HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1953-05-14, Page 4OROMARTY Mrs. R, Duneanson was hostess to the ladies of the Women's Mission- ary Society and the Ladles' Aid for their May meetings on Thursday, Mrs. Win Harper presided for the W.M.S. and also led in devotions. A splendid topic was given by Mrs. Will Miller, and Mrs. M. Lamoncl read extracts from the fourth chap- ter of the study book, Mrs. L. Scott DR. J .A. McEWEN, physician and country coroner, carries on the oldest practice In Carleton Place, Ontario, anxious calls for help, words of comfort and advice ...there's drama every day For fort' years, in this office on Bridge Street, Dr. McEwen has answered the calls of his patients. Today at 70, Dr, McEwen still continues his practice in Carleton Place — a practice which has touched the lives of thousands. Think of the reassuring comfort, the help in time of trouble brought to trillions because doctors everywhere can be quickly reached by telephone. Think what this means to you and your family in peace of mind, in safer, more pleasant living, Then you'll realize that no price can measure the 1, alue of wur telephone, THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA Frnous gb•tbgetilers boqmcjirl...Coke. Coke is the most asked -for soft drink in the world, And no wonder—it's so wholesome, so delicious and pure as sunlight: 5.18-5 ti Bottle Carton U ladedlap federal Tares Pixy deporie 2e per beide Authorized bottler of Coca -Coke ander centrad wilt, Coca-Cola I.ld. ESBECO LIMITED 658 Erle Street STRATFORD, ONT. Phone 78 f.'C.ok.",r e req{st.r.d rrada-mark THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1953 gave an interesting report of the Synodical meeting which was held in Wingham. 'Mrs. Greco Scott led in the Glad Tidings prayer, Current events were given by Mrs, L, Allen, Mrs. Houghton presided for the Ladies' Aid meeting whieh consisted. mainly of business in connection with the decorating and improve- ments in .the Church "basement, It was decided to collect pennies to add to their fluids. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Duncanson and the ,committee in charge. The funeral of the late Mr. Jas. Hill, Seaforth, was largely attended by friends and relatives in this com- munity on Monday afternoon. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. McLachlan on Sunday were Mr, and Mrs. 0. R. Francis, Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs, J. G. Scott, Russelidale, Mr, and Mrs, Thos. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. E, Allen and Mr. and . Mrs, Carter Kerslake, Joyce and Brenda. Mr. and Mrs. K. McKellar visited' in Mitchell on Sunday evening with Mr. and 'Mrs. W. N. Binning. Mrs. Alex Ramsay spent the weekend with her husband at Georgetown, Mrs. T. Laing attended the an- nual Women's Institute Conference at Guelph last week as a delegate from Staffa Institute. The Marian Ritchie Evening Aux- iliary are making preparations for the fortieth anniversary of their or- ganization to be held on Wednesday I May 13th. The Mothers' Day service was well attended on Sunday morning. The .Sunday School classes with their teachers occupied the centre front pews and a junior choir assist- ed.with the singing and provided a special number. A very appropriate address was given by the pastor, Rev. R. Duncanson after which a solo "God give us Homes" was sung by Mrs, T. L. Scott. Communion Service will be held next Sunday, May 17th, and Prepar- atory Service on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Johnston and son Allis and Mr. and Mrs, William Johnston and sons Ronald and John of London with Rev. R. Duncanson and Mrs. Duncanson on Sunday.. WALTON The W. A. of Walton United Church met on Thursday afternoon in the basement with a good attend- ance. The meeting was opened by the W. A. theme song, Scripture reading by the President, Mrs. Turnbull, followed by the Mary Stewart Collect. Secretary's report was then read and approved. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. P. Holman showing a balance of $449.83 on hand. The main item of business was our annual garden party to be held on Friday, June 19, The meeting closed with prayer. WINTHROP 'Mr. Sam Pethick spent the week- end with his daughter, Mrs. Alvin Stevens and Mr, Stevens, Summer- hill. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rogerson, Tuckersmith, Mrs. W. Rogerson • and Mrs. Gordon Betties, Seaforth, spent Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. Glen McClure. Mrs. Les Beuerman and Joanne and Maida visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin of Walton visited with lir. and Mrs. Harold Pryce. At the mothers' Day service at Cavan Church on Sunday the follow- ing babies were baptized by Rev. H. E. Livingstone: Barbara Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mc- Clure, Janice Dianne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don McClure, John Leslie, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Chambers, Brenda Lee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pryce, Glenda Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Little. The W.M.S. and W.A. of Cavan Church held their May meeting in the schoolroom of the ehuroh with .22; present. W. A. Pres„ Mrs. Jas. IlfeOlure opened the meeting with hymn 394 "Happy the home when God is there". Psalm 100 was read in unison. Mrs, W. Dodds offered prayer. Mrs. J. McClure gave a re- port of the W. A. meeting held at Clinton to organize a W. A. eon- ferenee in Huron, W,M.S, Pres., Mrs. W. Dodds road apoem and of ferod prayer, Mrs, G. Smith gave a Stewardship reading. Mrs. R. Doig reported having 26 children on the Baby Band roil, The offering was received and response sung, Mrs. G. Smith and Mrs, J. Boyd gave their reports of the Prea'byterial that was held at Goderich, Mrs. G. Case took the devotional part of the, meeting. The theme "The Communi- ty of Grace" assisted by Mrs. A. Al- exander, Mrs. Oscar Cuthill, and Mrs, E. Toll. Hymn 164 was sung and Mrs. .Case closed the meeting with prayer, BRUCEF'I,ELD Misses Margaret Aikenhead and Ruth Scott, Douglas McBeath and Ronnie Maines, spent the weekend at their hones here. Mr. and Mrs, borne Webster spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Christie. Mr. and Mrs. Brock visited Mr. and Mrs, J. K. Cornish, F/0 R. Dunn, Toronto, spent the weekend with his family 'here. Mr. Oscar Blanshard has returned home from Clinton Hospital. Mr's. Clendon Christie attended the fortieth anniversary of Marion Ritchie Auxiliary in Cromarty Church on Wednesday. The regular meeting of the Wo- men's Association of Brucefield United Church was held on the af- ternoon of May 5 with the Presi- dent, Miss Martha McDonald, in the chair, Our pianist, Mrs. Alton John- ston, who just returned from visit- ing in Arizona for a few months, was at the piano. A hymn was sung and the devotional period was taken by Mrs. C. Christie and Mrs. Doug- las. The W. A. Creed was repeated after which Mrs. L. Wilson read the minutes of the April meeting. This was followed by the roll call. The treasurer, Mrs. H. Berry, pre- sented her report. The Secretary read notes of thanks from several who had received flowers and cards. Mrs. Wilson gave a good report of the meeting that was held at the Wesley -Willis Church, Clinton, on April 17 when about 80 delegates of the Woman's Associations of Huron County met and decided to organize. After some discussion it was decided that Brucefield W.A. would not join the organization at present. It was decided to change the date of the June meeting to Wednesday, June 3rd. On Visitors' Day we are planning to entertain the ladies of Kippen and Ontario St., Clinton. Several committees were appointed to take charge of that meeting. Mrs. Ross Scott offer- ed to place flowers .in the church for the month of May. A hymn and prayer brought the meeting to a close. Members of group four then conducted some interesting con- tests and served a dainty lunch. Those present accepted Mrs. Maines' kind invitation to visit the manse and inspect those rooms which the manse committee had recently de- corated. 9%1VOIE Dublin Parish Hall Friday, May 15th 10 P.M. to 1 A.M. Willow Grove Orchestra $ SEAFORTH DOLLAR DAYS $ $ 2 113. BAKEASY SHORT 1 L13. DELMR MARGARINEG All for $1.00 %. LB. SLICED BREAKFAST BACON 1 LB. CHOCOLATE MARSHMALLOWS 1 LB. SODA BISCUITS 1/2 LB. PACKAGE CHATEAU CHEESE All for $1.00 CAMPBELL'S VEG. OR TOM. SOUP ... 9 TINS ..$1.00 CLARK'S PORK & BEANS, 20 oz. tius 6 FOR $1.00 INTERLAKE TOILET TISSUE 8 ROLLS $1.00 SUNKIST ORANGES, 288's 4 DOZ. $1.00 WITH EVERY $1.00 PURCHASE A FREE TICKET GIVEN ON THE "LUCKY CUSTOMER PRIZES" STEVENS' GROCERY Phone 443 Free Delivery Dependable In vestments! GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES and DEBENTURES NOW PAY. 45 Receive 4% on ,$100 or more for 5 years, 3PAA% for 3 and 4 years or 3% for 1 and 2 years. • Recognized, by law, as trustee investments, • Ask for our "20 Questions" folder on these investments. THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY The Huron & Erie Mortgage Corporation "Older that, the Dominion of Canada" Head Office • London, Ontario District Representatives: F, G. Bonthron, Hensall; Watson & Reid, Seaforth ENT T"EAT-RE r, ,�,I.�+ WORTH .k-1 N0W PLAYING FRANCIS GOES TO WEST POINT Donald O'gonnor - Lori Nelson, Another comedy riot about Francis, the mule Who can outtalk and out -brink any human. Don't miss seeing the mule at West Point Next Mou. Tues. Wed. EVERYTHING I HAVE IS YOURS ,Technicolor Marge Champion - Gower Champion. The Champions are a successful song and dance team who reach a triumph in this picture, 'This is a smart snappy new approach to the show business story, Matinee May 18 at 2.30 Next Thurs. Frl, Sat. WHAT PRICE GLORY Technicolor James Cagney - Dan Dailey, A comedy Aimed in Paris at tate end of World War I, It's highly entertaining as you see the captain and the serg- eant fight a battle over a lovely French girl. COMING — THE GIRL IN WHITE ^, Values in Footwear that make YOUR DOLLARS BIG Again WILLIS SHOE STORE The Little Store with the "Big Values" Seaforth LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND BEND OPENING DANCES SATURDAY - MAY 16th and HOLIDAY - MONDAY - MAY 18th TI -IE RETUP.N BY POPULAR DEMAND OF — NEIL McKAY and his "ALL STARS" featuring JUNE JOHNNY - and the QUARTETTE Neil's outstanding Orchestra has been engaged for all Spring dances, also the summer season of 1953, at Lakeview Casino SAVE $$$$$$$ on Car or Truck Insurance Phone Collect W. V.OY, Clinton Office 557 Res. 324 J BEST COVERAGE FOR LESS "CO-OP INSURANCE" FOR SERVICE NOT PROFIT BAYFIELD PAVILION 2 Nights To Remember EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT Frank Traher's Orchestra Holiday Dance Queen Victoria, Monday, May 18th "The Syncopaters" 10.1.00 Modern & Olde Tyme DOLLAR DAY SPECIALS i 82 PIECE SET— • Consisting of 40 piece English Dinner Set 24 pieces Silver Knives, Forks and Spoons 18 Tumblers, 3 sizes Ideal beginner's set or for summer cottage SALE PRICE $15.00 $1.00 TABLE OF COSTUME AND SUMMER JEWELLERY DIAMOND RINGS WATCHES SILVERWARE MANTLE CLOCKS JEWELLERY Special 20 Per Cent Discount CARVING SETS ....HALF PRICE J. A. Westcott Jeweller Watches Silverware Diamonds Phone 599w. Res.' 218 NOTICE Seaforth Public School Registration for Kindergarten Registration for Kindergarten classes to commence September 1953, will take place on Wednesday, May 20, and Tuesday, May 26, in the Kindergarten room in the basement of First Presbyterian Church. Pupils to be registered must be 5 years of age by January 1st, 1954. ,1 COOPER'S DOLLAR DAY SPECIALS MAY 14-15-16 Maxwell House Coffee 1 Tb Bag 99c Nature's Best Tomatoes 4 -28 -oz. Tins 1.00 Campbell's Tom. & Veg. Soups 8 Tins 1.00 Old Towne Sweet Mixed Pickles ..:. 4 -16 -oz. Jars 1.00 Rose Brand Margarine 3-1-1b pkgs. 1.00 Pork & Beans .. 6--20-oz. Tins 1.00 Stokelys Fancy Quality Tomato Juice...8-20-oz. tins 1.00 2 GOLD SEAL FANCY RED SOCKEYE SALMON, 794 oz. 1 FANCY PINK SALMON, 73A4 oz, ... ...........ALL FOR 1.00 Heinz Ketchup 4 bottles 1.00 FOR FRESH FRUIT AND V1IiGIDTABLES be sue and check our fruit counter ORVAL Free DeliveryPhone 8 COOPER v