The Seaforth News, 1953-03-26, Page 3SPORTS COLUMN tr It may be a trifle early in this year tit grace to start flicking any "masts" or "bests" along the sports trail. So we'll settle, right now, for a somewhat shaded "most", to Avery Brundage, the High potentate of amateur sport in America, as the ""lost daring" gentleman of this year to slate. it happened this way: There was some discussion among amateur leaders to the general effect that when the next Olympic Games arc, held in Melbourne, Australia, in 1950, they should be cut down to fit the size of the sponsoring country's ability to take care of the world's greatest athletic celebration. The high cost of everything—food, transportation, equip- ment—in view of the ever-increasing nurnber of athletes and officials involved, and the ever-expanding sports programs, was the cause of this debate. For Finland sustained a heavy loss, last summer in its Olympic venture. So the daring Mr. Brundage, practically taking his athletic, if not his human life in his heads, tossed a bomb into the debate by suggesting oit eixoeseseaelipceor' mpirganIssuggested separate Olympic m iGafms'f the women athletes, which, of course, could mean that women's participation in the Olympics was ended. For what nation would care to take the financial gamble of staging an Olympic meet for women only? The girl athletes will scream in fury if any such effort is made, for the competitions, engaging girls only, in a com- paratively few years, has become a very definite and colorful part of the big Games. Of course, 111r. Brundage in self-defense —of which we believe he wilt need a great deal—could retort by pointing to history. For, more than 2000 years ago the wo- men's Olympics were separate teem the men's game, whieh women were not even permitted to view i But times' have changed since then. Women have become, steadily, a more important factor in the sports world, and to sprinting, diving, swimming, figure -skating, and other Olympic events, they have made a very definite contribution not only of feminine pulchritude, but of real athletic qualities. Mr, Brundage will find himself the centre of a great upheaval if he seriously undertakes to enforce this man-made idea. Our ,own notion is that Olympic transportation and other expenses could be sharply cut by every nation, including our own, it the teams included only those athletes who have proven they can equal the best Olympic standards, and have a real chance of scoring points, Then, too, regional or zone competi- tions might reduce the size of each nation's Olympic team. rThere were no fewer than 69 countries represented at Helsinki. l Literally scores of athletes, male and female, verging on mediocrity by Olympia standards, get on board for the ride, every Olympic year. It's this excess baggage which runs up the costs, not the presence alone of the girl athletes, bless their little hearts. L Your comments and suggestions for this column will be wekamod by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Culvert House, 431 Yonge $t., Toronto. CaLtttDISTILLERS LIMITED AMHERSTBURG, ONTARIO A writer in a large Canadian 'weekly recently made the state- ment that, for danger and ex- edtement, the Grand National iiteeplechase in England lays away over any other sports event on earth. And maybe, l'ie's right, at that. But we wouldn't mind waking him a small wager that ,Bail,. Abe sport of baa-sicdaine, as , practised over in those dear Alps, eons English steeplechasing a close second, or might even nose 1A out. * a Now we do not wish to pose es an authority on eitner et these pastimes. The nearest we ever tame to participating in the Grand National was tearing up smndry sweep tickets on same. And our experience of bob -sled - riling was prettymuch confined ao the back hill slope .in Elora which ended out on the frozen surface of the Grand River. The ;tatter was exciting enough, good- ness knows, especially the time when we put too much trust in the thickness of the ice and end- ed up in about three feet of very frigid water. Three feet may not sound like very much water, but it's sufficient to wet and chill a small boy all over—and through. Stile, we guess that „this Cresta Run in Switzerland may be a teeny bit steeper and—possibly a mite more dangerous. Here's the way it looks to a writer in "Answers." e, At the top of a steep slope of polished ice, a man wearing a crash helmet, gauntlets and el- bow protectors lies face down- wards on a steel skeleton. He is. given a signal, and plunges sud- denly downwards with a speed that may reach 80 m.p.h. a o ,r If he is lucky, he lifts himself from his toboggan just one min- ute later, more than three-quar- ters of a mile away, 500 feet lower down. Into -those 60 sec- onds eaonds on the Cresta Run have been packed more thrills and Oriental Patience in en Occidental Pastime—At the recent Sports- men's Show in Toronto, eight-year-old Richard Matsumoto at- $rected much favorable comment with his skill in the delicate sir) of fly -tying, -.Photo .by Ron seul[horna Log Riding bog—Peppy, talented balancing dog starring at a sports show, perches high on a choir -back for his master, Bill Fontana, of Fort Frances, Ontario. The man balances the floating log white his dog stands on the choir which straddles the bobbing wood, hair -breath escapes than many men have in a lifetime. e a e The Cresta Run is the fastest and most testing toboggan course in 'the world, Early ever year, when continuous frost provides the necessarypolished surface, it lures mel' 'from many countries to St. Moritz. a * * Experts ride the breath -taking course themselves, and thou- sands more come just to watch. The hazards of the course make the sport as exciting for spec- tators as for riders. The sport reaches its climax on February 12th, when the riders compete for the Curzon Cup, blue riband of tobogganing, * a N On the path of ice between banks of frozen snow are ten corners, banked so that they can can be taken at speed. The slightest misjudgment and the rider goes shooting over the bank. But the curves are only part of the story. The course has varying gradients cunningly de- signed to test the rider's skill. * 5 5 With his face only a few inches from the ice, he travels at speeds varying from thirty to eighty miles an hour. To steer he shifts his weight on the steel skeleton. He has no brakes , except his boots, fitted with rakes which he digs into the ice. In this, the fastest sport in the world with- out engines, everything depends on the skill of the rider—and his courage. k n * The course starts with a steep dive. When the rider reaches maximum speed, he is at Church Leap, and the toboggan momen- tarily leaves the ice. He "lands" and continues. Every hazard of the course has its name. Battle- dore and Shuttleeock, perhaps most famous, is an S-bend where the rapid change in direction sends many riders over the bank. Those who suffer this misfortune qualify for membership of the Shuttlecock Club. *• e N One hazard is hardly mastered before the next is' presented, un- til at the Cresta Leap the rider is airborne, a second or two be- fore crossing the finishing line at the bottom. a 5 5 In spite of the dangers, serious injuries are few. In a long ca- reer that started in 1907 and in- cluded three wins of the Curzon Cup, Lord Brabazon had only one serious accident when he fractured ribs and his jaw. w e But bruises and abrasions there are in plenty, in spite of rubber "cushioning" to absorb the worst bumps, and heavy pro- tective clothing. Spills are usual- ly more spectacular than danger- ous, but no one is allowed on the full Cresta Run until he has qualified on portions of it, u v * The Run is opened in sections so that even experienced riders can work up gr dually to the hazards of the wlh'le course ta- ken at full speed Fol' many years women have been forbid- Glen on the Bun, e 5 R In addition to complete phy- sical fitness, a richer needs an acute sense of belanee and abil- ity to make split-second deci sloes, ' Only experience teaches the fastest possible speed at dif- ferent points of the Run under different conditions, FI ELIEW.D IN A JIFFY Or Money back Very first use of soothing, cooling, liquid U.P.D. Prescrleth,l positively relieves rale red hats--cnnsecl by eezetnn, rashes, ship Irritation, eliding -other Itch troubles, Grease - nee, stainless. 4.10 t kt1 bottle must satisfy or mm,cy hack, Ask your druggist for D.D.D. I'M.I:SURIPTiON. For this reason it is a sport where the middle-aged often beat the young. Daring and cour- age alone are not enough, Lord Brabazon made some of his best runs after the war when he had passed his sixtieth birthday' 4 N ) The Run has to be built afresh each winter at a cost of several thousands of pounds. The snow is banked and water poured on the surface of the Run, where it freezes. The process is repeated until there is a thick coating of polished ice. An elaborate sig- nalling and timing aparatus, elec- trically controlled, prevents two riders being on the Run at the same time, and measures the time taken to a hundredth of a second. Every rider dreams of hitting his best forst at a time when the track is fastest. A hard -to -beat record of 56.9 seconds was set up in 1935 by William Fiske from the U.S.A. is a , Fiske's name is' commemorated not only at St. Moritz, but also at St. Paul's Cathedral, for five years later he became the first U.S. airman to die in the war. Aeroplane pilots and racing mo- torists often do well at this most unmechanical sport. The quali- ties of split-second thinking and judgment required are the same in racing on the ice, en the roads, .and in the air. Medical Hint Help for the Paralyzed. Paralysis of legs and the lower portion of the body after injury to the spinal cord is not always hopeless — not even when the paralysis has lasted for years. For a dor- mant nerve connection may still remain and proper training may put it to work. After an intensive program of re-education of nerves and muscles at a West Coast rehabilitation institute, 3 patients who had been complete- ly paralyzed for as long as 8 years could make use of leg muscles. The new treatment may help some others long paralyzed after accidents on the farm, in mines and in automobiles. ----- SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT "Since my wife's friends at the Century Club assured her she's a poet," complained a barrister, "she's awakened me ' every''day this sunnier at 7 ane. chanting, 'Lo, the morn'" "That's- better than my wife," grumbled his neighbor, a book publisher. "Mine wakes me at the same time saying 'Mow the lawn","' 50,000 MILES GUARANTEED FuEI PLUMP FOR ALt FORDS • $4,98 Order Today nod then forge, Abdul future Fuel Pump Trovblc, 81.00 Deposit on All C.O.D. Order' ERIE ENTERPRISES BOX X 501E1 051B, ON1 F' Just ask what's good for a ASI FOR A 1M A SINGLE SIP TELLS WHY „Classified- Advertising.. 0 0 • ht:l,NTS n'.AN'Pt7) MEDICAL OILS GREASES, TIRES - 2 n 1NTS non v cit;nm* steel stens not , casitoetil eintilentra. 1tlbtysh,u ld,wl.l Ilee,era n:in",l. 44,144'. WAnr,s t;:r,.ext, i 4.1710. 'i arab rn, - W ktA'1 ARE Nl:lLSli-LL'tEFY New. ,,suet. sunset fashlw, avempisey, tear. 2 5etd sold Erb In three Mace: Fend 15.00 ter ea toile. Apvnls Whottfl.. "p1510gue, httottlt 'ue Novelty, 112 ti lltng,nn South. sicidiltiiti, teltst • ARIIt 11S 5'0)1 htl C'•-» blaTniESsEs. 110.001 1,1,1,1*, sorbsints continent. sin t OA 41 rut bar lualtnsn s ,.ti. k 4 Ina 4 4111) *IWO VtAertint 140 1 nedol r t Ave., Toronto.-„ - 00210 ('1910195 tit, 1 gM[-, ktm•eh adivtrs. Or April. Wale - ahul. IIU'n brottlo, L,Rcreath,k' rrdsa's. t'hh Ns far ttonl,.tioa nu any Market. 4'o.k refs, pallets, mixed, devoid. started. Ask tar porl2cul,15, Err tlntehe,y. 320 Juba N.. fluuliiton. WE have Canadian Nnrovea and 110.1. Sired chl,5*. Datil grade,* sola at v'uv Row prison. Approved mm•sexed ,lack* tow as 51y 05, heavy pullets SI8.13. heavy cockerels erels $4.42, turkey paella otic aired "h,cl,, sligi„ly higher. Our ehieke ani hake * will maim you extra baster. and the first cost is 1a08• Catalogue. '001' NOT)'li t'Hlr'E SALES Guelph Omarl° BREEODINO le or the greatest imparlance .kn our program for better chicks and hotter turkeys. Buy 1110 rlyl,t breeds fur egg produetio- aired by 11.0,P, cockerel* and you 11.111 aetnabs get 001ar pullets for nothing. 2 dozen extra *500 is SISIte common, We also have opeclnl breeds for ,neat. 1060 catalogue (elle you the breeds to buy. Also Turkey refits. Prima reas- onable. CWEbIRI . CIDER TIATC1/1:R1E5 LTD. Fergus Ontario RAISE BEI.L'I: CMRCtSS - ..-._ KELLY hatched chicks far livability and high production. hatches twine weekly from fully 555(0008 and pall0rum free breeders All thepopular breeds and crosses for meat or egg Production. nay old or started, Can shin anywhere, Write today for price list. Xelly's Hatchery, Lindsay, Ont. LAKEVIE.\V SUSSEX x 01130 klish Egg l'rndnetinn• very 111110 broodiness. Mardis and April l'nilcts s,ln available. Write for I1(1c0 on other breeds and heavy cox. 1.AI(:VIE41' "ATI"2I1;nt ,,TI 1:0,14,• °Mtorlo 17e PULLETS 10e We have boakafGa on cox and can anpply Pullout In Assorted (feavl0, fir above soden. 4 pare Breeds 7 (18000es available. All Breeders Blondteated, 2e' Super Red f'oe 0c Il lin''1N DALE 1FATell Pint Loreinn Omani* 0015100 ASO CLEANING RAVE you anything none dyeing Or clean. tag? Write to pts for lo(nrmatlnn. Ws ere glad to answer Your 5llest10n0. De. partment n, Parker's Ore Werke Limited. 7SI Tonga St. 'Pamela. 2'011 SALE CHESS coax SALVE -Isar aura 'slier. Your Druggist sells CRESS. W4TERL00 83.48 all steel 'thresher. nom Pieta with Drive Belt, 'feat" Welsher, and Boller Bearings. Never "sod for eu0tone work. Also -10 rt. Power 13tader, all new canvas. Excellent condition Peres Do Kay. Hyde Park. 51,000.00 200•.00,0 Dairy Perm near King - sten, lathe frontage, 100 serest pasture with uprise wood. Terse barn Ineplamet Shed*, Large frame house. hydro. 110040 well. Contact Willinrr Jackson, T:arher, Ontario. N130 Chain 5,w,. 00 Season rodu•:tinn, Dealer enquiry incited. sox 50, 183. Eighteenth St., New Toronto, Ontario. 8E0 40 ANNIVERSARY SALE 075 ON Yard goods And remnants. i-2 yard 312,20, silk.. satins. lingeriea (reps pieces Pounds 00c; 10 pounds 23.00. Order C,0.1)J mail. Free catalogue. Mrs. Schauer, Bax 103, Drumrnondvine, Quotes!. arena's Manitoulin Monarch Canadian Approved Yo,dla. Bill. Brom for growers who prefer the big fenowa, ,deal White. for those who went all top prises. ,Toms dress 16 0o 18 lite.) Lire arrival isuarmtoe8. Russell Munro, liagnn'onx, 7ntntin, "1) SALE -,food Portable Saw -Alin and [tamely 7'rtlntm• reueonable, n'r,d Black, .leewsle, ort. VISRP1A tur1,00 forte, Canada's oldest treks ve v1i-n,rltey farm 24th. rnni'er, nary. All 111rhrya CW4411115 svle„ted' and blood tested 51,110, ,, tree, 1005, 11te delivery guarratcn,i. r, 0 turkey guile and pries list. OM, now ter broad breast- ed bronze remits. A. 2), Pntennn and Sans, Hos 101. Berrie, Ontario, WHITE Pekin Duckling's, 030.00 ner bun - end. Pal'd,i s Duck Tlnt,'1'*0r, Blrnsaa, Ontario, Phone ,154. 01'1.1'4111 ineliblet or (1nnxe. '0 *,'I,ey and Inelt Fond for filt111,11iltiOn. Pardn'e Shod, ,1,144,4 2281. YOUR 01011 'AY BE A VICTIM Sleepless 'fights, er0050evs and lidgei.np may be signs of pinworms tad Micelinal worms ,ugly parasites that. infect children of all ages, leaving them run- down and nervous”, Pleasant -tasting. MULVISNIIY'e MOTHER'S 11011 teD dispels there posts .. , restorers appetite, children soon ler) better again, MULVENEY'S B'1!IELL (For adults) A natural herbal tonic ;hat Settles upset stomach, tones up the liver and kidneys, oleo *sods pinworms end intestinal worsts). MULVENEY'S ETEMgp12s Available at All Druggists I:3min 13 -• 1953 People era talking about the good rso ' a from taking Dixon's Remedy far Rhe media Pains and N*urilie. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin Ottawa $1,25 Express Propels! 8'r FEM)NEX 51 Ore a„eta„ rata Wmlthet. :fake eupele0r "2'`11111941,0" to 13024 0)14090010 11ee11, tress sad nr,mmits 10"01"" 00nneltite0 t m0nth1.1 pet loam. 86.08 ('uslpnld a, 510111 n'ranu0t POST'S CHEMICALS met ttt:111 N SI EAST rORUNTO PQST'S ECZEMA SALVE HAM12011 100 In,m,lnl Mr dry **IMMO mimes and ave0pn,g ebbs troubles Poet's &ren * Salt's W1)2 not dl0:,1,1Ln111l -foe Itching, 1,Colina, burning 0,0))"11, none. r,nnwcrm. pimples end tont ,-.zomn, sett) respond ,eedily to the Ft l0. le ndorteal nlnlma04. regardless of 14,0 monkery or WOOF** envy 005m. PRICE 00.50 PER 4421 POST'S REMEDIES Neal Peas Free on Neecit, Ot Prare 850 ,4000)•" et., E. 11mTY nr Logon. 'l'urmin ASTHMA Now Asthma Relief "11„ulrn at ynut 01,1219 0,100 Ank your nrogbir nr en Asthmanefrltt Set loeopdinonally Gere meed PROTECT 5:QORS.EI-1• 0011N0 these waiter auntie the body's resistance in rename vires IntoctIone is at its lowest. 0iake sure yolt are recei0i215 your daily Vitamin requirements by talihrg PldeiltY'e Multiple Vitamin capsules con- taining vitamins A. 141 nThlaminel, 13-8 (Riboflavin), n, 51105,, Panto 01 100 eap0uloe for 53.00. Fidellta's 3524,02 C.vm 011 r!ap,ules are 51 00 ter bowie nt 100, or 300 Ow 82.08, EIDEL(TIf PnARMACEUTI('AL CO. 428 Maln St. W. • Hamilton, Ontario - OPPORTUNITIES 11(126 3ITIN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER 401W (ANApt'S t.t:.11.11311 0051)1)41. Erten 00144111411f . .., Hall'llresSMS Pleasant, dlaaltled pr„teesb.n rano wears. Th00aand* of a15,001101 110,'0'-1 500"».,.48 - Am(4rl(a'e 0,0, lent t:r e,em Illustrated Cataloger h.,* Write nr 0 ,n MARVEL. I1.4IRnnI.SPL�%' 066 'llnar R, W. •re'•,ote Bra richest 44 01ns Kt., Dew _nor, 0.3 aldea0 el., snow" WANT LOVELY 8151N, •'iia/ 01021 ,-yes. iron nerves? Purchase Herrn 'tablets at Your dyne or depar101e111 5'13,e, 0r twit* P.O. 17011 471. Wlnnllmg• PATENTS AN OFFER to every inventor -List et tn. verltionn and full lnformo sign sem free, The Ramsay Co,. Registered P:1,4,0) sitar - nese. 470 Bank Street, 001000, p'EATAESSTONHA UGA 0, i:ompanv Pe tent Solicitors. Established 1500. 0330 Sas Street, Toronto. 51,011•) of %trams. )fan on request. PERSONAL LEARN and live. Write for tree pamphlet to: Western Gospel League, tv. lteadmnn, 12, 9, North Battleford, Sask. QUIT CIGARETTES easily fie thousnnd0 of min's have 50,50 with the old of TOBACCO ELIMINATOR A 7 day aclentiac treatment c000red by money -back guarantee to 2ulekly eliminate all craving for any form of t0bncc0. l'br free booklet, write C. Ming Pbarmacal Corp. Lid.. Bot 070. London. .len. 8005 NEW rugs made from Pour Oki runs and wdolle.00, Write for catalogue and price Het. Dominion Rug Weallns Cornnnny. 2477 Dundee Street Wear, 'eorontn. Ont. .0E4011E015 00001'1:1) "rune County Protestant Col*cal 81hooi Board requests anollcnuons 'tot Ii110w1500, Composite fiinh Submit: Commercial Spot:Seiko "hear 1)po1on). Household SNen,e sne,'h:Unt, ,.'1059 teach- ers at Uredo I. Oriole 111 sail Grade V level. Salary Neale based no tif,11,0ro and 0ualnlrntions. Sand *011 particulars 10 J, )1.ia-a,d ferry. Supervisor or $,'boli, Knno'vm, Quebec.. 14A3'1'h:U WANTED—.—Old 010,, nt' n'n1 ",,lion Or other tlonndlnn ,:intitelx.Atlas 01 any Ontario c'nniy, T. VV. .1•:na. P 14, Iles 1102. 'roronto. 1021P1,035iE:0T )Named 1 1:x:1',8. Navy and COnrt Octant. Will ., r any after. Henry ThermoI, Holto,� Et 41002'8 Repair 0,100, 111::,,1„•.1-- , N'rm•tb 2.'orolino, Vetere FIRE LL TTINE Everybody gets a bit ren -done now and then, tired -out, heavy headed, and maybe bothered by backaches. Perhaps nothing seriously wrong, just a temporary toxic condition caused by excess acids and wastes. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys. and so help restore their normal action of removing excess acids and )Castes. Then you feel better, sleep better. work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Look for the blue box with the red hand at all druggists, You can depend oat Dodd's. 52 Pile Sufferers Get Quick Relief vUu•a the Deb. "ora non 1/ 4f at 0110s Reeverob a2401:r al night. 501315 7017 sinless rennet. ns dao -en to any drug *rare sad 0,1 a mu'kuac 01 t.w111iuL. SC4 haw fast this snau whu., oattseptio 0it'rnlem nan8 1h1 1010 harm. ". e'U,ven ltrbb,g, onihrv. nate %uu get relief In one minute he the match rum' eagnieulion e'en* hours or "4,0220)1 4„ (a'0-011*E richt 0mv nt arty drag .torr. Enoual, to **et, vim bonne ,crowd 42)052 only DOS. ROIL YO it OWN ETTER CIOl !ET ° S wn- �x