduation Exercises will be held on Monday, June 22 commencing at 2 p.m. Guest Speaker—A. Y. McLean, M.P. Parents and friends of students are cordially invited to .be present. Tea will be served by the Grade XL students to the members of the Graduating 'Class and their parents. OPEN A ' SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT ALIVE and g arowin Plant the seeds for your future. 40.3 The Canadian an of+Commerce HEAR PRIME MINISTER IS ST. LAUREN Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent and others including Hon. Walter E. Harris • • CILIN7111 ON 2.15 P.M. —at AGRICULTUR— AL PARK In the Interests of Andy McLean Libera 1 Candidate in Huron Issued by Hurrn Liberal Assorlat ion ANDREW Y. MCLEAN, M.P. In the 1•v»11t of rainy weather the meeting will be held in the Clinton Lions Arena LA KE V IE W CAS I G,"z :tA D BEND DANCING EVERY SATURDAY Music by NEIL McKAY and his ALL-STARS featuring June - Johnny - and the Quartette T?efresh with a drive safeki ®0 m When the steering wheel begins to fight back, turn in where you see the big red cooler. Pause ... relax.,. and be yourself again. „q1 Including Federal lakes Authorized bolder of Coco -Coca under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd. ESBECO LIMITED 668 Erie Street STFtATFORD, oNT. &19-X Phone 78