HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1953-06-04, Page 8LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND END DANCINIG EVERY SATURDAY Music by NEIL McKAY and his ALL-STARS featuring June - Johnny - and the Quartette HENSALL Mr, and Mrs. S. Blackwell were {pleasantly surprised when neigh- bors and friends gathered at their home to congratulate them on their recent marriage. A very en-' joyable evening was spent during which Mr. and Mrs. Blackwell were presented with a floor lamp Mr, Bruce Glenn of Toronto spent the weekend holiday with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Glenn. i Miss Alnia Bell of Toronto, visited; this week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Win. R. Bell. Mr, and Mrs. Mervyn Hayter and Glenn accompanied by Mr, and Mrs. I Archie MacGregor and Don visited Only FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE is trademarked with Red Spots This fine hard coal costs no mare, so why be satisfied with less. Phone us for Red Trademarked Famous Reading Anthracite, from the famous Pennsylvania anthracite mines. It's trademarked with Red Spots to pro- tect you from imitations. KRAUSKOPF BROS. Phone 36 Dublin We Deliver READING) this week with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Anderson and Richard and Mr, and Mrs. James Michie at Belgrave, Mr, Peter McNaughton was called to Toronto last week owing to the accident of his sister, Miss Mae Me - Naughton, who fractured her hip and underwent an operation in St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto. Mr. and Mis. Wm. R. Bell have moved to the residence of Mrs, Ag- nes Farquhar and are getting nicely settled, Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Eller attend- ed the graduation at the University of Western Ontario, London, when their son Robert reeeived his de- gree of Master of Business Admin- istration. Mrs. Nellie Buchanan of Wind- sor has returned to take up resi- rence in her hone on Main St. Mr. Lorne Zuefle of Windsor spent the weekend here with his father, Mr. John Zuefle. Miss Betty Mair of London spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Bertha Moir. Padre W. A, Young of the OAC, Guelph, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Bonthron and other friends here and attended the Hen- sall Show. Dr. A. R. Campbell and Mrs. Campbell of Guelph visited with Mr, and Mrs. Ross MacLaren and attended the Hensall Show. 110011011111113111.11111. 6:1611•MillitilliMMILIWZMISOMMLO Every Saturday Night at the beautiful Stratford Casino fro111 9 to 12 Admission 75c • Look who's coming Tuesday, June 23rd Don Messer and his Islanders Admission 11.01' Continuous quati year after year Rave es Coke InrJ ding Federal ?axon Authorized bottler of Coco -Colo under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd. ESBECO LIMITED 668 Erie Street STRATFORD, ONT. 1.174 Phone 78 titers" to 6. repirfered Prado -mar& THE SEAFORTH {'ORT NEWS Mrs. John Mae'Gregor visited over the weekend with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Win. Mao - Lean and eons in Exeter, Miss Bernice Jinks, nurse -in -train- ing at Victoria Hospital, London, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Manley Jinks, Messrs Preston Lemon and Keith Volland spent the weekend holiday with relatives in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Barbour of Toronto visited over the 'weekend with Mr, and Mrs, •Clark Kennedy and fancily. Miss Etta Jarrott of Toronto spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs, Catherine Jarrott. Moi. and Mr's, Roy Flear of Grand Bend were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clark Kennedy. Mrs. A. •Cterar and Allan visited recently with relatives at Listowel. BORN—To Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Troyer, Hensall, on Monday, June 1, a daughter. CONSTANCE The Constance Sunday :School Anniversary Services will be held Sunday, June 7, at 2 o'clock, Rev, A. W. Gardiner will be the speaker. Special music by the Junior Choir. All are welcome, ' RADIO SCHOOL NEWS The sports field at RCAF Sta- tion Clinton, is bristling with activ- ity as the summer sports program gets underway. The flight cadets of the Air Radio Officer School are en- • thusiastically limbering up in the crisp spring air. Many young hope- fuls will be trying out for a place on the station baseball team, while. others will be content to play inter- section sports. The outdoor sports program is a continuation of the winter season activities. This physical training schedule is designed to keep the air- crew students in top 'physical shape, to perform efficiently their duties as Radio Officers on the aircrew team, Tho flight cadets participate in a variety of sports. Such activities as softball, and volleyball are played in inter -section competitions. If a flight cadet's academic standing is satisfactory and he is a good base- ball player, he is permitted to take an active part on the station team. This station team is entered in the district league, and the team pdaYs against ball clubs from the various towns throughout Huron County. As the weather gets warmer the station swimming pool becomes a center of recreation. Flight cadets who do not know how to swim are given instruction, and outstanding swimmers take part in inter -station swimming meets. One of the greatest sports events of the summer season, is the annual field and track meet which takes place at different RCAF Stations in Training Command. Each year flight cadet organizations through - cut Training Command send teams to this competition. This year the Cadet Officer Commanding is deter- nined that the flight cadets of the Air Radio Officer School, Clinton, will bring home the trophies. Such activities offer worthwhile diversion for these men, who are un- dergoing intensive training. They work hard and they play hard eni- ng for that goal whioh is graduation day and wings parade. A recent arrival at the Air Radio Officers .School at RCAF Station, Clinton, is Flight Cadet Donald Wil- iam Lennox of Belfast, Northern Ireland. Flight Cadet Lennox first became nterested in the Air Force in 1945 when he entered the Air Training Corps in Northern Ireland. This is an organization similar to the RCAF Air Cadets. He was with this or•gan- zation for six years and held the rank of Flight Sergeant. During this time he, on one occasion, visited Germany as an Air Training Corps epresentative from Northern Die - In 1949 Flight Cadet Lennox en- isted in the Royal Air Force as a Fighter Control Operator. During his stay in the Royal Air Force he pent a period of duty on the island of Ma He teal left the RAF to eome to Can- ada in 1952. His first employment in Canada was with the Canadian Pacific Railways in Montreal. In de- cember 1952 he enlisted in the RoY- al Canadian Air Force in the air- crew branch. He is presently under training for an Air Radio Officer at he school at Clinton. SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS Open Daily Phone 363J T. PRYDE and SON Enquiries Are Invited MCIVER CLINTON Phone 411 Phone 103 THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1953 BOX 3JTi tgn t .truirE LOST A large black hound with brown chest and brown logs, wearing a lea - titer collar. Strayed away last Friday. Please phone collect, Campbell Byte, Hansell 684r13 FOR SALE A good assortment of Perennial Plants, 4 201' a quarter, and they're all very fine and large. Tom Aldington, Seaforth, Near the Salvation Army, FOR $ALE Br:Own corduroy Jacket and wine wool jacket, sizes 34 gond 36. To be seen at Scoins Cleaners • TO RENT Upstairs am1'tnlent in Egn>.ondville. Phone 6681'2 or 683J Seaforth FOR SALE 1935 Plymouth sedan with1950 en- gine, A, W. Gardiner, Egmondville Manse. WEED SPRAYING For wheat, oats or barley, spray from 6 inches to early shot blade, whether legumes are present or not, "excepting sweet clover". Corn—We spray only the weeds, not corn leaves, after scuffling. Beans — Pre-Merg controls fine weeds applied just be- fore beans emerge. For the best in any spraying materials or spraying equipment, see us soon. Harold Dignan, Hensall, phone 91 r 18 Zurich FOR SALE Six ball bearing hangers for 4" shafting, 2 ten horsepower 60 cycle motors, T. A. G. Gordon FOR SALE Khatadin Potatoes suitable for seed or eating. Alphonse 'Cronin, Phone 22 r 23 Dublin. N OT IC'E Any person wanting ammonium ni- trate (33% nitrogen), I have a small quantity of this on hand at the Pre- sent time. Don Buchanan, phone 850 1' 25 Seaforth CARD OF THANKS Mrs, apo. Campbell gives her many thanks to Mr. and Mrs, Wil- liam Campbell for their kind atten- tion when I was sick at their home; also for the boxes of fruit, flowers and cards which I reeeived, Many thanks to Dr, Munn and Dr. Me - Masted.. Auction Sale Of Household Effects, in the village of Dublin, Saturday, June 6, at 2 p.m. 1 gaocl cream enamel cook stove, with pipes; 1 kitchen extension table, 2 small tables, 6 kitchen chairs, 2 rocking chairs; 1 couch, kitchen cab- inet, 1 Rogers electric radio; dresser with mirror; 1 wash stand, 3 beds, springs and mattresses; 2 feather ticks, number of feather pillows, quilts, blankets, curtains, 2 linoleum rugs 0x12; 1 big trunk, large box for quilts, set of fencing ropes and pull- eys; forks, shovels, rakes, hoes, fruit jars, a quantity of fruit 111 jars, elec- tric toaster, hand washing machine with wringer, all household dishes, pots and pans, host of other house- hold articles. Terms cash, Catharine A. Lynch, proprietress; Edward McIvor, clerk; 3. L. Ryan, auctioneer. Administrator's Auction Sale Of Properly and Household Effects. Of the late Barbara Forest, in Vill- age of Hensall, on Saturday, June 20, at 1 P.M. Spartan radio, dining r00151 suite; Clare Jewel range (new); rook- ing chairs; Singer electric sewing machine (new); eight day clock; kit- chen cupboard; 2 couches; armchair; fern stand, small table; curtains; Quebec heater, 9 kitchen chairs; side board; kitchen table, electric rangette, 2 -burner coal oil stove with oven; small tables; 1 roll congoleum (new) ; cooking utensils; china; cutlery; 3 bedroom suites; sanitary closet; coal oil heater; bedding; floor coverings; 2 ton of coal; 2 cords wood; lawn mower. At same time and place there will he offered for sale a com- fortable dwelling of the deceased in village of Hensall, being situated on Lot 257, Moir Survey. Terms—Prop- erty, 10110 down, balance in 30 days, reserve bid. Chattels cash. Adm, Wm, Forest; Solicitors, Bell & Laughton; auctioneer, Harold Jack- son. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Barbara Forrest, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Barbara Forrest, late of the Village of Hensall, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 26th day of May, 1963, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ont- ario, by the 20th day of June next, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. BELL & LAUGHTON, Solicitors for the Administrator, Exeter, Ontario PROCLAMATION Township of Tuckersmith Upon instruction from council under authority of Bylaw ff13, 1952, Town- ship of Tuckersmith, 1 hereby pro- claim that all dogs in the hamlets of EgmondvHie and Harpurhey are pro- hibited from running at large during the period from June 1st, 1953, to No' vember 1st, 1953. Owners or harborers of dogs contravening the provisions of this by-law will be subject to a maximum penalty of $50.00. (Signed) D. A. Moffat, Reeve, Tp. of Tuckersmith. NOTICE Lawn mowers sharpened and re- paired, both hand and power mowers, Will pick up and deliver, Telephone 649r 3. J. MacLean - TENDERS WANTED Tovenship Of Tuckersmith Tender's are invited for the con- struction of the Tacksol Drain, Town- ship of Tuckersmith, Approximately 5460 cs, yds. excavation. Marked cheque for 101'16 of the ten- der price to accompany each tender and tenders to he in the clerk's hands by June 19th, 1953, by 8.30 p.m. Plans and specifications may he seen at the Clerk's Office. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, E. P. Chesney; Clerk. In Memoriam McCALLUM—In loving memory of a dear son, James Arehle McCal- lum, son of Mr, and Mrs, Noble McCallum. Gone is the face we loved so dear, Silent is the voice we loved to hear, His voice we will never forget. Too dearly loved to ever befor- gotten by Mon, Dad, brothers and sisters, NOTICE The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, commencing June 10, 1953 at 10:00 a,m, All accounts, notices of deputa- tions and other business requiring the attention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than June 6, 1953, A. H. Erskine, County Clerk, God- erich, Ont. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received up until noon Tuesday, Oth June, for re -painting outside trim, doors, windows, window -sills, fascia and hell tower of schools Nos. 1, 4 and 6. Colors; Green and white, two appllcatlons. The low- est or any tender not necessarily accepted. W. P. ROBERTS, Sec. -trees., RR a Sea - forth, :Tuckersmith 'township School Area at1 FOR SALE 5 -family apartment house in thriving air force town, centrally lo- cated, yielding over $150 a month. Good reason for selling. Apply to The News Office. TEACHER WANTED Protestant teacher for S.S. No. 7, McKillop, duties to commence in September. Apply stating salary and qualifications to Alex Dennis, Wal- ton, R.R. 2, Secretary. FOR SALE Seed potatoes. Maurice Ryan, Dublin, Phone 17 r 16. FOR SALE 1949 Dodge Coach, clean, Al con- dition throughout, low mileage; this car has had the best of care. For a real good buy and a nice car, apply to James Elliot, Chalk Street, Sea - forth, Phone 249W. FOR SALE 2 bed -room suites; a chesterfield suite; a dining -room suite; a sewing machine; a day bed; an ice box; tables, chairs, drapes, picture s, lamps, etc. A. W. GARDINER, Eg- mondville Manse. NOTICE Custom chain sawing, very reason- able. Carl Rose, phone 651'22 Dublin NOTICE Custom work, chain sawing, weed spraying. Sebago seed potatoes for sale. Joe Gibson, R. R. 2, •Seaforth, phone Clinton, 616 r 3. SALES AND SERVICE New Viking electric cream separa- tors and repairs for Renfrew separa tors. Basil O'Rourke, phone Clinton 634 r 21 WANTED TO PURCHASE Upright piano, must be in good condition, state make and (price. W. P, Roberts, .Sec.-Treas., R.R. 3, Sea - f orth. Tuckersmith Township School Area No. 1. FOR SALE Slabs, hardwood, $10 a load. 2 cords approx. in a load. Mixed wood $8 a load. Fred -Hudie, Clinton, phone 362 • NOTICE Spray and brush painting, wall papering, and water- proofing cellar walls. Jack Moore, North Main Street, Seaforth. Phone 169,J COOPER'S GROCERY Week End Specials Maple Leaf Red Sockeye Salmon, 73/4 oz. Old Town Sweet Mixed Pickles, 16 oz. 39c 23c Libby's Deep -Browned beans, 2 -20 -oz. 33c Harry Horne's Peanut Butter glass 27c Weston's Sodas, 1 tb box 29c Breeze, with face cloth 37c Javex. , .. 16 oz. bottle -15c 32 oz. bottle 25c Lushus Jelly Powders 3 - 29c Weiners 35c lb CHECK OUR FRUIT COUNTER Free Delivery Phone 8 AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed '`lowers for all oeoasione Phones: Day 43 Night 595 W VETERINARY SURGEON J. O. TURNBULL, D.V.M„ V.S. W. R. ARYANS, D,V.M„ V.S. Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 IMM/11/.. 111 110101111011•0110•118080.111111=0S•RIMENRIMIL JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 791, Main St., Seaforth Iiours 9 A.M. to 5.10 P.M, Closed :di day Wednesday MEOW Notice Town of Seaforth All persons in the Municipality owning or har- boring dogs must purchase 1953 licenses for same on or before June 30th, 1953. Licenses will be issued from the Treasurer's Office in the Town Hall, or from the Tax Collector, Harold Maloney. • After that date summonses through the Court will be issued to the owners or harborers of dogs not having licenses. A11 dogs must wear license tags. MARTIN W, STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 6-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B.A.,M.D„ Internist P. L. Brady, M.D„ Surgeon Office Hours, 1 pm to 5 pm, da$y. except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only, 7-9 pm Appointments made in advance are desirable The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers —President, John L. Malone, Sea. forth ; Viee.Pres., John 1I. MoEwing, Blyth; Manager & Sec.- areas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors --J. L,. Malone, Seaforth; J. H. McEwing, Blyth W. S. Alexander, Walton; E. J. Trowartha, Clinton; 3. E. Pepper, Buteelield ; a W. Lemrhardt, Bornholm; H. Fuller, Coterie!) ; It,. Archibald, Seaforth; S. H. Whitmore, Senfcrth. Agents --Wm. Leiper Jr., I,on<lesboro; J. F Prueter, Brodbagend Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Eric Munroe, Seaforth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, u'l1I bo promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their -- respective post offices. oma® Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH ONT, All hinds of Insurance rlslta effect. ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies ;k�l�lue THE seta 0011 000 SOUDF�'CAMP�114Ti�1 For Quality, Service and Savings at Spring and Summer Prices WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 363-J Res. 192-M RADIO REPAIRS Quick, hhxpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, et TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 347R, Seaforth COAL Coal will advance 50c on July lst; 50c on Aug. 1st, and 50c Sept. Buy screened coal and get the most for your money WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 318 w FOR SALE Frame double house on John St. Possession arranged. New modern dwelling with all conveniences including oil heating, very centrally located. Frame Dwelling with all modern conveniences. Oil heating. Suitable for V.L.A. purchase, Modern dwelling, East William St., within one block of Goderich street, now air con- ditioning unit, immediate possession. Modern 2 -story dwelling, Sperling St. Well situated. Early possession arranged. Frame dwelling on Victoria Street with all modern conveniences. Possession arranged. M. A. REID, Seaforth INSURANCE e Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability etc. Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Successor to E. C. Chamberlain MAIN ST. SEA,FORTH Phone 334 Res. 222R Painting -Paperhanging Interior and exterior decorating WALTER PRATT, R.R. 1, Wal- ton, Phone 481-M, Seaforth, PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list, 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00, Mail. Order Dept. T-74, Nov -Rubber Co., Box 01, Hamilton, Ont. FIDELITY LODGE No. 55 I. O OF; Instituted March 8th, 1870 Sunday, June 7 Decoration and Memorial Day. Odd Fellows and Rebekalis meet at lodge rooms at 2 o'elook, 2.30 at Maitland Bank Cemetery. All Odd Fellows and Rebekahs welcome Noble Grand Recording Secty, VICTOR LEE HARRY MoLEOD