HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1953-06-18, Page 4BRODNAOEN • Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Mulholland were pleasantly surprised on Thus - day evening when the neighbors ga- thered at their home to welcome them to this community. They were presented with kitchenware and table cloth, Progressive euchre was played and lunch was served, Mr. and Mrs. Mulholland recently moved here from Stratford, The teacher, Mr, Glenn Brielnnan and Grades 7 and 8 of our schools were on a tour of historical places in Toronto on Friday. Mrs. Wtn. Wesenberg of Calgary, Alta., visited with her brother, Mr. Eli Hanlon and Mrs. Rapien, Mr., and Mrs, Harold Mogk and Nancy attended the wedding of her brother, Mr. Milton Brodhagen to Miss Helen Berg at Gadshill on- Sat- urday. Nancy was one of the atten- dants. Mr. and Mrs, Albert Smith, San- dra and Arthur of Simeoe, with Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Smith, Arthur remain- ing for a week. Members of the Luther League enjoyed a picnic at E,dgewood Park on Tuesday. Flowers were placed in St. Peter's Lutheran Church on Sunday -by the family of the late Annie - Muegge, whose burial took place in the ceine tery on Saturday. The Married Couples' .Group of the church held e picnic at Seaforth Park on Sunday afternoon, ,lir, and Mrs. Ross Leonhardt, Mr. and Mrs. Henry C, Diegel and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hoegy were in charge of sports, Results in races: 4 years and under. Linda Mogk: 5-7, Gary Cap - ling: -12Clayton Ahrens; men's Every Saturday Night at the beautiful StraaHevd easigyo from !i i:0 1." Look who's coming Tuesday, June "_,l tl Don :Vessel' and his Islander Admiwsiuu ?1. Strawberry and .Ham Supper To be held in St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen FRIDAY, JUNE 26 Supper served from 6 to 8 p.m. ,A Variety Program will follow the suppir Admission: Adults ;5r. C'Lildrr.•I -ii)r Strawberry Festival with roast pork & dressing at Brucefield United Church Supper served ii;acrts• WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24 From 6 to 8 P.M. PPOs RAM - Adnlis.si(n $1.140. ; h,',i •n ex 122,91m GARDEN PARTY Duff's United Church, W^'ton FRIDAY, JUNE 19TH Supper served from 6 to 8 P.M. nn tar; Followed by a Good P"'-. lrti t ', Arias i .. .. . [ Greatest pull on earth GOOD/% EAR Super Sure -Grips Spring, summer, fall, winter—in any season on any soil conditions, you can't beat the super traction of Goodyear Super Sure -Grips l Drop in soon and we'll demon- strate the features. LOOK FOR THIS "HIGH SIGN" OF QUALITY 'act Rev. Becket'; ladies race, Mrs. Geo. Jermuth weight throw, Frank Eicknieir; ladies kick the slipper, Mrs. Geo. Jarmnth; men's kiek slip- per, Frank 1 telcmeir; pin patch, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fischer; calling hub- by, Mrs, Russell Dolmag'e; balloon hug, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mogk; 3 -legged raee, Gordon Mogk, Geo. 3armuth; guess button, Milton Rock. Rev, and Mrs, 'Reinaru 'of Port Arthur and Mr, Johnson Visited with Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Rock last week. Rev, and Mrs, .Robert Rock of Geraldton and Miss Gwen Rock, nurse in training, Kitchener -Water - leo Hospital, are also holidaying at the sante home. Members of the Farm Forum are to hold a picnic at Seaforth Park this coming Saturday. Mr, Lorne Wolfe of Toronto at his home. Miss Jean Sietoon of Toronto at her house, The, annual Sunday school picnic will be held on Friday afternoon on the school grounds with supper in the church basement. Swing bowling started at the church on Monday evening, Born ----In Hanover Hospital, on June 10, to Mr. and Mrs, Norman Wilson lOrdelia Meyer) of Neus- tadt, a daughter. At the Sunday morning service in St, Peter's Lutheran Church, Rev. Robert Rock of Geraldton, was -the gueet speaker and after the service was called on to receive a gift of money from the congregation to help in the work of his church which is being built. THE SEAFORTH NEWS Mr. Fp ed Herbert has been eon- fined to his bed for several weeks with an attack of gout,. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pryce, Roger and Peggy of Kitchener with Itis'. and Mr's. IIarry Beuermau. THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1953 DUBLIN Archie T. Forbes, 77, of lot 18, con, 1, Hibbert, died Friday at Stratford. He bad been in failing health for thepast few years. Mr. Forbes was born on the farm on which he resided until about 1 year ago. His wife, the former Jemima McKenzie, died in 1934. He was a member of St, Mary's Anglican Church, Dublin, and was church warden for a number of years, The funeral was held from St. Why do endorse a cheque? When you sign your name on the back of a cheque; you are generally acknowledging receipt of money for the cheque, or the transfer of your rights to another person, Once a cheque is endorsed, anyone eau oash it. For your protection, never endorse a cheque until you are ready to deposit it, get cash' for it or transfer it to someone else. For advice and assistance on either personal or businese financial matters, consult the manager of your nearbg Dominion. Bank branch. A friendly welcome awaits you. 82 YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE CANADIAN PEORIeE 53.11 G ENT TFIEATR E r,'x 8�li i �� NOW PLAYING John Land . BATTLE OF APACHE PASS 'Technicolor Jo11 Chandler. Gorenhno, famed Apache, Lakes to the warpath, It's the OltV,ltry against the Apaches In mountain truss. Pull of action, war dances sad magnifleent scenery NI;r.T MON, TUBS, WEE. OPERATION SECRET Cornet Wilde - Fhyills Thinner Across the globe and back again tour nations hunted for 0,5, Murine, It's tens) action, and drama combined In the underground activity of World War II NEXT THURS. FRI. SAT, W1051U1'S CHARLEY Technicolor Ray Rohrer . .Allyn McLerie. A famous comedy camas Ln the Hereon with eleven bit songs. It takes us backto the horst and buggy days at Oxford Utttvetsity CONING — LOST IN ALASKA Mary's Anglican Church, Dublin, 'onhunt, Mitchell, Burial in Trinity Monday, conducted by Rev. M. A, l Anglican Cemetery, Mitchell. aniv Your Feet a Treat .In Light, Cool and Comfortable Shoes, for Work or for Play And Remember — Your Money Buys More at This Shoe Store WILLIE SHOE STORE The Little Store with the "I3ig Values" Seaforth 29 BEAUTIFUL MODELS to choose from in five great seriesfor, 1953—Pathfinder, Pathfinder Deluxe, Laurentian,Chieftain and Chieftain Deluxe. PONTIAC'S NEW POWER STEERING, optional at extra cost, is available to eliminate as much as 75% of the work of steering! NEW, FINER POWERGLIDE optional at extra cost, on Laurentian and Pathfinder Deluxe series, offers new flashing acceleration, economy and new over-all performance. 4 SPECTACULAR DUAL -RANGE HYDRA-MATIC PERFORM- ANCE optional at extra cost on Chieftain series, gives you better control than ever. Gives you the power you want, when you want it, where you want it! ECONOMIZER REAR AXLE with Automatic Transmission reduces engine revolutions in Drive Range , for more go on less gas! A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE In its spectacular young life Pontiac has won a leading place in public favor more quickly than any other car .. . reaching an amazing peak of popularity. That's because Pontiac has always provided standards of fine car comfort, luxury and beauty at a consistently modest price. Some of the reasons for Pontiac's spectacular climb in public favor and popularity are shown right on this page. And you'll discover many, many others when you inspect and drive a '53 Pontiac for yourself. No other car in the price range it brackets can compare with Pontiac for all 'round value, dependability and advanced features. Truly, dollar for dollar and feature for feature you can't beat Pontiac! Visit your Pontiac dealer soon ... see and drive a Pontiac! DRAMATIC NEW DUAL -STREAK STYLING makes Pontiac even more distinctive, more individual in appearance than ever! PONTIAC'S GREAT 8 - CYLINDER ENGINE. General Motors' lowest -priced eight, the most highly perfected engine in the industry! PONTIAC'S THRIFTY SIX with dramatically increased horsepower to deliver thousands upon thousands of smooth, economical miles. SER J7, . PRJ IE J'7:.." 17181T YOUR .P®N7d/IC MAI R ANSON GIL'R1LMQT P•13636 Seaforth